11/05/1981 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA NOVEMBER 5, 1981 The regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee was held on November 5, 1981 at the Eagan City Hall. Those members present at the meeting were Thurston, Thomas, McNeely, Martin, Carroll, Tilley, Fedde and Masin. Absent Johnson and Schumaker. Also present was the Director of Parks and Recreation. MINUTES Committee member Masin indicated that her name had been omitted from those that were present at the October 1, 1981 meeting. There being no other further corrections to the minutes of October 1, 1981, on a motion by Tilley, seconded by Carroll with all voting in favor, the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 1, 1981 were approved as read. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Committee member Thomas requested that a review of park land in section service area 33 be placed on the agenda. There being no further additions or modifi- cations to the agenda, on motion by McNeely, seconded by Thurston with all members voting in favor, the agenda for November 5, 1981 was approved. REQUEST OF JAMES PLANTENBERG The director briefly reviewed the request made by Mr. Plantenberg to purchase or obtain an easement on the southern boundary of Oak Chase Park, and the Advisory Committee's action to defer the recommendation from October 1 until there was comment from the City attorney's office. The director indicated that the attachment from the City attorney's office was included within the packet. Mr. Plantenberg briefly showed a' diagram of how he would like to build upon his lot, and the desirability of obtaining a road easement. He showed a diagram that would be the optimum roadway, but that he would like at least a smaller section of land of a space of between 40 to 80 square feet. The chairman indicated the past history of Oak Chase Park, relating to a previous request by Mr. Carlson for purchases which had been made in regards to this site. He also indicated that because his residence was an adjacent property that he would abstain from any action that the committee would be taking on this matter. Several questions were raised inquiring if Mr. Plantenberg had been given specific aspects of the subject parcel by Mr. Carlson. After further questions, the committee suggested that Mr. Plantenberg contact Mr. Carlson to see if he would provide additional space to provide a turn in to his property. And /or contact with Dakota Electric had been made to see if an electrical box could be relocated to provide the necessary turning space or radius that might be required. The committee then expressed to Mr. Plantenberg that they felt it was their obligation that they should review all possible solutions to the problem before making any commitments concerning right -aways on City park land. Mr. Plantenberg indicated he would research these alternatives to see what might be accomplished. The chairman indicated that this item should be placed on the next Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee's agenda after Mr. Plantenberg's research. Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes November 5, 1981 Page 2 JOB DESCRIPTION /QUALIFICATIONS Chairman Martin commented that he had reviewed the enclosures in the packet and thought that they would be very helpful to any new or perspective members to the Advisory Committee. He further commented that he liked the addition of the Code as well. There was general discussion by the Advisory Committee indicating they felt that the attachments should be given to the applicants before they make their application or request to be appointed to the Advisory Committee. Following further discussion, on a motion by Carroll, seconded by Masin, that the Code of ethics and job description for Parks and Committee members be adopted with the recommendation to the City Council that they be given to all future applicants to the Advisory Committee. On a vote on the motion, all voted in favor. VIENNA WOODS The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed the material contained in the packet regarding Vienna Woods. The Advisory Committee questioned the topography of the potential parcels, the size of the 35 -E parcel, potential for acquiring MnDOT property for turn back, etc. After some discussion there was a motion by Carroll, seconded by Fedde that the recommendation to the City Council be to, acquire a 22 acre park in the Vienna Woods addition; for staff to pursue with the developer the preferred site for the park and three for the City Council to request from MnDOT, the property to be turned back to the City for parks purposes. After further discussion all voted in favor of the motion. PARK LAND SERVICE SECTION 33 Committee member Thomas raised a question in regards to the status of the park land in this area. He indicated there had been or are proposed recent sales of land within this section which the City has previously identified in its comp plan as potential park area. He was concerned that if land is sold off in to smaller parcels the City may not be able to ever acquire a park as described. After further comment and questions by the Advisory Committee the committee asked staff to investigate the options available in regards to this dilemma and to report back to the Advisory Committee. 1st DRAFT R.F.P., PARKS GUIDE PLAN The Director of Parks and Recreation distributed handouts out for the Advisory Committee materials entitled "Time- line Sequence, of events, Draft Request for Proposal and a Scope of Services. After a lengthy review and discussion of each of the three handouts the committee felt that it would be best to have a special meeting to review all the material in greater detail. The director commented that the City Council has not had the opportunity to see this information as of yet, but it is his intention to forward it to them for their review as well. The committee agreed to meet on Thursday, November 12th at 7:00 P.M. at the City Hall in order that it could complete a review in time that its additions or suggestions might also be submitted to the City Council at the same time. Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes November 5, 1981 Page 3 It was also expressed that the Advisory Committee would look forward to a possible meeting with the City Council to further review the material as well as develop an understanding of the role and responsibilities of each group and the process for the Master Plan development. NATIONAL PARK AND RECREATION ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE Chairman Martin indicated that he had enjoyed the opportunity to attend the National Conference commenting on the quality that he had observed while there. He asked the Advisory Committee members to briefly share with the committee what they had learned and could be of a significance to the City. Recreation Programmer Dorothy Peterson commented on her attendance at a puppetry session as well as youth sports session. She explained that the emphasis was on how to train youth sports coaches to avoid many of the problems with overzealous coaches who fail to consider the feelings of the individual players in a sports situation. Chairman Martin indicated he attended a session on handicap living and felt that as a result of this he and the City should be more sensitive to providing greater access to handicapped individuals. He felt that this was an area in which the committee should begin to pay closer attention as it reviews its programming for parks development. He also commented that he and the Director had attended the session on legal liability and felt that as members of the committee they are not liable for accidents in a park setting. However, he felt that the Advisory Committee should be very aware of the liability that is incurred by staff and the situation that the Advisory Committee may place them in, in regards to legal liability. Committee member Thurston commented on the session she had attended indicating the sessions in regards to playground design was a very valuable session. She further indicated that some of the traditional patterns for the installation of playground equipment is not as desirable as had previously been thought of. Committee member Masin reported on the session that she attended which was trails linking between City and wild land. She felt that one of the issues that came to the forefront was a thought that there must be increased public awareness of the trails system if they are to enhance the community life. She and the Director of Parks and Recreation also commented on the session that the two of them attended on the effective use of consultants. There was general discussion about all of the sessions and comments made concerning the featured speakers, exhibits displayed, and the application of the sessions to the City. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES The Director of Parks and Recreation distributed the objectives which the Advisory Committee had zeroed in on in March of 1981. He briefly reviewed Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes November 5, 1981 Page 4 the status of each of those objectives. There was a general consensus that the Advisory Committee had made progress. Chairman Martin indicated that several items could still be worked on yet this year and the Advisory Committee indicated that the sub committee on Naming of Parks would meet on Thursday, December 3rd. The next meeting of the Advisory Committee would then take place on December 10th at its regular time. It was also suggested that the policy in regards to matching gifts be placed on that agenda for review by the entire committee. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, on a motion by McNeely, seconded by Thurston the regular meeting of the Advisory Committee was adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Dated: November 5, 1981 K.L.V.