02/08/1979 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 8, 1979 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on February 8, 1979 at the City Hall. Those present were Chairperson Lundsten, Thomas, Martin, Loken, Thursten, Coates, Carroll and Lucke. Also present were City Planner Dale Runkle, Park Director Barb Schmidt, Director of Public Works Tom Colbert and City Administrator Tom Hedges. Absent were Committee Members Hagen and Radl. MINUTES. In a motion by Coates, seconded Thursten, all members voting in favor, the minutes of the December 21, 1978 Advisory Park Committee meeting were approved. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. In a motion by Coates, seconded by Thursten, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the February 8, 1979 agenda be approved as presented with one addition; that a brief discussion be allowed regarding tax forfeiture lots and lot splits as recommended for discussion by Chairperson Lundsten. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. City Administrator Hedges introduced the new Advisory Park Committee members who were appointed by the City Council at the February 6, 1979 City Council meeting. The new members are Mr. Dick Carroll, Mr. Arnold Lucke and Mrs. Sharon Radl. He also noted that Mr. Mike Thomas was reappointed to a three year term by the City Council. The City Administrator reported on action that was taken by the City Council which included 1) Author- ization for the City Attorney to proceed with negotiations to acquire two parcels of property to expand Patrick Eagan Park, 2) Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a project agreement to receive a grant in the amount of $32,000 Park Committee Page Two 2 -8 -79 which is 40% of the total construction cost for Phase I of the Rahn Thomas Trail, 3) Authorization to Consulting Engineer Bob Rosene to prepare plans and specifications for the Rahn Thomas Trail project, 4) Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to submit an application to the Minnesota State Planning Agency for a grant in the amount of $92,250 which represents 75% funding for acquisition of approximately eight acres of park land in Section 9, and, 5) Authorization to purchase three items of equipment for the Park Department including a Groundmaster 72, a tractor from Corcoran's, and a 3/4 ton pickup from Osburn- Fasula Dodge. BRITTANY ESTATES. City Planner Runkle and Park Director Schmidt outlined a proposed development plan for Brittany Estates located in Section 33. Park Director Schmidt reviewed plans for a trailway that would connect the NSP high line easement with Brittany Estates. She outlined the entire trail as running from the NSP high line easement south to Cliff Road within the Williams Brother pipeline easement and then proceeding along the west lot line of Beacon Hills, turning south on the south interceptor trunk sewer main easement and then turning west along a section line and the rear lot lines of Brittany Estates and then intersecting with Johnny Cake Ridge Road at its termination. This would allow for the trailway to connect the Rahn Thomas Trail through the high line ease- ment with Dakota County park land by meandering through several residential areas. The staff explained that there were many alternatives studied, however, this alternative lends itself best to the topography of the area. The Park Committee members were concerned that surrounding developments should tie into the trail and this appeared to be the best plan to satisfy that purpose. There was con- siderable discussion by the Park Committee regarding the width of the trail giving consideration to all types of uses such as horseback riding, snowmobiling, cross country skiing, bicycling and hiking. Generally the trail width was Park Committee Page Three 2 -8 -79 determined to be 50 -75 feet. After further discussion on the proposed trail- way' and Brittany Estates Addition, a motion was made by Coates, seconded by Thomas, all members voting in favor, to amend the Park and Open Space Map to include a trailway connecting the high line easement (Rahn Thomas Trail) with Dakota County park land by meandering south from the high line easement to Cliff Road within the Williams Brother pipeline easement then proceeding along the south interceptor trunk sewer main and turning west to adjoin a section line and a rear lot line of Brittany Estates eventually terminating at Johnny Cake Ridge Road and providing access to Dakota County Park. The motion also includes an area designated in Section 33 to be included on the Park and Open Space Map as a 15 acre proposed park land development. A second motion was introduced by Thomas, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, that park land consideration for Brittany Estates include dedication of the trailway as proposed along the northwest lot lines of the proposed plat and that the remainder of the park land dedication be a cash donation and further that the staff pursue all related items pertaining to the park land dedication requirements. SECTION 22 BOSELLA TOWNHOUSE PROJECT. City Planner Runkle presented the Bosella Townhouse project which was proposed for Section 22 and further discussed potential trail connections to the proposed plat. After a review of the town- house project concept as it relates to park land in that neighborhood study, there was no action taken on the proposed plat and the staff was directed to present more detailed plans as the townhouse project development plans proceed in the future. DUCKWOOD 2ND ADDITION. City Planner Runkle explained in detail the Duckwood 2nd Addition proposed plat. He further indicated that park land dedication for the Duckwood 2nd Addition was satisfied as a part of the Duckwood 1st Addition agreement for that entire area. After discussing a trail connection for Park Committee Page Four 2 -8 -79 Duckwood 2nd Addition a. motion was made by Thursten, seconded by Loken, that the City Council require a 30 foot trail easement for Duckwood 2nd Addition and that the staff work with the developer to connect O'Leary Lake with the existing park land dedication. FIRE STATION SELECTION PROGRESS REPORT. Chairperson Lundsten reviewed the minutes of a special meeting of the Eagan Park Committee held on February 1, 1979 which was held for the purpose of developing a priority of the three pro- posed fire station sites as requested by the Public Works Committee to be studied by the Advisory Park Committee. Chairperson Lundsten outlined the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three sites which include 1) Power co -op site, 2) Well-site, and, 3) Thomas Lake Park. She stated that those members who were in attendance at the special meeting studied all the advantages and disadvantages closely and concluded that the three sites should be given a priority as follows: 1) Power Co -op site, 2) Well Site, and, 3) Thomas Lake Park. Park Committee member Coates again reaffirmed his position that the Thomas Lake site was his first priority, then the co -op site followed by the Well site. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Thursten, seconded by Loken, all members voting in favor, the minutes of the special meeting of the Advisory Park Committee held on February 1, 1979 were approved. KEHNE HOUSE. Park Director Schmidt reported on a recent tour of the Kehne House for the prupose of determining a future use for the building as it relates to Patrick Eagan Park. She also informed the Advisory Park Committee that the new tenants of the Kehne house are asking the City of Eagan to consider energy saving improvements to the home. Park Committee Member Martin discussed the potential of using the house for a cross country ski chalet. He further stated that he is concerned about the cost of remodeling the house to meet public Park Committee Page Five 2 -8 -79 building standards and asked if this was feasible. Park Committee Member Martin and other members of the Advisory Park Committee discussed the remodeling of the house stating that if the facility was used as a public building for park purposes it is advantagous to pursue the use of solar energy. After further discussion on the matter, it was determined that there are no specific plans for the house, however, the Advisory Park Committee is continuing a study for the remodeling repairs of the Kehne house as well as determining future need for that facility. EAGAN FIELD USE POLICY. Park Director Schmidt stated that it will be necessary to establish a policy to set fees for tournaments and control the use of four softball diamonds at Northview Park. The Park Advisory Committee reviewed a memorandum that was prepared by Recreation Programmer Peterson, however, no formal action was taken on the matter. OUTDOOR POOL FACILITY REQUEST DAVE WALLACE. Mr. Dave Wallace appeared and stated that he has been in contact with a number of residents in the City and there appears to be a favorable attitude toward pursuing the construction of an outdoor swimming pool to be located in the City of Eagan. Mr. Wallace indicated that he is planning to distribute a petition throughout the Cedar Athletic Association registration to determine whether there is a favorable endorsement towards an outdoor swimming pool in the City. Mr. Wallace indicated that once petitions are circulated the establishment of need will be presented to the Advisory Park Committee for consideration and proper review. DREXEL HEIGHTS PARK DEDICATION. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt stated that the Consulting Engineer has recommended a 15 foot easement across the rear lot lines in Drexel Heights which would have tied in with the trail around Fish Lake that was dedicated in the early 1970s as a part of the Pilot Knob Heights PUD. She further explained that due to a substantial increase in Park Committee Page Six 2 -8 -79 the lake level most trail areas are under water. Chairperson Lundsten and Park Director Schmidt indicated that until a lake level is determined for Fish Lake the Eagan residents who live in the Pilot Knob Heights PUD will not have access as they originally were led to believe around Fish Lake. Public Works Director Colbert explained that the City is making an effort to establish lake levels for all lakes located in the City of Eagan and when a public hearing is to be held to establish a lake level for Fish Lake. The Park Department will be notified so that the Park. Committee can provide their input at that public hearing. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The following officers were elected to serve the Advisory Park Committee during 1979: Chairperson, Myrel Lundsten; Vice Chairperson, Neil Coates; Secretary, Jean Loken. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Dated: February 8, 1979