945 Yankee Doodle Rd . . '*Sprinlcl3.ng System wili have CITY OF EAGAN bB ait"' f'~T thi5 379b Pilor Knob Rood Eagen, MN 55122 N! 4907 PHON[: 45I-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt To 6e used for ' r ' • ~ ` ~ .'_Est. Value Date - 19 7" Site Addross 3TLC 8 v00 a=: Erect ? Qccupancy Lot Block ~ $ec/Sub. L a 11u81e 4 Alter Q Zoning Repair ? Fire Zone ~ Parcol # Enlorge p Type of Const. i.or~:;: : taz .~ldg. ~~ei~te. s oWe Nome Move ? # Stories Z ~d~~ t1~,.; _o. :.exiiz?tor: pemolish ? Front ft. Grode ? Depth ft. Ci Pho.+e o Name APProvols Feet ou Addrcss Assessment Permit - U~ Wuter & Sew. Surcherge ' Ci Phone F Police Plan check ' F W Np~ Fire SAC qddress Eng. Water Conn. ~uZ, ci phpne Plonner Water Meter Council I hereby ucknowledge thot I have read this application and stote that gld9. P7~3 the infomwtion is correct ond ogree to comply with oll opplicable ; 5tate of Minnesoto Statutes and' City of Eagon, Or,diponces. APC Total Siynoturo of Permittee - A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition thot all work shall be done in ecoordonce with all applicable Stote of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eogan Ordinances. Building Officiol E/e c. /c 7oF4 P-.2 Y-7,F ~wwk # Dah Inwd hnniftw Plumbing Mechonlcal ? 03 INSPECTIONS DATE INSP. Rouph-In Finol Footing5 Data Insp, pote Insp. Foundation pl,M,b;ng Frome/ins. Mechonical Final 1 • 7 Remarks: CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Read Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Phone: 454-8100 .•'ECHAN~G~'1' _ PERMIT No. :J3 Date: Receipt No.: 94b Yr:nkee Li,--odie x:oad Single I Site Address: Residential 36, I Lot '"3$Ixk 4 5ub/sec. _Eagandale 4 lylulti Res., Comm./lnd. ,<U~•ne.r ~-i<~raNr~r_e t c. :;iF~ra~:on Nome New/A1ter./Repair 3 Address ='4J Cost of Instollation O City Eagan Phone: Permlt Fee `'G•C,l Nome _ {'a13Xf @ Mechanical surcno?ge ~ ~ Address 1308 113th nve. N. L. ~ City _ " . Phone: Total ` This Permit is issued on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable 5tpte of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordirances. Building Official CITY OF EAGAN " 3795 Pilot Knob Resd Eogan, Mlnnesah 55122 P6owe: 454-8100 PERMIT No. s~r%3/jb 1 _1~ 7 Dote: Receipt No.: I Single Site Address: 945 a 8[1k68 LOOdle kOdd Residentiai 4 Lot Block Sub/Sec. Muki Res., Comm./Ind. I~ ait,:ration Nome New/Alter./Repoir • :'745 ~o. Lexingtoi; 2, ; Address Cost of Installation _ 0 C.~ gotl City Phone: Pem+it Fee 24.00 Crontsroms ritg. u AU .50 Na~ 5urcfiarye . ~ 441~", ~~.ctl5~ or blvd. ~ Address A City Phone: Totol This Permit is issued on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all appliwble State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eogan Ordinances. Buiiding Official CITY OF EAGAN ' 8795 Piloe Knob Road Eogan, MN 551 Z2 N! 4 914 PHONEs 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # iLi.L4'I .torage To be used for Est. Value Oote , 19 Site /lddress tankee :.D,d ' Erect ~ Occupancy Lot J' lkock 4 Sec/Sub. L~'7i3t~Q81 r-t 0 g Alter Zonin r Parcel Repair ? Fire Zone ' Enlarge ? Type of Const. i w Nome Move ? # Stories ; Address Demolish ? Front x'L, ff. b Ci Phone ''r'' R Grade ? Depth ' ft. - o Nan Im Lieufried l.vnst. Approvals Fees zo~ 701 t3tl; Assessment Permit _ 00 ti,1 ny t.; t: 21 Water & Sew. Surcho?ge Ci Phone , Police Plan check uti W Nu?ne Fire SAC uo Nddreu Eng. Water Conn. tW Ci phone Planner Woter Meter Councii I hereby ocknowledge thot I hcve reod this application and state that Bldg. Off. I• - the informetion is correct ond agree to comply with oll cpplicable Srote of Minnesotc Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinonces. APC Totcl - Signature of Permittee , /1 Building Permit is iuued to: on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordonce with all applicable State of Minnesota $tctutes ond City of Eagan Ordinonces. Buiiding Officiol Vi ~ 1. l r«mR # oer. I.w.a v«=Ie+.. Plumbing Mechanlcol INSPECTIONS DATE INSP. Rough-In Find Footings X• ~ Dote Inap. Dare Insp. Foundotion Plumbing _ f 1 - _ • Frame/ins. Mechonical - - Final ~ - I Remarks: , CITY OF EAGAN RemarksA AdditionEaga.ndale #4_ Lot aik P i #10-22503--382 04 Owner ~~-?u~ ~ Street~ State -~1~-~'--' Improvement Date Amoun Annual Years Payment Receipt Oate STREET SURF, STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1970 637.35 25.49 25 * SEWER LATERAL 3 - 1976 91004-17 1400-98 1 WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL **iNATER AREA STORM SEW TRK 135 * STORM SEW LAT 13V ~ 1976 CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK ~50.3 ~S~O Dy HOUSE HEATING TESi RECORD ~"~`~'~~n-~e• ADDRESS / gs APT. FLOOR- CITY SUBURB!'~ OCCUPANT OWNER HEAT LOSs nerF HTr._ iNSr, GAS CO. METER BADGE # ~ SOLD BY CRONSTRONS INSTALLED BY `,Electrical Work By- SAMSEL Gas Line By , TYPE OF HEAT G~ F.~- HW- STEA/v_ SPACE HTR. UNI7 HTR. OTHER GAS DESIGN CONVERSION MAKE ~ MAKE OF BURNER Model 6-/"T_ - Z- ~ Model Serial e? /!G p Max. BTU Rating INPUT ~~,6A MAKE OF FURNACF Model CONTROLS THERMOST TLa TY?F ~ Heat Plug_ VenT Size ~ - Valve ~--*~~~'-•L KIND OF LINER SIZE_~ NON~ Limii Draft Hood Regulator LimiT Seriing G d° Filters Size Num6er ~ Fan SeNing - Chimney Location Inside Outside PiloT Type - Chimney Consiruction Pilot Make - Pilot Model 42lk' 7 y Smoke Bomb_'-' Wiring 84 Piloi Timing LA~ Draft ~~-iest Tag_ ~ L.W. Cuf Off = Door Pressure Lighting Inst. Pressure 3' J percenT C02 Z- s- Date Tested 7~ Input CFH 'T~_ZW Percent 02 - Company Testing Stack Temp.-~' Percenf CO - Name of Tester c.ITY O; EAGAN Na 320F BUILDIRIG PERMIT Owne: J~~-k:yc~ 3795 Pilof Knob Aoad _:......................_L, Addrese (pre~enf) J Eagan, Minnesota 55122 454•8100 Buildar 'f~! . 7 Addrase .i~ Dels 7 S~../-'~ DESCAIPTION Storisal To Bs Used For I Ftoni I Dspih Hsighf I Eel. Cosf Parm12 Fee R~nsrkt ` LOCATION Str e!, Rond or olher Descr[plion ot oea 'on I Lo! B]oelc Addition or Tract . - ~-~-c_• - l! . .c~~ \F ee no! auihori:e !he use o0SSIl8t6, I08d6, 3IIQp6 or aidewalks nor does it give the ownss or h& eqen! the rigfifSO create enp situati6n whieh is a nvisnnee or which presants e haserd !o !he hesl2h. safetp, eonveaienee and general weliare fo anyone in the community. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON, THE PAEMISE HILF THE WORK IS IN PROGAESS. . . This ia fo carii[ :nee...7'............... _....heapermission !o erect a:'?~:.~~` the above descried " o..~?f!^upoa 'ecS fo Premise sub] e provisions of all applicable Ordinances for the Cifp of Eagan. I' , . ~ Par ~x.~~G lr.~.~Z . ayor ~ Bvildinq lmpeclo: *SprinklirN7 System will have to CITY OF EAGAN - be alterea fOT this 3795 Pilw Kne6 Read Eaeon, MN 55722 NO, 4907 PHONE: 4548100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Receipt # &~2 4 To eB una re. Warehouse RemodelEr vai,e 8,700 Dore______7j26___ 1 978 te Address 45 an ee Doodle Road Erect Oaupancy F2 Si~ ? 3s[dr 34~' ~~i« ' 4 sec/sub. Eagandale 4 Alter ~ zonin9 1RepGir ? Fire Zone Parcel # Enlarge ? Type of Const. _ c Nume LAne Star Bldca. Centers Move ? # srorieg Z Address 2745 So• Lexington oe,,,,r:h p Front ft. 5 ci Eagan 55 2 Phone 452-4850 G.ade ? oepth N. Approvals Fees p Name 52IRe o0 Address Assessment Permit 3•0 U~ Water & Sew. Surcharge 4.50 Ci Pho^e 1~J.0~ Police Plan check Nome Fire SAC ~w El Address Eng. Water Conn. <w Ci phone Planner Water Meter Councl l I hereby acknawledge that I have reod this application ond stote ihat gldg. Off. 7~` 78 the information is correct n ree ro c pl ith all applicable APC Totel 49.50 Smte of Minnesoto Statute en City Signoture of Permittee ' A Building Permit Is issued to: on the express condition that oll work shell be done in /5/~ordance wi i a p icable Stote of Minnewta Statutes and City of Eagan Ordirwnces. Bullding Official pLJ . ~ CRY Of EAGAN 3795 Pilet Keob Raad Eagan, n+N 55122 N2 4914 PHON[: 4548100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Reteipt Te ba ,,na f„ lumber storage ESr. voiue 48,000 Date 7/31 , 19 78 Slte Address 945 Yankee Doodle Road Erect A Occupancy F2 33, L,34, 35, ~ak 4 Sec/Sub. Ea9andale 4 Il Alter ? Zoning Pa~~~ Repair ? Fire Zone 3 Enlorge ? Type of Const. i s Name Lone Star Bld4. Move ? # Stories z 2745 50. Lexington pe,,,ous, ? Front 200 rr. ~ Address agan 452'4850 Grade ? Deptl+ 6Q Ci Phone k. p Ncme Liebfried Const. a'vor°""y Fme 701 $$h S't. Assessment Permit • _ ~F ~d oomington 463-2122 Woter & Sew. Surcharge 24•00 CI Phone 67 . 50 Police Plan check ~w Name Fire SAC ~ qddresy Eng. Woter Conn. <w CI Phone Planner Water Meter Council I hereby acknowledge that I hcve read this application ond state thot Bldg. Off. 77/99/7a the infortnution is correct and agree to comply with all applicable 2~ Q~ Stete of Minnesoto SM u and City of ~ on rdirwnce A~ Torol Signatum of Permitt A Buiiding Permit is issue o: on the express condition that oll work shall be dona i cordanC 'th all applicable State of Minpesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinonces. Bulldfng Official '~'~e- ~ ~J czTY oF EAcaiv -7r' 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 ~cr~cv aiROrrzc~ 1209 E cc,IFF xD BUF2NSVILLE MN 55337 Re: City of Eagan - Legal Notice Gentle'nen: I am herewith enclosing 1 copy/copies ofNotice of Public Hearing in the follaainq matters: Leroy Signs, Inc. for a pylon business sign , which please publish for 1 week(s) in your 10-10 , 1983 and , 19 edition of theChronicle. Please fozward to the City of Eagan your Affidavit of Publication. Thank you. ~l~` ~trulyo~~ VanOverbeke, City Clesk Ci of Eagan elephone: 454-8100 ~ n _ qqoi ~ 6'r DATE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations and 1 set of energy calculations. 4b be used for /(O// PZqc_.a ~ Valuation Site Addresc: 94r 114 n. /lfP '170e JA- ~Q a. _3s •-o-.lf-u c ' ,u! /P Lot J7-3 5~' Block ~ See. Sub. ,s1 ParceT Number ( Owner a ! /4CTelephone r~~ ~"7 o fd Address ~ contractor e4L,jr le Telephone Address Arch./Fng. Telephone Address OFFICE USE ~y Erect Occupancy Alter l'.* ~ ~re ZOn ne ~ Repair E,nlarqe Type of Const. Nbve # of Stories Demolish £ront .,/n Grade Depth OFFICE USE Date of Approval & Initial Pezmit FEgs Assessment Water/Sewer . Surcharqe L~.~---_---- Police rsan Check - Fire SAC En9. Water Conn. Planner t•Iater Meter Council Aldg. Offi A.P.C. ~.t r r!~ / ~ a jendv~ 1~ ~syr l~°r ~ nKI~/~ r ~ ~'Pr? ` j. a.l t~r~L For T~?~t. ~ . D.ATE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION lude 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations and 1 set of energy calculationa. IV 4q6e r- To be used Por o~(,[l9 C Valuation Site Addxesc, y.45 V'OL~Q Lot Block See. Sub. ~ Parcel Number 33 ~ 3V)3 s 3 G~ 37~ 35' Owner lfl,4P je__1/°1C Telephone Address 7- • , • y6 3 - a, ~ a- Contractor ~ens7, i/L[ Telephone Address ~ a ssozf Arch./Eng. Telephone Addresa OFFICE USE Erect ~ Occupancy 'e!:~ ~2-s ° Alter Zoning ~ z: I Fepair Fire Zone Enlarge Type of Consi. rove N of Stories nemolish Front ~ <iD Grade Depth OFFICE tTSE fiate of Approval & Initial FEES ~ ASS2SSMErit P@rilllt water/Sewer Surcnar9e Police Plan Check Fire SAC Eng. THater Conn• Planner 67ater Meter Council Bldg. O£f. A.P.C. TOTAI T_9 . DO ?f~` ClTY USE ONLY nu ~ L BL' RECEIPT 7.lDq~ ~ . ~ SUBD. RECEIPT DATE: 1998 PLUbBING,PERMIT (CObMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT lQNOB RD EAGAN, baT 55122 -t~ (612) 681-4675 Pleace complete for: all commercial/industrial buildings ` multi-family buildings when separate building penniu are not required for each dwelling unit backflow preventer to be installed in commercial areas or residential boulevards , Date: 7-16-98 WorkType: NewBldg. X Add-on Repair _U.G.Sprinkler Is Water Meter Required? Yes X No Warer Flow GPM To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required oo new service; ca11681-4646. FEES 1% of contract price or $25.00 minimum Contract Price: $ 500 . 00 x 1% ° $ 25.00 COMPLETE THIS AREA IF INSTALLING UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM Service: E:isting (if coming off domestic line) OR _ New Backflower Preventer Permit Fee $ 25.00 Water Meter 1" @ $185.00 or 2" 7'urbo @$846.00 $ If "new servfce"add Water Pertnit $ 50.00 = $ WAC $ 780.00 = $ Water Treatment $ 420.00 = $ City Insralled Tap $ 300.00 = $ Permit Fee $ State surcharge is 5.50 pcr E1,000 of ep rmit fee or minimum of 5.50 per permit Stste Surc6arge $ .50 ' Total Fee $ 25. SO ' I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application, state that the inforination is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanPs responsibility to notify the property owner that t6e Ciry of Eagan assumes no liabiliry for any damages caused by the Ciry during its normal operational and maintenance activities w the facilities constructed under this permit withio City propertyhight-of-way/easement. SITE ADDRESS: 945 TENANTNAME: Terminal Warehouse-Fagnn INSTALLERNAME: The Plumbing Place Inc _ TELEPHONE#: 835-3687 STREETADDRESS: 5355 H land Place " C1TY: Bloomington STATE: Mn. ZIP: 55437 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE a-citVoFeagan 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD 7HCMM5 EGAN EAGAN, MINNESOTA 5 51 2 4-1 897 Nayor PHONE: (612) 454-81N DAVID K. GUSinF50N FAX: (612) 454-8363 PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENN THEODORE WACFiTER <ouncil Members THOMAS HEDGES Ory Administrator December 30, 1991 EuGENECvclovEUeEKE ity Mr. Rick Massopust Oppenheimer, Wolff & Donnelly 3400 Plaza VII Bldg. 45 South 7th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN FROM FIRST BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS BANK, F.S.B. TO B.R.B. TRANSPOkTATION, INC. PROPERTY: 945 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD, EAGAN, MN L382, B4, EAGANDALE CENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK ff4_! TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: It is our understanding that you are making a loan to B.R.B. Transportation, Inc. in the amount of $806,500.00 to be secured by a mortgage on the property located at 945 Yankee Doodle Road, Eagan, Minnesota (the "Property"). It is also our understanding that among otherthings as a prerequisite to making the loan, you are requiring this letter from the City of Eagan . The building located on the Property was completed on September 12, 1974. At the time of completion, no Certificate of Occupancy was issued because none was re- quested by the builder. As oY the date of tfiis letter, we have no knowledge of any building code or other code violations at the Property or in reference to the improvements located thereon. In addition, there are no pending or contemplated actions by the City of Eagan to enforce compliance with any code, rules or reg- ulations in connection with the building. You may however want to verify any pending or levied assessments which may be providing improvements to theProperty. Sincerely, Doug keid Chief Building Official ?R/ns THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opporlunity/Affirmative Action Employer ity oF eagcln CITY OF EAGAN FAX TRANSMITTAL 3e30 pILOT 1miOB AOAD 8A6AN, KINNESOTA $5122 Office # (622) 681-4600 Fax # (612) 681-4612 Dl1TE 7 To: Fax# ~~.~"IoC~JrO nME RE: Company Attention # of pages being sent--/_ + cover. These are being transmitted as checked below: For Approval For your Use _X_As Requested For Review & Comment ema s• a Please Reply No Reply Necessary Signed Z THE IONE OAK iREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGiH AND GROWiFI IN OUR COMMUNIiV ity oF eagan 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. 80X 21799 VIC ELLISON EAGAN, 611NNESOTA 55121 ~wPHONE(G12) 454-8100 TMpµnS EGAN DAVID K. GUSTAFSON , PAMEIA McCREA THEODORE WACHiER Cw.l Members THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Pdminisirubr October 28 ~988 EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE , cM cieM FIRST MINNESOTA SAVINGS BANK, F.S.H. 77 SOUTH SEVENTH ST MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 REr FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN FROM FIAST MINNESOTA S6YINGS HANK, F.S.B. TO 0. LARRY LEE PROPEATY: 945 XANKEE DOODLE RD., EAGAN, MN L 331 H 4, EAGANDALE CENTER INDU3TRI6L PkRK #4 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: It is our understanding that you are making a loan to 0. Larry Lee in the amount of $1,200,000.00 to be secured by a mortgage on the property located at 945 Yankee Doodle P.oad, Eagan, Minnesota (the "Property"). It is also our understanding that among other things as a prerequisite to making the loan, you are requiring this letter from the City of Eagan. The butlding located on the Property was completed on September 12, 1974• At the time of completion, no Certificate of Occupancy was issued because none was requested by the builder. As of the date of this letter, we have no knowledge of any building code or other code violations at the Property or in reference to the improvements located thereon. In addition, there are no pending or contemplated actions by the City of Eagan to enforce compliance with any code, rules or regulations in conneetion with the Property or the improvements thereon. Sincerely, \ ~ ~.CQ` ~i~ Doug Reid Chief Building Official DR/js THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOI OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN CQtty OF 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 BEA BLOM9Ui5i EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 Mwo, PHONE: (612) 454-8100 THOMaS EGAN JAMES A. SMITH JERRY THOMAS October 6, 1983 7HEOOOaE wACHrEa Council Membe:s THOMAS HEDGES • City Atlminishofpr EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Ctly CIZtk LEROY SIGNS INC 6325 WELCOME AVE N MPLS MN 55429 Re: Sign Permit - 945 Yankee Doodle Road Enclosed please find a$75.00 refund check which is the amount you sent in a check totaling $125.00 ($75.00 for a conditional use per- mit and $50.00 for the permit fee). Since you have revised this sign, it is no longer necessary for you to apply for a conditional use permit. Zf you have any questions, please feel free to contact City Hall. Sincerely, j ni Dale C. Runkle City Planner jach enc. THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF SiRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIiY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF EAGAN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on October 25, 1983 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. a Public Hearing will be held by the Advisory Planning Commission at the Eagan City Hall pursuant to the application of Leroy Signs, Inc. in accordance with Chapter 4, Sec. 4.20 of the Eagan City Code to consider a Conditional Use Permit for a pylon business sign on property located in Dakota County, Minne- sota described as follows: Lot 33, Block 4, gandale-Cen er Industrial Park #4, • Section 11, T27N,~2 ankee Doodle Road Requirements applicable in accorda with Chapter 4.20, Subdivision 6-B of the Eagan City Co Dated: 10-5-83 Advisory Planning Co ission City of Eagan City lerk , . I , , ~ , , t ~ xc . . x' ~ Y x s }v 1 . . . . . i... . y ~ t < . . . : . . i . . 4 . . . ~3 ~'A"'SAXJ.''sF`~; a 3 h Z: j Y 5 "R 4^~ ' . . . CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN _ 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNrES TA 55122 ATE ,.J 19 . * H*'n R~~~w[ k 1~ RECEIyEO ~ F / AMOUNY~ $ ~4J~ & OOLLARS ~CASH ~ E , „ . .x . . . , - _ . . . . ~ 1~,: , . ' . . . . . ~ / " FOR _ ``~'FN"< 4t 7 V4 FUND CooE ~pmO.NT 7 ~ Thank You ~ ~ .~,'E v~ a,S"1'~7!r~ ~~'•.u~~ Y...N~'1.%"S~," x rv a %,t ~~3¢~U~4~,3".,~,~~`°r r'ls.~~~ ~ ~ B y : ` 1V° 39083 White-Payers Copy ~ - ' - . YellU.v-,Posting Copy Ner. Ray k_cch and represene:ve oi the developer appear_c uca hara:i of ~r:+`.: RDpI _C3t~.~II of P.auenhorst Corporation for site plan a,,p;:ovul, aud au rx.^.a.•s- tion ;,ermit fo: an industriai complex cove?3ng Lots 33 througi: iF3, Rioc?t pirt of Lots l. L•hrougl2 13, $lock 4, F.apan In3ustrial Psrk No.4, Tiie pai:cel C' ;~L?a~.ided t.a 3C1'C2 as a wholesale h.srdware and manufacturing comple;c. 'fhe.ce we:+ c'Jueideratle discvssi.on concerning acreening of the South 10 acre loction of the) i:ns:a.l 22 ecres from Yarlcee Doodle RoEd. aiul the C-2 zoning acroas frun. Yai-iTcee DrdtP r:.o--a.; t:i8 engineer racommended a atozm sewer exteasion in the Sou~herr. ~ - p,1":1.ina nF the property. The develop=r indicated that there would be 12 acres blsa:;ecpped :n the first phase< It wss suggested that the rai2road not Ue ~ extr-.nded ciuset Cnan 203 fee: from Yankee Doodle Road. Furtuer, there was ~ n d:'.sccssicu concernieg the preseat pon3 malntained as s pond but the devetoper ~ irt3ic=.i:ed :t intanls to fill the poad area, also the need Eoz. screening t;u: our- ~ si.c:e stor?ga of• lumber along Yankee Doodle Roa3. The developer will 1RuC3*l5. 8R. 8;•~at cyc:.cna ,`.ea:s around the entire area. Upon motiou by Merader 14urpSiyy r.aca-.d :d 114„~-e,• Harrisono a1Z members voting in favor except Member FIeI.*akea rsy.n absrair.ed, ;.t was RESOLVED that the epplication be recommended for app..ova?. ,v?J„er.;: r.o i.icCsilation ot drainage to Se approved by the Village Eng£.neer.; at - _ _ _ ~ - - - grlP.q u81:p a~ ~ • eP faci liti?8 fG2 f2re p.OY.P.Cri011 }'ct Aj`~'.Sp!r5[I bi' CIIC ~ V C i V_zlaga f:V rF 3astaY2ed; Chat scre~ ii~.i6 2nd 7.?nds:.aping a":o:.g Yanicee Dnod.la Roa3 i,3 -'nv*_al?.ed at- such time as the 80SCt!9:!1 portion I's dev+•:J.ope3 arAd Chat scrae:e':It; b:: ir.-gtz.l.'ied alozyg the Southcrly line of the northern portion if ehe developer to oa2; devalop that portton at the presenC rima; aced t'r.at a winims,x :;0 foot etraot ::a pr.oW'ided in the d_velupnent. ji*, Jerome Hagemeiotex atzd kYr. Ralp'i Wuhlers appeared on behai£ of tn•'- ~ ?_1:F:L1C2i:LOR Of Lancl Planr.ing a:id Engineering Corporation for a build3.na permi" ia.• 1it 8 miih condominium in Pilot Knob I.eighte Third Addition whicf, ~.s Eas° PLlet Itn.ab Y.oad. The Planning CocimiCtee etressed the need for a major str.eer along the IJorth Iine oE the property, Jpon met9.otx by Mawbe.^ Hr:t*.xcun, seconded VILLAGE of EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 47Ft�ilot Knob Road PERMIT NO.: 1561 Ileigan, MN 55122 DATE: 8/13/74 Zoning: Il No. of Units: Owner: NBC Whse. & Office Address: Site Address: 945 Yankee Doodle R a . Plumber: Katz Plumbing & Renting Meter No.: Connection Charge: Size: Account Deposit: Reader No.: Permit Fee: 10.00 pd 1 agree to comply with the Village of Eagan Surcharge: .50 pd Ordinances. Misc. Charges: Total: By Date Paid: Date of Insp.: Insp.: VILLAEE OF EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3795 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT NO.: 2321 E`*gan, MN 55122 DATE: hf /74 Zoning: 11 No of Units: Owner: t. 14'l�rt` _ c Offic Address: Site Address: 945 Yankee Doodle Road Plumber: Katz Plumbi & }aati -,, 1 agree to comply with the Village of Eagan Connection Charge: 12 pd 2/ Ordinances. Account Deposit: Permit Fee: 10.00 pd i . 50 pd Surcharge: By: Misc. Charges: Date of Insp.: Total: Insp.: Date Paid: Use BLUE or BLACK Ink � ,-----------------, �� � For Office Use � �• &�' ' � �e/a � ' �' �� �l ��U l,L� R������� �l,V � Permit#: � ��� ����� � � � Permit Fee: lU C.� � � � � 3830 Pilot Knob Road NOV 2 3 Z�� r5 s � {" ' � Eagan MN 55122 �� � �� � � Date Received: '7'�'� J �� Phone:(651)675-5675 �,S 'S ���, �` `� � � Fax: (651)675-5694 �' �` i Staff: � � `----------------� 2015 COMMERCIAL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APP�ICATION Date: �l, Site Address: ' /.���'�h ll O Q ,�('ln i7�x..k.. � �1�� Tenant: Suite#: \������� /� L a���\��� �o���r����r��� Name: �1�1 VJ Phone:r��y"vZ� �����,��� � ������������� ���\ �,,�� � ���`�K`���� ` � ��� ���� Address/City/Zip: � �� ������� � � ��A\\��r �V����A �� � ,A\a��o�A\\���. ��A � ���\\\� �� ��� � ��� �� � Applicant is: Owner � Contractor � � � � �A \\��, � � �� � � � � � � � � � � "���-�� .� V���� �V Description of work: � �C �� L(�G7� � � � � � � � �� ��V�\� � � ?/�) / c�� 6 � ��o��� ��\ -�7 �g � c�V /� �������������A���� �� Construction Cost: �- G� Estimated Completion Date: �°t 4 �"�`' \\���� ������°��� ` ��\�` � o .�.� � ��������A�� � � ��� � � � � � �AV������\� � �������� �� `� ���V " � S" � � �License#: �� � �\����� � � ����� � Name: ��C��1 � �1.�� � �b�� �� �o\��\\\�� ��������� c ����� ��A��\� c �� ��`�� ���� ti� �� "����� � ��� 5�D �c�s�k '�����5 a� � y. �. ` �, ,�,�� k ;���� ,,,��� ►' �r at l=i��U ll,-G ���� �����,�� ,��, ,� Address: ����� � ��\�\������,��\\�\�\������ \ , ,�,� ,��o���� �37 `�l 5���8�1 S� �v�lv� �� `��' �����"��� � � State: Zi � Phone:� � ��� \\ p: \\� ���\��ea� �\� r ��� ��\� , �� \ �\��� �� ` (�{�-. � �������� � �\ ��� ; C- EmaiL• �G � �c.S ��� �O� �\\��a,,�� ,�A Contact: � \ `� <�� � � �A�������V � � ��� \����\���\� ��S _New �Remodel ��\ �\\\� �'O�\\� ` � ��V11$Qrl�l'y�?\�� — — ��,� ����� � ���� Addition Other: ������'���\�� � \�\����; � ~��\��°,` �� �\�� _Alterations �\\,,a DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Commercial Residential Educational � FEES � � � Contract Value$_ ���Q�,i�x.01� � $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum _$ t _/1 ��I� \SILJ l�U Permit Fee Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 =$ � •�� Surcharge'` � If the project valuation is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge � � � � � ����$ �I '�� TOTAL FEE � **Requirements:2 complete sets of drawings and specifications,cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Alarm permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes;that I understand this is not a perrnit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. � � C X � � . 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