10/11/1979 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 11, 1979 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on October 11, 1979, at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were Chairperson Lundsten, Members Coates, Dandurand, Loken, Martin and Thomas. Also present were City Planner Runkle and Park Director Schmidt. Absent were Carroll, O'Neill, Radl and Thurston. City Administrator Hedges appeared briefly and administered the Oath of Office to recently appointed Committee Member Dandurand. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT City Administrator Hedges reported that the Federal Revenue Hearing Funds allocation for 1980 had been committed to pay for the new police facility and to pay for a portion of the cost for the 20 acres of land purchased as an addition to the Community Center site. He also noted that the Council has approved approximately $85,000 in matching funds for park grants to be paid from surplus funds. At the request of Committee Member Coates, City Administrator Hedges further explained the City Council's request for explanation of reasons for abstention votes to be written in the minutes. He noted that the Council would also be interested in reasons being expressed for minority votes so that they may also consider all factors relative to proposals. MINUTES Coates moved and Loken seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the 9 -13 -79 Advisory Park Committee meeting. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA In a motion by Thomas, seconded by Martin, the agenda was unanimously adopted with the addition of Letter to Governor Quie under Administrative Business. WEDGEWOOD ADDITION City Planner Runkle presented the plat for Wedgewood Addition which is part of the Lexington South P.U.D. A number of Outlots are proposed to be dedicated for park purposes in accordance with the PUD agreement. Park Committee members expressed concern over the potential continuation to the South of trails from the Outlots which form connections around small ponds. PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1979 PAGE TWO It was noted that park land for the Lexington South PUD was negotiated when the City was taking fee title to ponds and the land adjacent to them if they were a part of the storm water ponding system. It was further noted that the developer is not willing to trade land previously designated for park dedication for other park land and that in the event the City no longer desires the dedication, that the developer requests a quit claim deed to the involved parcel and the subtraction of that amount of acreage form the overall park dedication requirement for the PUD. Committee members expressed a number of concerns regarding the park dedication shown on the plat including the following points: 1. The Outlots as shown on the plat are not in conformance with the PUD exhibit for park land. 2. The East boundary Outlot C, North of Wilderness Run Road, is no longer in line with the East boundary of Outlot B, South of the road; and, therefore, a direct trail crossing at that point is not possible. 3. When the Outlot areas were originally proposed for park dedication, access was provided for on either side of the involved ponds. 4. The West boundary of Outlot E no longer provides for access around the pond. Committee members directed staff to pursue the above concerns with the developer and to report back to the Committee at the next meeting, November 1, 1979. 35E TRAIL CROSSING The order of the agenda was changed to allow a presentation by Al Hylland, of MnDOT, regarding alternatives for crossing 35E for the High Line Trail. Mr. Hylland noted that the original plans for 35E, as approved by the Federal Highway Department, included a 300 foot culvert under 35E and a 200 foot culvert under Blackhawk Road. New environ- mental laws now require noise abatement measures and the resultant noise berm will require that the length of the culvert under 35E be increased to more than 400 feet which MnDOT sees as a potential problem. PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1979 PAGE THREE Mr. Hylland mentioned that he had met with City Staff and, at their direction, had contacted the Federal Highway people regarding the possibility of an overpass and that they appear open to considering possible alternatives. He then presented a number of alternatives to the Committee including the underpass, overpass and two deviations from the corridor involving crossing under the Blackhawk Road bridge or crossing Blackhawk Road at grade. He requested evaluation of these alternatives by the Committee. It was noted that financing for 35E is 90% Federal Funds and 10% State Funds with no cost to the City but that future maintenance of whatever trail crossing is provided will be the City's responsibility. Martin noted that even the cost of the most expensive alter- native is insignificant in terms of the total cost of the project. Dandurand emphasized the importance of the linear continuity of the trail and expressed concern that any alternative which required substantial deviation in direction would defeat the purpose of the corridor trail and result in lack of use. The Committee referred consideration of the alternatives to the Trail Subcommittee in conjunction with an evaluation of potential uses for all segments of the trail. The Committee expressed appreciation to Mr. Hylland for the opportunity to provide input into the matter. TOLLEFSON BUILDERS City Planner Runkle presented the plat for Tollefson Builders in Section 20 which contains approximately 20 acres to be developed as 37 four -plex lots or 138 total units. City Staff has recommended that an internal trail be installed to allow for easy access to Woodhaven Park which serves this neighborhood. The developer will be providing a tot lot in the Common Area. Loken moved and Martin seconded a unanimous motion to recommend to the City council that park dedication for the Tollefson plat be satisfied by cash per unit with the developer constructing internal trails in the Common Area to provide for access to Gold Trail and Woodhaven Park. PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1979 PAGE FOUR RAHN ADDITION City Planner Runkle presened the plat for Rahn Addition in Section 20 which consists of approximately five acres to be developed as 15 single family lots. Martin moved and Dandurand seconded a unanimous motion to reocmmend that Park Dedication for Rahn Addition be satisfied by cash per unit. It was noted that a sidewalk will be installed on Blackhawk Road in accordance with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Committee requested that City Staff investigate the feasibility and /or desirability of extending the sidewalk along Carnelian Park to Carnelian Lane in conjunction with this project. MEADE ADDITION City Planner Runkle presented the proposed plat for Meade Addition in Section 31. Coates moved and Martin seconded a unanimous motion to recommend to the City Council that Park Dedication for Meade Addition be satisfied by cash per unit. HIGH LINE TRAIL Discussion was held regarding an official name for the High Line Trail. The matter was referred to the Trail Subcommittee. Thomas reported that the new routing for the horse trail is almost completed with the work being done by the Diamond T Riders Saddle Club. PARK CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT Park Director Schmidt noted that several items are still not corrected in the Park Development Contract and that final repairs to the High Line Trail have not yet been completed. FALL PROGRAM REGISTRATION Park Director Schmidt reported that both sessions of Tiny Tots were filled by noon of the second day of registration. Committee members commented on the need for this type of program. It was also noted that registrations are being taken for men's, women's and couple's open volleyball sessions and for two sessions of CPR training. PARK COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 1979 PAGE FIVE RECREATION REPORT Committee members discussed a report prepared by Recreation Programmer, Dorothy Peterson, regarding after school recreation programs in area elementary schools and advised against the City being placed in the position of providing these programs. The Committee felt that such programming should be the responsibility of the School District Community Services Departments and further noted that limited staff and budget would prevent the City from assuming this responsibility at this time. DREXEL HEIGHTS PARK ACCESS REQUEST A request from the engineering department to consider allowing up to three driveway accesses over Outlot A in Drexel Heights was next considered. Park Committee members expressed willingness to consider the sale of Outlot A to Henry Braun to allow for access to the rear of his property since the trail around Fish Lake is no longer a possibility but had reservations about allowing three driveway accesses across park property due to the fact that the property would be made unusable and that maintenance could present problems in the future. Park Director Schmidt was requested to pursue the possible sale of Outlot A with other City Staff and report back to the Committee. TOT LOT REQUIREMENTS City Planner Runkle reviewed the provision in the zoning ordinance which requires that developers of multiple residential housing provide minimum recreation areas related in size to the number of bedrooms per unit. He noted that installation of play equipment is generally required as a part of the platting process. DATED: October 11, 1979 DAKOTA COUNTY TRAIL POLICY Park Director Schmidt informed the Committee that Dakota County is developing a policy regarding trails along County roads. Chairperson Lundsten discussed a letter from the Trail Sub- committee which was directed to Commissioner Kennedy regarding this matter. Loken moved and Martin seconded a unanimous motion to adjourn at 11:20 p.m. BS