4321 Sequoia Dr CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition E7ergreen Park Lot 6 Rik 5 Perce, 10 24880 060 05 Owneri Street 4821 Sen uoi Driv . State Eagan, AMI 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL ew conn ch 1974 0.00 8.00 5 Paid WATERMAIN WATER LATEFiAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK f/1~•~ STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT Swim Pool 3 7 157 -7 WATER CONN. 210.00 14yq9 6-16- 9 BUILDING PER. sAC 240.00 7257 1-12-73 PARK ~ CITY of EAGAN NO- 3575 q BUILDING PERMIT Owes= .Y.3K. W "~Y.I..C.N_n~`..1..~ 3795 Pilo! Knob Road ' Eagan, Minnesola 55122 Addreu (Preeeni) 1.3.ZI...._................. 454-8300 Bvilder ----•'••'-'O` '-........lP..D...L...f ~,yJ Q ~ T Date ./!.(.ld..y....8 :z~..... Addresa ..l ~l,/..Z......~A.1lf~'eL.....1j111e ...........?~lfl~.,~o~//y / DESCAIPTION Sioriea To He Used For Fson! DepSh Heigh! Eel. Cos! Pe:mt! Fea Remarlu p0~ 6 z~~J~ C~. d LOCATION Slreet, Road or oihec Descriplion af Localioa I Lo! Bloek Additioa os Tree! -9'~3 d e~ d o i o. ~J I ~ GUC~N This permit does aot aulhorize the use oi sireels, raadn, alleps or s[dewalka xor doea it giva the owaer or hIf agen! the righ! !o create aap siluation which ts a nuisance or which psesenle a hasard !o the health, safelp, conveaienq and genesal walfase !o anpone in the communifp. THIS PERMIT MUST BE,/g, PT O E PREMISE WHILE TFIE WOAK IS IN PROGRESS. This is !o certifp. 1hal.L~/~~` has permission !o erect a---.....or5!!L!.?."..... .....P..~................_..._uyoa the above describe premise sflbjecY !o the provisions of all applic ' ances for the 0~ -./....~..~y:.... h..._ Per ~-----...----...1..~^..........------°-----............... Mayor Building Impeelos Se~uCA;~-. COGNA Li ~y- Li (Oc+q i ~ I M i I I ' I ~-I 0 V, s C ~ 53`-U"---- I t ~ - 24- d I I ~ I I ~ I ~ I y`Kg~F; 6eobl4 I II I ste~o I ~ I - I I I I -1 FENCf ~ ~.A Vl V ~ I 4 • MASTER CARD LaCATIoN L) OWNER ~_tyJrf~'_x~ STRUCTURE AND LAND USED AS d Issued To Permit No. Issued ContracFOr Owner BUILDING ~ - ~2 /1 P ' PLUMBING dt xfil Ali CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK WELL ELECTRICAL HEATING GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER OTHER I OTHER I Approved Items (Initial) Date Remarks Distante From Well FOOTI NG SEPTIC FOUNDATION CESSPOOL / FRAMING -g04~~ Cy S TILE FIELD Ff. FINAL ELECTRICAL DEPTH HE,4TING OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD PLUMBING WELL SANITARY SEWER Violations Nored on Back COMMENTS: ~ . COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORTS . TO BE USED ONIY IN EVENT OF OBSERVED VIOIATIONS PERMIT NO. DATE OF INSPECTION CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION AT iHIS INSPECTION ? NO EVIDENCE OF NON-COMPLIANCE ? NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER DOES NOT OBSERVED. INTEND TO COMPLY. ~ ACCEPTABIE SUBSTITUTIONS OR DEVIATIONS. ? COMPLETION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DELAYED BY CONDITIONS BEYOND CONTROL. ? NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER WILL COMPLY WITHOUT DELAY. ITEMIZED AND DESCRIBED AS FOlLOWS: ? REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE OF REINSPECTION REINSPECTION REVEALED CE RTI FICATION - I certify that I have carefully inspec[ed the above in which I have no interest present or prospective, and that I have reported herein all significant conditions observed to be at variance with ordinances of the Town of Eagan, approved plans and specifications, and any specific iequire- ments for off-site imprwements relating to the property inspected. ? ALL IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTABIY COMPLETED BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE COMMENTS: ~ y EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT N° 2034 • . . . . . - . Ownes Alh"_. °1i'- Q""~- - - Eagan Townahip Addresa (Pleseni) •..~1..~~-~7..--.-.-....°~.`.~~_.'.~SC".`..-_~---....~.'!~:j`'~° Town Hall BuIlder /X...................... f Dafe c' Address DESCRIPTION Sfories To Be Used Fos Froat Depih Heighf Esl. Cos! Pexmi! Fee Remaeks LOCATION SYreef, Aoad or oihee Desesipiion oi Loca2ion I Lo! Block Addition or Txae! , This permit does not auihorise the use of st:eeYs, roads, alleys or sidewalks nar does it give ffie owner or 6is agent the righ! !o ereafe anp situation whieh is a nuisance or whieh presenls a hasard !0 the heallh, safely, coavenience and geaeral welfase !o anyoae ia the aommunifp. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMII)SE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROG ESS. a~~-~~_ This is !o ceriifY, tha!_.~i..c-.~~.•'/u.^..-ec~..^.. has permission !o areet a. --.-t.-__..._upoa !Le above deseribed premiee subjec! !o the provisions of the Building Ordinance for Ea an Tow hip opled April 11, 1955. Pex ---'--......~..u..... 9 ~ ChairSfian of Tnwn Boazd Suildin Ins ecioz R • OT, ~ , ~ ti~l R s ; r'n- e: e7 . tior ~ ~ ~ ~ G~ ~O/ 90 - i.ss mr-ItVoFaagan ~Fo a osa 7 7 3830 DILOT KNOB ROAD nOMAS EGOkN MrlEAGHN, MVNNESOTA 55144-1897 •gpecial 7lssessmant Seuah « PHONE: (614) 454-8100 WWD K GUS7rF501+ VPAIHA McQEA iAX: (614) 454-8363 TIM DAVIM1EMY a - ~ ~ - g0 nc~~ Dates n naM+s HEoGEs xequeeted Sy: Ae: axe+E vnrr owmEKE ckr aeM /D-a`f88o -o6d'OS -i On the attached form is the City's response to your search request on the identified property. The information includes the oriqinal amount of the assessments and the payoff amounts of the assessments on the parcel. In addition, pending assessments are included for improvement projects that have been ordered to be installed by the City Council as they may affect this parcel. The levied and pending assessments may or may not reflect the ~ complete assassment obligation based upon the parcel's current ' use or zoning. Certain parcels have not been assessed at the appropriate rate per their zoning/use. The City's policy is to review the assessment obligation of parcels at platting, replat- ting, rezoninq, waiver of platting, and prior to the issuance of conditional and special use permits and certain buildinq permits and in other unique situations. A condition of approval requires the parcel to assume its additional aesessment obligations that have not previously been levied for existinq public improvements. The City's Engineerinq Division can provide further clarification of this policy, if you desire. WAIVER/DISCLA2KER: Neither the City of 8aqan nor ite 'employees guarantees ~the accuracy or completeness of the information provided which was required by the person or persons indicated. Nor does Lhe City or its employees sesume any iiability for °the correctness thereof. In consideration of raceivinq and usinq information on the attachefl form and !or all othervonsideration o#-any -nature whatscever, any claim aqainst the City-or its employees rising thereProm is hereby expressly flenied. Pending assessments cannot be paid until levied. Levied assessments oan be paid to the CITY OF EAGAN. Ve/ry truly yours, I 7s~1'f- SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Attachment + 1HE LONE OAK TREE.. 3HE SYMBOL OF 51RENGIH APID GROWIFI M WR COMMUNIIY ~ Equai OppoAunity/AfHrmcHve Action EmpbYer ~ Fr l ~ Cr F1, F4, F5, F7, FB SFECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCH SUMMARY AS OF: 02/27/1990 F'ROFEFTY IU: 10-24880-060-05 5/A# A5SESSMENT DESCFIFT. YEAF TM FcATE TOTAL ANN.PRIN. F'AYOFF CD 100221 SEWER TRk: 1972 20 8.0000 ,,175. OG 0.00 0.00 CL 100224 SEWER CONN 1973 5 8.0000 `240.00 10:00 0.00 CL 100442 5TM S TFik,' 1980 15 8.10000 323.00 0.00 0.00 CL ~ SUMMARY OF LEVIED 0.06 0.00 0.00 1990 P&I CERTIFIED - 0.00 _ SUMMAf'tY OF DEFERFED 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUMMAFtY OF PENDING 0.00 0.00 0.00 5lJMMARY OF CLOSED _ v -.738.00 . 0.00,- 0.00 v - Press ENTER; or F1, F4, F5, F7, FS EAGAN TOWNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PERMIT FOR S6F1ER SERVICE CONNECTION DATE: June 16, 1969 NUMBER 414 OWNER: Andrew Hrimnak Addrees Lot 6 Block 5 Evergreen Park PLUhIBER Andrew Hrimnak TYPE OF PIPE Heavy Cast Iron DESCRIPTION OF BUIID ING Industrial Commercial Reaidentlal Multiple Dwelling No, of units X Location of Connections: ~ Connection Charge none Permit Fee 7•50 Pd. SCreet Repairs Total Inspected by: Date Remarks• Sy. Chief Inspector In consideration of the iasue aad delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree to do the propoaed work in accordance with the rules and regulationa of Sagan Toc•mship, Dakota County, Minnesota By e„a,.a.., u,.;=nti Please notify when ready for.inspection and connection and before any portion of the work is covered. EAGt1N 1UWNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Rosd St. Paul, Miaaeaota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PSRNffT FOR WATER SERVICE CONNECTION Date: June 16, 1969 Number• 288 Billing Name: Andr'ew FIrimnak Site Address: Lot 6 Block 5 Ebergreen Park Owner: a„rt,.P,., Hrimnak Billiag Addreas (5047 29th Ave. So. , Mpls. ) Plumber; Andrew Hrirmiak Location of Connection Meter Size Connection Chg. 210.00 d. Acet. Dept. 5.00 . ~ Meter No. Permit Fee 7.90 r,d_ Meter ReadinpL Meter Dep. ter Sealed: Yes_ Add'1 Chg. y u~d GAg ~ NO Total Chg. Inspected by Date 8uilding is a: Remarka; Residence__g___ t3ultiple No. Units Commercial IndusCrial By: Chief Inspector Other In conaideration of the iseue and delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree to do ttn proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulatioas of Sagan Township, Dakota County, Mlanesota. By: And'rAw Hrimnak Please notify the above office when reedy for inspecCion and cocmection. PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA116204 Date Issued:10/04/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4321 Sequoia Dr Lot:6 Block: 5 Addition: Evergreen Park PID:10-24880-05-060 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof & Siding & Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. Valuation: 12,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $12K $221.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $12K $6.00 9001.2195 $227.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Dean James Schlegel 4321 Sequoia Dr Eagan MN 55122 (612) 251-1757 Window World Aka Probuilt America 2211 11th Ave E, #130 N St. Paul MN 55109 (651) 770-5570 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature