01/08/1981 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA JANUARY 8, 1981 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Recreation Committee was held on January 8, 1981, at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were: Committee members Tilley, Carroll, Pettit, Johnson, McNeely, Thurston, Loken and Martin. Also present were Park Recreation Director Vraa, City Planner Runkle, and City Administrator Hedges. Committee members Radl and Thomas were absent. MINUTES In a motion by Carroll, seconded by Pettit, with all members voting in favor, the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 6, 1980 were approved. Special Note: There was not a quorum present for the December 4, 1980 scheduled meeting and, therefore, the regular meeting for the month of December 1980 was never conducted. AGENDA In a motion by Loken, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor, the agenda for the January 8, 1981 Advisory Park Recreation Committee meeting was approved. BLUE CROSS /BLUE SHIELD MINNESOTA City Planner Runkle explained the proposal presented by Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of Minnesota to rezone approximately 120 acres from agriculture to planned development. The City Planner further stated that a twelve acre active park is proposed in the southwest corner of the undeveloped portion of the site which is consistent with the location proposed in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Blue Cross /Blue Shield of Minnesota is proposing to dedicate 7.78 acres which is 10% of the 77.8 total acres to be developed; and, therefore, the remaining 4.22 acres would need to be purchased by the City of Eagan if the entire twelve acre active park is to be developed. Committee members stated that the original Comprehensive Guide Plan shows the proposed land use as entirely residential which would provide a minimum of twelve acres for park land. They further stated that, due to the proposed land use change to limited business, less park land dedication is considered. It was suggested by the Committee members that the twelve acres active park land be dedicated as proposed in the Comprehensive Guide Plan by Blue Cross /Blue Shield of Minnesota whether the development is entirely residential or partially rezoned to limited business. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Thurston, seconded by Pettit, with all members voting in favor, the Advisory Park Committee is recommending to the City Council that a twelve acre active park be located in the southwest corner of the undeveloped portion of the site which more specifically adjoins Blackhawk Road, Blue Cross Road and the Timberline Addition. Park Committee Minutes January 8, 1981 Page Two COMMUNITY EDUCATION UPDATE SCHOOL DISTRICT #196 Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa introduced Colleen McCarty, a representative of the Community Education Department from School District #196, who provided an update and overview of the various programs and activities provided through their community education program. A slide presentation was shown to inform what programs are offered by the Community Education Department. Committee members expressed their interest in the presentation and stated the information is helpful in formulating programs and activities for the Recreation Department. There was no action taken. PARKS RECREATION COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES Chairperson Martin discussed the procedure to handle the review and formulation of Parks and Recreation Committee objectives. He stated he would like an outline of objectives as prepared by each member of the committee. He then suggested a meeting at which the committee could discuss their objectives and eventually share them with the City Council. A subcommittee to discuss the various committee objectives was then designated by the Chairperson who appointed Committee members Loken, Johnson, Thurston and himself to meet with the Parks and Recreation Director and other appropriate City staff. MATCHING GIFTS POLICY Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa suggested a policy to handle the monetary contributions to the City for the purpose of purchasing equipment in various City parks. He specifically stated that the River Hills Ninth Addi- tion had provided money to the City to help match the cost for purchase of various park land equipment. Parks Recreation Director Vraa stated that a proposal was recently offered by the South Oaks Addition; and, therefore, it is recommended that a matching contribution policy for development of park lands be written as a policy statement. RIDGECLIFFE PARK Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that U. S. Homes (Orrin Thompson Homes) has offered to perform the rough grading and seeding of Ridge cliffe Park as a part of the development agreement during the construciton season 1981. He stated that it would be advantageous to the City if a park plan layout was prepared so the grading plan can compliment the layout plan so the park is graded in a suitable manner for active park land development in future years. Members of the Parks Recreation Committee stated that a master plan for development is needed for not only Ridgecliffe Park but all undeveloped parks in the City of Eagan. Vraa recommended that the City interview and hire a consultant to perform a park development plan for Ridgecliffe Park if the procedure is accepted by the City Council. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Loken, seconded by Pettit, with all members voting in favor, action was taken to recommend to the City Council authorization to select and retain a consultant to prepare a preliminary development plan for Ridgecliffe Park to allow for proper grading and seeding by U. S. Homes during the early summer months of 1981. Park Committee Minutes January 8, 1981 Page Three TRAILS PLAN /BICYCLES Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa asked that a special meeting be set to review the draft plan for the bicycle trails. Chairperson Martin set Wednesday, January 14, 1981, at 11:30 a.m. in the office of the City Administrator as a special meeting date to discuss the master bicycle trails plan. WINTER RECREATION UPDATE Parks and Recreation Director Vraa discussed the condition of the rinks, stating that in many cases providing a level ice surface has become a problem. He also stated that the tanker in inadequate to haul water which has also created a problem in the efforts to provide a good ice surface. Vraa did compliment the crews for their attitude in establishing ice at the free skating and hockey rinks, stating that their dedication during the past several weeks was outstanding. He further stated that boot skating has become popular, creating some scheduling problems for the hockey rinks. There was no action taken on this matter. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:30 p.m. Dated: January 8, 1981 TLH Secretary Advisory Parks Recreation Committee