03/06/1980 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 6, 1980 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on March 6, 1980, at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were Committee Members Carroll, Dandurand, Johnson, Loken, Martin, McNeely, Thomas, Thurston and Tilley. Also present were City Administrator Hedges, City Planner Runkle, Public Works Director Colbert, and Recreation Programmer Peterson. Committee Member Radl was absent due to illness. OATH OF OFFICE The Oath of Office was administered to Committee Members Johnson, McNeely, Thurston and Tilley. MINUTES Committee Member Thurston had a correction on page 5, paragraph 3, under Park Signs. The minutes should read "Park Committee" instead of "Com- mittee Member Thurston With the correction being noted, Carroll moved and McNeely seconded, with all members voting in favor. The minutes of February 7, 1980, were unanimously approved. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Committee Member Thomas requested addition of "Report on Holland/ Jensen Park Hearing" to be listed under Other Business (VI D). Thurst n made a motion with a second by Dandurand to approve the agenda as revised. All mem- bers voting in favor, the motion passed unanimously. A. Walden Heights Addition DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Mike Gair of Pilot Knob Properties made a presentation for the pro- posed Walden Heights Addition. Mr. Gair went though the proposed land use plans, topography layout, vegetative cover, phase develoopment schedule and proposed park land dedication. It was indicated that an informational neighborhood meeting was held with the residents of the Twin View Manor Addition and other affected property owners on February 20, 1980, at City Hall. This development will be dedicating approximately 4.3 acres in the northwest corner of the plat. Pedestrian access to the park will be provided by way of a trailway centered over a common lot line. Mr. Gair indicated that existing rolling topography of the park land would be regraded as a part of this development proposal and would leave the 4.3 acres to the grades as approved by City Staff. Committee Member Loken expressed concern about the accessibility of the most westerly lots of Twin View Manor due to this proposed development. Mr. Gair responded that they had been in close contact with the adjoining property owners and are developing in a manner that is agreeable to those affected property owners, by providing future access from this plat for future subdivision to those pro- perty owners who so requested it. This development proposal was presented Advisory Park Committee Minutes March 6, 1980 Page Two before the Planning Commission at their meeting of February 26, 1980, and will be forwarded to the City Council on March 18, 1980. Park Committee Member Car- roll then made a motion, seconded by Thomas to accept the 4.3 acre park dedica- tion; requiring the developer to level that portion of the park property to Staff approved elevation, with the additional requirement that an 8 foot bitu- minious surfaced trailway be located between Lots 6 and 7 or Block 2. All mem- bers voting in favor, the motion passed unanimously. B. Thomas Lake Heights Addition Replat City Planner Dale Runkle presented the proposed replat of the Thomas Lake Heights Addition as requested by Dunn and Curry Real Estate Management Incorporated. Mr. Runkle related the discussion from the Advisory Planning Commission meeting regarding the possible disposition of the existing PUD Park Dedication area around Heine Pond. He indicated that this proposal is still being researched by Staff with no recommendation available at this time. Commit- tee Member Thomas again expressed concern that future development to the south of this plat should provide for the north /south continuation of the All Purpose Trail from the Dakota County Park to the Highline Trail. The presentation was made to keep the Park Committee updated on the status of this plat with the understanding that formal transaction regarding the proposed park around Heine Pond would be brought back to the Committee Members for their input at a later date. With no action necessary on this plat, no action was taken by the Park Committee. C. Oakwood Addition The Advisory Park Committee was informed that Mr. Vince Kenneday, the developer of the proposed Oakwood Addition, has not firmed up his proposal for a prelimi- nary plat. This item has been indefinitely tabled by the Advisory Planning Commission, until the developer is ready to return with a firm proposal. With no action necessary, no action was taken by the Park Committee. A. Park Land Dedication Fee OLD BUSINESS Public Works Director Colbert informed the Park Committee of the discussion held at the City Council meeting in regards to the proposed park land dedication fees for 1980. The Park Committee was informed of the Council's concern regarding the high valuation of $9,000.00 per acre that was the base for the new proposed schedule. Committee Member Thomas then raised the question as to the actual cost per acre that the City has spent in acquiring past park property. Without the information being readily available, Staff indicated that they would research the matter and respond accordingly. Park Chairman Martin then requested Staff to perform a study on past land acquisition costs and review to determine if the suggested rates are realistic, in relation to the past land acquisition costs. Public Works Director Colbert then informed the Committee of the concern that has been raised over the equity of park land Advisory Park Committee Minutes March 6, 1980 Page Three dedication versus cash donation in relation to the requirement that all pending and levied special assessments against dedicated land be the responsibility of the developer. Park Chairman Martin then raised the possibility of including standard assessments against property when determining what the average raw land value is. Staff indicated they would take this into consideration when researching past land acquisition costs. Park Chairman Martin then requested that this item remain at the Park Committee level until this research is comple- ted before a formal recommendation is forwarded onto Council. A. Procedures for Use of Park Facilities B. Tournament Use Policies NEW BUSINESS Recreation Programmer Peterson reviewed the outline of procedures for use of Park Facilities with the Park Committee. Park Chairman Martin ex- pressed concern over the possible liability of Staff other than the designated Park Director signing the permits to allow alcoholic beverages during Park appro- ved activities. The Park Committee directed Recreation Programmer Peterson to check with the City Attorney regarding the liability and authorization of Staff persons other than the Park Director to sign the respective permits. Park Chairman Martin also directed Dorothy Peterson to check with the City At- torney, Paul Hauge, regarding the ratification of this policy. Park Committee Member Loken initiated discussion regarding the use of fields that have been constructed with LAWCON or State Funds by non residents. Dorothy Peterson relayed Bloomington's experience in this area and indicated that no problems have occurred with the requirement of Council authorization of non resident requests. Upon a motion by Thurston and seconded by Loken, tournament regulations and policies were approved. All members voting in favor, the motion passed unanimously. C. Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge and Recreation Area Update Committee Member Thomas gave a recap of the workshop meeting that was held in January of 1980. Proposed use of the Minnesota Valley includes such activities as a canoe launching area, snowmobile trails around the peri- meter of the park, a possible trail between Fort Snelling and the Henry Sibley House. There are proposed livery stables available for horseback riding and surrey rides at that location. Mike Thomas indicated that there was not much interest expressed by the people in attendance for provisions for use of bicy- cles, trail bikes, and mini bikes in the park area. There were approximately 70 people in attendance at this meeting. Committee Member Thomas indicated that the meeting was well organized and handled in such a way as to receive a good cross section of opinion from those in attendance. Advisory Park Committee Minutes March 6, 1980 Page Four A. Park and Recreation Director OTHER BUSINESS The status of hiring a new Park and Recreation Director was briefly discussed with the Park Committee. It was relayed that the advertisement will be appearing shortly in the Minnesota Cities publication with the interviewing process to begin in about 2 3 weeks by the City Administrator. B. Appointment to Community Education Council District #197 Due to the past resignation of the Park and Recreation Director, the City's representative seat on the Community Education Council for District #197 is vacant. Upon polling the present Committee Members, it was determined that Committee Member Thomas was the only member who resides in District 197. It was noted that the Community Education Council meets approximately five times a year on the first Thursday of the month, which presents a conflict with scheduled Advisory Park Committee Meeting dates. Committee Member Thomas then volunteered to be the liaison member from the Committee to receive all appro- priate information on behalf of the Park Committee. C. Other The next Trail Subcommittee meeting was scheduled for Monday, March 10, 1980, at 1:00 p.m. at the municipal garage building. The Park Committee also commended Recreation Programmer Peterson for compiling all the noteworthy information regarding recreation activities in the City for the most recent newsletter. D. Report on Holland /Jensen Park Hearing Committee Member Thomas informed the Park Committee of the recent public hearing that was held by the Dakota County Park Department for their Comprehensive Park Development Plan for Holland /Jensen Park (Lebanon Hills Re- gional Park Reserve). In addition to Committee Member Thomas, only seven people showed up for this public hearing to offer input into the development of the Regional Park. Mike Thomas informed the committee that there is a box culvert underpass planned for under Pilot Knob Road and that there will be an all pur- pose /snowmobile trail across the entire width of the park. There will be no blacktop installed within the Park Reserve area at all. The bike path will consist of some other material; crushed rock, wood chips, etc. He indicated that there is a proposal for a consideration of a KOA Campground across from the Zoo, south of the Brittany Addition. Committee Member Thomas expressed his regret that more concerned citizens in Dakota County were not in attendance at this meeting as there is quite a development proposal being planned for this park property. With no action being required on this item, there was no action taken by the Committee. Advisory Park Committee Minutes March 6, 1980 Page Five No comments received. VISITORS TO BE HEARD ADJOURNMENT Adjournment at 9:40 p.m., with a motion by Thomas, a second by Car- roll to adjourn; all members voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Dated: March 6, 1980 TAC ADVISOR'PARK COMMITTEE SECRETARY