05/07/1981 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA MAY 7, 1981 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Recreation Committee was held on May 7, 1981, at the Eagan City Hall. Those present were committee members Tilley, Thomas, McNeely, Thurston, Carroll, Martin, Pettit and Johnson. Also present were Parks Recreation Director Vraa, City Planner Runkle and City Administrator Hedges. Committee members Loken and Fedde were absent. MINUTES In a motion by Carroll, seconded by Thomas, with all members voting in favor, the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 2, 1981, were approved as read. AGENDA In a motion by Thurston, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor, the agenda for the May 7, 1981 Advisory Parks Recreation Committee meeting was approved with one addition as requested by committee member Thomas to include discussion of horse trail signs under New Business. MINNESOTA VALLEY WILDLIFE REFUGE Mr. John Tietz, representing the Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife, and Tim Kelly, representing the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, were present to review various concept plans for the proposed develop ment of the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Recreation Area and State Trail. Mr. Tietz stated that the Fish Wildlife Service and DNR had coordinated an effort during the past year and a half to develop a comprehensive land use plan for the legislatively designated refuge and recreation units and also to determine the best location of the state corridor trail previously authorized in 1969. In addition to the various concept plans that were reviewed, several slides were shown by the representatives emphasizing the topography and terrain to be developed within the area designated for the Minnesota Valley Wildlife Refuge and Recreation Area. Mr. Tietz explained that approximately 50% of the land designated as the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge and Recreation Area has been acquired. There were several questions regarding the use of trails and specifically the type of land use proposed within the Minnesota Valley plan as it adjoins the City of Eagan. There was no action taken on this item. WINKLER /JACKSON PRELIMINARY PLAT Mr. Richard Winkler, developer of the proposed Winkler /Jackson Addition was present and reviewed his proposed development. He stated that he is proposing to rezone approximately 92 acres from A to Planned Development District that would include commercial on the north, townhouse and multiple development in the middle and duplex development on the south side of property defined as a part of the NA of Section 31. He further indicated that the pre— liminary plat of Winkler /Jackson Addition would be the first phase of the planned development and would consist of seven commercial lots and ten duplex lots. Advisory Park Recreation Committee Minutes May 7, 1981 Page Two Mr. Winkler presented drawings of the overall planned unit development that illustrated the preliminary plat as proposed and all other phases of future development. Several residents representing Slater's Acres were present and asked that consideration be given by the City to include a neighborhood park in the plans for the Jackson /Winkler Addition. It was expressed by the neighbors that consideration be given to an area north of James Street that could accom- modate a sliding hill and also winter hockey and skating on the small pond within that same area. Residents also suggested that there are trails cut throughout the woods within the area that are desirable for cross country skiing in the winter and pedestrian use during the summer months. There were a number of other suggestions made by the neighborhood such as a neighborhood camping area, basketball court and tennis courts. It was also expressed by Mr. Schmitz, representing Slater's Acres, that land is requested for a neighborhood park instead of a cash donation due to the natural land barrier caused by major high- ways on two sides of the proposed development with the City of Burnsville ad- joining the other side of the development. Committee member Thurston stated that land was looked at by the Park Acquisition Committee and further that she feels park land dedication is required. She stated that approximately six (6) acres would be desirable for a neighborhood park within the area. Vraa provided an illustration as to how a three acre park dedication could provide recreational uses within a certain land coverage. Various residents expressed the feeling that park land should be in the least desirable area for building and again recommended the area north of James Street, east of Slater Road and west of the Cedar Freeway. This area is presently being proposed as an R -4 use by the developer. Vraa stated that the Department of Transportation is considering a dedication of three (3) acres of land back to the City adjoining the west side of the Cedar Avenue Freeway in the area of James Street. Martin recommended that an additional threee (3) acres adjacent to the three acres to be dedicated to the City by the Department of Transportation be considered for park land dedication by the developer. There was discussion that this neighborhood park land could not be entirely active due to topographic and budget constraints. After futher discussion on the matter, a motion was made by Carroll, seconded by Tilley, with all members voting in favor, that the City staff be directed to work with the developer to locate a minimum of a three acre level area suita- ble for active park land and possibly additional land not to exceed 10% of the maximum dedication for active park land due to the constraints of natural bar- riers surrounding the proposed development. DAKOTA COUNTY LIBRARY Dakota County Commissioner John Voss appeared and discussed plans for the Dakota County Library to be constructed on Wescott Road to the east of the Police Department facility. He stated that bids are to be received on June 9 and construction will begin with a ground breaking on July 1, 1981. Completion of the library facility is scheduled for November of 1982. Commis sioner Voss presented the Dakota County Library facility site plan to illustrate how the facility will connect with trails and Patrick Eagan Park as development occurs in the future. There was no action taken. Advisory Park Recreation Committee Minutes May 7, 1981 Page Three PROPOSED 1981 COUNTY ROAD TRAIL CONSTRUCTION Dakota County Commissioner John Voss also stated that the Dakota County Board of Commissioners has approved construction of a trailway on the east side of County Road 31 (Pilot Knob Road) from I -494 to County Road 28 (Yankee Doodle Road). He further indicated that a trailway is to be constructed on the south side of County Road 32 from Johnny Cake Ridge Road to T.H. 13. Commissioner Voss also stated that a trailway is proposed on County Road 28 (Yankee Doodle Road) from County Road 31 (Pilot Knob Road) to Federal Drive in 1981 and from Federal Drive to Blue Cross Road in 1982. Commissioner Voss stated that all trail construction as stated will be funded 100% by Dakota County, will be approximately 8' to 10' in width and separated from highways if possible. There was no action required on this item. LEXINGTON PLACE City Planner Runkle presented a preliminary plat entitled Lexington Place, which consists of approximately 84.62 acres and contains 260 condominium units and 25 acres of I -4 zoning. He stated that this preliminary plat is being proposed by the U.S. Homes Corporation for an area located in Section 14 east of Lexington Avenue and north of Wescott Road. He stated that the analysis of the staff regarding the park land dedication as it relates to the Comprehen- sive Guide Plan suggests a cash dedication per unit vs. a land dedication. He stated that the proposed park for neighborhood 14 is located on the southeast corner of the Carriage Hills Golf Course which would provide active recreational use for the Lexington Place Development. Runkle further stated that a sidewalk is to be provided on the north part of Duckwood Drive and a trail constructed from Duckwood to the trail to the southeast portion of the plat which will con- nect the future neighborhood park. Vraa stated that the developer is proposing two (2) tot lots within the development. Members of the committee discussed the proposed neighborhood park adjacent to Carriage Hills Golf Course and it was their determination that this neighborhood park would be adequate for the development incurred by the proposed Lexington Place. After further discussion on the matter, in a motion by Martin, seconded by Thomas, with all members voting in favor, a cash donation in lieu of park land dedication, construction of two (2) tot lots by the developer and a trail connection from Duckwood Trail to the southeast side of the proposed plat were recommended to the City Council for consideration of the proposed development of Lexington Place. A second motion was made by Thurston, seconded by Martin, with all members voting in favor, that a recommendation be made to the City Council that an option be secured for the proposed park land in neighborhood 14 adjacent to the southeast corner of the Carriage Hills Golf Course, with acquisition to occur in the future. Advisory Park Recreation Committee Minutes May 7, 1981 Page Four BICYCLE TRAILS PLAN Director of Parks Recreation Vraa stated that the Bicycle Trails Plan that was presented in draft to the City Council at a joint meeting of the Advisory Park Committee and City Council held in February 1981 is in order for consideration. After a brief review of the amendments as suggested by the City Council at the joint meeting, a motion was introduced by Johnson, seconded by Pettit, with all members voting in favor, that the amendments to the Bicycle Trails Plan as presented by the City staff be approved. After further considera— tion of the entire Bicycle Trails Plan, a motion was made by Pettit, seconded by Johnson, with all members voting in favor, that the Bicycle Trails Plan with amendments be presented to the City Council for approval. MATCHING GRANTS After a brief discussion regarding the acceptance of matching grants by neighborhoods for park purposes, in a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll, with all members voting in favor, the Development Subcommittee is to review a policy for matching grants and present a proposal at the June Advisory Parks Recreation Committee meeting. PARK NAMES There was no action taken regarding a policy on park names. Repre— sentatives of the subcommittee stated that they are planning to continue work on this item. RIDGECLIFFE PARK CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW Director of Parks Recreation Vraa presented three (3) concept plans for Ridgecliffe Park that were prepared by Brauer Associates. He stated that Brauer Associates have taken into consideration the overall neighborhood and have left the area as natural as possible when allowing for certain active parkland development. Vraa explained the first concept is the most active with certain park facilities, concept two excludes hockey and is not as active as concept one, and concept three is also less active than concept one but includes hockey and eliminates the football /soccer field and causes less impact on the adjoining neighborhood. Maintenance of all three concepts was discussed by the Advisory Park Committee. Vraa reported that the City Council did take action at their May 5, 1981 regular meeting to authorize the connection of water and sanitary sewer utilities for the shelter building which is proposed for Ridge cliffe Park. He also reported that Dakota Electric is oversizing the transformer to accommodate lights for the hockey rink if desired in the future. There was discussion regarding consideration by the City Concil to move the hockey rink to the informal play area and move the informal play area west of the proposed softball /football area. It was explained by the City staff that this would reduce the effect of lights on the adjoining neighbors. Vraa also explained that of the twenty —two items that were considered in a round table work session by the Advisory Park Recreation Committee eighteen of them were included on a plan by Brauer Associates. Members of the Advisory Park Recreation Com— Advisory Park Recreation Committee Minutes May 7, 1981 Page Five mittee discussed each concept in considerable detail. It was felt after discus- sing each of the three (3) concepts that the movement of the hockey rink to the southeast corner would be a potential cause for duplication of light stan- dards and lessen the feasibility of a centralized warming house. There was also discussion regarding the availability and efficiency of having the hockey rink and free skating rink adjacent for maintenance purposes. After further discussion, the committee focused discussion on modification of concept two and concept three as the preferred plan. In a motion by Pettit, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor, concept three with review for possi- ble modification by the consultant as directed by the City staff was approved. GARDEN PLOTS Committee members discussed the current policy for garden plots and the extent of useage in effect for those plots. In response to a question the Parks Recreation Director indicated that there are several garden plots in City park land but no permits have been requested. Various concerns were expressed by committee members about unauthorized knowledge and use of gardens on property and if there are potential problems with that policy. After further discussion on the matter, the Director of Parks and Recreation was asked to try and determine the number of existing plots and general location and it was asked that the Development Committee review the issue for recommendation by the August meeting. COMMUNITY BROCHURE The Director of Parks and Recreation explained the issues involved with advertisement of programs in the various Community Education brochures. The committee asked a number of questions regarding costs, timeliness and effectiveness for advertising recreational programs. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the committee that the department continue its present course of program announcements as a part of the City wide newsletter. HORSE TRAIL SIGNS Committee member Thomas requested that a committee have the City install approximately eighteen (18) signs showing horse trails. It was estimated by the Park Recreation Director that the cost for material would be $300 to $350. The committee discussed where there were existing designated trails for horseback riding. Chairman Martin asked if this should be on a matching basis with the Diamond T Ranch. After discussion, the staff was asked to determine if funds were available for installation and if fewer signs could be installed. Advisory Park Recreation Committee Minutes May 7, 1981 Page Six RAHN PARK GRANT SUBMISSION The Director of Parks Recreation indicated that the Rahn Park grant has been submitted for approximately $200,000 and futher that LAWCON funding for fiscal year 1982 appears very doubtful, but that LMCR funds were still programmed. If LCMR funding is received, the City would be required to match 50% of the grant application. TREE PLANING AND TRIMMING Parks and Recreation Director Vraa reviewed recent tree planting in the parks system and updated the committee on various park work JUNE MEETING The June Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee meeting date was changed from June 4 to June 11. p.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50 Dated: May 7, 1981 LH Advisory Par r& Recreation Committee Secretary