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4460 Woodgate Pt
INSPECTION RECURD xCITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: ;°•e~ Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (651) 681-4675 , 1 v1 0 0 SITEADDRESS:, APPLICANT: ~ , . . . ~ ? i . ~ PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: INSPECTION .A . DA Ri MARF[NI'! I110 ~ " . . , _ , . . ~ L.~ J SEWER/ Pe?mit Holder Date TMephons N I I WATER PLUMBING I HVAC I InspecUon Dete Inep. CommeMs I FOOTINGS I FOUND I I FRAMING I ROOFING I ROUGH I PLUMBINCi I PLBG I AIR TEST ROUGH I HERTIN(3 I GAS 5VC I TEST INSUL I I GYP BOARD I FIREPLACE I FIREPLACE I AIR TEST I FINAL PLBG I FlNAI HTG I I ORSAT I TEST BLDG FINAL I DOMESTIC I METER I IRRIGATION METER FLUSH MAINS corrDucrivirr TEST HYDROSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. lj/ ~ CITY OF EAGAN Fee Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print /egib/y ; Tot. 1. Date 2. Installation Cost X -r-l-- - 3. Job AddressPl U, ' ;,,f ~ Lot ~ ~l Blk. ~r- ~ 4. Owner ~ r-~ k- 5. Contractor 1k/ nc r Phone 10 C- l. . ~ J ~~"'f 'I f t r ~ 7 r 1 i i ,h 6. Address Y 7. City State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential ~ Commercial O Institutional O 8. Work Description: New ? Add ? Alter,&\. Repeir ? 10. Describe c Fuei TYPe - C 11. No, Eauipment 8TU - M. Ea. No. Equipment CFM ~ Forced Air Air Handling: Mfg. Boilers Mech. Exhaust Mfg. Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the ahove information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : I/ for Rough Fi I Inspections: Date Insp. Date InsP.~ This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-6100 Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN - Fea FiII in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print /egib/y Tot. 1. Date a711i' ~ 2. Installation Cost y~61~ u.aaoelyA%-- 3. Job Address ~ Lot Blk. Tract ~ 4, Owner •~~o .L~ ~-~i T Z 5. Contractor [7F •/2 /~jp Phone ~z3 - ~i y 5~ 6. Address,//5~~ 7- / ~zi9 7. CitY Z, Sf'v7 v U c1 7- Stdte ,,OWk) Zip -5 ~ U6 ~ 8. Building Type: Residential ')R( Commercial O lnstitutional O 9. Work Description: New O Add ? Alter/~K Repair ? 10. Describe Fuel Type 11. No. Eouinment BTU • M. Ea. No. Enuiament CFM Forced Air Air Handling: Mfg. G F,.i.~iaX Boilers Mech. Exhaust Mfg. Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify t the above information is true and correct, and 1 agree to comply witfYa r /~-~f na 'and codes governing this type of work. Signed : ~Q-~-` for i Rough FI 012,) Inspections: Date Insp. Date nsp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464,8700 CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Additio WOOd ate 3 d Addition Lot 20 Rlk 2 Parcel Owner tM -k' Street 4460 Woodgate Pt. State Eagan, NAV 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. 1977 476.67 158.89 3 476.67 C003297 10-9-76 STREET RESTOR. 33RADING 1974 $37.67 $7.53 5 PAID I SAN SEW TRUNK 1974 $65. 31 $4. 35 25 PAID * SEWERLATERAI 1976 3 WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL 1976 3 * WATER AREA 1976 3 *31STORMSEW TRK 1976 $1628.80 $542.93 3 PAID ,46TORM SEW LAT 1976 3 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATERCONN. $160.00 1205 9-26-75 BUILOING PER. #3694 1205 9-26-75 sAC p 1205 9-26-7 PARK 100.00 1205 9-26-75 CITY OF ! AGAN Remarks Addition •oodgate 3rd Addition Lot 19 Rik 2 Owner Street d462 Wcndgate Pt _ State Eagan. MN 55122 . Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. 37 STREET RESTOR. ~Y3GRADING p D SAN SEW TRUNK * SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN * WATER IATERAL 1976 3 * WATER AREA *31STORM SEW TRK $542.93 3 PAID * ~,+TORM SEW LAT 1976 3 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATERCONN. 160.00 1205 9-26-75 BUILDING PER. SAC $425.00 1205 9-215-75 PARK - 5 CITY Or c-AGAN Remarks Addition wuod ate 3rd Addition Loc. 1 '7 Rik 2 Parcel Owner JStreet 4464 Woodgate Pt State F.aqan, MN 55122 ~ Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. 3 1977 476.67 158.89 3 476.67 C003294 10-9-76 STREET RESTOR. RADING 1974 $37.67 $7.53 5 PAID 1 SAN SEW TRUNK 1974 $65. 31 $4. 35 15 PAID * SEWERLATERAL 1976 3 WATERMAIN * WATERLATERAL 1976 3 * WATER AREA 1976 3 *51 STORMSEW TRK 3 PAID * STORM SEW LAT 1976 3 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 160.00 1205 9-26-75 BUILDING PER. _7 SaC 1205 9-26-75 PARK :::MS100.00 1205 9-26-75 ~ CITY OF EAGAN Remarks n Additi Woo3 ate 3rd Addition Lot 18 sik Z Parcel - Owner ~ Nii 't• Street 4466 W~adgate Pt State Eaqan F MN 55122 v- 1 0 ~-V Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING 9 . - A I SAN SEW TRUNK * SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL * WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT 1976 3 CURB & GUTTER 51DEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 1205 9-26-75 BUILDING PER. sAC 1205 9-26-75 PARK 1205 9-26-75 C~022r 2 ~ ",d ~ 4,~, 3 C~o ReQuesi Oate iire Raugh-In InspectI ~ Required Insped Other T~an Rough-In (VOU must cell inipector, ~w,henJ eatly) eatly N WIII ofiy I aclor 9 ~ ? Yes ~ifRO Data Peatl I 8<censed contractor ?owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Job Atltlress (Sireel, Boz ar Route Na) City 6 ~@O:/r°tl G 477- N~ SeCilon No. Townshlp Name or No. Hange No. Counly fd/~O j A Occ ent(PRINT) Phone Na. a,a .CLl Ard v~IVT PowerSUpplier Atltlress .~o' .9 64C ziR~ c- fJRMiWy~TB~ k~. ElecVical Comractor (Company Neme) Contreclofs License No. q7%a a7 Mailing Atltlress (Coniracror oro~ ner Making Installa0on) ~ 6c! lVIIC~. S. cS 1/' I} 9 EMX/, ANhorize ture (Contrectod ner M king Installation) Phona Number ~ $'9'S/ -8 0 CJ~ ESOTA STATE B NO OF EL CTR TY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Grlgga-Midway BIEp. . oom 3-128 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOARD 16P1 UnNerelty Ave., 51. Paul, MN 65104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS ihone(612) fiC2-0800 ENCLOSED. V ~ I REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ~ 2 2 6 210. See instructlons for complating this tomi on back of yellow caOY. "X" Belosv Work Covered by This Request Ne Add Rep. Type of Building Appliances Wired Equipment Wired Home Ranga Temporary Service Du lax Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer oad Menagemant Comm./Industrlal Fumace Other S ec' Farm ir Conditioner OMer(speciy) Conheciols Remerks: Compufe Inspectian Fee Below: # Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swlmmin Pool 0 to 200 Am s 0 to 100 Am s Transformers Above 200-Am s Above 100 -Am s Si ns Inspeclar's Use Only: TOTOAL ~ Irrigation Booms Q " S acial Ins ection Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLA710N MAY BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 78 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby Rough-In ~ oaie cedlfy that the above inspection ha& Finai a? been made. , OFFICE USE ONLY This request voitl 18 months fmm HOUSE HEATING TEST RECORD PIN 7 Lr~ ~ U a- ADDRESS L~y~d L4,c010 6.hT)' IDT APT._FLOOR CITY ~ SUBU 8 OCCUPANT OWNER HEAT LO55 DATE HTG. INST. SOLD BY ~1(Lj Cd INSTALLED BY Elechicol Work By Gos Line By N/~ \ TYPE OF HEAT G_ FA tl/ HW STEAM -SPACE HTR. ~ UNIT HTiR, ~~HER GAS DESIGN ~ C? Wi~~S MAKE /-e~n~ MAKE OF BURNER ~ ~ Model 1076.Y~~ - Model Sxial i ~~Y~ o~s~0 Mox. BTU Rating INPUT Qa MAKE OF FURNACE Model CONTROLS THERMOSTAT 'W Heat Plug Vent Size Valve jw;KIND OF LINER g SIZE +E" Limit S~f NONE Druh Hood Reguloror Limit Sstting ao6 Filters Si:e ~ /Number Fan SetTing Chimney Location InsideJG_Outside Pilot Type ~n ~ Chimney Cons}rodion Pilot Maks K~T ,~~.+f-4,cJ Pilot Model p Smoke Bom6 Wiriny 41"o' Pilot Timing Draft 1e, Test Ta9 c-~ L.W. Cut Off Door Pressure Lighting Inst.L/ Pressure PercentCO ~C) Date Tested i ~ ~ n' _ Input CFH ~ Percent OZ~.{z_.~ Campany Testing ~ $tack Temp. Percent CO ~J Name of Tesfar ~ Form 235 • CITY of EAGAN N4 3694 ~ BUILDING PERMIT 3795 Pilo1 Knob Roed Owna ~...Eegan. Minnesoia 55122 ~ ~ 1 ~n u-.....,- ~ . Addzeu (Prasen!) . 454-8100 suua.: -7 s- Dals Addrau ~ DESCRIPTION , Slosiscl To Hs Ueed For Froni Depth Heighi Esl. Cod p mit Fsa Aemaslu ,L ~ 9 8'I 7 & f` ~ 9 T~•~,~..l~-.-~.,u.~~ I-- S7-a.r e" 4 r. ~ LOCATION 7 / . S ° S2seei, Roed or oiher DeeeripHon of Loeafion Lo! Block Addifion or Treet i 73 This pe:mii doee not aufhozise the use of slreelc. roads, alleps or sidewalks nos does it give the owaor or 6is aysnf the righ! !o cseate anp situation which is a nuisenoe or. whieh presenia a hazard to the healfh, safeip, convenbnee and qeneral welfaxa fa anpone in the community. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON TFIE PREMISE WHILE THE WOAK IS IN PAOGRPSB. - Thb is !o cerlifp. has pasmissioa !o areei ............................._u.. the above described premise subjecT to ih~provisions of all applieable Ordinaaces for the Cify of Eagan. Q•~_~~~ • ~f1.s.~Q< ~,~~t .e-~`. Per MaYor Butidinq Iaspelos ~ i /O Y~/1v0,4 ~oG 63 6 • ~ CIi'Y OF EiSGADT 3795 Pilat Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 PERivIIT NO.: 609 The City of Eagan hereby grants to Thompgon Plumbina ao of 12201 Minnetnnca alvd, a pr.LiMRiHC Permit for: (Owner) 4455-51-57-59, 4448-50-46-44, 4456-58-54-52, 4464-66-62 6, 4472-74-70-68, at 4480-82-78-76. , pursuant to application dated 4488-90-86-84, 4496-98-94-92*, 4440-42 Woodgate Pt, & 1732-30 WooBqate Lane• Fee P*AAI 5720. oo dated this _26 day of 502t. r 19_15___ atiiea: 18.00 e/c Building Inspector Mechanical Permits: Bid Total: V . CITY of EAGAN N~ 3694 BUILDING PERMIT < $785 Piloi Knob Road . T / Ownee Eagen Minnesota SS1RZ ; 454-8100 - Addreu (Dresenl) ...............L.._...........:::."`:.....-'-~..._.................. suilaes a G Dete - - Addxau . 6 DESCAIPTION Biorisfl; To 8e Ussd Fcr Fsoni I Deplh Hdgh! Esl. Cod Po mtt Fw Remssln LOCATION S° ' 3!r e!. Rosd or olher Dseeriplioa ot Lxnlion I Lo! Bloek Addiltoa or Trae! /-3Y -;2- ---I~~ .3 ~ This permii doea aot aulhozisa the uae of stseeffi, roads. alleps or sidewalks nor does it give the ownes or h4 ayeat the righ! !o creaie eny siSuation whieh is a nalsencs o: wLio6 psaaenls e hssard !o the health, safefp, eonwaleaes sad ganeral weliare !o anyona in the eommunify. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGA/E SS. • 1~~4~ TLis !s fo carfif9. hmPermiaaioa !o srect a..y..l-•y'.`..`...".: ::Y... ~ _n lLaf..~~-....1 . . ....s ~ ~ the abOVe described premise subjec! So !h psovieiona of all appliceble Ordinaneea for the Citp of Eagpa. Per I ~ Mayor Sufldlny Impeeles y~ I y/1C~3 G~- CITY 0F E:aGAPS 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 PERIv.IT NO.: 609 The City of Eagan hereby grants to T,oMpeon Plumhing Oo. of 12201 Minnetonka Blvd a _PLUMBZNC Permit for: (Owner) New , 4455-51-57-59, 4448-50-46-44. 4456-58-54-52, 4464-66- 60, 4472-74-70-68, at 448n-82-78-76. ~ pursuant to application ;gated 4488-90^86-84, 4496-98-94-92w, 4440-42 WoodgBte Pt, 6 1732-30 Woodgate Lane• Fee P*AAt_S72p.00 dated this 26 day of c_.y,t.19 75 • Billed: 18.00 s/c Building Inspector Mechanical Permits: Bid Totale ~ / . V a . ~ CIT',Y of EAGAN N2 3694 BUILDING PERMIT 3795 Piloi Kno6 Aoad , Ownes Eagan. Minneaota 55122- . . - Addrsu (Pressn!) _..a:... ..............~•".~"~f~454-8100 suua.: Dale . Addresf ~ DSSCRIPTION Siorisgl To Bs Uiad For Froni D~plh Heigh! Esi. Cos! Po mi! F~a Remsslu ~ G 0 Z! Ol7 lA.40 2.4r 0 LOCATION Streat. Roed or oiher DeserlpSion ai Loeation I Lo! Bloak I Addit[on or Trae! This permit does not aulhosisa the use of slreefs, roada, alleya or sidewalks nor does it giva the ownsr os his syon! the righ! !o ereale aap situafton which te a nuisanes oe whleh presanlc a hazard fo !ha heelth, eatefp, eonvenienea and ganesal welfare !o anyona in the community. TAIS PERMIT MUST SE KEPT ON THE PAEMISE WHILE THE WOAK IS IN PROGRPSB. - y,z~.ti.-l This ia !o eezlifP, !hel..Fi.Z..f:~..S.L.~"--• baspermiesioa !o ereet d....°----°-°..........°------.................._np the above described premise subject fo 1hprovisions of all applieable Ordinances for the Citp of Eagen. ...................0 Pes J..'_--............................. . - Mayor BvAdiaq Impec!°r yl r-~ CIi'Y.DF FA-"-N /D GlS~ /70 O o2 3795 ni_7.ot ?inob Road ~ E~S,,:^_ , PC.nne; ota 5'-:1 z2 r 2F,= NJ. 3 Tae City of i3agan hacery gratits to Commers Soft t9ater Cb.______ cf 3801 California $t. N.E• ,_MRJ~s. 55421_ WATER Henry Schultz - a osmFMR_ _ Pe--rit for: (Cwner. ),7vn es Turner __J ~ 493)tti'oodgate Point ai e3_Ln_!!ptr:+7 f nr_ pui'sua:it to apulication dated 1/2176 Fee Paid: _810,00_ dated this 26 GaY o~ Jan. ~ 1976 _ 1.00 s/c L'uildir. , Inspector Nechanice.i_ Permi_{;s: Did Total° . ~ o~ i7e) CITY OF Ei', ,AN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Vlinnesota 55122 PERPTIT NO.: 609 The City of Eagan hereby grants to Thomeon Pl~binq oo. of 12201 Minnetonka Slvd a PL[MING Pexmit for: (Owner) _ j, uatS III 4455-51-57-59, 4448-50-46-44, 4456-59-54-52, 46 66-62-60, 4472-74-70-68F at 4480-82-78-76. , pursuant to appl ation dated 4488-90-86-84, 4496-98-94-92qi, 4440-42 Woodgmte Pt. & 1732-30 Wooflgate Iane• Fee FN-IiAi S720.oo dated this 26 day of Billed: 18.00 s/c Building Inspector Mechanical Permits: Bid Total: V ~ CITY of EAGAN N2 3694 ~ BUILDING PERMIT _ • 2 y ~ x{t/ 3795 Piloi Knob Road "Owaex ?L'-.`.' Eagan, Minnesota 55122 /~-•--re. 454-8100 Addseu IPreaenll ..~_`7: a-o_L..... ,SS 3 5/.3 suua.: . Date Addrau ~ DESCRIPTION ' gtorial To Ba Ucad Fas Fron! Dopth Haigh! Esl. Coo! PO mi! Fsa Aemesb - Ai 7 / q~G, LOCATION ' Slseet, Aoad or o2har Dascripilon of Localion Lo! Bloelc Addilioa or Tree! °t I '1,i•-m--'-~.c~..xa % N This permii doea aof aulhorisa the uae ni sisealc, soads. alleps or sidewalka nos doea it giva the ownes o= Lia aqoat ffie right !o creata aay aifuation whie6 b a nuisenea or wFuah pzosenle a Lasard !o the health, safalp, coavonienco aad gaaeral welfara !o enyone ia the eommunilp. ~ TFiI3 PERMIT MUST HE K£PT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WOAB IS IN PROlG~RFSS.~T~ This ie !o earlifp. !hal....~i...4.?:1 --•°°-•y~j . hupolmlasloA !o sree! _n . the abeve descsibed premise su6ject i~o!&€ provisions of all appliaahle Ordinanees for the Citp of Eagan '.`._~i........--.°°°°-° Per 1.....-°--.................._---•_ .e . MaYOr ~ Butldinq Impaclor I ~ . l0 ~~/lnC~~. / yG 62- G. ~ CITY OF ERGADT 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 PERP4IT NO.: 609 The City of Eagan hereby grants to lhcmaon Plumbing rn. of 12201 Minnetonka Sivfl. a PLtMBjxc Permit for: (Owner) 4455-51-57-59, 4448-50-46-44, 4456-58-54-52, 4464 -62-60, 4472-74-70-68, at 44BD-82-78-76. , pursuant to application dated 4488-90-86-84, 4496-98-94-92qi, 4440-42 Woodgate Pt, & 1732-30 tioodqate Iane• Fee RAj& S720.OD dated this 26 , day of Seot. >19-25__ Billed: 18.00 s/c Building Inspector Mechanical Permits: Bid Total: nLua¢.qF eanaN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT I795 illoe Knob Road PERMIT NO.: 2602 iagan, MN 35121 DATE: 9/26/75 ?Aning: R72 No. of Units: 4 Jwner: NeW HOIlZOn NddTESB: 3iceAddmss: 4464-66-62-60 Woodgate Point ?lumber: Thompson Plumbing Co. ogroa ro canyly wIM fM Villaya oi Eayan Connection Chazge: 1700.00 pd hdieancn. Account Depoeit Permit Fee: 10.0~ Surchazge: .50 biil-e-cT 3Y: Misc. Chazges: late of Inep.: Total: nap.: Date Paid: . . . - - - - - - •---^.-1 YILLAGE RF-.EACAN WATER SERVIC184 ERMIT _ ~ 3795 Pilot Knob Rood PERMIT NO.: 9 7 Eagan, MN 55122 ~ DATE: 4 . Zoning: Rii No, of Units: Owner: New HoLlzon Address: - ' Site Address. 64=6fi-62-fi0-YoDflg Plumber: ----Th4II4pson Plumbillg_S4. - Meter No.: Connection Charge: _640 00 pd Size: Accaunt Deposit: Reader No.: Pe.rmit Fee: 10.00 billed , 1 ogree }o complY with fhe Villaga of Eagan Surcharge: .50 b111Ed Ordinonces. Misc Charges:zilal• Total: `s By Date Paid: Dale of Insp.: lnsp.: , ~ C~n ~c Fa'0lficeUse---------_ ~ Qq of Eap F PBitt111 ro~ 2°I6 ; 490' 3830 Pitot Knob Read 1°°`""' F"i Fagan MN 55122 oate Recekrea: j Phone:(65t) 675-5675 FBx: (651) 675-5694 ~ statr: i 2008 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMfT APPLICATION D.ro: -2 -b$ Sft,W,e6S: L-1~~~L407 L-iL1ULI ~-~..i+-[Ut4 1 0 tcs T6nant Name: (TerranE Is: _New Existing) Suite PROPERTY OWNER Name: Phone: Adtlress / Ciry / Zip: Appiicant is: - Ovmer _ Contractor TYPE OF 1NOAK Description of work: OMAZD ~ Construction Cost:0-imm CONTRAC70R Name: MMER CTIMG LiCense ~2 3141 PEARSON PK1M1' Address; ANNA 7~156o-119~ GitY: State: Zip: _ Phone: . . GoMa.d Person: pFlCHfTECT ! Name: Flegisvation ENCiINEER Address: Cib= State: Zip: Phone: ntact Person: Lie6nsed plumbAr instaNing (M sewerNaaYer ervice. phons B: No7P: P/ans and supporting docu nts that you submff are oon to be puWlc itAomraNon. Pbrtions ol N+e lMonnation maY be c as npn-ppb/1c if you provirade de spec reawns thW wuuM perrnft the C/ty to conclude thaf they are t 1 herC6y ackrloMAedge th2t tht6 i k oomplete antl accura[a: thai the wvAt wNl ha in oonFpma wv1ti ihe ordinances a~ cotlas nf Ute Ciry of. Eagan; that I untlersterW this is rqt a penna, but only an appliqtion for a pertnk, arM woHc is rat to wiMqut a permd; that the worK wBi bs in flCCOrdanCe with the apptovetl plan in the case W rqrk whien requires e review and approvel ot plens. x- ~n rN CA ` v I rL^ Y ~ A apWlcam•s rrirttad Name applt s slgria[ure ~ Page 1 of 3 9£/ZZ 39tld 0-10-Id tfNNd LE4E£09E9L 80:LL 800Z/GdJ60 ~ ~ ~ ; Fa aace uae ; U~6~ Ul ~~ll ~ PermR a= g~ ~ 3830 PllDt Knob Road j~,~t Fee: Eagan MN 55122 ~Date Recamvetl: ~ i Phone:(651)675-56T5 Fex: (651) 675-5694 i i 2008 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Dow: Sft Address: ~1440 ~ UC-1 ~ q 4u ia nj Tenant Neme: (fenan[ is: New 6cistlng) Suite A: PROPERTY OWNER Plame: Phpne: Address / City / Zip: AppNcant is: _ Owner _ Contracror TYPE OF WORK Description oi work= C ~ Consbuction Cost- ~CY1C~_ CONTRACTOR Name: TYiMFfl COHiAACfINQ License .O $141 PEARSOFI PKYYY Address: pypOKI MN aeRr NN r5M ANNA 7~1197 GnY~ Siate: . 2ip: Ptrone: Comact Person: ARCHITECT / Name: Regishaoon ENGiNEER Addrass: Ciry= state: Zip: Phane: CpntaCt PefSCn- Ucen.%d plumher instaqing new seweqwater service: PhonL4: NOTE: alans and suppcefing documerrfs thaf you subm/f ane eons/dercd to be public IMonnation. PorHons of the informsNon may be c/ss~ aa non-public ii you pro v/de specilic reasons that WoLfd pemtit the afy to conclude tiwt are trade secrets. I heMDy adawwletlpe Mat thls tMolmation k completB and accurate: thar Ine vrork xvYf be in conf~nce wF[n tile wdinanc96 entl CaCes M tl1e City of Eagan; Uat 1 urderslend ihis is rrot a permh, but only an appfication tor a permlt, and wak is rwt to sWt wittian a perm0; 010 Me waic will be in dOCOrdarxe with the approved pan in the case ot wortc which requrnes e r~ and Woral ot plans. n x--f 1-.L_\ l~ l V~% x .t ApplicaM's Pl4nted Neme APPlq9D Signeture~ Page 1 of 3 Li10L 39tld 0107A tiNNt7 LE7££0SE9L ££:dL 800Z/EZ/60 '09123/2008 16:26 952--431-2016 FEDEX KINKO'S 0705 PAGE 03 . ~ 4 4if~ ' l C~ of Fatan e~ Pllis 040' ~ f PermitA. S S~ ; ~ Permlt Fae: ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ 9830 Pib! ICnob Road ~ i ~ Eagan MN 55122 ~ 0810 Reeewea: i Phone: (651) 675-6675 i Fax: (651) 875-5694 kwy' ,2~1~ i scan: i 2008 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERM17 APPLICATION Dte:q 31te Adtltess: ~ Tenant Neme: (Tenant Is: ~ New / E)delinp) SuRe A: PROPERTY OWNER rvame: address i ciry r zia: nppiicam is: _ owner ~ c;onvactw IYPE OF WORK Desafptbn of work: COnStRlCnon COSL CONTRAC70R Name: Ucense#: !.(J~~~,7~~+ naemu: I,5 cty: _ . ,r ~AA~~~~ 42 PhonelpS.a~-, 7'_` " Contact PErson: ARCHlTEC7/ tJamQ:.._------- Regfshatiaci 0: ENGINEER Address: cir State: Zlp: Phone: ConG7ct Percon: Lloensed piumber inSt811ing {Ley9, s9+Nerlwater servlce: Ptione No7'E: PPu»s and suppnni?rg docurraents thet you s06mMAre ca?13WOM 191Wpulrfl~ 1061,11111114061,r. Pordnns ot N?e ht/omwHem may tie classtfied aa nap:-publk H yvu prWAd6 spiCl* m98ons tlW'NrouRdpWnk fhe Gfiy to oonarude rnae tbe al0 fradd 809?ttt:.. I helBby adcrarNodgo that M9 infarmnGon is comdate and accurate; that Ure wwk wfll 6e In conformance nances end codes of Me Cley d Eaqan; that I unqerstentl thls Is not a perml4 but any an npplication ror a palmit. and " nat to a permik thW ihe wale will be ih rapi.nres a revlvw and at nctordance wiTh p,c apprwad plan In tha a),Wo,T z ,~,1~-~~ iVh1 npplicaWs stgnaarre t'age 1 of 3 I '09/23/2008 16:26 952--431-2016 FEDEX KINKO'S 0705 PAGE 04 ti liMEHIC/ Aw M`FAN[lLY American Family lusnrance Group WOOllGA7'E III_HqMEOWR IIuildinR Exterior Roofing , Dascriptfon Ilase Serwcc Replacement Actoai Cash ty Unit price CLarKe Tazra Cmd Totsl Dcprecletlon Valoe TAe fo/JOwing ifenrl reJ7cct replatement nf rrwjon this slrncture. tnsured indiea+ed roojia rtpproxunately IO,vadrs ofd $eged nn avemgg cand;NOn artd lije expectaney oj30 yaar.r, 33^6 deprecratinn hm beee up0litod Price irtcludes debRa romaval. I- Rcmovc Tcar off, haul and disposc of comp, shingles - 3ryA0 yev 46.57 SQ $50.96 $0.00 :6(1.M $2,37321 -6783.16 (33%) $1.390.05 2- Replace Roofmg felt - 151t+. 45,57SQ $M71 316.67 $18.34 $952.90 -$308.95(33%) $643.95 3a- Remave Additional charge for high rnof (2 srories or greatcr) 46.57 SQ S4.43 $0.00 $0.00 $206.31 •$68.08 (3396) $13823 3b - Replace Additional ch2rgc For high mof (2 sroriea or grenter) . 46.57 SQ $11.39 $9.63 S0-00 $546.06 4175.04 (33%) 5365.02 4- Replace F't¢cNing - pipe jeck a.W EA 523.19 $1.68 B1.57 " fi96.01 •531.,13 (33%) E64.88 5- RepltieC RoU£ vcnt - turtie typc 13.00 EA $36.05 - $8.51 $1IJ2 $488.28 4158,32(33%) $329.96 6- Replace Exhaust cap - through roof 4.00 BA $64.98 $4.72 $8.64 $273.28 -$88.62 (33'%) $ I84.66 7- Replace Fla.ahing, 14" wide 10.001,F S2.68 $1-46 $2.55 $94.41 -$2738 (335h) $57.03 8- Replace Roof vcnt -[urbine type 3.00 F4. $70.18 $3.82 S8.33 $222.69 -$12.22 (33%) $150.47 9- RcpIACC Ice A, water shield 1,337.00SF S1_35 $32.77 R51.28 $1,889,00 -E612.55(3396) 31,276.45 1 Oa - Removc Roof mount powcr attic vcnt 1.00 EA $20.91 $6A0 $0.00 E20.97 -R6.90 (33%) $14.01 l Oh - Replace Roof mwnt power attic vent 1.00 EA $280.83 $5. ] 0 $4.60 $290.53 -$94. I9 (339h) $19634 1 I- Replace Chimney flashing • average (32" z 36") LfbBA $20.72 $3.81 $2.74 S216.27 -570.12(33%) $146.15 12 - Replace T.sm#natc[I - 30 yr. - tomp. shinglc rfg. - wlout felt 53.67 SQ $149.69 $145.87 $237..85 $8,417.58 -$2,729.66 (335b) 85fi87,92. 13 - Rcplate Ridge cap - compasitimi shingles 13675 LF $3.15 S7.82 $6.75 444533 -E 14438 (33%) T".95 Totals $241.86 9353.77 $1b,516.77 45,310.70 S11,146.07 Fascie WOODGATE Lii HOMEOwNERS 00311284573 7/2112008 Pagc: 4 ASSpCTATIONS 2004 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. Date a8 /41"X l a y Site Street Address rwi 6u0 G1M Pai~/ Unit # ?oz S;19f ~ Property Owner Telephone # (2/~ ) ZS 7 //S 3 x Contractor Telephone # ( ) Address City State Zip The Applicant is: 74 Owner _ Contractor _Other Alterations to existing dwelling $ 50.00 _Add fixtures to rooms, excluding water softener and water heater _Septic System Abandonment _ Water Turnaround (add $121.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) Other: _ Water Softener Water Heater ~C xisTi"~'l~ $ 15.00 7X replacement _ additional ~ Lawn Irrigation System RPZ_ new _ repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ .50 Total I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, work is not to start without a permit and work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the event a plan is required to be reviewed and approved. ' ~,ei~i~ ~i.YD~ii~? ' ,.G~ ApplicanYs Printed Name App icanYs Signature (P3 ~-7~ 2004 RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Pleasc complete foc single family dwellings & townhomes/condos when permits azc required for cach unit Date 2-1 / /2 / U Y Site Address y`"~i~t7 i~v UuQ 6~ Unit # Property Owner f~+? S.~iti' Telephone 6/ Z) 7Ur S f l~yy 4-ontractor Street Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Bond Expires: The Applicant is 7X Owner _ Contractor _ Other Add-on or alteration to existing dwelling unit $ 30.00 ~ fumace -XAdditional _Repiacement C~£ vf~~( air exchanger _ airconditioner _New _Replacement 1 other r ~ v`0. State Surcharge $ 50 Total APR 2 2 200 I hereby apply for a Residential Mechanical Pemnt and aclrnowledge that the informat B' that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes oF the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit- that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. S,E~.LD ~~,'r.? ~ ~ ApplicanYs Printed Name A cant/,Rignature 2004 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for. commerciaVindustrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate pemuts are not required for each dwelling unit Date Si[e Street Address Unit # Tenant Name (it applicabie) Previous Tenant Name Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor Street Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Bond Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner _ Contractor Other ` Work Type ~ _ New Construction _ Underground Tank _ Install _Remove "`see below _ Interior Improvement Install Piping _Processed Gas - i . - Nature of Work: ~ / *'When installing/removing underground tank, call for inspecfion by Fire Marsha/ and Plumbing Inspector P0f011L FeeS: $70.50 Underground tank installadonhemoval $50.50 Minimum (includes Scate Surcharge) or ~ ContractValue $ x 1% PermitFee • If pgrmii fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 ~ $ State Surcharge If eQ rmit fee is over $1,000, add $.50 for every $1,000 peimit fee $ Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Mechanical Pemilt and aclmowledge tha[ the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a pemut, but only an application for a pernut, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requues a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Approved By: Inspector Date: . ~ , 2000 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) ` cinr oF eacaN C3 ~ 3830 PILOT I(NOB RD - 55122 651-681-4875 w R ? 3 regisiered dte wrveys ahowiny tq. ft o( lof, aq. B. of hause 2 copies of plan and go rooted areas (2n;6 mtndmum lot covemae allowedl 1 se1 of energy calcWallons for heated atldlHOna > 2 copiea of plane (ahow becm & wlndow tltea; poured 1nd. dealgn; etc.) 1site survey (or extedor addiHOM & decks > 1 set o1 energy calcufcflone > S copies ol hee preaervatbn plan If lot PWMed after 7/1/93 DATE: ~6 0° CONSTRUCTION C05f: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: -E7x /Z,'~ vl~ cy' STREET ADDRESS: L u ~ur~t~ G~+~ ~G"`~ ~,9~- - /d'/~/ .S ? t LOT: 'D U BLOCK: SUBD./P.I.D. 10 rTO Name: S~II~~/r'Si if -~f~-^yff*~' Phone PROPERTY lasf First OWNER Sheet Address: L/ v 6-;177 City rrs~i.9>ti State: 4Zi1? Lp: S 3/ Z Z . Company: Pha^e (area code) CONTRACTOR Sfreet Address: l3cense # ExP• City State: Zip: ARCHITECT/ EN6INEER Company: Name: Telephone ( ) Sheet Address: Regishatlon C Clly SMte: Zip: Sewedwater licensed plumber (N installina sewerhvaterl: Phone L~ I hereby ackrawletlye Ihat I have read this apPlicaNon, state thaf ihe infortnaiion is cortect, and agrae To comply wilh an appflcable Sfate of Minnesofa Stahites and CMy of Eagan Ordinances. / Signafure of Applicant ~ OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIV-ED Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No pUG 1$ 2000 Tree Preservation Plan Received - Yes - No _ Not Required BY. ~ OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT SUBTYPES " ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Muiti ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex O 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF - O•.03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plsz $ 18 Deck ? 23 Parch (screened) 0 36 MuRt ? 04 02-piex ? 10 08-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? OS 03-plex ? 17 10-piex PI6g _Y ar_ N ? 25 MiscellanCOUs ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bk19• WORK TYPE ` . ~ ? 31 New ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 43. Reroof Mi 32 Addition ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)" ? 44 Siding' M 33 Aiteration ? 38 Demolish (Interior) - ~ ? 45 Fire Repair ? 34 Repair ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 46 Windows/Doors • Give PCA handout to applicant for demolition permit GENERAL INFORMATION SAC Code LO # of Stories sq. ft. No. of Units - Length ~sg. ft. No. of Buildings I_ Width Footprint sq. ft. Const. (Actual) 5- Basement sq. ft. Census Code ~ (Allowable) ~ Main level sq. ft. MC/ES System UBC Occupency eP-_4 sq. ft. City Water Zoning P- h sq. ft. Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklered MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS ? StuccolStone APPROVALS Planning Building f~ Engineering Variance Permit Fee Valuati9n: $ - - Surcharge CITY OF EAGAN Plan Review LicenSe CASHIER: JS TERMINAL N0: 763 MC/ESSAC DATE: 09,L?_1/00 TIME: 0908:34 , City SAC WaterConn. ID: WaterMeter NAME: GERP.LD SKINDELIEN i Acct. Deposit S/W Permit ~ 3210 9001 4460 WOODGTE PT 60.00 S/W Surcharge 2155 9001 4460 WOODGTE PT 0.50 Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies TotaL• ~ SAC Units ' Total Receipt Amount: 60.50 CR137192 % SAC USER ID: JAN ~ ' P S E 111 G O ~ O WOODGATE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION 111 4P.O. BOX 21012 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 , . August 30, 2000 City ofEagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Mn 5512201897 Re: Deck Construction Gerald and Michelle Skindelein 4460 Woodgate Point Eagan, Mn 55122 Tlils is to advise that the owner of the above property has requested permission m replace the eaasting deck on their townhouse. This request has been granted based on our approval of the required architectural request and construction plansfor the new deck. Archi[ectural Reauest #000812-A. Yours truly, WOODGATE 3 OMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION anet Stevens, President appr'1 deck City of Eagan 26 August, 2000 Building Inspections On 18 August I completed and filed a Building Permit to replace and expand the deck on my townhome. As a result of the Gopher State One Call markings I have had to revise my plans because an electric cable is too close to where the footings were going to be. Attached is a revised plan. The plan calls for 48" deep footings, 8" across. Let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. erry ~ en 446oodgate Point Eagan, Mn 55122 (651) 452 5599 - vf ~ ~y GU J/' C//~c //l i /1l • . ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C a w N C ~ 7z. ~ 0 b V ~ S ~ ~3 ~ PERMIT IT'~+OF EAGAN 3 30 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT TYPE: B U I L D I N G Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Permit Number: 0 3 3 7 3 8 (651) 681-4675 Date Issued: 10120198 SITE ADDRESS: 4460 WDOilGH7E PT LOT: 200 BLOCK: 2 WOODGATE 3RD P.I.N.: 10-84602-200-02 DESCRIPTION: T.O. & REROOF/4-PLEX -)NVnj,-"~ BuTlding'Permit Type -~9iAM-f~N-0. M75C. B,uildinq Work 7ype ~t3~AREPAIR ,C e n s u s C o d e 437- At'F--~M R-E-S / . " , . ~ ' . REMARKS: SNCI.UDESa 4462, 4464. AND 4466. FEE SUMMARY: VRL.UATION $18,900 Base Fee $262.25 Surcharge 0 Total Fee $271.25 CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - OWNER: SUejl1RBAN EXTERIORS 28818292 WOQOGATE ASSOCIATTON >~%•01 PENN AVENUE 50U7H 4460 WOOOGA7E PT BLOOMI'NGTON MN 55431 EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 8'81-8232 (651) I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appli,cation and state that the infor-mation is correct and agree 'to comply with all applicable State of Mn. Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. L ~ r~.@J APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ISSUED BY: SIGNATURE 1 ~ L':f'rY f]1` EAr;,riN C!`-.^H:f.f:::F: S iER11:CNE:L. Nfl: 776 lr:;r;-; I.f.?i'.`1!93 'YJ:Nt!r:: 0e5800 ID;; NAMl=a £,JBIJSEAN G(;'I.IL.'I"' INC 2153 9001 126.00 32:L.r1 °)n;J:i. i.'708 Idpr11)r.Ai'F' 262„25 32ifj _?CiQ L 4492 HIQODGATiii: F' 262.25 .~i:- 3c.2.0 9r-I .i-~.F nOJf t^ii.:~.iT,: ,,...,.c....~ 1~... ~.,.3_~ Ir.. . I._ c:.6c. •ac.n~,.. ~iC1 ..rl ~ ..,.(i, P~,C~C,rii:~~"i~f~i:: ~ , ~i I. ..,.,c:..i ..,c_.,. )f.,..1.. c.f~nc:. 3240 9001 q.q:ip:. 6v'(1(.JI!GAi'E 262..2S 3210 9001 4963 W4.:3D°:G."-:]'lii: F 262.25 3110 9001 4452 Iqt]OLi;:;A'1'!i: I-' 262.25 :it'r.'.:!.(t 0I:)(:11 4494 W(:'.(]]i.r.,(1f!i_ 1_, i:.f..c_ n:.:,:,.~s.- i'_.~ 3210 9001 i.:'r`a Wpf:lDGAi,::. t.. 262.2:S CRO99584 A,i: f..;f;'»T7:"li.l`:: L!f',lii:i? S,*:i„ NANf.I'ti' .f.t17id'Y:i:f:nirr CONTI.nJf..il::. C;7'.T'7' C11' lii.r"i(.:!^N !.;F1SH.CEf{: S ~ilii^:'MJNA!_ id:i: i~r . C411'i_;: !0./2:i/98 "r:f.Mi:r ;Q;:.`.Sf3::L., 3 tP,; NQMI=:! Stit,UREAN GF.'[]UP TNC 900i ,e_:.... 4.,15:1. Pdf.l('lCif'r1T!r. i i'.6c?.e..5 32:ttJ S)rJ(l:l. 4443 WrlC1:1i.;;,.^.~T'r.: f' 262.,25 262.25 3Ei'.1.~] 9fin:l, 1i3C Nli~!]I3i=Fifl:i: _ WO `.=)f)D'i. I.744 14f]OlYl1i;;~:~Tl". L. 2:i.c^..c.:'~ 'fS~i?:i.::l '3(:1;;;. ~i4r,~l IAICfClAII,;.(lYl_ P 262.25 Y. . , TOt:7l Re{:'ti`7.p1: ARi0ilt5t: ;i„t'97,50 Cn:O98i':i4 Us_?EF;: :fD: NP,NCY I 1998 BUII.DINC4 PERMIT APPLICATIOM (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAQAN 681-4675 Submit followin to obtain necessary permit I lb--aO Foundation Only New Construction Interior Improvement structural plans (2 sets) archRectural plans (2 sets) erchitectural plana (2 seta) civil plans (2 sets) struaurel plens (2 sets) code analysis (1) " code analysis (1) " Gvil plans (2 sets) Project speca (7 sat) soils report (1) IaMsceping plans (2 sets) Key Plan projedspecs (1) oodeanalysis (7) " energycalwlatfona (1)naahxays" Special inspections 6 7esting Schedule ° soils report (1) Ekdric Power & LlghNng Fortn (1) not aM+sys " SAC determinatian ktter trom MCANS - SAC determination letter from MCANS - SAC detertninetion letter from MCIWS - catl 602-7000 call 602-1000 csll 602-1000 Speciat Inspaetions 6 Testing Schedule (1) ° vroiea apecs (1) energycalwlatlons (t) " Elachic Power 8 Li Min Form t " " Contact Building Inspections for sample Food & Beverage or Lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health. Catl 215-0700 for details. DATE: I (3"4t] WORK TYPE: NEW REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: I . J l CONSTRUCTION COST: ) TENANT NAME~' ~ SITE ADDRESS: "1 L'I y FJ Uacde4i SUITE LOT a00 BLOCK SUBD. W CrG & P.I.D. # l - ,_1,~~'/~ a- Name: ~-~J~ U~Ci W~(. Phone PROPERTY Last First l FS - a- owxEx Street Address: City State: N14 Zip: Company: ~CJ~ U 'w~ ~ ~~j(')~(~' Phone CONTRACTOR C~ 7U~ StreetAddress: Tip hel Ives License ft Ciry 6(CX14n State: ?"'1J Zip: ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Phone Name: Registration Street Address: City State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber (only'rf installing sewer 6 water): I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the infortnation rrect and agree to comply with all epplicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: ~ / l1.[ M C @^'~ Q9 OFFICE USE ONLY r t BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation 0 19 Comm./ind. Misc. ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 18 Comm./ind. ? 20 Pub{ic Facifity WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 33 ARerations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) BasemeM sq. ft. MC/WS System (Allowable) First Floor sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered Zoning sq. ft. Census Code # of Stories sq. ft. SAC Code Length sq.ft. Census Bldg. Depth Footprint sq. ft. Census Unit APPROVALS Planning Building Engineering Variance Permit Fee a~ a, as Valuation: $ 5urcharge 777= Plan Review MCNUS SAC City SAC Water Conn. 5/W Permit 5/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies TotaL• 'a" S % SAC SAC Units Meter Size ~ q BL ~I CITY USE ONLY ` JJ_ J RECEIPT#: r ~ ( ~3r~ SUBD. _ y'~IO C~ a Gl l G ~r~l RECEIPT DP.TE: ~ 1'I tl ~ PERMIT# 00353 2000 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MAi 55122 E51-681-6675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when pertnits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system FIXTlIRES EACH # TOTAL Aiterations to existing dwelling - minimum fee $ 30.00 Describe: Bath tub $ 3.00 x = $ Floor drain 3.00 x = $ Gas i ing outlet ` minimum - t 3.00 x = $ Hot tublspa 3.00 x = $ Kitchen sink 3.00 x = $ Laundry tray 3.00 x = $ Lavatory 3.00 x = $ Septic System „ewrretumisnea " requires MPC lic. 75.00 x = $ Septic System abandonment 30.00 x = $ RPZ new installation/repairlrebuild 30.00 x = $ Rough openin 1.50 x = $ Shower 3.00 x = $ Underground sprinkler rfdweliing is underconstructian 3.00 x = $ Underground sprinkler rfexisting dwelling 30.00 x = $ Water closet 3.00 x = $ Water heater 3.00 x = $ Water softener If dwelling under construction 5.00 x = $ Water softener if existing dwelling 30.00 x = $ Water tumaround 30.00 x $ State Surcharge 50 $ .50 TOtal ---a I , Sp Reminder: Call for inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. --------------------------------ad - I he~e acknowled e that I h-ave re this a Iication, state Mat the inforrnetion is cortect, and a ree to com by g pp g py with all appliw6le City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanPs Fesponsibilily to notify the property owner tha[ the Ciry of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused 6y the City during its nortnal operetional and maintenance adivdies to the facitides constructed under this pertnit within City property/right-of-way/easement. SITE ADDRESS: W I LLIAMS, CAROL OWNER NAME: : 4462 WOODGATE POINT TELEPHONE EAGAN, MN 55122 (AREA CODE) (651) 688-8326 INSTALLER NAM . TELEPHONE NORBLOM PLUMBINQ GO. (naE,acooe) STREETADDRESS iuBA / PPLIANCE RlSTALLE-RS 6 AVE. SOUY4d CITY: 2905 aARFI L AMNNiaqpOL13M"~ 5SAnn STAT ' ZIP: SIGN T OF PERMITTEE c Use BLUE or BLACK Ink L I For Office Use ¢ f I Of I Permit#k. _ 3 5 ~o p l t Permit Fee: o~ • S d I 3830 Pilot Knob Road f q ^ l Eagan MN 55122 f Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 t i CA . Fax: (651) 575-5694 t Staff: t f t 2013 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION v/ Date. Site Address. 14LA Unit#• Name: Phone: Resident/ Owner Address 1 City /Zip: i ; r Applicant is: Owner Contractor a Type of Work Description of work: r -Q cl ~ n r..9.. Construction Cost: tx) Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No ) -41 Company: 71-Ii-V\ Pr C. Contact: Y-N ? Address: t3` ~ Contractor City: ~ tsS'L- CI n State: Zip: Phone: t o t i s License 2) C LA T I l 2 t Lead Certificate a S, ' 1 C) - `o - G Q~ $ If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the fast 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Yes `No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone- Mechanical Contractor. Phone. Sewer & Water Contractor. Phone. NOTE. Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public` Information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Cali Gopher State One Cali at (651) 454-0042 for protection against underground utility damage. Cali 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www saooherstateonecall oro f hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and cedes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building pem* issued In accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. ) x if\DG. J k t.{t/ x Applicant's Printed Name Appitcant's Signature Page 1 of 3 AA (P~t tae till Plfat RnoD ~d i QeAe tiestMd~ ~ 6T5~0~ ist* r-a~ Vie) SIDENT AL BUILDING PERMff AppVCATION 2013RE Addle tna: r She M= d f d . i F ( ~7 a.Y' 1 Phone: jr3pr owner t APPS pemp,ption ofwodc Type of Work tNiUW4i 50 fires / No y.. suabv 1 cone cost r5i6A)AMOE 40 Address` l 3 t D P 5 ~ 2-~0 3 cantracw m 55eb& ' phone: &S7) j ~St A1dT ~37b~~ r _ (see page 3 for add) is err~tiran leased OWNICINGO, 000" sq)kdn *W- If the P Jsd Y AREA OtY COlrSTR AMWJNLM cownxm r hwawd a peFluKfWa oink pbm based an m P ~ in the taut 12 aronlhs, hes the CRY f Yes yes, deb old gddfem of master pia UCW Need poibers phoum Medarocal convacbr. phone. www a wmw©o s~f ac co _ C, ity. to f _ u=y demaee• Cal d6 honk ~ ~rpats~ Bi~oale~rou olra. Cal ooplmwsksw beFae yoe hea d b dip b veoetMB IOCMS end codes d>tas qb► d b ao~spiolD and aowtslx ihet the wk ,,M be h oo tae eaaWmcioes that the wo* wA be in Now for g popv*. and b dad ~wut Empm 'ad°' M is not s P~• but c* as APP we* of OWL dpppds+~aa w~ the appeMed 0M h 20 rase ctwoaklrtdcA acs Lode oaths ooemb"d rAeM ISO E elorworic M a bredlee P«aa ~ 10 8060011000 ~ e{ pit t,tesirieoe. r