08/02/1979 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA AUGUST 2, 1979 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on August 2, 1979 at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were Coates, Thurston, Martin, Radl, Gits, Thomas and Loken. Also present were City Planner Runkle and Park Director Schmidt. Absent were Committee Members Lundsten and Carroll. Vice Chairperson Coates conducted the meeting. MINUTES In a motion by Gits, seconded by Radl, all members voting in favor, the minutes of the July 12, 1979 Advisory Park Committee were approved. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA In a motion by Loken, seconded by Radl, all members voting in favor, the agenda was adopted as presented. ADMINISTRATOR`S REPORT Park Director Schmidt reported on the following items considered at recent City Council meetings; (a) City Council approval of the Park Committee recommendation on Windtree Addition park dedication, (b) Council action to direct the Administrator to study the feasibility of an ice arena in the City of Eagan. At this point the order of the agenda was varied to allow those proposals for which developers were present to be heard first. JOHNNY CAKE RIDGE ORRIN THOMPSON Bob Carlson presented the plat for Johnny Cake Ridge. The park dedication consists of land for trails over the Williams Brothers pipeline easement with a minimum width of 60 feet as requested by City staff. The developer will construct a sidewalk on the north side of Covington Street and a 10 foot asphalt trail within the right -of -way of Johnny Cake Ridge Road from Cliff Road to the south boundary of the plat. It was recommended that the gasline easement area be dedicated in fee title and credited at 50% consistent with City policy for all purpose trails on existing easements with cash in lieu of the remainder of the dedication placed in an escrow account. Park Committee Minutes Page Two August 2, 1979 Thurston moved and Martin seconded a motion to recommend acceptance of the park dedication as presented with 50% credit given for the land on the Williams Brothers pipeline easement and the remaining dedication to be satisfied by cash in lieu of land to be placed in an escrow account, to be reduced in the event that land in excess of 10o is required for park purposes when the Armogost property is platted or if the City wishes to participate in additional landscaping of the easement area in conjunction with the developer. The escrow account will be cancelled and the funds deposited in the Park Site Fund at City request in the event the above options are not pursued. The motion was unanimous. Staff was directed to calculate the amount of the cash requirement. It was noted that the trail dedication should be in fee title per recommendation of the Eagan City Attorney. SOUTH DELAWARE HILLS Jim Fillippi, representing Richard Parranto, presented the plat for South Delaware Hills, which was last reviewed by the Park Committee on February 9, 1978. Changes in street alignments and the revised location of the pipeline easement as currently shown were reviewed. An increase in width of the trail on the easement from 50 -83 feet was noted. The Park Committee reviewed their previous recommendation on park dedication. Mike Thomas questioned the dedication of land in Inver Grove Heights as a part of the Eagan Park System and also questioned the quality of the land proposed to be dedicated in Eagan. There were questions regarding future police protection on land owned by Eagan in Inver Grove Heights. Roger Martin questioned potential future assessments on the Inver Grove lot. Park Director Schmidt explained that development of park and playground facilities is a permitted use on a lot in an agricultural district according to the Inver Grove Heights Zoning Ordinance. Concerns were raised regarding future water levels in the ponds which would make the trail areas usable. The dimensions of the lot in Inver Grove Heights to be deeded to the City of Eagan were explained as approximately 220 x 690 x 420 x 660. The land appeared suitable for the installation of a ball diamond and tennis courts. Martin commented that the positive aspects of accepting flat land for parks within an adjacent community appear to outweigh the negative aspects of such a dedication. Park Committee Minutes Page Three August 2, 1979 Coates moved and Martin seconded a motion reaffirming the February 9, 1978 recommendation of the Park Committee to approve park dedication for South Delaware Hills as presented, subject to the following conditions which were a part of the original recommendation: 1. That 30 feet above the high water mark be provided for public access along the western shore of the large pond in a manner approved by the City Attorney. 2. That 20 feet of usable trail be provided on the northern edge of the small pond on the pipeline trail leading to Inver Grove Heights. 3. That the agreement provide for the park land in Inver Grove Heights to be returned to the developer in the event that additional land is dedicated for active park use in the Inver Grove Heights portion of the proposal within a five year period from the dedication and that during that five year period Eagan agrees to install only minimal improvements to the site. 4. That the status of the 60 foot connection to the industrial property to the south be clarified by the City Consulting Engineer. Those members in favor were Coates, Martin, Loken, Radl and Thurston. Opposed were Thomas and Gits. The motion carried. THOMAS LAKE HEIGHTS This plat is part of the Blackhawk Park PUD and park dedication for this plat has been satisfied by dedication of the High Line trail area from Evergreen Park to the center line of Section 28. It was reported that the developer, who had been contacted regarding an exchange of park land around Heine Pond for trail area south of the High Line, had been unwilling to consider the proposal. Additional discussion will be held regarding a possible exchange of land around Thomas Lake for the needed trail connection. Gits moved and Radl seconded, all members voting in favor, to recommend approval of dedication of a 20 foot trailway between Lots 21 and 22 with an 8 foot asphalt surface to be installed by the developer when roads are constructed. The 20 foot width will allow for additional set back from the rear lot line of Lot 8 in the Heine Addition. The designation of trailway should appear on the plat. MAROTZKE PLAT City Planner Runkle presented a plat for four lots on 18 acres in the SEQ of Section 36. There was discussion regarding the need for a policy to determine the minimum size neighborhood for which the City should provide park facilities. Loken moved and Coates seconded a motion to recommend cash per lot as park dedication for the Marotzke plat. Park Committee Minutes Page Four August 2, 1979 MARTIN SHIELDS City Planner Runkle informally presented a proposal for development of approximately 13 acres adjacent to Pilot Knob School and Pilot Knob Park. Park dedication for this property has previously been satisifed by the dedication, in advance of development, of land for existing Pilot Knob Park. Open green space within the development proposal will allow easy access to the school and the park. No further consideration by the Park Committee should be required relative to this proposal. METRAM City Planner Runkle discussed a pending proposal for development in the SW4 of Section 17. Coates moved and Gits seconded a unanimous motion directing the staff to evaluate park needs in this total neighborhood and report back at the next meeting. LOT SPLITS Two proposed lot splits near Highview Park were presented. Staff was directed to consider potential access to the park. WILDERNESS PARK 4TH ADDITION City Planner Runkle next presented the proposed plat for Wilderness Park 4th Addition which is part of the Lexington South PUD. Staff was directed to report on the status of park dedication within this PUD at the next meeting. ZACHMAN HOMES Staff will be meeting on August 14, 1979 regarding this proposal and will designate an area for expansion of the free skating rink for park dedication in the event that grant assist- ance is not received for the 20 acre expansion of Rahn Park. TILSEN HOMES Staff will be meeting on August 14, 1979 to review this proposal and will require the developer to provide land outside of the NSP easement for the all purpose trail or as an alternative, will require the developer to grade the easement area to accomodate construction of the High Line Trail. RAHN THOMAS TRAIL Park Director Schmidt reported on progress on the Rahn Thomas Trail. Asphalt should be applied to the final section the week of August 13th. Some damage caused by two horses was noted. Park Committee Minutes Page Five August 2, 1979 PARK CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Final finishing work on several items remaining, including some grading at Northview and correction of a drainage problem at Pilot Knob School, should be completed in the near future. FISCAL YEAR 1979 GRANT Contracts for the Federal portion of the grant for park land in Section 9 have been received and will be acted on by the Council at their August 7, 1979 meeting. Park dedication fees in this neighborhood have now reached $28,400. The City's matching share is $33,250 so the remaining difference has been reduced to $4,800. FISH LAKE STORM SEWER HEARING City Engineer Colbert is preparing the drawing showing the impact of the proposed elevation of Fish Lake on the park property and Park Director Schmidt is preparing a memo to the City Council defining the Park Committee's concerns relative to this matter. PARK LAND AND DEVELOPMENT CIP Copies of charts showing future park developments and acquisition needs were distributed to the Committee for review and comment at the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.