1776 Walnut Lane CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Additiom, Woodgate 2nd lot 1Rik 6 Parcel M 84601 01 0111L owner' ~ . street 1776 Walnut Lane siate Eagan,NIN rj' 22 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date S7REET SURF. ~ 97 8.52 1.70 P3~,d STREET RESTOR. - 1 ~ g7 1034.7 ,3 •92 3 P~-d GRAOING SAN SEW TRUNK ~yl 97 .72 7.64 15 P2.1C~ ~£SEWER LATERAL 97 306d.71 . a1Cl 90 WATERMAIN '#WATER LATERAL 'MWATER AREA 1976 '#STORM SEW TRK 1 97 9ESTORM SEW LAT 97 CURB & GUTTER SIDEIIVALK STREET LIGHT Remodel Bsmt. 392 V3. 0 2845 = 6 WATER CONN. 140.00 BUILDING PEA. 3 316 - sAC 425.0 1 -3-7 PARK 120• 16 6-7 CITY.of EAGAN N° -3928 BUILDING PERMIT L 3795 Piloi Knob Aoad Ownax .A~(,~a11. a.t...~.r.r.t.1..(...Q.1.4..d Eagan Minnesota 55122 Addresc (P=esent) .../.Z.7Z ......YI~~~R'.lr.k~771............. 454-9100 Builder ......................~~t.7.:~. P.............. Dnls ..0.!!L..P..~. /1....~v......... Addreae DESCAIPTION Sio:iec To Be Vsed ~For Fzoni Depth HeiBhf Esf. Cosi Peimi! Fie' Aemaslta LOCATION Slrea2, Roed or olher Desezipiion of Localion I Lo! Bloek Addilion or Tsae! 't"'/ Gr'a~4ya t~ This permit does not auihorise !he use ot sireeic, roads, al(eys or sidewalks nor does it giva !he ownsr or hte sgen! !he righi !o ereafe anp sifuation which is a anisance or whieh presanis a haaard !o !he heallh, safety, eonvenienee and ganeral welfare fo anyone in !he communily. ~ THIS PERMIT MUST SEJEPTON THE PREMIS WFIILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS.? T6is ia !o cerlify. lhat.... G.~:.i&f.!!cd....has permission :o ea.ora.dr.~-.----.67S..1.2~ ,Rl."..~......_upon !he above describ d premise subjecf fo !he provisioes ot al] applicable O' es for }he CiS Eagan Per _./~~~~G.............. ~~2~'.."""._...."'.................... ( Ma or Suildinq Impactos . Eagan Township PERMIT NO. 9l.~~..h..U.. Dakola Counlp. Minnesofa Dafe Application for Bailding Permit Type of building os work eonlemplafed. Circle eorrect descriplions. ResidenSi Commercial Indusirial Olher----....----------...-----/_._~-----~----'----....---------------------- Euild Enlarge A]!er Repair Insiall Move Weeck Olaex.... Dimensions---- .............n....------------....----.... Cosl.................................. De4ails or remarks..p~FRIicur~a ).AuNnarG aPlia Icuca~ }aINA" Localion Number Sixee! Belween whaY cross streels Sizo Esl. Valuafion )~7(o Wqcn,ur LyUc Lot Bloclc Addii?on Reurrangemeni or Trac! Owner Address _l 7 - 7-`---GUc.c.u,:c U ConSracior Address The undessigned hexeby makes apnlica2ion for a permi! !o $ do work as hezein apeaified, agreeiag fo do all work in sSrial Tofal fee colleefed. accordanee wiih !he building ordinance adopfed April 11, 1955 hy !he Eagan Townahip Board of Supervisors. PexmiY fees are aot o refundu6le. ._..~~i~~~----..-.'--------- Siqned ~ CITY of EAGAN N° 3603 . ~ BUILDING PERMIT Ownes 3795 Pilof Knob Road ...........................7..~..... .............1.................................. ' . r~ Eagan. Minnesola ssiaa Addsaw (Prewnl) ~d 454-8100 Huilder ~ Dele .._f?..-3 Addreu DESCRIPTION 8lorisc To He Usad For Froa2 Deplh Hoiqhi Est. Cm!- P* rmi! F~a Aemasks 19G3~I 3a7. s6, LOCATION y" o .,So - Slraet. Road or oihes Dsseripiion oi Loestion Lo! Block Additioa or Trad Yhia permit doea not aulhori:e the uae of slreab, roeds, elleys or tidawalkt nor doss 1t give !6e owner os 6L apen! the sigh! !o create any ailuation which is a nuteanee os whiah presenls e hes¢rd !o the hssllh, sdatp, eonvenlencv aed yonaral walfars !o anpona in the eommunilp. TftIB PERMIT MUST BE K$PT ON THE PREMISE WHILE TFiE WOAK IS IN PROGAESS. _ ThL' L !o cerflf9. lhaf------... . hu pormiuioa !o ereet a..rr.zL..... _upen the above desaribed premise subjecl fo !h rovisioas of all applicable Ordinances for !he Ciip oi E"egan, _._........i /..7......... Per Sl ..........._.....----._~P ' Mayor ~ Bupdin~p~elor I I CITY OF i14G:iN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 PFM+4IT ATO.: 693 The City of Eagan hereby grants to Geo. Sedqwick fieatinci 6 A/C Co. ef 1001 Xenia Ave So 8voa*inq Permit for: (Owner) xew Horizon - Woodaate at 770;)z »qa caai.,,,r TAnP , pursuant to application dated 5/17/75 Fee Paid: can_nn dated this _2g_day of June , 19 75 1.00 sJc Building Inspector A:echanical Permits: Bid Total: ~ CI'I'1' OF EAGti.i 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Nlinnesota 55122 PERti'Li T N0. : 571 The City of Eagan hereby grants to Thamroson Pl mt+ina M. ef 12201 Mixnetoaka Blvd. - a vrirMaTw: Permit for: (Owner) pew HOrizon Homas - Woodaate 1775 7,74,72,70,68,66,64,52.60,58.56, dnd 54 Walnut L9ne and 1757,59,61,65,67, at 17AQ 71 ,,,,A az Hirknrv a 7,gursuant to application dated 6/16/75 Fee Paid: $d2n_nn da{;ed this 19tl day of June , 19 25 10.50 s/c Building Inspector Mechanical Permits: vid Total: . , - i VILLASE OF ERGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3795 Pilot Knob Rood PERM17IT NO.: 1747 Eagan,MN 55127 ppTE: 6/19/75 , "Lonmg: PUD No. oF Units: ~ Owner: --B orizon Homes - Woodgate II Address: -Z' site Address1776 Walnut Lane Plumber. ThompSOn Plumbing CO. ~ MitevNo.r-'~~ ~ f Connection Charge:L40.90-gd- Size:~' •S' Account Ueposit Reader No.: <IfPermit Fee10-QIL~i ~ ~oy~06 to comply with the Villuge of Eagan Surcharge: ~ ~dinances. Misc. Charges: Total: By 4~~~ ~ - Date Paid: ~ Dare of Insp.: Insp.: nLUaF ov Encaw SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3795 P'ilot Knoti Road PERMIT NO.: 2508 Eagan. MN 55124 DATE: 6/19/75 Zoning: PUD No. of Unitr Owner: mes Weec73ate II , Address: Sire Addresis7 Plumber: I ayrN to complr with ths Villoge of Eagan Connection Chazge425 0~_ prdinonc", Account Deposit Permit Fee: 10.00 aciP Pa Surchazge: - '0 7i~-- gy; Misc. Chazges: Date of Insp.: Total: Inep.: Date Paid: f ~ °AUL H. HAUGE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3908 SIBLEY MEh10RIAL HIGHWAY EAGAN IST. PAIJLI, MINNESOTA 55122 PAUL N. HAUGE OCtObeT' 19, 1978 AREA CODE 612 BRADLEY 5;.17TH TELEPHOYE 4544224 `:r. Keith Gordon Bonestruo, Rosene & Associates - , 2355 12es[ Trunk Highway 36 S[. ?'aul, DL4 55113 FE: Clcarview Addition sanitary sewer easements Dcar ICeith: I just wanted to get a letter off to you summarizing some of the conver- sations iue've had with property owners including some of the conditions , i:ndcr w}iich they iiave gjven easements. , rirst of all, the Hei_nes in Clearview Addition have given a 20 fuot tem- porary construction easement with the understanding Khat the Ci[y will cIo i:hat it can [o avaid intcrferring with their clothe., line or their propaue t.3nk. Tf it Uccores necessary to move the tank or the clothes line, the !'it}• wi_11 ren]ace them ,3f:tes the construction is done. Dennis Willis has sir,ned an casement f.or his property with tlie imderstand- il:g chat i.f Uiere is any damage to trees, he Uill 6e reimbursed for the V;31i;c ut= airy trees removed or irreparably damaged. Tlie Sioodgate Homeocnners AssocLation has also signed an easement with the undersLanding that the City will reimburse them for Any damage to trees. ~ I liave also talked with the Sanfords, the people in idoodgate 2nd Addition just Soath of the Homcoianers Association property. ~I~cx2lained tn them Lhat clie c;ork will Ue do,ehicL. he_next fec~eeks and that we hnpe to a•:ojd :;nv damage to the surYace uf the property North of them excePt that ~.a ka1~1 need to uncover a manhole that is underneaCh the surface of the ground. I also told them that it's unlikely that u~e will interEere wiLh their fence wiiictt is approximately 5 to 10 .c'cet South of [Iie manhole. - The tcoodgate Homeowners Association, I should add, eaas also concerned abou[ Ckirr 1I l:erping the hole necessary to uncover the manhole covered at all times whcu '`l?it is not bcing used so that children won't be injured in playln,n, near it. Perhans you could mention this to the contractor so that he will make sure to kecp it covere.d. a,i)°', The Ci,ty has a;=nruved the conditions for both the Woodgate Homcownera: Asso.:iation, and Willis easements, so those easements are valid and I will have them recorded in the near future. t ?fr. Rcith Cardan (lctobr.r 19, 1978 Pnfio 7- 'I'he onlp easement OUCSTOII(Ililn is thc easemeiit rcquired irom the First Votiunil I2:ink of St. Paul, and Iam still trying to E*et their agrcemcnt. 7hc person i have been dcaliny, with hasn't bcen returninF ny calls the I.ist tri: days, buC I will lceep trying to get some movement nn this cnse- m, nC. Vvry truly yours, P,1UL R. IIAUCF. & ASSOCIATES, P. A. [iradley Smtth RS : r,tc cr: i9r. Il;roid Storlie Dzr.nis tJi71i•; P.S. Dear Dtr. Willis: I would request that you please notify the Woodgate Third Homeowners tlssociation of the action that has been taken. G i. ~ Jackson A. Sanford a nut ane ~ Eaoan, NIP1. 5 122 May 29t?,, 1979 ei °au1 H. Hauge, Attorney for City of EAGAti, PffP1NEa0TA j908 Siblzy i4emorial Highway g o: Eaoan~ ~iN. 55122 Dear P:r. Hauge: Attached please find a copy of a letter da:ed October 19, 1978, from your'ofiice to a Mr. Keith Gordon of Bonzstroo, Rosene & Associates. As you see I have eirclzd one pa:aorarn and unde:lined one sentence in particu2ar. I have also heavily underscored two parts of same sentznce which say in a nut shell +aha+ this lette: is a11 about. I believe that if we read tnis sentence for the value *.iith which it seems to be writ+on, the pro:ect herein stated should have bezn completed lonc ago. 'The fact reaains that tnis one area is still in VE.°.Y POOP. REPAIR and it doesn8t apoear that anything more is bzing done, Last Wednesday sor!2 very heavy equipement was broucht in to proczed to fill in the hole~ tiahicii was left open and totally unnrotected since it was opened lasL £all. Please bear in mind that children (and I am not referring to ours as ke do not have any little ones) were tempted to play there where thzy had a strong possibility o£ £alling ir.to the hole when it was dry and deep enou,h io sustain broken bones and/or sevzre head damage from landing on the manhole cover - GR - whzn the rains cama, of falling into the water and bzing droianed. There taas NO attempt to even put up a snow £ense around it.... Many times I uent ove: tnere to send these children home so that I weuld not feel guilty should there be any sevz:e problems which occured. This heavy equipement has filled in the hole basically but the a:ea is far from completzd, and is ve:y uneven and chewed a1L Lo heck witn tne treads o= 'iie machine. In order fo: it to bz returned to the nroper gradinq and sod as was there prior to this political football, there are several thinas tnat have to be talczn into consideration. I hope that you take the time to come out and look at the are.a so you will be better ablz to unde:;tand what I am abovt to say. rIRS'T, a very aood levelinp job has to be done so that it will be prepared correctly for the evontual laying of sod. This also will have to talce into consideration the £act that my yard drain; onto the area Urhzre the track marks arz, and it took me tr,ro years to get the contractor to finially remove the lake Urhich they so oraciously put into my back yard by not allowing it to drain off correctly. SECGND, now black dirt iaill have to be brought in so as to allo.a the sod to take a qood foot?ng aad to remove the strong potential of l.7zeds crowir.y there. The dirt that is on the su:faee now has been brought up from underground and it takes time for tnis to cure so as Ln permit ;ood growth of grass instead of weeds. Ilm sure that if you have a nice laU;n you are aware of tnz potential of weeds g;o.ring from, poor soil. TrIIP,D, the sod shouid be layzd and rolled to permit :t to czt s2t b2tter from rain storms as a gocd do:anpour can wash tne entire tning out very easily nrior to it's rooting. As it stands now, it is not even heing cut as I'm sure you iaouldn't vrish to take your mowzr onto anyching that uneven and chance tea;ing it's b2a3es to pieces. I czrtainly am ashamzd to na•re company come to visit and see the me;s that stares us in the face eve:y Lime I look outside or co out to the backyard. I don't believe that I am bzing unduly harsh with this statement as you did lead us to believe t.hat this would bz a very minor project as £ar as we were to be concerned. I am also sending a copy of this to the City Administrator, fi'[r Hedges so that he too wi11 ,be aa;are of the situation that has taken place. khen we moved out here from Minneapolis in 1975 we were very p:oud of our new homz in a ne:r and aro.iing area, and 'nave taken great oride iniorning all oi our friends of the nicz surroundinos which we hoped to have once the area was finished. This was Lhe case prio: to this excavation, but ceriainZy isn't the case now, Hopefully }ou will be able to aet this action taken care o£ VEHY SOOtd so that our quests from other aarts of the countrl wi11 bzlieve what we had told then. Tnank vou for e-ou^ time and intvrests in this matter. Sircerely yeurs, Jackson A. Sanford P.S. I hope that you wi11 forgiv¢ my many typinq mistakes as I use the hunt and no'..ce system and do have many problzms. P.P.S. Shou?d you wish to contact mz by phone, my tirork number is 938-5511 and they zai12 have to page me. Viy home number is l452-4913 C.C. r1s. Thomas Hedgzs, Eaoan City Administrator p/ Nir. Dennis Gaillis, 1780 l^lalnu't Lanz File Copy