10/01/1981 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 1, 1981 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Parks Recreation Committee was held on October 1, 1981 at the Eagan City Hall. The regular meeting was preceded by a parks tour commencing at 6:30 p.m. The committee reviewed the grading and seeding work at Ridgecliffe Park and River Hills First Park. Those members present at the meeting were Carroll, McNeely, Fedde, Martin and Thurston. Also present were Parks Recreation Director. Vraa, City Planner Runkle and City Administrator Hedges. Committee members Tilley, Thomas and Johnson were absent. MINUTES Upon motion by Carroll, seconded by Thurston, with all members voting in favor, the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 3, 1981 were approved as read. ADOPTION OF AGENDA In a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll, with all members voting in favor, the agenda for the October 1, 1981 Advisory Parks Recreation Commit- tee was approved with the addition of "Attendance of Park Committee Members" to be an item under Other Business. MASTER PARK PLAN Chairman Martin asked the committee members if there were any addi- tions or deletions to a letter addressed to the Mayor and City Councilmembers regarding a request by the Advisory Park Recreation Committee to proceed with a park master plan for the City of Eagan. Questions were raised regarding the method of financing. The City Administrator stated that the general fund budget has been established for 1982 by the City Council; however, two (2) sources of funding, the park site development fund and federal revenue sharing appropri- ations have not been determined for. the 1982 budget for the City. After further discussion and minor revisions to the letter and in a motion by Martin, seconded by Thurston, with all members voting in favor, the letter to the Mayor and City Council requesting approval of a park master plan for. 1982 was approved as pre- sented. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF PARK LAND /JIM PLANTENBERG Mr. James Plantenberg appeared and requested consideration to pur- chase a trangular portion of property owned by the City of Eagan to be split off of Oak Chase Park in order to increase the size of a residential lot to provide more desirable driveway access to a home he is planning to construct in the next several months. Chairperson Martin stated that several years ago Mr. Arnold Carlson desired to purchase the same park land adjacent to property owned by Mr. Plantenberg and it was determined at that time that the City would not declare the triangular piece of property a surplus property. After further discussion and evaluation of the drawings prepared and presented by Mr. Planten- berg, he recommended that the City consider granting a roadway easement to permit access to his property. Committee members expressed interest in granting an Advisory Park Recreation Committee Minutes October 1, 1981 Page Two easement and requested that staff consult with legal counsel and determine whether a roadway easement is a viable consideration. After further discussion and in a motion by Carroll, seconded by Fedde, with all members voting in favor, the request to purchase park land, defined as a part of Oak Chase Park, by James Plantenberg was tabled until the November 5, 1981 Advisory Park Recreation Committee meeting. WINTER SKATING PROGRAM Parks Recreation Director Vraa presented the hours for the winter skating program for 1981 -82, stating that the warming houses will not be open on Christmas Day due to the low attendance in previous years. He also proposed that the Rahn rink become a "hockey center Vraa suggested that the two Rahn hockey rinks be the major rinks for hockey activities, which would allow the City Park Department to discontinue the use of the neighborhood facilities at Carnelian and Woodhaven for practice and games. He also suggested that the Well Site be limited for use as a game practice facility to two nights per week and Saturday morning. Questions were raised by committee members regarding elimination of free skating from one of the rinks, stating that it might force non organized hockey games on the free skating rink. After further discussion, the committee felt there should be at least two (2) hours set aside for free skating in one rink at Rahn, from 4 to 6 p.m. or a time schedule that is defina- ble. Parks Recreation Director Vraa stated that he would present these con- siderations to the hockey association for their review. TRAILS PLAN FUNDING Parks Recreation Director Vraa presented a funding plan for con- struction of trails throughout the City. The City Administrator commented on the financing program, stating that the major source of funding is anticipated to be a bond referendum. After further consideration of the funding options and in a motion by Carroll, seconded by Martin, with all members voting in favor, a recommendation was made to the City Council to encourage further development of the trails plan as presented and to consider one of the various methods of financing. OTHER BUSINESS /REPORTS National Recreation and Parks Association Conference. Discussion began concerning who may wish to attend the National Recreation and Parks Con- ference. Members reviewed a tentative list of program materials and a tentative attendance schedule was prepared. Monday Tilley, Tuesday Thurston and Masin, Wednesday Martin, Thursday Carroll. The Director indicated that he would attempt to keep track of all members and their availability to attend a second day or as an alternate to one of the other members. Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes October 1, 1981 Page Three The chairman indicated that recent resignations have resulted in only one person remaining on this study committee. Mike Fedde and Doug McNeely both volunteered to serve with Carolyn Thurston and staff to continue this work. Other committee assignments were reviewed as follows: Master Plan Martin, Carroll, Tilley, Masin, Thurston. Parks Naming Tilley, Carroll, Johnson, Martin, Thurston. Recreation Tilley, Fedde, Thurston. Trails Johnson, Thomas, Thurston and Martin. Development Carroll, McNeely, Thomas, Thurston. Dated: October 1, 1981 TEEN STUDY COMMITTEE PARK LAND REVIEW The director indicated that he would like to meet with the parks development committee to review the Vienna Woods park land and to again review park priorities within the Blackhawk P.U.D. After some discussion, the committee agreed to meet at noon on Wednesday, October 7, at City Hall. The director indicated the priority is for the Vienna Woods and that the committee should review this first before review of the Blackhawk. The director indicated that he would also prepare a base map and topo of the Vienna Woods parcel prior to the Wednesday meeting. COMMITTEE JOB DESCRIPTION The director explained the origin intent of the draft that had been prepared on the parks committee members' role and responsibility. The committee reviewed the draft and indicated it was an excellent hand out for new or prospective members to the committee. Members reviewed the hand out with several modifications suggested. Member Thurston indicated that a section on the number of absences would be desirable. She indicated that a policy had been previously adopted by the City Council some years ago regarding this. Staff was asked to review this and include it in the members role section. The final document is to be prepared by staff for acceptance by the Advisory Parks Recreation Committee and forwarded to the City Council. PARK SIGNS The Director of Parks Recreation displayed a wood plaque with the City logo on it. Members agreed that they liked the logo design, but with modifications to the width of the routing and the shape of the tree trunk. The director was asked to proceed with the modification with the intent of using the logo on City park signs for installation in the spring of 1982. The chairman asked that at the next meeting that a review of the National Conference, review of the goals and objectives that were previously prepared by the committee and the naming of the parks be placed on the agenda for discussion purposes. There being no further business, a motion was made by Masin, seconded by Fedde, and the regular meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. TLH KV Advisory Parks Recreation ommittee Secretary