09/02/1982 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA SEPTEMBER 2, 1982 The regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee was held on September 2, 1982 at the Eagan City Hall. Those members present at the meeting were McNeely, Tilley, Thurston, Fedde, Schumaker, Kubik, Masin, Carroll. Absent were members Martin and Gustafson. Also present was the Director of Parks and Recreation, Planning Director and Mr. Tim Erkkila from Erkkila and Associates. Preceding the convening of the meeting at 7:20 p.m., members of the Advisory Committee, the Director of Parks and Recreation and Planning Director toured Blackhawk Park with Mr. Larry Frank planner for Blackhawk Oaks. MINUTES There being no modifications or corrections to the July 8, 1982 minutes, on a motion by McNeely, seconded by Tilley, with all members voting in favor, the minutes of July 8th were approved. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Schumaker, with all members voting in favor the Advisory Committee accepted the minutes of the August 5, 1982 meeting. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Preceding the presentation of the first development proposal, the Advisory Committee adjourned briefly to the City Council chambers to review a presenta- tion on the upcoming City Hall expansion project and bond referendum. After the presentation of the slide portion, the Advisory Committee returned to its formal agenda items. City Planner Runkle briefly reviewed the Blackhawk Oaks addition as had been proposed. Following his presentation, Mr. John Eppel, a nearby resident of the proposed addition indicated that he had previously objected to the town- house units and apparently the council haS agreed at this point. He indicated that he felt that if another entrance to Blackhawk Park is made, as has been discussed, that the current access into the park from Riverton might be closed off because of parking problems caused by park users. Mr. Rafalik of 3848 Riverton Avenue indicated that if the City was to consider opening the park up to more people and users, that it would change the characteristic of the park and that the Advisory Committee and City must consider the residents when considering parking and access. He indicated that the park was a valuable asset to the community. After further discussion and comment by members of the audience, committee member Thurston suggested that the audience be updated on a report that had been prepared by Mr. Erkkila and the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding access to the park. Mr. Erkkila then discussed the paper entitled "preliminary review of access" that had been prepared. He commented on the process that had been used and the desirability of obtaining a north access point to the park. In reviewing the rationale for the north access, he indicated that such an access point could be downgraded to a secondary access point at such time as a southern entrance could be established. The Director of Parks and Recreation stated he was in concurrence and that the Advisory Committee should review this plat intent for at least the opportunity Advisory Parks F, Recreation Committee Minutes September 2, 1982 Page 2 to provide a secondary access to the Blackhawk Park. After several questions regarding roads, parking and usage of the park by residents it was stated that it was not the intent to design the park at this time but to review the opportunity to provide the secondary access. Mr. John Eppel responded that he would be willing to keep the present access even if it meant people cross- ing his yard, rather than any possible road into the park site as had been suggested if the north access point were developed. The resident of 3840 Riverton, on the north side of the entrance, questioned what the entire develop- ment of the park would consist of. Acting chair person Thurston indicated that the City has not had a design for the park and has been discussing potential concepts that would lend itself to park development. After further discussion by the Advisory Committee, the committee listed five (5) options open to them in regards to the plat. Committee member Fedde offered a motion that cash dedication and sufficient room of minimum size to provide access to the park be provided through the Blackhawk Oaks preliminary plat. The motion was seconded by Tilley. After discussion all members voted in favor. JOINT MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL At this point in the agenda, the Advisory Committee joined with the City Council for a joint review of the progress on the parks system plan. Mr. Erkkila reviewed the tatic study stating that it revealed that the "Scope of Services" was accurate and the work outline that had been re- quested to be performed was consistent with the group. He reviewed with the Advisory Committee and City Council the major points that had been revealed both in the neighborhood workshops and in the survey results. He indicated that there was a distinct difference in comments between people living in the area east of I -35 -E and the area west of I -35 -E; stating that the area to the east, because of lack of adequate facilities or ability to identify with the park area were concerned primarily with basic park amenties and acquisition. The area to the west of I -35 -E, because they had significant park land with some development having occurred, were concerned with higher quality of parks and levels of services. He also indicated that swimming and picnic facilities were consistently ranked high throughout the community as major community needs. Most neighborhood groups represented had specific suggestions regarding nearby parks. He stated that trails rated very positively amongst the entire community and were often priori- tized ahead of many other aspects in terms of park development. Frequent comments were noted in regards to a jogging or an exercise trail within the community. Mr. Erkkila responded to several questions in regards to the studies at this point and then reviewed the status of the ponding areas. At this time some of the data was still being collected and collated, however, he wished to review with the joint council and committee those areas that were now beginning to emerge as useful sites. He stated that within a few weeks he would hope to eliminate those ponding areas that could not provide the highest potential for lake usage or which could be identified only for limited, specific usage. Mini- management plans could be developed for those identified as having high potential. Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes September 2, 1982 Page 3 Mr. Erkkila identified specific neighborhood planning sections in which potential problems were appearing. He reviewed those areas for the Advisory Committee and City Council stating that at this time he is not asking for direction but only indicating where serious concerns were beginning to de- velop and that issues would be revolving around those neighborhood districts. Those neighborhood districts included 10 -W, which is the Donnywood Park area and the serviceability of Donnywood as a neighborhood park. Section 15, which has multiple problems including large residential areas and lack of current neighborhood park facilities. And, in planning district 5 currently no parks in section 22 or 23. He was also questioned to the designation of Capricorn Park as a neighborhood park or for broader usage. Mr. Erkkila pointed out several other areas that would require review by the council and committee as it relates to specific park issues. After some discussion by the committee and council in regards to these issues, Mr. Erkkila stated that it would be important for the group to at least begin to identify specific parks for concept design as contained in the contract agreement. The matrix, which was included in the packet, was reviewed and the criteria used to identify several parks that were significant for development. Mr. Erkkila then reviewed each of the specific park sites stating some of the problems, concerns and issues that could be resolved or identified. He further indicated, because of the large number of park areas that were not currently designed, the City may wish at some time to systematically determine which other park sites might be included for design at a later date. The Director of Parks and Recreation distributed a second matrix indicating that the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee had reviewed the listing of parks at its previous meeting. He indicated that the Advisory Committee had spent nearly an hour and half in reviewing the park sites and had some difficulty in identifying specific parks for design purposes. In distributing the list the director stated that he shared different perspectives than Mr. Erkkila but the results were somewhat similar. After response to several questions regarding the issues of concern to the community, Councilman Wachter stated he felt he was in agreement with the list as presented by the Director of Parks and Recreation. This list of park sites include South Oaks, Lakeside, Wedgewood, Capricorn, Coachman, Fish Lake, Blue Cross /Blue Shield and Deboer Parks. It was agreed that the remaining two park sites would be identified later in the park system planning process for concept design. After a summary discussion, the committee then moved on to the discussion of the Rahn Park concept plan currently being worked on by Mr. Erkkila for the athletic fields at Rahn Park. The Director of Parks and Recreation introduced the item giving background information to the committee and council concerning the grant application process and the need to specifically identify a plan in the grant. He stated that further modifications to the grant would not be possible once submitted on October 1. The director indicated that it would be important for the group to identify specific design criteria for Mr. Erkkila, so allowances could be made for future inclusion as additional development occurs on the site. The concept plans were discussed and the committee and council agreed that the version which included the baseball facility, while desirable, may not warrant its inclusion because of the fact lighting of the complex may not occur. Council member Smith stated that it was his feeling that because of the residential area and the Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes September 2, 1982 Page 4 potential opposition to lighting these facilities at this time, it might be better to consider a baseball complex with lighting at some other location. It was suggested that perhaps the future high school site might include this. Mr. Erkkila and the Director of Parks and Recreation indicated this approach had been considered but that it was probable that the community, in the long term, would need more than the baseball facility at a proposed high school site. Future community needs would be expanded beyond such facilities. It was also indicated that using school facilities may conflict with school needs and availability of such facilities in other communities have been limited. Comments were directed toward Mr. Erkkila to continue to review the need and locations for baseball facilities, and the preference for a greater number of softball fields seemed desirable in this instance. It was also indicated that in the systems plan process, the needs for designing baseball facilities should be considered. There was further discussion by the committee and council in regards to this issue and Mr. Erkkila stating that he would now prepare additional concepts for review. He questioned when the committee and council would again be able to convene to consider this issue; or if the Advisory Committee and staff should do the review process. Members of the council indicated that their schedule at this time was extremely tight and commitment to meet again could not be made. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that review could be made with the staff and committee, but the council would be informed of such a meeting and could attend if the opportunity so presents itself. I -35 -E /Blackhawk Road The Director of Parks and Recreation explained that in the absence of the Public Works Director, he would explain the item regarding I -35 -E and Blackhawk Road interchange. He stated that at this time the item contained in the agenda packet was now mute. He stated that the office of Senator Durenberger had just recently announced that federal funds had been released for the construction of 35 -E from its present terminus to approximately Blackhawk Road provided that construction and bid letting could be done immediately with no revisions to the existing plans. Because of this, the State Transportation Department would not allow any revisions or modifications to the existing plan and consequently a separate trail overpass over 35 -E could not be considered at this time. However, Blackhawk Road would main- tain a separate 10' trail on the west side and a 6' sidewalk on the east side. He further reviewed that the sidewalk that was proposed along Cliff Road, within the 35 -E right -of -way, would also be constructed throughout the entire right -of -way. This is because modification of the existing plans could not be made. However, the director indicated that MnDOT officials was seeking the City to construct concurrently the sidewalks west and east of the I -35 -E /Cliff Road interchange so MnDOT could qualify for federal assistance and reimbursement for the sidewalk construction within 35 -E. The question was asked whether the funding released would allow the completion of 35 -E through Eagan, as had been noted in the Dakota County paper. It was reported that this funding was only from that portion at its current terminus to approximately Blackhawk /35 -E intersection. There being no additional business for the committee and council to consider members of the City Council adjourned. Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes September 2, 1982 Page 5 BRITTANY MANOR 4th ADDITION The Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee then resumed its meeting and considered the Brittany Manor 4th Addition for formal action. The Director of Parks and Recreation and Planning Director briefly reviewed the Brittany Manor 4th addition and the discussion at the August committee meeting. There being no questions, there was a motion by Fedde, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor that the City accept a cash dedication with the 30' trail easement being returned. SHEFFIELD ADDITION City Planner Dale Runkle indicated that the Sheffield addition had been re- viewed by the Advisory Planning Commission with a recommendation for approval by the City Council. He stated that this addition is within the Lexington South P.U.D. and therefore, there would be no action required by the Advisory Committee. He indicated that this item was brought before them as an informational item. At this point in the committee meeting the Vice chairperson indicated that the remaining agenda appeared quite lengthy and because of the lateness of the hour, items would be deferred to the regular meeting in October. The Director of Parks and Recreation stated that the committee had previously discussed a possibility of a tour of playground areas and apparatus in other communities. He inquired whether the committee would intend to do that yet this year. He suggested that a tour could be conducted on a week day evening or a Saturday. After some discussion, the committee agreed that a box lunch and a 5 :00 p.m. tour should be set for Thursday, September 9, 1982. A tour to leave the office on Coachman Road. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that he would contact those members not present. SOCCER FIELDS RAHN PARK Committee member McNeely stated he had witnessed the use of the soccer fields on the school property at Rahn Park and that the soccer balls often went on- to Rahn Road beyond the goals. He requested that the Director of Parks and Recreation investigate the matter and take appropriate action to provide for the safety of children. ADJOURNMENT There being no further items to discuss, on a motion by Masin, seconded by Fedde the Advisory Committee adjourned at 11:50 P.M. Dated: SEpTG,;,MeAv._ 2, l9 `6 L K.L.V. visory Pars Recrcati-on Committee Secretary