04/03/1980 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA APRIL 3, 1980 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on April 3, 1980, at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were Committee Members Carroll, Loken, McNeely. Thomas, Thurston and Tilley. Also present were City Administrator Hedges, City Planner Runkle and Park Foreman McGuffee. Committee Members Radl, Dandurand, Johnson and Martin were absent. MINUTES Committee Member Thomas had a correction on page 3, paragraph 4, under Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Area Update, stating that a word in the forth sentence should be trail instead of train. With the correction being noted, Carroll moved and Tilley seconded with all members voting in favor, to approve the minutes of the March 6, 1980, meeting. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Committee Member Thurston asked that a discussion on Rahn Thomas Trail and the Rahn Tennis Courts be added to Old Business and also a discussion on the capital improvements program for play equipment be added under Other Business. Acting Committee Chairperson Loken asked that the discussion of the Rahn Thomas Trail affecting the Shale Lane residents and a project that is pro- posed by the Garden Club for the Civic Center be discussed under Other Business. Thurston made a motion, seconded by Thomas, with all members voting in favor, that the Agenda be approved as revised. ICE ARENA Pat Leahy, Chairperson for the Eagan Ice Arena Committee, and Lynn Keefer, volunteer Business Manager for the same committee, appeared and provided an update on the proposal for an ice arena to be constructed in the City of Eagan. Mr. Keefer explained that the committee is planning a private fund raising to pay for the construction of the facility and then would turn the facility over to the City of Eagan for the City to operate the ice arena. He explained that the ice arean is designed so that in the future it could be ex- panded for other types of facilities such as a swimming pool, community center, and other related uses. Mr. Keefer further stated that various community ad- visory groups are working with the ice arena committee, which represent business, industry and public interest that is not associated with hockey and ice skating. Mr. Keefer discussed the location of the facility, stating that meetings have been held with the City Council and it is hopeful that the ice arena can be constructed on the 40 acre parcel located at the intersection of Wescott Road and Pilot Knob Road, south of the library facility. Committee Member Thomas stated that he was concerned about seating capacity. Mr. Keefer stated that each sheet of ice would have seating capacity for approximately 1200 people which appears to be more than sufficient when examining other ice arena faci- lities in the Twin Cities area. There were several other questions about the Advisory Park Committee Minutes April 3, 1980 Page Two operating plan, ice manager, and related topics. Mr. Keefer stated he did not feel ice time would be a problem for Eagan residents and further that the ice arena should make money each year for the City which would allow the community to expand into other facilities such as the swimming pool and the related. There was no action taken by the Advisory Park Committee. Mr. Jack Austin and Bob Peterson, representing the Wilderness Run Park Association, appeared and asked that the Advisory Park Committee consider accepting a peninsula area located to the east side of East Thomas Lake that is presently owned by all property owners in the Wilderness Run 1st and 3rd Additions as City park land. Mr. Peterson stated that before he purchased his property he was told that the peninsula would be a City park when Wilderness Run 1st and 3rd Additions were platted. Mr. Austin stated that the peninsula is serving a park purpose and should be classified as a City park which would eliminate a need for the area residents to pay taxes on the property as well as a storm sewer assessment which is to be levied against the peninsula in the near future. Committee Member Thurston stated that when Ches Mar 1st Addition was platted in 1976 the Advisory Park Committee and City Council considered the peninsula for park land dedication, however felt the property should not be dedicated for park purposes for the following reasons: of Eagan; WILDERNESS RUN PARK ASSOCIATION 1. The peninsula would be a liability factor to the City due to its use as a swimming beach with no lifeguard on duty; 2. The peninsula does not meet the needs for the entire City; 3. The acreage dedication for the peninsula was less than the ac- ceptable policy for park land dedication; 4. It would be extremely difficult to maintain the property. Mr. Austin stated that the neighbors are presently maintaining the property and this could continue in future years. Committee Member Thomas stated that he would not consider this property as park land dedication unless there was a stipulation that if the City accepts the peninsula for park land it cannot be developed and the use is to be controlled by the City. Committee Member Thurston further stated that normally once property is dedicated existing and new property owners expect the property to be maintained by the City of Eagan. After further discussion on the matter and a motion by Committee Member Thurston and a second by Committee Member Loken to recommend to the City Council to not accept the peninsula presently owned by residents of the Wilderness Run 1st and 3rd Additions and located east of East Thomas Lake as park land for the following reasons: 1. The potential liability a public beach would have on the City Advisory Park Committee Minutes April 3, 1980 Page Three City; problems. 2. The peninsula does not meet park dedication requirements; 3. The peninsula does not meet the park land needs for the entire 4. The peninsula as park land would create park maintenance Those voting in favor: Thurston, McNeely and Loken. Those voting nay: Carroll, Tilley and Thomas. The motion failed on a three to three vote. A motion was then made by Carroll, seconded by Tilley, with all members voting in favor, that the City Administrator be directed to further research the pro- posal by the homeowners of Wilderness Run 1st and 3rd Addition to dedicate the peninsula located in East Thomas Lake to the City of Eagan, review the use of said peninsula for a tot lot, consideration for leaving the area as a natural area and further that said property owners be given special consideration regar- ding potential storm sewer assessments against the peninsula. RIVER HILLS 9TH ADDITION PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT City Administrator Hedges reported that Mr. Jim Schmidt, representing the Park East Neighborhood Association, has requested on behalf of the residents of that association that the City appropriate money from the General Fund to match a $600 contribution to be made by the Park East Neighborhood Association for the purpose of buying playground equipment for the River Hills 9th Park. Committee Member Thurston stated that the Advisory Park Committee and the City Council did previously agree to match any dollars that are raised by residents of the River Hills 9th Addition for the purpose of purchasing playground equip- ment or developing their neighborhood park. The City Administrator explained that former Park Director Barb Schmidt did an accounting of expenditures by the Park Department and Park East Neighborhood Association for a previous deve- lopment in the neighborhood park and it was learned that the City has contributed more to the development of the park than the P.E.N.A. Therefore, a contribution by the City in the amount of $332.61 and the $600 by the P.E.N.A. would allow the City to purchase playground equipment in the amount of $932.61. He further stated that the City and the P.E.N.A. would then be even in their contribution to the development of the neighborhood park. In a motion by Carroll, seconded by Tilley, with all members voting in favor, the Recreation Subcommittee was directed to select playground equipment for the River Hills 9th Addition park not to exceed $932.61, and further that the City of Eagan Maintenance Department would contribute manpower and time for the installation of the playground equip- ment. RAHN- THOMAS TRAIL PHASE TWO Committee Member Thurston stated that an easement must be secured from School District #191 to allow a segment of the Rahn Thomas Trail Phase Two to be constructed. She further stated that the Consulting Engineer has not presented an alternate for a snowmobile trail between Sandstone and Rahn Advisory Park Committee Minutes April 3, 1980 Page Four Road as originally requested and was curious as to whether that segment was still being planned for the trail connection. The City Administrator stated that this matter will be reviewed with the Consulting Engineer and the plans and information given to the Trail Subcommittee. Advisory Park Committee Members stated that the snowmobile ordinance should be considered when trail plans are reviewed for consideration of snowmobiles in the area. There was no action taken on this item. RAHN TENNIS COURTS Committee Member Thurston stated that completion of the tennis courts is drawing near and a lighting policy for tennis users must be determined as soon as possible. City Administrator Hedges stated that a memorandum was sent to the Consulting Engineer regarding the Advisory Park Committee's position on the lighting; however, there has been no response to date. However, the City Administrator stated he would follow up on the matter and report back to the Advisory Park Committee. There was also discussion regarding an overlay and color code for the existing tennis court at Rahn Road, as to whether this is to be considered as a change order or part of the existing contract. The City Administrator stated he would review this matter with the Consulting Engi- neer and report back to the Advisory Park Committee as soon as possible. PARK LAND DEDICATION POLICY City Planner Runkle gave a report on his research concerning an increase in the cash in lieu of park land dedication policy. He provided a review of the net cost per acre for approximately five parcels of property pur- chased by the City during 1974 through 1980. City Planner Runkle stated that land prices are increasing approximately 14% each year and that land varies in cost per acre, based on the amenities of each parcel. City Planner Runkle stated that park land can still be purchased for approximately $6,000 per acre where there are no improvements such as zoning, road access or utilities. How- ever, when the City attempts to purchase land for park land purposes where pro- perty is zoned, road access exists and utilities are in place, the land prices can range from $7,500 to $9,000 per acre. Members of the Advisory Park Committee discussed the report as prepared by City Planner Runkle, and after providing a careful evaluation of the per acre cost in development as it relates to park land acquisition, a motion was made by Carroll, seconded by Thomas, with all members voting in favor, that a recommendation be made to the City Council to approve the land value for the purpose of establishing a per acre cost for park land dedication at $8,000 per acre which amounts to a per unit cost for single family dwellings of $320, townhouse dwellings at $267, apartments at $200 and mobile homes at $267 per unit. Advisory Park Committee Minutes April 3, 1980 Page Five NAMING OF EAGAN PARKS Committee Member Thurston recommended that the City name all parks throughout the community. Committee Members suggested that neighborhoods be allowed input to name parks that are located within their specific neighborhood area. Other suggestions were to involve the History Committee for the purpose of naming parks and also the possibility of a contest through the local media for the purpose of naming parks much like the streets were named in the City of Eagan. After further discussion, the City Administrator was asked to contact the History Committee and allow them input prior to any further solicitation for names of parks throughout the community. PARK SIGNS Mr. Jim McGuffee, Park Foreman, appeared and presented several con- cepts for constructing signs for the purpose of identifying parks throughout the community. After reviewing the various proposals, a particular sign concept was selected for consideration by the City Council. In a motion by Committee Member Thurston, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor, the Advisory Park Committee is recommending to the City Council that park signs be constructed by the Maintenance Department to identify all City Parks and further that the sign be a traditional image, with preference for vertical let- tering, with an area for consideration of planting such as shrubs, flowers, etc., and that the signs include the Lone Oak Tree logo providing uniformity and involvement with the community. PARK NURSERY Park Foreman McGuffee provided an update on two (2) different types of nurseries that have been experimented with in the City of Eagan. He further stated that he would like to add some addtional locations for nurseries, speci- fiacally in Blackhawk Park, Northview Park by the parking lot, and plant for an experimental program some pine trees along the Thomas Lake bicycle trail. He then provided the Park Committee with a list of the trees that are proposed for planting in the parks. There was no formal action taken, but acting Chair- person Loken directed Park Foreman McGuffee to proceed with the nurseries per his recommendation. GRANT APPLICATIONS /LAWCON City Administrator Hedges provided an update on three grant applica- tions to be submitted to LAWCON within the next thirty days. He reviewed: 1. An application for the expansion of Rahn Park acquiring twenty acres of land in the Cedar Cliff Addition; 2. Acquisition of additional land, possibly from Univac, for phase two of the Section 9 park land acquisition; Advisory Park Committee Minutes April 3, 1980 Page Six 3. The lighting of ball fields in Northview Athletic Field. After discussion on the matter, a motion was made by McNeely, se- conded by Carroll, with all members voting in favor, that the City Administra- tor be directed to prepare the aforementioned applications and recommend the same to the City Council for submission to the State Planning Agency. PARK DIRECTOR UPDATE City Administrator Hedges stated that the screening process has been completed for Park and Recreation Director candidates and that he would be conducting interviews from April 9 through 15. It is then anticipated that the City Council will meet with the final candidates the following week and that a selection will be made and that it will be approximately thirty days from that date at which time the new Parks and Recreation Director would begin his or her employment with the City of Eagan. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM City Administrator Hedges stated that he has a rather lengthy pre- sentation involving the proposed capital improvements program for acquisition and development of parks throughout the City. It was recommended by members of the Committee that a special meeting be held on April 17, 1980, to review the capital improvements program as proposed. Acting Chairperson Loken esta- blished April 17, 1980, at a special meeting for that purpose, to begin at 7:00 p.m. Committee Member Thurston stated that she has reviewed the operating budget with the City Administrator to determine how much money is available for pur- chase of playground equipment during 1980. She stated that each of the City parks should be examined and that the type of playground equipment be determined within the budgetary guidelines for 1980 so that purchases can be made as soon as possible. Acting Chairperson Loken reported that the Eagan Garden Club is proposing to plant flowers on the civic grounds property, in the general area of the Police Department facility, this summer. She also reported on some other areas of the City where Garden Club projects might be implemented such as a triangular piece of property at the intersection of Wild Wood Lane and Dodd Road. p•m• DATED: April 3, 1980 GARDEN CLUB ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 TLH ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE SECRETARY