10/02/1980 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionA regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on October 2, 1980, at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were Martin, Johnson, McNeely, Loken, Pettit, Thurston, Tilley and Carroll. Also present was the Park and Recreation Director and the Director of Public Works. Committee members Thomas and Radl were absent. approval. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 1980 MINUTES Minutes of the September 4, 1980 meeting were not available for ADOPTION OF AGENDA Chairman Martin requested that discussion of the Blackhawk Lake elevation be placed on the agenda as well as park signs. There being no additional items for the agenda, a motion was offered by Thurston and seconded by Loken, all members voting in favor to adopt the agenda. SOUTH OAKS PARK /SOCCER KICK BOARD The Director of Parks and Recreation reported on the meeting with area residents of South Oaks Park in regards to the soccer kick board. He summarized that the residents would be willing to finance one -half the cost for materials for a soccer kick board. In addition, residents at the meeting offered to assist in the construction if desired. The location of the board would be along the westerly edge on the south end of the existing open play field. The director indicated that at the meeting residents were made aware of, and agreed with the concept that the soccer board may become necessary because of additional park land dedication. Chairman Martin stated that he was supportive of having the City matching the neighborhoods fund raising effort to finance the construction of the board. After a discussion by the committee, committee member Carroll motioned that the City sponsor one -half of the soccer return board not to exceed $200 in matching the South Oaks Park neighborhood for construction of a soccer return board in the spring of 1981. Second Loken. On discussion of the motion committee member Thurston discussed the need for a policy statement regarding the committee's stance and willingness to match other neighborhoods request for park needs on a 50 -50 sharing basis. It was indicated there would be a need for evaluation of each neighborhood re- quest and that each request should be evaluated on its merits. The Director of Parks and Recreation was requested to draft a working paper for discussion by the committee at a future committee meeting. After further discussion all members voted in favor of the motion by Carroll. Advisory Park Committee Minutes October 2, 1980 Page 2 RAHN TENNIS COURTS BANG BOARD Chairman Martin asked that committee member McNeely report on the survey he was to conduct as requested at the September committee meeting. Mr. McNeely reported survey of people at the Rahn tennis facility and that of 26 individuals surveyed 16 people preferred a basketball court be installed rather than a tennis return board. He indicated that people felt that they could easily find an opponent and sufficient court space to play and that the need for a tennis return board could be satisfied through the utilization of the adjacent school building. Mr. McNeely responded to several questions in regards to the survey from the committee. After general discussion of how much a basketball standard could be utilized, associated problems, location, committee member Tilley motioned to erect a basketball standard rather than the tennis return board based upon the previous recommendation of the Parks Recreation staff and as a result of a study performed by committee member McNeely. Second Pettit. All members voted in favor of the motion. BLACKHAWK LAKE PARK WATER LEVEL The Director of Public Works explained the DNR's approach to the establishment of the normal ordinary high water level. (N.O.H.W.) He reviewed a letter sent to property owners abutting Balckhawk Lake regarding a request from some residents to raise the N.O.H.W. from the 791.3 level to a higher level of approximately 795. He further explained the 100% requirement of approval from abutting property owners before the N.O.H.W. could be raised. He further explained possible affects upon shoreline, adjacent property owners, as well as the impact of park land dedication and the Blackhawk PUD. A series of questions regarding the petition for the raising of the lake level as well as impact upon the lake and its control mechanisms was raised by the committee. Committee member Carroll indicated that he was supportive of the raising of the lake level as it would be an enhancement to the lake making additional recrational opportuni- ties available. It was indicated by the Director of Public Works that the exist- ing lake depth, based on the normal high water mark, was ranging from 5' in the west end of the lake to approximately 2' to 3' in the east end. In response to a question by Thurston, Director of Public Works indicated that under an established normal high water level of 795 there would be encroachment onto existing park lands of from 10' to 60' dependant upon the area. He further indicated that under the 100 year flood situation, the lake would increase to approximately 804, but that draw down of the lake, which is accomplished by gravity outlet, could be accomplished in 36 to 48 hours. There followed consid- erable discussion by the committee as to the impact of the potential trail along the south and east boundary of Blackhawk Lake and the impact of 35 upon the utilization of the pathway system. The director indicated that it would be very difficult to have such a trail on the east end of the lake because of the 3 to 1 slope as mandated by the highway design. Committe member Thurston indicated the need to be flexible on this issue, and would like to keep the trails, but sees some trade off is going to have to be made because of the change of Highway 35 E as it affects the park Advisory Park Committee Minutes October 2, 1980 Page 3 property and the park dedication in the Blackhawk PUD. A motion by Chairman Martin, seconded by Johnson, committee members voted in favor to increase the Blackhawk Lake level to a maximum of 795 relating specifically to the existing Blackhawk Lake Park and reserving comment on the impact upon Blackhawk Lake PUD potential park land dedication. WINTER PROGRAMS /RINK CLASSIFICATIONS The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed and summarized the written material submitted with the agenda in regards to a classification system for the winter facilities. The director indicated that the purpose of the classification system was to make effective and efficient use of limited re- sources, to provide better communications to the public, as well as meeting the special needs of open skaters and hockey associations. He further indicated that the classification system should not be viewed as a means of reducing services to existing facilities but as a method of directing the appropriate amount of resources to each site. He further reviewed problems associating with some of the sites including parking problems and problems associated with vandalism. He indicated that staff would be working with the police department in an effort to assure adequate police supervision and support of the existing warming house staff. Committee member Loken expressed concern that the open skating rinks be maintained as equally well as the hockey areas. Committee member Pettit indicated he supported the classification system and the need to provide ice time for hockey as well as open skating needs too. Thurston commented that Cedar Pond Park should continue having a "no hockey rule" which needs to be enforced stringently. Committee member Pettit inquired as to the possibility and feasibility of designating a segregated area for hockey at this location if there is an interest. Following further discussion, Chairman Martin asked if a motion was in order in support of the classification system as proposed. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that at this time he would prefer to meet with the presidents and ice facilities co- ordinator for the effected hockey associations prior to any formalization of the plan. A general concurrence by the members present for this approach was indicated. The director indicated that at the November meeting of the committee, changes in the classification system or the winter program would be noted for the committee. GENERAL PARK AND RECREATION COMMENTS Chairman Martin indicated that he had spoken to Randy Smith who was to be constructing the park sign for Evergreen Park. He indicated that Randy had secured all the appropriate approvals and received the plans and specifications from the Parks and Recreation staff. He indicated that funding for the project is proceeding and that work should begin in the very near future. The Director of Parks and Recreation reported that the Dakota County Parks Department would be holding an informational meeting on its bicycle trail plan for the county on October 22. Location and time of the meeting had not been established at this time. The director further indicated that he had contact with Mr. Rod Hardy of Dunn Curry in regards to the construction of the trail in the Hill Top Estates addition. He indicated that the contractor had begun work on the preceding Monday, but Mr. Hardy had received request from residents requesting a different Advisory Park Committee Minutes October 2, 1980 Page 4 trail surface adjacent to the ponds. The director further indicated that he had emphasised that the parks committee had reviewed this issue at a previous meeting and if the residents were concerned they should make their needs known immediately so work can proceed and be completed prior to the end of the construction season. The director further reviewed the positive response on the couples volleyball program and the sign ups for the Tots program. He indicated that all Tot sessions were filled in approximately 12 hours after registration opened. And finally the director reported that a request for amendment has been made on the Rahn Thomas I Grant for an extension of a trail on the east side of Pilot Knob from County Road 30 to Berry Ridge Road. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Carroll motioned, second Loken, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Dated: October 2, 1980 Advisory Park Committee Secretary