06/07/1979 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA JUNE 7, 1979 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on June 7, 1979 at the City Hall. Those present were Chairperson Lundsten, Thurston, Loken, Martin, Coates, Gits, Radl. Also present were City Planner Dale Runkle and Park Director Schmidt. Absent were Committee members Carroll, Lucke and Carroll. MINUTES In a motion by Coates, seconded by Loken, the minutes of the May 3, 1979 meeting were unanimously approved as corrected. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Loken moved and Gits seconded a unanimous motion to adopt the agenda as presented. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCIL MEETING Park Director Schmidt reported on City Council approval for the hiring of Tom Schuster as tree inspector for the 1979 season and approval of the change order for a 10 foot asphalt pathway on the south side of Wescott Road. Chairperson Lundsten requested that additional research be done regarding trail widths before the committee again recom- mends a city wide policy regarding trails and sidewalks to the Council. WINDCREST ADDITION Jim Hill, representing Niakwa, presented the plat for Windcrest Addition, an 80 acre development north of Deerwood Drive. City Planner Runkle discussed the staff recommendation of park dedication of a greenway which would provide for a trail connection from the City community center property in the direction of Patrick Eagan Park and would ultimately be part of a loop connection with the trail in Hilltop Estates. The proposed change in location of land to be purchased as an addition to Patrick Eagan Park was also explained to the committee by staff. A number of residents from Deerwood Drive were present and concerns were raised about the wildlife habitat which would be lost as well as the number of trees which would have to be cut to allow for this development. The committee was asked Park Committee 'Page Two June 7, 1979 to consider park dedication on the north side of Deerwood Drive rather than through the center of the plat. Committee members explained the charge of the committee to provide for both active and passive park needs throughout the City through the park dedication requirements and expressed the opinion that additional land along Deerwood Drive would not meet these needs. Residents present also spoke in favor of bike trails along Pilot Knob Road. Coates moved and Loken seconded a motion to recommend approval of the park dedication for Windcrest as proposed. All members present voted in favor with the exception of Radl who voted in opposition. The motion carried. After additional discussion Loken moved and Martin seconded a motion to reconsider the park dedication for Windcrest due to the fact that it appeared to be in excess of the amount of land required to provide a trail link through the development. All members present voted in favor except Coates who voted no. The motion carried. Jim Hill expressed the opinion that the amount of land should be dedicated as shown to provide adequate space for the possibility of more than one trail to accomodate the large number of people who could park vehicles on the City property and use this trail link for access to Patrick Eagan Park. He also noted that the eastern pond shown in the proposed dedica- tion could be filled with the runoff directed into the City storm sewer system. After additional discussion, Chairperson Lundsten directed staff to evaluate the actual amount of credit which would be given for park dedication under this proposal and to consider cutting down the amount of land proposed to be dedicated to only that necessary to accomodate the trail with the remainder of the park dedication to be satisfied by cash in lieu of land. She further directed staff to review with the City Engineer the probable high water levels of the two ponds in the proposed dedication and to report back to the committee at their next meeting. WINDTREE ADDITION Jim Hill presented the plat for Windtree Addition, a 101 acre development in Section 13 located east and north of existing South Hills development. He explained that Windtree is a large lot development on heavy rolling terrain. Mr. Hill also explained that staff had requested consideration of park dedication adjacent to the park previously committed in the Gopher Eagan PUD. City Planner Runkle presented a concept plan for develop- ment of a neighborhood park encompassing land in the Gopher Eagan PUD as well as additional acreage within the Windtree Park Committee Page Three June 7, 1979 Development. The concept plan shows adequate facilities to provide for neighborhood park needs within this section in the event that additional industrially zoned land is converted to residential use. Chairperson Lundsten expressed a concern about accepting ponds as park dedication when they do not serve a park purpose. She also expressed concern about the future high water levels of all ponds within the park as presented and the resulting impact on the park land if the ponds increase in size beyond current estimates. Jean Loken questioned the land parcels included in the proposal which would have no public access. Roger Martin asked what guarantee exists that ponds will be controlled at the stated levels. After considerable discussion, Martin moved and Gits seconded a motion to recommend approval of park dedication as presented with the exception that the two parcels of land which have no public access not be included but be platted into the lots, that the south access be redrawn as shown on the con- cept plan and further subject to staff verifying that the water levels shown for the ponds are accurate. All members voted in favor and representatives of Niakwa expressed agree- ment with the recommended changes. Mr. Hill also agreed to provide additional fill material for the park area if excess becomes available during development. THOMAS LAKE HEIGHTS Dale Runkle reviewed the plat for Thomas Lake Heights which is part of the Blackhawk PUD. There was discussion regarding Heine Pond as future park dedication. Park Committee members expressed approval of the trail connection to the trail within the Heine Addition which will provide walking access to Thomas Lake Elementary School. Chairperson Lundsten recommended that this connection be dedicated in the form of a trailway. In addition, City staff was directed to evaluate the value of Heine Pond as a part of a park system and relative to the overall Blackhawk Park PUD. No formal action was taken. CANTERBURY FOREST Dale Runkle reviewed the plat for Canterbury Forest which is part of the Lexington South PUD. No action was taken as there were no park matters to be resolved, however, it was requested that if the plat changes substantially that it be returned to the committee for additional study relative to possible trailway connections. Park Committee Page Four June 7, 1979 CHES MAR II AND III Staff was directed to review trail connections provided within the plats for Ches Mar II and III. THOMAS LAKE TRAIL SPUR Park Director Schmidt reported on approval from the State Planning Agency and the City Council to proceed with a grant amendment and negotiate a change order to construct a trail link into Thomas Lake Park. It was noted that specific pro- visions regarding protection of the native prairie elements on the site should be written into construction specifications. FY 19809 GRANT PROPOSALS Potential grant proposals were discussed and the committee recommended submission of a grant for additional acreage in Section 9 if suitable land is available or pursuit of grants for other community athletic complex needs. Staff was requested to provide the committee with a rough Sketch of the Section 9 proposal. In a motion by Martin, seconded Gits, the updated five year action plan was unanimously approved with the understanding that it continue to be a flexible plan subject to review and change. NEIGHBORHOOD 14 STUDY City Planner Runkle reviewed the neighborhood study for Section 14. He discussed the possibility that land within this section will be down zoned in the future. Mr. Runkle will field check this section for suitable park locations and the status of the previous Dreyfus park proposal will be reported on at the next meeting. RECREATION COMMITTEE Recreation Committee Member Radl mentioned problems which are presently occuring in Carnelian Park and expressed the need for programming to provide supervision for youngsters from the Hillandale complex. Staff was requested to reevaluate Carnelian Park as a future location for the summer in the park program. It was suggested that notice of activities in Woodhaven Park be posted on the Carnelian Park warming house. Chairperson Lundsten also requested park department staff to evaluate the need for future additional Tiny Tot programs due to the overwheln`iing response to that offering. Park Committee Page Five June 7, 1979 Lack of athletic benches at Heine Field and Pilot Knob School was also mentioned. TRAIL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING The next meeting of the Trail Subcommittee was set for June 21 at 7:15 at the Park office. CHANGE IN PARK COMMITTEE MEETING DATE The next meeting of the Park Committee was scheduled for July 12 rather than July 5 due to the 4th of July holiday. In a unanimous motion by Loken, seconded Gits, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m.