02/04/1982 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMI1 "1'EE EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 4, 1982 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee was held on February 4, 1982 at the Eagan City Hall. Members present were Martin, Schumaker, Thurston, Carroll, Masin, Fedde, Johnson, McNeely and Tilley. Absent was Tom Gustafson. Also present was the Planning Director and Director of Parks and Recreation. In the absence of Tom Gustafson, Mrs. Gustafson was avail- able to take notes. MINUTES Committee member Masin pointed out a typographical error in the December 10, 1981 minutes. There being no other further corrections a motion by McNeely, seconded by Masin, the minutes of December 10, 1981 were approved unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA The Director of Parks and Recreation requested that three additional infor- mational items be added to the agenda under Other Business /Reports. There being no other further additions or corrections a motion by Carroll, seconded by Johnson the agenda for February 4, 1982 was approved. COMMII°1'EE ORGANIZATIONS The Director of Parks and Recreation assumed the chair for the election of the chairperson for the ensuing year. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll, Roger Martin was nominated. On a motion by Martin, seconded by Fedde, Carolyn Thurston was nominated. On a motion by Fedde, seconded by McNeely nominations were closed. With the conclusion of the secret ballot, Roger Martin was elected chairperson for the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee for the year 1982. Chairman Martin then assumed the responsibility of the chair and moved on to the election of the vice chairperson. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Masin, Carolyn Thurston was nominated. On a motion by Fedde, seconded by McNeely, Richard Carroll was nominated. Nominations were closed and after a secret ballot Carolyn Thurston was elected vice chairperson for the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee for the year 1982. Nominations for secretary were then opened. On a motion by Martin, seconded by Thurston, Richard Carroll was nominated. There being no additional nomina- tions Mr. Carroll was elected secretary by unanimous consent. After discussion, the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee agreed to meet the first Thursday of the month at 7 :00 P.M. as the scheduled meeting date of the Advisory Committee for 1982. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS The Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee discussed the need for an appoint- ment to committees for the ensuing year. Development Committee: Chaired by Thurston with Masin, McNeely, Carroll, Fedde and Martin. Park Names: Chaired by Tilley with Carroll, Johnson and Masin. Teen Program study committee: Chaired Advisory Parks F Recreation Committee Minutes February 4, 1982 Page 2 by McNeely with Thurston and Gustafson. Trails Committee: Chaired by Carroll with McNeely, Masin and Thurston. Recreation Committee: Chaired by Fedde with Gustafson, Thurston and Schumaker. HILLTOP CONDOMINIUMS The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed for the committee the past history of the Hilltop Development under Dunn and Curry. He indicated that the commitment from the developer of previous parks dedication requirements were on a 84 acre parcel which this preliminary plat is included. He stated that the consideration of the Advisory Committee should be for the placement of the trail from Berry Ridge Road south to County Road 30. He then reviewed the options of available to the Advisory Committee for the placement of this trail. A spokesman for Developers Construction indicated that it was the desire of the development to obtain and maintain the existing characteristic trees and topography and that the development was proposed to minimize the impact upon it. He indicated that their preference would be for alternate three that was presented by the Director of Parks and Recreation as having the least amount of impact on the site. The committee members questioned the topography of the site at present and how the change in topography would affect a possible trail adjacent to the cattail marsh on the east. A resident home owner indicated his desire to maintain the permanent trail on top of the temporary trail location. A question was then raised as what would happen to the existing trail on top of the sanitary sewer easement. It was explained that a portion of the easement would be overlaid by the private road into the development, a parking area, and that vegetation would be allowed to grow back over the now disrupted soils. In response to a question the director indicated that the type contours along the pond would approximate the slope of nearly two to one. Chairman Martin indicated that the committee should discuss whether it was the objective to provide a recreational trail or transportational trail for the overall needs of this neighborhood area. After further discussion and location of the park amenities within the area, on a motion by Martin, seconded by Carroll, it was the recommen- dation of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee to the City Council that a 6 foot asphalt trail be installed to the west of the proposed road extending from Berry Ridge Road to County Road 30. All voted in favor. MID- CONTINENT BUILDEPS COUNTRY GLEN CONDOMINIUMS Planning Director, Runkle reviewed the preliminary plat indicating the location, number of units, unit densities, and the location of the Coachman Park in this park service area. In response to a question from the Advisory Committee Mr. Runkle indicated that it was the intent of the developer to provide for a swimming pool and volley ball or open space play area. Committee member Carroll questioned the need for a sidewalk or pedestrian trail within the development because of the densities and location of the park. There followed a discussion by the Advisory Committee on this issue leading to the overall need for trails and potential crossing areas within the neighborhood park service section. A motion by Masin, seconded by Thurston, it was the recommendation of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee to accept cash dedication for each unit at time of final plat and that a single tot -lot be provided. Further, the developer provide an asphalt trail on the west side of Coachman Road extending from Advisory Parks F Recreation Committee Minutes February 4, 1982 Page 3 Lentendre to the southern limits of the proposed plat. A motion was approved unanimously. It was also noted by the Advisory Committee that it was their understanding that the developer would still provide for a swimming pool and volley ball area for the condominium residents. JAMES PLANTENBERG'S REQUEST FOR EASEMENT OAK CHASE PARK Mr. James Plantenberg and Mr. Arnold Carlson were present to request an easement across a portion of Oak Chase Park to facilitate a road access into the property owned by Mr. Plantenberg. The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed the request for the Advisory Committee indicating that this item has previously been reviewed by the committee and that Mr. Plantenberg had researched the questions recently raised by the Advisory Committee. Mr. Plantenberg stated that he had spoken with Dakota Electric and that it would cost approximately $2,500.00 to relocate the electrical box which is near the road access. He indicated that he would need approxi- mately 300 square feet of easement in a triangular shape of 20' x 30' x 40'. He presented a rough drawing showing the location of the triangle to the Advisory Committee for review. Mr. Arnold Carlson was present and indicated that he had sold the property to Mr. Plantenberg and he felt that the City should provide this roadway easement because of his past granting of a utility easement to the City. Chairman Martin indicated that the committee has resisted this type of request in the past and that the action of the Advisory Committee should not be considered to be a precedent setting if it should decide in Mr. Plantenberg's favor. Mr. McNeely indicated that the significance of this triangular piece was minor in nature and does not present a hardship to the City. After further discussion by the Advisory Committee, on a motion by Thurston, seconded by McNeely, it was the recommen- dation of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee to the City Council that an access easement previously described be granted to Mr. Plantenberg. And, that the survey cost and legal cost associated with this easement be the responsibility of Mr. Plantenberg. And, that this motion is being offered due to the unusual and extraordinary circumstance of topography, vegetation, and lack of any alternatives. This motion is not a precedent by the Advisory Committee. All voted in favor, Chairman Martin abstaining. MATCHING GIFTS POLICY Chairman Martin asked the Director of Parks and Recreation to review for the new members of the Advisory Committee this item. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that this had come as a result of a discussion made in 1980 by the Advisory Committee for a policy procedure to deal with requests from neighborhood groups for the City to match gifts. After a review of the positive and negative aspects of such a practice, the Advisory Committee then discussed the need for such a policy. Committee member Carroll moved that the five items that were listed were good basis for starting such a pro- cedure for review of these types of matching gifts and he indicated that he felt such a policy or procedure was necessary. Committee member Fedde wondered if there really was a need for a money limit to be placed on any matching gifts. Committee member Tilley questioned how the public might be notified that a Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes February 4, 1982 Page 4 request was coming from a segment of the neighborhood group for a matching gift. Chairman Martin indicated that a Parks Master Plan should help to resolve some of the problems that can be seen and there is a recognition of the positive aspect of the gifts policy but the City needed to be clear on this issue. Committee member Fedde indicated the committee should omit item #5 of the draft proposal, but committee member Thurston indicated that this might present a problem in the future. After further discussion, the Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that from what the Advisory Committee members were saying, the committee might wish to include a sixth item. This item would state that the staff would ask that a neigh- borhood group requesting matching gifts circulate a memorandum to the designated neighborhood, as defined by the staff, before being reviewed by the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee for action. Further, that it be understood by the committee and community that dollar amounts may be limited for matching purposes by budget or circumstances at the time. After further discussion by the Advisory Committee on a motion by Masin, seconded by McNeely to adopt the 5 points within the draft policy state- ment and the sixth item suggested by the Director of Parks and Recreation. Committee member Schumaker questioned in which manner this procedure or practice might be communicated to the public. The director indicated that an article might be submitted for publication by the Eagan Chronicle and included in a future issue of the Eagan Newsletter. On a vote on a motion all voted in favor. MASTER PARKS PLAN STUDY The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed for the Advisory Committee the status of the Parks Master Guide Plan study. It was indicated that letters of proposal have been sent to five firms which had previously been screened and that interviews would be established the last week in February. He then indicated that the final selection committee would consist of the City Council, perhaps the Advisory Committee in total, with select spokespersons. There was further discussion of the Advisory Committee on this item with no action being taken. NEW BUSINESS SHADE TREE PROGRAM Chairman Martin stated that committee member Carroll had requested this item be placed on the agenda for discussion by the Advisory Committee. Committee member Carroll indicated his concern that now that the State Shade Tree Program is not now being funded through State aids that there would be an increase in the number of diseased Oak and Elm trees. After further explanation, he explained that he would hope that Eagan would have more pride and not let the program disolve. Chairman Martin incicated his agreement that the Shade Tree Program can't be let go. He ‘stated that there is a falsehood that "so what if a tree dies now or in a few years because of disease." He felt that the City should maintain a sanitation posture and not give up because of recent discoveries of potential cures for these diseases. He indicated that all the trees within the community are an asset and an amenity. After discussion, committee member Carroll was asked what it was the committee should record. Member Carroll indicated that the City should take positive action to keep the Shade Tree Program going despite limits of resources. And, that Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes February 4, 1982 Page 5 the citizens be advised as to what action they might be able to take to pre- vent the spread of diseases. Several suggestions were offered as to what these steps might be by members of the Advisory Committee. He then indicated that he would like to have a motion include that the community develop this program in hopes that they would find a method which might save these trees in the near future. After additional discussion committee member Carroll made a motion to recommend to the City Council, that despite the reduction of financial assistance of the State Shade Tree Program that the City ensure the continuation of the program and a positive effort to inspect and comply with existing City ordinance. Further, to maintain existing nursery and tree stock, in light of advancement of chemical treatment, in an effort to keep Eagan green. Seconded by Martin, all voted in favor. BUDGET REDUCTIONS The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed for the Advisory Committee the status of the budget reductions now being reviewed by the City and departments. The City Administrator had spoke to department heads re- questing that they prepare a potential budget reductions within their department. The director further explained that he had reviewed with his staff potential areas, for reductions. He explained that he had placed additional perimeters for these reductions to ensure that cuts were appropriate for these reductions. One, all reductions were true reductions without incurring a shifting of cost to another area and /or false economies be shown. Two, that the long term efficiency and pro ductivity of the department be maintained. And, three that the responsi- bility and the mission of the department not be altered. The director then reviewed a list of five areas for possible reductions which amounted to approximately $7,400.00. The director also mentioned it's possible that the City may be able to save some dollars on capital purchases as companies try to reduce their inventories. After further questions by the Advisory Committee, it was with concurrence that reductions that were proposed by the director, if necessary, were in the best interest of the department. OTHER BUSINESS /REPORTS Chairman Martin indicated that he had requested the need of 1982 objectives be placed on the agenda for discussion. In particular, he stated that he hoped that the committee would continue with its on site inspections and review of park land. After further discussion, it was determined that the development committee should meet and prepare an objective by the March 4th meeting. The development committee then established February 18th at 4 :30 P.M. at City Hall as a tentative meeting date. SPRING AND SUMMER PROGRAMS The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed the potential program offerings for spring and summer. He requested that if they feel or see a need for programs within the community, they should contact the department. Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes February 4, 1982 Page 6 Dated: PARK NAMES A report had been included in the agenda packet concerning park names. Be- cause there was not a location map a base map was then shown to the members which could then be used for an insert into the City Newsletter. There was general acceptance and positive response by the committee for this procedure. BOAT LAUNCH FACILITY The director stated that he had met with other governmental units concerning a possible boat launch facility by the Cedar Avenue bridge. As a result, the Department of Natural Resources will prepare a site plan and general cost estimate for such a facility. The Lower Mississippi Watershed District was interested in seeing this project and would be able to assist in the funding with communities providing some assistance through its force labor account. The committee requested the director to pursue this project and continue to keep the committee informed as the proposal takes shape. VIENNA WOOD PARK LAND The committee members were informed that MnDOT had responded positively to the City's request for the acquisition or turn back of land with the Vienna Wood area development. And, a recent meeting with Unisource Corporation for acquisition of the 22 acre parcel, was positive. He indicated that Unisource was continuing to look at a roadway alignment before final boundaries might be made. ADJOURNMENT There being no additional items of business, on a motion by Fedde, seconded by Tilley, the February meeting was adjourned. K.L.V. A. isory Parks Rec Secretary