09/03/1981 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA SEPTEMBER 3, 1981 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park and Recreation Committee was held on September 3, 1981 at the Eagan City Hall. The regular meeting was proceeded by a parks tour as the committee members reviewed South Oaks Park, Lakeside Park and a brief tour of the trail in Hill Top Estates. Those members present at the meeting were Thurston, Carroll, Martin, Masin and McNeely. Also present was the Director of Parks and Recreation. Committee members absent were Johnson, Thomas, Tilley and Fedde. MINUTES On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Masin, all members voted in favor, the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 6, 1981 were approved as read. ADOPTION OF AGENDA A motion by Thurston, seconded by McNeely, all members voted in favor, the agenda of September 3, 1981 was approved and included an additional item for quit claiming of property to Leo Murphy. LEO MURPHY: PROPERTY QUIT CLAIM Mr. Leo Murphy reviewed for members of the parks committee the history of a land purchase which resulted in the present ownership by the City of Blackhawk Park and of his property immediately to the south of Blackhawk. He indicated that during this property exchange that a small angular portion which originally was for the purpose of a roadway easement connect- ing up the two parcels was still in affect. He indicated that this ease- ment affected his property and clouded the title of his land. He indicated that he felt that at the time the City resolved a different issue regard- ing the south boundary line, that this triangular portion had also been resolved with it. He stated that this was not the case and that the legal description did not include this triangular portion. Mr. Murphy concluded his detailed presentation answering numerous questions by members of the Advisory Parks Committee. Committee member Carroll indicated that this easement into Blackhawk Park leads to rear property lines of residential home owners and can serve no purposes for the parks. After further dis- cussion, a motion by Carroll, seconded by Martin, with all members voting in favor; that the recommendation of the parks committee that the City enter into a quit claim agreement of that portion of the property de- scribed as the northwest corner of Leo Murphy's property and the southwest corner of Blackhawk Park as described and shown in the materials presented, be deeded to Mr. Murphy. Committee members assumed that cost incurred for this quit claim would be borne by Mr. Murphy. COUNCIL ACTION: PARKS DEDICATION The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed for the members positive response of the City Council had taken on its recommendation for increase Advisory Park Committee Minutes September 3, 1981 Page 2 of park dedication fees. He indicated that it was the intent of the council to insure that 50% of new dedication need to go for development of parks. The director indicated that he felt that the council was making an indication that it felt that the development of the parks system should receive some priority in the years ahead by the park committee. Chairman Martin indicated that he was pleased with the concurrence by the City Council, and that the committee should continue to review parks dedication on an annual basis. STUDY COMMITTEE FOR PARKS MASTER PLAN Committee member Carroll commented that he now feels that parks master planning is an essential ingredient that the City should proceed with. Chairman Martin indicated that from the previous presentations, that the City needs a master parks plan and he feels very strongly in this regard and that the parks committee and council should proceed with this study. Committee member Thurston indicated that she was in total agreement that a parks master plan was necessary, but was concerned about the funding of the cost. She indicated that the committee would need to do something soon to bring this to the attention of the City Council if there is any hopes of achieving this objective in 1982. There was a lengthy discussion by the members of the Advisory Parks Committee concerning the elements of the plan that would be necessary for a consultant /staff /officials to study. Committee member Carroll indicated that the parks committee should lay out in a brief form what it was they are after in the master plan, a time frame, steps involved, and the potential request for funding. Without this the park committee would not be in a position to make a request to the City Council. Chairman Martin indicated that perhaps the committee could still map this out tonight so the committee could speed its recommendation to the council during its budget discussions. A concern was expressed by the committee as to if it could do this in as detailed a form as might be desirable for presentation to the council and whether they are in a position to decide what the staff could do and what the committee could do in the master plans process. A second lengthy discussion followed concerning the gathering of data and presentation to the City Council at an opportune time for consideration in the budget. It was then decided that a study committee would meet on Wednesday, September 9 at 7:00 P.M. for purposes of defining the parks master plan components. A special committee meeting would also be held on September 16 for final review and action by the entire Advisory Committee with the recommend- ation then being made to the City Council. Committee members were assigned responsibility in reviewing the master plans available to them and to study the minutes of the first two meetings as well as the Director of Parks and Recreation last communication to the committee. Advisory Park Committee Minutes September 3, 1981 Page 3 NORTHVIEW ATHLETIC FIELDS The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed the councils action in regards to Northview Athletic Fields and the improvements currently underway on the softball fields. He indicated that he had encountered additional problems that weren't expected which would cause additional work by the staff to correct. There were several discussion questions in regards to this issue with no action being taken by the parks committee. DONATION The director indicated that he had received a check from the engineering consulting firm to be used for park purposes. Committee member Thurston asked that a thank you letter be sent showing the committee's appreciation for this donation. Dated: September 3, 1981 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to conduct, on a motion by Carroll, seconded by Masin, the parks committee adjourned at 9:25 P.M. KV dvisory Park Recreation Committee Secretary