4424 Lakeshore Ter - Site SurveyLots 25, 26, 27 & 28, Block !, CLIFF LAKE SHORES, occordinq fo the pfat fhereo/, Dakota Counfy, Minnesota 950.0 Denotes Sonitary Sewer Service lnvert • Denotes iron monument /ound o Denutes iron monument set Bearings bosed on ossumed dafum. 7 hereby certi/y that this survey was prepared by me ol under my drrect supervisian ond tbat I am o duly Registered Lond Surveyror under the laws o/ the Stote o/ Minnesota i ( •('. Mortin J. {4'eber, R L S Dote Registrotion No 17043 HOFFMAN HOMES /NC. w Wsatwood Professional Services, lnc 74780 LUest 7runk Hwy 5 Eden Pruirie, M1IfJ 55344 (677) 937-5750 Revised 10103195 City Revisions Drown ey: MS 1 U"j f e: 9128195 1 ", "O 95198 Cots 25-28 81ock 1 vnr?rni?. Ok,tii.,n •L 61? ti0% ?q zo o 10 Za q,[.Y ( IN FEET ) IY 1 inch = 20 (t. ? ?J Top o/ Block = 929-20 denotes existing elev. Goroge Floor = 92820 (865.(1) dennfes prnroseri Plea denotes surface droinage REQUESTED BY: eRzs-2s n3c : CER TIFICA TE OF SUR VEY - --1 CERTIFICA TE OF SURVEY _-,-? ,- + ? ?J - ? ??---- ----- --? - 1_ -----? -? '? =- - -- -- - - ?-? ? (92663) - ---f _ _ _ - - / --- _ 925.44 _ - -- (iRA l(I ('?r & 7? _V- ------ ------- - ? , _ _ +-- - 44 ?33 UlllilY C<SEhdFItT - ---- \ I ? -?' ?--- - / , ? ? ? t,926.01) (e28o) ?. 24.80 % 6' ? B 929 00 ' 922.7 ?6 LO OU o `?- - - Cp 5o ? I OD ? "S s? f °` o °? appD u? ,??} ? i ? 2 ? c0 1 j 9227 25 ° oa, 1 \\r? q o , , ? ''1 ? ? N4fi°? -__-. ±59 W O 1 c30? NN A r. - aGO ? ? J 3e1e------ 442 ? r x r928 ao, i ? \\\ (927.0) ?°o\ o ?q0? o o .,- ? %1 1 927.80 ?j 6 ? :` ?. 4 ? °`26 SN?R ? KE A E P o?_ ?, a S?oP5?5 SERR G? qh2a o? °? 28 ? ` ?. \ ? - p\ Ga ? (n w s{ ?o ? o zooo ?----? ; 929.08 ? (3) 27 6 !00 N a 20 W , , On ? Q O O? ? , O \ ezz.? ? ?; I , ? \?1 (926.5) •? 926.86 ? ? I him , , I ' ? .37 Top of Irons 0 Offsefs (925 ?., 924. s AU 9.00' 8uilding Of/set xxx.xx -- - - ?c--- I (926.10 TC) O8 10.00' Burlding Offset xxx.xx OC 9.00' Building Offset xxx.x)( OD 10.00" Building Offset xxx.xx LEGAL DESCR/P AON: L o t s 25, 26, 27 & 28, BI ock 1, CUFF LAKE SNORES, occording to the plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesoto I 930 0 Denotes Sonitory Sewer Service Inverf • Denotes iron monumenf /ound o Oenotes iron monument set Bearings bosed on ossumed datum. 1 hereby cerfily that fhis survey wos prepored by me ol under my Oirect supervision ond fhof ! am a duly Registered Land Surve}ror under ffie laws o/ the Sfate ol Minnesota. ? i ? Martin J. L4'eber. R L S Dafe R{ ? rED BY TFMAN HOMES INC. ? Weafwood Professional Services, Inc 74780 4Yest Aunk Hwy 5 fden Praine. A(N 55344 (1517) 937-5750 Revised. 10103195 Cify Revisions Diawn by MS Uute. 9128195 JOD N'° 95198 Cots 25-28 Block 1 vo 8?E1C'v T GIIVEE?YG ?FPT -- ? ,- - - GRAPHIC SCALE . ` ? i E D :-- --- ------- - Zo 1 ,a za w E Y 1£ ?? 9y ( IN FE'r , /? ?. ?c ?jr ? ? • 1 inch = 20 " 1A T, f Block = 929.20 8650 denotes existing elev 6?. ae Floor = 92820 (8R5p) denotFS prnposPri PIPv ? denotes st.rlace drainnge 811?5-23 DWG CER TIFICA TE ?--?? ?-?- -- _ - -- - - \ ? --- ---- / ? lr9z6.oi) ? 24.80 ,? 922.7 \ . _ N46°1d59'W \ ? o ?\\ °\ \ (927.0) ° o ? 92780 ?. w ? ?. o 0 \\ ? ?, o i OF SUR VEY ' ?. .= (926.63) ??. 925 44-- 4a, --- - ? w ._ 6°N ? N lj? r ? ?q o 1 7 OD - oo S7 , _y3 oa ? W 24 ?? 1 p 26 -"?R? A?26 ?PK 5AN \ D T ? ? e oo ? ° ?\ \\\ v? `? ? 1 N o 27 . . ? ?IT • ? • ?j p0 ?? (926.5) ,?? ? ? 926 86 ? ? I ? I Too o( lrons 0 Offse AO 9.00' Building Of/set xxx.xx O8 10.00' Building Offsef xxx.xx CO 9.00' 8ui(ding Oiiset xxx.xx OD 10.00' Building Offset xxx xx LEGAL DESCR1P770N: Lots 25, 26, 27 & 28, Block 1, CL1FF LAKE SHORES, occordrng to fhe plat fherevf, Dakoto County, Mrnnesofo 930A Deno[es Sanrtoty Sewer Service /nvert • Denotes iron mortument /ound o Denoles iron monument set 8eorings bosed on assumed dotum. ! hereby cerbly that this survey was prepared by me ol under my direct supervision and fhat ! om o July Registered Land Surveyor under the laws oI the Slale o( Minnesota ? ? Mortin J. V4'eber, RL S Dafe Registratron No 12043 RF(7UE57[D BYi1 r , I I 1 I A (927 8) I 92908 ? ?_. _. / 1 io Tc) 512n nrr 2 .. m 0 notes existinq eJev (Ffir (1) rfPnnti-q .r-,p,,aari F1Pi deiroles 5u!/ace draioag2 HOFFMAAI H4MES INC. w Wealwood Professiona! Services, Inc 74780 CUest 7runk fiwy 5 fden Praitic. A!N 55344 (617) 917-5750 Rewsed. 10103195 Cit}, Revisrons fbown ny: MS I Drite. 912819-5 I Jab No. 95193 Lofs 25-2f3 Blo, (925.31 TF -?.9\ s I og%?!'? ?- t ur, L ? co S ?s f-0 a L , -??-- x (92840) ? -' no ? 2? ?) O `i I ? , ? , , I • I h? o ?q , I' ? ; , ;. ---_ -? -?..i - -- I --------- I- vp _ __ _ _._. - . - -- \ r ?i ?' ?Jk.Il`7G 17EPT ' = `__ ?---- t,??------- -- - - -- - - GRAPHIC SCALE EACaAN zo o w zo ?V? V4•E d .. . .? ( lN FEET ) SY ?? 1 inch = 20 ft Top o/ 8lock = 929.20 C-arnqP FInnr = 9?8 ?(1 53 p0 - , ---- ? -- ---f?= _ ,--- i - --- , ? - -` - ? , DRAIfIGE & - T UIII IIY FPSFPdFfli ? (9280) O2 92900 25 i` PC? 5j o0 I?RR qA2a o ? ? 1\ 28 0 BiL25-28 DttG