4473 Lakeshore Ter - Site Survey. . . ? . CER TIFICA TE ------??-----?-- I ,o. _a _ I ? ? Too of lrons 9 Offsets ? AO 10.00' Building Offset 916.48 -' I OB 10.00' Building Offset 915.25 OC 10.00' Building Offset 91325 I ? I O 10.00' Building Offset 919.26 ? Q ? ( w I ExISTiNG CURB --------._.???---_- ----?AND GU77ER ? I ? ? (920.1) S88040 1 = 979 55 I ? ? w 9t8.14 I 2 < ? ? J 6 908.7 g?g ? ?3.00 ?700 ----- - - - - - - - - - E- 4.58% 0 o I 5 (979.44TC) I 919.12 O o- lo_oo 1.00 I ? 1 qW I I (918.48 TC) N ? g G ? V 918.27 - I 7.689 1 ? 7200 I 7pp J Z 9? ----- ?? 6, s. e I ? N ? I 907.3 ? N ----- ----.3o'e a==- I ?/ 918.17 ? (918-3) 918.23 ? ? - - I ? ?'----- ? OF SURVEY I ? , 1 i r r ? ? ? i , , .W ? ?r i EAGAi'd ? No rE: (916.1) ?? l) PORCH AND DECK ARE OPrIONAL $ 916.54 ? 2) D/MENSlONS DO NOT REFLECT BR/CK FACING a X (920.0) -4 O\ / 1 7R nn g! ?` Lii ? ? U < V ? ? LLJ ? NBS°40'S6"W 78.00 LL) 0 ? LLI Q J 1 78.00 g z (918.3) Y 2 00 o ? 0 $ CL a ? O O n ?} rn vo.oo O8 ? `O rn O C? 09 J 97S0 0 q I ? i I-? 1.00 8i 3 a O '?o io• (916.0) i`Oo 914.66 i y ^ I DEP'i'. REOUESTED BY. Top of 8lock = 920.68 Lowesf Floor = 912.53 Goroge F/oor = 920.30 GRAPHIC SCALE Zo w ( IN FEET ) I inch = 20 ft. 930.0 Denotes Sanrfary Sewer Service 1nver2 865.0 denotes existing e/ev. (865.0) denotes propased e/ev. - denofes surface droinage • Dertates iron monumenf found o Denotes iron monument set Bearings based on ossumed dotum. ! hereby certily that this survey wos prepared by me or under my direct supervision and thof l am a7de'/y RVistered Lon# orveyor under fhe tows of.the ?tote of Mi t I : Aforfin J. Weber. .L w Date l-l Registrotion HOFFMAN DEVEL OPMENT LEGAL DESCR/PAON: Lot 5 and Lot 6, Block 2, CLIFF .? LAKf SHORES, according to the plat ? - - thereof, Dokota County, Minnesota R E 2A;7E_ -?Z? ? ? AA . Westwood Professiona! Services, !nc 14180 West 7runk Hwy. 5 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (612) 937-5150 Drawrt by MS I Dote: 4112196 I Job No: 95198 Lots 5-6, Block 2