08/07/1980 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA AUGUST 7, 1980 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on August 7, 1980, at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were committee members Carroll, Loken, Radl, McNeely, Martin, Johnson, Tilley, Pettit and Thomas. Also present were Parks Recreation Director Vraa and City Administrator Hedges. Committee member Thurston was absent. MINUTES After several corrections were offered to the minutes, Loken moved and Carroll seconded, with all members voting in favor, to approve the minutes of the July 10, 1980, Advisory Park Committee meeting. ADOPTION OF AGENDA There being no additional items for the agenda, a motion was offered by Tilley, seconded by Loken, with all members voting in favor, to adopt the agenda as presented by the Director of Parks and Recreation. SOUTH OAKS PARK /SOCCER KICK BOARD Parks and Recreation Director Vraa reported on his meeting with Mr. John McCarthy who has requested a wood soccer kickboard to be installed at South Oaks Park and Mr. Gillund, soccer coach from Rosemount High, who is also promoting the installation of kickboards in City parks for developing soccer skills. He stated that, according to Mr. McCarthy, there are approximately twenty five children currently living in the South Oaks area who could make use of the kickboard. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa said Mr. Gillund pro— vided specifications for the land area required and design of a kickboard. He further reported that there are no funds designated for the kickboard in the 1980 budget and, if a kickboard is to be considered for that park, the pur— pose of a soccer kickboard should be studied if further consideration is to be given to the location of one in South Oaks Park. Chairman Martin stated that he would like long range plans reviewed for park development of South Oaks Park, and therefore recommended continuance of the item for further study. Committee member Tilley stated that she would like to see a soccer kickboard erected in South Oaks Park if the use is intended to satisfy the needs of the neighborhood residents. Committee member Tilley also expressed concern about financing and asked that the matter be continued until residents can appear at a Parks Committee meeting to further discuss the item with the Committee. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Loken, seconded by Tilley, with all members voting in favor, the request by Mr. John McCarthy of the South Oaks Addition to install a soccer kickboard at South Oaks Park was continued until the September 4, 1980, Advisory Park Committee meeting. Advisory Park Committee Minutes August 7, 1980 Page Two PARK SIGN DESIGN Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa presented three (3) design alternatives prepared by Carlton Moore, a registered landscape architect, for consideration as signs to be used for identification in all City parks. The three designs were reviewed in detail by the Advisory Committee and it was generally agreed that sign #3 with some modification was the most acceptable sign for purposes of identifying City parks. Chairman Martin stated that Mr. Randy Smith, a resident of the Evergreen Park area, was present in the audience and was in need of a community project to satisfy criteria required for his Eagle achievement. Chairman Martin explained the rank of Eagle Scout to committee members, emphasizing that each candidate for this high award in Boy Scouts is required to commit themselves to a community project and he was hopeful that the Advisory Park Committee would consider allowing Mr. Smith to construct a sign for a particular park that meets the City's design standards to satisfy his community participation. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa stated that cost for each sign is estimated at $200. Chairman Martin stated that Mr. Smith must secure the materials and labor at no cost for his Eagle Scout Achievement. After further discussion on the selection of a sign, a motion was introduced by Tilley, seconded by Martin, with all members voting in favor, that the Parks and Recreation Director be authorized to construct a prototype sign, sign #3 as prepared by Carlton Moore, landscape architect, as a model for all future park identification signs. Mr. Smith then made his presentation regarding the erection of one (1) sign to satisfy his community involvement for the Eagle Scout Achievement, asking that if authorization is given to construct a sign he would prefer to construct the identification sign for Evergreen Park. In a motion by Loken, seconded by Martin, with all members voting in favor, the park sign project as proposed and presented by Mr. Randy Smith, an Eagle Scout candidate, was approved as presented. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa stated that Carlton Moore, landscape architect, would be contacted to prepare the specifications for the signs and also to determine the location for the sign. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa will also send a letter to all the Evergreen Park residents asking for input as to the official name of Evergreen Park. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Parks and Recreation Director Vraa introduced the Capital Improve— ments Program as it relates to a five (5) year development plan for the acquisi— tion and development of City parks within the community. An outline, prepared by the Parks and Recreation Director, was presented to each committee member, and after a discussion on the proposed capital improvements, a special meeting was set for 7:00 p.m., August 21, 1980, at which time the Advisory Park Committee would further discuss the Capital Improvements Program as presented. Advisory Park Committee Minutes August 7, 1980 Page Three RAHN TENNIS COURTS BANG BOARDS Parks and Recreation Director Vraa stated that an asphalt pad was constructed to the south of the newly constructed tennis courts at Rahn Park. He stated that the purpose of this asphalt area was to serve as a return space for a proposed "bang boards" for tennis players. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa further stated that the actual construction of bang boards was not considered as a part of the construction project but was to be built by the Department of Parks and Recreation. He stated that, in reviewing the design and materials required to complete the bang boards, several concerns have arisen, such as: (1) The return board will present a problem of noise and distraction to tennis court players if the return board is used simultaneously, (2) Vi— bration along the fence structure will cause additional distraction, and (3) Concern about the construction of bang board as to its durability under inclement conditions. Several alternatives to the construction of a bang board, as well as other uses for a bang board area, were discussed. After further consideration on the matter, the Director of Parks and Recreation was asked to research other communities and further determine the purpose and how well the use of bang boards were received in those communities. PARK PICNIC Chairman Martin asked that the Committee again consider having an annual park picnic. It was agreed that Friday evening, September 19, 1980, would be the date for the annual park picnic with Blackhawk Park the location. Chairman Martin stated that committee member Thurston is to organize the picnic. TRAILS PLAN Planning Intern Kurt Ulrich presented a draft proposal of an Eagan Trail Plan. Mr. Ulrich reviewed all the trail uses which include such uses as jogging, hiking and biking. Various surface materials were reviewed including a cost breakdown for initial construction and maintenance. There was considerable discussion on the part of the Advisory Park Committee regarding design and construction of trails, necessity for bicycle ordinances and various sources for the funding of trails. Chairman Martin suggested that the Trail Subcommittee meet and further discuss the Trails Plan in a special meeting. A Trail Subcommittee meeting was set for Thursday, August 14, 1980, at 2:30 p.m. to further discuss the Trails Plan. GENERAL PARK AND RECREATION COMMENTS Parks and Recreation Director Vraa reported that favorable bids were received for the continuation of Highline /Thomas Lake Trail construction from Nicols Road to Blackhawk Road. He also reported that a trail maintenance grant for cross country ski trails was approved by the City Council. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa reported that the Recreation Department is planning to coordinate the Men's Softball League which includes thirty —six teams during Advisory Park Committee Minutes August 7, 1980 Page Four 1981. And finally, a report was given by the Parks and Recreation Director regarding the Parks and Public Works departmental involvement with the tree cleanup resulting from the July 15, 1980 storm. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. in a motion by Carroll, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor. Dated: August 7, 1980 TLH Z Advisory Park Committee Secretary