12/10/1981 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMII°FLE EAGAN, MINNESOTA DECEMBER 10, 1981 The regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Parks and Recreation committee was held on December 10, 1981 at the Eagan City Hall. Those members present were Martin, Schumaker, Thurston, Thomas, Carroll, Masin, Fedde, Johnson. Absent McNeely and Tilley. Also present were the Planning Director and Director of Parks and Recreation. Council members Wachter, Paranto and Egan and the City Administrator were also in attendance at a joint meeting beginning at 7:30 P.M. MINUTES On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Thomas, the minutes of November 5, 1981 meeting were approved unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Committee member Carroll requested that the official naming of River Hills 9 Park be placed on the agenda immediately following the item on park names. There being no other items, on a motion by Thurston, seconded by Masin, the agenda for December 10, 1981 was approved. ED DUNN -KNOB HILL DEVELOPMENT The City Planner reviewed the request from Ed Dunn /Blackhawk Park Associate for a preliminary plat of approximately 40 acres located in the northwest corner of intersection of Diffley Road and Pilot Knob Road. He indicated that the plat contained approximately 19.6 acres of residential and 10.2 acres for office and commercial. The planner reviewed the number of units within the proposal, potential densities, the need for a home owners association for the condominiums and town house units proposed and other development and site characteristics within the proposed area. He further explained the possibility of the internal trail system within the development, and that the developer was planning to provide for small open space areas with informational gazebos. It was also pointed out that a recreational space was being planned within the development which would contain tennis courts. Mr. Runkle estimated, using recent school census data, that based on the number and type of the housing units that there might be a population of 129 youths ages 1 to 18 who would be living within the fully developed proposal. In response to a question, Mr. Runkle indicated that the planning commission has shown some concern with the high densities within the proposal which is greater than the R -2 land use plan. He indicated that this 129 population would, therefore, be on the high side of an estimate. The Advisory Committee asked several questions in regards to the density, proposed play areas and timing of the development. In response to a question the Planning Director and Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed the location and timing of the neighborhood park to meet the needs within the park service section. It was indicated that this was the first development within the service area. The proposed park area to be located within the neighborhood would be located further to the north and west of this proposed development. Such proposed park land would be either purchased, or received as park dedication, with a proposed elementary school Advisory Parks $ Recreation Committee Minutes December 10, 1981 Page 2 site. This had been identified in the City's comp guide plan. Member Martin stated that the 1.9 acre parks dedication is very small, and it would not be within the area previously identified for a park. Member Thurston questioned the suitability of topography on this site for a park immediately to the north and west of the development. After additional questioning and discussion a motion was offered by Thurston, seconded by Carroll that the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee recommend to the City Council that: 1. Parks dedication be satisfied by a cash dedication based on the amount at the time of final platting. 2. That the developer provide trails along Pilot Knob and Diffley Roads for bicycles as identified in the City's trails plan. 3. The developer provide the tennis courts and open space amenities as shown throughout the development proposal. 4. The developer provide one tot lot or play area to be approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation to be located within the development. On a vote on the motion, the motion carried unanimously. The Advisory Committee indicated that the minutes should also reflect that the size of park could not be met within the development and that the more suitable park location was further to the north and west of this plat to be acquired next to a future school. PARK LAND- SECTION 33 Dale Runkle, City Planner indicated he has met with a developer concerning preliminary discussion over a 30 acre parcel east of Brittany Manor. After some explanation and questioning, he stated the City had no legal authority to require parks dedication adjacent to or within the designated park area if the development does not contain this land. He further indicated that staff was informing developers and current owners of the property the City's de- sire to obtain park land. In response to a question Mr. Runkle indicated that the staff was also concerned about park land near Carriage Hills which is in park service area 14, stating that no development has taken place yet, but is is conceivable that this might happen and then exclude the most de- sirous parcel for park. There was further discussion by the committee on these two areas with no action being taken. PARK NAMES Committee member Dick Carroll reported on the sub - committee's on parks naming which had met on December 3, 1981 explaining that good discussions and thoughts were expressed on how the committee would like to proceed, indicating that a letter in the spring issue of the Eagan Newsletter with a map showing the park areas would be attempted. If this input process is not successful, at least the attempt had been made by the committee who would then proceed with its naming suggestions. It was also suggested that the Committee meet with Council member Wachter and others that are familiar with the historical aspect of the City. The sub - committee outlined several action steps to be taken during the next month. There was no action taken on this item by the Advisory Committee. RIVER HILLS PARK Committee member Carroll stated that the sub - committee had received suggestions on River Hills Park from the neighborhood association. After discussion the committee recommended to the City Council that they adopt the name "River Hills Park East" as the official name, motion by Carroll, seconded by Thurston, Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes December 10, 1981 Page 3 all voted in favor. DATA COLLECTION NEEDS The Director of Parks and Recreation explained the purpose and intent of the item in the packet entitled - Data Collection Needs - as it relates to the Master Plan. Following the explanation of the purposes, the committee agreed to review and make revisions as necessary, and return to the office by December 17. At that time the director would develop a composite of all of the members suggestions. Members would be called to assist the pulling together of the material as may be appropriate. VIENNA WOODS The director informed the committee on the action taken by the City Council concerning the recommendation on Vienna Woods. He indicated that letters have recently been sent to MnDOT and Unisource Corporation indicating the City's desires to secure both the MnDOT property and the 21/2 acre parcel for parks purposes. WINTER PROGRAMS The director explained the progress on the winter programs. He said that some flooding had begun but that there was insufficient frost in the ground to do heavy flooding. He also stated that he had met with the hockey associations. Both associations have two additional teams, and have requested additional ice time. He indicated that the growth of the hockey may add to the usage conflict problems and that he anticipated calls in this regards. After a brief recess, the committee met jointly with the City Council to dis- cuss the Master Parks plan. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated some specific agenda items that should be reviewed by the Committee and Council. In addition to the review of the "Scope of Services" it was hoped that a review of role definition, and of the time sequence of the first portion of the Master Plan should be agreed upon. He also indicated that the decision as to who should serve on the final selection committee, and who should comprise the "task force" should be considered. The director then thoroughly reviewed each segment of the "Scope of Services ", explaining the intent. In response to questions, he responded that the Master Plan would enlarge upon the park section of the comprehensive guide. And, that a priority listing of park development, along with its cost estimates, would be included in the plan. In response to another question, the director indicated that in sectioning the "Scope of Services ", it would allow for the cost estimating by the consultants, and allow the Committee and Council to determine whether that section should be included within the Master Plan study. He indicated however, that segmenting the plan may cost greater dollars in the long -run. Much of the trails section would be under study while reviewing the park service needs for the neighborhood and within a district area. Councilman Egan indicated that the consultant is to be studying both neighborhood needs, community needs and service needs within an area that it would seem that the consultant would from necessity be reviewing pedestrian and other linking aspects. After further explanation and review of the "Scope of Services" Committee and Council began a discussion concerning ways and methods to involve the community in the planning process. It was generally felt by all concerned that this was necessary element within the plan. Advisory Parks 4 Recreation Committee Minutes December 10, 1981 Page 4 After further review and discussion of the "Scope of Services ",the Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed the time sequence. He indicated that he was currently doing a pre- screening on approximately 8 consulting firms with the intent that this would reduce down to five for interviews, He is recommend- ing that the first interviews be conducted by the City Administrator and the Director of Parks and Recreation along with either a third staff member or a member of Council /Committee. From the first interview it was hoped that three firms would then be interviewed by the final selection committee. The selection committee should be identified soon and might consist of staff/ council /committee members to hear the proposals by consultants. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that once this committee is made known that they could develop the ranking criteria for the firms. The director explained that the "task force" should also be identified. • He indicated that the identification of the "task force" might indeed be the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee but may be enlarged upon to include either other members of the community, staff and members of the City Council. He further indicated that the "task force" would probably have to meet on a specified evening each month to review the progress of the consultant and to make intermediate decisions and recommendations on the plan. Members of the Council and Advisory Committee discussed the "task force" con- cept and its purpose. There followed a general discussion of the process of the Master Plan with no action being taken at this time. There being no further actions to be considered by the Advisory Committee the committee adjourned at 8 :50 P.M. Dated: December 10, 1981 KV Secretary Advisory Parks & Recreation Committee