09/22/1982 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 Committee members present at the meeting were Roger Martin, Sandy Masin, Carolyn Thurston, Tom Gustafson, Dough McNeely. Also present were City Council members Jerry Thomas and Mayor Blomquist. Staff present consisted of the City Administrator, Director of Parks and Recreation and Tim Erkkila from Erkkila and Associates. The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed for the council and committee members the direction that was given to the consultant and staff regarding concept plans for Rahn Park expansion at the September 9th meeting. The director explained that he and the consultant had spent several hours reviewing various layouts with the intent of trying to meet some of the basic criteria for the site. He reviewed those criteria stating that some of the chief concerns was for the adjacent residents and in trying to minimize the impact of the development. He stated that the fact that development would occur and become a disruption to the existing site there will still be complaints from adjoining residents. However, it still remains within the design criteria to minimize that impact wherever possible. He further stated that other criteria required that sufficient parking was placed on the site to avoid conflicts with residential streets and neighborhood areas, that there be effective functioning and an non conflictive usage pattern and concern for cost effective- ness. The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed three concept plans indicating the positive aspects and concerns of each plan concept. Chairman Martin stated that he did not favor the second plan because of the road alignment behind the homes of the Cedar Cliff addition indicating that this was not very desirable. Members commented on each of the first concept plans as they were presented. The third concept plan provided adequate parking and provided functional alignment with facilities. Member Thomas stated he favored this plan because of the relationship of the infields being the furthest away from the adjacent homes. The director pointed out that the existing bitumi- nous trail through the highline would have to be rerouted because of the location of the two northern most softball fields. Commenting on the location of the bituminous trail, the consultant indicated that the original concept plan prepared by Brauer and Associates, the exact trail location was not accurately recorded. Even under the Brauer plan and other concepts previously identified, the trail would have to be relocated because of the necessity of regrading the entire site to accomplish placement of the ball fields and parking area. Mr. Erkkila reviewed the grading site for the committee showing drainage and slope variations. In response to a question the director indicated that the deflection of the trail was approximately 280 feet to the south but the trail users would not be inconvenienced. He illustrated from the user perspective, how this trail might function. The consultant also indicated that the location of the trail would move the bike traffic further away from homes and the greater conflict would be for the center fielder. This player would be closer than a trail user to the homes, but be there less frequently having less impact on back yards than other proposed layouts. The Director of Parks and Recreation Minutes of a special meeting of the Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Page 2 also indicated the limits of the existing vegetation both on the north and south indicating that once completed additional plant material would be suggested for screening purposes. Chairman Martin indicated that he favored this plan and as the major elements of the design criteria minimized the impact on the homes to the north and south. He indicated that he did not like the crossing of the trail over the parking lot driveway and discussion ensued about the possibility of rerouting this trail element. Committee member Gustafson suggested that perhaps a speed bump or a technique for slowing down vehicular traffic would be desirable. Members suggested that signage might also be considered. In response from a question from Mayor Blomquist, the director indicated that plan elements would also allow for future lighting, when such lighting seemed desirable and necessary. He indicated that the field locations would mean that light standards would have the least amount of impact on the resi- dents because of there placement of lights. He further illustrated in terms of distance and topography how the lights might affect the site. Further, he indicated that consideration for security lighting in the areas of the parking lot and proposed future shelter building location should be made. The director indicated that the shelter would provide for field maintenance items such as chalk, bases and posting of announcements as well as restroom facilities. Committee member Martin indicated he favored the plan as it was the most desirable of the options shown. Mayor Blomquist indicated that this plan was certainly preferable and had the least amount of impact on the residential neighborhood. Other positive remarks were noted. It was the consensus of the council and committee members present to proceed with this plan for further detailing and the work to be submitted with the Rahn grant application due October 1. With the conclusion of this item on the agenda, members were invited to stay to review some early concept plans for the Capricorn and Wedgewood Park sites, as part of the park system plan. It was indicated that these park site plans will be reviewed at the next parks committee meeting and staff and the consultant will be happy to review them in a preliminary nature at this time. K.L.V. Advisory P.rks"F Recreation Committee Secretary