07/09/1981 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK 4 RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 9, 1981 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee was held on July 9, 1981 at the Eagan City Hall. The regular meeting was preceded by a parks tour as the committee reviewed Woodhaven and Carnelian Parks. Those members present at the meeting were Tilley, Thomas, McNeely, Thurston, Carroll, Martin, Pettit, and Johnson. Also present was the Parks and Recreation Director Vraa, City Planner Runkle, Council member Ted Wachter. Committee members absent was MINUTES A motion by Dick Pettit, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor, the minutes of the regular meeting held on June 11, 1981 were approved as read. ADOPTION OF AGENDA In a motion by Tilley, seconded by Thurston, all members voting in favor the agenda for July 9, 1981 meeting was approved. NORVIN OAKS PRELIMINARY PLAT Dale Runkle, City Planner reviewed the application submitted for the development of 3.7 acres from agriculture to residential single. The applicant is requesting that two additional single family lots be divided off to permit for home construction. The director indicated that the development is in park area 31 W which recently was recommended for additional park land, Winkler /Jackson addition. After a short discussion, motion by Carroll, seconded by Tilley acceptance of cash dedication was recommended. All members voted in favor. COUNTRYSIDE BUILDERS PRELIMINARY PLAT City Planner, Dale Runkle reviewed the preliminary plat for Countryside Builders which consist of two 8 plex buildings and rehabilitating two exist- ing single family units. The proposed development, which consists of 2.13 acres, is immediately to the north of Woodhaven Park. After discussion by the committee, a motion by Carroll, seconded by Thurston for the City to receive cash dedication for the new units and for a tot -lot to be part of the plat. All members voted in favor. STATUS REPORT -HILL TOP ESTATES TRAIL The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that he and members of the committee had met with residents of Hill Top Estates addition to review the proposed trail along the pond edge north of Berry Ridge Road. He indicated that there was approximately 30 to 40 residents in attendance on the walk. It was reported that the residents were in favor of the trail and wished to see it installed at an early opportunity. The director further indicated Advisory Park Committee Minutes July 9, 1981 Page 2 that he has written a letter to Mr. Rod Hardy of Dunn and Curry asking for a schedule and completion date for the trail. A response from Mr. Hardy had not been received prior to the Parks Advisory Committee meeting which had been requested in the letter. There was no action taken by the committee. PARKS DEDICATION Chairman Martin indicated that this item had been deferred from the June 11, 1981 meeting. The director indicated that information in the packet at that time contained various formulas and methods for parks dedi- cation. The chairman indicated that it was obvious that the committee should annually review its parks dedication policies to keep current with in- flationary trends and increasing land values. The committee discussed when a recommendation should be made to the City Council. Councilman Wachter indicated that it would be ideal to have a recommendation from the Parks Committee to the Council in January so it could be acted upon at the time the Council reviews other fees and charges. After further discussion in question by members of the committee it was determined that the issue should be referred to the development committee for its review. The Director of Parks and Recreation asked if it was the intent of the committee to pursue the application of the existing formula, so additional research prior to the meeting could be made. Further, was it the intent of the committee to also review a possible inclusion of a separate trails dedication or if this was to be part of the parks dedication. The committee was directed by the chairman to review both the potentiality of a trails dedication as well as a commercial and industrial dedication for this purpose. A committee meet- ing was established for Wednesday, July 15, 8:00 A.M. at the Park and Recreation office. RIDGE CLIFFE PARK APPROVED PLANS The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed the Ridge Cliffe Park plans that were recently approved at a joint meeting of the City Council and Parks Advisory Committee. He indicated that the consultant anticipates that the final master plan will be completed within the next two to three weeks. There was no action from the committee on this item. PROPOSED LAND GIFT The director explained the proposed land gift from Jim Tilsen. The committee discussed the location and the potential use of the two parcels of land for parks purposes. A motion by Johnson, seconded by Tilley the recommendation to the City Council is that Lot 11 be acquired at this time with a payment of accrued taxes. After additional discussion motion passed unanimously. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Martin a second triangular parcel was tabled. All voted in favor. Advisory Park Committee Minutes July 9, 1981 Page 3 POLICY FOR PLAY PERIMETERS The Director of Recreation explained the process and why this item appeared on the agenda. He indicated that the staff has taken the position that play perimeters, with adequate material beneath play equipment, has been a practice within the department. After discussion by the committee it was determined that the committee would like to adopt this as a policy to insure that its application is uniform throughout the park system. Chairman Martin asked the staff to prepare a formal policy statement for adoption by the committee at the August meeting. BOND ISSUE PROCESS Chairman Martin reviewed the item which was deferred from the June 11, 1981 advisory meeting. He indicated that it was obvious that the parks committee would find it necessary to pursue a bond issue for future parks development. The committee went on to discuss the importance of timing, advance preparation, and concern for other City needs and bond issues. There was no action taken on this informational item. GOLFING IN CITY PARKS The Director of Parks and Recreation mentioned the problem that was indicated in the packet memo. Members of the committee shared their observation of golfing in the parks and indicated that they shared some concerns with errant golf balls striking passer bys as well as homes or vehicles on adjacent roadways. A motion by Tilley, seconded by Carroll with all members voting in favor of prohibition of golf balls with the exception of the use of whiffle balls should be made. Discussion followed on the motion, determined that at this time the parks committee should make this a practice with further review at a later time for possible policy adoption. The committee also discussed how the prohibition of the striking of golf balls could be made known to the public. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated he would issue a news release from the department and would take opportunities to inform the public on this issue. NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARKS CONFERENCE The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that the National Conference would be held in Minneapolis in October of 1981. He reviewed for the committee members issues that were addressed at the National Conference and listed the conference sessions and seminars in the brochure. Members of the committee expressed their enthusiasm for possible attendance at the conference and asked the director to photo copy information about the conference to be distributed to each of the members. Further action on this matter was deferred to the August meeting. Advisory Park Committee Minutes July 9, 1981 Page 4 CINNAMON RIDGE The Director of Parks and Recreation explained to members of the committee the council action of July 7 in allowing partial credit to Cinnamon Ridge for its park land. He indicated that it was the council's feeling in as much as the developer was requested to include park land within the plat by the council, the City give credit for its inclusion. He further indicated that the council was appreciative of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee's position and of their concern that this would not set a precedent for future developments for the inclusion of such small park areas. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Dated: July 9, 1981 KLV Advisory frk'rk Committee Secretary