3758 Greensboro Dr - Certificate of Occupancy• 't , ,s (gerttf ir?tit uf (Orrupanry Citp of Qlagan ioppartmpnt lrf wuflbing jttswpriinn This Certifjcare issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Cod'e certifyiMg that at rhe time of issuance this slructure was m compliance with the uarious ordiMances of the GYty regulating 6uilding construction or use. For tlre follawing.• [Jsc Cwsi6caUOn Bldg. jp?,,mit No. 167 Otcupency Typc 7nning District Type Copsti: r. Owner of Building ?H MII Z.ti,_ ,. Address Y'i 4RU.ilil`Maip?. T3., A?? VltiiT.l:._. _.:1) i C?l Nlt: Bodlllg CffiCIHl PpST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE