10/12/1978 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 12, 1978 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 7:00 p.m. on October 12, 1978 at the City Hall. Those present were Chair- person Lundsten, Martin, Loken, Thursten, Coates and Thomas. Also present were City staff members Dale Runkle, Zoning Administrator; Barbara Schmidt, Park and Recreation Director; Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works; and City Administrator Tom Hedges. Absent were Committee Members Hagen, Cooper and Brown. MINUTES. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt stated that the September 14, 1978 Advisory Park Committee minutes are under review and recommended that the minutes be approved at the November Park Advisory Committee meeting. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. Upon motion by Loken, seconded Martin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the October 12, 1978 agenda be approved with one amendment to add an item of discussion relating to a study of the use of horse mounted law enforcement officers throughout the trail systems in the City of Eagan. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. City Administrator Hedges reported that the park dedication fee schedule as revised and recommended by the Park Advisory Committee, was given approval by the City Council and will be effective October 1, 1978. BEACON HILLS ADDITION. Zoning Administrator Runkle reviewed the Neighborhood 31 study that was prepared to consider future park land develop- ment as it relates to Neighborhood 31 (Section 33) and more specifically to the Beacon Hills development. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt discussed 10 -12 -78 three proposed site locations for a neighborhood park within Neighborhood 31. After review of the three proposed site locations, Outlot A, as included in the Beacon Hills development, was eliminated from consideration. After reviewing and studying all the proposals it appeared that the northeast site within Neighborhood 31 was most suitable for a future active neighbor- hood park site. After further discussion on the park land considerations for Beacon Hills and the Neighborhood 31 study, a motion was introduced by Coates, seconded Thomas, all members voting in favor, that a cash donation Cz c mcvv\ be bird. for the proposed Beacon Hills Addition based on the Neighborhood 31 study further recognizing the need for a 15 acre park east of the proposed Beacon Hills Addition, which appears to be more suitable for park land due to the fact that it will not be impacted by Thomas Lake Road, a collector street, and due to the excessive grading that would be required for the other sites, and further that this area would provide for active rather than passive park land use. VIENNA WOODS. Zoning Administrator Runkle described Vienna Woods as a proposed development isolated by major roadways with an estimated population saturation of approximately 700 people. Park Director Schmidt stated that the Mission Hills PUD agreement requires a park land donation for cash in lieu of park land dedication. She further stated that since the area is isolated and due to the anticipated density,an active park land use is desirable for Vienna Woods as proposed. Since a cash donation is required it was the recommendation of the staff and by discussion of the Park Committee that the Unisource Corporation dedicate a 2 -1/2 acre park area in the area lying east of Vienna Woods and west of future I -35E. The cash donation plus interest paid to the City for the Vienna Woods development could be paid to the Unisource Corporation to acquire the 2 -1/2 acres which would also 2 10 -12 -78 satisfy park land donation for the approximately 13 acre residential area east of Vienna Woods and west of I -35E. The 2 -1/2 acres would be dedicated to the City when the area is platted or within three (3) years unless the City Council desires to terminate the agreement and use the cash escrow account for other park purposes. Park Committee members expressed concern about the original intent of the Mission Hills South PUD agreement relating to park land dedication. There was considerable concern as to whether the original agreement was changed from park land dedication to cash donation upon either PUD review or execution of the PUD agreement. Committee members expressed desire to have legal counsel review the existing PUD agreement as it relates to park land dedication and draft an agreement to designated 2 -1/2 to 3 acres of suitable flat land for an active park land and further that the City Council consider a method in which the developer will be required to dedicate the 2 -1/2 to 3 acres such as a performance bond or invalidation of the PUD agreement. After further discussion and in a motion by Committee Member Lundsten, seconded Thomas, all members voting in favor, the staff was directed to prepare an agreement for the park land dedication of Vienna Woods as proposed accepting cash in escrow to satisfy the Mission Hills South PUD agreement including further dedication of a 2 -1/2 to 3 acre parcel of property suitable for active park land and to insure said dedication that a performance bond be required per City policy or invalidation of the Mission Hills South PUD agreement be approved guaranteeing dedication and that no further action be taken until the agreement is approved and signed by all parties including the following six points outlined by the Consulting Planning, John Voss: 1. With the filing of the final plat for Vienna Woods Addition, B K Properties Company (petitioner) will satisfy park dedication requirements with the City by paying the established cash donation for each vacant lot 3 10 -12 -78 in the plat to the City (approximately $27,000). 2. The City will place the above cash donation in a separate interest bearing cash escrow account. 3. Unisource Corporation (General Partners for Link Partnership who owns Mission Hills Planned Development) will agree to dedicate to the City, a 2 -1/2 acre park area in the area lying east of Vienna Woods and west of future I -35E, (See Exhibit "B either when that area is platted or within three (3) years whichever shall occur first. 4. When Unisource Corporation dedicates the 2 -1/2 acre park area described above, the cash donation plus the accumulated interest shall be paid to the Unisource Corporation. In addition, park dedication requirements shall also have been satisfied by this land donation for the approximate 13 acre residential area (east of Vienna Woods and west of I -35E). 5. At any time, prior to the dedication of 2 -1/2 acres of land by Unisource Corporation, the City Council at their sole discretion, may terminate this agreement and use the cash escrow account for park purposes. 6. Assessments for public improvements on and adjacent to the 2 -1/2 acre park area shall be paid in accordance with City Police (Exhibit "C" attached). THOMAS LAKE FIRE STATION. A discussion was held concerning the use of a portion of Thomas Lake Park for the location of a new fire station. The City Administrator recommended that a planning and development study be performed by the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee to determine whether a fire station is compatible with the proposed use plan for Thomas Lake Park. He further stated that close coordination with the Fire Department Site Selection Committee is important as the report is compiled to explore joint parking, joint use of facilities, and other considerations. After further 4 5 10 -12 -78 discussion on the matter, in a motion by Loken, seconded Martin, all members voting in favor, a planning and development study was initiated to determine future development within Thomas Lake Park and in addition as to whether said development is compatible to a fire station use and that the staff be directed to recommend a planner for conducting such a study. PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt gave a progress report on the park construction contract and also the completion of the Pilot Knob bikeway project. She further gave status reports on the Halloween party and Saturday morning recreation programs that are being planned this month. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt discussed a park curfew for tennis lighting, recommended further work on a long range plan for the use of the Kehne house and discussed a letter from the Wilderness Run 2nd and 3rd Homeowner's Association regarding development of a playground area in Oak Chase Park. These items were taken under advisement by the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee. TRAIL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING. Committee Member Loken recommended that the next Trail Subcommittee meeting be held at 7:15 p.m. on October 30, 1978 at the Park Department office. ROSEWOOD AGREEMENT. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt reported that the Rosewood Corporation preliminary plat for Coachman Oaks 1st Addition was approved at the October 4, 1978 City Council meeting subject to the developers signing the park agreement within 30 days. She further stated that the developer has concerns about some of the wording and has returned a revised copy of the agreement to the City which is currently under review by the City staff. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt stated that a revised copy of the agreement will be available for review by the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee at their next meeting. 6 10 -12 -78 OAKWOOD GATES. Zoning Administrator Runkle stated that the Oakwood Gates Addition preliminary plat was approved at the October 3, 1978 City Council meeting subject to the installation of utilities. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt requested that the Advisory Park Committee again review the plat if it is revised into smaller lots due to the installation of utilities rather than the five acre lots which were originally proposed. The Park and Recreation Advisory Committee was acceptable to reviewing the Oakwood Gates Addition preliminary plat for reconsideration of the park land dedication. WARMING HOUSE LIGHTS. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt reported that at a previous park committee meeting concern was expressed about parents dropping children off at closed warming houses during the ice skating season. She stated that the Park Foreman, Mr. Jim McGuffee, has suggested that a small light be placed on the top of the warming houses wired to the electric system so the lights will go on automatically when the warming house is open. She stated that the lights are currently used as warning lights at City pump houses and would cost the City approximately $11 to operate for the entire skating season. The lighting system was found acceptable by the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee and the Park Director was directed to proceed with the installation of the lighting system. PARK COMMITTEE RESIGNATION. Park Committee Member Brown submitted a letter of resignation to be effective November 1, 1978 stating that he is moving to Sioux Falls, South Dakota to accept a position of golf course superintendent in that city. Chairperson Lundsten commended Mr. Brown's involvement and dedication as a Park Committee Member and suggested that a letter be sent to Mr. Brown on behalf of the committee. 10 -12 -78 With there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:15 p.m. Dated: October 12, 1978 7 THL