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1482 Lake Park Cir - Site Survey
CONSUlTIHO lHOINt[BS ? IENGtNEEAING , PIAHNlIIi ond IpHD 3UIIYEYN4433ZZ-'33000000A Ct?MPANV' INt. ? ? ID00 WT 14rIA !?11(CT, ouRH3VILlE, MINHCSOTA 75737 PPM ceP'-JFcaZe o? s4`uZ?3C& y - 4 ? ?^Qneit LoT 9 ? 8.?V- I? VoMAS LAKE. ADOIT1oP41- rAK.oT4 44u?4 T'Y ? M?^+•a?SerA . , FoJmAED bARJd.e c?%tii?-% = '?JZro•7 IurE 6BF•MC+I+?tiA" ? AS $ai6Y wCCR.mwnw Wqs T^KE,J FRpn+ THE. c.I+`( af C^6rJ un?ir( AS- B,))Lr f{A-JS ??M: tbP eF Swirwc.? S6JEa M?I ?»?1E w?rf1Z Oc TME. 41L• OE's.WL.- oF V.PL6 pARJL 44 °Z 1 G r+ I L,,11 oPA,u.r,E AJw Wyy?? ` st.s) unurv Ekar9+r+.ir ?j 84°412 oE. 1?1.v- 1.9141.95 - ..? ?? ? ?? zs•? ?q.?? ?. A5 I N ? .. ? 0 w?CMSfDa .? a 1 ?b?3a . •c. ? ? /a??,'p. 44. ! I I .'"i -•,? ? - IM..94 -? 37t.3'S / / ' n A16 4-V..t, - • ?i ? I ? .d.____:?._T ._ . ?. _ _ r-?-- .?, ?c£?nne..1 3 88 N , ; : hereby certity that this ir a true and cor"ct r+prarentation ot a tract ot land •• •hown'and described hersons. As pr.pAred by me on tAis dar ot , .?'uc.neSese • ? 19 134.• . ?.?.,.,.......?....- .._. ? n/ a R n4 -[AL.E ( " ° !°O' ??..E EaSE?61T ? 4? ?Sinn. AOBE COHfUlTINO tH4lNttllf PLRNN(flt and IAHD io??.voe: PENGINIEIERING COMPANY, INC. < ,1000 [A.ST 1461h STfIfCT, OURNSVILL[, 11INMESOTA 3533T rH 432-3000 cer-jF }'t cccjfc & su?-y-e y Qc'--?=?-4,e4 fort_ .?-p. °r., q _aDDir104, . . D?u..ora [,oUw N ?? i?n?•?? ESora, . F?.??s?IeD Gww.s.e Fi.a.? c?ni:t„?.% = cj Lz?•S rb.r= 6BCx+l,xAt AS Bos,r 1NFUew,ane0 wa5 rqK6.) ? FRoh+ S11E c.irY eF Ea6a..1 unur,( !15- 80)Lr F},.e.JS ?BM ? R?P ep Sb+.*nP?/ SEatE? M?-1 rriE c<?xfJ?- ry 6?17? ev TNG Ls?• CE- SK.. eF 1A)L6 PARJL R1?..E ,?Y,ALE I ? oPw,u,t e A-0 y? ? 6? 93?•s? Unurf EkS&A..tr g 64°472 oi," E 42.45 = - - _ 371.91 V ? le :S•SJ 2Y.;3 I 41 ? Z&t? z,S7 3 I I Y-?--- Mp.? 'r. ? ? ? 1/ ,y,Acowsm oF,U..s?a $ . y O • ,,,? ,.? `v °`?{??-y?,? ? "" O vN I ?? iI ?ei??9 ,? y'yT? t5_9?_ g°b'S`) ?- i?rl?qr.?n6E EJ.?aEM?6JT ? °? 7.7. ? - 14(c,94 -'> ? • 31z. ?i3 I i ???1 4u?CJ 301 F.@aJr- gci. n.Jb -.- ?JBatY L?.JE INniu.rES DjREU'ie.l aP SvaFACE DRA,.JnbE ?25.ej ?ak?rES Ef15Ti.16 EIX--AnaJ ? 9zs.e) DE?1ort5 Fp0fb1.ed EcF?/e,no..t : herebr ctrtity that thi• im a trua and carreet npraventation ot a tract ot land a• sham' and descri,bed hereon.. As prepared by me on this .?_ dar ot , ,Jovc.m6t?ae ? ? 1! ?3.• ' ??? ??-? ninn. loro lfo#Lt?