04/08/1982 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMIT "TEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA APRIL 8, 1982 The regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee was held April 8, 1982 at the Eagan City Hall. Those members present at the meeting were Thurston, Carroll, McNeely, Martin, Gustafson, Fedde, Schumaker, Masin and Johnson. Absent was member Tilley who was excused because of the recent birth of a baby daughter. Also present was the Director of Parks and Recreation. MINUTES The Director of Parks and Recreation noted a change in the number of units recorded on the March 4th minutes to read 672 for Lexington Place develop- ment. There being no further corrections, on a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll the minutes of the March 4th committee meeting were approved. AGENDA There being no additions or modifications to the agenda, on a motion by Johnson, seconded by Fedde, all members voted in favor, the agenda for April 8, 1982 was approved. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed the history of the Cinnamon Ridge planned unit development and indicated that the Phase 2 development proposal constituted a dedication of park land. The director indicated that the central park area of approximately 22 acres was being changed in its shape from its original configuration from when it was presented in the P.U.D. The director further indicated that a planning consultant had reviewed the size, shape, etc. of the park and had worked with the Director of Parks and Recreation trying to develop a preliminary concept plan. The director then presented the concept plan for review by the Advisory Committee. He indicated some of the constraints of the central park area and answered numerous questions from the Advisory Committee. The Director of Parks and Recreation then indicated that it was his recommen- dation that the developer be required to provide a 5' wide bituminous path- way through the park as depicted in the concept plan. This would connect the two access points to the park. Further, the developer is to provide a bomonite surface preceding the asphalt trail of at least 15' and a bi- tuminous mat suitable for use as a half court basketball. The developer is to provide grading and seeding of the park area and will provide berming as identified in the concept plans which will highlight the entrance to the park. Further, the developer is to provide an asphalt trail into the 6 acre park of approximately 125' in length. In response to a question the Director of Parks and Recreation responded that the 6 acre area, which is beneath the power lines, is suitable for some parks use provided that some grade changes are made. Committee member Carroll pointed out that some of the grades into the park area were steep. They questioned if this would be taken care of. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that this indeed would be resolved to provide for a gentler slope into the area. He further explained that it was possible to provide a minimum 200' x 200' play area at the south Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes April 8, 1982 Page 2 end of this park. Committee member Martin questioned whether a skating area could ever be provided for this neighborhood. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that it would be his recommendation not to use the central 21/2 acre park but to use the 6 acre park which contained a pond. He indicated that this pond could be expanded in the winter time for some usage for skating purposes if it were so desired at a later time. He further indicated that before such a commitment could be made, that the park plans have to be reviewed with greater attention being paid to this aspect. He went on to explain that the present intent of this area would be to use it for informal play. That a 200' x 200' area could conceivably be used for informal ball field activities and /or open space needs. He stated that further study should be done before any commitments are made. After further review and discussion, and explanation of future phases and cash dedication required within the plat, there was a motion by Fedde, seconded by Carroll that the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee recommend to the City Council that the six recommendations, as presented in the committee's packet be adopted. All voted in favor of the motion. OAKWOOD HEIGHTS CONDOMINIUMS The Director of Parks and Recreation explained the Oakwood Heights condo- miniums as being located in the Lexington South P.U.D. and therefore did not require any parks dedication. After a brief discussion concerning the number of units proposed for the development the recommendation of the Advisory Committee, on a motion by Martin, seconded by Thurston, that the Oakwood Heights condominium development provide a single tot -lot and a continuous bike trail along Wilderness Run Road which meets with the pro- posed bicycle trails plan and the existing City policy. On a vote on the motion, all members were in favor. MIDWESTERN ASSOCIATES LONE OAK HEIGHTS The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly explained the Lone Oak Heights development and the past history of parks dedication and purchase of park for this area. He indicated that before the Advisory Committee was the consideration for tot -lots and for an internal bituminous trail. Committee member Carroll questioned the proposed trail, indicating that it might create a hazard for youths who might cross Pilot Knob Road at this point rather than traveling to the signalized intersection at Yankee Doodle and Pilot Knob Roads. Members of the committee then discussed some of the safety factors and the possibility of the trail moving to Towerview Road and the implications of that. A question was raised as to the possi- bility of the signalization at this intersection providing a safer road crossing. After further discussion and questioning, the chairman tabled the item to the next meeting pending review by the Public Works Director for a report on grades, signalization at Towerview Road, and easement aspects along Towerview Road. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Masin, all in favor. OLD BUSINESS Park service section 14 report: Chairman Martin indicated that the previous Advisory Committee meeting that there was a request for a report on this Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes April 8, 1982 Page 3 park service section. The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed the contents of that report indicating to the full committee where members of the sub committee had reviewed a potential parks area. The director indicated that the Master Parks plan consultant, should give some immediate and detailed attention to the area to ensure that adequate park land and facilities could be provided in this area. He continued that it might be advisable for the City to look towards purchasing a portion of the park which would then be augmented by future parks land dedications adjacent to the purchased area. After further discussion it was the consensus of the Advisory Committee not to take any action at this time but to defer it to the consul- tant for his attention and review. TEEN PROGRAM Chairman Martin indicated he had contacted community organizations and had some positive response. Committee member Thurston indicated that she too had talked to the Lions Club and that they were considering a cash dedication to the Teen Program for carrying out its activities. Committee member McNeely indicated that he had not heard on the request for transportation donation but would have a response by the following Saturday. After all reports and comments, it was determined that a sub committee meeting might be called to again review and make final plans for the teen program on the 22nd of the month. MASTER PARKS PLAN REVISIONS Chairman Martin asked the director to review and explain the various revisions within the Scope of Services as presented in the packet as a basis for dis- cussion. The director went on in detail of each of the areas and the re- sponsibilities involved by the staff and Advisory Committee, and the proposed reductions in the fee schedule. Member Masin questioned the need for six City wide meetings indicating that this number might be reduced if the need was seen not to exist. There was extensive review by the Advisory Committee, with questions regarding time frame, and concerns expressed for reductions in concept plans. After this discussion there was a motion by Carroll, seconded by Masin. All members voted in favor to approve the revisions of the Scope of Services as presented by the Director of Parks and Recreation and for the City to proceed with the development of the Master Parks plan. All members voted in favor. Chairman Martin then stated that he was pleased to see the City move ahead with this Master Parks plan and the Councils positive response. The Director of Parks and Recreation then explained that it may be necessary for the Advisory Committee to meet on the 22nd of April. He indicated that Mr. Erkkila from Erkkila and Associates would like to meet with the Advisory Committee at an early opportunity to begin the planning process. This date is tentative. He indicated that he would advise members if this meeting would be held. The committee members then discussed additional meetings, stating that they would like to meet on the third (3rd) Thursday of the month to handle questions and concerns involved in the Master Parks plan. There was additional discussion by the Advisory Committee concerning the processing of the parks plan and meeting with Mr. Erkkila. Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes April 8, 1982 Page 4 CEDAR POND SKATING PROGRAM Chairman Martin stated that he had reviewed the materials in his packet in regards to this issue stating that he favored Option B. Committee Masin questioned the safety of the pond for skaters and maintenance staff? The Director of Parks and Recreation responded that he has a bias perspective in regards to skating on ponds in general, particularly those that were used for storm waters. He indicated that the tractor had broken through the ice this year in a period of relatively cold conditions. He further indicated that at sometime in the past another vehicle had broken through. He continued saying that his concerns were more in response to men and equipment than to skaters or pond users. The committee then discussed the possibility of maintaining the ice area and removing the warming house for the following season and reviewing the issue the following year. Committee member McNeely indicated that he was close to the pond and that he was a frequent user of it and he would be willing to continue to monitor its use next year. After additional discussion by the Advisory Committee, concerning the Cedar Pond and Burr Oaks Pond as skating areas, there was a motion by McNeely, seconded by Thurston, that Cedar Pond Park skating area be limited to maintenance only and that the removal of the warming house and attendant for the 1982 -83 season be made. Further, that this be reviewed at the end of the 1982 -83 season for further study. On a vote of the motion the motion carried with Schumaker voting no. L.A.W.C,O.N. The director indicated that the information enclosed in the packet was for committee's review and up -date. Committee member Martin stated that he would like to see the grant application be made for Rahn Park. The director said that this work was now in progress and such an application would be made, but that he wanted the committee to understand that it did not appear likely that such a grant would be successful because of limited funding. There were no further questions and no action was taken by the Advisory Committee. RECREATIONAL BRAINSTORMING This item was deferred to a subsequent meeting. OTHER BUSINESS /REPORTS The Director of Parks and Recreation reported that the spring maintenance program was being delayed because of inclement weather. However, staff has worked on picnic tables, tennis courts and other equipment maintenance in preparation for spring weather. The director further indicated that much of the work for skating rinks has already been completed. He re- quested that the Advisory Committee be alert and understand the impact of the weather and not everything could be accomplished at one time once the current period of inclement weather had ceased. Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes April 8, 1982 Page 5 MAY MEETING It was discussed that the next Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee meeting on May 6th would begin at 6:30 P.M. leaving City Hall to visit parks. The regular meeting would begin at 7:30 P.M. The Director of Parks and Recreation next discussed a proposal included in the packet. This proposal is for a consultant parks planner to review all future parks land dedication. However, the cost for this review by staff and consultant would be the responsibility of the developer. He stated that there were positive and negative aspects about this but was requesting the Advisory Committee to act as a sounding board for this. In response to a question, the director indicated that such a proposal could cost $900.00 to $1,500.00 but that these costs could conceivably go higher if there were difficult grades, ponding issues or the like which had to be resolved. Committee member Schumaker felt it was a good idea to be pursued. Committee member Thurston questioned if the City was asking the developer to shoulder these costs, that he would then ask for a reduction in the parks land dedication. Committee member Carroll questioned whether this would side step neighborhood input into the parks planning process. Committee member Gustafson questioned whether neighbor- hood process was significant at that time, stating that this was a pre- liminary concept and not necessarily a total parks plan. There was further discussion by the Advisory Committee and the chairman indicated that he felt this was an issue that should be discussed jointly with the City Council. The Director of Parks and Recreation was asked to place this item on •file with other items that the committee could discuss with the City Council for some direction and discussion. CITY WIDE TOUR The Director of Parks and Recreation then asked if the committee members would be interested in seeing the staff pursue a tour, such as was conducted last year, for members of the Advisory Committee, Planning Commission and City Council? Committee members responded positively to this thought indi- cating that they would all like to see such a tour repeated. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business McNeely make a motion, and seconded that the Advisory Committee adjourn. Motion carried at 9:40 P.M.