03/04/1982 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 4, 1982 The regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee was held on March 4, 1982 at the Eagan City Hall. Those members present at the meeting were Thurston, Martin, McNeely, Tilley, Gustafson, Fedde, Carroll, and Masin. Absent Johnson and Schumaker. Also present was the Director of Parks and Recreation. MINUTES Chairman Martin noted 3 corrections on page 3, page 5 and page 6 of the February 4, 1982 minutes which were of a typographical nature. There being no further corrections on a motion by Carroll, seconded by McNeely minutes of the February 4th Advisory Committee meeting were approved. AGENDA The Director of Parks and Recreation requested that distribution of the 1982 Eagan City Budget be placed on the agenda. There being no further additions or modifications to the agenda, on a motion by Masin, seconded by Tilley with all members voting in favor, the agenda for March 4, 1982 was approved. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS U.S. Homes Orrin Thompson for Lexington Place: The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed the preliminary plat for the 84 acre development which includes 672 dwelling units. The director explained that this was the same parcel of land which the committee had previously reviewed in the fall of 1981. The director indicated that staff was requesting that the developer install a trail along Lexington and Duckwood Trail extension and that the Advisory Committee should consider a potential trail easement on the southern cul -de -sac in the development. The director also pointed out that the develop- er was proposing two recreational areas within the development which would consist of a tot lot and swimming pool. The chairman questioned how potential trail alignment might be laid out to a future park area. The director indi- cated that, potentially, a future site of a park would be to the south and east of this development. After further discussion, a motion by Tilley, seconded by Martin that the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee recommend to the City Council that there be a cash dedication based on the number of units at time of final plat, developer provide an asphalt trail along Lexington, and a sidewalk on Duckwood extension. Further, that the developer provide a trail easement on the proposed cul -de -sac in the south portion of the development, east of the edge of the proposed plat. Further, that the developer provide the tot -lot and pool amenities as shown. Chairman Martin indicated that it should be the understanding that this trail easement revert back to the Home Owner Association if at such time in the future such a trail link to the park could not be accomplished. As a result of the Lexington plat, committee discussed the status of a potential park to the south and east of this development. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that the sub committee, during 1981, had visited potential park site. The director continued that perhaps the committee would like to review this further to determine if the City should begin early negotiations Advisory Parks aid Recreation Committee Minutes March 4, 1982 Page 2 to purchase this area, utilizing the cash dedication receipts from Lexington Place development. After discussion by the Advisory Committee the chairman asked staff to present a report concerning this area at the April meeting. Tomark Development 2nd Addition: The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed the 2nd addition of the Tomark development. Committee member Carroll questioned the topography of the area immediately behind the proposed building addition, stating that it appeared to be unsuitable for a tot -lot development. Further, he pointed out that the developer has already included tennis courts and tot -lot area immediately to the north of the proposed parking lot for this building. After further discussion and questioning by the Advisory Committee there was a motion by Fedde, seconded by Masin with all members voting in favor that the Tomark 2nd Addition provide a cash dedication based on the number of units and cash fee at time of final platting. LeMay Lake Addition: The director presented the preliminary plat for LeMay Lake addition which consisted of approximately 10 acres and 44 townhouse units. The director explained that the development was to provide common space which would have equal access by the home owners. The common open space is identified as outlot C and also contain a tot -lot facility. Committee member Carroll questioned how units 1 through 8 and 41 through 44 would have access to the tot -lot area except through a back yard areas of the units. The committee also questioned the grades along the western boundary provide for a stairway or ramp to the trail along Pilot Knob Road. After extensive discussion by the Advisory Committee, a motion by Carroll, seconded by McNeely that the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee recommend to the City Council that a cash dedication, based on the number of units and fees at final platting be made. Further, that staff first review with the developer, the suitability of providing a ramp to connect the develop- ment to the Pilot Knob Trail, assuming the grade is not prohibitive; that access to the tot -lot area, via a pathway easement be provided from the pro- posed cul -de -sacs. All members voted in favor. Willmus Family Properties Willmus Park Addition: The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that he had met with Joe Cooper of Suburban Engineering concerning this preliminary plat. He referred the members to the memo in the packet and distributed a letter dated March 3, addressed to Mr. Cooper. He indicated that this letter was the result of a meeting he had with Mr. Cooper on March 1st of this year which addressed the concerns of the City for park land. In response to a question, the Director of Parks and Recreation stated that the developer was apparently not aware of his previous 2.2 acre deficiency in park land from the Mallard Park 1st, 2nd and 3rd additions. After further discussion, a consensus of the committee was to table this until further review and negotiations have been completed by staff and the developer. OLD BUSINESS COUNTRY GLENN CONDOMINIUMS The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that the City Council had re- ferred this back to the Advisory Committee for discussion concerning the volleyball facility. He indicated that the City Council wished the Advisory Committee to review this vs a recommendation for a hard surface area and /or Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes March 4, 1982 Page 3 tennis courts. After further review, committee member Masin inquired as to if the cost of the tennis courts would be borne by the developer and /or the home buyer? The director responded that the developer undoubtedly would pass the cost of the courts on to the home owners in the purchase price. Committee member Carroll commented that as long as the area would be under the Home Owners Association, they could assess themselves at some future time and put in tennis courts if they felt that this was more suitable than volleyball. He also indicated that more people could participate in volleyball than in tennis at any one particular time. Committee member Gustafson indicated he favored sand court volleyball as this is a popular activity. There was additional discussion by the Advisory Committee regarding cost, maintenance, and space. Committee member Thurston indicated that as a result of the high densities in this section the City should seek to insure that the developer provide suitable recreational facilities until such time as the Coachman Park is developed. At this time the Advisory Committee went into a detailed and lengthy discussion concerning the City's right and responsibility to require developers to in- stall intensive facilities. After this discussion there was a motion by Martin, seconded by McNeely that the Advisory Committee recommends that the City staff pursue, to its satisfaction, hard surface courts for inclusion in the Country Glenn Condominiums. On a vote on the motion all were in favor. At this point in time committee member Tilley excused herself from the re- mainder of the meeting. COMMITT E OBJECTIVES FOR 1982 Committee Chairman Martin indicated that he would like to accomplish, in addition to a Master Plan, specific objectives for the committee in 1982. At this time the Advisory Committee members went into a systematic approach of identifying objectives, modifying and reviewing them to include for 1982. After complete review and discussion the Advisory Committee's commitments for 1982 were the following: 1. Naming of parks to be completed by the summer of 1982. 2. Signs for parks four (4) for the spring of 1982 to include Lexington, Highview, Blackhawk and Cedar Pond Parks. Further, that the Advisory Committee establish itself the signing of between 6 and 8 to be installed on an annual basis. 3. Recreational program guide, to be an ongoing process of the Advisory Committee throughout 1982. 4. Teen program, an ongoing study of the Advisory Committee for the entire year. 5. Completion of and implementation of the Master Parks Plan study late spring of 1983. 6. Visitation of remaining parks not yet visited; to commence as early as possible throughout 1982. 7. Meet with the City Council /Staff to negotiate. 8. Review of the parks dedication formula and fees. Staff to begin in July, proposal to City Council by October. Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes March 4, 1982 Page 4 SKATING RINKS The director briefly reviewed for the Advisory Committee the memo that was included in the packet regarding rinks. After review he briefly indicated that staff's major concern was for the lack of utilization of Cedar Pond Park skating rink. He indicated that staff was not strongly opinionated as to whether this facility should remain open, closed, or another alternative. Staff wished to make known the very limited attendance at this facility. The advisory members then questioned the attendance at the facility vs other rinks. Carolyn Thurston commented that the report showed that the highest attendance at any one time was 12. The director indicated that an "average" attendance would be 2 to 3 per unit of measure vs as much as 10 to 20 to 40 at others. Committee member McNeely stated the pond is not used that much. He stated that he had skated down there at least 5 times this winter and 4 of the times he and his son were the only ones skating on the rink. He indicated he could see that the time was coming when the City would not be able to maintain a warming house facility or perhaps even to continue the maintenance on the rink. The director was questioned whether this would be feasible. The director indicated that this could be done, as is being done at Bur Oaks. However, he indicated that if the rink were only maintained the warming house should be removed. He then stated that Cedar Pond and Bur Oaks Ponds are usually late to open, closed early because of there use as storm water retention areas. He noted that the departments tractor broke through the ice on February llth involving the necessity of closing Cedar Pond down early for fear of presenting a danger to skaters. After further discussion, staff was asked to prepare a report on the use of this facility and the alternative of closing this facility for the '82 -'83 skating season. The director stated this would be on the agenda for the next meeting while the issue of skating is still fresh within the committee members minds. BRAINSTORMING RECREATIONAL PROGRAM NEEDS Chairman Martin indicated that the hour was growing late and asked the director how long this portion of the agenda would take. It was then determined that this item would be deferred until the April 1982 meeting. TEEN PROGRAM- SUB COMMITTEE Member McNeely presented the draft proposal which was prepared by the sub- committee. He stated that the sub committee had worked out a possible summer work program for teens. The concept of the work program would provide an opportunity for youth to work in the City's parks and recreation areas and be paid a nominal salary based on the seasons work. The programs would be 5 weeks and limited to approximately 20 youths. The culmination of the summer work would be an event of some recreational nature such as a trip to Valley Fair, tubing down Apple River, etc. In response to a question regarding transportation and pay, he indicated that the salary would be based on 5 attendance days for $25.00 as a lump sum. Further, a make up day would be provided however, if the individual would miss more than once, the contract would not be fulfilled and the individual dropped from the work program. Committee member Carroll indicated that the contract should make very clear that participants would not be paid if they missed more than once. Committee member McNeely incicated that transportation was still somewhat of a problem and that he's working through a resolution of this issue. Further, it may Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes March 4, 1982 Page 5 require the City to provide an insurance binder to cover this. It was possible, he continued, that bus cost would be limited to fuel, maintenance and a small per mile charge. Committee member Thurston indicated that she had contacted the Lions Club and auxiliary fire department to see if they would be interested in providing some type of funding assistance. However, she indicated no dollar amount had been discussed pending approval of the Advisory Committee and City Council. After further discussion by the Advisory Committee in regards to staffing, volunteers, salaries, and transportation it was recommended that the staff present the concept to the City Council for their review and comment and for tentative approval to allow staff and committee to proceed with refining this program. Motion Carroll, seconded Martin, all in favor. MASTER PARKS PLAN STUDY The Director of Parks and Recreation stated that the City Administrator, Director of Public Works and he had completed the first interviews of consultants for the Master Parks Plan study. He indicated that a recommendation would be made to the City Council for their final review and selection. Tentatively, the City Council has established March 30th as the interview date of the selected firm. He asked that advisory members to please keep this date open. Chairman Martin and Committee member Thurston indicated that they would not be available on that date, but expressed their desires that the interviews continue on that date. L.A.W.C.O.N. FUNDING 1983 The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that the federal government had cut the L.A.W.C.O.N. funding and that approximately one million dollars in State funds would be available. He indicated that because of the limited dollars available for growing communities the odds for success were not very good. He was now seeking direction from the Advisory Committee as to its possible priorities. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Advisory Committee that staff again prepare a Rahn Grant application as before, as well as review potential application for Thomas Lake Park. 1982 BUDGET The Director of Parks and Recreation distributed the 1982 budget document and indicated the revisions to that document recently made by the City Council. In response to a question, the director indicated that the council had reduced the Parks and Recreation Departments budget by $4,000, and $2,000 in the tree conservation department. He indicated that this was part of the recommendation that he had made to the City Administrator and that which had been reviewed with the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee at its February meeting. He also reviewed the park site acquisition development fund and indicated that changes in the format for presentation would be made in subsequent years for ease of understanding of receivable and obligation to future expenditures under any existing agreements. In response to a question he indicated that the current method does not allow or show for specific breakdowns of liabilities under the fund such as a current commitment to construct portions of the Rahn Thomas Phase II program. Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes March 4, 1982 Page 6 At this time Mike Fedde motioned, seconded by Thurston to add to the agenda the official naming of Rahn Park. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Martin opened the discussion on the naming of Rahn Park, stating as the re- sult of the previous item concerning L.A.W.C.O.N. funding and park naming, it might behoove the Advisory Committee to take official action to name Rahn Park at this time. Motion by Thurston, seconded by Fedde that the Advisory Committee recommend to the City Council that Rahn Park be officially named Rahn Park. This recommendation was being made because of the proximity of Rahn School, Rahn Road, and the residents continual reference to Rahn Park. Further, that this recommendation is being made at this time as funding for the sign could be a part of the current closing out of the acquisition grant for the park. All members voted in favor. APRIL MEETING Several members indicated that they would not be able to attend the April 1st Advisory Committee meeting. It was then moved and seconded that the April 1st Advisory Committee meeting be moved to April 8th in an effort to insure a quorum. ADJOURNMENT There being no additional items of business, on a motion by Fedde, seconded by Carroll the regular meeting of the Advisory Committee was adjourned at 10:25 P.M. Dated: K.L.V. Advisory Par s F, Recreation o ee Secretary