3771 Greensboro Dr - Certificate of Occupancy'% ? ! 9 (gextif iraft of (Orrupanry titp of (ilagan arprtmmi of luning jwrrtinn 77iis Certifrcale issued pursuart to tlte requirements of Secteon 306 o}the Unifonrs BuiTding Code certtfying that at Jhe time of issuance this structure was in compliance with Jhe various ordinances ojthe City regulating burlding construcrron or use. For the follawing.• ux cLLsRfinj0n T" ;WICAR Blag. Ptrniit r+ro. 13326 0-w-r Trx Zmm Donict Trre CousL v ?,?,?? :?rTM,,,?, c.??? AvE So, r•?amactXV eu?a;?,?aa? ??, I5, BI, ? fs't ak: `T`r 29, 1987 euaaina oa,aai POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE