03/08/1979 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN MINNESOTA MARCH 8, 1979 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on March 8, 1979 at the City Hall. Those present were Chairperson Lundsten, Martin, Carroll, Loken, Radl, Lucke, Coates, and Thomas. Also present were Park Director Barb Schmidt, Director of Public Works Tom Colbert, and City Administrator Tom Hedges. Absent was Committee Member Thurston who had an excused absence by Chairperson Lundsten. MINUTES In a motion by Coates, seconded Loken, all members voting in favor, the minutes of the February 8, 1979 Advisory Park Committee meeting were approved as amended to include an item of discussion entitled "Tax Forfeiture Property and Lot Splits" as follows: "A discussion was held regarding tax forfeiture property and lot splits. Chairperson Lundsten requested that all tax forfeited property and all lot splits be reviewed by the Park Department for possible referral to the Park Committee due to the potential opportunity these items could provide for solving access problems and providing for trail connections to City parks or schools within subdivisions throughout the community." ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA In a motion by Coates, seconded by Loken, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the March 8, 1979 agenda be approved as presented with the Bosela plat deleted and with the following additions: Under Park Department Business, proposed reservoir site in Holland Jensen Park; Under special meetings, Wilderness Run Homeowner's Association meeting and Comprehensive Plan meeting. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT City Administrator Hedges administered the oath of office to the newly appointed Advisory Park Committee Members Sharon Radl, Dick Carroll, Arnold Lucke and Mike Thomas. The City Administrator reported that Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Radl and Mr. Lucke were appointed to three year terms while Mr. Carroll was appointed to a two year term. He also informed the Park Committee that Mr. Robert Leach was appointed to fill the remaining one year of Norm Hagen's term, however, Mr. Leach is planning to move away from the community and has declined the appointment. Park Committee Page Two March 8, 1979 Therefore, the City Council will again appoint a resident of the community to fill a oneyear term that is vacant on the Advisory Park Committee. The City Administrator also reported that the Public Works Committee's recommendation to the City Council to approve the Co -op Site (Site #3) located at the northeast quadrant of the Wilderness Run Road Pilot Knob Road intersection was approved for the proposed fire station site. Director of Public Works Colbert and City Administrator Hedges explained the background on the site selection process stating that the other two sites studied were located within parks in the area. SUNSET ADDITION Park and Recreation Director Schmidt reported that the recommendation of the staff concerning park dedication for the proposed Sunset Addition preliminary plat was a cash per lot dona- tion in lieu of park land dedication. She described the proposed plat as consisting of 12 lots on a five acre plat located within the much larger area of the Lexington South PUD. She further reported that no trail access appeared to be necessary and after further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Carroll, seconded Martin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that a recommendation be made to the City Council that a cash donation per lot for the Sunset Addition be approved in lieu of park land dedication. MEETING DATE Park and Recreation Director Schmidt reported that the City staff is working on a comprehensive development procedure for all Planning Commission, City Council and Advisory Park Committee items for purposes of coordination and efficiency. She stated that at a recent staff retreat it was apparent that the first Thursday of each month is the most desirable date, from a procedural standpoint, for the regular meeting of the Advisory Park Committee. In a motion by Martin, seconded Carroll, all members voting in favor, the first Thursday of each month was adopted as the official day for regular meetings of the Advisory Park Committee. FUTURE WATER RESERVOIR /SAFARI'ESTATES Public Works Director Colbert provided background on a pro posal presented by the City of Eagan to the Dakota County Board of Commissioners to locate a 4,000,000 gallon water reservoir in Holland Jensen Park east of Galaxie Road and the proposed Safari Estates development. He stated that the reservoir site was ori- ginally planned at a high elevation point in the proposed Safari Estates development and through negotiations with the Dakota County Park Director and Board of Commissions, it appears to be possible that the reservoir site can be located in the Dakota County Park, Park Committee Page Three March 8, 1979 preserving the entire Safari Estates for residential development while combining the reservoir site in the Dakota County Park with such recreation features as a lookout tower, picnic area and other joint uses. The City of Eagan is drafting an agreement to be presented to the Dakota County Board of Commissioners. City Administrator Hedges indicated that if any members of the Advisory Park Committee have suggestions or recommendations for park land uses that could be combined with the reservoir site, they would be presented to the Dakota County Park Director, Mr. Chuck Lowery, for further investigation. TOURNAMENT FIELD USE POLICY Advisory Park Committee representative Radl volunteered her time to work with Dorothy Peterson, the Recreation Programmer, to coordinate the policies for the use of the Northview athletic field for softball tournaments. The policy is to include usage prioritie, usage fees and other related activities. TRAIL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Advisory Park Committee Member Loken set Thursday, March 22, at 7:30 p.m. for a Trail Subcommittee meeting to be held at the Public Works garage. ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS The following Advisory Park Committee Members volunteered for the Development Committee and Trail Committee which are two subcommittees of the Advisory Park Committee. The Development Committee for 1979 consists of Coates (Chairman), Martin, Carroll, and Lucke. The Trail Committee consists of Loken (Chairperson), Radl, Thomas and Thurston. Chairperson Lunsten stated that she is planning to attend both committee meetings at various times throughout the year. 1979 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE /PARK GUIDELINES The City's consulting planner, John Voss, appeared and dis- cussed the proposed comprehensive plan as it relates to goals and policies for the Advisory Park Committee and Park and Recreation Department. Mr. Voss reviewed the policies that were set forth in the 1973 "Eagan Park Development Guide" stating further than many of the policies had been implemented in the last eight years. He further stated that these policies along with new policies should be examined and encouraged all members of the Advisory Park Committee to attend the next comprehensive land use workshop session to be held on March 13, 1979 at which time the Planning Commission and City Council will discuss park guidelines and policies. Park Committee Page Four March 8, 1979 BRITTANY MANOR Park and Recreation Director Schmidt reviewed the preliminary plat for Brittany Manor. She stated that a neighborhood study was completed for this area and further indicated that a 15 acre neighborhood park has been designated to be located in part on the Brown property and part on the R D Services property which will satisfy neighborhood park land needs for the proposed Brittany Manor Addition. She further indicated that the planned all purpose link from the proposed High Line Trail to Holland Jensen Park transects Section 33 and impacts the proposed Brittany Manor development. After reviewing the desirable trail connections as they relate to Brittany Manor, in a motion by Thomas, seconded Radl, all members voting in favor, the Committee recommended that the developer provide the City of Eagan with a 30 foot wide easement for trail purposes south of the north line of the proposed R -2 lots 9, 10, 11 and 12; and that the developer grant a 10 foot easement to the City between Lots 66 and 67 and construct an 8 foot pathway within that easement, to City specifications, at the time of road con- struction. In a motion by Coates, seconded by Martin, a recom- mendation was made to accept a cash donation per lot in lieu of park land dedication. In addition, in a motion made by Martin, seconded by Lucke, all members voting in favor, the trail to be constructed on the east side of Johnny Cake Ridge Road in accordance with the City sidewalk policy, was recommended to be constructed to a 10 foot width in order to conform with the trail which will be built by Dakota County immediately to the south. Public Works Director Colbert will notify the developer by letter of the clari- fications as to trail widths. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt also suggested that Outlot A as shown on the proposed plat should not be accepted by the City for park dedication but should be dedicated directly to Dakota County or platted in lots. DUCKWOOD SECOND ADDITION Park and Recreation Director Schmidt reported that park dedi- cation for Duckwood 2nd Addition was satisfied in part when the City of Eagan accepted the DeBoer pond. However, she stated that the required trail connections to the pond were not provided at that time. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt further indicated that the trail connection which was required for Duckwood First Addition has also not been provided to the City. She stated that contact has been made with the developer and the easements are currently being prepared for the trail for Duckwood I and were recently delivered to the City Attorney's office. Park Committee Page Five March 8, 1979 After further discussion on the matter, Park and Recreation Director Schmidt stated that the recommendation of the staff relative to the Duckwood 2nd Addition plat is to require the 30 foot wide trail connection as previously agreed upon at the February 8, 1979 Park Committee meeting. She stated that the alignment of said trail in relation to the buildings should be carefully reviewed in the future when the final plans for stage 5 of said development are approved by the City. The City staff was directed to determine whether the trail should be dedicated or handled as an easement or outlot, whichever is most appropriate, and report back to the Advisory Park Committee. Dated: March 8, 1979 HOLLAND JENSEN MASTER PLAN Park and Recreation Director Schmidt indicated that a public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 4 at the Eagan City Hall to review the master plan which is currently being prepared for the 2,000 acre Holland Jensen Park. She encouraged all members of the Advisory Park Committee to attend. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt presented a list of items that she felt the Eagan Advisory Park Committee could share with the Dakota County Park Department as suggestions for park and recreation uses within the community. After discussion and with the addition of several items, the list was acknowledged. Park and Recreation Director Schmidt indi- cated that these items will be discussed at the joint meeting as well as with the County Park Director, Mr. Chuck Lowery, in advance of the meeting. Park Director Schmidt further suggested that the Advisory Park Committee prepare a list of items that they feel could be explored for expanding programs in the use of City parks. INFORMATIONAL Advisory Park Committee Member Radl stated that she would like to discuss the feasibility of involving various organizations such as the Lion's Club into a program of cleaning up City parks. After a brief review, the Advisory Park Committee agreed that this topic could be further pursued. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. TLH