03/17/2003 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved May 19, 2003 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 17, 2003 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on March 17, 2003 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, Elizabeth Perry, and Dorothy Peterson. Commission Members Filipi, Pletcher, West and Williams were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor; Cathy Bolduc, Program and Events Supervisor and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was noted that Item G -1; Piney Woods development was deferred to the April 14 meeting. Joseph Bari moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 13, 2003 Margo Danner moved, Dorothy Peterson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the February 13, 2003 meeting as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors in the audience who wished to address the Advisory Commission. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendents Olson and Asfahl provided an overview of activities in the Parks and Recreation divisions. RECREATION UPDATE PAULA NOWARIAK An in -depth report was presented by Recreation Supervisor Nowariak highlighting the action and activities at the outdoor skating rinks and Trapp Farm Park tubing hill. Nowariak briefly provided an overview of staff hiring and training and provided a review of Class A, B and C sites. She noted that there were approximately 17,000 logged visits to the various skating rinks this past season. It was also noted that Trapp Farm Park tubing hill was open 22 days this season and hosted 2,078 visitors. Supervisor Nowariak's report was concluded with a brief overview of other program responsibilities under her supervision during late fall/winter. Member Peterson asked about hot chocolate sales at the sites. Supervisor Nowariak responded that it is only offered at the Trapp Farm tubing hill and is dispensed by machine, which is a change from year's past. Member Danner asked if the initiation of a fee had a negative impact on attendance. Supervisor Nowariak indicated that the fee did not appear to deter people from using the tubing hill and that the response from attendees was that they appreciated the new tubes and found the fee to be very affordable. Member Danner also asked how many staff were assigned to work at the tubing hill. Supervisor Nowariak responded that during the week three staff were scheduled, however, during the busier weekend hours, as many as six staff were in attendance. RECREATION UPDATE CATHY BOLDUC Program and Special Events Supervisor Bolduc provided an in -depth report outlining program responsibilities for Rink Rats, babysitting clinic, adapted soccer and snowshoe walk as well as cooperative programs with other communities like the Who Done It Hike, Halloween Hodge Podge, Breakfast with Santa and Don't Break the Ice Fest. In addition Bolduc covered several senior programs she coordinates and concluded with a brief preview of spring offerings. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 17, 2003 Page 2 Member Danner asked when the Senior Center at the Community Center would open. Supervisor Bolduc responded that the senior group's program development committee is working to put together programs to be hosted in the Lone Oak Room. It is anticipated that regular programming will move over to the Lone Oak Room in May and that the kick -off event will be a cooperative senior's dinner dance on May 13. Supervisor Bolduc added that programs being planned need to come from the interests of the participants so the program development committee will be vital to the success of programs offered at the Community Center. CONSENT AGENDA There were no consent agenda items for the Commission to discuss. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development agenda items for the Commission to discuss. OLD BUSINESS ALTERNATIVE FUNDING STUDY UPDATE Director Vraa introduced this item noting that the City Council had charged the Advisory Commission to come up with some ideas to create a sustainable funding flow to the Park Site Fund which are generally generated through parks dedication fees from developers. Vraa noted that Commission members have been holding workshop sessions to develop ideas and revising them since the summer of 2002. Ideas generated by the Advisory Commission were combined and presented to the APrC in February of 2003. An outstanding legal question has not been resolved relative to a fee being added to the water utility bill, but will be addressed prior to the upcoming Joint Council/Commission meeting. Member Peterson asked if the Advisory Commission was being asked to identify a preferred alternative. Director Vraa responded that it was up to the Commission how they wanted to proceed with this information to the City Council. Member Davis stated that the Advisory Commission was originally charged with fmding facts but they may want to be prepared to identify funding priorities. Member Peterson opined that while the report captured the Commission's philosophical discussion she would prefer that the conclusions be stricken from the report. Other Commission members shared the same opinion noting that it would be beneficial to present this draft information to the City Council and seek further direction from them. Following further brief discussion, Dorothy Peterson moved, Elizabeth Perry seconded with all members voting in favor to present a draft of the Alternative Funding Study to the City Council, with the conclusions delineated, to be used as a tool for discussion and further direction by the City Council. UPDATE ON NAMING NORTH FIELDS Member Peterson noted that representatives of the Advisory Commission had met with the Historical Society to better understand the historical significance of their request to rename North Fields to Thresher Fields. This former Heuer family farm was one of the farms in Eagan that had a threshing machine that would draw many people during the harvest. This was a very social annual event in the community that started in the 1920's and lasted for approximately 40 years. The Historical Society saw this as an opportunity to celebrate the City's farming heritage. Member Bari added that the Society wants to put up a sign near the park to describe what activities occurred on this farm to preserve this historical perspective. After further brief discussion, Margo Danner moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council that the name of North Fields be changed to Thresher Fields. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 17, 2003 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS MOONSHINE PARK GRANT APPLICATION Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth provided a brief background noting that Moonshine Park at LeMay Lake was a good candidate for an outdoor recreation development grant. Having done some preliminary work on how to enhance the unique aspect of the site relative to the lake, and because of the success of the Cedar Pond project, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources was supportive of a preliminary proposal for its 2002 -03 Shoreland Habitat Grant Program. Coordinator Macbeth shared aerial views and photos of the site and how this grant could encourage lake protection at the shoreline. Following preliminary review by the MDNR the City was requested to develop further the proposal for the Moonshine Park plan but to drop the private riparian improvement plan. Macbeth continued by identifying the detailed amenities that could be incorporated into this proposal. Member Belfiori asked about the match from the MDNR. Macbeth responded that it was a 1:3 match; the DNR could grant $6,000 and the City's match would be $2,000. If the grant is successful, the City would work with volunteers and City staff to plant materials and the project would be finalized with signage that would identify the significance of the improvements to the shoreline. Following further brief discussion, Terry Davis moved, Joseph Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council endorsement of an application to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and support of a plan for a Shoreland Habitat Grant for Moonshine Park. WATER RESOURCES DEMONSTRATION PROJECT RECOMMENDATION As a follow up to the Shoreland Habitat Grant for Moonshine Park, Coordinator Macbeth noted that staff would like to include the LeMay Lake/Moonshine Park project as a water resources demonstration project similar to what was done at Cedar Pond. Signage at Moonshine Park would be educational and informational, much like what appeared at Cedar Pond. Following brief discussion Phil Belfiori moved, Margo Danner seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend the City Council officially designate the Lemay Lake/Moonshine Park Shoreland Habitat Project as Eagan's second water resources demonstration project WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Items highlighted by Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth included the JP47 pond project, which the City Council declined to award bids. It was noted that staff will work with the Utilities Division to help with the project. Macbeth also noted that the Eagan High School Football Boosters will be promoting and selling zero phosphorous fertilizer at their annual fundraiser. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Member Peterson provided an overview of the Holz Farm Master Plan review process. She noted that the consultants have met with Holz Farm volunteers and are focusing primarily on the buildings, have shared concerns for parking and access and that there has been little discussion regarding programming. Peterson stated that the neighborhood meeting was lightly attended but they provided some good feedback. It is hoped that the April 10 meeting will bring more participation when the consultant shares some schematics. Member Peterson noted that the Friends of the Farm would be meeting at 5 p.m. on April 10 followed by a 7:00 neighborhood meeting. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 17, 2003 Page 4 Director Vraa suggested that the Commission begin their summer tour schedule with a visit to the Community Center prior to the April 14 meeting. He noted that construction is winding down and that punch list review is beginning. Work outside the building is hoped to begin shortly so that the patio, pond and various park improvements can be completed in a timely fashion. Member Peterson asked if the work on the pond was completed. Director Vraa responded that it was. Member Danner asked when other components of the building would be available. Director Vraa responded that in addition to the indoor playground and banquet space the meeting rooms and Lone Oak Room would also be brought on -line in May. It was noted that the specific dates for opening the balance of the building had not been exactly determined yet Director Vraa pointed out a recent article in the newspaper regarding disc golf. He also reminded the Advisory Commission of their joint meeting with the City Council on March 25 at 5:30 p.m. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE COMMUNICATIONS ROUND TABLE Member Davis suggested that the Advisory Commission re -visit their mission statement adopted in 1995 to see if a change in demographics or other influences might impact how the Commission moves forward with future planning for the community. He added that this might fit in well with the Commission's review and work on green/open space needs for the future. Member Peterson added that this might also be a good time to look at where we've been, what's been accomplished and what's left to be done. Member Danner asked if staff had received any responses from the public relative to the newspaper article about disc golf from Mr. Ashton. Researcher Wielde responded that all responses to date have been positive and that staff welcomes any and all input from the public. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct Joseph Bari moved, Dorothy Peterson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Secretary Date If 010-4