4723 Walden Dr CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 `PHONE:454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # Tobeusedfor S~ DVtGfVAR EstValue S78?UUG Date r"AY 14 '19 86 Site Address 4723 WALaEN nR Erect Occupancy Lot.2.() Block 3 Sec/Sub. WALULN HiS ZS`1Remodel ? Zoning ~Z Parcel No. Repair ? Type of Const. Addition ? No. Stories W Name UNI~7r4 ;r~L B(IILUE:`2S Move ? Length Z ~~~.'LJEN D:t Demolish ? Depth 40 o Address 4731 Int Impr. ? Sq. Ft Ciry '•AGA''V phone 45$-0982 Install ? o Name Sai+i~ Approvals Fees oQ Address Assessment Permit $ 367. U Si City Phone Water & Sew. Surcharge 39, QQ ~ Police Plan Review 1~~- 50 ~W Name ~jV~~:5 R Hit.'L Fire SAC 575.00 Address 620U KUciBOLD't' AVic; SO En Water Conn. 500.00 i W City BL;-iTlJ phone $84-3029 Planner Water Meter 63.50 Council Road Unit 2 y 0• U0 Iherebyacknowledgethatlhavereadthisapplicationandstatethatthe gldg.Off. 5/14/d Tr.PI. 156.00 information is correct and agree,to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes a d City of Cagan Ordinances. APC Parks ~ Var. Date Copies $ 1.00 Signature ot Permittee Total $2.17 51 00 A Building Permit is issu6d to: UNIVERSAI. AL:JRS on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minngsota Statutes aQd~C ty of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official iCt z k-' -r PermR No. Pom+R Hddsr Da1e Telephone # Plumbiny MI.V AZ. ENctrfc ;v Softener Irapeetbn Date Insp. Commenb ~ Footin7- Foundation footleFraming /~a RooHng Rough Piby. Rouph Hty. Insul. ~ Finplacs Final Nty. Final Plby. 4 d. I J Bldg. Final ca,. occ. -Ye - j fIt C 1Daek Ftp. ~ ID*ck Frmy. 11 WNI 11 I Pr. Dkp. 11 -WIT n?- a w ' PERMIT y 3a # ' PLUMBINGi PERMIT RECEIPT # ' CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55121 DATE CONTRACT PRICE PHONE: 454-8100 Site Address BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot Block Sec/Sub Res. ~ New ~ Name L " 4 ° ' ~ - • r ' m Mult Add-on ~ Addr Comm. Repair c City ' ~ ' . ' ~ • Phone Other ~ ~ N,O. FIXTURES TOTAL ~ Name ~ Water Closet - $3.00 $ 3 Addr i • , i' ` , aEEL:vatory th Tubs - $3.00 0 C~ , Phone - $3.00 I Shower - $3.00 ~ FEES ~Kitchen Sink - $3.00 COMM/IND FEE - 196 OF CONTRACT FEE Urinal/Bidet -$3.00 y MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE _ $1p,pp ~~undry Tray - $3.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE _ 20.00 Floor Drains -$1.50 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT _ ~_~ater Heater -$1.50 t•- Whirlpoot - $3.00 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES 3 BEYONO a1,000.00) Gas Piping Outlets -$1.50 1-Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTl t: FEE . ~ ~ . STATE S/C: . '-1.~ - FOR: CITY OF EAGAN GRAND TOTAL: - PERMIT # MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EIIGAN p 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55121 DATE r=~~ CONTRACT PRICE , PHONE: 454-8100 Site Address ` BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION ~ Lot ~ Block Sec/Sub A f/e_lGh'. i; . Res. New m Name Addr~/ y5 x~ U~ L71T ~,4i~, MuR Add-on Comm. Repair c City , L~ S E~j• Phone Other ~ Name FEES c Address, 12 • RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24.00 p Ciry /,2'-)Phon~ L- ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 ADD-ON AIR COND. 0-24 BTU - 12.00 ADOITIONAL 6 M BTU - 6.00 TYPE OF WORK ~ u GAS OUTLETS - 1.50 EA. Forced Air M BTU COMM/IND FEE - 19b OF CONTRACT FEE Boiler M BTU MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - 10.00 Unft Heater M BTU MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - 20.00 Air Cond. ~ M BTU STATE SURCHAFiGE PER PERMIT - .50 Vent CFM (ADD $.50 S/C IF PEfiMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000.00) Gas Piping Outlets # 4 d Other FEE S/C: ~ ~GNATW(~iE OF PERMITTEE TOTAL ~26 00 FOR CITY OF EAGAN CITY OF EAGAN Remarks v.;' Addition UTALDEN HEIGHTS 1ST ADDN Lot 20 Rik 3 Parcel 10-83300-240-03 owner street 4723 WALDEN DRIVE state EAGAN MW 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 50 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA ZZ 7 STORM SEW TRK $ 5 4 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEINALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PAR K CITY OF EAGAN WATpt SERVICE PERMR 3830 wilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eegan, MN 55121 D^TE: Zoning: No. of Unlts: Owrwr: Addnss: Si» Nddross: Plumber. Mater No.: 3 74 / S oZ ,'SD Siu: .F ecJC , aead.. no.: Q / • I .e+.. t..on~r ~ 16. c~rr .~~ifi , , ' o.A..mm.. dkA~`EpKON~ ey aor. Paw: oote of I . insp.: . ~r29J~b CITY OF EAGAN SEWE SaNECE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21139 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DA'TE: joninp: No. of Units: Ownwr. - - Addross: - Slte Addross:' Plumber. •;1 n,~; 1 qrw M~sph wMY tV Ciyr of Bova Corv»ctlon Charyt. Acaourrt bePosif, ~ Prm+it F": Surcharpr - gy Mrsc. Choro.s: Date of Inap.: Totai: Insp,; Datr Pald: This requesl voitl i ~O 78 nwn[hs (rom o Q L ~G Fjequest Oo e Fire No. R~oqpheOnlnspeclion ~fleatly NowNWill Nolify.lnsoec- ~ ~~as ?NO 1or When Ready p Licensed Electrical ContrACtor I hereby re0uest insPection of above - Owner electrical work installed et: Straet AtlAress, Box or Flovte No. . Ciry M er.uon o. Township Name or No. flange No. Cnty Occupant (PRINT) Phone No. s-o Sz UNIV)i~sAL BLbRg. Power Supplier Adtlress S ' . 0 Z4 Elecvical Contractor ICOmpany Namel Contracmr's License No. C , 0345y9 Mailing AdJr ss e (Co h nacmr or Owner Makiny InstailatioN D, 7 /ZOS rC' OUNTf M N ~Jd`~Ei ~ Aut ~i;ed Signature IContraaor'Owner Making Installationl Phone Number MINNESOTA STATE BOA D OF ELECTNIC THIS INSPECTION flEQUEST WIIL NOT GriBes-Midwey Bldg. - Noom N-191 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAND 1821 UniversitY Ave.. SL Paul. MN 55104 UNLESS PflOPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (612) 297-2111 ENCLOSED. ~_3~ S_(P ;EQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ~'y a~ Sea instructions for compieting this form on back oi Vellow copy. ~i r1 ~l ) 2"X"' Below Work Covered by 7his Request AA Rep. 'Type oi Builtling AoPliances Wiretl Eqoiument Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Api. 8uilding Dryer Efectric Heatin Commercial Bldg. Fumace Silo Unluader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tenk Farm otner ueci vdt5 Fth,:r Isncr,ilvl t er yeu y Ot er 01h¢r ompute nspection fee 8elow p Fee Sarvice EntrenceSixa In Featlers/Sabtaeders N Fee Circits 1 IS. oC 0 [0 200 Am s 0 to 30 Am s o 30 Am>s Above 200 qmps31 to 100 qinps / S.cO 31 to 100 Amp, Above 100_AmPs Swimming Pool Above 100-Am t TranstormerS gation BomS ~,'L,.Partiat%Oth Signs Speciallnspection ' Rem3rks . TOTA FE r (r, flouBh-in [he EI ' al s0actoq heraby VT certifv ~het the above final D`i, ' spection hes Deen de. / (hISrepueatvaitliBmonthsirom ' Req est Date Fire No. Rou .In Inspaclion Require inion pNer Than Fough-In (Vou must cell inspedwhready) Reetly Now ~ Will Nofty Inspecmr ? Ves ~l0 0 e Rea I' licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Job Atltlress (Sireet, Boz or Route No.) '7 -e n r It: ~ a» Section No. Township Name or No. Range No. Coun FCJ~ Occupanl(PFINT) Phone No.s~c ~ r ~ - ~1 P r Suppier ntldress L ; N ry y~. ry ~ fi~t /ec~'e- i~ 30 w s~ Ele Irical ConVacror (COmpany Neme) Conlrectols License No. N 2- d s 15lec.fri'c l3 -2 Mailing AOtlress (ConVacbr or Owner Making Inslallation) J U i e Y''i v553 3-7 AuNarizetl Siqn re (Conlrec orlOVmer Makin s etion) Phone Number ESOTA 5 ATE B ARD OF E ECTPIqTY THIS INSPECTION REOUEST WILL NOT Griggs-lAidway Bldg. - Poom 5428 II II I~II II I I I I I I I I II I I II BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOARD 1821 Univeraity Ave., St. Vaul, MN 55104 UNLE55 PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phonre (612) 642-0800 ENCLOSED. 4t EQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION es-ooooi-os ~ simctions tor rqmplelinq this' form on Gack ot yellow copy. ~efr "X" Below Work Covered by This Request Ne Add Rep. Type of Building Appliianc4es Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplez Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Load Management Comm./Industrial Furnace Other (Specd ) Farm Air Conditioner Other (specity) Con[racmr's RemaBr 1 J'I Ci yG Z-° ~A 1 l' / 1 Compute Inspection Fee Below: Q p I # Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Circuits/ eeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200_Amps ove 100 _Amps Si ns Inspecmrs Use Only: TOTAL~ Irrigation Booms 1f~ • ~ Special Inspection V 6 • Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY B D DISCONNECTED IF NOT Othar Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, ihe Electrical Inspector, hereby Ro°gn-'" oWe cedify thai the above inspection has Final oa~ been made. tl '0& OFFICE USE ONLY . This request voitl 18 monuhs fmm ' CITY OF EAGAN • ~ 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 N2 11942 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE:45a-St00 /s~ Receipt # ~ y Tobausedfor SF DWG/GAR Est.Value $78,000 pete MAY 14 9 86 SiteAddress 4723 WALDEN DR Erect ,--x R3 L1' Occupancy Lot 20 Block 3Sec/Sub. WALDEN HTS 1ST Remodel ? Zoning Rl Repair U Type of Const ll*+ Parcel No. . Addition ? N0. Stories W Name UNIVERSAL BUILDERS Move ? Length 55 z 4 7 31 WALDEN DR Demolish ? Depth 0 o Address Int. Impr. ? Sq. Ft. Ciry EAGAN phone 454-0982 Install ? o Name Same Approvals Fees $a nddress Assessment Permit $ 367.00 " Ciry Phone Water&Sew. Surcharge ~A ~0 Police Plan Review 1 R'i _ 50 ~W Name JAMES R HILL Fire SAC 575.00 ~e nddress $200 HUMBOLDT AVE SO En WaterConn. 500.00 aw c;ty BLMTN Pnone $84-3029 Planner WaterMeter 63.50 Council Road Unit 290.00 Iherebyacknowledgethatlhavereadthisapplicationandstatethatthe gid .Off. 5/14/86 Tr. PI. 156.00 information is correct and agre to comply with all applicable State of 9 Minnesota Statutes d ity o agan Ordinances. APC Parks ` Var. Date Copies ~ 1. 00 Signature ot Permitte Total $2. 175 _ 00 ABuildin Permitisis edto: UNIVERSAL BLDRS 9 on the express condition that all work shall be don in accordance with all applicable Slate ol i Statute i of Eagan Ordinances. Building OHicial -Jl' 1986 BOILDING PfiRMIT APPLICATIOA - CIT4 OF fiAGAP AOTE: ALL CONTRACfORS MQST BE LICENSSD iiITH THE CITY OF EAGAN COMMERCI9L SINGLS FMffLY DfiELLING3 INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS & STRQCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS ENERGY CALCULATIDNS~ $2,000 LANDSCAPE HOND To Be Used For: ~~jjf-V`~iop; ~ Date: S Z Site Address L , OFFICE QS6 OHLY Lot 2V Block Erect ~ Oceupancy ;C3 / :5y-Remadel - Zoning j{- Pareel/Sub Repair Type o£ Const 7~ / / Addition # of Stories Owner G~~1fG}' _~syL.pir+/ Move ~ Length Demolish J Depth ~ Address Int.Impr. Sq Ft Install City/Zip Code _ Phone PPROVALS EEES Co r or l Assessments Permit o7 Water/Sewer 5urcharge ~ A dress GJ~A*Ll Police Plan Review ~p Fire SAC Cit Code 72=Z- Engr Water Conn .N Planner Water Meter ro 3.,~U Phone Couneil Road Unit Bldg Of reatment P1 Areh./Engr. APC Parks Variance Copies ('Z, V. Address TUT6I. City/Zip Code - Phone # 112 NOTS: 6DDRESS&S FOR COBHER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HUMEOftRER MOST DFSIGNAI'E WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRID. NO CH6NGES WILL BE ALLOiiED OHCE BOILDIPG PERAfIT I3 ISSQED. JAVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE UNIVERSAL BUILDERS - 9~ WALI)EN ORIVE 0 9R ~308.30 ~§s~.~i M xas~,~ .20.00 0'ppI. E 38~4 Sr:3 t, I ~~o O o'O O g ; O tS gJ,~ ° j ' ~ s o ~o CQ ~a ~4"i-\ ~ q', q I+1 r •.IL ':(,,p 0 0 / K 1 /01 / 942.is =W ~•4q,p xeae.i 28.0 X • 22.0 0 a GAR W N ~ 'DO ~ PROFOSED o o ~ v p' o ~ ^ p \p 4.57 HOUSE \ P W i 938.8 % 945b% i0\ tr A O ~ T 46.T6 N ~ _y` 28.0 ~ I M 00 I C O . <V I v) I ~ LOT 20 I IN s,. 3 98 ~ I ~X EAGAN ~ REVIEWED £,O - LBY5 ' SfM£NT P£R PLAT h ~ ~1 le DATE NO°43'05°E 83.60 RPviewed with comrnent for 51ea CorpGeoration ' - t.his/~day of/~1,",, 1`9E36 z SFIEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS PROJECT N0. BOOK / PAGE JAMES R. HlLL, INC. 86383 153 /43 P(anners / Engineers / Surveyors FILE NO. 8200 Humboldt Avenue South ' FO L D E R Bloohilngton, Mn. 55431 812-884-3029 S~l3AVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE - UfiIVEP.SAI BUILQERS DENOTES PROPOSED SURfACE DRAINA6E p DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET SCALE: 1 INCH_ ) FEET • DENOTES IRON h10NUMENT FOUNU f ROPOSED GARIIGE FLOOR ~ 94.~ FEET - XOOO.U UENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION PROPOSED LOWEST FLOUR ~9 4ff1~ FEET (000.0) DENOTES PROP05EU ELEVATION PROPOSEU TOP OF BLOCK = 9 5~3 fEET. (qj EloJSG rSLON-() I HERE6Y CERTIFY TO UNIVERSAL BUILDERS TIIAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATIUN UF A SURVEY OF THE I30UIJUARIES DF: Lot 20, Block 3, 4fALDEN IiEIGHTS FIRST AiDnnesota,according to the recorded plat thereof, Cakota County, AFlD OF Tl1E LOC/1TION OF A PROPOSED BUILUIIJG. IT UOES NOT PURPORT TO SIIOI•! IhiPROVEMENTS OR EIJCROACHF1EfJT5, IF AIJY, THEREON. AS SURVEYEU IlY h1E, OR UWDER h1Y DIRECT SUPERVISIOIJ, THIS 4TN UAY Of Mo.¢.CH , 1986. . 51GWEU: JAI4E5 R. iILL, IIJC. LiY : ~ HAROLU C. PETERSUN, LANO SURVEYUR F11tJIlESOTA L1CEtVSE N0. 12294 SHEET 1 OF 2 St1EETS PROJECT NQ. soorc i pnce JAMES R. HILL, INC. 86383 153/43 P(anners / Engineers /_Surveyors fILE ~~0. 8200 Ilumboldt Avenue South FOLDER eioolt,i„9tot,,MiL 55431 012-004-3029 . ~ CITY OF EAGAN ~1( S ~ E%TERIOR ENVELOPE AVERAGE 'U' COMPUTATION 01dTHER: ~ALDrN SITE 6DDRESS• ~0 7 00 , ISL K 4 ~ CONTRACTOR:• DATE:_ PHONE: .5~~-~?Cj~'Z Y' 7-- Determine rorking square footage of each: 1. Total exposed wall area ZfoS q sq. ft. x.11 - Z • 94 2. Total roof/ceiling area IIZp sq. ft, x.026 Total exposed wall area above floor = a. Total wall window area Zo¢ b. Total door area 39 c. Total sliding glass area 4,zzl d. Total fireplace wall area 14 e. Total wall framing area (average 10%") J54,4 f, Total net wall area above floor- [ S:M,- g. Total rim joist area I./2,8R Total exposed foundation area - fno h. Total foundation window area z. ,Total net foundation area above grade Determine 'U' value of each wall segment: a. z04 x 'U' ,SS - Il8•~Z b. 35 X' u' •-P(~ = I 6 1 D c. qZ x 'U' 15t = sG, d. 10 x 'U' - , G¢ , e. 154.4 x 'U' ,IS f. r541, X 'U~ ,Od = 9. 1/2.R8 X 'U ~ .0_ = ~,SZ h. X 'U' _ i. x ' U' - 3 . Total = Z4'8. b If item l13 is the same as or less than item IF1, you have met the inten of SBC 6006(c)2. Total exposed roof/ceiling area LLZz) j. Total skylight area k. Total roof/ceiling framing area (average 10%) ii L 1. Total net insulated roof/ceiling area __1z.Q ~ (OVER) ry Determine 'U' value for each roof/ceiling segment: • J . /'Cl x ' U' k. I I Z Xlut.~0~_ T T . 1. I ~ (i V X I u< < o CiJ = ~ ^ ~ r 4 . Total If total of f14 is the same as or less than 112, you have met the intent o SBC 6006(c)1. Alternate Building Envelope Design To utilize the total envelope system method, the values established by the sum of Items #3 and Jk4 shall not be greater than the sum of Items !I1 and 112, 1. ZZ.S.q9' + 2. Zcl ~i = .06 3. Z-fi8.0,6 + 4. 4QZ = I ~ , ******#**t*~*~****#**#****#****##*#* 'C ITY O F E A A f~ **O~' PAYMF' OF FF1? AT TIME OF ; . * APPI,ICAIZON DOEs P70T CAIISTIITJIE * APPROVAL OF PFI2NIIT. ~ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT * * INSPF7CTION oF SEWM AbID/O2 vAMM ; ~ - *F T115`PAi.T.ATTONS WILd, NOrr BE SCBED- ; SEWEFi AWD/OR WATER CONNECTION : ULED UMIIL PE111-JIT RAS BEEN ~ * nrPROvm. ; * > » > ***********.*k**x***.**********«*.*. P ease Print 1) PROPERTY ADDRESS : 1723 GCJR ~ pt r~ O r, 411'1~ " LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Subdivision or T'ax Parcel ID ) IE' EXISTING STRC'CIL'RE. DATE OF ORIGZNAL B[!ILDING PERMZT ISSL'ANC.E: ~ (Mon Year) PRESIIVP ZANING/pROPQSID C'SE: Q CQtiME[tCIAL/REfAIL/OFFICE 02R-1 SINGLE FAMILY ' f-7 IDIDOSTRIAL Q R-2 DOPLEX (Two Units) ~ INSTITL'TIONAL/GOVERNMENT ~ R-3 TOWNEIOOSE (Three + Units) ( Linits) R-4 APARTNffNP/COAIDOMINIC'M ( Units) 2) ~ . rwnREss: ciz^r, srATE, ' PHONE: /~23 - (v (o . i,;,,. For City Use Pluaibers License: ADDRESS: Active E7xpired i CZTY, STATE, ZIP: Not recorded PHONE: MASTER LI(ENSE# St~intlal • • ia~• , , taaME:_~n«_.5u:-Q~ ADDRFSS: ' CITSt, STATE. 2IP: PHONE: s-454 -O l9 S oZ -5) n v ~ ~ r• .56 y• y~56 U2r"CONNECrION 70 CITY SEWEft Cb,,-~CONNECfION TO CITY WATIIt OTfm ' . 6) v.• r ~ PLEIASE HOLD APPROVID PERMIT EY)R PICK-C~P BY ONE OF ABOVE . P PLF.1aSE MAIL APPRC/VED PERh1IT 1 2, 3, 4, ABOVE ~j -(Circle one) 7) '1: ~ Y Y'I: M ~ ..•1 • I' U• ? 1:1• . i~. Y71' .a. ~ r r. • «:n •,na~ ~ ~ ~ • a- • u a• • n ~ y. 4 . FOR CITY USE ONLY .~PERMIT # ISSUED 7 R . ~ Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: $ $ lC.SD SEWER PERMIT (INCLCDE SORCHARGE) $ $ /D, WATER PERMIT (INCLUDE SC'RCHARGE) $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OC'TSIDE READER ' $ $ WATER TAP (INCLODE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ SEWER TAP $ $ /SC7~ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEWER $ $ e-) ACCOONT DEPOSIT - WATER s ~ DD , O ~ $ wAc s $sAc $ $ TRDNK WATER ASSESSMENT $ $ TRC'NK SEWER ASSESSMENT $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRC'NK SEWER $ $ LATERAL SENEFIT/TRONK WATER 154 , nC) $ WATER TREATMENT PLANT SLRCHARGE $ $ OTHER: $_I~~y J~~) $ 51,0c) TOTAL RECEIPT RECEIPT DOES LTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? E-1 YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PUBLIC ' Q ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSDED BY THE ENGI[VEERING NO DIVISIO[V. LIST AS A CONDITION. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY; TITLE: DATE: 0 twin city testinq corporanan 662 CROMWELL AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55114 ~OIL OBSERYATIONS ANDNTESTING~ WALDEN HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION PROJECT: BLOCK 3, LOT 20 Ju°y 11, 1986 REPORTED T0:4723 WALDEN DRIVE City of Eagan EAGAN, MINNESOTA ttn: Bldg Insp Dept Universal Builders Attn: Gary Saldin 4731 Walden Drive , LABORATORY No. 4131 86-1564 INTRODUCTION _ This report concerns our observation and testing of soil conditions at the Walden Heights First Addition site in Eagan, Minnesota. The area involved was Block 3, Lot 20. Our work was requested by Gary Saldin of Universal Builders on May 22, 1986. The scope of work we were requested to perform consisted of the following items: 1. Observe soils exposed within the excavation for the referenced house. 2. Perform shallow hand auger borings to explore localized subsurface soil conditions. 3. Document the observed soil conditions. 4. Perform density testing on new fill placed to attain garage slab grade. CONCWSIONS Based on our hand auger borings and visual observatlons, previously placed fill was exposed in the mafority of the house excavation area. In a small area located in the northwestern corner of the garage, natural granular soils were observed. These observed natural soils appeared capable of supporting the planned building construction. We understand that the natural sotl condttions beneath the fill and subsequent compaction testing of f111 placed previously at the site was performed and judged suitable by others. Eight density tests were performed on new ftll placed in the garage area of the referenced house pad. The results of the tests, which are attached, indicate our recommended compaction levels have been achieved at the elevations and locations designated. As a munAL owonerian To euaNTS, Twe eusue Ano ouaeewsv, nu aMwma ^wa euewnrreo -s TwM c~iaewnw -owrm os cuc'na, atio Au'r.wn-- LTION FOiI PYBIICPTIGV W BTAiHM4HTB, CONCLYBIONY CR !%TwACTY FpOM OR RiO~NGN~ dIF Fl~ I! NlYR V!G P6NOINOIXIN WnITTlN APP40VLL ~ twin at4+ testinq . CI corPOraCion 662 CROMWELL AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 65114 PHONE 612/6453601 SOIL OBSERYATTONS AND TESTING LABORATORY No. July 11, 1986 4131 86-1564 2 CONCLUSIONS (cont.) It should be noted, that the natural soil conditions prior to filling and the density testing of the subsequent fill observed were judged suitable by another testing laboratory. Accordingly# we.cannot comment on the suitab111ty of these soils which are unobservable to us. Hence, thts report is limited to presenting the results of compaction testing performed on new fill.placed to attain garage slab elevation. r.ONCTRUGTION INFORMATION We understand the construction in progress is for a single-family dwelltng of wood-frame construction. We understand the house will be split entry design. Overall dimensions will be 40' x 281 for the house wlth an attached 22' x 24' garage to the north. Garage floor elevation will be at 949.31. We have no informatlon regarding designed foundation loadings, however, we assume unit loadings will be rather light, on the order of 1500 psf. OatFRYATIUN METHODS AND RESULTS On May 22, 1986, we were requested to observe soil conditions exposed for Block 3, Lot 20 of the Walden Heights First Addition. We placed a series of shallow hand auger borings within the exposed soils to aid in depicting the local subsurface soil conditions. The soils were visually and manually classified in accordance with ASTM:D2488, and,estimates were made of their strength properties. Our hand auger borings and visual observations indicated the soils exposed to be primarily old fill. In a small area located in the northwestern corner of the garage, it appeared as though natural sands were exposed. These sands did appear to be competent. Based on a top of curb elevation of 953.9', the natural soils observed in the garage area were at bottom elevation 9341. The f111 observed at the site varied from approximately 9351 in the garage area to 949.5' in the southwestern corner of the living area. We understand this lot had been previously excavated and refilled, with engineering observations and density testing performed by others. We further understand, all natural soils were Judged suitable by others prior to filling. In addition, all f111 placed previously was tested by others. LO I. MYTUAL OqOTHCTION TO CLIQNTY, TMf YUBUC ANOOYRBllV6B. Aµ YlPOi1Te YR6 /UYMITTfO AY TMf CONFIOlNTIAL PROMNTY OF Cl16NTe. ANO AUTMORI- LTION ROY YYOIICATION OF OIATlMHMY. CONCW.ON6 ON E%TRACTS PiIOM ON PlOMGINO OUR RHPOYTY 10 ROliN V!O P6NOINOOUR WRITTEN APPNOVAL ~ twin citti+ testinq corporation c 662 CROMWELL AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55114 PHONE 612l6453607 SOTL OBSERYATIONS AND TESTINC LABORATORY No. Ju1y 11, 1986 4131 86-1564 3 CUMPACTION TESTING We performed eight in-place field density tests on fill placed recently to attain garage slab grade. The tests were evaluated according to the Moisture Density Relation of Soils as designated by ASTM:D1557-78 (Modified Proctor). The results of these tests, which are attached, indicate our recommended compaction of 90% has been achieved at the elevations and locatlons designated. BENA@KS It must be recognized that we do not practice in the field of surveying. Therefore, we must rely on elevation and location information provided by others. If the construction is redesigned or otherwise moved subsequent to our work, we should be informed so our firm can assess if additional engineering observation is required or to suggest engineering alternatives. We are attachSng an information sheet concernTng what we consider to be sound engineering practices for the construction of a fill sequence. If we can be of further service, please contact me at 641-9403. TMIN CITY TESTING CORPORATION Steve Ruesink, C.E. ~ Jeffery K Voyen, P.E. Manager. Soils 8 Geology Dept SR/JKV/ rjr AlA MYTIJqIpqOTlCTIONTGCU6MTY. TMlVL10WCANOOUFBEW[l.^LLYlGOR.AFlSUlMITTlOYOTMlCONFIOGN7I.LPFOPQRTYOiGLIGNTB, YNOPYTMOFI- SATON /OM PLIO4IC/.T10N 01 MATIMEMB, CONCLYSIONO ON Q%1NAC" FqOM OR RlOPRGING OUN FCPG~ Ia O[YiG V!O PENOINOOUN WPITTBN 4PPROVAL r Q Ctur7 city tesdnq NORMAL EXCAVATION OVERSIZE MINIMUM EXCAVATION LtMITS PROPOSED TOPSOIL FOOTING ~ I UNSUITABLE COMPACTED FILL p SOILS D ` COMPETENT SOILS OVERSIZE FOR SWAMP OR EXTREMELY SOFT SOIL CONDITONS MINIMUM EXCAV ATION LIMITS PROPOSED FOOTINGS J ~ SWAMP DEPO51T5 Z ( OR 7 I SOFTSOILS 1 COMPACTED PILL D ]D COMPETENT SOILS SG-119(81-A) PREREQUISITES FOR SOUND ENGINEERING PRACTICE In order to properly evaluate the foundation soils at a building site, it is imperative for our firm to know exactly where the building will be placed, its size, and the elevation of the foundation elements. Without this information, a judgement regarding the adequacy of the preparatory foundation earthwork is not possible. This project data is especially critical in situations when the exwvation extends below the footing grade and compacted fill will be required to attain building elevations. In these situations, the - excavation would require lateral oversizing to provide suitable lateral distribution of the footing loads. Offset batter boards or the building lines stakes provide the best on-site verification of the build- ing location and size. It must be recognized that Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory, Inc. does not practice in the field of surveying. We, therefore, must rely on staking by others. If Twin City Testing is required to perform the survey, we will retain a licensed surveyor and in- voice our client for the amount per our current fee schedule. Provision of the building foundation plans is also important so that we may properly perform our engineering judgements. If the construction is redesigned or otherwise moved subsequent to our work, we should be informed so our firm can assess if additional engineering observation is required or suggest sound engineering alternatives. We cannot be responsible for any soil foundation system if the structure has been relocated with respect to the excavation subsequent to our observations. • GENERAL OVERSIZE REQUIREMENTS Because of the lateral distribution of foundation pressures with depth, lateral oversizing is re- quired in an excavation where unsuitable soils extend below plan footing grade. The lateral oversize scheme provides compacted flili material beyond the exterior footing limits where fill is required below footing elevation. The degree of lateral oversizing is dependent upon the sur- rounding soil's ability to resist lateral movement. Although we generally recommend the lateral oversize be at least 2' pius the depth of fill below bottom of footing elevation, each project must be evaluated separately. For example, in extremely compressible swamp or organic soils, the over- size should be increased to 5' plus twice the depth of excavation below footing grade. Due to the variations in the required oversize, an engineering judgement must be made to establish the neces ury extent of the oversizing. Diagrams illustrating typical oversizing dimensions are included below. ~ ustn..~..city ..a t.~.~,. a SG -118(SJ82) twin cit'llirlitestinq . . CWpOfBtlOll 662 CROMWELL AVENUE S7. PAUL, MN 55114 ' . PNONE 612I645-3601 +..~f. REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL Peo1E~: WALDEN HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION BLOCK 3 LOT 20 DATE: MdY 30, 1986 4723 WA~DEN DRIVE EAGAN, MINNESOTA COPIESTO: 'I-CltY of Ea9an REPORTED TO: UfIiV21"Shc Builders Attn: Bldg Insp Dept Attn: Gary Saldin 4731 Walden Drive Eagan, Minnesota LABORA70RY No. 4131 86-1564 TEST NUMBER: 1 2 3 4 DATE TAKEN: 5-28-86 5-28-86 5-28-86 5-28-86 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand with Sand with Sand with Sand with (Moisture-Density Sample Number) s i 1 t and a s i 1 t and a s i 1 t and a s i 1 t and a little gravel, little gravel, little gravel, little gravel, fine grained, fine grained, fine grained, fine grained, brcwn 6rown brown brown (SP-SM)-1 (SP-SM)-1 (SP-SM)-1 (SP-SM)-1 IOCATION: 5' S& 10' E 2' N of NW 2' N& 4' W At NW corner of NW corner corner of of NW corner of garage of garage garage of garage . ELEVATION OF TEST: 942' 938' 940' 936' DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 6" 4' 2' 6' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place in Nuclear Density Method "6", ASfM:D2922-81 (44 Basis) Dry Densiry (Pcfl 113 108 114 104.5 ' Moismre Content 10.7 10.6 8.5 8.8 Plus X4 Material 5 2 4 2 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pcfl 715.8 115.8 115.8 115.8 Optimum Moisture 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction 97.5 93.5 98.5 90.5 Specified Compaction (°h) 90 90 90 90 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the I«ation and elevation of the test only. No representatian is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by M. Rewitzer. 118 A MUTUAL PROiECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC, ANO OURSElVES, ALl (iEVONT6 ARE BUBMITTED A9 Tf1E CANFlDENTIAL PROPENTY OF CLIENTS AND AUT70R1- 2ATION FOR PUBLICATIDN OF 6TATEMENT4, CANCLUSIONS OX EXTRAGTS Fi10M Oli NE6ARDINO OUR PEPORT9 IS NESERVEO PENOING OUR WNITTEN APPROYAL. Twln Clry T ting oretlon S0.222 (e85) gY twin citti+ testinq CO • 02f fpOfadGl 682 CROMWELL AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55114 PHONE 812/66b3601 REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL reo)ECi: WALDEN HEI6HTS FIRST ADDITION BLOCK 3 LOT 20 DATE: MdY 30, 1986 4723 WAftEN DRIVE EA6AN, MINNESOTA COPIESTO: 1-CltY of Ea9an REPORTEDTO: UfI1Ve1'Sdl Builders Attn: Bldg Insp Dept Attn: Gary Saldin 4731 Walden Drive Eagan, Minnesota tABORATORY No. 4131 86-1564 TEST NUMBER: 5 6 7 8 DATE 7AKEN: 5-29-86 5-29-86 5-29-86 5-29-86 'UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand with $and with Sand with Sand with (Moisture-DensitySampleNumber) silt and a silt and a silt and a silt and a little gravel, little gravel, little gravel, little gravel, fine grained, fine grained, fine grained, fine grained, brown brown brown brown (SP-SM)-1 (SP-SM)-1 (SP-SM)-1 (SP-SM)-1 LOCATION: 12' E& 10' S 15' E& 12' S 10' S of NW 15' S of NW of NW corner of NW corner corner of corner of of garage of garage garage garage ELEVATION OF TEST: 948' 949' 946' 944' DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 7.5' 6" 6" 2.5' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place in Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922-81 (44 8asis) Dry Density (pcfl 110 108.5 113.5 113 Moisture Content 1%) 10.2 10.4 7.6 8.3 Plus #4 Material 13 15 15 13 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method A M:D Metho 'A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pc0 115.8 175.8 115.8 115.8 Optimum Moisture 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction 95 93.5 98 97.5 Specified Compac[ion 90 90 90 90 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by K. Ryan. •8 A MUTUAL %IOTECTION 70 CLIEN74, TME PUBIIC, AMD OURBELVES, ALL 11EPO/R8 ARE BUBMITTED AS TNE CONflDENTAL P110PENTY OF CLIENTS 11N0 AVTMqiM iATION FOR PUBLICATION OP STATEMENTB. CONCLUSIONS Ofl E%TRACTS iROM OR RE6ANDINO OUR PEVORTS IS flESEPVEG PEXDING OUR WRITTEN AVFROVAL. Twin CI satln rporetlon scsn (aes) gy twin citti+ testinq COfpOfBdOll 662 CROMWELL AVENUE rM,,.,~ej, ST. PAUL, MN 55114 ~ , I , t PHONE 612/6453607 ~~~?~~/P MOISTURE-DENSITY CURVE SAMPLENO. ~ vROJECT: WALDEN HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION naTe: May 30, 1986 tacRlOTO: Universal Builders COpES TO: 1-city of Eagan ,LABORATORYNO. 4131 86-1564 Attn: Bldg Insp Dept METHOD OF TEST: Modified (ASTM:D1557-78), Method "A" TYPE OF MATERIAt: Sand with silt, fine grained, brown (SP-SM) MAXIMUM DENSITY: 115.8 Ib./cu. ft. OPTIMUM MOISTURE 10.0 _ r~: i _`..,.~.i.w ~ ~ r . -e-F r-~-.r+ - ? ~ -r1. r~ - rrJ-1+. t Y t - -r. , r : + `.1 ...i.--..-.1-«+ ~ ~t 1. r ^ • _ . ~-ri~~ ~-t +~""'-'t..-~ t ' i-t . 117 + : _ ' : i -~-r a t ' .i.-, r . t. ~L~t.:..~'i-;-~T't ~i-1 .Lr.r ..t-,. r+ ~ T-l :•r ~ _ T7 y_.~ ~~T~"^r ~-r ~~•-:-}-t ~tt ~~-7 , ~-+--r ; i-•-•-; _.~r -1-r• r ~ _ ~ +-rf . ' ~-}-r--•-- , . "-~T_`_+.', irl * 'T : - - . ' ~ ~ - ~ r ~ ~ 7 « r . ~ --++.r T-r : .-..r.~ L ._,._y-r. } ~.t- ~ '~.-~t ' _-4 . } r . ~ ..t-+::-r±, 7 ~ ~ _ _ » ~.-I-e~.-!..`._. _ l+: : i '~116 , 7 Y r~~. , .~1-r . i ~i~t !-t-• Y-~i-? _ .r . ~y. r-h..... ; .L+--.- : Y,.-~ \ . -.-}i-. ,--rr '-e 1T ~ •-r .r ~ . r .r--r,- .«i-r t±-«- 1 T ..1-f. T. { ~ . 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