4698 Walden Dr CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rosd, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE:454-8100 9288 BUILDING PERMIT Reu+p+ # 17Y6 To ba wed fer Est. Value $87 . 000 Date J UL Y 11 , 19 t5 4 Site Addreas Erect 0" Occuponcy Lot 11 Block 3 Sec1Sub. `ii~-L:?: Altar ? Zoning : Parcel No. Repoir ? Fire Zone Enlarpe ? Type of Const. j oe Name Move ? # Stories i qddress 1471 Demolish ? Length 12 ~ City Phone 4 `..i 4- 7 4j Grode p Depth __TT Sq. Ft. o Name SfLAVpror°b Fees Z~' U /lsseument Permit o~ Addresa ~ ul City Phone Water a Sew. Surcharge 9 5 0 Police Plon check 147.00 yVjW Name f' l.;"L Flro SAC 525.01) ~2 r GJ'J iil7i:F3OLi.)T I1V1:1 470.{lU Address Enfl. Water Conn. ~ W CitY Phone 8 i 4- i U t y Planner Woter Meter 6 3. 00 Countil Road Unit 260 .(I 0 1 hereby ocknowledge that I hove read this opplication and state that Bldy. Off. , the iniormation Is corred and ogree to comply with oll opplicable A~ Total j ~ 2~ ~ State of Minnesotu Stotutes ond City of Eogon Ordinances. Slpnaturc of Permittee A 8uilding Permit Is Issued to: ~ SL1NS1!.: %1L CONS 1' on the express condition Ihnt otI work sholl be done in ocoor~~te Mrith nll opplicable State of Minnesoto Statutes ond City of Eopen Ordinonces. 8ulldinq Official ' - ~~#~_;.E Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Permit No. Holder Plumbiny ~c) 3 H.V.A.C. Well Wrter Disp. S~wer Electric Inspection Date Insp. Other Foot$1b FounFramRouyRouqh HVAC J Inwlation Final Plbp. Finsl HVAC Final Wetsr Dsscribe Locetion: YYell - Sner Pr, Dkp. Reoeipt q15' ~ MECHANICAL PERMIT L~ Pbrm~t 40. CITY OF EAGAN Fe° ~ FiII in numbered spaces S/C Type or Prini /egib/y Tot. 1. Date DV Installation Cost ~ 3. Job Address Lot BI k. Tract 4. Owner .JUn/Sf/~ itlE C O'?57' 5. Contracto4RWEi?S f/T 61,41C Phone 6. Address 7990 RFS r'WG1W TE/L 0 1' 5 ~ s~y 7, CityE~c/1l /R,- C State 1)'2/? zipS 8. Building Type: Residential E~ Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New Eff" Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe Fuel Type /FT 11. No. Epuipment STU - M. Ea. No. Equiament CFM L/ Forced Air Air Handling: Mfg. 8oilers Mech. Exhaust Mfg, Unit Heater Mf9• Other ? Air Cond. Mfg, ? Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with II ordinances,ond codes governing this type of work. Signed : l'~s~l-A for Hough F inal Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 46448100 Raceipt PLUMqING PERMIT Permit No. CITYSOF EAGAN ~ Fee Fi11 in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legibly Tot 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Addfe~2~( ~J G&(,Lf LotBlk. ~ Tra6t~ 4. Owner L-X.,1 i_ l~~C~E1 l!, /Y ?~r 5. Contractor, Phone 6. Address 7. City 5tate f 11~~ ZiP 8. Building Type: Residential fl` Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New 42' Add ? Alter O Repair ? 10. Describe 11. No. Fixtures No. Fixtures Water Closet Cesspool/Drainfield ~ Bath tubs Septic Tank ~ Lavatory ~ Softner L Shower Well / Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Sfop Sink / Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances ar~ aodes governing this type of work. . Signed : yl ~et t -fibr / ' Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is yaur permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 3 Y ~ i , ~ + • k ~ Reoeipt PLUMBING PERMIT M~ Per C17Y OF EAGAN c~~ ~ Fee fill in numbered spaces - ~ S/C Type or Print legib/y , Tot. - 1. Datq 2 Installation Cost 75 3. Job Add~ Lot~Blk. _ Tract - 4. Owner - ~ . _ K..f C.. 5. Contractor X- Phone~ 6. Address c 'r" . ; 7. City State llx-" Zip - - 8. Building Type: Residential Q` Commercial ? Institutional ? ~ 9. Work Description: New Q" Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe 11. No, Fixtures No. Fixtures Water Closet Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tulu Septic Tank Lavatory Softner Shower Well Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other % Laundry Tray % Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Ouilets 12. 1 hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : ` for - Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464$100 CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition WAMEN HEIGHPS 1ST ADDN Lot il Blk 3 Parcel ia-asaeo=i'i owner screet 4698 WALDEN DRIVE state EAGAN kIN 55122 Improvement Date Amouni Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 61.33 A014543 9-11-84 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA ZZ 137.70 A014543 9-11-84 STORM SEW TRK g(~ 539.00 A014543 9-11-84 STORM 5EW LAT CURB & GUTTER 51DEWALK STREET LIGHT Road Unit 260.00 #44634 7-11-84 WATER CONN. 470.00 11 11 RUILDING PER, SAC tt r~ PARK .;ITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road pERMIT NO.: p. O. Box 211519 Eagan; MN 55121 DATE: Z~ing, No, of Units: Qwner: ~ p ~Vy~ ~/lddrcss: Tumber: Meter No.: 3~f a* y 3 Cr+nection Char9e: ~r ~ a,~,C~..• ~ vXooOUnt Oepostt: Size: Reade. N^- 04~" Permit Fee: IaOrm h aowPly wuh !iw Gh of gav• Surchorge: Oral Misc. Choroas: Total: Date Poid: By Date o nsp.: Insp.: CITY OF EAGAN SEWER SERYICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road pERMIT NO.: P. O. Bex 71199 Eagan, MN 55121 1 i:l No. of Units: 5unehine Const Qwner. Address: c, g Wald~n Drivc ''.3 Walcien ::^La lst $ite Address: cC&Y r1'.- F. Pl„mbe?: 100.00 ?a 425 00 n^ laqm te eomoy wfth !6s C*h? oF Ealan Connectlon Chorpe: - I 5 0~ P~ - l0.C`.; Odinenou. ~O°~ ~~t: f n c3 Permit Fee: Surdwroe: Misc. Cho?Om By Date of Irup.: Total: Doh Pofd: I nsp.: Thisrequeslvoid I/~S (~0 ~lg/z Y, 18 months from ~ A 083550 6o3 Ogde,- Hedu t Date Fire No. HovPh-in Inspection ~j R q red? ~NeaAy Nuw~yq•• ill No1ity InsPec- ~r ~Ves ?NO " `~o+WhenHeatly Licensed Elechical ConVactor I hereby raquast inspection of eDOVa ? Owner eleclrical work instelled et: Sveet AtlAress. Box or Houte Na. Ci1y ecuon o. 7ownship Name or No. Range o. County OccuV.m (PqINT) Phone No. .S`/' 7~~5 Pow Supplier Address Elec ' I Convacmr (COmpanv Name) Contrector's License No, Mailin Ad ess (COntracror o Owner Making Inslailation) ~55~/ ,yvner Making I.tallationl, Phone NumOer Authorized Signamre (Contracip.140 MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTNICITY TMIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT GrigBS•Midwey Bldg. - Room N•191 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAND UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS 7821 UniveraitY A.e., St. Peul. MN 66700 . Phon« 18121297.2111 ENCLOSEO. ~ i( 0 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAC INSPECTION olft ee-ooom oa %4 ' Sea insiructions fot comoleting Ihis form on beck of yellow copy. A 083556 "'x" Below Work Covered by This Aequest Add Reo. TVPe ot Building Apoiieneea WIroO Equiyment Wiretl. Home Range Temporary SQrvice Duplex Water Heater Lightin, Fixtures Api. BuilAing Dryer Electric Heatin Commercial Bldg. Furnace Silo Unloader Industrial BIAg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm c er oeu v ther ISOeci1N [ er SUec,ty thet Other Compute lnspectron Fee Below p Fee Servim EntronceSiza d Fee Fanders/SUbieedars tl Fee Circuits 574 0 to200qm s- Oto30Am s 0 io30Am s Above 200 qmps. 31 to 700 qmps 31 to 100 Amps Swimming Pool Above 700_Am s Above 700_P.m s 7ranstormers Irrigation Booms PartiaL'Other Fee Signs Speciallnspection $ Remsrks ~v TO7A fl0ugh-in ~ Da[e e cal spactor, herab y LIS certiiV ~het the above Final Date nsoeciion has been , Uld made. ihia reyueat voiC /8 monlM Irom CITY OF EAGAN l ~ 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-198, Eagan, MId 55121 NO 9288 t PHONE:454-8100 • BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # 3 Te M used fer SF DWG/GAR Est. Value $$7.000 pme JULY 11 ,1984~ SiteAddress 4698 WALDEN AR Erecr (f Occupancy R3 Lot 11 Block 3 SeclSub. WALDF.N H S 1 ST Alter [3 Zoning RZ Parcel No. Repair ? Fire Zone N/A U SHINE CONST Enlarge ? Type of Const. V _ ? # Stories = ndd ess 1 THOMAS LN Demolish ? Length Z 9 City EAGAN phone 454-7485 Grode p Depth 40 Sq. Ft.- Approrab Fees Q Name S~E Zo" Address Assessment Permit $ 394.00 City Phone Water 8 Sew. Surcharge uI 4 i 50 ~ JAMES R HILL Police Plan check_i.~00 Ww Name Fire SAC - 5 9 S 00 I 1i 8200 HUMBOLDT AVE x~ Address Eng. Wafer Conn. ~Q.. OO pZ City BLMTN phone 884-3029 plonner WaterMeter63~00 <W Coundl Rood Unir 960 00 I hereby ockrwwledge ihot I hove read this aDPlicotion ond state that gldg. Off. the inlormofion is correct and o9ree to comply with all opplicoble APC Total 952.50 $tote of Minnesoto Stotutes ond Cify of Eogon Ordirances. $ignnture of Permittee A Building Permit Is issued to: on the express condiflon thni all work shall be done in acco anca i I o licabl St te of Minnesoto Statutes ond City of Eooan Ordirronces. Buildirq Official DP, L c: ,,,CITY OF EAGAN Include 7 sets of plans, , r/ 1 Gertificate of Survey BUILDING PERMLT APPLICATION 1 set cf_ energy calculations. 'Ib He Used For ~ Valuation ~`i O00 Date 7~fTB~ Site Psiclress 446 98 CJa an Y-' OFFICE USE ONLY rAt ~ slocx -3 sec./sub. Erect X cccupancy ~-3 Parcel Alter Zoning R-~ / Repair Fire Zone Oaner: ..S'khS/~is,G ~~hd7~ccfi..n Enlarge Type of Const. Nbve # Stories Address: /~7/ ~y,,.,a Derolish Front ft. City/Zip Code: 04AJ Grade Depth 40 ft. Phone / AI'PROVALS FEES Contsactor: GG~acj e. Assesscnents permit ?aater/Sewer Surcharge Address: Police Plan Check City/Zip Cocle: Fire SAC IIzg. _ Water Conn. 4 Phore Planner Water Meter Lo 3. Council Road Unit 20. /~9. - ~lau,4S Bldg. Off. AddresS: $2o b /XG. Ld ~,.J1~7~ C APC . city/zip coae: phone # : 8$ ~ ~ a .1) TOTAL ~ , ~J s oZ ^ S Q Z~x2~ ' 7g~}x S4 - ~}233~ 'Z ~ x 27 ~ S~I 4- xS Q- ~ 3 50 ' (~~0 n 1 ' ~o n iv °(v~ x 4~ _410 cD ~ , , - CITY OF 4~5 BUILDIN6 DEPARTMENT ' EXTERIOR ENV PE AVERAGE "Ull COMPUTATION . (To be submitted with building permit applica'tibn) One or Two Family Dwelling Owaer ffi3L~ All Other Site Address Contractor Date Phone ~ PfF-!~O {,~.3eE LIN3AL r'EET OF E~OSED FtALL ft. above grade - Z39~v.00 TOTAL E}L°OSED WpLL ARs.A SQ. FT. 0?AQUE !Y6:LL CONSTRUCTI02+: "Ull Value x Area Detail flUll .O¢3 x S2. FT. )798•16 -__Zs,~()(A) relerence "U" .o9f3 x S@. FT. /7)•3z (U)(A) from R im IIU° , dq.p x SQ. FT. 67.(0 = •SO (U) (A) IVUII x SQ. FT. - (U) (R) attached sheets ilUit x SQ. FT. - (U)(A) x SQ. FT. - (U) (A) 1:ZNDOWS: "U" Value x Area Aia,'.te & Type ~G 11I.~otJCS~~Xf ?"UII x SQ. FT. /~i0•8¢ = 44.03 (U) (A) " " liUll x SQ. FT, _ (U)(A) " " )lUll x SQ. FT. - (U) (A) n v uUn X SQ. FT. - (U)(A) IIOORS: "Ull Value x Area :'•i-:..e & Type STG. /"VL. °U"_ x SQ. FT. 9.00 =&.5(0 (U) (A) Ir n .~.T1~ nUu .47 x SQ. FT. glt, = 39.4f3 (U)(A) n u nUu X SQ. FT. _ (U)(A) " " liUll x SQ. FT. _ (U) (A) ToTni,s 2396.00 sQ. YT. 230.84 (u) (a) AVERA(3E "Ult TOTAL (U)(A) V&L[IES 221_g ?~f _ DI VI DED BY TOTAL_ S'JALL AREA Z 39(v.00 ? AVLRAG;; 'fUll ,115 r less for 1&2 family dwellings P.OOF/CEILING: TOTAL AREA: ~ O Detail reference flUll .p2~ x SQ. FT. 1530 = 3S.19 (U)(A) from flUff x SQ. FT. : (U) (A) attached sheets. liUll x SQ. FT. - (U)(A) Describe onenings IIUII x SQ. FT. - (U)(A) ;n roof. flUff x SQ, F4'. - (U)(A) TOTAL (U)(A) VALUES DIVIDED BY N.:F( CVKxj TO . SL R00?/CE .'.::EA OZ AVERAGE 't 025 or ventilated roofs. ppppp~ I --WALL SECTIOF-- . Detezmining "Ult valuea at Roof, Wall, Rimg and Conc. Block ROOF/CEILIPT(i R VALUE 5 1.) Iaterior Air Y'ilm 0.61 z.) 5/81, Gyp. Bd. .56 . 3.) Insulation 49,oO 4.) 5.) Exterior Air Film ,61 1 2 3 (STILL) 6 oIIn = 1/R= 10TAL (R)= 41.79 l - 8 WALL R VALOE q 6.) Interior Air Film 0,68 7.) }n GYP. Bd. .45 8.) InsulatYon l9,po 9.) 2~3Zll z•04- 10,) Masonite Siding .67 17.) Exterior Air Film ,17 N ' tiUll _ t/x= -043 ToTAI, (R)=23_o( . ~2 RIM R VALUE 13 12.) Interior Air Film 0,68 13.) Insulatioa 00 14.) 211 Fir Rim Joist 1.88 15 15.) Zs~~aZ~r ~vi~T'~iTE Z•04 16.) Masonite Siding .67 17.) Exterior Air Film .77 Q . o • • • nUn = 1/*R= ,Cp~p TOTAL (R)=Z¢4~ U~ ~ FOUNDATION (R) VALUE 18.) Interior Air Film 0,6$ 2t • ~g 19.) °e 20.) n (D 9 21.) 121' Concrete Block 1.28 e n 22.) pj&IA jlv5.VL- $.oo 23 "b 23.) Exterior Air Film .17 e _ L>° uUn = tIR= .098 TOTAL (R)= I0.I3 CJoRK- ~t~G~T ~i C,-g~ q.sax (40+40-r58450) = 18~z.oo $.oo X ZS = Z. F,¢.op 5.0o X(ZB+Zz~) = Z7o. op sa° x (4+1) - 4o.oa Cow~ , Z~ 39~. no ,~v7X~~'~+4vtsg+s8~ = /31.3Z S•oo X(4 +4~ - 4 0, o 0 . S3 X~gOt-4+~f58tSB~ _ /~oZ•(o(~J-~ ~1rI Do v~ S _ z4x3~ _ (v.o X 4 = z~c~ Zbx44 = ~o-I X4R= Zi.¢¢ ~x4S = &•7 X 2= 1~.40 Z4~t4S = 8-o X 8= 64-.00 3zxy~ = 10.7 x z- z1.4o to x foo ~ g•¢ X 4= ~-v~.(po ZQ sr4. wj~.L = ZS.oo Z~- s-n.• s~.. = z~.oo PATio ~ z- = 84•00 ! ~ o~ Z, ~9(v.oo ZBxZB = 78¢ G~SS Covc.. ~~~32 ZZXZ(o = S7z ~bZ.~B loxlo = loa (047. Sg 7x 8= s'~ n LeoP-S l33•cn /.Sx /Z = /8 ~ /'s3100 SURVEYOR'S' CERTIFICATE SUNSHINE CONSTRUCTION C0. I C_ ll , ao 195.23 \ ~ / o I ~ N 86°40`02§#E a n '45 .05 40.02 oes.7x h 1 O A ~ " a' xpses ~ 5 l 00, : ~ xm ~ 9~ ~ r 11.031 !O ~ ~ q 28.0\ ~ N I `rf~mo \i°np`c i > ~ 1 J I Lo1 O • J$ 4~O \ o 12.0 u 'G 1 ~ I ^ ~"v, ai n rv+ aa o N ao c a ~ ~x a z \ y • ~ ~ x ~ . a I5 Z a 10.0 x4A W r~ o, o qh lo I '"c" ? 6 n ~ - PROP0366~ ~ ~ DRIVEWIIY ~y... N`~ 3p.00 N96&6{; ~ 969.7 Q Q tO 961.4X 7 13 . I 3 < 8.15'_-_ t . z'83 'Z,p4n E 195.23 ~ 45.05 ao.oi N , I w F b g81.6 < n a EX13T. BAR. P p 30 `i ~ L- -E-- DENOTES PROPOSED SURFACE DRAINAGE O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET -SCALE: 1 INCH = 30, FEET • DEPJOTES IRON MONUDIENT FOUND PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR = 9S$ FEET XD00.0 DEPIOTES EXISTING ELEVATION PROPOSED LOtJEST FLOOR = 9 5`S•7- FEET (000..0) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION PROPOSED TOP OF BLOCK = 9 S0>'4 FEET I HEREBY CERTIFY TO SUNSHINE CONSTRUCTION C0. THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARIES OF: Lot 11, Block 3, WALDEN HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. AND OF THE LOCATION OF A PROPOSED BUILDING. IT DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS, IF ANY, THEREON. AS SURVEYED BY ME, OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, THIS 67H DAY Of JULY, 1984. SIGNED: JAMES R. ILL, INC. v C BY: ~ HAROLD C. PETERSON, LAND SURVEYOR ' MINNES07A LICENSE N0. 12294 PROJECT NO. BOOK / PAGE JpMES R. HILL, INC. 84803 85 ~ Planners / Engineers / Surveyors FILE NO. 39 8200 Humboldt Avenu• South FO L DER ebomineton, Mn. 55431 612-884-3020 ; , z/aa CITY O F EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT El®r ~ SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION (PLEASE P4INT) 1) PP.OPE.T."P!' ADDR£SS: ZA~' Lc=,i, nESCRTPrzcN: ~o t/! .8/0 3 a(cQe 1-~-~ c (LOt/Block/Subdivision or Tax Parcel I.D. Ntmiber) ST".3L'CP7E, D.l'I- G_' ORIGidAL :.iiILCli`iG P~'~!IT ISSL:a.\iC^: ~ F~~~- ~•,•~b:/~'.-C°CS:~ ~'S:: ~ R-1 S=jGZEE r^PMffLY ? R-2 DUPLEX ('IT60 LiV2T5) C7 R-3 TCdvNH0i15E (THRE" +UNITS) ( W, I'"S) ? R-4 ADAR'!rE?."P/COMIDQ~LLNIU:I ( . Ci:II.; i p CaT4E.RCIAL/RETAI7,/OFE'ICE ? .Ti'DUSTRTAL ? INSTITUTIONAL/G0-v'E.4~~]MIIVT Z) ApnL7= / (PLEASE PRfNT) NF~'~1E: ~4 c+S U. ln..2. 6°~ S aDDxess: 14~7> "TZitfi..,a-s. CM, sTa'rE, zzP: P-4 ,J SS/Z Z PxoNE: 7 3) Pu:mER~e-~- ASE PRINI) . FOR CITY USE G,YLY NPatitE: PLUA AS LICE.YSE: ADDRESS: Q 5' Active CIT`!, STA'i'E, 2IP: Ezpired A'~itr. Q No(t,~~~7ord PHOi~IE: PLUMBER LICENSE N`~ j rJg~yjq of~~~" - arr initia 4) OCCUpp,yT/Gr,$IER (PLENSEPRINT) NAf~: ~r3~.,.•c_ Q .q ADDItESS : CITY, STA'PS, ZIP: PHO.^IE: 5) ItMIG;TC WfiICH PEPMIT IS BEING RDQUESTID: ~ C0N~IECi'ION 'IO CITY SE.Tr1ER ~ CC".TIEY.~I'IGN 'IO CITY t4ATER ? OTf'.ER (PLGASE DESCF2SBE) 6) r:DIC,.:: C:Z: ? PI.E1SE I:OID APPRUJFID PERtiIIT FOR PICY:-UP BY O[QE OF AB(T,'E ? PL.E1SE %7IL APP 'ID P=LLT TC) (C ~n4) APOVE 7) szc~n.RE: C ~~23 D~-; k; 7/x !~!!~ili~lldOi~illl~:flF~al~ftll~:~ . . ~"--1~lR~e[l~liiiaVR F 0 R C I T Y U S E 0 N L Y PE RtitlT " ISSUED ~ rcr.s: $ Sr;.;Eo noo~trT (I:iC:SUAC???:G~) $ WATER PERf1IT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) $ WAT°R METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSID-- RE„DER $ WATEP, TAP (I.ICLUDE CORPORATICN 5;02) $ SE;']Ep mpo $ ACCOUNT ^vEPOSIT - SES':ER $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - WATEB $ 7e, . WAC $ SAC $ T4UNK ?VATEA ASSF'SSME:IT $ TRU:7K SE6dER ASSESSMENT $ LATE°.AL BENEFIT/TRUNK SEIPER $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK WATER $ OTHER $ TOTAL $ ~v P.iMOUNT PAID/RECEIPT # DOc.S UTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLIC RIGiiT OF WAY? ~ YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN ~ PUBLIC ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSUED BY THE NO ENGINEERING DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDI- TION. SUBJECT TO TEIE FOLL0:9ING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: lTITLE:.~~',`} DATE: ~ as~ w+~ w~ s~ ~ w~c~ = ss~ wtr w s w~~ w~ w.+~ w~~ ~e w~~ w~ w.a wt s~ w~a rt+ w w~+ v October 21 1986 Mc. John Parranto Frontier Midwest Homes Corporation : 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Eagan, I+N 55122 Dear Mr. Parranto: I am sending this letter in hopes that we can all meet and discuss the evident problem which has occurred in my yard at 4698 Walden Drive, Eagan, MN. To refresh your memory, my yard is directly behind your three houses on Richard Way. Fill from the construction has washed up to my house and has killed my sod and cuined my yard. The amount of fill that has washed into my yard has caused the natural drainage of water to change from draining away from my house to diaining towards my house. in fact, for the first time in two years, I have a basement wall wet. Everyone seems to be blaming each other for the problem in my back yard, but nobody has addressed my concern of getting the problem corrected. I am currently getting estimates to remove all of the fill.that has : washed down from your homes and also estimates on the replacement of any damaged sod. I am sending this letter to notify each of you of my intentions to set up a meeting on Saturday moxning, October 11, 1966, to discuss the problem as gentlemen and neighbors and come up with a solution to take care of my yard problem. If I don't receive some action or solution, I will have no other alternative but to pursue legal action. Your response is requested within five days of the date of this letter. *1nely' H. Hale -454-5832 MH/]P cc: City of Eagan - Building Inspections Better Business Bureau Mr. Tom Colbert - Director of 8ublic Works Mr. Tom Sedges - City Administrator, Eagan October 2, 1986 Mr. William fluttner Huttper Construction ' 1415 Rebecca Lane Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Huttner: I am sending this letter in hopes that we can all meet and discuss the evident problem which has occurced in my yard at 4698 Walden Dzive, Eagan, M. To refresh your memory, my yard is directly behind your three houses on Richard Way. Fill from the construction has washed up to my house and has killed my sod and ruined my yard. The amount of fill that has washed into my yard has caused the natural drainage of water to change from draining away from my house to draining towards my house. In fact, for the first time in two years, I have a basement wall wet. Evecyone seems to be blaming each other for the problem in my back yard, but nobody has addressed my concern of getting the problem corrected. I am currently getting estimates to remove all of the fill,that has ; washed down fzom your homes and also estimates on the replacement of any damaged sod. I am sending this letter to notify each of you of my intentions to set up a meeting on Saturday morning, October 11, 1986, to discuss the problem as gentlemen and neighbors and come up with a solution to take care of my yard problem. If i don't receive some action oc solution, I will have no other alternative but to pursue legal action. Yaur response is requested within five days of the date of this letter. ;1chae rel l H. Hale - L454-5832 MH/]P cc: City of Eagan - Building Inspections Better Business Bureau Mr. Tom Colbert - Directoz of Public Works Mr. Tom Hedges - City Administrator, Eagan RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 New Conehuctlon NeaulremaMe AemotleVlieoair Reqplrementa • 3 regislereA sHe surveys showing sq. 8. of bt, sq. iL of house; and gll roofed areas • 2 copies of plan (20%maxhnumbtcoveregealbwed) • isetofEnergyCalculationslorheatedatlAitbns -7 Q • 2 copies oi plan showhg heam 8 window slzes; poured tountl tlesign, etc.) • 1 sile survey lor exterior addifions & decks • 1 set of Energy Calculations • Intlicate H home servetl by septic system for add'dbns • 3 copies of Tree Preservatbn Plan d bt phatte0 afler 7/1193 • Rim Joist DeteD Options selectbn sheet (DIOgs wfth 3 or less units) DATE S u- vz' VALUATION do SITEADDRESS MULTI-FAMILYBLDG _Y _N NPE OF WORK 7a,,. 6C g R~~ FIREPLACE(S) _ 0_ 1_ 2 ~ APPLICANT ~tc~d ~o"sE'"ucbo-n STREET ADDRESS 62 -ki1¢n Lane. CIiY Lctde ~L~ STATE ci4^j ZIP J-5-11 7 TELEPHONE #65146- 2019 CELL PHONE a61Z- 3~,9- 191z. FqX# "7-444- 05__L5- PROPERTY OWNER I~ ~'~'°1-• TELEPHONE #6S 1' `FSzI- gOz2- COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR -NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY I MINNESOTA RULES 7672 (4 submission type) • ResidenGal Ventilatlon Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Plumbing Conhactor: Phone # Plumbing system includes: _ Water Softener _ Lawn Sprinkler Fee: $90.00 Water Heater No. of R.I. Baths No. of Baths Mechanlcal ContraCtor: Phone # Mechanical system includes: _ Air Conditioning Fee: $70.00 _ Heat Recovery System Sewer/Wafer Conhactor. Phone # ' I hereby acknowledge That I have read this application, state that the in rmation i c rect, and agree to comply wffh all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes ond Clty of Eagan Ord nces. Signature of Applicant _...~_..r._... OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 4/02 ~-~yq S 14,IS. so 2006 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PeRnnirAPPUCATioN CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. Date 6~ I ~ IC l). Site Street Address rl '4~ Unit # Property Owner~a` + O L~~ ' - Telephone # (~j( ) ktl Contractor, 7~- ~~~~Al~ C l I~~ 1.TL~1~- Telephone #o«) ~~si CXS~C~ Address`~n~ l'Tl City T\ LL~~,a~~ State Zip W) I • The Applicant is: _ Owner V Contractor _Other Septic System _ New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license Includes County fee $ 100.00 Per as-built $ 10.00 Alterations to existing dwelling . $ 50.00 _ Add plumtiing fixtures. This fee includes installafion of a water softener and/or weter heater at the same time: '1f y' ou are lnsta!ling onrv a water soRener and/or water heater, do not complete this section; move to the nezt section and check the appliance(s) you are installing. , . _Septic Syslem Abandonment _Water Turnaround (add $130.00 if a 518" meter is required) , Other: ~ Water Softener Water Heater $ 15.00 ,Y_, new _ replacement Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuiid $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ .50 Total t hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Perinit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance wilh the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plum6ing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, work is nol to start withoul a permit and work will be in accordance with the approved plan in ihe event a plan is requir o be reviewed and approved. Applicant's Printed Name pli anPs Signature 9(0 4350.s0 2007 RESIDENTIAL MECRANICAL PEI2MIT APPL[CAT10N City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 '1'elephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for: single family dwellings & townhomeJcondos when pertnits xrc required (or euch mlit Date 0 9/ 1 7/ 0 7 Site Address 4698 WALDEN DRIVE Uoit # PropertyOH•ner TODDHILGERT Telephone#(651 ) 688-3324 Contractor GENZ-RYAN Street Address 2200 W HWY 13 City BURNSVILLE State MN Zip 55337 Telephone# (952 ) 7167-1000 Bond 929298827 Expires: 8/14/08 The Applican[ is _ Owner X Contrac[or _ Other Firc repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) $ 90.00 This fee applies when extensive mechanical repairs are made to a building. Add-on or alteration to existiog dwelling unit s 50.00 X furnace _Additional X Replacement _ New air exchanger air conditioner heat pump other State Surchargc $ .50 'Cotal $ 50.50 I here6y apply for a Residemial Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that [he information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of [he City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; tha[ I understand diis is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start wi[hout a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the casa of work which requires a review :uid approval of pla~is. ~ KIMRENVILLE Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type: Building 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Permit Number: EA116405 Eagan, MN 55122 Date Issued: 10/07/2013 (651) 675-5675 ~ Egln www,ci.eagan.mn.us O Site Address: 4698 Walden Dr Lot: Oil Block: 003 Addition: Walden Heights PID: 10-83300-03-110 Use: Description: Sub Type: Single Fam Construction Type: Work Type: Day Care Inspection Description: Census Code: - Occupancy: Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Comments: Holly Adams 651-348-7312 Fee Summary: Day Care Inspection $50.00 1221.4216 Total: $50.00 Contractor: Owner: - Applicant - MATTHEW ADAMS 4698 Walden Dr Eagan MN 55122 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA158383 Date Issued:10/10/2019 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4698 Walden Dr Lot:011 Block: 003 Addition: Walden Heights PID:10-83300-03-110 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Matthew Adams 4698 Walden Dr Eagan MN 55122 (651) 428-9672 Roofs R Us 941 W 80th St Bloomington MN 55420 (612) 282-8092 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature