09/14/1978 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A MEETING OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA September 14, 1978 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 7:00 p.m. on September 14, 1978 at the City Hall. Those present were Chairperson (4mairhn l�k) Lundsten, Brown, Thomas, Coates,Jhursten, and Loken. Also present were City staff members Dale Runkle, Zoning Administrator; Barbara Schmidt, Park and Recreation Director; and City Administrator Hedges. Absent were Committee Members Cooper and Hagen. MINUTES. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Thomas, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. The City Administrator reported on action that was taken by the City Council directing the Park Department to make a temporary repair to Rahn tennis courts and also the recent policy that was established by the City Council in changing the assessment procedure for land that is being dedicated to the City of Eagan for park land and /or drainage pond purposes. THOMAS LAKE PARK SITE FOR FIRE STATION. Fire Chief Childers and Volunteer Fire Department Representatives Jerry Adam and Ken Southorn appeared and presented a proposal for a new fire station, referred to as Fire Station #3, in Thomas Lake Park. An overall plan was presented illustrating where future fire stations would be needed in the City of Eagan and why Fire Station #3 was needed in the approximate location of Thomas Lake Park. The representa- tives of the Fire Department explained that the facility would utilize approximately 400 feet squared which is estimated to be 3 1/2 acres of the park land. Park Committee Member Loken stated that most of Thomas Lake Park is prairie grass further explaining the value of preserving prairie grass where 2 9 -14 -78 it exists in the state of Minnesota. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the matter would be taken under advisement and recommended that the Park Commit- tee first determine whether this use would be in conflict with the intent of the bond proposal that was voted on by the residents of Eagan several years ago and second, if a fire station can be developed on Thomas Lake Park, whether it is consistent with overall plans of future Thomas Lake Park development. Chairperson Lundsten suggested that upon receiving a legal opinion that allows the Park Committee to proceed with this consideration, a meeting can be set up for the Park Committee to meet with representatives of the Fire Department to further discuss this matter. In a motion by Coates, seconded Thomas, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the matter be tabled due to the fact that no legal opinion was available at this time. RECREATION REPORT. Dorothy Peterson, Recreation Programmer, presented an evaluation on the summer program. She discussed changes that had been made from previous summers and changes that might be made in the future. Mrs. Peterson stated that on a whole the summer program was a success. COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 191. Mr. Stephen Hearne, Building Coordinator for District 191, cave a short report on the programs that are conducted by his department. Community Services provided facilities for the Eagan Park Department for some of their programs. He stated that more cooperation in planning leagues and other activities can help make both organizations (Community Services and Park Department) more effective in offering a good variety of programs for the public. He mentioned the example of adaptive recreation for physically and mentally handicapped. 3 9 -14 -78 GABBERT DEVELOPMENT PARK DEDICATION. Zoning Administrator Runkle presented the proposed plat for Gabbert Development Company which is located within the Lexington South PD. The commitment for park dedication in this location was originally made in 1972 as a part of the overall Lexington South PD and includes a trail area around small ponds. Concern was expressed about the fact that the trail may be under water part of the time. It was noted that according to information received from Bob Rosene, City Consulting Engineer, the ponds on the east and west of the proposed park dedication will be used as storm water holding ponds while the pond in the middle will be filled. Staff recommended that the area around the ponds be dedicated by fee title with easements for a trail between Lots 4 and 5 and a trail on the western edge of the subdivision leading to Wilderness Run Road. The trail easements are recommended to be 20 feet wide due to the topography with an 8 foot trail to be installed by the developer when the roads are constructed. Mr. Gabbert has agreed to these suggestions in a meeting with the staff. In a motion by Coates, seconded Thomas, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Park Committee recommend acceptance of the park dedication as proposed subject to staff continuing to work out the back alignment so that there will be 30 feet above the high water mark to provide room for the trail. Park Director Schmidt clarified with Mr. Dunn the fact that no park dedication credit would be given for additional road right of way on the north and south side of Wilderness Run Road as the normal street dedica- tion will provide adequate space for trail purposes. BEACON HILLS PARK DEDICATION. Ed Dunn, Dunn and Curry Real Estate Management, Inc., presented the plat for Beacon Hills Addition which includes a proposed three acre park located on a sloping site and containing a small 4 pond. Cash donation was suggested to fulfill the remainder of the required dedication. Zoning Administrator Runkle presented the neighborhood study for Section 33. There are about 340 acres in this section in addition to the proposed Beacon Hills plat and Twin View Manor which is already platted. The possible future population of the neighborhood range from 3000 7000 with topography indicating the lower range as most likely. Runkle stated that a 15 acre park would satisfy the needs of this area, however, there are very few 15 acre areas suitable for active park purposes in this section. Chairperson Lundsten stated that she would like to have the Development Committee members review the proposed park areas within Section 33 with the staff before any recommendation is made regarding park dedication for this plat. In a motion by Loken, seconded Martin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to delay any action on this dedication pending a tour of this area. A field trip was scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 19. At this time the Development Committee will review three possible sites for neighborhood parks within Section 33 and make a recommendation to the Park Committee at their next meeting. VIENNA WOODS. Park Director Schmidt reported that the proposed Vienna Woods plat is part of the former Mission Hills South Planned Development which was initially approved on June 4, 1974. The development agreement was approved by the City Council June 3, 1977. This agreement calls for cash dedication due in part to the fact that a private recreational area was shown within the proposed development. However, plans for the development have now changed. The proposed recreational area has been dropped and the neighborhood will be much smaller due to additional requirements for road right -of -way 5 9 -14 -78 for I -35E. According to the neighborhood study done by Dale Runkle, the expected population for this neighborhood will be from 700 -950. Chairperson Lundsten stated that because of the isolation of this particular neighborhood and the physical barriers which define it, the Park Committee has an obligation to provide for park needs for this area. Park Director Schmidt and Zoning Administrator Runkle noted that the staff has met with the developer of Vienna Woods relating to the possibility of obtaining a land donation adjacent to the Vienna Woods plat and within property controlled by Charles Slocum under the Mission Hills South PUD. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Martin, seconded Loken, all members voting in favor, the staff was directed to negotiate with the developer of Vienna Woods, Mr. Marvin Bump and Mr. Chuck Slocum, regarding the possibility of providing an active park land area outside of the 40 acres to be developed as Vienna Woods in lieu of cash donation for the Vienna Woods development. The matter of park dedication for Vienna Woods was therefore delayed until the next Park Committee meeting when the results of these negotiations will be available. WESCOTT HILLS 4TH ADDITION. Zoning Administrator Runkle presented the proposed development of Wescott Hills 4th Addition and recommended cash donation to satisfy park land dedication requirements. In a motion by Thomas, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, cash donation in lieu of park land was approved and recommended to the City Council for Wescott Hills 4th Addition. INCREASED PARK DEDICATION FEES. Park Director Schmidt presented a proposed rate increase schedule for park dedication fees for developers in the City of Eagan which effectively doubles the per unit charge for a cash 6 9 -14 -78 donation in lieu of park land dedication. She explained that the cash per unit charge is calculated based on a per acre rate for land sales. She further stated that the rate currently in existence is based on $3,000 per acre while current land sales are in excess of $6,000. After consideration of the park land dedication fees and in a motion by Committee Member Thursten, seconded by Martin, all members voting in favor, park land dedication fees based on a per acre sales rate of $6,000 were recommended for approval by the City Council. CLEARVIEW ADDITION LOT SPLIT. Zoning Administrator Runkle explained the lot split that was proposed by Thorpe Realty for the Clearview Addition. After a brief discussion on the matter, in a motion by Thomas, seconded Thursten, all members voting in favor, a cash dedication as park dedication was approved and recommended to the City Council for the Clearview Addition lot split. TRAIL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING. The next Trail Subcommittee meeting was set for 7:15 p.m., September 28, 1978 at the Park Department Office. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:30 p.m. Dated: ems." Secret/'ry