11/04/1982 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA NOVEMBER 4, 1982 The regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Committee was held on November 4, 1982 at the Eagan City Hall. Those members present at the meeting were Fedde, Thurston, Martin, Masin, Kubik, McNeely, Carroll, Gustafson, and Schumaker. Committee member Tilley has previously mentioned her intent to resign and was absent. Staff present were the City Planner and the Director of Parks and Recreation. AGENDA There being no additions to the agenda, on a motion by McNeely, seconded by Masin, with all members voting approval, the agenda for November 4, 1982 was approved. MINUJTES Mr. Martin stated there were several corrections to the October 18th minutes of the special meeting as follows: Page three the word "access" should be "excess;" page seven "usable" should read "mowable also page seven the word "being" should be changed to "bring." There being no other corrections noted, on a motion by Martin, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor the minutes of October 18, 1982 special meeting were approved as amended. The minutes of the regular meeting of October 7, page eight was amended from "acres" to "areas." On a motion by Kubik, seconded by Masin, with all members in favor the minutes of the regular meeting of October 7th were approved as amended. Minutes of a special meeting of September 22, 1982 on a motion by Masin, seconded by Schumaker, with all members voting in favor, were approved. BLACKHAWK OAKS SILVER BELL ROAD EXTENSION The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed for the Advisory Committee a request from Mr. Stalland to participate in a petition for the development of Silver Bell Road to the northwest corner of Blackhawk Park. After additional briefing by the Director of Parks and Recreation, committee member Thurston questioned what the advantage of doing the road now versus waiting until a future park design might be developed. Committee member Martin commented that it was his impression that the City would probably need this road into the park. He questioned the Planning Director on the timing of the road to the south of Blackhawk Park? City Planner Runkle stated that Mr. Dunn developer of Blackhawk North P.U.D., would probably be in for a revision to the P.D. agreement after the acquisition of the 35 -E alignment was completed. He stated that at the time of the P.U.D. revision, staff would then tie down the access into the park from the south. Mr. Runkle commented that the timing of this would be within the next one to three years. Committee member Martin commented that current access into Blackhawk Park was poor with the most desirable location being the road extension. He stated he hated to miss out Advisory Parks F Recreation Committee Minutes November 4, 1982 Page 2 on an opportunity for the road to be extended. Committee members questioned the road width, assessment policies, and the process of acquisition for the necessary road right -of -way beyond that which would be dedicated in the Blackhawk Oaks addition. After further discussion committee member Thurston offered a motion to not participate in petitioning the City Council for an extension of Silver Bell Road to the northwest corner of Blackhawk Park at this time. The motion was seconded by Masin. Committee member Thurston commented she felt the construction of the road, at this time, was premature even though the road would be needed at some time in the future. She con- tinued that it would be appropriate to review this issue at the time the property to the north comes in for development, or at such time as a park plan is adopted for Blackhawk Park. After additional discussion, there was a call for the motion, all members voted in favor. FISH LAKE PARK The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed for the Advisory Committee the items in the packet concerning the land previous identified as park property near Fish Lake but which is not under City jurisdiction. He indi- cated that the parcel is owned by Mr. Dan Ronrud. The director stated Mr. Ronrud's initial asking price for the property was $90,000. Mr. Kubik indicated that there is definitely a lack of local parks within the area and the loss of this parcel meant the loss of local access to the lake, but this price seemed unreasonably high. The Director of Parks and Recreation read to the Advisory Committee a recent letter from Barr Engineering Consultants on the parks system plan for lakes and ponds. The director commented that he had asked for this early report because of the pending issue regarding Fish Lake Park. A portion of the letter stated that Fish Lake is one of three lakes suitable for recreational development within the community. He indicated that the DNR would stock the lake for fishing if the City were to assure public access to the lake. Further, that the lake could support a limited number of boats and canoes for said purpose. Should the City so desire, small horse- power motors of no greater than 6 H.P. could be accomodated. The director also commented on the suitability of the lake for swimming and other purposes. The letter indicated that the major aspect of the park /lake should be for fishing and small boat usage. Committee member Kubik asked the question on the value of the settling pond and if this could be filled as an extension of park land? He further went on to state that the City should at least attempt to provide a fishing dock and a trailway at a bare minimum. And, he continued that ideally the park should be expanded to provide for other recreational opportunities. Committee member Masin indicated that she would still like to see the City embark upon a program to provide some facilities for this area, despite the apparent loss of this parcel. Committee member Fedde commented on the fact that the City should still attempt to acquire the parcel and not give up without proceeding with some negotiations to determine a more accurate and reasonable purchase price. In response to a question the Director of Parks and Recreation stated funding for the parks acquisition would have to come from the site acquisition and development fund. Mr. Fedde again commented that per- haps an offer should be made if the purchase price could be negotiated downward. Committee members questioned the City Planner on why the City didn't get a total Advisory Parks Recreation Committee Minutes November 4, 1982 Page 3 of 10 percent of the acquisition in the P.U.D. agreement for Pilot Knob Heights? The City Planner indicated that the agreement was not signed until 1974 although the exhibits and P.U.D. were initiated in 1971 along with the original applica- tion. He stated that the July 1974 City Council minutes indicated that the park land dedication was adequate within the P.U.D. and accepted it as such. Mr. Runkle statotthat there has been some confusion as to the City's claim to acquire this or utilize it for parks land. It's reasonably clear now that from early exhibits the City does not have justification or grounds on which to proceed with legal claim for the property. The Advisory Committee asked the staff to specifically show how the park could be developed for park purposes, if acquired, and what could be done with the existing park land without the acquisition. This would assist the committee in determining its value and price for parks. There was additional discussion by the Advisory Committee and the consensus of the Advisory Committee was to continue to press for acquisition of the parcel by purchase, assuming a more reasonable purchase price. Mr. Carroll made the motion to recommend to the City Council that the council determine the value of the parcel identified as outlot 'B' for park purposes and to submit an offer to purchase if a reasonable purchase price could be negotiated. This motion was seconded by Fedde, with all members in favor. Committee member Kubik offered a motion, seconded by Martin with all members voting in favor; that the City provide the minimal opportunity for a trail and fishing dock in the park for the community. SYSTEMS PLAN REVIEW COACHMAN, DEBOER, BLUE CROSS /BLUE SHIELD PARK SITES The Director of Parks and Recreation then reviewed with the Advisory Committee concept plans for the three parks previously identified for development by the planning consultant. The Advisory Committee questioned several design schemes and commented on each. No action was taken by the committee on the plans. The Director of Parks and Recreation requested a special meeting of the Advisory Committee for November for the purpose of the systems plan. The Advisory Committee set November 18, 1982 at 6:30 P.M. for the meeting. OTHER BUSINESS The Director of Parks and Recreation commented on the recent National Conference and brought to the attnetion of the Advisory Committee some items of special interest concerning parks classification and standards. The Director of Parks and Recreation commented on the last months maintenance of park projects and pending review of the planned unit development agreements on November 30, at City Hall. Members were invited to attend this, meeting if they so desired. RECREATIONAL BRAINSTORMING Committee member Martin brought up the item of recreational brainstorming which had been deferred from earlier in the agenda. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that this item had initially been placed on the March Advisory Parks E Recreation Committee Minutes November 4, 1982 Page 4 agenda but deferred until an opportunity would present itself at a future meeting. He stated because of the lateness of the hour, that he would prefer to defer it. He asked the Advisory Committee to begin the process with a "homework" assignment in preparation for the December meeting. The director explained the process of Phase I part of the brainstorming process and gave the handout to the Advisory Committee members for collection at the December meeting. Dated: ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for the Advisory Committee on a motion by Schumaker, seconded by Fedde, the regular meeting for November 4, 1982 was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. K.L.V. isory Par ks`& Recrea ion Committee Secretary