1305 Towerview RdCITY OF EAGAN 976n 3830 b nosd P O go 21 199 E MN 55121 Pilot Kno , . . x - , pan, PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # T_ r.- ,.?, s.,. GARAGE t:d V..I., $8,800 rj.,. NOVEMBER 20 19 84 Site Address Lot _ Parcel No. _ W Name --- - -- -'---SAME Address City Phone Name SAME Address Citv Phone Name Address City Phone I have read this application and state that and agree to comply with all applicable as and City of Eagan Ordinances. Erect ? Occupancy R3 Remodel ? Zoning R1 Repair ? Type of Const. V Enlarge [11? No. Stories Move Demolish ? ? Length 4 Depth 20 Grade ? Sq. Ft. Assessment Water & Sew. Police Fin Planner 11/19/84 ? Council -±-?? Bldg. Off. 11 j y "? APC Var. Date Permit Y 1 Y. J v Surcharge 4.50 Plan check SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Rood Unit Perks Total Signature of Permittee /'- I A Building Permit Is issued to: DAVID EARTOSIi on the express condition that all work sholl be done in occordon* with,. ail applicable S of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official Permit No. Permit Holder Data Plumbing H.VA.C. Electric Softer"w Inspection Data Insp. Other Footin¢ Foundation Framing B Rough Plbg. Rough HVAC Insulation Final Plbg. Final HVAC Final CWWOoc. Water Describe Location: Well Sewer Pr. Disp. PERMIT 0 PLUMBING PERMIT RECEIPT M 3 CITY OF EAGAN 121 DATE: M 5 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, N 5 CONTRACT PRICE PHONE: 454-8100 Site Address BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot 0 3 3 Block 31 Sec/Sub Res. New m Name L: Q 112 I"-AA - ° Mult Add-on Address =- / '/ _ S f '") Comm. Repair c City V 9- >? N Phone 21 7? Other NO. FIXTURES TOTAL A ? Name Water Closet - $3.00 $ c Address 4, Bath Tubs - $3.00 p CityF ?' ?' N Phonei/f2w 9" X1,11 Lavatory - $3.00 Shower - $3.00 Kitchen Sink - $3.00 FEES Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE Laundry Tray - $3.00 MINIMUM -RESIDENTIAL FEE _$10.00 Floor Drains - $1.50 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - 20.00 Water H es ter r - $ 0 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - •50 Whirlpool - (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 BEYOND $1,000.00) ner - $5.00 00 c c Well - $10 . Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 SIOyAT-) E OF PERMITTE? FEE: • [ j \? -?/ `r?Vt STATE S/C: ? FOR: CITY OF EAGAN GRAND TOTAL- `?' `' CITY OF EAGAN Addition Section 10 Lot Blk -Parcel 10 01000 033 31. Street 1 Imo 1305 Towerview Rd. Ea anfMN 55121 Owner/-(` State {p? Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK /1 5 1 97O 31 9. 0 12.78 25 /rc s4. A01o894 1-27-82 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA4J uoT Ka. 1277 131 0 , I '- r STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK CITY, OF E*GAN M 9739 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454.8100 J? BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To be used for GARAGE Est. Value $8r 800 Date NOVEMBER 20 119 84 Site Address 1305 TOWERVIEW RD Erect ? Occupancy R3 Lot 3 Block 31 Sec/Sub. SECT 10 Remodel El Zoning R1 Parcel No. 10-01000-033-31 Repair ? Type of Const. V Enlarge ?I No. tori G ? Name DAVID BARTOSH Move ? Length 4 4 Z Address SAME Demolish ? Depth Add Grade ? Sq. Ft. City Phone 452-8689 o Name ou Addri • Citv SAME Approvals Fees Phont Name _ Addresi City - Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and o e to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes on(y ty of Eagan Ord?ces. Assessment Water 8 Sew. Police Fire Eng. Planner 11 /1 984 Council Bldg. Off. 11/19/8' APC Var. Date Permit q l4 o' u Surcharge 4.50 Plan check SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Parks Total $79.00 Signature of Fermiftee ;ice\[t nye v A- 1 ( r ?-?zur A r!n i. 1 A Building Permit IS issued to: DAVID BARTOSH on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordant wi all o li ble fo a Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official ME1618404IFFE351 TM ?• ALL CONTRACTORS MUST BE LICENSED WITH THE CITY OF EAGAN G? INCLUDE © SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY Q SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For: Valuation: Q,SCO. Date: Site Address:-1,36,r W10 • • Lot: 2 Block:_31Sect/Sub:. ', D Erect: Occupancy: -3 Parcel #: lobo-o33-3/ Remodel: Zoning: (Z-I Repair: Type Of Const: Q Enlarge: X # Stories: Owner: 7 Move: Length: Address: 1 3 n I ei lf. 2 ?laii 'CiO Demolish: Depth: 2-D City/Zip Code: ?- 0 fktA j?) Grade: Sq. Ft.: \ Ste! ?2 I Phone #: ,? - ( ' Contractor: Zkjoq Y AS AAA0 Address: City/Zip Code: _ Phone #: - vv// Arch./Eng: aUO _ i Address: City/Zip Code: Phone#: Assessments: Water/Sewer: Police: Fire: Engr.: Planner: Council: Bldg. Off. APC: Variance: Permit: Surcharge: Q.? Plan Rev.: SAC: Water Conn: Water Meter Road Unit: Parks: m 4c,> -c 20 = 8 00 x I ( = 82)00 EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Owner ...... . Address (Present) ..... ...../..-... M Builder ------- Cl?yv)2s, ..--.... .. Address .... ..----------------------- ---------------------------------------- -- ................._. DESCRIPTION N° .. 714 Eagan Township Town Hall Date .-3 ----- bf--° Stories To Be Used For Front Depth Height Est. Cost Permit Fee Remarks `??c fi •?? "7 ?? a Uo l LOCATION SIreeI,,Jitoad or other Description or Location Lot Block Addition or Tract j, /0 l' 7- lP -?3 IB33 3/ /o oleoo 0333/ This permit does not authorize the use of streets, roads. alleys or sidewalks nor does it give the owner or his agent the right to create any situation which is a nuisance or which presents a hazard to the health, safety, convenience and general welfare to anyone in the community. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. This is to certify. that .............................has permission to erect a-------------------------------------------------------------- upon the above described premise subject to the provisions of the Building Ordinance for Eagan To hip adopted April 11. 1955. '' ........................................................................................... Per ------( '`R "??.r.....-... -.--........ -- ...e _?.... Chairman of Town Board Bxu ing Inspector Clti of EAGAN B'I DING PERMIT Own ..A-9-P. .............4t... ...? ......l....-..f./(/// Address (present) ............11p .J ........ ,11.. ..................---..................................... Builder .................... Address ............................................................................................ DESCRIPTION . io N2 3314 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 454-9100 Date ltOLL. /Iy. lQT ?..... stories To Be Used For Front Depth Height Est. Cos! Permit ? Remarks I // r 9d ?¢ YV/ ' ?DD l This permit does not authorise the use of streets, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does it give the owner or his agent the right to create any situation which is a nuisance or which presents a hazard to the health, safety, convenience and general welfare to anyone in the community. THIS PERMIT MUST BE EPT ON HE R ILE THE WORK IS IN PROGREjB This is to certify, that.C;C._,; ./, .. t( ...has permission to erect a.rf!!d4/....,?J.. .......upon the above describ premise subject to the provisions of all applicable ces for the City agar. / ? yn ............... -....................................... Per ...... ......C/.... Suilding Impeeles 11 Mayor ' i0 a 3a-3? EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Owner --------. ...--`---- Address (presonil?) t:._?--- -----?--? //-....... Builder -------....y.[i?a: _ ......--'- /J*re„!?.....-------........ Address ------------------------------------------------- ----------.. DESCRIPTION N2 ..772 Eagan Township Town Hall Date ... .......................................... ories To Be Used For Front Depth Heigh! Est. Cosa Permit Fee Remarks l This permit does not authorize the use of streets, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does it give the owner or his agent the right to create any situation which is a nuisance or which presents a hazard to the health, safety, convenience and general welfare to anyone in the community. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPTyJ? THE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. This is to certify, that ------ ?c. ........has permission to erect a---------- _.. ? ........... .... upon the above described re subject to t Z novisions of the Building Ordinance for F.ag Towns p adopted April 11. 1955. /7 ............... ............-- -- ........_......!... ?.......------..._......-.-.. Per ----------------------- 4" ,F..t?_ _ .. //J. .. .? ....---.`-..----°---.._.... Chairman of Tnwn Board / Building Inspector ?(J?? This request void a - p? (7 / 1 ,pnths from O c 068272 t-,'_ on _p- Sao - Request Dare is? / p Fire No. Rough-in Inspection Required? ?RnadY Now ? Will Nobly, InsDec- t ?YUS ?NU ui When Ready ? Licensed Electrical Contractor I hereby request inspection of above yy Owner electrical work installed at. Street Addressor Route No. City v r 305 4 6tRv?7 A, auction No. Township Name or No, angu No. County OccuDart(PRINT) Phone No. TA%jj'i,,0 •r s - 9 Power Supplier e% A Address Electrical Contractor (Company Name Contra rinr's Licgnse No. O w -j C- to Mailing Address (Contractor or Owner Making Irsteilauon) 5 ? ju orized Si ure (Contra t Owner Making Installation) Phone Number dry f U MINNESOTA STATE B D OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bldg. -4.. N-191 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1021 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (612) 297-2111 ENCLOSED. Es-oooot-oa REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION M I, ?? See instructions for completing this form on back of yellow copy. p n R R 2 7 2" X" Below Work Covered by This Request 64?9 arms Add Bap. 11111 Tay misol Builder, Appliances Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lighting Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Electric Heat inc Commercial Bldg. Furnace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm Other Pe rhei ISngrifvl t er iher Other Comoute lnsoectiorYFee Be>ow p Fee Service Entra nce Size h Pee FrederSrSubfeedara a top Circuits- 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 30 Amts 0 to 30 Am 1s Above 200 Amps 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 Am Swimming Pool Above 100-Amps Above 100 Amps Transformers Irrigation Booms Partial.'Other Fee Signs Special Inspection $ TOT Remarks zOJ AL F FyT Rough-in Final " f Date '- ,•rt?J 1. the Ere Inspector. hereby certify that the above inspection has been made. This request void 18 months from CLAIM VOUCHER CITY OF RAGAN CLAIMANT DFrvip 8AQ7oSH ADDRESS C;IS-O T-6 er UIew Q? ,:E P. 6-4,j-, M#J UK SuI U as aooa Z (VI(=-T wi4, M?. &e-TO,50 AT +Rt 6? Ef k6-khs hA.0QPtS6te ?Prr .. Ha s co- ce V„e j ilk ACZ5 1Wy . 610+s( w"d k's cc-",e ?a h ate, re c.4r4- {-fie hR 14 j Q m4a kgd J inti f lak b 6L?' ouk r LSS-ti 4 Az wa4y o.-?d L Sad - wou.?d LLko k ?/?o J /.I? &6u+ 4k WOOL UIn QlIA1i I r (14tty d f Y I f AaY4-c f S (?,PI-ttGP,ms CIra -NL on-d LA.,a firn.?r?1 PiQ (1? -alp ?-i a.e 4 Jar McAnd 11 W OW, Q9 reed -fit 44L 441 Sw Pll e1^c 5 iw ure ?. d;d have eo•tcrvrs w? l? a vat 12,4 ?a ?kd a 4 wd L?d I declare under the penalties 'of law that this account, claim or demand is jus and that no part of it has been paid. Signature ? /v3) 1Z Date FIN2:CLAIMS y Jkft C EK i?Jt ink ??'? L; Yq \ J 1 ? ?\ \ n croac-'r-, cS? \ \ :0.??YY???r, i \ \ ? F a MASTER CARD LOCATION ?Qr?llfJ & J05 non -3 ! OWNER p 00 hi STRUCTURE AND LAND USED AS Permit No. Issued Issued To Owner Contractor BUILDING PLUMBING mAl- -Ole- zz- m I? • CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK WELL ELECTRICAL HEATING GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER OTHER OTHER Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distance From Well FOOTING SEPTIC FOUNDATION 7 CESSPOOL FRAMING - TILE FIELD FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL HEATING DEPTH OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD PLUMBING WELL SANITARY SEWER Violations Noted on Back COMMENTS: PERMIT NO. COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORTS TO BE USED ONLY IN EVENT OF OBSERVED VIOLATIONS CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION AT THIS INSPECTION ? NO EVIDENCE OF NON-COMPLIANCE OBSERVED. 1:1 ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTIONS OR DEVIATIONS. DATE OF INSPECTION ? NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER WILL COMPLY WITHOUT DELAY. .a 1:1 NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER DOES NOT INTEND TO COMPLY. COMPLETION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DELAYED BY CONDITIONS BEYOND CONTROL. ITEMIZED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ? REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE OF REINSPECTION REINSPECTION REVEALED CERTIFICATION-1 certify that I have carefully inspected the above in which I have no interest present or prospective, and that 1 have reported herein all significant conditions observed to be at variance with ordinances of the Town of Eagan, approved plans and specifications, and any specific require. ments for off-site improvements relating to the property inspected. ? ALL IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTABLY COMPLETED BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE COMMENTS: Q'??--''sue a? ?1 I f' I \ ? EX i°.,t ?nrJ -? LWellinc, J r \ r) 'JIovCl?r,1 Ji von ?\ ?? ry - IT" j 77" a EX I`?t IYI J J i xV ?F,?rElir,e 'der ?t,?rel,r,e Nc,v?F„r`r 1`1>I MEMO TO: THOMAS L HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: DALE C RUNKLE, CITY PLANNER DATE: MAY 21, 1985 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF BUILDING PERMIT FOR MR. BARTOSH At the May 7, 1985, City Council meeting, Councilmember Wachter requested a memo explaining the background and an update on the building permit issued to Mr. David Bartosh. When the building permit was issued, the property had an R-1 zoning. The building met all setbacks from the property lines of the parcel and this existing permit, or expansion, did not extend or encroach into any easements on the existing property. The only ordinance that this permit would have violated would have been the Shoreline Zoning Ordinance, however, this ordinance had not been published and was not in effect at the time this permit was issued. Therefore, the Shoreline Ordinance did not apply when this permit was reviewed and issued. Mr.. Dale Peterson had sent Mr. Grant a letter explaining the circumstances in which the City issued the permit noting that it did meet all setbacks in effect at the time the permit was issued. Hopefully this site plan showing the existing home and garage location and where the addition was placed will explain how it fits on the existing property. If you have any questions, please contact me at City Hall. Sincerely, \0 ? Dale C. Runkle DCR:jbd attachments ? EX (si ;' DweYt ? r? • . ' c ?Caarla?e i,)\* ,? fob ?pnd ? y% M cO l P°luL {Od o.J N ?RIUA4L et?S?^e?r \ ? \ \? c' ? ? \bh J ? / \ N QUILUI n 0 w? 0 4 /? ? .«tTif[ « ?n \ \\ ? of - 11 ?a ?? g I ?.- %N e HOL'?I??-=?. 4 ADD- i Doc. No. 424887 1 IFW DOO. No. 442283 •?- 4- s- \- 1 --- - `? ID LO-302 030-30 g '010-31 032-31 i 030 30 = 04030 :rlZ R c 33- 1 wry •„?r r 0, M•• QUARRY m CANE ; @l?=?'t (??'e ?"e ,C`•.°•. 041-mow ® ??4 F \, g `P ` DONNYWOOD 1%h r • ®. r` I 1 City of EcKpM 0 \•i Y` t ., ?• 060-00 - ? 'o, o`er,.' , ?.. ,,, , ?a?:.;;•'??r r ® ?` R K . .:..'. '? : ,,/?. ,s f'j• .} , ?? ' 1904®j •? S 30-39 .: ° a ??i?i a? •4 J4 n a ?• ®. Sr T?`Q' t ?? 80Y F0. pb Rev ",,...y?r^gl w' OL ??.. ??r i••/r??'• • V ?` .`? G' ~ •? +o.`L? . '* J bl t i ?'e ?? . r. s •.w r r u um a f 010-D rtv o[ 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 April 19, 1985 MR DONALD E GRANT 1275 TOWERVIEW RD EAGAN, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Grant: BEA BLOMQUIST M.M THOMAS EGAN JAMES A SMITH JERRY THOMAS THEODORE WACHTER C.U 'l Members THOMAS HEDGES City Adv .f afar EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk The Eagan City Council and staff are aware of your concerns with the construction being performed by Mr. David Bartosh at 1305 Towerview Road. City staff were also concerned when Mr. Bartosh applied for a building permit in November of 1984 and at that time, reviewed the plans for the proposed addition quite thoroughly. Staff found that the addition, as proposed, did not encroach on the easement and that the Shoreland Ordinance was not yet in effect. The staff had no alternative except to issue said permit and subsequent inspection of the addition confirmed that the easement, as documented, is not being encroached upon. You should also be aware that the easement is private and can only be enforced by the Civil courts. Sincerely, Dal4efor Chief Building Official DP/js CC: Tom Hedges, City Administrator Dale Runkle, City Planner ?Gt /0 0) D06 033 3) THE LONE OAK TREE ...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY APR 1?ids April 15, 1985 To: City of Eagan From: Donald E. & Claudia M. Grant Subject" Building Peri:.-t No. 9739, dated Nov. 20, 1984. I was made aware today of the intent of David Bartosh of 1305 Towerview road to build a garage stPucture under Permit No. 9739. I wish to file an objection to this approval as said structure is in violation of Shoreline Easement granted to the VanMeter(now Bartosh) property about 1972-1976 period. This easement was given in return for tax and assessments relief of properties under water and granted the city of Eagan a 20 foot easement of the said property.The existing Shoreline easement pass;?d by the City of Eagan Council on Oct. 30, 1984 (Published in Dec. 30, 1984) was in effect prior to the granting of the Bartosh Permit of Nov. 30, 1984 and the passage of said Ordinance would')prohibit this structure.This structure would place a safety as well as a access problem to the Grant property which is provided for in Warrenty Deed of Nov. 16, 1962 in Book 285, Page 199 Registar of Deeds, Dakota County(P.I. 10-20960-040-00-1) as a 30 foot road easement. I am requesting a review and disapproval of this Permit based on the existing Shoreline Ordinace and placement of stucture affecting our road access to our property.I have expressessed my objection to the City Engineer and City Attourney at 0900 Hrs, April 15, 1985 (Prior to any contruction commencing) Respectfully, Attachments: ---• Donald E. Grant 1275 Towerview Rd, Eagan, Mn. 55121 Cities Digital Quality Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. ?f' suite 201 rosevill9 2222 north harnline ovenve 55113 March 22, 1973 ffi ?• _ :' le es e. baerhave r-1- professional cantor rosevill• rninnesote phone 412 / e3e-4900 Mr. Donald E. Grant i: 1275 Towerview Road St. Paul, Minnesota..:"55121 Re:..Property Monumentation Dear Don: As requested inrour7telephone conversation of February 20, 1973, I am herewith furnishing you the information discussed in that J conversation. =?:c if that on February 20, 1973, I monumented your pro- I hereby cert y perty described in Warranty Deed dated November 7, 1962, recorded November 16, 1962, in Book 285 of Deeds, Page 199, records of the Register. of Deeds, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: the South 200 feet of the North 626.4 feet of the East 703 feet of the West 1,567.23 feet of the S 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 10, Township 27, Range 23 Enclosed herewith find xerox copies of._our field notes indicating the positions for the monumentations set. Said monumentation carries an identification disk bearing my Minnesota Registration n No. 7095. - At the time the above-mentioned survey was made no attempt was made to retrace or identify the road easement described in the above-mentioned deed. Also as discussed in our telephone "conversation, we did find some difference of interpretation_of position of the south line of your ..property as described and'as you had it fenced in certain areas,- etc. However,-upon finalizing our survey and making necessary '- `..,,,checks,'we,find that our-work --is checked out and proved up to be as the descri.ptio-n:calls."out:-gApparently if.you are working from. s. =z.?Ssome- other ;survey _dara that :data must have been in error ':{ :' .-=-:..(::' _.?:' ?L.'1ir "'li'8?'+C v. C`r.'r_.: ?±?3.:`#,1.. _ _?•?. ?,+ . - - _ - : i:. _ _ .•. ?.± I*: v -1.. .. ..... .. n w..6:6e N.,.e ,.?w wCwe a..ww ,.? w"w[70 q t J, Any problems that seem to be `extstin n-the area are evident E because of physical position probTems6ecause in studying the abstract of the properties in the area everythT be in order a ou d be. CA,IsO I would like to make mention'-tha t the time of our survey party chief compared the information on your Certificate of vey which was done in approximately 1962 against our informa- n and found that everything is i,n order. Enclose erewi ind our billinq in the amount of $92 for ser- vices rendered as we had:,agreed"upon in our telephone conversatio Please excuse my being 'Tate with this letter. If you have any questions please give -meacall: Sincerely, BATHER-RINGROSE-VOLSFELD, INC. ames E:'.Boerhave, RLS . JEBccs' ? T ' ..r X, • '?1.5:'.?Ya...a:,.`?:"f3 - ?r'#" . a'.nY' 'T" - -_:: d.' ° - _ '1:.?^- _- __Vt?a % •- i 4 . y. t Mr. Donald E. Grant 0/0 U.S. Customs - 110 South 4th Street Room 177 Minneapolis, Mien At your instance and request, I have examined the Abstract Title in and to the South 200 feet of the North 626.4 feet o the 3ast 703 feet of the West o1567A?3ofeeectionheOsouth shin of the Northwest quarter .(S2 Minnesota, together xi ., Tow 27, [Lange 23, Dakota County, Minnesota, and 30 fe ment for road purposes over and across a strip o jag -4 Beg '. in width the centerline bein? described as follows: pri at a point on the 1L'orth ne of the aforedescribed outh of the., d point being 1254.23 feet Eastquarter Northwest quarter orner of Nor (SW4 Nif;) of said section Ten (10).. thence sighting West and parallel to the North line to therighth5 of sa d30nO' ardistancehofst , quarter (SW4 NW4) deflect 140 feet, thence deflect left 22000' a distance of 220 feet, 21000 a stance 215 fast to a thence deflect to t _ South of,thedaforesaidfquarter quarter = which is 16.5hfeetg carter (?.??) ..'?? (44) line, thence west and parallel to said quarter to the according line 864.23 feet and thence terminating, Government Survey thereof,. said Abstract consisting of 62 entries, last certified to by the Dakota County Abstract Company on the 24th day of October, 1962, at 8:00 o'clock A*M., and from such examination, I am of the opinion ihatLtitle is gwifeood as marketable in Alphy J. LeMay and Agnes joint tenants, free and clear of all incumbrances. ..Said property is subject to Ordinance No.-VI,being a zoning ordin: ance dated ;larch 21st, 1961, recorded May 4, 1961, in Book 42 of; page 278. The Abstract does not give any details on said ::`,•:. :.;ordinance and I suggest that you check with the Township Clerk of „Tz =`?'Eagan township and obtain a copy of this ordinance. == tted ,. , .: TRACY •• . j Y_J_ H JPT: eh;r=j= ' ' •l:. fi _ v.. p•'?? C.Tieisinge ..4:u . i _ 1. -CY . Jan. 6, T985 " t John King •. Attourney at Law Dear John, In reference to your phonecall of the First day of January 1905, I have attached four documents of official record and on file with Dakota County. The certificate of title opinion from Joe Tracy,Atty., Certificate of title to the Grant property 1962, certificate of survey of said title and letter of re-survey of said Grant property. All four documents support the road easement to be in order and of 30 ? feet in width. There is no'ezisting legal documentation in our possesic to support a error in.survey other than.a North/South error of 11 feet on the south side of the Grant property which does not affect the road easement and was corrected byTitle to the Grants from the Donneywood Corporation.Please refer to Survey letter of March 22, 1973 stating survey is in order. The parties of VanMeters, VanMeters and Bartosh all aquired said title of said property with full knowledge of existing. road easement as des- ' 'cribed in Warrenty Deed 293814 dated Nov. 16, 1962. Parties VanMeter (Kent & Judy) moved the road bed of survey about 15 feet to the West so the existing road was on the edge of the 30 foot easement. A fence and numerous other obstructions were placed on the easement. They were requested to remove obstructions or we would begin legal actions. Most of the obstuctions were removed. VanMeter then sold to VanMeter (Thomas & Debra) who in turn sold to the Bartoshes with conditions to which we are not privy too. A prudent person would consider the problem of a structure being on said easement if,it in fact does exist. This being the case we would ; consider a modification from point °A" where the Bartosh property + begins(at the north part of the existing_eity of Eagan 30 foot easement to a line South "ONE FOOT" from the West foundation of the House struc- ture to the closest point intersecting with the existing easement at . point "B" and thence South to the North of.the Grant property. The ..survey stakes would be placed at A, B.& C for our view and acdIlptance and if in order would be followed by a legal monumented survey at the;. points of A, B & C. The Modification would be registered with.the Dako- ta County registar. A 30 foot easement will remain with NO conditions; as this easement is required for access of water and sewer.byathe':City of Eagan by. ordinance and must be available to benifit,all'propertiei'' ALL.obsttuctions of all kindsmust be removed from 'the eztsti,ng a d' -modified easement(inclding trees planted since.June .1984):A Mega .:.review of all documents by John King, Atty for the Gra6ts?_ri?i6e e- quired and ALL costs and fees for Attoumeys,.Surveys,Regis.tra on or any other Modificatiohcosts will be borne by ;,the.parttes a ag V? ?y lfa?•a•. _ _ y,: said modification. flo cost will be borne by the'Grants in this •:. tram ctiod as the Grant do not benifit from modification and are not ?:- requesting Said modification. I strongly recommend you set a date no later than May.l, 1985 for the parties VanMeter and Bartosh to execute the forgoing or failure to doso would infer they have no further intrest in said modification(if one is in fact needed for a maketable title) and no future legal consider- ation will be considered by the courts. I would also request you to take any legal action required to cenure the harrassing and threatning correspondence by attouneys and parties representing the VanMeters and Bartoshes in the road easement as the cost, time and the anguish being generated is detrimental to our health. Yqur friend - .f . Donald & Cl January 30, 1985 Tammy 3usS? Attorney at Law 3500 IDS Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-2113 RE-- Easement, Van Meter/Grant Dear Ms. Pust: Q dal `? 17 U Lly At long last our reply regarding the easement matter. F There are enclosed, copies of the following documents: j 1. Title opinion from Joe Tracy, Atty. 2. . Warranty deed to the Grant property, November 7, .1962 ' Certificate of Survey and 3 'Re-survey the parties, both sets of Van Meters and Bartosh Tiad' possession .-.o-;,,•'•::.r deed'`::'' r .. ?_ with full knowledge of the existing easement as descsibed.in the' November 169"196 ?'s' dated _ .the road bed. abouE..15 feet west, .so that ?'?`::;.-•.???hi? ?;- t"? and-judy Van meter moved : =Rr•,-.? ?, ?".ahe'ezisting road was on the edge of t6e'30 foot easement a; numerous other obstructions were placed on the easement by them..' Af ter a threat of legal action these-were removed- The property was later conveyed to Thomas and Debra Van Meter who then sold.to Bartosh.' We.would consider amodification -from point A . where the. Bartosh pr begins at the north part of the existing city of Eagan 30 foot easement) .yrt. to a line South "ONE FOOT" from the West foundation of the house ,struc-_ ture to the closest point intersecting with the existing easement at, s '••:='r:; ?point "B" and thence South to the North of the Grant property. The survey stakes would be placed at A, B 6 C for our view and acceptance. f y; and if is order would be followed by a legal monumented survey at the points of A, R 6 C. :The modification would be registered with the ? ta County reg 'istrar.'" A 30 foot easement will remain with NO '= s",'vi,"':'.._.'• Dako ? -" %'?ir?"'`?>::?`^:°:?:'•.conditions as this easement is required for access ofwater and sever '. _ _s?r•' by the City of Eagan by ordinance and must be available to bene.. fT .1 W .ti., gyp, and ALL costs and fees for Attorneys, Surveys, Registration or any other modification costs will be borne by the parties requesting said modification. No cost will be borne by the Grants in this transaction as the Grants do not benefit from modification and are not requesting said modification. We wish to state that the parties you represent and also all the parties in interest agree on or before May 1, 1985 and execute a suitable document and failure to do so will signify to my clients that they have no further interest in the modification. :Needless to say the legal costs must of fairness be borne by your clients and to date. n I would estimate that they are to;present.$350.00 and likely will be an additional $100.00 if we do no't.go to the trial courts. Contemplate the fact that in no way have my clients made any demands on the parties Van Meter and.Bartosh regarding the easement.but on . the contrary have been put upon by the others who took title with ` full knowledge. There are a lot of items on the easement presently which must be removed before my clients are willing to sign anything. :Cars, wood - ;fti.?.'.?:::.::r :,.? ? • ?'..- er':*,: ' . pile and other debris. - <„ 7:r •:; ,:; ;: _' Kindly let me hear from you at your earliest convenience.?j,''",".: " +c^^'' eily ? . Jo ffg _ Attorney at Law JPK/ld - enc.. cc: Mr. 6 Mrs. Donald Grant i 4 • .Y_tu% •A ?- -Y_ • % ,n ? '?. + .. , .. ? ? ? - •`. - - . may, _ .mss `' yyp iP. .:. .-. .. .. .,., . . . . : - _ . n _.2 . , . ? ?s ?` Q?, ?? ?s ?? ? ?? ?? R? April 20, 1976 Soo City of Sagan City Hall- Sagan;-Mien. 55121. proe.o Donald 'S. and C1aadL Mo Great 1275 Toesrvier M. Sagan, Minn. 55121. parcel go. 1.0-41000 041-31-1 section 10 Project Inpro*ement !29 Of 4-13-76 ?II in; at a avadescrbed address request Donald E. and Claudia M. s I^ deferment of assesamenta on rove t Project S approved the ?cf the Player Hearing on April 13. 1976. We reques is aeier=?ont `won id and C1tT.Conncil as re have no future need or ass of city rater and ssrero The existing self contained system sects City and hats requiresents for polution li Concil and City Sngineer. Upon i described the property advice and y was excluded free. instalation of,lateTa s from, the abovvee, he a :^?iy in 1975 as not pot needed and excessive in cost at that time. As there -is no need or access to rater or WwOr at this time or is the near future and we have no-intention to plat or subdivide our property we respectfully re- quest 7<,.,approse this deferment. We will be haPFy to supply j4. further information, surveys, comtents or -other dit=uZzation if you,io- desire:to aid Xon in this dsferusmto J Donald S. Grant Claudia K. Grant 6`7 - •. _ -_. • _ X5115. .y ... ". a,: ? ,. ._ !:' a ? NDIlll1`lO...D_!t? YY.u,l. erica: ffMl.HI11dYc/:a_•••:•••' ". ^ Indenture, made this_ ____0 -------- day ef_______N?x,~r1?gx------ ;16.Z»e eon __--/1.1yl?3[_sC?_I?e6lti~t_3msL_Jsus1? _L.1._krJat?x,_hu 491L -'w4- VILA,-------_-• of ohs County bf_--__------I?AkStA-_---_ --and State o/------ _A°,j. V&-I.QA4-___--- pardV_q , of the first part, and__llnutilsl._!y,_ ;ir??a _eaid_S?ltludl a_LL._S'wtia4,_ krttallend_aas11 _____ . ._WikQ$- - -----------------°- --°--------------------------------- P Of the County of __DAIGlJ_ii9________and Stots -____-__, parties of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said parA _of the flrst'part, in cvnsiderallon of the sum S1Ilt_!?elS.liiF_ oi?d_?tEi?f_1;gocl_?nd_valugble_consicieration __ _ - to_ tlleF! __in hand paid by the said parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby aehnowl- edged, do----- hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell, and Convey unto the said parties of the second part as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, their assigns, the survivor of said parties, and the heirs and as- signs of the survivor, Forever, all the tract ----- or parcel ----- of land lying and being in the Coanly of ---------- llakotn------------ and State of Minnesota, described as follows, io-wU: The South Two Hundred (SL6.4 200) feet of the North Six Hundred Twenty-- six and Four 't'enths (11. ) feet of the East Seven Hundred Three. (P. 703) feet of the West One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-seven and 'twenty-three Hundredths (V, 1067.23) feet of the South Half of the Ilortl?west (,;uarter (13)4 of Nlig) of Section Ten (10), Township Twenty- seven (27) North, of Range Twenty-three (23) West, according to the Guvernwunt Survey thereof, to-cathe ur- noses over and acrous a strip of land Thir v (30) et in width, the North li?ie or-Giie afuredescribed property, said point being Une 't'housand Two Hundred Fifty=four and Twenty-three Hundredths (1,254.23) feet East and Four Hundred Twenty-six and Four Tenths (426.4) feet South of the Iorthwest corner of the Southwest t,uarter of the North- west (;darter (i3'i'JIb of 141,'4)4) of said Section Ten (10), thence sighting ;feat and parallel to the North line of the said Southwest :;!carter of the Northwest :ruarter (Sbj/a of NW)£), deflect td'the right 53:30'. a distance of One Hundred Forty (140) feet, thence deflect left 220001 a distance of Two Hundred 'fvrenty (220) feet, thence deflect to the ' right 21°00' a distance of Two'Hundred Fifteen (215) feet to a point which is Sixteen and Five Tenths (16.5) feet South of the aforesaid quarter-quarter line, thence lest and parallel to said quarter- quarter line Eight Hundred Sixty-four and Twenty :three Hundredths (bG4.23) feet and thence terminating. f ) 6?j as ,' 4raaturn state that the ' A' I1? 1 ' 1 r J aitnte Deed 'l'ox hereon ` Sl ••? ;? i. -a alaounts to V1.110. ./.?'• A''1 nil, 111... '• TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Together. w.... w• ......e, w.wn..r.a wta aplmner.ane thereunto belonginp or in anywise appertaining, to the said parties of the second part, their assigns, t:brarer survivor of said parties, and the heirs and assigns of the survivor. Forever, the said parties of the second I part taking as joint tenants and not as tenants in common. And the C__ Leblay. husband and wifel--•- paril,.Be _of the first part, for- Lhemsol--- --- _r-.heirs, executors and administrators do____ covenant with the said parties of the second part, thetr assigns, the survivor of said parties, and the heirs and assigns of the survivor, that IQY__Qr4__well seised in fee of the lands and premises aforesaid and AGAR_*Pood right to sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid,, and. fhat._the sgms are free from all incumbrances; "I"'' ^•-• ''t DT TA E D TA?y : PQ ",'An8 the abovi bargained and granted lands and premises, in the quiet and peaceable mid parties of the second part, their assigns, the survivor of said parties, and the heirs and assigns of Ohs 3-survivor, against all persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, subject to in. cumbroneu, if any, hereinbefore mentioned, the said partLeg __of the first part will Warrant and {. ?D,??;ef end. I t 'I,N TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said partinY__o/ the first part ha XV--hereunto sat_the iT-• •AahdA..the day and year first above written. a x, in Presence of --- +? ??=2- ???1 ?1 z^ --------- ---- --------------- ---- ----------------------------- ---------- u I .. I aYJI r '? I x <if':• ' i i ?• Ila 4'4. ,. • w : y' r,. I•A uoJT S?•{e3TII!!t• s ?f I, ?I I i \, •Cv j I r. \ . 1 I ? ...9oL . •. 1 •1 .1 ?s */.MW ?jo bit 1,uv T.aa fZ•~?g aLLTT ?•: F ?'4?".'??•~;i '`..`ii;' • •3uTivurm7a3 aaual(1 3 si q= •aucT or pTusaxo)e alll 34 4;n0y ';'?a?nagiT?yaa) ;,<_<':; TaTTt•srd pule , It ,. 1 ),s x111 0> }aaT)ai of };'? to aOUrIt P v IOLo;? ?T T.'• u[od v 4; } 3 5T'L t4 aolro;sT1 OO,Tz ;T c oa I• j } 3u auiT'x1'a3 OVT TesudoPUS! S. 'r 3?p aDUtll Ty v I00 e2'L 3,•? aui Y i so;l aql 43 TOY ,110 as C' a1 3 •3 czal:paso3r at;l ?o „ 043 03 }c3lt;?awhios? 3uTuMN?nIS 0 3auaoa 1edo117P;4141 a aw:,g3 bT JuTatl luro(I pcca d} aull'Ouao puv.isua 3aaj' LZ'9S'LT oy sc pagTs?sal> 9uTaq I' L'IO . 1 (I; IO?I 044 It 3LLTUL 1111 R1UT;,l Pl1 S, ". n.•" , r!••1• l:IAfl; Sil!:Ut? ?Dll I)T SO•T • 1r1,r n ,y6FF i.?;,. MCi,• , gt`•.b3'ytsa.t is Y , r . .. I ' s 1 I i 1 IYIC inc. T- Invoice No.: 1501 W. 80th Street 0 2 6 21 Bloomington, MN 55420 %7 14" (612) 884-6020 - Order No.: Legal Description: - Customer No.: SfttU^ 10AMM tp 27. . 23 n "te emu? oiler .. Owner: Tbou" /U a/oaa 6 3 3 3/ i Property Address: Buyer: UVIA Joke sart"ti M5 3 stl?R ICeild This is to certif that I have examined the records in the office of the Village Clerk, Village of 9?42 j ')b &2Z2 County, Minnesota, and find that the above described tra or parcel of land has the following improvements as indicated by CHECK MARKS: Water Main _ Sidewalk _ Street Paving Main Trunk Sewer _ Curb & Gutter _ Alley Paving _ Lateral Sewer Street Grading _ Garbage Collection -Storm Sewer _ _ Alley Grading `Tarring Street Street Sprinkling further certify that according to the records of said office, the following assess- ments appear unpaid: , Kind of Impv't Runs Beginning Original Total Amt. Unpaid Amount Subsequent to current year Ser<c?it ?1< /r5 s6 I further certify that according to the records of said office, the following improve- ments are contemplated or pending after having been approved, and are now in the process of planning or completion: Kind of Impv't Approx. Date Approx. Cost of Completion of Improvement NP17e- Dated this?day of 198 Village Clerk or Admini rative Asst. Village or City of r7?rn?2 SPRIA1 dcc FSCT,IFNT DEPORT J" wLke- THOMAS HEDGES MAYOR CITY ADMINISTRATOR THOMAS EGAN ALYCE BOLKE MARK PARRANTO CITY CLERK AM A SMITH CITY OF EAGAN THEODORE WACHT ER ' cou MClL wE Ne Ews 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 95122 PHONE A54 DICKY April 13, 1979 Mr. Jerry Wood IC eiCoo 43.;1-It:' y' - - -- __ 1320 Towerview Road Eagan, MN 55122 Mr. VanMeeder 1 1305 Towerview Road 3l //a 0/ppo 03J Eagan, MN 55122 Gentlemen: There has been a complaint submitted to the City of Eagan regarding the truck traffic and truck parking at 1320 Towerview Road and 1305 Towerview Toad. Presently, the zoning on these two parcels are an R-1 which is a Residential Single District. Presently there are no ordinances which prohibit the parking of trucks on private property in an R-1 zoning district. However, Ordinance 52.06, Subdivision 19A states the City Council may direct the removal or otherwise limit the parking of any large vehicles upon or adjacent to any residential use where it is determined that said parking has a detrimental affect upon the residential use. Said large vehicles shall include but not be limited to buses, motor homes, cruisers or trucks. If the complaint about the truck parking in this location is not resolved or if the situation tends to get worse, this matter may be brought before the Eagan City Council under the ordinance mentioned above. The second part of the complaint which was submitted to the City is about the storage of gasoline within an R-1, Residential Single District zone. According to the State Building Code, the maximun amount of a Class 1-A liquid, gasoline, which can be stored within a R-1 zone is 30 gallons. Therefore it appears the gasoline storage tank which is stored in this location is in violation of the State Building Code and shall be removed as soon as possible. If the gasoline storage tank is not removed, the City of Eagan will take a more formal course of action to resolve this violation. If you have any questions regarding the truck parking or the gasoline storage tank, please contact me at the Eagan City Hall. SincerelLk Dale C. e City Planner DCR:tlgi cc: 'City Administrator Hedges Assistant Police Chief Jay Berthe Donald Grant, 1275 Towerview Rd., Eagan -ONZ OAK TkE_°:.. T'IE SYN78^±...?F STREN.' h.i,_• ::P ' ?+C .lU • -JVmtj.'- G09.1721? C I T Y O F E A G A N CERTIFIED LISTING OF POSTPONED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 10 Twn 27 Range 23 E 703 Ft of W 1567.23 Ft of N 426.4 Ft of S' of NW; Ex.Beg 864:23 Ft E of NW Cor•S 348.08 Ft N 64D 19M 32S E 150'.89 Ft N 65 Ft N 46D 50M 09S E 320.69 Ft to N Line. W 369.91 Ft to Beg Ex Beg 1194.23 Ft E & 426.4 Ft S of NW Cor N 42D 24M 43S E 100 Ft E to E Line of W 1567.23 Ft S to S line of N 426.4 Ft W to Beg COUNTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 10 01000 033 31 POSTPONED SPECIAL ASSESSMENT: Water Area Assessment Pursuant to M.S.A. 429.061, Subd. 2, as amended by the 1980 Session Laws, Chapter 560, Section 5, I hereby certify that the City of Eagan has approved the postponement of the special assessments as set forth above on the property described. Dated this D :t W day of _?-L..y%Q 1984 EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX STAMPS This Document Drafted By: City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 from State,Deed Ta Dakota County Cit Clerk/Finance Director Certificate I, E.J::'UanOberbeke, City Clerk of the City of Eagan, do Hereby certify; that -the' fbregoing is a true a orr ct py. E. anOverbeke, City C erk X STATE OF MiNNESOTA ss. County of Dakota Office of Ccunty Recorder This is t•: certify that the within instrrm -as tiled fur recorc/' }? . this r•Ci t N •ti gs, On tile!' daytr A. U. t9 „?( clock fdi., and that the same was d !y recorded in Dakota County Records. JAMES N. DO LAN Cou Recorder ay Deputy G'C_ CITY OF EAGAN CASHIER: JS TERMINAL NO: 765 DATE: 08/14/ 00 TIME: 10:08:20 ID: NAME: SAUBER PLUMBING & HEATING CO 3212 9001 1305 TOWERVIEW 30.0( 2155 9001 1305 TOWERVIEW 0.5( 3212 9001 1320 TOWERVIEW 30.0( 2155 9001 1320 TOWERVIEW 0.5( Total Receipt Amount: 61.0( CR135713 USER ID: JAN L 33 3 1 CITY USE ONLY suBD. ?e(+io h 10 RECEIPT* RECEIPT DATE: /? r PERMIT# !r' J 2000 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 651-681-4675 Please complete for: > single family dwellings > townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit > backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system ervrnoce FArN N TOTAL Alterations to existing dwelling - minimum fee Describe: $ 30.00 Bath tub $ 3.00 x = $ Floor drain 3.00 x = $ Gas piping outlet ' minimum -1 3.00 x = $ Hot tub/spa 3.00 x = $ Kitchen sink 3.00 x = $ Laundry tray 3.00 x = $ Lavatory 3.00 x = $ Septic System new/refurbished • requires MPC lic. 75.00 x = $ Septic System abandonment 30.00 x = $ RPZ new installationlrepair/rebuild 30.00 x = $ Rough opening 1.50 x = $ Shower 3.00 x = $ Underground sprinkler if dwelling is under construction 3.00 x = $ Underground sprinkler if existing dwelling 30-00 x = $ Water closet 3.00 x = $ Water heater 3.00 x = $ Water softener if dwelling under construction 5.00 x = $ Water softener if existing dwelling 30.00 x = $ Water turnaround 30.00 x ---- _ $ O State Surcharge .50 > - > > $ .50 Total > > > - > S S Reminder. Call for inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. - - -- ------- -------wm--pty- -with-- all ---ap--- pli -- cable Ci----- tyo ---f----- Eagan---ordinances------- I hereby acknowledge that I have tad this application, state that the information is corect, and agree to It is the applicant's responsibility to notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the City during its normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under this permit within City property/right-of-way/easement. SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: r f0 s ? >??2i Ufew ? INSTALLER NAME: ?. kk?\t? ?,{ (f ?? ' STREET ADDRESS: I40 - CITY: ?i Ir //Yt r w S l?/? STATE: ? TELEPHONE#: ?/- -'fal (AREA CODE) TELEPHONE #: L?r - Kg? ) - Zy'-j y (AREA CODE) TURE OF PERMITTEE 0•* 9140 + l0U•+ 1100 + 84U + 49z" 114- 30- 30-+ 1110.5+ 009 3,'146' ?* CITY OF EAGAN CASHIER: JS TERMINAL NO: 765 DATE: 08/14/00 TIME: 10:44:11 ID: NAME: DAVID J BARTOSH 3713 9220 1305 TOWERVIEW 50.00 2155 9001 1305 TOWERVIEW 0.50 Total Receipt Amount: 3,746.50 CR135721 USER ID: JAN *************************************** CITY OF EAGAN CASHIER: JS TERMINAL NO: 765 DATE: 08/14/00 TIME: 10:44:05 ID: NAME: DAVID J BARTOSH 3811 9378 _5866 9379 2275 9220 1446 9001 3865 9220 3868 9220 3716 9220 2252 9220 3212 9001 3743 9220 1303 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 TOWERVIEW TOWERVIEW TOWERVIEW TOWERVIEW TOWERVIEW TOWERVIEW TOWERVIEW TOWERVIEW TOWERVIEW TOWERVIEW 940.00 100.00 1,089.00 11.00 840.00 492.00 CR135721 USER ID: JAN 114.00 30.00 30.00 50.00 CONTINUE CONTINUE V 'K • Lot O' 3 Block 3 PID # Sewer /water permit # L4 a a5 a Plat S-e c?- o V 1 Date • 1 ?{ Q Receipt # 1 1 CITY OF EAGAN 2000 SEWER AND WATER CONNECTION AND AVAILABILITY CHARGES EXISTING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Sewer Lateral charge @ $22.30/ff Trunk @ $900/connection City SAC Base SAC Date paid Receipt # Account deposit Septic abandonment Sewer permit & surch e Subtotal Total Water Lateral charge $2f $ Trunk @ $940/c connectionection 100.00 Water supply & storage 40.00 1,100.00 Date paid Receipt # Treatment plant 492.00 15.00 Water meter "Inspections r d prior 114.00 30.00 to i ing 50.50 Account deposit 15.00 $ Water permit & s charge 50.50 Subtotal $ $ Plumbing it & surcharge 30.50 Sewer and Sewer lateral charge @ $22.30/ff Water lateral charge @ $22.55/ff Sewer trunk @ $900/connection Water trunk @ $940/connection City SAC Base SAC Date paid Receipt # Water supply & storage Date paid Receipt # Treatment plant Water meter "Inspections req'd prior to issuing Account deposit Septic abandonment Sewer and water permit & surcharge Subtotal Plumbing permit & surcharge Total f , Property owner L?A,I r >g 9:40 5 N Address / D c 7 .2 tZI iZ t cJ ?? Phone number "s- - S - "-/? Plumber L N it/ c,s t- `I L, 3--? ti34 4/s , va,J, `/-, 4LOnz f/v0 d"'64e, 9 X10 O0 3 f;1 1 g 37$ 100.00 SCOYt h 1,100.00 (oiq, -SACqci it. S ft( O 1 840.00 WtoNn 492.00 H 114.00 WY>7et 30.00 ctadq I 3o.oo 3aIa 6100 100.50 ? r w^ $ 3`ttl? S 30.50 WperYk Ash OFFICE USE ONLY PRV required: R-O-W Permit: Unpaid Permit Fees: City financed: City County "VIA cc: Carolyn Krech, Finance Department Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r For Office Use , City of Eaaari :::::e. '—(- �J C D. '> 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: Phone: (651)675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Staff: 2017 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION p Date: Site Address: (305— TarivUn #`� ,q.4_ Name: pf(/ic.► ti"rf-dz Phone: 5-1/' 9 5.01` 61667 ROwner� Address/City/Zip: / 5 TO wv,v:E.1-i/ ILd t Applicant is: Owner )(Contractor I— i Description of work: kQd`-C-- q r- d 'r-F-' Type of Work (/ �-S e Construction Cost: Multi Family Building: (Yes /No ) t Company: ed't'Gi a'I'1 8C0 .�S C-O KIT dc Ic"1 Contact: S f—tte4C J �t Address: ` ?57 �Ok6dro C \ City: Fa/� Contractor State:(sLN Zip: S ? f Phone: 9-5-01-87 185 ai1: License#. `- / 7 0O6 ( '�Lead Certificate#: T 106 3f If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: I COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Yes No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer&Water Contractor: Phone: Fire Suppression Contractor: Phone: NOTE:Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota S •te Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. If x S is-I4rfe ('‘ e crr v 1c ,l, , I x/ i...i�� Applicants Printed Name A plicants Signature Page 1 of 3