4530 Lake Park Dr - Site SurveyCERTIFICATE OF SURVEY , , I hereby certify that this ia a oorraot ropreaentation of a survey of a Lot 11, Block 1, Rasmussen Addition, Dakota Cwnty, Minnesata, aacording to the plat thereof on file and of racord. and that I am a duly registered land aurveyor under the luws of the State of Minnesota. / • ? 0 1 v ?-=••, 9A ? ? (? .o o?? .`O 9 o} in a !- . l ?a s M Gene L. Jacobso Mixm. Reg. No. 7734 y p P ?< I Dated thia 4th day of June, 1979 / LOT II M BLOCK I $ ., Z .? 5 i ? ? I ?• ? F` s.v ` z W 6 yo"%?` Z ? GSF2? N ? Q a? u' J ° • ? " r N ? p? ^ h J ? ? u ? H ] 6 ° W o ?- -- - ?: ? U ' a q a "r ? ' _ Q o o? i b'O Fr' /? c F,- •- . 'I -`'?° k- ? , ? p z W EAST - 210.08 , U I DR. BY GRJ SCALE - 1"= 5d o DENOTES IRON MON. BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED DATUM Prepared fori GENE L. JACOBSON LAND SURVEYORS Cedarberg Industries 5408 Chicago Ava. South LAKEVILLE, MINN. 55044 kinneapollo. TSN 55417 PHONE 469-4328