08/05/1982 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA AUGUST 5, 1982 The meeting of the Eagan Parks and Advisory Committee was held on August 5, 1982 at the Eagan City Hall. Those members present at the meeting were Martin, Fedde, Gustafson, Carroll and Thurston. Absent were members Schumaker, Tilley, Masin, McNeely, Kubik. Also present was the Director of Parks and Recreation and Planning Director. Preceding the convening of the meeting at 7:30 P.M., members of the Advisory Committee toured South Oaks, Lakeside, Wedgewood, Capricorn and Ches Mar Parks. MINUTES Chairman Martin indicated that only five members of the committee were present thus a quorum was not constituted to act upon the minutes in an official capacity. The committee determined that a review of the agenda should take place but to withhold any official action until a full committee was available. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS BLACKHAWK OAKS City Planner, Dale Runkle reviewed the preliminary plat which had been re- ceived for Blackhawk Oaks, indicating the density, design, and road layout. He further reviewed the recommendations of the Advisory Planning Commission concerning the plat and the current status. The Parks and Recreation Director distributed to the committee a report titled, Preliminary Review; Blackhawk Park Access Issues. The director indicated that he and the parks system consultant, Tim Erkkila had done a preliminary evaluation and review of access to Blackhawk Park. He indicated that the primary concern for access related to an extension of Silver Bell Road through the Blackhawk Oaks plat. The director reviewed the contents of the preliminary report indicating that at this time the study was being done because of the urgency created by the Blackhawk Oaks preliminary plat. He stated that the access issue was one that should really be looked at in terms of the development and use pattern for the park and not as a separate issue in of itself. In reviewing the report, it appeared to be desirable to try to gain access to Blackhawk Park at the northwest corner via Silver Bell Road extension. This roadway would be the primary access to the park until such time as a south road would be possible. At that time that a south access is developed, the Silver Bell access point would become secondary in nature. In response to a question, the director indicated that the current access to the park from Riverton be. retained but utilized as a neighborhood access rather than a community park access. The Director of Parks and Recreation and City Planner responded to numerous questions in regards to the plat and questions regarding access to the park. Mr. Wes Carlson who resides on Palisade Point commented that he agreed that the alignment of Silver Bell Road should be extended into the park. Mr Carlson also produced an old plan which was showing an access into the park north rather than the current Riverton access point. Committee mem- ber Carroll questioned the property immediately to the north of Blackhawk Park for possible development and its zoning, questioning whether park land Advisory Parks F, Recreation Committee Minutes August 5, 1982 Page 2 dedication might be sought when this parcel is ultimately developed. Committee member Carroll also questioned the amount of parking that might be available at the northwest access. The director indicated that the amount of parking would be limited as a desirable aspect and if direction from the Advisory Committee is such that this should be looked into further the amount of parking could then be determined. Chairman Martin offered that the extension of Silver Bell into the park would be an immediate benefit for park users. Further, this would be a better access than through residential street access currently available. Committee member Carroll indicated that he felt the current access was insufficient to the park, that ultimate use of the park through these residential streets was not the most desirable. After further discussion, staff was to meet with the developer and review the options of an access into the park from a Silver Bell extension. The parks dedication is to consist of a possible combination of land and cash to satisfy both the roadway access and parking. BRITTANY MANOR 4th City Planner Runkle explained the proposed plat explaining that the original Brittany Manor addition consisted of duplex. He indicated the developer is now requesting that these lots be platted as 18 single family units. The Planning Director indicated that there would be no land dedication with this parcel but would be cash dedication. He indicated the issue before the Advisory Committee however, is a 30' wide trail easement which was received when the original Brittany Manor was platted. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated the location of the trail and its intended purpose at the time it was received as an easement. He stated that since this property had been obtained however, that Orrin Thompson development had granted the City the existing trailway from Johnny Cake Ridge addition to Cliff Road. He indicated that the use of this trail now seemed questionable. Members of the Advisory Committee questioned the value of the lake property located on the east perimeter of the trail. It was pointed out the trail ends at a ponding easement and is not at the N.O.H.W. It was also noted that the surrounding lots fall into the lake area. The committee then discussed the value of the lake for park purposes and constraints from not owning or being able to obtain additional land around the lake for a trailway. It was also commented that an existing pond and trailway do exist further to the south in Dakota County Park land which is accessible to the residents for enjoyment. Committee member Thurston indicated that it was her thoughts that the draw- backs to the keeping this trail was more significant than its uses, as a dead end lake is not useful. There was general agreement by the committee with directions to staff to accept a cash dedication and to abandon the concept of a trail. The Director of Parks and Recreation was asked to review the needs for a portion of the trail easement as it abuts Johnny Cake Ridge Road to tie in with the existing trail alignment. SUB- DIVISION ORDINANCE Planner Runkle informed the Advisory Committee that the planning commission was reviewing the sub- division ordinance as it relates to parks. He indicated that the big question was how to receive parks dedication with a phased develop- ment. He then reviewed the discussion by the planning commission. Members of the Advisory Committee indicated that flexibility would be necessary in dealing and accepting parks land in totality or in phasing with each parcel. Committee Advisory Parks F Recreation Committee Minutes August 5, 1982 Page 3 member Martin indicated that several of the park sections which are without parks at this time should be indicated or addressed for early parks dedication. There was no further discussion or action taken by the committee. NEW BUSINESS Designation of Park Sites for System Plan Design: The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed the memo included in the packet for the Advisory Committee indicating that the consultant wished to begin base mapping for as many parks as the committee would like to include for designs. The director indicated five (5) parks he felt deserved some priority because they generally met the criteria of having known boundaries, are acquired park land, within developed neighborhood areas, and might be conducive to preliminary work by City forces. The director indicated Capricorn, Wedgewood, Lakeside and South Oaks Parks. The Director of Parks and Recreation then reviewed some of the pros and cons of other park sites. The committee then discussed each of the park sites suggesting and defining some of the concerns and issues of each of the sites. In response to a question the director indicated that he felt it desirable that the committee continue to work on the issue to at least begin to shape a second group of five (5) park sites for park design purposes. And, at such time the joint committee meeting with the City Council this issue would then be raised for a joint discussion. He continued that committee work in advance of this would be helpful to eliminate or designate some of the park sites. The committee discussed Blackhawk, Thomas Lake, Carlson Lake as strong candidates for design. Rahn Park and Fish Lake also seemed logical candidates. After a lengthy discussion it was determined that this issue would be placed on the agenda for additional discussion and the park sites systematically dealt with. The pros and cons could then be listed for each site. 1983 BUDGET The Director of Parks and Recreation stated that much of the budget was now "down in pencil" and would be completed within a few days to be turned into the City Administrator. He asked that the Advisory Committee make known any of its concerns for additional consideration before the final budget was submitted. The director, in response to a question, indicated that additional money has been placed in for picnic tables and for program ex- pansion in some areas. He went on to explain numerous aspects about the budget and what had been included as well as the concerns for trails mainte- nance, rinks maintenance and parks care. Member Martin stated that the worst part of the parks seems to be in the poor soils and lack of good turf. He suggested that this be given some consideration for improvement. The committee and the Director of Parks and Recreation exchanged information concerning the budget but no action was required or taken by the committee at this time. OTHER BUSINESS The Director of Parks and Recreation briefed the Advisory Committee on the recently completed maintenance work. He stated that all of the neighbor- hood park ball fields have now been graded and additional material added as well as having most of the playground equipment and play perimeters stained and painted. The director then briefly outlined some of the fall projects envisioned for the maintenance staff which included tree planting, Advisory Parks t Recreation Committee Minutes August 5, 1982 Page 4 work on the athletic and soccer fields, installation of some pieces of play ground equipment, fall spraying for weeds and other general turf issues. Chairman Martin indicated that it would be desirable to have September 10th as the annual committee's picnic outing at Blackhawk Park and if rain for the picnic to be held at Rahn Park. Assignments for carrying out the picnic were made. Committee member Martin requested that on the September agenda a review of the Blackhawk Park P.D. be placed on the agenda for discussion by the committee with the City Planner and Parks and Recreation Director. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Dated: Au6 ts► S i 198 Z COMMITTEE PICNIC DATE KLV s visory Pa s F, ecre n Commit Secretary