1479 Lake Park Cir - Site SurveySIGMA iURVEYING SERVICES INC. 3730 Pibt Knob ROatl Eagon. Mimescto 55122 (612)452•3077 L?_ V y0? / I ? 5 ? ? M ? ? W It b ? O ? i S 89°338 361 E ? 1?e? Ij t4'+S I IQ ?? q35 L I O ? ? i A?J?\ I ? `? I ? s ? e o ? e q?n I ? z House Certificafe Homes by PARRANTO For: =-,- I 30 I IL 4 by m a ApQ ). h? Q 1 1 ? 1 y C I V 0 ' -/ 44 3 ?• j r a i . ?j 0 ?G0.O0 _'_`?*qYa i`,0n ? w Swc ° Tfl6( y? ? D ? Q? I A I 1 P : x 1^ ? { I tsrodC 4e Ors.n Q / gG ? i o /, /Q t? o : y o II I? A 90.0- // ?- ?' a?ep>sFa I x? q,yba / C! I? z57 ?? ? A?tl` s?o ip Ir SL- ,?'Y I 7'-- N89°42'06"W -N- I SCALE : 1 "= 30' , -:- 120.00 GPA[MhCC AM? UTILITY C yCXTS APL Stl01M 1MUBt 3 e?J t.- S -1--- ??-- --- B¢I_.4 PBCT Itl MIGtM, YMLLSS OTMERf1166 INUICMLO mD ADdOM[MC LOT LIMtY. AMD L.0 I6CT Ix MlDtM. UMCC55 OTNCRNiSC INDICAT[0 aMO A0.f0IMINC RIGMT-OI-MAY LINCS. AS SHOM1 ON tN6 r ur. -. LEGEND - O lknotes Iran Manrrent 0 Denotes Woai Hub Set x932.e Aenotes Existiig Spot Elevation 1x93Z.o) qenotes ProposEd Spot Elevafiion _,--- Denotes Drainage Direction -PROPEHiY DESCRIPf10N- LOT 3 , BI.Lti'K I THOMAS I..AKQ 4201T16N accordirg to the recorded p7at thereof, Oakot4 Cq.PItY, NIMfSOfd 3 a v,^ = I p ? O h ,o / I Ltj I +? ? V I N N I I 30 Y Q a W Y J PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION= '1310 PROPOSED Top of 81ock EtEVATION= 934.3 PROPOSED, BASfYENT FLOOR ELEVATION= 92-(-3 LowCr NsOTE Verify all floor heights with Final House Plans. SIJ(aVEyQRS CERTIFICATIQN- ! hereby certify that thrs survey, plan or report was preFwred by me or wder my direcf supervrsim arr! that I am a duly 17egistered Larti Surveyor urder the laws of the State of Minnesota. a Pt- z I I - Date: /lo 87 Way? D. Cordes. Minn. Reg. No. 14575