03/05/1981 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 5, 1981 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Recreation Committee was held on March 5, 1981 at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were committee members Martin, McNeely, Thurston, Pettit, Loken and Fedde. Also present were Parks Recreation Director Vraa, Recreation Program Director Peterson, and Administrative Intern Mielke. Committee members Tilley, Thomas, Johnson and Carroll were absent. MINUTES In a motion by Loken, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor, the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 5, 1981 were approved with a correction of the date of the minutes being approved for January 8, 1981 rather than February 5, 1981 and a correction from Community Objectives to Committee Objectives. AGENDA In a motion by Thurston, seconded by Fedde, with all members voting in favor, the agenda for March 5, 1981 was approved with the addition of a discussion of the Bicycle Trails Plan as a item of Old Business and the addition of a discussion of the Consultant Recommendation for Ridgecliffe Park as an item of New Business. CINNAMON RIDGE Steve Riley, representing Zachman Homes, appeared before the com- mittee to explain the rezoning and preliminary plat applications that have been proposed for the Cinnamon Ridge Addition. After explaining the concept ideas for the addition, Riley went on to state that tot lots are proposed for the area consisting of coach homes. He also stated that the plat contains three (3) acres of dry ponding area which could be used as park area. Park Director Vraa stated that it is the recommendation of the City staff that a cash donation be approved for this development along with three tot lots in the coach home area of the development. After reviewing the proposed development and discussion centering on the need for more park land in that neighborhood, it was the deter- mination of various members that, with the facilities at Metcalf School and the underutilization of the 4.5 acre park in River Hills 9th Addition plus the tot lots proposed in the Cinnamon Ridge Addition that the needs of the present neighborhood and future needs shall be adequately met. Considerable conversation centered on the feelings of neighborhoods both in Eagan and Burnsville and com- mittee members empathized with those feelings but could not justify requiring another neighborhood park in that neighborhood. In a motion by Thurston, seconded by Fedde, with all members voting in favor, a cash donation in lieu of park land dedication and construction of three tot lots in the coach home area was approved to satisfy park land dedication requirements for the proposed Cinnamon Ridge Addition. Advisory Park Recreation Committee Minutes March 5, 1981 Page Two 1981 OBJECTIVES Committee members discussed the positive aspects of setting goals and objectives. Martin stated that the objectives list and ranking procedure was a good method of achieving goals. Loken collected the completed objective sheets from members and will tally the results for a report to be presented at the next regular meeting. BICYCLE TRAILS PLAN The Bicycle Trails Plan was presented for review and comments by the committee. Director Vraa stated that the appropriate changes have been made in the plan and shall be distributed at the joint meeting of the Advisory Parks Recreation Committee and the City Council on March 19, 1981. SUMMER PLAYGROUND Parks Director Vraa explained that changes in the Summer Playground Program for 1981 include changes in the areas of locations, sites, and pro— gramming. He went on the state that a study was conducted by City staff to determine which areas of the City were in most need of change either in more intensive or less intensive programming. Program Director Peterson was present to explain that shifts in ages for many of the neighborhoods could justify either improving or decreasing service to the parks within those neighborhoods. There was general agreement among the members that the study was very good planning and a yearly review of the Summer Playground Program as suggested by staff was agreed to. TEEN PROGRAM Parks Director Vraa explained the problems Eagan has had in keeping its Teen Program operating. He mentioned the lack of attendance as the largest problem. He went on to say that the program was a success for a while but it has not been the last couple of years. Dorothy Peterson mentioned a program used in Eden Prairie, MN, where the teens in 9th grade work for the City for four days doing small odd jobs and on the fifth day they take a field trip. Various members asked questions of that program and asked staff to investigate it further. The problem of the Teen Program was assigned to the recreational committee for study. COUNCIL /COMMITTEE MEETING Discussion of the joint meeting centered on the setting of an agenda. Martin stated that round table discussions should be on the agenda so each member could state his ideas and problems. Both Martin and Pettit wanted to see dis— cussion at the meeting on commercial park land dedication, especially concerning the bicycle trails. McNeely said he would like to discuss the problem of policing the parks. A meeting date of March 12th at 11:00 a.m. was set between the committee officers and Vraa to discuss agenda items for the joint meeting. Advisory Park Recreation Committee Minutes March 5, 1981 Page Three CONSULTANT RECOMMENDATION- RIDGECLIFFE PARK Parks Director Vraa reviewed the selection process used to evaluate the consultants who applied for the designing of the Ridgecliffe Park. After some discussion, Martin moved and Loken seconded the motion, with all voting in favor, that Brauer Associates be recommended to the Council as the firm to be awarded the contract of Design Consultant for Ridgecliffe Park. LAWCON FUNDING CUTS Director Vraa mentioned that cuts in the state budget made it neces- ary for the state to cut the size of the LAWCON funding grants and went on to say that it would be more difficult to get a LAWCON grant now. No action was taken on this topic. DONALD WIEKOP REPLACEMENT Direcotr Vraa informed the committee of efforts being taken to replace Donald Wiekop who resigned from the Parks Department. He stated that approximately 40 applications have been received so far. LADY LIONS Director Vraa informed the committee that he spoke before the Lady Lions Club and spoke of the tree forestation program and the signing of parks in the City. He mentioned that the Lady Lions were interested and were going to help by making a monetary contribution. No action was taken. TRAIL CONNECTION PILOT KNOB ROAD YANKEE DOODLE ROAD Director Vraa mentioned an action taken by the City Council to amend the contract to upgrade the intersection of Pilot Knob Road and Yankee Doodle Road to include the trail running on the south side of Yankee Doodle Road. He went on to say that this is somewhat ahead of schedule but that it is most cost efficient to do it now rather than wait. No action was taken on this item. RAHN PARK Director Vraa mentioned that the approximately 20 acre park land acquisition had been completed and park personnel were starting to upgrade the land. No action was taken. SKATING RINKS Director Vraa stated that the skating rinks are now closed and some attendance figures were in. He stated that attendance was highest at the Well Site rink and that Rahn Park was not as high as was anticipated. Various members asked how the conflicts were resolved over the use of the rinks and Vraa stated that they were resolved by reserving the rink. No action was taken. Advisory Park Recreation Committee Minutes March 5, 1981 Page Four ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion by Thurston and seconded by Martin was made to adjourn. All voted in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Dated: March 5, 1981 SCM Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Secretary