02/05/1981 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 5, 1981 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Recreation Committee was held on February 5, 1981 at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were Com— mittee members Martin, McNeely, Thomas, Johnson, Carroll, Pettit, Loken, and Fedde. Also present were Parks Recreation Director Vraa, City Planner Runkle, Director of Public Works Colbert and City Administrator Hedges. Committee members Thurston and Tilley were absent. MINUTES In a motion by Carroll, seconded by Johnson, with all members voting in favor, the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 8, 1981 were approved. AGENDA In a motion by Carroll, seconded by Johnson, with all members voting in favor, the agenda for the February 5, 1981 Advisory Park Recreation Com— mittee meeting was approved with the addition of a discussion on the Fourth of July Association celebration to be moved to Rahn Park to be considered as an item of Other Business. ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT OF MIKE FEDDE The City Administrator administered the oath of office to Mr. Mike Fedde who was appointed to a three (3) year term as a member of the Advisory Park Recreation Committee. ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS In a motion by Loken, seconded by Carroll, the official meeting date for the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee was established for the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. There were nominations for Roger Martin and Jean Loken to be elected as Chairperson of the Committee. A ballot vote was conducted by the City Administrator and Mr. Roger Martin was declared Chairperson of the Advisory Parks Recreation Committee for 1981. There were nominations for Jean Loken and Dick Carroll to be elected as Vice Chairperson for the Committee. A ballot vote was conducted by the City Administrator and Jean Loken was declared Vice Chairperson for the Advisory Parks Recreation Committee for 1981. A white ballot was cast for Carolyn Thurston who was elected secre— tary of the Advisory Parks Recreation Committee for 1981. Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes February 5, 1981 Page Two Chairperson Martin recommended the appointment of three (3) subcom- mittees. The Development Committee will consist of Carroll, Pettit, McNeely, Thomas and Thurston. The Trails Committee will consist of Johnson, Thomas, Loken, Thurston and Martin. The Recreation Committee will consist of Thurston, Tilley and Fedde. Martin stated that he will extablish all other committees as the need should arise. TARA COURT The City Planner discussed the preliminary plat entitled Tara Court as it is proposed to the Advisory Planning Commission and City Council for a rezoning and preliminary plat consideration. He stated the rezoning is proposed for 4.5 acres from Agricultural to Residential Single Family. The City Planner stated that the staff is recommending a cash donation and further that a crossing will be located in future years at the intersection of County Road 31 and County Road 26 to facilitate pedestrian movement from the east side of Pilot Knob Road to Pilot Knob Park. After discussion on this proposed plat and in a motion by Pettit, seconded by Loken, with all members voting in favor, a cash donation in lieu of park land dedication for the proposed Tara Court was approved at a rate in effect at the time of final platting. DINEEN ADDITION The City Planner explained the rezoning and preliminary plat appli- cations that are proposed before the Advisory Planning Commission and City Council. He stated that it is the recommendation of the City staff that a cash donation be approved for this development. He further described on the pre- liminary plat that a trail access to the South Oaks Park was not possible due to the terrain. After a brief review and discussion of the proposed preliminary plat, a motion was made by Loken, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor that the cash donation in lieu of park land dedication be approved to satisfy park land dedication requirements for the proposed Dineen Addition. GALAXIE PARK ADDITION City Planner Runkle explained the rezoning and preliminary plat application for the proposed Galaxie Park Addition. He stated that a sidewalk will connect the Galaxie Park Addition with the Ridgecliffe Additions on the north side of Covington Lane. Vraa stated that, in addition to a cash donation in lieu of park land dedication, it was the recommendation of the staff that a tot lot be included in the development as referenced by the Advisory Planning Commission at their last regular meeting. After reviewing the proposed platting of the Galaxie Park Addition, it was the determination of various committee members that a proximity of this preliminary plat to a sixteen acre park adjacent to Ridgecliffe Addition and the many acres of Dakota County Parkland adjoining the Galaxie Park Addition, there was no need for additional park land dedication. In a motion by Carroll, seconded by Martin, with all members voting in favor, a cash donation in lieu of park land dedication, construction of a tot lot and a sidewalk on the north side of Covington to provide pedestrian and bicycle access to the Ridgecliffe Park was approved. Thomas voted no, stating that the park land is desirable in the Galaxie Park Addition area. Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes February 5, 1981 Page Three BICYCLE TRAILS PLAN Planning Intern Ulrich presented a draft copy of the Bicycle Trails Plan. Mr. Ulrich went through the document in detail, covering the support data as well as providing information on each of the maps included in the report. Loken specifically questioned why a trail was not shown on County Road 28 between County Road 31 and Blue Cross Road. She stated that it was the previous opinion of the City Council and Advisory Park Committee that a trail connection between the Univac Parcel and Blue Cross Blue Shield be provided on the north side of County Road 28. Mr. Ulrich stated that this trail segment would be added to the report. It was also pointed out that the Lexington Trail segment is not as necessary as the Yankee Doodle Trail connection. There was considerable discussion regarding funding for trails in the future and, specifically, as to whether commercial development should finance trails in certain developments. There was also discussion as to whether the trails should be bituminous on both sides of a collector street as opposed to bituminous on one side and concrete sidewalks on the opposite sides. After reviewing the type of trails and funding of trails, it was the consensus of the committee that a dedication fee for com— mercial development should be included for bicycle trails. It was also the consensus of the committee that bituminous trails on both sides of major col— lectors would be acceptable, however, a sidewalk should be constructed on minor collectors due to a greater aesthetic appeal in residential neighborhoods. After further discussion on the Trails Plan and in a motion by Loken, seconded by Martin, with all members voting in favor, the Bicycle Trails Plan was adopted in concept and, further, said plan was to be presented to the City Council at a joint meeting during the month of March. Martin asked that all members review the document in greater detail and provide their comments, if any, at the March Park Committee meeting. CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS RIDGECLIFFE PARK The Director of Parks and Recreation explained the procedure outlined for selecting a consultant to perform a master plan for layout development of Ridgecliffe Park. He again reviewed with the committee members the reasons why a park consultant was approved to develop a layout plan for this park. Vraa stated that the development agreement for the Ridgecliffe Additions requires Orrin Thompson to provide grading and seeding of the 16 acre Ridgecliffe Park. He stated that it has been the previous opinion of the committee and the City Council that the layout and development plan should be completed so that grading and seeding can be performed according to a park master plan. Vraa stated that he would like an Advisory Park Committee member to interview the prospective consulting firms along with the City Administrator and himself. Martin appointed Carolyn Thurston who had expressed interest in participating with the interview process. The development committee was asked by the chairperson to meet as a subcommittee after City Council action has been taken to accept a consulting firm to provide input into what elements should be considered as potential development in the park design. Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes February 5, 1981 Page Four BURR OAK POND Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the City received a petition from residents in the Burr Oak Addition adjacent to Chapel Lane requesting that the City maintain a controlled water elevation at 809.0 for Burr Oak Pond. He then reported that DNR has indicated that the NOHW for the north one -half of Burr Oak Pond should be controlled at 806.5 and the south portion of the pond controlled at 808.0. Colbert stated that the DNR has indicated that they have no objections to the water level being controlled at a higher elevation as long as the adjoining property owners agree to the higher elevation. Since all the property owners have agreed, the only remaining pro- perty owner that would be affected by the change in water elevation is the City of Eagan due to the adjoining park property. After further discussion and a presentation on the proposed NOHW for Burr Oak Pond, a motion was introduced by Carroll, seconded by Pettit, with all members voting in favor that the NOHW be established at 809.0 for Burr Oak Pond. SOFTBALL LEAGUE Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that he has received a number of calls from the league director of Eagan's couple softball league and the director of the over 35 men' s softball league asking if the Department of Parks and Recreation would be receptive to the department administering their respective softball programs. Vraa reported that the department is already assuming jurisdiction for the 40 team Eagan men's league for 1981 and it is also advertising the creation of a women's over 30 league to be run by the depart- ment. Vraa stated that he has no objection to assuming the additional responsi- bility for the administration of the two leagues; however, the Park Department is assuming more administrative responsibility that could affect implementation of other programs. Committee members stated that it is difficult to accept the administration of one or two leagues and not administer all leagues if the various groups request Park Department involvement. In a motion by Martin, seconded by Thomas, with all members voting in favor, the Park and Recreation Department was authorized to assume administration and coordination of the Eagan Couple Softball League and Over 35 Men's Softball League based on operational procedures and guidelines as established by the Director of Parks and Recreation. LAWCON GRANT APPLICATION Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa stated that LAWCON grant appli- cations for 1981/1982 funding are in order for consideration on a community by community basis. He stated that a decision should be made as to whether an application would be made this year, and, if so, the acquisition or develop- ment should be recognized at this time to allow adequate processing of the appli- cation. Vraa recommended the development of the Rahn Park athletic field as a consideration for LAWCON funding. There was a brief discussion of the type Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes February 5, 1981 Page Five of recreational uses that could be included in this park development. After further discussion and review of the Park Recreation Department's five year plan for parks improvement, a motion was made by Loken, seconded by Pettit, with all members voting in favor, that, "Whereas, the City of Eagan has a five year plan for Parks Development; and Whereas, the Advisory Committee annually reviews the five year program for updating its park development; and Whereas, the development of Rahn Community Park has previously been identified by the committee and City Council as the highest priority park for improvement; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Advisory Park and Recreation Committee that the City of Eagan pursue financial assistance grants from state and federal agencies for the development of Rahn Community Park." FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa discussed a letter that was received by the City Administrator from Mr. Ken Ketchum who is organizing the Fourth of July Celebration for 1981. He reported that the Fourth of July organization is requesting that Rahn Community Park be used as the site for their celebration instead of the Cedar Pond location. There was considerable discussion regarding potential liabilities, the impact on the ball fields and other facilities owned by the City and adjacent to Rahn Elementary School. Committee members stated that they were generally in favor of allowing the festivities to be located at that site, however, requested that the Director of Parks and Recreation work out the details with Mr. Ketchum to control and lower the potential maintenance impact on the grounds so there is the least amount of hardship caused to recreation programs that operate during the remain— der of the summer months. In a motion by Thomas, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor, authorization was given to allow the Fourth of July Celebration to be located at Rahn Community Park providing all the details are worked out to the desire of the City of Eagan through the Director of Parks and Recreation. COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES Chairperson Martin asked that the various goals and objectives that have been worked out by a subcommittee be reviewed in detail. Committee member Loken who is instrumental in drafting many of the goals as a result of the com— mittee meeting went through a partial listing of the goals and objectives which included an organized approach to develop the park system and to seek optimum funding for park acquisition and development. The remaining two goals with the various objectives outlined were to be discussed at the March 5, 1981 regular Advisory Park Recreation Committee meeting. Martin asked that priorities be determined at the March meeting which will then be presented to the City Council at a joint meeting scheduled for March 19, 1981. Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes February 5, 1981 Page Six MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES Pettit stated that he was delighted at the dedication the Park employees exemplified in their efforts to provide a good quality of ice for all the hockey rinks and free skating rinks throughout the City. After a brief discussion and a motion by Pettit, seconded by Loken, with all members voting in favor, the City Administrator was asked to write a letter of commendation to the maintenance employees of the Park Department for their dedication to providing ice for the skating and hockey rinks. p.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 Dated: February 5, 1981 TLH Secretary oVthe Advisory Parks Recreation Committee