4498 Wedgwood Dr CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Wlot Knob Reed Ea9an, MN SSi" PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Rece+pt # . . To be umd for Est. Value ~ Dare J-vcunbar c , 19 Drive Slte Addrcss ~ Erect Octupnnty Lot Block 1 Sec/Sub.WedgGload lst Alte? Q Zoninq - ` Parcel # -.-::355'7-2'•0-01 Repoir ? Fire Zone Enlorye 0 Type of Consf. ot Nome C9Ep,~ 'L. 'itller ~:ousc.. Ir~c. Move p # Srories Z Addreas 1~ 133 C~'dar : ve . ~~o . pemolish ? Length 9 1 Ci :.r: i,icton 434_ 4753 Grade p Depth ~"'.'Sq, Ft. g Nome ` ~ ApProvols Fees o Address Assessment Permit Ul Water 8 Sew. Surchorpe I.- p Phone Police Plon check tw W Nome Firo S/?C ~Z u~ ~~ys Enfl, Water Conn. ~W Ci Phone plonner Woter Meter Council Rood Unit 1 hereby acknowledge fhat I have read fhis oppiication and store that gld9, pff. the iniormotion is correct ond aqree to tomply with oll oppliceble ~PC Total - 5tote of Minnewtu 5torutes and City of Eagan OrdinonCes. Siynoture of Permittee . . c ; A Bullding Permit is issued to: on the express rnnditlon that pll work shall be done in occordante with nll opplicable Stete of Minnesoto Statutes and City of Eoqan Ordlnoncas. Building Official 676 ;~-~-p Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Permit No. Holdar Plumbing ;F~W G a -~~3 H.V.A.C. Well Water Disp. S:wer Elsctric :p a n -ig' InWeetion Date Jln,,p Other Faotinys Found Freminy ttion Z-1 Rouqh PlbjI. ~ Rouph HVA lowlation Final Plbg. Final HVAC Final Weter DawibeLA' I , w Sevwr J-2 ~ Xel Pr. D'ap. INSPECTION RECCjRD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: . ~ a { 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: ~ , „ l APPLICANT: 1. 1 ~ 1 1 I i:, i i i ~ ~ 1 f 1 Iil_ lil~llfl~il' I , . i• 114 PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: . j INSPECTION • 1: 1 Mi;c:F', f•:~lr~t Itti. I ~ J L Permit No. PermR Hoider Date Telephone # ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Commente FOOTINGS FOUNO FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUM8ING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL - INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: ` ' 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number. 4~ H Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRES$: APPLICANT: i ii 1)killcl~?!~ l~N , ii~ ~ 1 ~~k .I M PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: , i,:! INSPECTION D. . ~ F ~ ~ PeRnit No. Permlt Holder Date Telephone M ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Commenb FOOTI NGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSIJL ~ GYPBOARD ' FIREPLACE FIfiEPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTQ OFSAT TEST BLDG FINAL ~ BSMT A.i. BSMT FINAL DECK FfG DECK FINAL CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition fYEDGW00D 1ST ADDN Lot 2E' sik 1 Parcel 10-83550-260-01 Owner 5treet 4498 WedgwoOd DI'ive State EAGAN HQV 55123 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. 1981 $8.69 2.93 20 STREET RESTOR. GRADING 5711 1981 186.48 12.43 5 136.76 A013432 1-11-8 Sewer Lateral 1981 313.16 20.8 5 229.68 11 it SANSEW TRUNK 1981 198.50 13.23 15 145,58 ef rr SEWER LATERAL ,Q 19$1 197.$4 9.$7 20 lSg-06 of n Sewer Lateral b 1982 133.17 8.87 15 106.56 of it WATERMAIN WATERLATERAL TTk 7Q 1981 262.18 17.48 15 WATER AREA p 1981 I98.50 13.23 15 4it * Water Lateral 4 1982 98.57 6.57 15 79.86 STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT *Powerline Relocatio 1982 5 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT 250.00 39819 11-8-83 WATER CONN. 450.00 n t~ BUILDING PER, --8638 SAC It PARK Receipt 4 - PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Prini legibly Tot 1. Date 2. Installation Cost ~ 3. Job Address Lot Blk. ~ Tract 4. Owner ~ i 5. Contractor - ~ f • _ Phone 6. Address % 7. City State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential ~ Commercial ~ Institutional O ~ 9. Work Description: New O Add O Alter 0 Repair ? 10. Describe 11. No. Fixtures No. Fixtures ~ Water Closet Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank Lavatory Softner Shower Well Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and 1 agree to oomply with all ordinances and codes governing this tYpe of work. Signed : for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-6100 - Receipt PLUMBING PgRMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN ' Fee FiU in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legibly ToL ~ C~ • ~J 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address '/`7'i2E Lot Blk. Tract 4. Owner - n 5. Contractor, Phone ~~s ~r • 6. Address 7. City,,. State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential ? Commercial ? Institutional O 9. Work Description: New ~ Add O Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe 11. No. Fixtures No. Fixtures ~ Water Closet Cesspool/Drainfield ~ Bath tubs Septic Tank Lavatory Softner / Shower Well Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other w ; I I Laundry Tray ~ Floor Orains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed: f ~ for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8700 Reoeipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee Fill in numbered spaca S/C ' Type or Print legibly Tot. 1. Date 2. Instaliation Cost • 3. Job Address Lot Blk. Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address 7. City State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential O Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New O Add O Alter ? Repair O 10. Describe Fuel Type 11. No. Eauioment 8TU - M. Ea. No. Equipment CFM Forced Air Air Handling: Mfg. Boilers Mech. Exhaust Mfg. Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-6100 , CITY OF EAGAN NO 8638 9793 PIIM Rnob Rmd Eagon, MN 55123 iHONE: 434•8100 BUILDING PERMIT ReceiPr # Te ba umd for SF DWG/GAR Est.Volue $95,000 Dote Novemher S 1983 Site Address 4498 Wedgwood Drive Erecr R-3 ~ OccupanCy Lot 26 Block 1 Sec/Sub.Wedgwood lst Airer ? Zoniny R-1 Parcel # 10-83550-268-01 Repolr ? Fire Zone NA Enforge ? Type of Const. V W Name Joseph M. Miller Const., Inc. _ Move ? # Srories = Address 18133 Cedar Ave. So. Demoiish ? Length 51 ~ ci Farmington Phom 454-4753 Grode ? Depth 4QSq. Ft.- Name Owner Approvela Fees s Z~ Assessment Permit 418.00 o~ Address - Cit Phone Water & Sew. Surcharge 47.50 Police Plan check 209.00 Gw Nome Fire SAC 525.00 f= ~0_ Address Eng. Warer Cann.450.0(1 <W CI Phone Plonner _ Water Meter 60. 00 Council _ 9-21-$2 Rood Unit 250.00 I herebV ackrwwledge thot I have read this aOPlication and stote thot Bldg. Off, 11-3-$3 the informotion is mrrect and a9ree to comply with all applicoble APC Totol 51959.50 $tate of Minnesoto Stotufea ond City of Eogon Ordirwnces. $ignature of Permittee oseph A Building Permit Is issued to: M. ~Miller,/ on tha express <ondition thm oll work shall 6e done in accordonce with all p"co6,1,-St f Minne tatutes and City ot Eogan Ordinances. / Building Officiol ~ of pUM* CI'PY CF~ Sn°lud ~ ~ w watl,pis i , • ~to3~ ~ .~a ,i SFPwQ-~G°`"~~RIA~ ~T APPL~'~ ~ Nft af ormw • Vrluiatlan 60 d Drb Kb B! t~d ~ Sib~ 11~'~ • ~ ' U* alk slodt Alter Vmdn _ -r tisr ~Olf~ r- t?ares~ I Offmt Jd~eMS~ os+~e~ City/Z1P ODde= ~ Phaw 1 ~ "e11SE , Cbntsaa0o~i lfaber/gwMr PIM YOUCS C1ty/liP Oode• ~J• Am f: plamier 1 _ Ao.a ahse ~ !IR'C ' CYty/uP a+des Fhaie ,.r iCertificate Por: BK y3h.p . Joe Mlller Const. Co. ° 18133 Cedar Ave. 3outh Farmington, Mn. 5502:5 ~ DELMAR H. SCHWANZ uno sunvevoa 3 , lU[.. qpistYW UrbH LAwt o/ TM StHe 0/ MinMlo4 i 2878 - 146TH BTREET W. - BOX M ROSEMWNT, MIMipOTA 606i6! PMONE 612 473-1789 SURVEYOR'S CERTIfICATE 7 ~I - i ~82~56. 3J~- _ (oP~~o4~ ~Zo.lo4 S~ ~ q , ry ~ M ~ N-N A c~ m o 4.33 ~Irl ~ p ~y o ~ ql°IWy ~ s , . _ 2 8 3. 18 ~ 8y- sS- p 7~J jcqi < ; I /NUV F'ECT I herby certiPy that thie ia a true and go8.3 sri.?b correct rapresentation of Lot 26, Block 1, WE)GWOOD FIRST ADDITION, according PROPascn &cc?.gVo^l , Minnesotalgt thereof, Dakota County, ~wooo t+Ljg Also showing the location of a proposed house aa staked thereon. Dated: October 27, 1983 rr r i'- - Ni i + - MINNESOTA REISTRATION N0.8625 , . i CZT! OR •UZIDIIG DLPA RZ'XNT Q?ERI08 ENVELUM Ct •U" COIQU?AT20N (?o be subaitted rlth buildieg p0sm1t aPOlication) One or two family dwellieg X Orner l.Ef[.GT All ather Site addrtss Contnctor SoE A?LLF.R Ca4MzTleI oate Jo-Z1-953 one _ LIN41 FT. OF l ~of Z 77L3 EYPOSED YALL ~7~~ ~IsRK SH6ET ft. above 6rade ~ J • ?OTAL E7cPOSED wA E! SQ• OPAQUE MALi. COMSTADCTION: "U" value x area islearxz e.l.nt.l`"U" .047 x sq. rc . I ,53 ( LI) ( A lL~. "U" q~o q x yq. ft. - (03. (U)lA "U" os3 ;c sq. ft.~(U1(~ Detai2 refe nnce "U" x sq. ft. (U)tA f_om "U^ z 40. tf.. - (U)fA •ctached sheets "U"~_x 3q. rt, = (U)(A eUn X 9;. °t. (U) (A "p^ X sq. IC. . lU)(A ~U" z eq. ft. (U) U ~u" z sq. ft. ~ MIA, WINDOYS: "U" valus z area p Make ! LIpe UFsutacfEb Gs+AT "U" . 3 x s q. f t. 18G,7f5 - 4 I u I I A w "U" x sq. ft. ~ (UIIA, , M., (U)(A wUM x sq ft. • w w w •UO~~x sq. ft. = (U)IA, ~ N :Uw~x U ~ ft. " (U)U. q sq• DOOA$S "U" Yalue x •Pea ~ Ilaks k Llpe C/Ad5 462WUn •I x sq. ft (U x 3q. ft. . .v ~ . (UIlA, s w *Q x 9q. f't. ~ (UHA, w w "lJ*~Y sq. ft. - (UHA TOTALS 2 7•Z Sq. ft.Z58,9 (U) (i f0?AL (U)(A) VALUES Z5f'9¢ ' A`IC. wU~ DIVIDED B? TOTAL YALL AREA Zef77•1 3 • 10~t %ygpAGg "v^ 5 a 1lss f0! 1a 2 famlly dw111r?s9 ,23,i! or lesa for all other buildinga WOF/CEILING: :'OTAL ARSA : .DO sq. - it. )etail nference "U" •BZ z sq. tc. 40 ~ Z4..5Z (U)(A fros "U" : sq. ft. ~ IU)(A ittaehed sheets. •Uw x sq. ft, ~ (U)lA l*scribt openirtgs "U"~,lx sq. ft. = ( U )(A la root. "U"z sq. ft. = (U) (A 24.sZ . TOTAV~C,. 9sq. rc.29•5Z cu~t, . 'OTAL (U)(A) VALUES wUw tIYIDED 8T TOTAL ROOP/ CEILING AREA 9~'00 •024 VERACE "U" f v*ntilated roots ` or all otlur construction WRLL 5~.~11oN - 'DEju.MiNINU U" VALUE`~ A1 TWF, WAIL, VIM, AND (SDNG. BLK. RDOF I CEILIN~L (K) VALuE. Q IW1E1?4o~ AlR FILM 0.64 o S/s" GYP. Bp, .54 Q INSUlAT1~N gg,op ~ O EXTE(tla(Z AlR FILM .lol 1 2 3 (STiIL) ''(j" = I /rz = .oZS TbTaL CR)= 39.78 ~ WALL (R) VALTZ: g Q INTERIoF- AIR fll-M o.(0a q Q ~12" GYP. B). .45 Qa 3s/s" lNSULATioN 13.00 90 N~fo11'K': 541'Cn- ' lo•oo Qa MAwNIjr-- SIDiN<x •loT l0 11 EX1EpDR A1R FILr1 .1-l TOTAL(R) = zo,ql 1 ~IM ~ CR~ VALUE INTr--Rlotz AIR Fiu'l 0.68 511,L" IN5ULA7ioN 19.Oo I F1F- ttiM loisT 1.8S ~5 IS K1~1} ~~.8?~ *T16 • (~.DO ~ MqsorllE eiolNb '(65l ~ ~XT~tttinR AIK FILf 1 .1-7 - ' n Un - I ~R = ToTAL(tz) = Z9,4O (a) VA~uE ~ iNjetzlo5. Nrz FU-1 0.616 21 •p ' ~ n °o ~ 9 O-ZI cbNc,, 16LK, I.25 TOL 13 A{R FIIM . 1~ °L)°, B~ . U° Z.13 ~ 883 X ~~f~t~+`34+~t~+3o+zZ+z9~ = 1,9sJ.43 _ 5100 X 30.0~ = JSo.oo - 9.00x 3o.ao = Z4da oO G•oo Y. 7.00 - 42.00 .&7x C3o+3ot34t3qt(p~~ - M.22. Z,477.23~ Z'o.cn x 7.vo = 4z.cn •(o7X (3~3o t 39+~39+~~i,~ ' 93. o 13s.go ~E- ~~sr . 83 X (,3W-3~t- ~-3~}+~+~ r3otaz+zq~ !8'3.4'3'~ ZOjC36 = 500 X I - S.pO Zox 30 = 4,tlo K 3= 12.4 8 2oxloo = ~•33 X !o = 83.3a 24X S& = (o.oe J- 3 = Ig.oo Z~`x f8 = x 4 " 3z.oo Z4X !~v = to. 00 X ~ = 30.00 ,~taa~S ~ ~8•~9 Z' X 71- 3~- x 7° ~,y/s.c,. = ZS•c-~ ~'x7= ~.T;o•~.CDZ = .oo /3o,G 4~ eT 1~P•c.z. ~c.>~.~c..S - , G,eosS wc..c.. 2,477, z3 G'm~J~ • 13s.go ~irn ~isT. l83.43 1Jr~lbo~t5. I So.78 (030,77 ~~s i3°•~t 1~~ 22 -A ? 8 = 3~6.ao /Z X ZZ = .~48•ao _ //.SX /8 = Zo7.vo Sx Co . o0 7 81•0 0 . PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road PERMITTYPE: euILDING Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Permit Number: 028440 (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: 0 7/ 31 / 9 6 SITE ADDRESS: 4498 WEDGWOOC7 DR LOT: 26 BLQCK: 1 WED6WQQD 157 P.I.N.: 10-83550-260-01 DESCRIPTION: (sruccn) BfYSPermit T y p e SF (MISC.) ~~UiI Y9ing,'uork Type ALTERATTON ~ 4Cj6n6us C°od=e <<434 ALT. RESIDENTIAL ~ ~ .a c . . , , aussnes z n ~ uk G _ ~ . a..... °-s ~ .h.4~tl`i9~ • ~ 'Fn m g Si d+s#e nk`mysrro . . . REMARK5: FEE SUMMARY: vaLuArroN $10,000 Base Fee $162.25 Suroharge $5.00 Total Fee $167.25 CONTRACTOR: - flpplicant - sr. Lzc.pWNER: BRUGGEMAN CONSTRUCTION J M 14835144 0005359 LEPLEY SC077 3600 LABORE RD 4498 WE[]GWOOD C1R VqDNAIS HEIGWTS MN 55110 EAGAN MN (612) 483-5144 (612)452-1733 I' h&r~txy'ac'ktctYN.~edt~:e th'a't"I' have read this application and state that the infioi^flt~tian. 3#s.c aCrget^, aitd:~agree ta comply with all applicable State of Mn. Staxutes ,and .G~ity.,,crf Ea,gan, ~qrdinanees. ~ . . _ . ~ APPLICANT/PERMITEESIGNATURE ISSUEOB~G'NATURE o1996 3830 PIL' T KNOB RDN 55122 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 681-4675 New ConsWdlon Reauiremenls RemodeUReoair Reauiremenh ? 3 repistered site swveye ? 2 eoptes of plan ? Y eopies oT plana (inNude beam b window sixes; poured fid. deslgn; etc.) ? 2 sNe surveys (exterior addHions d deeka) ? 1 energy eakulatbns ? t energy calculationa tor he ted adddjqns ? 3 copies of tme preservetbn p1an N lol plalted eRer 7M/93 ! C~ ~aqu4ed: _ Yes _ No l~ DATE: CONSTRUCTION COST: DESCRIPTIO OF WORK: STREET ADDRESS: 8 ~ LOT ~ BLOCK SUBD./P.I.D. ~up ~ai}I}hf~, I.l~ 3=- PROPER7Y : Name: ~ 4-0~ fe-°+ Phone 1-7 OWNER - . ~ ~ ~~3 -~S3`• Street Address• L=2`Z4 City: State: ^1-44 • Zip• CONTRACTOR . Company: Pho 3 S a~i/0 7 Street Address: _ 3~ OD ~ ~°z ~ License ~5 3 ~ _ I ~ 3 . . . .State: ~ . ; . ..Zip. City: V G~dCii ft.:S i~1"7/~ ' ARCHiTECT/ COmpeny: A,10-AA~ Phone ENGINEER Name: Registration Street Address, City: State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed piumber: Penaity applies when address change and lot change are requested onee permit is issued. t hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this appliption and state that the in orm 'on is co and agree to compty with all applfcable State ot Minnesota SWtutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ` ( 1 Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes No Tree Pteservation Pian Received Yes No OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE 0 01 Foundation o 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging o 16 Basement Finish 0 02 SF Dwelling o 07 4-plex o 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? 17 Swim Pool 0 03 SF Addition o 08 8-plex o 13 Garage/Accessory ? 20 Public Facility 0 04 SF Porch o 09 12-plex o 14 Fireplace ? 21 Miscelianeous ocr05 SF Misc. 0 10 = plex o 15 Deck WORK TYPE 0 31 New .E~ Alterations o 36 Move 0 32 Addition o 34 Repair o 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const (Actual) Baseirierrt sq. ft. MGWS System ' (Allowabie)` Main levet sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered Zoning sq. ft. PRV # of Stories sq. ft. Booster Pump Length sq. ft. Census Code. pepth Footprint sq. ft. SAC Code D~ - - - Census Bldg ~ Census Unit 0 . APPROVALS. ~ , . . _ Planning • • Buildini'.\. Engineering ~ . Vadance . . . _ . • Permit Fee /&Z• 2 S Valuation: $ /ar oO• SurChaYgC.. . sr. ob . - ` _ - . Plan Review License MCNVS SAC` City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Aect. Deposit SIW Pertnit SNV Surcharge Treatment PI. " Road Uek Park Ded. . Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: Z S.- % SAC SAC Un'ds , PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN B U I L ~ I N G 3830 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT TYPE: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Permit Number: 0 28 A 39 (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: 0 7/ 31 / 9 6 SITE ADDRESS: 4498 WEOGWOOl7 Dft LOTs 26 BLOCK: 1 WED6WOOD 1ST P.I.N.: 10-83550-260-01 DESCRlPTION: Bt'F11~iPkc,~ Permit Type S70RM DAMAGE 'I6U9,~~li ng'Work Type REPAIR ~Gen.sus,Codt-0"L~. 434 ALT. RESIDENTIAL ~ ~t . ~ C A~ 6 ? la ~ 9EF~ ZMSP g4G m~~t f Ib ^y~ q ry~ I f"r"3IS&~i wip $ wket REMARKS: ROOFING 50FFIT FASCSA FEE SUMMARY: CONTRACTOR: - flpplicant - ST. Lzc.OWNER: BRUGGEMAN CONSTRUC7ION J M 14835144 0005359 LEPLEY SCOT7 3600 LABORE Rq 4498 WEQGWOQD DR VADNAIS HEIGHTS MN 55110 EAGflN MN (612) 483-5144 (612)952-1793 ~ - - i Ite~r~~sq aak`nvwleefqe tb6ti=I--have read Chis appliaation and staCe that the ,ynfot^robtioc~r,t-_ee"t.an.d'a-gree to comply with all applicabie State of,Mn. 'StaCUtes ~ritlF;Ci~Y. af ~dA`-Qrdinances. rw.a APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ~ ISSUEU B-. SI ATUR is CITY OF EAGAN 43 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 91996 BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION (RESIDENTIAL) 881-46T5 New Conatruclion f3eqylrcments ' RemodeVReoair Reauiremenh ? 3 registered sRe eurveys ? 2 cropies of plan ? 2 copks of plans (inGude beam 3 window sizes; poured fnd. des(gn; etc.) ? 2 site surveys (exteria addrtions & decks) ? 1 energy celculationa ? t energy calculatians for heated additions ? 3 copeea M tree preseneNon plan M bt platled after 7/7/93 mquired: Yea _ No DATE: 5- 1 CTION COST: DESCRIPTIO OF WORK: STREET ADDRESS: LOT BLOCK SUBD./P.I.D. PROPERTY Name: scj-~ L;~E/f-`t Phone 4~~-- ~7 33 OWNER StreetAddress• City: 5tate: ~~f • Zip: CoNTRACTOR Company: Zi2~q 9lf-t,,V~ Pho ~3 S ae~~~ ~ StreetAddress: Od Z-ALicense#•S9 City: ~ir ,4~ `.S A73 State: ltw - Zip: ARCHI7ECT/ Company: Phone ENGINEER Name: Registration Strest Addrew City: State: Zip: Sewer 8 water licensed piumber. Penalty applies when address change and lot change are requested once permit is issued. f hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the in orm 'on is co and agree to comply with all appifcable State of MinnesoW Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ~ , ~l Signature of Applicant: OFFICE IISE ONLY Certificates of 5urvey Received _ Yes No Tree Preservation Pian Received Yes No ity oF eagan L 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 BFA BLOM9UISi EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 Mrn'o' PHONE: (612) 454$100 THOMAS EGaN December 4, 1986 V „~cEEiisoN 7HEODORE WPCHTER - Couricil Members MR SCOTT LEPLEY nioMns HEOCEs CiN Atlminislralor 4 4 9 8 WEDGEWOOD DR I VE EuGErvE vnn ovFRSEKE EAGAN MN 55123 c~+, cie~ Dear Mr. Lepley: Mayor Blomquist has referred your letter to me for investigation and a response. I apologize for the delay. We appreciate your interest and only wish it were shared by those who create the problem of litter along our streets and trailways. In the past, the City has used volunteer help from Court Services and both boy scout and girl scout troups to help clean up throughout the community. The number varies from year to year and with scoutinq troups, they would, understandably, prefer projects that make an addition or contribution to the community. As you well know, it is a thankless job picking up trash not to mention short-lived. We have discussed this matter-with our Parks Department and our Building Inspection Department and both agree that some of our offenders are indeed contractors and, in some instances, City contractors. We do keep after these companies to clean up their building debris and even withhold payment to City contractors until they have done so. Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient sta£f to do all that is necessary in our parks and keeping up with the roadways and trailways would be an impossible task. In that regard, we have discussed the possibility of a"Spruce Up Day" or a"Lend A Hand Day" as a civic project to be held each spring. Involving the community in a day such as this might not only include painting and planting projects but collecting and disposing of trash in an attempt to create an awareness of how much litter detracts fron our community. • , ~ Again, we appreciate your interest and we will continue to work on what is surely an old and persistent problem. Sincerely, ~~u w-oi c~-- Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator TLH/kf THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNItt cc: Mayor Blomquist " Director of Parks a Recreation and Chief Buildincx Official E.r P , DCT October 23, 1986 Mayor Bea Biomquist City of Eagan P.O. Box 21-199 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Dear Mayor Blomquist: n I would like to bring to your attention a situation which I see as a problem for your consideration. My family and I spend quite a bit of time walking around the new parks in our area and atong Wilderness Run Road and we are always dismayed by the amount of refuse which is scattered about in places where people generally do not see. We have lived here for three years, well before the parks came in, and we have spent many an early weekend marning walking along the north side of Wilderness Run Road with garbage bags, p_icking up trash. The new parks, with their trash receptacles, have certainly improved much of this problem. There remains, however, a significant amount of junk along the roadside and where there are no homes or park area. I can easily say that I have never once seen anyone else go so far as to pick up anything that wasn't directly located on their own lawn or driveway. Suggestions to neighbors to do something about this have been unsuccessful. Are there other options available to deal with this? I recall years ago, my Scout troop would do votunteer clean-up work around our city. Has this ever 6een wnsidered? If this is city land, perhaps the city should work on it, although I hesitate ta suggest spending more money if it is unnecessary. 1 am sure this problem is everywhere and we are not the only ores bothered by it. Judging 6y the reactions of those around us, though, it doegn't appear tca be of eoncern to most people--particularly when it is not something immediately visable to them. The problem is seriously increasing as people seem to want to cantribute their own junk to anywhere they see someone else has begun a pile. Yhis is na longer a one- ar two-bag clean-up project. Many of the builders are the worst aftenders, including those who put in our local parks. 'fhe amount o4 eonstruction material, cans, battles, and fast-food containers that is buried or dumped is overwhelming. Your thoughts on this would be appreciated. We carefully chose Eagan as a~ place to live and raise our family. I see the rapid growth which is taking place and I am fearful of some of these problems getting out of hand. Thank you for your attention to this. Best regards, Scott Lepley 4498 Wedgewood Drive Eagan, Minnesota 55123 ~ , ~ . ' ~ 0(iti Council Minutes September 21, 1982 PRELIttQNARY PLAT - ODELL ADDITION - The application by David and Patricia Odell for preliminary plat app^oval of Odell Addition in McCarthy Ridge Addition was then nresented. Mr. Daniel Beeson, attorney for the Ode11s, was present who explained the proposal. He indicated that in his opinion the plat met a11 of the subdivision standards tor an R-1 plat. Ha also indicated that the restrictive covenants were not an , issue due to the 30 year limitation under state law. The Advisory Planning -Commission has recommended denial on August 24, 1982. It was also noted that the issue had been Defore the Council on June 15, 1982 as a waiver of plat requast xhich was denied for the lack of hardship. Mr. Terry Votel spoke on behalf of homeowners in MeCarthy Ridge Addition, a significant »umber of whom crere also present at the hearing. Mr. Votel indicated that the Petitioner was in error in regard to which area of the new lot as a result of the splitting of the original lot, would aetually be the frontage. He also described MeCarthy Ridge Addition as a fully matured, orderly and stable subdivision for which a replat of this type would presenL a precedent which could destroy the continuity and aesthetics oP the community. He a2so indicated that it could be arguad that the restrieLive covenants regarding lot size may still have some relevance. There was a significant amount of discussion by the Council regarding the afPect of the covenants, location of the existing garage on the proposed new lot, and the fact that this was not the Pirst replat of a large lot xithin a subdivision in the City. It was indicated that in the future homeoxners such as those in MeCarthy Ridge Addition could consider estate zoning in order to preserve the continuity of a neighborhood consisting of large Iots. Council then requested legal researeh by the City Attorney re- garding the covenants, estate zoning, and the signiPicance of the location of the garage on the proposed new lot. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was moved that the matter be continued until the October 5, 1982 meeting at xhieh time the City Attorney will provide information regarding the matters discussed. All voted yes. V6RI11NCE - SIENNA COAPORA2ION - WEDGEWppD ADDZTION The application of Sienna Corporation for a variance for the front set- 6ack of Lots 19 through 26, Block 1, Wedgewood Addition was then brought before the Council. Mr. Rod Hardy appeared on behalf of Sienna Corporation and explained that the Petitioner was requesting the variance for the following reasons: To preserve as many trees as possible in the rear yards of the lots, to provide proper slopes for the houses and maximize rear yard space, and to minl:nize the cost to buyers. He also indicated that due Lo the configuration of the plat, the variance would not affect adjacent properties. Smith moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve a variance oP up to 10 feet from the front yard setback, subject to compliance with applicable ordi- nanc?s. All voted in favor. 7 _ ~ . . . . . _ _ S / MEMO - city of eagan TO; CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES FROM: ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: AUGUST 10, 1994 SUBJECT: CORRESPONDENCE/REBECCA AND SCOTTLEPLEY I drafted the attached Ietter for the Mayor's signature in your absence to encourage the Lepleys and their neighbors to work through staff rather than to show up at a Council meeting. I'm not certain how you handle these items. Perhaps we can compare notes on that when you get back. In the meantime, this seemed like a good way to manage the item. Let me know if you have any questions. Ass' ant to the City Administrator Attachments JDH/jeh city oF eagan THOMASE6AN Mayor All$tiSt 10, 1994 PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER REBECCA AND SCOTT LEYI.EY council Members 4498 WEDGEWOOD DRIVE THOMAS HEDGES EAGAN MN 55123 Ciry qdminirtrmor Dear Rebecca 8ria SCOtt: E. J. VAN OVERBEKE City Cleik Thank you very much for your letter of August 9, regarding traffic and signage concerns near your neighborhood. We appreciate the time and effort you have gone to in investigating your alternatives vith the City staff as was evidenced by the correspondence attached to your letter. As indicated in the letter from Parks and Recreation Director Vraa, if you wish to present a petition and background information to the City Council, we would prefer that you submit it to our City ataff so that it can be placed on a regular agenda as a business item, thereby, giving all Councilmembers the opportunity to review the background information in advance of your presentation. By doing so, it permits us to be aware of the issues you may be raising and it provides us with the opportunity to give thought to the situation or even visit the location prior to our discussion of it. As a consequence, I am passing your letter on to our City Administrator, Tom Hedges, and I would request that you submit any petition or 6ackground information to him. I appreciate your patience in this regard. Part of the reason the issue has taken the time that it has is that the intersection analysis which vas requested for the intersection of Wildezness Run Road and Wedgewood Drive indicated that the warrants for a stop sign were not met. Where warrants are met, the installation of traffic control devices can occur relatively quickly. Where warrants are not met, the City must carefully consider options and costs in the context of all similar circumstances as was indicated in the letter from Parks and Recreation Director Vraa to Patti Schilling. That is the type of background information that the Council would wish to consider at such time as this item is placed on an agenda. In closing, thank you again for the time, patience and effort you and your neighbors have spent in this regard. If you'd like this item placed on a City Council agenda for formal reviev, please coordinate that with City Administrator Hedges. Sinceraly, Thomas A. Egan Mayor, City of Eagan cc: Patti Schilling TAE/jeh MUNICIFAI CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINiENANCE FACILITY 3030 PILOi KNOB ROAD THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55142-1897 EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 P14ONE: (612)681-4600 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4612 Equal Opportunlty/Affirmative Action Empioyer FA%: (612) 681-4360 TDD: (612) 454-8535 TDD:(612)454-0535 AL.IgL.45't 9n 1994. Tcim Eg<ar'i, Maynr cs. r..y of i-agnr; Eayat-t 1`1uni c=:i pa:l. Lii_ii 1 r_i i r1g 3830 Pi.1.oF.. R::nob I?oac? k:- ,~.agan, P~linne<.sc~lci ~~._,1...:.s:......t;:::~..,;..,. , pF?aY" T0f1i: I`1 i.fe ~and 'i ar-e wr•:itir7c t.~.r ~ Y c~a ) y~':~)LI i::):..1 ':ii:'_':cl.i.'.' ri"I' Cil..ll" ' iF...i.luJ I'E?sACeIl .L3 Afl the WC§CJt_'.jC?4VOOd {f].Y'S5'C E:di:1.1':].i7[l) :..le??lghl'uCir11t:iCJd. I;'dE? d.l' e Ci_ii"7:::eY..P.:i3Ci for the safety uf pei7pli3 crc,:::;<.s:ing t ~-.:s - ~::,.-c.l - h~,.__ ica:u.;i<ac:~:ri;t:. . t.:t:a ouur are<:a, ldi.l.drar°ric=ss hun Road a.^.i9 L.e>:ir:gton A,,,,rn_ue.. B- - -:d'~~' u. o -~~~se rr~r~d=s <'aira 2x'-r-r::i~ita:l.~ d<-~nq~.erni~.s=:. hr._ ~]r?CIE..rJ"1<_~ns„ l+ic. _ ~ , 6. __ue- ~ . . . ai~e pai~ xc~.ttar?.y cctnr,ernr~, h~.id• .en„ .JT,.~.:,:..~t l Pa3-i:: is :::u7 a#:.trar_tian t.ct which hf7e I<::i.d=..:; ,Zr-e di•<zwn <:,.ncl l:.hc= p.::.r4.: ic<arr ori:ly C,e r-achE •.,d I~y crc~s..z ~ ' _ ~ c~i.~r~ : r;~ .c:::zc. i ~r'~~ W' ~.1~-i ..c:~r-,, , , . . he res~. E.nts.. ~ Ct{' fJtAY YIE.:4t~~~... ~k;?-,;•-t:~:ac:~i:i ]..i. Ler-.a.1.1 y~ ~ .I. a.1-r+ ;,i.:i scarier s wit.h QItY' CFIl.Idt-E:il since an ...c9t.al,. ,:~;t :.~....~_.,_~~n;:;::a~~ ~ . . h.l'~~ . t~ ,.,.:.rM at a:I.l t.tine.=.; when crossing either of the.=..se bi.s_:y r-o.:c3ss„ TttG pr-oti:lc=in i;> fuurt:ti:ar e>:acer-ha'tE+cJ by the f8c{: f.r;tdt t!_:'r_; Wd..I.I::lni:j 'I:I'::3:LI':, "tr7!'- I:)O'I1:I7 r,:~<:u:i=.::; <ar_c.:, nn khe nppositc sicl id i'i'~t]i:)i•.F.1GOi-1.~ 'f~i-1U.-~,~ t~s c:;c t.lica . q;~t.:~'-.rtE2'4.:t_ `:r-..c:;:n c,L:r.. f.~r':: ...'fF? L'h22511"G.II C:clilflLl'C. BVE?i'Y .I.i?F.ive C1iir l.lii?].i:;hi:]i:5i"k'ii7:7i:j 6`:i.tho4lt ;;.Il Aiit ~C... 4=agan has so many 4eau'ti.iu.l ,_;ar4::s :.,rr~ ~-il1.I:I.1C: clff'kC:`I'71P:1i:_':s ~1v~;il~t-~i.tt, bi_it hert=., i~a a prnhl.ent of c ......__~::e<.a_; ,~._,t, ~ d ..c:.-,...t_.;,.~Lit:.Y.~ f'E?Ifid{ u. i,_.:)SEi VJ:I.i':.1..:!..If {;ilit'. 'ty'=. ' p;arV::s gf r-F~t_ ' 'r-=,<';t.inr7 Irr ~c! la:_ ' ~ - . t ~_uir~et. .:;I-ic~~_~.!. ~.~:r:li.~.c:ic:r! .[:L!Ili.: 1_ o pa::y cl y~ ~ . y ..acc::es=.:s t.:ca f:p.io=:se pau•..ks=s.. Fnr the ,aaiet, mc Gatan i~F,::s:icli-~i`i:; ;_c ,,::lir~ _ ls yota are pr-obaGly _vaii•-e, iF~~_r_~ " _r_~": Oi...l'~ 'r.':r,':~~.r; I~..~ ~.ric~, ~ ~-:a•.~r I:~t._i:=r-~ rii~tr~•y ~,i at the intee-ser_t:ion af I._e;;irnaf.nn and W;.lr.lcrrnr..;=<;;<.st Ri.u-i. i4t l:_..,ast t.wn factcars ¢nr° 1.hese at:_cident=.; _..,er=rn f<,.;.rly oirvzn._isr. (i.) •.;:i=s?.!::i:I.it:y due tn c.urves (southbouuniJ r.:,n I....r.,;::in:_jE:.on ani1 I_;ot.h d:irect:ti.r_ri5 r..?n lai.ldernF+se, Run), ;:ar;d (2) h:i.ati speed::; (e_sr:7;=r..:'.ia:!.:I.y <.ese:n_it.hbo,.;nd on Le:: i ngton due ta the h:i 7. _ c:ige ier- wi•.4~ i~tlldy F'al-.t::~ . ,.,.~.....I-~~..l:i:i.n~~ an~1 ot.h;=e n~_r:~c:ip~_,~:,r<.-;, o-r;3 h<.,,;r_, spnl::err with c+ach I-icsmenwncrrr in c7uur nc_i.i:;P;`ac:SrP:ooi7 CtaJedqe,-nocci I}r ivea W:rdgewoac:l L_anes No~::uaht~. IFJ~;~ P-~a•.~:_~ ~:~i•-i:=::.;::~nt.~~il tc; _:aac~<::u-~ cci t.y ~~tr, ar~cl ~ r z~ff:ica.al=a <n pt~tit.ion 4J7.'F.h a.irr,c:r-t.: .L~.~U?. hou:>.I7c:1ci r-e(~s:i:,:-tse ct1;e . . ~ I- .1 t...~= ~,r.~;.:.:::,t._:ii:~;:~cl <-aR:. :an final signat.i_ure<s ar-e br3ir:~:i y;_iC.i-~c;:r.:s.,c9 <:;t~~i ;-i:i:l . . . . . . . . . r iapt:om:i~~3 ~.,~.ty t]a~.inc:al me.eF:~.r,i.j?, l-~r-, 4.~;;.n:.on . ~..:~x..?e~;r..:. k.:.~~:t.: S . ort~et.h:~ny rnaj~~r I~;_~=: got t.o L,,= i:Jc:nic: l-.c r.esr~r:rs~~l;= t:.h; . _ Having wor4::eci for two ma.:i~.-.,r :i.n,>u.r-ance c-or.ip:an.ir=s, r .;-:L3. ~,.6-a<-e oF the iinpor-tan- .:.f~::~cf:.:i.;~.:., ~ .::.6:: ~n,t~r~<a~.,~i:;ai~f_._~-=~i:..~.. _~_,....;~i~-~-~ :.rra ca+ -+tr Iight.s nt the i.nter-secti.c,n nt I._e:<.;nytc;n arid GJ:i.:l.clerriee:s:; Rur: w:i.t.p: ai-i arljoi.ni.ng lower speerl zi_nnic by L=J,a:l.nur'-i. Il:i:i.:i. I'ai-'I.:: :::s a pc.:<::<.s:i.i::;:i:!:it,,', Thie 'Cr-agedy r.rf I.o=,;!:> nf 7.:. fc: a=::s:i.dr:, kJh:: v~ ~-cc3riom:Lt:_ ~ .I.i'fi :7~4 C._ n,_i C:: ) i. l C t~i - . r_:.:::n a . ~-r . pcr.erit. . . LJ. ;_,.d: Ii:<::<<.,~~~ r.'_v bF n~'eriousy cIr_t:. ariiner7i.:a1 t~. .::.L•r .:i . , _ .aW54d7.'~. C:~dflldi~@E t^3E?I^@ cOVE?I'..E?::1 ii! ld~:]1.I.:!'i.:'•i ?;.?ci{_lP..cil'lCi~4~~ ~:li'r.-aiT7.l..1fY15i 'COr- _ ~ r.:i y - : . ~crse-aqe could sk:;irvmc:b;ei:.,. TI-.~r,i...r:= i..~:~~_i:d t_,~~ rr,~.;::::rt.:.v._.::: pr-e;_,_:s tn rlea1 wi.ttt, partieixlar 1•y r>~ , ~~~:s; , - ini::.~-. i•:::..~:ir=ril..=..s t-~arrr~ IaF.,~.::r~ ~.:c;u~~r~_~.na_~.~.t.;.nq wa_ ci y offir...a.a1s fc_,i: _ ~ ~ ~r~i::~rr:, L.I:<_~rr r-i. ,~i:.<.~.r-c:!:~.ric. ...hisas ~;r-c:;l-,lc:rrr (sE?e E?Il[::lOESG?Cj CCJE)7.Eac. L)'{' C::Ri-Y-fi:'E:pi::iflClenCf3). Patti SCI`I:L.I.1:4ng has hF+aiJerl i_n_,i• riel gi-ibor-I-inoc7' r:ai f or vai. t.l-i t.h;. ss, 5he has cnmmunicr.at_eCI W1t:F'i s_Ver'<:zJ. P_.2iuF3f1 Civ`-t1f.:'1r:i! s (il"tij 'I'.Iii-~':' I'7;:i'•.~(_~ ivi~r~ the ~ro6li=~n . _ ~ ~r.F~,~t. ~Ir=:~:l. ~,y :st.i.ic:l Uni'r.r~- - r, g ~ y.. ~_..i_u-i.,a.:=1 y„ :i t. seri: m-; city;r_oi.tnt.y r-equl.:.-_ions ::ar;d hi.adl.~F.SL.S:j [:U ,'c) ~ .~~.,i-..t. _ : 1 ~ . ~_.a.rr~.::i ~7 ~...h.r., w<.a.y o1. Itlrlk7.ilg 7 COftliPf7!'1 fmF?n:iF' dC:.C13:LL"11...:. FI"(:7flt iit`;' Cil^!I'1 i?iipE?I"le?I"iC::i-::::ii 7.1...: 'i:.i'lC3 corporate wor-lcf I can <'apprF,?:_i<:+.f:e t.-,r:= I.iureat.ic:racin<.s wh;i:h rii..ist bra ;nvnlvec3 wi'kti <a:l:t th:i s. F'att.i iaas infclr-rnec:i tha.t tharr= :arF., in;e:ny i=;t.l-,er- rira:ii_il-il-;i::rr-hoi-,iJ s whii_ ~ i c".I..._._'.i3 ~1t~: ___.z.~ .i_:. ~.l .1_,1 ~:i . I_.F~i_~ want: ciangc.r•o~.s t_r~.~ff~ ~.c: - .i.. -:l. F.~..'1-,...;"I.i.iiiri LF~.:=~.t. .1.. ,7.'-.,~ ni' Eagan hiandles Wedgewni_;.:9'::,, 'CI-ie r::itv woi_i:ld hab;r_.: rri do a:! l r.;f then;. ThtF answer- f_a t.F17.5 '.:ieefiifii! C::.l'!'P.:i2 '-i'.iYi'7J.EtC l.' i~r ' ±.I, -~~~~~::s[) ',.I. ' i.. I ~ :-iei3il 4ixiny, fi:: ttiem a7.7.! I`1on:i.e::s °'rc;r :si_ici-i r,.=:t<.,t::i.•rr=:ty srn<.i7.:1 ~:,ro.ie=c:t.<.s i : r_er't:ainl.•y avai.1ab1e. The<.=;e ;are nr.ai mei e:tY • 4• rob:l.:_vn±:. ~:rF :::uiat:t :Lo,:. i c<_a:l. , i~;:.tai_i ~l::iCil", i~oorJs, I:_ ~ r._rj -_i.~... anyone Uah? happe+ri=.:: to 7.ivc: 9.n c;r l:r-r:a,;el t!-irough E::.a.3an, vahet:l7er N: c~_ar, e or- . -0'uot. I`~ ~dr1 u:.dE3rtt .~~~•.•~.~.L~v:i.:~ "i-.~ , t;iE:: _ g <a ~..,de::,tri<-,n, fr.hr:, [:II^YV@I^ WG1I.A1(j a.lso .sufifer cr..e.=e>.'t:.7.}, =;v:i.tl... ~.;...~~:t::. P::i. ~ ..is~t:r~::~~~~-~ ~e: ._~,r:r,:I. :.i. _ . : _t'1 . ~ . _ Y'..5 . E!cS2 Oll' ~1> ~1fit.irt'f:.:L:'~t i.:it:~ ~lil. IAIi? ri~:7n'~l: w,ant. t:c; .,e ra cI`iild 1::i:led 6efnr-e publ.ic: s::;ent:imenh rr<:+.uses.s <ac:'L:i.i:an ~ C; Ci.s 1:.::ak'r:ar'i,. t]ver aL the f'lSff!I-ii.ghway i.nn't e'''e_ct.i.r;;,, :.t-. Ita=_; taE::eri I:_i'-{+.gi.:::: deat.hs to per•suade ?f-Fzr..i.a1;- t.o t<ai:e i::or-r-el:-l-;.va .:ac::t.:i.i:7n„ We Pi<:3v~:= the npportun:i ty Iaei oi^er us t.o be pr c7aac-t.i. ve, r-as.t.:Pier t:hr::-:rs r r:ac:+,:i. vr>.. hope we as a r..ornrm.inity havc= the wa:i. sdnm t:.:._ cio =.:,o. e e tr:i_ian o L: _olI1OlI..InY. : m~~n ~r~ .E.'Y. a.'ia "ei c:~rc:7~.~~:a ~a:i.l.hr c:_orn irrl:~r,::., ,...5_._v - - - ~ L .=xIlGF.I?E'I".„ 1 F7E; 17.E?L'F? ~:i::.C...iF., ,~aal-s avhr.~ shar~ ir~ tl~c~ c~~i~r~ :if.I <:t tten 1-. i. c:t r: l'. ra f:its th<'aL- dc=sar.rap't:.:i.on very wi=1.1. 'I"i,<.a.nk you tror- yc::,i_ir t.his aPrious mctter-,. SincerE=:l.y, Fiebccca I_eplc.y . 1~ 4498 UJedi3eGtioad I?riven Cayan. Minnesor-t.a 55123--1934 homc pl7one: 612/952--1733 c.-_c Wedgewood hJe:ighborl-iood W_;,t.:-:h t.ir-ouj:? . ~..~r~;.::~ 1., hlr „ I°li.i_hiar•7. E'[:ii-.r 1:.:3c::ii ,.:...:.:.._:.I... u . ~:..L'..Ea. r .il{_ (..,7.I.:V c.i'll'.'I:lf'rti3E;P.. l..l. V Ci'i' F_'.cii,lall Eag;an f9i_uric:::ipal Bui:l.diri~:~ ::'"ii~.'::(> 1='~. ] nt:. li:ric~b 1='c;~id . -u,.i<an, II:i.nne::==.sr.rl_.a li:. ,1.:?2 U c'• ar.. I"I i. 6:: e. ' I i,.i;_illt( d ti:l ydl' ..:e3 1'.C:7 i:.halik vi::P_i. Fo'r' "y't u1.. a'i:.ti nt1o1-1 1'..o i7i"y i',i".-4:"I-i9i relaiU Cj7 ni .I-.ft... ..y. , ''f'4~1_v C:ir' hhe [.=ri _I..~~1i- til i WSJtierrt[_? I`~' ~ Ii_.r-i R:Ei.C.i V!F'11cl..i i e: ?.e:l:• from Ldc.Irc.i-liiC~ 1..~ ~r...7' ~ j:.i:i . , .t' ..-i._ h 1-~a.~.1'li_l'~':. ~'7. t.i i' _ik.. A. i~.u..' il-.. . _r9i.i~ _ v mariV G:arentr; in on.ir n.a:iqh`~~rh..__ . . ~ s-.:Sa., 1.!,,. c ~~c::.iii .::u'ii:I i r::ji..ii.~(:r? ctl'1'/.I.f?t!•. i:.~i irF, ~n!...i7i~-~'tl.._if ~i..i~..iM1;., ._I' . ~ _ i i fti.r:i. ki th7. f-{ i i =6 l. l i i l ~"i I fi:4i"cuiie .an ni.. hi.JiliF: ~.~r~.Y"t fi9 .~2iii151 ill.l~',' ....i•.. ~Iii~. . _ . . . . ~ .-.;~i~:r F.I~i....t . . .h...tni,.. li:~..'.,;~~ be":oiin• li'1cY. SiiiCil ..t':i;l.t e of I; i{a doI'-iqi Ioi..l'tii l t 5..;3.I1 i:i C:P_o,.ri{:1 II:L).di li'-ii.c_. RlL'. '^:i7?.d. Thei i_ :iY.'. Livc..iice: Hci.l`liiiig ,:::I li2:i -;'t i" .'hi? cru,!.i:w.i.l.l<: h-i I r- eamI..bout-id arirl i,.,i I_boi_i.n::.i.., I...Ir. i.de, oe.., i t t n ,1i.,,: iib';el. . a I. i:ifi t:.I"iea:. ni iil`;' ilit)L i Y i.5'h'.. It.irl "t lipi:2fil i-; I~ ii -":'I I ..ile . _ yi:-f. . _ ~ w.SiY.n71ii_l".,, p 'i {'li.::u.l.t'l':` thni ;3 i...iii :.ri:r ii E:.i::ii:'.AI'ld.. iti". Irie a..<'o-l's .I1s_'4ssPlj„ ttn} 15 fiu.3Ci i.li:ibI...m :4:LtIc ual'-iiliOf:S7Y'7."1:.:'m _ r(.~Cil ili::l.. WI. i:.-i E.1 ~,c~:.ts:=ci ~ , F t~ri..i ~ if' . m3 ,h. E'. . i.il i afl ni 7. 'I::. 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I].•. :irri,orta:it lor a' inn fo.- a,. , Wr_i'Y' i..I.!p, pin'i.i..l!laF'l`l iJivi.'fl tiie f?iiiib.:r oi z::ii'ii:l.fLr'3 F'(std'Lnq :i.n WFdi]i-•4^JoiYd. 1R1fTiFCj].at:?ly afYo.:=i W.i,l.!:ie:•-ness Rt!I'i RCicii.:f rP..:7;'t1 IJ3ifll.l-i:~ i'i.ll I"arl::, wi-,n m!.!:-;t cr..n.=_.=> th_ier-::-_,.. - MyiF:?lfr •,is rdi'.,ll a.., 'i(hi::Y licrlgl,...it.'i"£iE., t i'I.:: 7'i_:_i.3 r,.'i o hea.1'LI'1o .i:i,..oiil ' Vril.l a`1.u1-_ yi:iLl FidVi• h,ii.i 'i Lilr, i".o e•.- .hp :i.,itll'ci{':.1Cil'l., „'I.IIi:.:i?I•"r:_!7. v, .Pddti::l. ;:it::f"i:l 1. 7.I'ila 44[i.2 I.,Jei:Ji.-ir_::wc-ic::ic::l I:it:..:i vu::t - I:'ac:lari„ hii.rine::>c;ta 5 5 12:.'!; ...ioflii3 p1~~~ . .t:}nn,:]?s . .~._.~r.4 _.I.._~..~ ,.i._i city oF eagan THOMASEGAN , Mcyor July 14, 1993 pnraiaa nwcoa SHAV?N HUNTER MS PATTI SCHILLING saNOrtc, A. MnsiN THEODORE WACHTER 4442 WEDGEWOOD DR councu nnemoers EAGAN MN 55123 THOMAS HEDGES RE: Request for 3-Way Stop at Wedgewood Drive Cify Adminisirotoi and Wilderness Run Road E. J. vnN oveaeeuE CifY Clerk Dear Ms. Schilling: IYs been a couple of weeks since we last discussed your requesi for the installation of stop signs at the cross walk to Walnut Hill Park adjacent to Wedgewood Drive. Since that time, the City's Street Superintendent has reviewed the existing advance signage along Wiiderness Run Road identifying the crosswalk location. The advance signage is consistent with crosswalk signage throughout the City. As I had previously mentioned, the CRy is in the process of reviewing all crosswalk locations in the City. 1 anticipate this review being completed within the next 30-60 days. With respect to your request for consideration of stop sign installation, during the next 30 days the City will initiate a stop sign analysis to determine if any of the criteria as identified in the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices will allow the requested installation. This intersection siudy will incorporate the following four areas: 1. A speed study. 2. An intersection sight clearance study. 3. An accident analysis. 4. Traffic counts. Once the study has been completed, if the criteria has been satisfied, the City can instail the requested 3- way stop. If the criteria has not been satisfied, the information will be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration. The City is equally as concerned as you and your neighbors in providing areas to cross our public streets <,s., ~ . . rC....;...... ...rti......i, ~ r. ~v. .^.^yl^y . y'.,,.~. o-;,~ ro „ .,,...~~a„^.C~ -~b.. ' erely yours, Michaesch, P. .E S. /L Assistant City Engineer cc: Thomas A. Colbert, Director of Public Works Pat Geagan, Chief of Police Ken Vraa, Director of Parks & Recreation Arnie Erhart, Superintendent of Sireets/Equipment Stan Lexvold, Sr. Engineering Tech/Construction MUNICIPAL CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE fACILITY 3030 PItOt KNOB ROAD THE SYMBOL OF SiRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 3501 COACHMAN POIM EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 EAGAN. MINNESOiA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 PHONP(612)5814300 FAX: (612) 681-4612 Equal Opportunity/Aftirmative Action Employer FAX: (612) 681 4360 TDD: (612) 454-8535 iDD'. (612) 454-0535 t_,::rpt.o-=n,ber 17, :tQX', I"I r- i"I i. c I`i r. t;r 1. F r, ei, F. c Pi ' _ . _ _ rec:r:1!i3'~'f.e71..1'I'; I':1.'~';'Y' I.ii~Ii.Cie"r3r.. Ci. Ly c;f F<;c,jan I.:::ag<ari P1uni!=:ipa7. Bui.:l cl:ir-,r.i 3830 F'i.3. C,1: i::noI7 F:n:tiiJ Eagan, hii.nni=soi.-.a 551:,;.'."2, Ree Iiequc.si- 1=nr- 3__E-aa; =.taj:) Fti' IfJe[:.Ii:IeWnrrl c1Y 1vi? 1' I ir,gl iir =.f5; RU 'i i'. :i.RCJ Dear h9r-„ f=oeri:=3ch° J. a,fil inq'.liliig "o i":.'ll.Ow i..ip :-:n iii: jilne I,L lef.'t:_t_ to ;,...i.i l.t i i .":~1. 1";:',;; (OV f1E1ghbt.7rhCro{i'', Yeillif2E1; hhr.: l.i'l5.{.ii.!c:if:7ol..l Oi' sf..::ip ei = 2:;.1': . . i:l'ie CI't't.i;wdlk on l+Jlldern , Run I:...o<ad .<<<.:iaceni. t...: lJ~~....i_~rt:~~a ; r 3. Yl 1. i. f_ "'y t'" ~ . ~ Y[]iJ hcdd :i. f1dI i ;ij rrd I i .•r.]un- iy li-ti-i 1 i It,::rl`- 1 i-:ii2 1 i i;it Sz , , !:i. v, i .r...i- i.ri c~1i61:(',.'=37'.? 44illl.Cj F„~B i~;i;.3 ii~ ~ I..~_iiI"~~i 10 . :.i:_,..~,, ri ~li. i..~ _..:~-r lilc,dg_1.c i ~,~;~-i-; .i::'r I~e..;-~.~I.:Ei. t..~i~..r ..~i.i; i ;~i.. r-~i.in~.~~i ~"iiitIii . .I:-.(: i hear .•+utt:r,rnFt wi.l l. GE= =ur I.hF ;n I.ve!::I 7 iit: r!;-.e cC.i. (:]I-i. Jln ;-;rrer tn u.rr# ~'a~~ {Ilr. iii iii !-i~.7~.h1CiOrl~i I. i,:,:nt.I.Lc) . -.~,pr-eciaC.e a ._...ur F::tl"j.1Bst i_O!'iVeI"I7.Efrt.e .vly . '7i.:iY..ui,-.L7.{;7f.1 . oq_t h£ivi.. L1n i ,e :.S'i:: t:i.4: .i'iF3 •=.t c.,p =.:i. c:fn an:a:l. y!:::.i. s. 1.f tIlls 1 sstte hi-r'. 1-f; gO br -:i! tiie i-'.a .fi I..;ll C;i!_Ui:.-.:i.l., I w-wic! .4::e {=?.i b-] . ~ ..~_l..iib:~....r ..-ii. . .:i...ri 1-~F3 _P_e-~ ~e:sr.=ii t '_~..i 1.7 i~i~otiiiEei.1 53l.'J Li~l.I'- -:~-:;.1... ~,~r:l i_ v_` .~.:•r~ (~7f::r,.i? r.x..~r cr.nr{=~1'~('1-;. 7~'C:~~"..it.i~e!:1 1.'.. ~i .~.:I i.i"~' t.i~.;,=-I' .tii. Ilm' nei.ciht;or-=_> arid 't.hc.i.r- aclci:e;::s-_s i6 yc:,u woulcl 1.i.4::e to c:oii;inunicati::. di.rei-t.l.Y' wit.h t.hiertr. ...i ~_~..:i.=.a r~:- _ h~a yi_,t_t cm ,p,E~_sr' iac-.ca~n :.:i L-.~.., i:.~_•~ ~~u.. „ i. n c: ,ta r-;;:> 7. y„ 1=`a{-.i:.:i ;_;i::hi.:l:l:i.ric:i r.~..q.q:;' Wedgca.~oc'~d...DrA,,;r, Icaq=Unv h1i.nnesi::)1`.a 55 I.:,:_... i-iom;.- i,r,one: 454--1560 i • ' MEMO - city of eagan TO: MIKE FOERTSCH, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER FROM: STAN LEXVOLD, CONSTRUCTtON St1PERVISOR DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 1993 SUBJECT: STOP SIGN PETITION - WEDGWOOD DR & WILDERNESS RUN RD Attached for Council consideration is a stop sign petition signed by 33 properry owners requesting the installation of stop signs on Wilderness Run Road at the intersection with Wedgwood Drive. Also attached is a map showing the petitioning property owners in relation to the above-referenced intersection. In response to this petftion, the following issues were investigated to determine 'rf the stop signs are warranted in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) criteria. 1.) An accident analysis was performed and the results were that no accidents have occurred within the last two years. 2.) A speed study was performed on September 13 and 14, 1993, between the hours of 6:30 - 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Results of the speed study indicate that of the 1010 vehicles observed at the two drfferent times, 619 exceeded the 35 mph posted speed limit. The highest recorded speed was 55 mph. The average speed of the 1010 vehicles checked was caiculated at 36.52 mph. All vehicles checked for speed limit were traveling either east or west on WiIderrESS Run Road. The 85th percentile speed was calculated at 41 mph. 3.) On September 13-15, 1993, 48-hour Vaffic counts were taken aY the intersection of Wilderness Run Road and Wedgwood Drive. The traffic volumes counted (reduced to 24-hour ADT) for the above-listed intersection and days are as follows: Wiidemess Run Road east of Wedgwood Drive - 1782 vehicles Wilderness Run Road west of Wedgwood Drive - 1960 vehicles Wedgwood Drive south of Wildemess Run Road - 178 vehicles 4.) P. visual inspection of the above-referenced intersection was performed to determine the extent of the ciear-sight distance. When stopped on Wedgwood Drive south of Wilderness Run Road, the clear-sight distance to the east is 500+ and the Gear-sight distance to the west is also 500+. A stop sign presently exists on Wedgwood Orive. tf you need addkionai information, please advise. Construction Supervisor SL/jj Attachmeni: Petition Map Showing Petftioning Residents Traffc Counts Sight Distance Speed Study 2 ~ f . ~ Apr-i.l '::'.7„ 1994 f'Ir-„ I::r,=n b'raa F'ar4::s Ui.re.ctor- (,:i.1.`? t!f [_<:iqEAf1 F_:augan Mi..ini.r.:ipa.l Buildi.rig 3830 F'iAnt. k:noG Road f-<jq<:an, hlinnesottz °,57.,;::'.-. Qerar- Mr. Vr<ara: I am sUr-it:inq in fOll.i_iW_Up to c;ur_ phc,no-= cc.nn•:er;az..t.ian on I°I<_arr:h . ~.~`i4. WE d7.SCL455P_d OI..IY' I'1C.7.C1FlI:.ii71"I'1oo:.:1'SS CL]IIl::BYiI for .I:.fl(-3 SB.'i'C'I'.'J O'r dhi.:l.tireri at t.he inte=r.scac_t.i.on i::,;' {+Je('I: QE''.V.~i:i[:)i=1 X)I'1`?E. ~_tfl~l U,IS.L[1F.1 IlE?c3iLi I-tilll'1 Roacl. T'he proGleri :is the cP'i.-.=_.=w,314 t:.Ci l.!alnut Hi:l.:l. Par-4; ra.t i.t:i=S intersectinn. The incirea.=_..rd r,mount oi t:.r:_,rli.c on Gdi.:lderne,= Ri_ii-i 1=ioar.l, a1nnq with sptaed:irrg, inral::e.; c::r_c:i<._s:i.n~..-,i 'L-.o t.he F:,ar-I:: ev,C:r-t;:>ne1.,; r..langcroi.is. A!Ei We I:j:LSCUls3'E:fj, _ . , t-~tt:.E,r. ~a isic:~~_;.... _<:si~.;~n ;:;.r~;~1.~-.:i~:: bv 1;.h~-: f:::r~tlir'~t:ttt.i•:ir~c.i I?epart:ment, Mi4t F'oer-t<sch di~.-J not ;ee.l ;._Iiai- _%-wav =_.1-.op aias apprr.5pr-icitP_. LnSitear±, I°lil surgr i.r:-ri a ;'7a=_.hini;i y :I.'.I.ow warning ].i.c3hit_. Ycyi.i fclt thi<'tt ca E:iedca=;l:.ri.tan-ac::t.i.;<:;.I::.ad flasl-ii.nci l.i.i.11'it wc_n_i:td be even rnor-e c.fl:ecti'de. cii.rii=e cui conv,:ar'_=.._ytion„ Iiave __..po4::.si°i LJI.{':h our neiyhbOl''S arid P'rv't7Y-'y'i:i1..lE' lr.'i. b'Z7Y"Y iTiLlCh ).Il fc1V01' iJi- ciCJdll'ii:.j =i. pi=desiri an-activated ].:i.gl-rt.. r~_n_l -iad 5<yld tha± t.he c:r.;si.: ifiav be an .AS;sue„ It i.s l-.hea qF,ner_c;,l r_onsensi.as that i.t wruld be t.a;c di:il.la.r wt.-r1.1 spEni: tc:; ma4::e t:hr- ~ nei.ghborhoocl par-E:: a safer- plac:e +cn- Lhr= chi.:l.dr-Etn to ,_iccer_;<=;. 1t hiS IIGW been a ye.a.r sincc! 61y 1fll.'I_].c+.l i.-OIOi7lLtfi2Gc+.'F.lOll Wl.th 1:_rii-] ~ En{3ineer-inu Department, Otu_ nei.cht;nrl-ic,od hcs w,.iter.l pat:.i.ent..l;t ;nr- t c3ssi.stant_e wi'kh thiS rjrf:1I7].t:?ilt.. I. 4.iC:i4llC:I :i"ppY-t - C7.6i1'1:1F: Ci'?ifiri1LU11CLiiit.ir.'lf.l Gac::4:: from you a=s to Mihere we s';:-and on t.hi :i ssi.ie. Eincl n=sf;r.cl f iar yOUr r.omvenieiice ar"e r...-,pi.r=_s rf a:1'; pr-i.or c.-,rr-es:spnndcncc: r-c=7.at.rarl tc, tl-i:is :i. s>uc:•. ThanI<: you anain for- y-'-~...-1_ - -C3Lll' ;yr:?ilt].C:)fi ' i..~.! ~~2..tY'- i_.i_iiC.eY...ni=. S7.1'YCF_'I"L 1 y• Pc,,t_t.-.i Schi.:I.J.i.nq 4442 WedgewoocJ Dirive - Lagan, I`linnesota 55123' Home phonea 4:54-1560 Y l.nc:: l os u r e s Ne =r1.;T.r•: •b';„" ~ : n-~::e' 4b'dtv oF eclgcln iHOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA Ma 11 1994 sHnwN HuNrEa Y , SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORF WACHTER Council Members THOMAS FiEDGES Ms. Patty Schilling City Adminisirafor 4442 Wedgewood Drive E. J. vaN oveaaeKe Eagan, MN 55123 City Clerk Dear Ms. Schilling: I received your letter of April 27 in regards to the request for a stop sign/crosswalk at the intersection of Wedgwood Drive and Wilderness Run Road for access to Walnut Hill Park. I have reviewed the history of the initial request for a stop sign with Mike Foertsch, City Engineer. It is my understanding that the City's review indicated that this intersection did not meet the criteria identified in the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for stop sign installation. Consequendy, there does not appear to be a clear rationale for installing a stop sign at this location. A painted cross walk as an alternative to the stop sign, is one that is strongly recommended against. Painted crosswalk installations on the roadway surfaces are used in areas where the crossing is a continuation of the trailway. In the past, I spoke with Pete Sorenson of the Dakota County Engineering Department about similar situations and he has recommended against cross walk installations. He feels that a painted cross walk gives pedestrians a false sense of security. Painted cross walks imply to the pedestrian that vehicles will stop when they aze in the cross walk area. Unfortunately, crosswalks at a mid-block location are disregarded by motorists who assume that the oedestrian wili yield to the vehicle. Apparenfly, this is a fairly uniform principal with traffic engineers. Providing a flashing warning light, which is pedestrian activated, is another possible alternative to be reviewed. Cost for such a device is estimated at beriveen $5,000 and $10,000 per unit. There are several variables involved in this cost estimation, the most significant one (and the most difficult to ascertain) is electrical cost. For the purposes of this particular installation, we helieve that $10,000 is a more accurate estimate. 'I'hese dollars are not available in the current operating budget, nor forecasted in the Capital Improvements Programs. Consequently, tl-ie City Council would have to make a determination as to the priority of this expenditure against other City needs. I would anticipate the City Council to ask what otber parks might also face a sinular situation that would also vie for additional dollars to be e~cpended. MUNIqPAL CENTER THE IONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACILRY 3830 PILOi KNOB ROAD THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GRO`JJTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 35D1 COnCHrnnN rOiNi EAGAN. MINNESQiA 55122-1847 EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122 PHONEI (612) 681-4600 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (672) 681-4612 Equal Opportunlfy/Afilrmatlve Actlon Employer FqX~ (612) 681-4360 iDD: (612) 454-8535 iDD: (612) 454-8535 Ms. Patty Schilling Page -2- In reviewing park locations, I have identified several other parks with similar crossing concerns: Ridgecliff, Ohmann, Quarry and Carnelian. An agreement could also be made for cross walk or pedestrian aided control devices at an additional five or six locations. Consequentiy, you need to be aware that the City Council would be looking at a policy with expenditure implications of not just $10,000, but perhaps upwards of $100,000. If it is your desire to have this issue proceed to the City Council, I would be happy to discuss this with our City Administrator for placement of this particular request on the Council agenda for their review. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Ken Vraa Director of Parks & Recreation KV/lk cc: Tom Hedges, City Administrator Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works Lee Markell, Chair Advisory Parks, Recreation, Natural Resources Commission IA/SCHILLING.LTR MEMO TO: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES FROM: ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR HOHENSTEIN DATE: MAY 18, 1989 SUBJECT: COMMIINITY CLEAN-UP DAY-SCOTT LEPLEY CORRESPONDEDTCE This is in response to your inquiry concerning Mr. Lepley and his choice to not sign the City's waiver of liability for the Community Clean-Up Day. As Kris Hageman and I were preparing for the Community Clean-Up Day activities, the Parks and Recreation Department brought to our attention that they typically require disclaimers for their program activities, particularly when those activities involve physical exertion or minors. As the Clean-Up Day activity was anticipated to involve both, they suggested that we use the standard waiver of liability language which they have used for some time in such activities. Because Parks indicated that the form was standard to their programs, it did not occur to us that it would be an issue for anyone participating in the Clean-Up Day activity. Mr. Lepley accurately describes the facts in that we made no issue of the waiver at any time prior to his refusal to sign. Because of potential liability to the City in a City sanctioned event, I felt it in our best interest to request a signature or prohibit participation. Simply put, absent a waiver, in the event of an injury, the City exposure in a sanctioned event would be significant. It is my feeling that Mr. Lepley was treated assertively, but not improperly, and I would have been willing to discuss his concerns further, except upon his refusal to sign, he left the building. As it was, I simply stated the conditions under which the program would have to operate, and he made a decision not to participate if such a condition existed. We received no complaints from any other participant about having to sign the waiver. As you may know, all Scout groups require such waivers as standard procedure for children under the supervision of a Scout leader. Although it is unfortunately that Mr. Lepley and his neighbors chose not to participate, over 100 other people did. They accomplished a great deal and appeared to have a good time without incident despite the conditions and weather in which they worked. If you have any questions in this regard, please let me know. All things considered, I think Mr. Lepley was treated fairly and the City's interests were protected. It is unfortunate that he feels that the application of a uniform standard to all participants was personally offensive. Qn2~-~ Aosistant to the City Administrator JH/vmd Attachments May lb, 1989 Vic Ellison, Mayor C i ty of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road P.O. Box 21199 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 ' Dear Vic: I am writing in regard to the recent Community Glean-up Day in Eagan and to express my disappointment in a portion of its implementation. I did not participate, although I had previously committed to do so and had coordinated the efforts of about ten neighborhood volunteers. lJpon arrival at city hall that Saturday morning, I was informed for the first time that a waiver of liability needed to be signed. At no 2ime in any of the previous two letters or three phone contacts with city officials was this mentioned. When I refused tU Slgl, I 4id5 iUiti "ii YOU dOI'i 3igif i.hf Wdl'J2i, W2 Ceii't lcL yCU participate." Gonsidering the type of activity, the work involved in getting volunteers, and the weather that day, I didn't feel the city was letting me participate in anything--this was intended to be a joint effort. f then contacted each volunteer in my area to suggest they participate without me if they wanted; not a single person did, nor did they want anything to do with waiving any rights. Having worked in the insurance field for nine years, : am aware of the cost of liability protection and the difficulties for cities to obtain coverage. It seems, though, to be a"slap on tfie fiace" to be asked to sign such a document when one is volunteering to help out the city (and the 99% of the population who contribute to the litter problem, but don't clean it up). 1 would never have participated had I known there was a requirement to sign a waiver. What infuriates me is that no one mentioned it earlier. i will continue to clean up my local area as I have for the past six years, but I do not anticipate involving myself with city-sponsored functions again. 1'm sure one of the greatest challenges of public office is trying to please all the people all the time. I commend your efforts in organizing this activity for the first time and 1 hope my concerns will be of use to you in future planning strategies. Best regards> a Lepley ~ 4498 Wedgewood Orive Eagan, Minnesota 55123-1934 Work phone: 612/223-2665 Home phone: 612/452-1733 August 13, 1986 John Hankinson Vice President Sienna Corporation 4940 Viking Drive, Suite 608 Pentagon Office Park Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 Dear Jchn: My wife and I purchased a lot from Sienna Corporation in 1983 and sub- sequently closed on a home built on it in 1984. The property is Lot 26, Block 1, Wedgewood Firs*_ Addition, in Eagan. The house was buil: by Joseph M. Miller Construction. Within weeks of moving in, we experienced a severe water problem in the basement, with approximately 50 gallons per day flowing out onto the floor. The walls are constan±ly wet. Miller Construction has been out on three occassions over the past 2-7/2 years to tear up portions of the basement floor to add to or repair the drain tile system, most recently this month. The entire front side of the house, the main problem area, is surrounded by con- crete from the garage, driveway, and a front patio. We have had Dale Peterson, the Chief Buiiding Official of the City of Eagan out to inspect the problem. Mr. Peterson believes the problem to be the result of a high water table, not necessarily surface run-off, and has therefore recommended an exterior drainage system around the perimeter of the foundation to be the primary solution. This is all background to the situation. There have recently been com- munications involving Miller Lonstruction, the City of Eagan, FHA and us to deal with this. We thought we had things fairly well resolved when Mr. Peterson spoke with Joseph Miller, President of Miller Con- struction, and Mr. Miller seemed to indicate he would put in an outside drainage system if we would install the gutters. We agreed to this only to have Mr. Miller respond in a letter to us (attached) stating that was not the case, and that there had been a misunderstanding. Mr. Miller suggested that I contact you. Art Hultgren from FHA also suggested that Sienna Corporation, as the lot developer, might be of assistance. We would appreciate your input on this and any help which Sienna could provide to resolve this problem. 1 Joseph M. Miller Construction, Inc. 18733 CedarAve. So. Phone: (612) 892-1010 Farmington, MN 55024 August 11,1986 Scott Lepley 4498 Weclgewood Dr. Eagan, Mn 55123 Dear Mr. Leple]', In answer to your letter I received on July 30,1986, Dale Peterson of the City of Eagan has misunderstoon our conversation about the outside drain tile systen we discussed by asswning I meant my company would install it. When I talked to Dale he told me it vrould be a good idea to seriously consider putting one in, but Imybe would consider helping the homeowner put it in if he did everything he was supposed to do. In addition, I do not feel it would be my responsibility as the builder to have to put in a outside draintile systen for your horne because I have already provided the necessary draintile systan i was reguired to install. Sincerely, . Joseph M. Miller JOSEPH M. MILS,ER (bNSTRUCTION, INC. Because it was an FHA approved lot, it was not stipulated that there was a lot correction needed. Secondly, I was not the developer. If you have any further questions, contact John Hankinson at Sienna Corp. August 7> 1986 , Joseph M. Miller, President Joseph M. Miller Construction, Inc. - 18133 Cedar Avenue South Farmington, Minnesota 55024 Dear Joe: I have not been able to get through to you hy phone to discuss the problem at my house with the wet basement; please phone me at 73$-5373 (WOrk) or 452-1733 (home). I am planning to lay plastic and rock around the house on August 23, so I wouid prefer to havs any excavating done pricr to that, if tFat is what is to be done. Tony Van Grinsven, Jr., has been out to re-do a portion of the interior drain tile system. He is not working on as extensive an area as he had planned; after checking out the blockwork, he determined that only the same area that was repaired the two previous times needed more work. He is adding drain tubes to the 6locks' joints, since they were found to be full of water. I think I may have also discovered another source of the constantly wet lower blocks and standing water on the floor. I was cleaning the concrete refuse from around the drain tile itself when I noticed that the tile was imbedded in mud. Upon removing the mud, the entire cavity filled in with water. I subse- quently removed as much of this mud as possible, within the excavated area, and replaced it with approximately one-half ton of 1-1/2" river rock, which I obtained on my own. I believe this will enable water entering from beneath the floor to more easily pass into the drain tile. Could this he the reason that the walls stay wet and water flows onto the floor for days after a heavy rain due to the extremety slow absorption rate of the water into the drain tile? If possible, should the entire system be "cleaned up" in this manner? Again, Joe, I would like to thank you for having Tony out to work on the prob- lem. Please call me to discuss the repair of the exterior waterproofing and potential addition of an exterior drainage system. Sincerely, ~Scatt Lepley 4498 Wedgewood`9ri~e Eagan, Minnesota 55123 work phone: 738-5373 home phone: 452-1733 cc: Art Hultgren, Federal Housing Administration ,i0ale Peterson, City of Eagan 1 2 . ` 3uly 30, 1986 ,~J~I~... : . / Scott Lepley C~4498 Wedgewood Drive Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Joseph M. Miller, President Joseph M. Miller Construction, Inc. 18133 Ledar Avenue South Farmington, Minnesota 55024 Dear Joe: I received a letter from Dale Peterson, Chief Building Official, City of Eagan, regarding his discussions with both you and me concerning the water problem in my basement (copy of letter enclosed). I have called and left messages at your office several times since Monday, 6ut have been unable to reach you to talk abouti this. Based on Mr. Peterson's letter and subsequent discussions with him, I understand that you will install an exterior drain tile system at my house if I install gutters and downspouts. I will do this. Please call me to discuss details as to how and when this could be done. I assume this will mean tearing up a sizeable part of the yard as well as the front walkway again, and further, that everything would be restored afterwards. In conjunction with this, I will (at my expense and labor) add styrofoam sheets to provide additional protection to the entire exterior block area that is excavated. I will seal each joint and cover the exposed portions with a stucco-like protective covering. Finally, I will lay 36" cfi rock covered plastic arourd the outsid° perimeter fer further protection. Tony Van Grinsven, Jr., your drain-tiling subcontractor, has been out twice this month to examine the probiem. While out most recentl,y, he put a hole in a joint between two of the wet blocks to find water gushing out. His plan is to re-excavate the basement floor perimeter, for the third time, to add drainage tubes to these joints, as well as to get a drainage tube into both cores of each block; this will be done along the entire problem area, running from the sump pump in the far northwest corner to the southeast portion of the south wall. After the ho-les are drilled, tubes put in, river-rock addeci, and plastic laid, I will scrub all the walls with muriatic acid to clean off the white effervescence and fungus which has formed on the walls and then paint them with sealer from the ceiling down to below the floor line. Tony indicated he would talk to Dennis Asfeld, your concrete subcontrator, to replace the floor in those sections, as well as to discuss some questions pertaining to the block-work. It is my hope that the combined efforts by your people and me will resolve this problem once and for all. I look forward to hearing from you soon. I would like to get this completed in early August. Thank you again for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Scott Lepleys cc: Dennis Asfeld Art Hultgren, federal Housing Administration ,,.Dale Peterson, City of Eagan Tony Van Grinsven, Jr., Dutch-man's Drain Tiling AE)c1t%voFeagan 3830 VIIOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 8FA BLOM9UIST EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55121 n4ay0i PHONE: (612) 454-8100 iHOMrS EGFw .IMAES A. SMITH VIC ELLISON July 25, 1986 THEODOftEWACHTER councu Memoers nHornrs HeoGes - cav rwmnsr,ai« EUGENE VaN OVER9EKE MR. SCOTT LEPLEY Oryciera 4498 WEDGWOOD DR EAGAN, MN 55123 Dear Mr. Lepley: At your request, Assistant Building Inspector, Doug Reid, and I visited your new home on a wet basement complaint. We found that the exterior perimeter of the dwelling was well-graded and provided positive drainage. It was also noted that the foundation walls were well damp proofed and perimeter had been installed. It was quite obvious that the perimeter fresh water drainage system was working properly as the fresh water sump pump kept continuously removing water while we were there. It appears that the dwelling is on a high groundwater table and that additional perimeter fresh water drain tile may be the answer to drying out your basement. Mr. Reid recalled that a dwelling located in the same neighborhood had this problem also and exterior drain tile was installed along the outside of the ' end foundation walls and were terminated down grade towards the ponding areas to the rear. It seems to have worked quite well in that instance and as your house is similarly located, this could be the solution to your problem. Mr. Miller, Joseph Miller Construction Co.; indicated to me that he would seriously consider installing a perimeter drain tile for you, but that you should also install rain gutters to assist the drain tile. If you have not already been contacted by Mr. Miller, give him a call. Sincerel , ~L y~~Gtp/~- Dale Peterson Chief Building Official DP/js • CC: JOE MILLER CONST CO THE LONE OAK TREE. THE SYMBOL OF STRENGiH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIN ity oF eagan M9UIST 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21799 BEA BMO~ EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 , PHONE: (612) 454$100 THOnnaS EGnN 7 JAMES A. SMIiH ' VIC ELLISON July 25, 1986 niEOOOaEwncHrEa Council Members n+oMws HEOGEs Gry /WmmBhabr EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE MR. SCOTT LEPLEY arvcie,k 4498 WEDGWOOD DR EAGAN, MN 55123 Dear Mr. Lepley: At your request, Assistant Building Inspector, Doug Reid, and 2 visited your new home on a wet basement complaint. We found that the exterior perimeter of the dwelling was well-graded and provided positive drainage_ It was also noted that the foundation walls were well damp proofed and perimeter had been installed. It was quite obvious that the perimeter fresh water drainage system was working properly as the fresh water sump pump kept continuously removing water while we were there. It appears that the dwelling is on a high groundwater table and that additional perimeter fresh water drain tile may be the answer to drying out your basement. Mr. Reid recalled that a dwelling located in the same neighborhood had this problem also and exterior drain tile was installed along the outside of the end foundation walls and were terminated down grade towards the ponding areas to the rear. It seems to have worked quite well in that instance and as your house is similarly located, this could be the solution to your problem. Mr. Miller, Joseph Miller Construction Co., indicated to me that he would seriously consider installing a perimeter drain tile for you, but that you should also install rain gutters to assist the drain tile. If you have not already been contacted by Mr. Miller, give him a call. Sincerely, Dale Peterson Chief Building Official DP/js CC: JOE MILLER CONST CO THE LONE OAK TREE. THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIIY I )v 63SSU ab~ oi WE~6BwooD l.t~ ED d`V oi' (zcigcen 3830 PILOT KN08 ROAD. P.O. BOX 27799 BEn 6; OM9Ui57 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 ^^avo' PHONE: (612) 454-8100 iHOtitqs EGnrv JAMES A. SiAITH ,Iune 14 1984 '~EaRv iar"us a iHEODOr. V;ACH?ER r,o„~c~ n,~emn9.s fHOMAS'riFOGES Cny Aaminisiwto, EUGFNF VAN OVERBEKE MR SCOTT LEPLEY 4498 WEDGWOOD DR EAGAN, MN 55123 Dear Scott: Thank you for your letter of June 8 concerning the development of Wedgwood Park. Your observations concerning the park being used as a dumping ground are, unfor- tuna[ely, very [rue. We are continually fighting [his type of abuse and mentality of the public at far too many loca[ions. Much of this material will be removed prior [o the physical development of the park. Typically, we get volunteer or court services personnel who go into the park and do a general pickup and removal of debris. Wedgewood Park is currently one of those park areas on that list. As we get into the final detail and design work for Wedgwood Park, the u[ilization of the large boulders as part of the landscaping can be cor,sidered. Should we no[ I find them to be suitable for use within [he park, we will offer them to the residents for free taking. Your last request won't be quite as simple. The City has developed a tree nursery with the capability of moving trees either to the nursery or [o a specific park area. Therefore, we fully intend to remove those trees which we feel would be of value to the parks system. Trees which are not removed wi1: probably be of lesser quality and variety which you too may not find to be acceptable. I would suggest that you contact me 2C the time grading work begins to determine which trees or shrubs remain for the taking. I would like to give you some advance notice of this, bu[ I am sure wi[h all the other projects happeninp, I wi11 forget to follow up with your request. I will ask you to be alert to work on [he park once it begins and ask that you contact me at that time. Preliminarily, Wedgwood Park has been scheduled to be one of [he first to receive development work. If everything goes according to sctiedule, we would anticipate the park tu be under con[ract some time late in August or early September. I apprecia[e your letter, Sco[t, and your interes[ in our park system. We beLieve you will be very pleased with the end product that we envision for Wedgwood and the reside ts serves. Since , en Vraa • ~ Director of Parks & Recreation KV/ js iHE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY S ity oF eegan 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 BEA BLOM9UI57 EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55121 nnavor PHONE: (612) 454-8100 7HOMA5 EGAN JAMES A. SMITN JERRV THOMAS THEODORE WACHTER AllCJllSt 3, 1984 cou~inaemoers THOMAS HEDGES Clry Atlmlmstmfor EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Cry CIBrk CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED JOSEPH M. MILLER CONST. INC 18133 CEDAR AVE SO FARMINGTON, MN 55024 Dear Sir: Our records indicate that the dwellings listed below have 6een oc- cupied without a request for a final inspection: B.P. #8303 - 904 SUDBERRY LN B.P. #$597 - 891 SUDBERRY LN B.P. #8964 - 888 SUDBERRY LN B.P. #8842 - 879 SUDBERRY LN B.P. #8235 - 848 SUDSERRY LN B.P. $8638 - 4498 WEDGWOOD DR L B.P. #9015 - 905 SUDBERRY LN. ~ If arrangements are not made within ten (10) days to resolve these oversights, this list will be presented to the City Council with a recommendation for suspension or non-renewal of your contractor's license in the City of Eagan. Sincerel , Dale Peterson Chief Buildinq Official DP/js THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SVMBOL OF STRENGiH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY ~ . , August 11, 1987 j' 6..,~, , • . - Doug Reid Building Inspector Lity of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Dear poug: Our home was built over the winter of 1983/1984 by Joseph Miller Construction. Starting that first winter, we have experienced a situation of our walls and ceilings separating during the winter months. This was brought to Joe Miller's attention, and he had the rafters nailed down (which was not originally done), and he offered to have the ceiling/wall joints retaped. We have not had the retaping done since it is obvious that it would only get torn apart again each winter. We had resolved ourselves to living with this on the assumption that it is unsightly, but not a major safety concern. However, I recently read about precisely this problem in a magazine (copy enclosed) indicating that this might be more severe than we were led to believe. The article refers to frost heaving of the foundation causing this, which also sounds like something we have experienced: we have had ongoing problems with cracks opening up horizontally in the walls, corners of rooms separating (by as much as a half inch), doors jamming or not closing properly in the winter, and buckling of exterior metal corner edging on the siding. Would it be possible for you to look at our house and give us your opinion? I shudder at the thought of needing to have work done at this point, but i am very concerned about potential major damage to the house. Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, Scotf Lepley 4498 Wedgewaod Drive Eagan, Minnesota 55123 work: 738-5373 home: 452-1733 ~ + ! I . NANDYMAN ~ I sycaRrsRnNSOx ~ WAW SNINGLES LEAKING SKYLIGNT silicone caulk that will retain its ; . Flexibility through various weather com ~ In 19811 reshingled my roof, which My husband ins[alled a skylight in ditions and over a long period of time to ~ has five different levels. The our kitchen ceiling about 10 years recaulk the skyliqht. If your skylight is asphalt shingles on one level of the ' ago. It has begun to leak so 6adly in good condition, you may decide to roof are bqdly buckled and are -that the ceiling plaster is falling. remove it and reins[all it with proper - leaking, while the shingles on the He has tried every type of caulk waterproofing, ftashing and caulking. I other levels are pedectly tlat. What made and nothing has worked. Is 'Che proper technique for installing caused the shingles to buckle on there a way to correct this or leak-proof skyligh[s is illustra[ed in only one level of the roof? should we replace the skylight? "Cathedral Ceilings: Construction, Ven- LesterBastiou, Coudersport. PA Vivian Kurtz. Washinglmi, PA tilation and Insulation," p. 92, Feb. '87 If a roof deck is not ventilated, moismre You note that you have tried cauiking "1'FH. in those illustra[ions, arcnitect and temperatures can butld up inside the skylight without success. 'Cry , Carl De Groote recommends that che and cause buckling and premature removing the old caulk down to the skylight be installed atop a cur6 (see faiWre of the asphalt shingles. From the shingles and/or tlashing. Then use a below) iI you live in a heavy snuw area. situation you describe, l suspect that the area where the shingles are buckling is not property ventilated. Consult a . . . . . . . roofing contractor for advice on improv- ing ventilation in your roof deck. f ~ , . WALL CRACKS I During winter montha our walls i separate from the ceilings, leaving + ° ~ 'w" ~'i ,'A-6+. bad cracka between the ceilings :.:y4 I and walls. This cracking occurs I only on interior rtitions, never on ' r f J ~ exterior walls. In summer, the I cracks close almost completely I, y x F shut. How can I solve this pro6lem?, Y, M¢rk Lowman, Nauvoo, IL Cq ~+r ts+p A I The degree of cracking indicates seri- ~ ous st[uMUral problems. Because you indicate in Your 9uerY that the cracks occur only in winter and humidification I does not help preventthe cracks, we ~ suspect that your house is rising from ~ I I i~ frost heave under the foundations. Thisl ~ is not a do-it-yourself project. Have ~~ryppDPECKER PROBIEM NEATER TIMER ~ ~ your home inspected by a licensed structural engineer to de[ermine the What can be done to stop wood- I read somewhere that you can buy ~ ' exact problem and solution. I peckers from boring holes in cedar 1[imer for an electric wa[er heater, siding? I've noticed that in my area but I have been unable to find one. ~ most of the damage is on the Could you give me a source for porthwes[ side of homes. buying x[imer? ~ I e„ ' • i ~ Herbert Walkins, ljayme City, MI George A. Miarphy ~ Have the siding inspected by a profes- liinhrslon, NN e ~ ' ` ~ sional exterminator. Woodpecker activ- Page 833 of the Sears 1986 Fall/Winter ~ iCy on siding often indicates the catalog lists a timer (or eleclric water „ presence of insects in the siding or heaters. "Phe timer turns the heater on g j sheathinq. The woodpecker is seeking be(ure peak periods of use and otf when . I dinner. I( no insects are found; consult hot water is not needed. The UL-listed, o • ' ~ ~ wi[h the agriculmral department of your AO-amp timer has a'L4-liour cycle which ; State university for ideas en how [o Ret includes two sets of on/off switches, and rid of the birds. it costs $24.99. _ ~ - - . - r 44 SFVr&MBfR 1987 TNF fAMlp MANDYMAN ~ W.% s n ~..a. 'M n. . . , . . > ..r. . US) city of eagan 3830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD. v.0. BOX 21199 BE.4 BLOro7auIST EAGAN. MINNESOiA 55121 Mwor PFIONE: (612) 454-8100 niOMaS EGAN JAMES A. SMITH VIC ELUSON July 25, 1986 n+EOOOaEwncr+rEa counui I iHOMAS HEDGES CiN ~cminuvalor EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE MR. SCOTT LEPLEY arv ciare 4498 WEDGWOOD DR EAGAN, MN 55123 Dear Mr. Lepley: At your request, Assistant Building Inspector, Doug Reid, and I visited your new home on a wet basement complaint. We found that the exterior perimeter of the dwelling was well-graded and provided positive drainage. It was also noted that the foundation walls were well damp proofed and perimeter had been installed. It was quite obvious that the perimeter fresh water drainage system was working properly as the fresh water sump pump kept continuously removing water while we were there. It appears that the dwelling is on a high groundwater table and that additional perimeter fresh water drain tile may be the answer to drying out your basement. Mr. Reid recalled that a dwelling located in the same neighborhood had this problem also and exterior drain tile was installed along the outside of the end foundation walls and were terminated down grade towards the ponding areas to the rear. It seems to have worked quite well in that instance and as your house is similarly located, this could be the solution to your problem. Mr. Miller, Joseph Miller Construction Co., indicated to me that he would seriously consider installing a perimeter drain tile for you, but that you should also install rain gutters to assist the drain tile. If you have not already been contacted by Mr. Miller, give him a call. Sincere Dale Peterson Chief Building Official DP/js CC: JOE MILLER CONST CO THE LONE OAK TREE... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIN September 11, 1987 Bill Bruestle Building Inspector City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Dear Bill: Thank you for meeting me at my house on September 9th to look at the problems I have experienced with the sheetrock separations between the walls and the ceilings. As we discussed, I will contact you again this winter if the situation repeats itself, as it has each winter since the house was constructed in December of 1983. Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, Scott Lepley 4498 Wedgewood Drive Eagan, Minnesota 55123 cTHOMASEGAN Maya PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER $ANDRA A. MASIN March 31, 1995 THEODORE WACHTER Councll Members THOMAS HEDGES City Atlministrafor SCOTT LEPLEY E. J. VAN OVERBEKE ciry aerk 4498 WEDGEWOOD DR EAGAN MN 55123 Re: Petition for Ston Sign on VVilderness Run Road na, Wed¢ewood Drive/ Pedestrian Crosswalk Uu¢rade Deaz Mr. Lepley: At the request of City Councilmember Shawn Hunter, I was asked to provide you with an expectation/dmetine regarding the City's response to yow petition for a stop sign on Wildemess Run Road at Wedgewood Drive and analysis of various pedestrian crosswalk altematives. Out Engineering staff have completed a survey and have an extensive compilation of pedestrian counts and types of crosswalks as surveyed from other communities. The analysis of protective devices for use as an advaiiced waming for pedestrian crosswalks will be presented at the Mav 2. 1995 regular City Council meeting. Your patience in allowing the Ciry rime to complete the survey and prepare an analysis is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Director of Public Works, Tom Colbert, at 681-4635. Sincerely, \ \~,tp Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator cc: City Councilmember Shawn Hunter Thomas A Colbert, Director of Public Works TLHlvmd MUNICIPAL CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACIIITY . 3830 PIlOT KNOB ROAD THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122•I697 EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122 PHONE; (612) 6814600 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612)681-4612 Equal OpportunitylAffirmatlve AcTlon Employer FnX: (612) 681-4350 TDD:(612)454-8535 TDD: (612) 454-8535 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Permit Application Jc 1 I_? ~ City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot ICnob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New ConsWCtion ReQUiremenls RemodeUReoair ReQUiremenls Otfce Use Onlv 3 registered site surveys shaxing Sq. ft ot lot sq. fl. of house; and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan CeA of Survey Recd (20°,6 maximum bt coverage allaxed) 1 set of Enerqy Calalations for heated addi6ons Tree Pres Plan Reod 2 copies of plan showing beam & wiiMow sizes; poured found desgn, etc. 1 site survey for addi6ons & decks Tree Pres Not Reqd 1 sel of Eneyy Cakulations Addition - indicate it on-sife sep8c system _ On-site Septic System 3 copies of Tree Praservation Plan if lot platted afler 711193 Rim Joist Dehil Options seleclion sheet (61dgs with 3 or less uni5 Date _L l ZL l~~ Construction Cost "f L G u, Site Address UniUSte # Description of Work Multi-Family Bldg _ Y V N Fireplace(s) _ 0 ? 1 _ 2 Property Owner .5(! bt T k t G`/ Telephone ) r Contractor vQ a rv~, 5 l_t~ Q Address i S~ 1L.F= City State 7 ~ Zip 515 3 c73 Telephone j,( 3) 5/ 5~-1-~ Z, y~ COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Ca[eeorv I Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code CategOry , Residential Ventilation Category t Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (Jsubmissiontype) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Licensed Plumber Telephone ) Mechanical Contractor Telephone ) Sewer/WaterContractor Telephone ) ~ I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State f MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, an~=fiot to sta wi hout a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval ofplans. ~ ~Applicant's rinted Name App i ant's~ t ature 411. City of Eapll 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: /a q(?`7 Permit Fee: (h' �- 6 Date Received: Staff: L INFLOW yNFILTRATION PERMIT APPLICATION Plumbing / Sewer & Water Date: S ..ZZ_ Za (Z Site Address: Lit -(18 GJEt7GEO®0 DR.\\.1e. Tenant: Suite #: Name: 5GOTT 4 R£6EcCbA LE -f Lam/ Phone: 452- (%33 Address / City / Zip: 41+RS Oc E,J CO'i Di iV E E&rl , M t SS(Z3 Name: License #: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact: Email: PLUMBING (Within the building envelope) Sump Pump Repair Other: Description of work: FEES $60.00 / Each (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) SEWER & WATER (Outside the building envelope) Repair Other: . , . pctn,tp dk 6- TOTAL FEE $ *Permit fees will NOT be reimbursed by the City of Eagan. If you plan to submit I/I repair costs for reimbursement, two quotes from qualified contractors must accompany this application. A list of contractors can be found by visiting www.citvofeagan.com/inflow, or City Hall at 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which reuires a review and approval of plans. x 5z'i Le'LE/ Applicant's Printed Name x App1int's Signature Required Inspections Under Groun Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r----------------� i For Office Use � Clt of E� �� ; Permit#:_�� CJ �� V j Y � � _ ��,� 3830 Pilot Knob Road I Permit Fee: Eagan MN 55122 � I � Date Received: Phone: (651)675-5675 I I Fax: (651)675-5694 I � Staff: � �-----------------� 2015 MECHANICAL PERMIT AI�PLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2)sets of plans with ali commercial a plications. � Date: Site Address: �� �� l.t� t�l�.tCi W ��i�i � � � Tenant: = Suite#: T+� '���i �`_�4 �i > / ° ` ''" Name: J � / Phone: ,�a e� w� � � , .. � � ) �, Address/City/Zip: W �� / c ,,, Name: /�.� 1'1 C�����'l � License#: � �� n'� / /��Qd� �Q��`� ,�. ,. ' Address �b� �12��1 % h.G' :�Y s GG_City: � } . �k. � �I� �� I W�'�'�� � /� /� /� .- )/� � �p � � `' � State:�Zip: ���72.. Phone: Ui'(o2 "3�rv �Y�� �� � Contact: �L11"`GPGI' ��G� � Email: L�i �a����� � C� e�� ���� ��� � �"� New �Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition ��� ����["y�j�� �y�/ P " Description of work: � T -���� �= a� au ��� _ ��� _ � � � f���,-r _ � _� e . � +�� �:���an c�--�r�t�f�, � f �"��'�� '�����°c ," � °���� �� RES►DENTIAL COMMERCIAL � � �Fumace New Construction _Interior Improvement � y, y .x �- - . �Air Conditioner Install Piping Processed �� p�r � �,'� '� ��� x '� _ ,�Air Exchanger Gas Exterior HVAC Unit ��� � -� �= Heat Pump Under/Ab��ve round Tank Install/ Remove ,� „�;� =-� � �E, — — 9 (— — ) ��� � �� Other _� ��.;y a :..����{-� _ _� _ . ��.. __�_ — RES/DENT/AL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit(includes$5.00 State Surcharg�s) $100.00 Residential New(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) _$ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ x.01 $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum $70.00 Underground tank installation/removal =$ Permit Fee *If contract value is LESS than$10,010,Surcharge=$5.00 � _$ Surcharge* If contract value is GREATER than$10,010, Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.000,> ""`If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =� TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x �l�`/�Q � ��� � x A icant's Prin ed Name App icant':s S a re --- . .� .«._ _ : FUI�QFF_. �� � _� _ � �.. _ _ ,. , _ v �, L - _ , .. � r � - _._ R�+�u� o` ;, _- n� _ -. � � � : _ - � - � - -, - .�t��deEgrR��.=�. ���► �-� - _Ai � s �.S�r?!�x -�_ ea _ -�µ � i .� �, : �.. ,