05/06/1982 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA MAY 6, 1982 The regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee was held on May 6, 1982 at the Eagan City Hall. Those members present at the meeting were Gustafson, Fedde, Schumaker, Masin, Thurston, Carroll, McNeely, Martin and Tilley. Committee member Johnson has submitted his resignation from the Advisory Committee and was not present at this meeting. Also present was the Director of Parks and Recreation and the Director of Public Works. There being no changes in the minutes of the April 8, 1982 meeting, on a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll, the minutes of the April 8th committee meeting were approved. BERRY RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT: MINUTES AGENDA Committee member Thurston requested that the L.A.W.C.O.N. Grant be placed on the agenda. There being no other additions or modifications, on a motion by Carroll, seconded by Tilley, all members voted in favor, the agenda for May 6, 1982 was approved. Chairman Martin noted that the Advisory Committee had just toured the Pilot Knob Park and Highview Park prior to the start of the regular meet- ing commencing at 7:30 P.M. IN- SERVICE PLAYGROUND The Director of Parks and Recreation introduced Ms Mary Thompson who is self employed in Playground Design. Ms Thompson presented a slide presentation concerning playground equipment and its functional layout for use by children. She emphasized the conceptual layout and those aspects which en- hance a child's use of playground equipment and those which detracted from child's play. Following Ms Thompson's presentation there were numerous questions regarding safety, liability, cost,, and an expression of appreci- ation for her presentation. Committee members indicated a desire to review in person examples of play equipment in other communities which have been described as being both imaginative and creative. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS The Director of Parks and Recreation identified the location and number of units in the Berry Ridge Preliminary Plat. He indicated that it was part of the Hilltop Estates development and the parks dedication has previously been satisfied. However, the director indicated that the Advisory Committee may wish to consider the possibility of an installation of a bituminous trail located within the plat on the north side of Berry Ridge Road. In response Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes May 6, 1982 Page 2 to a question, the Director of Parks and Recreation indicated the location of the other trails in the area, the topography, beginning and ending points for such a proposed trail. Committee member Carroll questioned the logical route of which individuals would be using to gain access to the trails segment. The committee discussed the need for the trail, responsi- bility for the maintenance and service that a proposed trail might provide. After further review, there was a motion. by Thurston, seconded by Tilley, the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee recommend that there is no necessity for a trail on the north side of Berry Ridge Road. The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS MIDWESTERN ASSOCIATES LONE OAK HEIGHTS: This item was introduced by the Director of Parks and Recreation who briefly indicated that this had previously been reviewed by the Advisory Committee who had concerns regarding the location of the proposed trail and tot -lots. City Engineer, Tom Colbert was present who then detailed for the Advisory Committee the history of the plat and the location of the proposed trails within the plat. After detailing the proposal by Mr. Colbert, members questioned the liability and potential use by residents east of Pilot Knob Road for crossing,other than at signalized inter- sections, to gain access to the internal trail system and to the park and school. Committee member Carroll suggested the trail be moved to Lone Oak with the trail along Shields Lane leading to a shortened internal trail into the park and school. There was a lengthy discussion with the review of several other alternatives by the Advisory Committee for trails. Committee members again expressed concern for each of the alternatives which appeared to encourage youths or adults to cross at other than signal- ized intersections. After further discussion there was a motion by Dick Carroll, seconded by Fedde, all members voted in favor that the developer provide a trail along the north edge of the plat along Lone Oak Road from Pilot Knob to the school property; the developer provide a trail from Shields Lane west to the northeast corner of the park; that the trail meet City specifications of 8' and 6' in width respectively. The Advisory Committee made this recommendation to avoid safety hazards in having random crossings of Pilot Knob Road. This trail alternative reduces such liability and provides access to the park and school with the highest degree of safety. All members voted in favor. The committee then reviewed the tot -lot locations within the development with concerns expressed for the western most proposed lot because of grades and near by pond which is located in park property. The committee members looked at the possibility of berming by the tot -lot. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that most play equipment, in relationship to the tennis courts, is distant, and the Advisory Committee might consider having the developer place this equipment on City park property. There was additional discussion by the Advisory Committee and the alternatives con- cerning the placement of tot -lots. After this discussion, there was a Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes May 6, 1982 Page 3 motion by McNeely, that the Advisory Committee recommend that the developer install the proposed easterly located tot -lot as indicated and, the tot -lot proposed on the west side be moved to City park property, adjacent to the existing tennis courts with the playground equipment to be selected and location specifically identified by staff; to be done as the responsibility of the developer. Seconded by Martin, with all committee members voting in favor. Committee members commented that the location of this second tot -lot would be an amenity to the development, enhance the usage of tennis courts and play lot activities together, while removing the potential liability of installing the equipment at a location near a City park pond. NEW BUSINESS CEDAR POND PARK DUCKS: The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed the item in the park packet concerning resident's calls on ducks and geese within Cedar Pond Park, which were being kept by a resident. The director indicated that he had conversations with the owner of the geese, and those geese have now been removed permanently from the park area. Members then spoke in favor of ducks in the area as they enhance the scenic attractive- ness of the park. Member Thurston indicated that the City needs to pro- vide some vehicle for disallowing other creatures from parks. She further agreed that the geese needed to go and that the ducks seem appropriate in this instance, but a policy might have to be developed. Committee member Carroll suggested that a letter be sent to the resident to not reintroduce the geese in the future. Committee member Martin indicated that he under- stood the problem of having the ducks and geese in the park and the clean- up from droppings inferred that perhaps a policy might lead to a clean-up after dogs and cats that also frequent the parks. Members of the Advisory Committee then began to review the alternatives for how to handle this situation and the desire not to set a precedent of encouraging residents to use the park for livestock raising. Staff was then asked to send a letter to the resident concerning the current issue before the Advisory Committee and to prepare a draft statement concerning the approach by the Advisory Committee to this issue in other instances. OTHERBUSINESS /REPORTS PARKS PLAN: The director briefly reviewed the status of the Master Parks Plan and gave committee members a revised copy of the survey instrument. Members then completed the survey as a review and pre -trial to see if any other questions might arise. Several comments were noted and the director indicated that he would talk with Mr. Erkkila to see if changes were necessary and might yet be made. The director also advised the committee on the districting of the community and dates for meetings. The director then responded to several questions regarding the Master Parks Plan at this point. GARDEN PLOTS: The director handed out an informational sheet concerning a garden plot program which the City Council had recently approved for administration by the Parks and Recreation Department. The Advisory Committee reviewed the document and responded favorably to the program. The director indicated that despite the fact that the City had a great deal of land, much of the land did not seem suitable for the garden plot program and if Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes May 6, 1982 Page 4 there were sufficient interest in this first and trial year, the pro- gram could be reviewed for expansion or modification the following year. L.A.W.C.O.N. GRANT: In response to questions from committee member Thurston, the director indicated that the L.A.W.C.O.N Grant had been sub- mitted for the development of Rahn Park specifically the 20 acres acquired by the City for athletic field development. The director went on to explain that the review process has begun and asked if any of the committee members would be willing to meet the following Monday at 1:30 P.M. with members of the Metro Council and State Planning Agency for an on site visit. Committee member Thurston indicated that she would be present. The director then went on to explain that the possi- bilities of the submission of a grant for Thomas Lake Park may be de- sirable in the future. He has had conversation with the land owner, Mr. Dunn who is favorable to such an agreement. The director responded to several questions in regards to this issue as to how it would benefit the City. TEEN PROGRAM: The issue of the teen program was briefly reviewed for the Advisory Committee with the director indicating that the City has received indication from various donors amounting to about $400.00 to supplement the transportation cost and the end event for this program. Other questions in regards to the planned activities which were still in planning form. OTHER BUSINESS: Committee Chairman Martin requested that a thank you letter be sent to Mr. Johnson thanking him for his service on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, on a motion and seconded; that the Advisory Committee adjourn. Motion carried at 11 :10 P.M. Dated: K.L.V. Advisory Park 'F, Recreation Committee Secretary