05/01/1980 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA MAY 1, 1980 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on May 1, 1980, at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were Committee members Tilley, Radl, Martin, Thurston, McNeely, Loken, Carroll and Thomas. Also present were City Administrator Hedges, City Planner Runkle and Public Works Director Colbert. Committee members Johnson and Dandurand. MINUTES The minutes of the April 3, 1980, meeting were continued by Chair- person Martin for consideration at the June 5, 1980 meeting. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Chairman Martin asked that a letter received from Dave Johnson, a resident on Blackhawk Lake, addressing the effects of the normal high water level of Blackhawk Lake on Blackhawk Park be addressed as a part of New Business. With the addition of the Blackhawk Lake item, a motion was made by Thurston, seconded by Radl, with all members voting in favor, that the agenda be approved as revised. LAWCON GRANT The City Administrator reported that the City Council did approve a LAWCON application in the amount of $200,000 for the expansion of Rahn Commu- nity Athletic Park which is for the funding assistance to purchase 20 acres from St. Paul Properties. He further stated that the source of funding, if the grant is approved, is $100,000 from LAWCON, $50,000 from LCMR, and a $50,000 commitment by the City of Eagan. The City Administrator also reviewed a proposed grant application for Phase Two of the Northview Development which includes the construction and lighting of four tennis courts and lighting two softball diamonds. The total cost of the application is estimated at $144,000. The City Administrator explained that grant funds have been frozen for LAWCON funding and therefore it is doubtful whether both applications would even be accepted by the State Planning Agency. After further discussion on the matter, and in a motion by Carroll, seconded by Loken, two (2) applications were approved for submission to the State Planning Agency for LAWCON funding, consisting of a $200,000 grant application for the extension of Rahn Community Athletic Park and Phase Two Development for the construction of lighting of lighting four tennis courts and lighting two softball diamonds for the Northview Athletic Field. All members voted in favor. Advisory Park Committee Minutes May 1, 1980 Page Two RIDGE CLIFFE ADDITION City Planner Runkle reviewed the proposed preliminary plat of the Ridge Cliffe Addition which is a 144 acre area of land located at the SW's of Johnny Cake Ridge Road and Cliff Road and proposed for the development of 385 dwelling units by U.S. Homes Corporation. The location of the park as proposed by the City staff, and reviewed by the Advisory Planning Commission, was pre- sented. He stated that the location of the park was assigned to allow multi- purpose park functions for the entire development. The park land proposed for the Ridge Cliffe Addition is located on the south side of the development and adjoins the Dakota County Park property and Johnny Cake Ridge Road. The City Planner also stated that a trail is proposed for construction by the developer at his cost along the north side of Covington Lane for the entire distance of the Ridge Cliffe plat. Committee member Carroll stated that the terrain is such that a small ski hill could be considered at a future date when the park land is developed. Committee members stated that the park offers both an active and passive area which is within the guidelines of the neighborhood park concept for this development. It was agreed upon by Committee members that the sidewalk on the north side of Covington Lane is to be maintained by the Townhouse Associa- tion. Committee member Loken stated that additional access to the park land should be provided between Lots 23 and 24, Block 9, and Lots 6 and 7, Block 8. Committee member Thomas stated that he objected to the area designated for the proposed park land, stating that the 16 acres is a low land area and could not see the excavation required to make the area suitable for an active park land use. He further stated that the County is proposing parking off Johnny Cake Ridge Road in this area which would interfere with the proposed park land activities, and further, preferred a flat area for park land development. After further discussion on the matter, a motion was introduced by Loken, seconded by Rad1, with Tilley, Radl, Martin, Thurston, McNeely, Loken and Carroll voting aye and Thomas voting nay, that a recommendation be made to the City Council to accept the park land dedication as proposed for the preliminary plat entitled Ridge Cliffe Addition as presented by U.S. Homes Corporation by including a trail between Lots 23 and 24, Block 9, and Lots 6 and 7, Block 8, and requiring that the developer perform the necessary grading and provide topsoil for the park land area as proposed on the preliminary plat. RECREATION UPDATE FOR SUMMER PROGRAM The proposed Summer Recreation Program schedule as prepared by the Recreation Programmer was reviewed by the City Administrator. It was noted that programs are not planned at Thomas Lake Elementary School due to the busy schedule of programs at that school. The Advisory Park Committee agreed on the proposed program and it was its unanimous consensus that the programs be listed in the City Newsletter as recommended by the Recreation Programmer. There was no action taken on the matter. Advisory Park Committee Minutes May 1, 1980 Page Three RAHN THOMAS HIGHLAND TRAIL (SHALE LANE) The Public Works Director explained the revised 8 foot bituminous bikeway as proposed for the extension of the Rahn Thomas Highland Trail between Nicols Road and Rahn Road, south of Shale Lane. He stated that all property owners affected by the proposed trailway were notified of the meeting. The bikeway has been moved 85 to 105 feet further south than what was previously proposed. This new alignment would then be approximately 110 to 130 feet from the rear property lines of those residents along the south side of Shale Lane from Nicols Road to Sandstone Drive. Mr. Hinz, a resident on Shale Lane, ap- peared and stated that neighbors are generally in agreement with the trailway as proposed by the Public Works Director. In a motion by Carroll, seconded by Thurston, with all members voting in favor, the plans for the proposed exten- sion of Rahn Thomas Highland Trail between Nicols Road and Rahn Road were ap- proved with the understanding that the new alignment for the said bikeway between Nicols Road and Sandstone Drive would be approximately 110 to 130 feet from the rear property line of those residents affected. It was also noted that an easement was secured from Independent School District #191 to allow the trail to proceed across Rahn Elementary School property as proposed. NORMAL HIGH WATER FOR BLACKHAWK LAKE Mr. Dave Johnson appeared to discuss the normal high water level proposed for Blackhawk Lake and stated that he would like a higher level to allow boat useage and fish stocking for that lake area. Mr. Johnson stated that in order to raise the lake there must be a 100% agreement from all lake- shore owners as to the increased normal high water level. He stated that the principle developer around the lake, Dunn Curry Real Estate Management, Inc., is reluctant to give up any more shoreline depth than the 200 feet already com- mited to the City. Mr. Johnson asked that the Advisory Park Committee consider a narrower dedication to secure concurence with the higher lake level. After staff review, it appears that an additional 20 to 50 feet would be taken by the higher water level. After discussion on the matter, in a motion by Loken, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor, the City staff was di- rected to investigate the feasibility, procedure and proposed use of the shore- line dedication as presented by Mr. Dave Johnson, a resident of the Blackhawk Lake area. TRAIL NORTHSIDE OF YANKEE DOODLE ROAD Chairman Martin stated that employees of the Univac plant located on the northeast quadrant of the intersection with Yankee Doodle Road and Pilot Knob Road would like a trail on the north side of Yankee Doodle Road from the Univac plant to property owned by the Blue Cross Blue Shield. Committee members stated that there are no funds available to construct a trail and recommended that the shoulder of Yankee Doodle Road be paved and designated as a trailway until a permanent trail can be constructed when Yankee Doodle Road is improved. City staff was directed to investigate the matter in further detail. Advisory Park' Committee Minutes May 1, 1980 Page Four CUTTING OF TREES ON CITY PROPERTY Public Works Director Colbert stated that fallen trees are being removed by unauthorized personnel on City property throughout the community. It was his recommendation that only authorized park employees remove trees on City parkland or other public right of way as designated by the Director of Public Works. In a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll, with all members voting in favor, the cutting and removing of any standing or fallen trees on parkland or public property be handled by park employees or other authorized public works employees as designated by the Public Works Director. p•m• ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 DATED: MAY 1, 1980 TLH Advisory Park Committee Secretary