08/06/1981 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA AUGUST 6, 1981 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Parks Recreation Committee was held on August 6, 1981 at the Eagan City Hall. The regular meeting was proceeded by a parks tour as the committee members reviewed Evergreen, Carlson Lake and Oak Chase Parks. Those members present at the meeting were Tilley, Thurston, Carroll, Martin, Fedde, and Masin. Also present was the Parks Recreation Director, Ken Vraa and City Administrator, Tom Hedges. Committee members absent were McNeely, Johnson, Pettit, and Thomas. MINUTES On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll, with all members voting in favor, the minutes of the regular meeting held on July 9, 1981 were approved as read. ADOPTION OF AGENDA A motion by Carroll, seconded by Fedde, with all members voting in favor, the agenda for August 6, 1981 was approved. OSTER ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed the application submitted for the development of approximately 4 acres known as the Oster Addition. Presently the parcel is zoned R -1. The development would seek to provide 9 single family lots for a cul -de -sac. It was indicated that this parcel is adjacent to Highview Park and that if there were to be any parks dedication it would be necessary to take the land along the existing east boundary of the park. The director indicated that there is sufficient space between existing tennis courts and what would become the rear lot line so that additional parks land, which would amount to a matter of feet, may not be necessary. Committee member Carroll mentioned that some of the lots would require fill and need for topographic change. He was concerned that this may cause some drainage problem onto parks property. After further discussion by the committee, on a motion by Carroll, seconded by Thurston all members voted in favor, it was the recommendation of the Advisory Parks Committee to accept cash dedication for the Oster Addition and for staff to review grading plans to insure topographic consistency and the drainage from the development would not affect parks land. GALAXIE PARK PRELIMINARY PLAT The Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa reviewed the preliminary plat for Galaxie Park consisting of approximately 36 acres from agriculture to a PD. A proposed plat would consist of approximately 160 units of multiple family development. Committee members recalled reviewing the plat previously and discussed a need for tot lots. After further review of the preliminary plat and a discussion of the proposed open space and park like amenities within the parcel, a motion was made by Martin that cash dedication, with the assumption that the park amenities as described by the developer are included in the plat, be accepted as parks dedication seconded by Tilley, Advisory Park Committee Minutes August 6, 1981 Page 2 all voted in favor. PLAY PERIMETER POLICY Chairman Martin reviewed for members of the committee the play perimeter policy that was requested at the July meeting. Member Thurston questioned the need for clear distinction between the maintenance areas that a bordered play lot would provide and that was not mentioned in the policy. In response to a question the Director of Parks and Recreation responded that resilient surfaces of synthetic nature is being used in several locations that there application is somewhat limited and is dependent upon several different factors. Member Tilley questioned that wood chip bark seemed inappropriate because this material can be sharp and provide some problems. The director indicated that bark, which is pure in form, has been used successfully in some locations for soft material He further explained that it was the intent of the wording to indicate that a soft surface should be installed and not necessarily that it should require one of these three as mentioned. Committee member Tilley indicated that perhaps the wording should be changed to read that the surface type should consist of material "such as'.' After further discussion of the play perimeter policy on a motion by Carroll, seconded by Masin, motion to accept the play perimeter policy as amended was made. All voted in favor to adopt the play perimeter policy. PARKS DEDICATION FEE Chairman Martin briefly reviewed the recent history of this issue. After review of recent land sales reported to the committee, they tried to determine what an average of sales were for 1981. It was calculated that the average 1981 sales, as reported, was $10,430. Martin indicated that projection of land sales a year from now might be as high as $11,000 an acre, that these are very large tracts of land which might be purchased at a smaller cost per acre than smaller parcels that the City might buy for parks purposes. In response to a question the director indicated that the per -cent of increase from $7,500 to $8,500 in cash dedication fees is 13%. Chairman Martin indicated that the committee is looking at an 18 month period from the last time there was a fee increase in dedication, plus projecting ahead another 6 months before a fee would go into effect. Discussion by the committee focused on the park needs of the community and that the existing residents should not necessarily have to pay the costs for acquisition and development of parks because of development pressures from a growing population. Committee member Carroll mentioned that with the recent trend toward multiple housing and increased population over single family housing, may mean park land will have to be purchased with that zoning, and may have to be purchased at a higher cost than single family zoning.After lengthy discussion and review of the cash fees at various levels of acreage costs, Chairman Martin indicated that he felt it would be appropriate that the committee begin to list the reasons for its recommendation for parks cash dedication increase. The following list Advisory Park Committee Minutes August 6, 1981 Page 3 was prepared by the committee with discussion following on each item. 1. Because existing land sales figures are for large parcels of land, the price per acre may be somewhat lower than could be purchased in smaller parcels, such as might be acquired for parks purposes. 2. That there has been no increase in parks dedication since April of 1980 and that it was necessary to project ahead from August of 1981 to January of 1982 which would be effective through all of 1982 or for a period of approximately 32 months. 3. That the average cost of land in 1981, by the chart shown, was $10,433 an acre. 4. That the multiple housing trend and the increase of residential pressures and cost of land zoned multiple. That the most recent parks acquisition was at $10,000 an acre. 5. To insure funding for future park acquisition as identified in the comprehensive plan, because park bonding may not be assured. 6. To keep up with the inflationary market and sustain the cash dedication requirements at a level consistent with the purchase, that the park dedication fees be increased. On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Masin, that a cash dedication fee based on $10,500 per acre. A discussion by the committee concerning the motion followed. On the call for the motion there were 3 ay's and 3 no's. The motion failed. There followed a motion by Thurston, seconded by Martin, that the cash dedication fees be based on $10,000 per acre. The committee briefly discussed the presentation of this recommendation to the City Council, and directed the Director of Parks and Recreation to prepare the necessary materials for council review. It was indicated that this recommendation would be one that should take effect in January of 1982. NAME OF THE NEW VICE CHAIRPERSON Chairman Martin explained with the absence of Jean Loken, that an individual should be appointed to the position of vice chairperson. He announced that nominations for the position was now open. The name of Carolyn Thurston was offered for this position. There being no further nominations Dick Carroll moved, seconded by Fedde, all in favor that the nominations be closed and that a unanimous ballot for Carolyn Thurston for the position of Vice chairperson be cast. The chairman indicated that now that Carolyn Thurston now held this position that the position of secretary for the committee was now open and that nominations for the filling of this position would now be taken. A nomination for Dick Carroll, seconded by Tilley. A second nomination for Dick Pettit, with second by Mike Fedde. Motion by Fedde to close, seconded by Thurston, of the nomi- nations for position of secretary. A secret ballot was made and Dick Carroll was appointed as secretary for the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee for the remainder of 1982. Advisory Parks Committee Minutes August 6, 1981 Page 4 BUDGET /C. I.P. The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed for the Advisory Parks Committee members the proposed department budget which had been submitted to the City Administrator for review. The director highlighted major aspects of the budget and answered each item request. In review of the capital equipment expenditures requested, the director indicated that the request was being made for $7,500 with which to purchase additional play- ground equipment, picnic tables, and benches to be distributed within the park system. The director also indicated that a request was being made for $1,600 for parks signs. In response to a question the director said that anticipated revenues from 1981 to 1982 would be expected to increase approximately $5,000. This is largely a result of the adult athletic programs being offered in the community at this time. The City Administrator reviewed the status of the City wide budget encompassing all the various departments. The Advisory Committee had several questions regarding the budget. No action requested or taken concerning this item. The Director of Parks and Recreation further reviewed the proposed park improvement fund or C.I.P. from 1982 through 1986 for the parks advisory committee. He explained to the new members on the committee the purpose of the parks improvement site acquisition fund and its implication in the City. The director further indicated the various notations on the C.I.P. and indicated that major changes had occurred in three areas. He further indicated that as previously determined in the City Comprehensive Guide plan the City will require approximately 3.4 million dollars over the next five years to complete its parks program of which approximately $300,000 will be re- quired for acquisition purposes alone. In response to a question from Chairman Martin the director indicated that revenues from parks dedication could be expected to bring in approximately $150,000 to $200,000 in the next three to four years based on known plats or P.U.D. agreements. Chairman Martin requested that in the future it would be desirable for the committee to have other breakdowns on the numbers by category and ask that if this could be done it would be beneficial. NATIONAL PARKS AND RECREATION CONFERENCE Committee members discussed the National Parks and Recreation Conference which will be in Minneapolis, October of 1981. Committee members reviewed the list of conference sessions that would be available during the five days of the conference. The director indicated that funding would allow for 4 single days admission by committee members. Members Carroll, Tilley, Thurston and Masin indicated an interest to attend the conference. Member Thurston indicated that she thought that Dick Pettit had also expressed an interest in attending. After initial discussion it was indicated that there was a method in which an additional two days for members wishing to attend the conference could be made available. The director was requested to pursue this to allow as many of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee to attend this National Conference on a one day basis. Advisory Parks Committee Minutes August 6, 1981 Page 5 Committee members reviewed the minutes of the park plan meeting of July 22. Committee member Carroll inquired as to if it was feasible that the City might do a co- operative sharing of responsibilities with an outside consultant with the development of the plan. Chairman Martin indicated that the parks committee might be able to do the initial survey work as well as providing data that is currently available within the City. In further discussion by the committee it was agreed that the sub committee would meet on Wednesday, August 19th at 4:30 P.M. The Director of Parks and Recreation was requested to secure copies of recent master plans completed in other communities for review and to arrange for a parks consultant for the purposes of discussion of the intricacies of a master plan and processes involved. Dated: August 6, 1981 MINUTES OF MASTER PARKS PLAN MEETING ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on a motion by Masin, seconded by Carroll, the meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee adjourned at 10:10 P.M. KV Advisory Park Recreation Committee Secretary