07/08/1982 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 8, 1982 The regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee was held on July 8, 1982 at the Fagan City Hall. Those members present at the meeting were Masin, Kubik, Schumaker, Fedde, Gustafson, Thurston, McNeely, Martin, and Tilley. Absent was member Carroll. Also present was the Director of Parks and Recreation. Preceding the convening of the meeting at 7:40 P.M., the members of the Advisory Committee toured Fish Lake Park, Deboer Park, and the area proposed for the Eagan Heights Commercial Park, and Burr Oaks Park. The committee also wished to have expressed that the committee had toured Donnywood, Lexington, and Country Home Heights Parks prior to its June 3rd meeting. MINUTES There being no additions or corrections to the June 3, 1982 minutes, on a motion by Thurston, seconded by McNeely the minutes for June 3, 1982 was approved. On a motion by Masin, seconded by Tilley the minutes of the special meeting of the Advisory (bmmittee held on June 24, 1982 was approved unanimously. AGENDA Chairman Martin and the Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that the agenda should be modified to include under other business a handout and dis- cussion of the tactic study for the parks system plan, discussion on the use of scouts for pond study. There being no other additions or modifications to the agenda, on a motion by McNeely, seconded by Thurston, all members voted in favor, the agenda for July 8, 1982 was approved. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed the Eagan Heights Commercial Park's proposal for a 100 acre parcel of land. The director reminddd the Advisory Committee that this had previously been reviewed at the June meet- ing and deferred to the July 8th meeting. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated the area that the committee had walked prior to the formal meeting. He indicated the ponding area, existing parks land, underlining zoning area, phasing of the proposal, etc. He also indicated that the City Council has not taken action on this matter but has deferred it to July 26 or August 3 meeting. In response to a question, the Director of Parks and Recreation pointed out the existing trail easement of Duckwood Estates and Duckwood Trail plat to existing park land. Also indicated was the area in the preliminary proposal for a trail connection. The director then explained that he had some concerns of the location shown on the preliminary plat, stating that conceptual location of the trail tended to conflict with topography, pond lakes and vegetation. Committee member Kubik indicated that he agreed with this assessment. He stated that from his visual observation he concurred. It appeared that the trail, as shown may be difficult to complete. Committee members then discussed other aspects of the trails in the plat, indicating that greater detail for the trail should be shown and /or determined. There was also concern for topography and heavy Advisory Parks F, Recreation Committee Minutes July 8, 1982 Page 2 vegetation in the area of the trails alignment. Member Thurston questioned if it was the intention of the committee to accept cash dedication for that portion which is currently zoned R -4, should this parcel not be rezoned and ultimately constructed in multiples. Committee members expressed concern for the limited amount of green space versus the apparently large amount of parking. Members questioned if this was strictly a conceptual drawing or if in fact the amount of parking shown was in the zoning requirements. They also discussed the internal trails and sidewalk alignment and the need for 8' bituminous paths along Yankee Doodle and Lexington Avenue. Committee member Kubik then offered that the committee should be concerned for a trail alignment along the entire east -west boundary of the plat, suggesting that the trail easement shown is not sufficient and that the committee should look towards topographic need along this entire east -west property line. Committee members indicated that the community areas would greatly benefit by this park area as its development for a neighborhood park is unlikely. There was additional discussion by the Advisory Committee concerning the entire plat and how the City could be insured that the proposed trail would adequately be developed. There was discussion by the Advisory Committee concerning run -off and from the extensive parking area into Deboer Park, pond and concerns expressed for erosion control, and maintaining of exist- ing vegetation during construction. Following this extensive discussion there was a motion by Thurston, seconded by McNeely that the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee recommends to the City Council the following: a. That a trails dedication shall be made beginning from the existing Widgeon Way trail easement east to Lexington Avenue; subject to topographical and vegetative concerns and final review by the Director of Parks and Recreation; trail to be installed by the developer. b. That the developer be required to install an 8' bituminous trail along Yankee Doodle and Lexington Avenue. And, an internal trail system along the proposed roadways in the plat. c. If the R -4 property in the plat be developed as multiple it shall be subject to the cash dedication at the time of final platting. d. That each phase of the proposed development be reviewed and subject to potential parks dedication chat may be implemented or approved at some future time. e. That the City engineer or consulting engineer review the storm water run -off to O'Leary Lake and park property pond from salts and other contaminants for minimization of environmental affects. Preceding the call on the motion, a discussion by the committee for the need to include within the recommendation the committee's concern for open space versus parking, erosion control and landscaping. Following this discussion, all members voted in favor of the motion. Northview Meadows Lexington South P.U.D. The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed for the Advisory Committee the location of the proposed plat and basic aspects within the proposal. The director indicated that there was approximately 9 acres of park land to be Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes July 8, 1982 Page 3 received from this plat as part of the Lexington South P.U.D. He indicated that the park land may not be received at this time as the Lexington South P.U.D. has previously dedicated park land which is now in excess of their requirement. In response to a question the director indicated that the value of this park land would be primarily scenic and open space value. Because of the steep grades, low areas associated with the parcel the park land will not have active park usage. After further discussion by the Advisory Committee, and all new members not being aware of the Lexington South's future park land dedication, on a motion by Martin, seconded by Tilley, all members voting in favor, this item was deferred until the next regular meeting of the Advisory Committee. Further, staff was asked to prepare for that meeting a review of the Lexington South P.U.D. as an informational item for the committee. 35 -E HIGHLINE TRAIL At this point in the meeting the Advisory Committee amended the agenda to include the discussion of 35 -E Highline Trail passing over Blackhawk Road. The discussion was concerning the apparent withdrawal of funding by the federal government for the 35 -E crossing of Blackhawk for the bicycle trail. The director explained to the members of the committee that the Public Works Director had recently received a letter indicating that funds had been with- drawn for this bridge crossing. And, that it might be advisable for the Advisory Committee and City Council to discuss alternatives and strategies in regards to this issue. Committee member Martin explained to the other members of the committee that in the past the parks committee had met several times with individuals from MnDOT explaining this need and had been assured that such a trail crossing could be achieved. He further indicated that the City had expended a great deal of energies and monies in construction of the existing trails in anticipation of such a crossing. Elimination of this trail crossing now was just disturbing. After discussion there was a motion by Martin, seconded by Fedde, that staff review and research with MnDOT alternatives for a trail connection; and for discussion with the City Council at the next council /committee meeting to determine the strategy in regards to this issue. Further, staff is to convey to council and MnDOT the concern of the elimination of this bridge on behalf of the committee and the citizens of the community. All members voted in favor of the motion. TACTICS STUDY The Director of Parks and Recreation distributed to members of the Advisory Committee a completed tactic study and the report on the neighborhood input sessions compiled for the parks system plan. He indicated that members would receive hard bound books with this segment in it and other future segments but at this time felt that this information was important now to be placed in committee and council members hands. The director briefly reviewed the results of the tactic study indicating that it confirmed to the consultant that the Scope of Services section was well defined and consistent with the groups concerns for the parks development. Further, it appears that the consensus of those interviewed saw that the priority was for parks development and quality maintenance as desired objectives. However, it is not to overshadow the need for timely acquisition of other park land parcels. The director also indicated that there was a great deal of interest and concern which was confirmed by the neighborhood meetings, for a well de- Advisory Parks 4 Recreation Committee Minutes July 8, 1982 Page 4 fined trail system. The director responded to several questions from the Advisory Committee concerning the report and explanations given under various topics. Members were encouraged to read this report and make notations for follow up to the director and consultant. POND STUDY At a special meeting of the Advisory Committee on June 24th it was indicated that the boy scouts could be seen as a resource for conducting an initial or partial review of ponds and lakes in addition to those ponds that were desig- nated for the consultant to review. The director and the consulting park planner to develop a list to be researched if a local scout group could be organized. Chairman Martin indicated that his son would be willing to organize such a study for an Eagle Scout award and would be ready to commence this project in the very near future. The consensus of the committee that this work should begin at an early opportunity. OTHER BUSINESS The Director of Parks and Recreation responded to several questions from the Advisory Committee concerning parks and recreational issues that they had observed in the system. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to conduct on a motion by Masin, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor, the regular meeting of July 8, 1982 was adjourned at 9 :55 P.M. Dated: K.L.V. visory Pa s Recreation Commi ee Secretary