06/03/1982 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA JUNE 3, 1982 The regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee was held on June 3, 1982 at the Eagan City Hall. Those members present at the meeting were Gustafson, Fedde, Schumaker, Carroll, Thurston, Masin and Kubik. Absent were members Tilley, Martin and McNeely. Also present was the Director of Parks and Recreation and the Planning Director. MINUTES There being no additions or corrections to the May 6, 1982 minutes, on a motion by Carroll, seconded by Gustafson, the minutes were approved. AGENDA There being no additions or modifications to the agenda, on a motion by Fedde, seconded by Schumaker, all members voted in favor, the agenda for June 3, 1982 was approved. OLD BUSINESS The committee then moved to old business. The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed the draft proposal regarding the use of parks for raising of animals. He indicated that he tried to capture the intent of the Advisory Committee's comments from the last meeting in regards to this issue. Member Thurston indicated that she felt that the last statement was right on target and adequately reflected the intent and direction of the Advisory Committee. After further review and discussion by the committee, motion by Carroll, seconded by Fedde, the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee adopted the draft policy that relates to the raising of ducks and geese or other animals in the park system. All in favor. NEW BUSINESS There being no new business the Director of Parks and Recreation proceeded to reports and gave a verbal report on numerous items. SUMMER REPORT He indicated that the registration for summer programs was well in progress and that additional sessions had to be created for the T -Ball program be- cause of the overwhelming response. Further, the Tiny Tots program has been filled to approximately 85% of capacity at this time. The director also re- viewed progress on the teen informational meeting, July 4th celebration and use of the Rahn hockey facilities for the proposed rodeo. Members of the Advisory Committee expressed their concern for the use of the Rahn facili- ties in this manner because of liability and restoration of turf and the potential damage to the hockey rinks. The director then went on to explain that he had received the points awarded from the Metropolitan Council concerning the City's application for Rahn Park development. He indicated that he had concern for the award of points in the fiscal effort category. While the City's ten year average has in- Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes June 3, 1982 Page 2 creased in expenditures the City has actually received less points in this year's application visa the previous application. The director went on to explain the discrepancy and frustration of receiving lesser points indicating that he would be discussing this discrepancy with their staff and council in the near future. The director responded to several questions in regards to this issue as well as other questions in regards to the operations of the parks system at this point. There being no other business or reports the committee then reviewed the development proposals. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Killdeer Addition -Lot Split The Director of Parks and Recreation gave the location of the Killdeer Addition and the proposed lot- split. After review by the Advisory Committee, on a motion by Carroll, seconded by Masin, with all members voting in favor it was the recommendation of the Advisory Committee to accept a cash dedi- cation for the additional lot created in this addition. McCarthy Ridge- Lot -Split The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed the location of the McCarthy Ridge Addition and the lot- split. After review by the Advisory Committee, it was the recommendation of the Advisory Committee, on a motion by Schumaker, seconded by Fedde, with all members voting in favor, that a cash dedication be required on the additional lot created. Cinnamon Ridge /4th Addition The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed this P.U.D. and 3rd addition for the parks committee. He indicated that there was no modifi- cations or changes to this addition from the original P.D. or from the 2nd phase previously reviewed by the Advisory Committee. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Fedde, with all members voting in favor, the Advisory Committee reaffirmed its previous recommendations to receive park land and an appropri- ate cash dedication with the 3rd addition. St. Francis Woods 3rd Addition The Director of Parks and Recreation and Planning Director reviewed the background of the St. Francis Woods Addition and the preliminary plat for the 3rd addition. The planning director indicated that the 3rd addition had initially been platted as an outlot as part of the first and second and that parks dedication had been received through the Deboer Parks dedi- cation. He further reviewed details of the preliminary plan showing the location of tennis courts, trails and gazebos. Committee members Thurston and Carroll questioned the grades of the proposed gazebo and the proximity of the location as it relates to other single family development. Committee member Carroll questioned run -off in the southwest portion of the site. After further discussion on the proximity of the tennis courts and the need for a tot -lot within the development. The committee then discussed possible locations for a tot -lot and limitations, topography, and ponding. After further review by the Advisory Committee there was a motion by Carroll, seconded by Fedde, that the Advisory Committee recommend approval of the tennis court with the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes June 3, 1982 Page 3 proposed gazebo which is subject to staff study for drainage and /or appropri- ate landscape design and construction; for approval; and because of the limited number of units, lack of appropriate space, that no tot -lot be pro- posed in this addition. On a vote of the motion all members were in favor, Schumaker abstained. Federal Land Company Eagan Heights Commercial Park Planning Director Runkle reviewed the proposal from Federal Land Company to change the 100 acre site into a planned unit development. He indicated what the existing zoning was and action by the Advisory Planning Commission at its most recent meeting. The Director of Parks and Recreation also reviewed existing park land location adjacent to the proposed commercial area and within the neighborhood service area. He indicated that there was proposed school /city park as indicated in the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan. Mem- bers of the committee expressed the desire to see this park and surrounding topography, for parks dedication or trail requirements. After further re- view and discussion the consensus of the Advisory Committee was to defer recommendation in regards to this P.U.D. until an opportunity to see the land and to review in greater detail the alternatives available to the committee. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Schumaker, the item was deferred to the next or special meeting of the committee. ADJOURNMENT There being no further items to discuss, on a motion by Fedde, seconded by Carroll, the committee adjourned at 10:05 P.M.