945 Wescott Rd B -7/(Z Q lar,s ~-o ~ot f ~ ~G'1( 76 2007 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL rExnuT arrLicATioN /kc( City Of Eagan ~ - 7 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 FVU'~ Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete £or: commerciallindusvial buildings 1 multi-famil buildin s when se arate emits are not re uired for each dwellin unit Date 7/ 11 / 07 gy Site Street Address 945 Wescott Rnaci (Wnnc31 anri F.1 em) Unit# Tenant Name (if applica&~odland Elementary School Previous Tenant Name Propertyowner Independent School District # 196 Telep6one#( 651) 423-7700 ContraMOr Nprthmact Rhaatmatal fn. nfSt_ Patil, Tnc_ StreetAddress 110 Sycamore St. W. C;ty St. Paul State hIlV Zip 55117-5451 Telephone 651 ) 310-0102 Bond k: 55-191415 Expires: 10/13/07 The Applicant is _ Owner X Contractor _ Other Work Type New Construction _Interior Improvement _Install Piping _ Processed _Gas X. Exterior HVAC Unit'* **HVAC units must be screened Under/Above ground Tank Install Remove When installing/removing tank(s), call for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbing lnspector tvacureofWork: Replace two roof mounted condensing units N : e rigeration piping y ot ers P¢tL1iL F¢05 $70.50 Underground tank installation/removal $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surchazge) or ContractValue $ 489000.00 x 1% _ $ 480.00 Permit Fee $ .50 State Surchazge To calculate surcharge If Pemit Fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is 50 cents. If Pemit Fee is >$1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 Pemit Fee (i.e. a$1,001-52,000 Pemit Fee requires a $1.00 surchazge). $ 480.50 Total Fee I hereby acknowledge that this inforznation is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes, that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permi[; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ~ Rodney F. Albers . / Applican4s Printed Name ApplicanPs Sig ----PS-----------"--,;%-~;-- --------;.r Approved By: 1 1'" 1 _ i .1 / , Inspector Date: Required Inspections: - U.G. R.I. _~Air Test _ Gas Service Test _ Infloor Heat Yiinal 2007COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PExMiT arrLicATiorr ~ CITY OF EAGAN ~B i S ZOOI 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Date ~ Sife Address Unit # Tenant Name Vvo Former Tenant Name Property Owner ~ 1 Telephone # ( ) Confractor Y,4 1 Address ~,I City State Zip W0-1- Telephone (~J License# TM Expires: 02 ?v' 1 The Applicant is _ Ownei _ Conhactoz _ Ocher Work Type New Bldg Modify Space _ Irrigation Sysfem** _ Yes No Work in public r-o-w / easement? ~RpZ _ pVg: _ New _)UepairBebnild _ Replace _ Remove Raimsensors are re uired 'on irri ation s stems - eeblu / D~ Description of Work o~- To inquire if Pressure educing Valve is reqmred on new serv¢e, call 651-675-5646 . Mefers - Call 651-675-5646 to verify that hydrastatic, conductivity, and bacteria tests passed prior to nickin¢ up meter. . Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM 2" harbo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Size & Price 3/4" merer $174.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ Na Flushometers Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 nuniueum (includes Stafe Surcharge) Contract Value $ x 1% ° $ ff,9`00 - PeimitFee , $ Meter(s) Required on all new Uuildings & 6oulevard irrieation svstems $ Radio Meter Read g ,State Surcharge . If permi[ fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is $.50 ~ If oermi[ fee is more [han $1,000, surc6arge is $.50 far each $1,000 owecl. . . . Following fees apply when installing new lawn irrigation system $ Watei Permit . Ca11 the Ciry's Engineering Departmeni, 655-675-5646, for required fee amounts 'j'7eatRlent Plant g Water Supply &.Srorage $ . State Surcharge $ k 5a. ~ Total Fee ! hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Permjt and acknowledge that the information is wmplete and accur8[e; thatthe work will be in confomrance with-[he ordiiiances and codes of [he City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes;that I undcistand this is no[ a permit, but only an application for.a pes;Z ' and work is nof ro s[aiY without a permit; [ha[ the worl< will be in atcordance wi[h the approved plan in [he case o work which requiirs a review n approval of plans. c nYs Si n t r . App]icanPs P inted Name Ap CITY USE ONLY REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: _ U.G. ~ Air Test Gas Test _ Rough In _ Final PLANS SUBMITTED APPRQVED BY: . BUILDING INSPECTOR General Information • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings. Boulevazd irrigation systems may require a radio read -$153.00 • RPZ's must be tested every yeaz and rebuiit every fiva years. Test resutts should be mailed fo Paul Heuer at the City of Eagan. • A minimum fee permit per address is required for the following RPZ's: new, rebuild, renair, remove. • Water meters include copper horn/sffainex, remote wire, and touch-pad meter. METERS REOUIRING 4-HOUR ADVANCE IVOTICE PRIOR TO PLCK UP GPM H2ETERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" residential $136.00 4-120 1-1/2" irrigation sysf $ 855.00 displacement or turbine*" Public Works . " . maximum small commercial - must approve -continuous meEer size 10 2-30 3/4" lawn inigation $174.00 4-160 2" turbine large irrigation $ 1,063.00 ~ maximum displacement residential system & continuous or production lines 15 small commercial 3-50 1" displacement large residenrial $219.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 2,018.00 bldg to 24 units 65 units maximum small conunercial & conrinuous & lazge comm bldgs 25 irrigation systems 5-100 1-1/2" 25-64 unitbldgs $532.00 maximum displacement - & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOi7IItING 30-DAY AD VAIVCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" ltubine very lazge urigation $1,411.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs $3,956.00 system & production & very lazge lines comm. 61dgs 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,577.00 10-1000 . 6° compound +400 unit bldgs $6,623.00 ~ very lazge very large comm bldgs comm bldgs 15-1000 4" hubine verylazge $2,533.00 6" wrbo $4,090.00 irrigarion systems & producrionlines Comments • To schedule inspecrion of the inside water line and backflow preventer, ca11651-675-5675. • To arrange for water hun-on, ca11651-675-5200. cc: Utility Division Systems Analys[ December 2006 1n 2007COMMERCIAL PLUMBING rE~' arrLrcaTioN S`D ~ f'' CITY OF EAGAN , 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 FM 18M 651-675-5675 Date '_~2 //~T / f/7 Sife Address /°7'~ uW-b' Unit # Tenant Name Former Tenant Name Q Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor Address~~ Cify State Zip Telephone # (661)~~ License # Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner _ Contractor _ Other Work Type New Bldg Modify Space _ Irrigation System** _ Yes No Work in pubiic r-o-w / easemen[? _~LgpZ pVB; New _Y-&epair/Rehuild _ Replace _ Remove Rain sensors are re uired ou irri ation s stems .~Sa" V~1 ! i L'lP~ cS f ~/2 „ Description of Work l,I.G~ To inquire if Pressure Re ucing Valve is required on new service, call 651-G75-5646 Mefers- Call 651-675-5646 to verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria tests passedprior to oickine up meter.Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM 2" hubo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Size & Price 3/4" me[er $174.00 - - DQmestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 mHirneum (includes State Surcharge) . Contract Value $ x 1% = g Peimit Fee g Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevazd ircieation svstems $ Radio Meter Read g , ~j(~ State Swcharge [fnermit fee is less than $I,000, surcharge is $.50 If pemrit fee is more than $1,000, surcharee is $50 for each $1,000 oweA. Following fees apply when installing new lawn irrigation system $ Watei Permit' Call [he Citys Engineering Departmen[, 651-675-5646, for required fee amounts g Treatrnent Plant g Water Supply &_Stonge g State Surcharge JrD Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Pertnit and acknowledge. t6at the information is comple[e and accurate; tha[ the work will be in conformance with thc ordinances and codes of Ihe City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes;that I understsnd this is no[ a pertnit, but only an application Cor a permit, and work is not to stert ~'thout a permiT, that the wodc will be in accordance wi[h the approved plan in the case of work which requires w ai pprova o p an ApplicanPs Pr' ted Name . Applic Ys ign u e CITY USE ONLY REQUIREDINSPECTIONS: _ U.G. _ AirTest _.GasTest _ Roughln _ Final PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: , BUILDING INSPECTOR General Informat'?oa • Radio Meter Read (required on all new huildings. Boulevard urigarion systems may require a radio read -$153.00 • RPZ's must be tested every yeaz and rebuilt every five years. Test results should be mailed to Paul Heuer at the City of Eagan. • A minimum fee permit per address is required for the following RPZ's: new, rebuild, reaair, remove. • Water meters include copper hoin/sttainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter. METERS REOIIIRING 4-HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" residential $136.00 4-120 1-1/2" iiilgatlOn SySt $ 855.00 displacement or turbiue*" public Works maximum small commercial musf approve continuous meter size . 10 2-30 3/4" lawn in•igation $174.00 4-160 2" nu6ine large irrigation $ 1,063.00 ~ maximum displacementresidential system& continuaus or production lines IS small commercial 3-50 1" dispiacemeiit large residenrial $219.00 1/4 to 160 2" compoand bldgs over. $ 2,018.00 61dg to 24 uniu 65 units maximum small conmmercial & continuous & large comm bldgs 25 im ation systems 5-100 1-I/2" 25-64 unitbldgs $532.00 maxunum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOUIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very large urigation $1,411.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unitbldgs $3,956.00 system & production & very lazge lines comxn. bldgs 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,577.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,623.00 very lazge very large comm bldgs comm bldgs 15-1000 4"turbine very lazge $2,533.00 6" hubo $4;090.00 irrigation systems - - " - & producrion lines Comments • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, call 651-675-5675. . ~ To arrange for water tum-on, call 651-675-5200. . cc: Utility Division Systems Analyst December 2006 - ~p -836aG - BUILDIHG MOVE POLICY 1988 80TEs Op to a 21 day time Yrame is required to proceas applications and information For a building move. PERMITS REQUZRED: I. Landowner/Building Owner permits - to obtain an oirner's permit: A. Read City Code, (thapter 4, Section 4.10 B. Fill out owner's permit application C. Provide documentation that any existing septic system or well has been filled and/or capped in accordanee with Mn. Dept. of Health WPC 40 and the Minnesota Water Well Abandonment Guidelines within 90 days of move. (Requires a plumbing permit). D. If structure is being diseonnected from City sewer and water service, a permit to work in the right-of-way is required (contact Engr. Dept.) E. If building is to be located in the City of Eagan: 1) an application must be submitted to Eagan's Communitq Development Department for City Couneil approval of the owner's permit. A filing fee is required and all application submittals must be provided 14 days prior to a City Couneil meeting. (Meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of each month.) 2) obtain building permit, plumbing permit, HVAC permit, electrical permit and sewer/water permit as for new construction. F. City Code, Chapter 4, outlines required fees. II. Mover's permit - to obtain a mover's permit: A. Read City Code, (hapter 4, Section 4.10. B. Fill out mover's permit applieation. C. Provide a written guarantee to repair any and all damage to City/County/State roadways, utilities and/or rigtit-of-way that may result from this move. D. Mover's permit fee is $30.00 MOVER'S PERMIT APPLICATION (FOR BQILDING MOVE) 0 Date of 9pplication: 0 Address & legal description of building being moved: 4 -ze- 0 Address & legal description of proposed destination: (k-)D DD L411.D S'~ 14-_; b L- 6/0 0 Gheck situation that applies: Building presently loeated in Eagan - to be moved out of Eagan Building presentlq located in Eagan - to be relocated in Eagan (Requires Council approval) Building located outside of Eagan - to be relocated in Eagan T (Requires Couneil approval) Building located outside of Eagan - to be moned through Eagan to another City. 0 Mover's Name: ~ K-/USIr" &L/S'r , 1!/,d Address: ~~UU ;Fr/x Phone # V-7 S-ZE z - Mn. Mover's License # 71 (submit a copy of license) 0 Highlight origin, route, & destination on current City map. If County or State roads are used, provide copy of those permits. 0 Proposed date & time of move (notify Eagan Police Department). NOTEs Eagan Police vill not acoompany move until time coordination has beea made xith neigh oring municipality. 0 Siz & veight of strueture: 2/ OFFICE DSE ONLY Mover's permit fee Permit lk Guarantee to repair 3 LAND OWNER'S PEBMIT APPLICATION (FOR BOILDING MOVE) 0 Date of Application: 0 Legal description of property. 0 Address & legal deseription of proposed destination: 0 Landowner's name: address: phone 0 Indieate if property is serviced by: _ City sewer City water _ Septic _ Well M1 _ Electric service _ Gas service _ Other (list) 0 Indicate party responsible for utilities diseonneet: Land Huilding Owner Owner Mover Other OFFICE IISfi ONLY Real estate taxes/assessments on land Utility diseonneet: Eleetrie Gas Sewer/water Landowner appronal u ' BUILDING OWNER'S PERMIT APPLICATION (FOR BDILDING MOVE) 0 Date of Application: 0 6ddress & legal description of building being moveds 0 Address & legal description of proposed destination: 0 Building owmer's name: address: phone 0: 0 Landoi+ner's name: address: phone If landowner is different from building oxner, provide approval from landowner to operate on the property. 0 Indicate if strueture is conneeted tos _ City sewer City xater _ Septie _ Well , Electrie service _ Gas service _ Other (list) 0 Indicate party responsible for utilities disconnect: Land Huilding Owner Owner Mover Other OFFICE OSE ONLY Aeal estate taxes/assessments on building Utility disconneet: Electric Gas Sewer/water Landowner approval 2 r • Ml _ I E/ NTS ( ~ , ~ ~ _ _ ~ . . : ~ ~ ' • ~ . ~ ~ I `M i - . I ~ .L_ -ii e 3 4y. /f - ~ ~ • pee e~ ' ~ rr ~~f ~ •,r~.61 IRA- ~ p I > ~F~•, PJ ~ ~ I y T ~ ~ 000 --i aJi I a e .~-.cc,, -8- i . ~ _ ~.l•~i// i 9. I Q ~ - ~ . , . A ~ ' i ~ i ~~I ~ gt~~ ~ ~6' rya~ @A'b ~ ~ I - ~v Q , L • • ,,,y ~,S" . . r.I 36 Lxrs~ v ~ p' ~ ~'i~ ~'~~.AY : y~~ M1a~ •a. . ~ •j~l~~~ V ~ ~ ~ ~d • 6ri ~~y~ ~ ~ - I ~ ~ ~ ~ •~'w i ~d Y ~.2~.' ~~r 1 • ~ ~t. 551 _ - J "A. ~ y~ ~ ~ ~~~~~I~ 5 ' IE ~'4.Slr.vr.l ~4 A~ I ~s `,•I l s sg p y~ 41' y J ~ E~f,l',ti/~.~ APPL£ ~ VALLEY ~I I ~ i, FOSE~pdNT~:~• I ~ ~l(~ A B C' D si F 0 .4~14~ n , • ' . . ~ ~ ' ' , d W i~ . _ . • e ~ . ~ . ~ , ' • ~ . . . . 1~ ~ : ~ V 1~r V O O O V O v/ ~ M./ Q 5225=C5 GX~Q/`~.OL -CaAVAOA~`' ~ • . O O p 0 0 a p 0 Q ~ ~~~~E 11 ~ 0 q ~ ERNST MaCHINERY & HOUSE IrAOYERS ~ ~ has oomplied wu#h licensing Iaws and ~ ~ this license is hereby duly issued. ~ ~ To werify current insuranr.e status p Q ca10 Mn/DOT a# (612)297-4187 ~ ~ EXPIRES: JUME 30, 1990 toESOrqyQ 1 0 ~ ta 0 p . . 0 ELI2 ETH PARKER: H55I TAF9T DIRECTOR tn,yT ;iP;~ ~ ~ OF TF~P o e ~ ~ e ISSUE DATE (lMNDD/YY) 06/20/89 PflODUCER THIS CEHTIfICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMIITION ONLY AND CONFEiIS NO RWHTS UPON THE CENTIFlCATE HOLDER. THIS CEHTIFICATE DOES NOTAMEND, The Maguire Agency EXTEND Ofi ALTER THE COVFAAOE AFFOADED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 1360 Energy Park Drive COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE P. O. Box 64316 St. Paul, MN 55164 co"PANY A Milwaukee Mutual Ins LETTER COMPANY B Mlwaukee Mutual Ins INSURED LETTER COMPANV G. Ernst Machinery & Housemovers LETTEa Corporation LE~TTER Y D Employee Beneft 9400 85th Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55445 COMP^"v E Milwaukee Mutual Ins LETTER e THIS I4T0 CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN IA4UEDTOTHE INSUFiEO NAMEO ABOVE WR THE POLICY PEPoOD MDICATED, N07WRHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT TERM OR CONDRION OFANV CONfRACf OH OTXER DOCUMENT W1fN RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CER7IFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OR M4Y PERTAIN, THE INSUAANCE AFFOflDEO BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEiiEIN IS SUBJECf TOALL THETENM9, EXIX.U8pN3, AND OONDI- TqN3OF BUCH POLIpES. ~TR TVPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER ~Y(ayy~ ~ Y~p~ ALL LIMRS IN TNOUSANDS GENERALLJA&LRY GENE~AGGFIEGATE $ ZOOO X COMAMEACIALGENER0.LUABILIIY PPODUC7SCOMPIM /a3GWMTE $ 1000 A X W~~µ+ce ?X ~~"cE 22C029923 06/01/89 06/01/90 PERISON"L6i1DVERTrINGINJ0RY $ 1000 owNEasacormucroasmorecnvE EACH~URRE"CE $ 1000 X C&U PREDAMRGE(ANYONEFIiIE) $ 50 MEDMRLEXPENSE(AXYONEPER401p $ 5 AUfOhpBILE LIABILITY x `S` { ANY AL,ro $ 1.000 uwvrt+eonuros B X scHmuLEoavr°S 22C029923 06l01/89 06/01/90 (PERPEFSONj $ eoaLv X ~Har~owuE nuras $ cauce uneiun PROPEMY $ excessLweam ucx ~ccaECnre OCCURRENCE $ $ 0'f FiEfi 7Fi4N UMBRELU FORM $TAMORV WORKERS'COMPENSATION ZOO (EACHpWpENI) EnaLorEns'uaeam 023470 06/02189 06l02I90 SDD MSME-roW"'ulff~ D °ND $ 100 (DsFnse•EAcx DPLovEE) OTHEFl E CARGO 22C029923 06/Oll89 OWOl/90 SPECIAL FoRM - SSOO DED. $50,000 - MAXIMLfM LIMIT ANY ONE ITEM BEING MOVED DESCRIPTIDN OF OPERATIONS20CATIONSNEHICLES/RESTRICTIONSlSPECIAL REMS s 6 f SHOULD ANYOFTHE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BECANCELLED BEFORE THEEX- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN PUZATION DATE TVIENEOF, THE ISSUING COMVANY WILL ENDEAVOH TO NIAIL IO OAYS WRIiTEN NOTCE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDEH NAMED TOTFE LEFf, BUT FAILUIiE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IhPOSE NO OBLM.ATION OR WIBILRY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, RS AOEN7S OR NEPNESEMATNE3. AUTHORI2ED REPRESENTATIVE Y, L , ~~.-~S_it:l ~ _x.~_•.~.;t~ : ~ : ROBERT R1PPE & ASSOCIATES INC. F O O D 5 E R V 1 C E C O Y 5 l' L T A N"f 5 10349 Yellow Circle Urive. Suire"daL ~~inncapolis. J~inneso~e~ ;,5343 (6 12) 935-33:44 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: ~ DATE: PROJECT: CnZ: f.kV~ AT-rN: PROJ. No: Attached WE ARE SEIVDING ~ ? Lrnder separate cover via the following; ? Drawings ? Plans ? Sp.ecifications ? Prints ? Samples ? x Copy of Letter 0 Change Order ? COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION !v -/~'-87 ~ ~1 i~•'~= - ~~L?lf L~u ~c~~~lit'Sc THESE ARE TRANSMiTTED as checked below: ? For approval ? For review and comment ? Returned for corrections ~FOr your use ? Approved as submitted ? Return one corrected set of prints As requested ? Approved as noted ? REMARKS: BY: ~ COPY TO: ,-.,f FtECE(VED • ° ' " (~',~7 ~ minnesota department of health ls M7 _ 717 s.e. dalaware st. p.o. box 9441 minneapolis 55440 H U H O (612) 627-5000 June 18, 1987 LG Nammel, Green, Abrahamson, Inc. 7P 1201 Harmon Place LH Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 RR Dear Gentlemen: RE: Nescott Avenue ElemenCary School located itt Cfie Cit ofl i-:i.t ~r~ Eagan, Dakota County, MN, Plan #71339 We have received and reviewed the plans and specifications covering the food and beverage service equipment layout to serve the above-designated project. The plans and specifications appear to be in general confonnity with the standards of this Department. However, the following additional information and changes are necessary: 1. All food and beverage service equipment must meet the ° L applicable standards of the National Sanitation Foundation. Custom food and beverage service equipment shall 6e designated, fabricated, located and installed to N.S.F. v1~ Requirements. These provisions also apply to "items supplied by owner". 2. Primary food preparation surfaces (tables/counters) must be of stainless steel Construction in Compliance with Standard aJz. #2 of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). 3. Plastic laminate (formica) surfaces are not accepta6le on counters or tables in food preparation areas. 4. ` Shelves and counters in the storage area must be at least a plastic laminate (formica) finish on any exposed surface. 5. Provide adequate storage facilities. a. Indicate the location of any storage rooms and their floor, wall, and ceiling finish.- b. Employees personal belongings, chemicals and maintenance supplies must be stored separate from and :fC-:A below food, clean equipment and single service supplies. C. Food, clean equipment, linen and single service items „ must be stored on shelves at least six inches above the floor. /UDTE ' lqGG ~~urPN1~Nj !4/IGL 6~L THf N- S.~ C~fScL - ' an equal opportunity employer C• ~ ~ Hammel, Green, AbrahamsQn, Inc. - June 18, 1987 Page two t 6. Canopy and hood construction must meet the applicable standards of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). c,L_ Additionally, the requirements of the Minnesota Building Code (SBC-1345.1460) covering commercial kitchen ventilation systems must also be met. 7. Floors in kitchens; other rooms where food is stored, prepared or washed; dressing or locker rooms and toilet ~iTtc~ rooms, shall be smooth, non-absorbent and easy to clean. 8. Wall surfaces in food preparation, dishwashing and storage areas shall be smooth, light colored, easily cleana6le and - non-absorbant to the highest level of splash or spray. J a. Wall surfaces in splash zones or high moisture areas such as dishwashing, hand and janitorial sink areas, etc, must be ~ finished with durable, non-absorbent materials such as: ~ 1. A reinforced fiberglass-plastic panel (such as glassbord or similar product); 2. Ceramic tile; 3. Epoxy resin over waterproof sheetrock..~ ~,+~yr,.o c~r~c•i'~°~~ ~r r+~Ctj".its~C G, Stainless steel; , alvanized metal or equivalent materials ~should--be--insta4}ed behind the cooking line. 9. Ceilings in food preparation, dishwashing, and food storage areas shall be smooth, non-absorbent, light colored, easily :«-0• cleanable, and must not be perforated, fissured or textured, 10. Indicate the type of flooring in the walk-ins. Approved flooring includes: a. Properly fabricated and installed galvaniied metal. b. Proper]y fabricated and installed stainless steel. c~ Properly installed quarry tile. ? '-d. Proper application of epoxy-resin coa:ing over smooth concrete to produce a finish of at least 125-250 mils thickness (approximately 1/8 inch thick). 11. Walk-in cooler shelving must be NSF approve " stainless` steel,~factory pre-coated epoxy, or other materiaTs estgned a~ for-this type environment. Chrome shelving is not approved. 12. Al1 equipment must be installed so that it is easily cleanable, that is, either easily movable, sealed in place or having sufficient space surrounding the unit to clean in place. I Hammel, Green;.,Abrahamson, Inc. June 18, 1987 Page three . 13. All artificial lighting fixtures located in food preparation areas, food storage areas, dishwashing areas and walk-ins shall be effectively shielded to prevent glass breakage onto °r- food or food contact surfaces. Install a sufficient numher of vapor-proof light fixtures in the walk-in cooler and/or freezer to provide a minimum of 10 ft candles of light throughout the unit(s). 14. Provide a separate mop sink. The plans have been transmitted to our Section of Water Supply and Engineering for review of the Plumbing system. You should hear from them in the near future. At such time as construction or remodeling is completed, please communicate with Mr. Dave Goff at 612/623-5340 in our Metro District Office in order to arrange for a final on-site inspection. If you have questions concerning this matter, please communicate with us at 612/623-5341. Sincerely yours, Robert A. Lashbrook, R.S. Assistant to the Chief Environmental Field Services RAL/kbm cc: Cave Goff ~010~~ 4 ~m o~~~i. bMn Md~F Ip~qE[ ~~pptniW tYnr.al ~~oon4vm MO CANBON PAPER REOIHRED:Typa or wr0e on orlpliul - ImpeWOn MG ~ula~rtlupY eODe~r on wp4a Cemem . - . , . . neM. PRIORITY a MIDWEST FIRE PROTECTION December 18, 1987 p UROENTI 0 324 Harding St. N.E. ~v NO' O~ Aa voasie~ M MINNEAPOLIS. MWNESOTA 55413 Rphrl/ 2562 W~o x~r x~o III T~1 ATTENiqN: (612) 331-1411 Peter Graffunder III . . BUBJECT: . . Hammel, Green & Abrahamson, Inc. Woodland Elementary School r 1201 Harmon Place 945 Wescott Road 0 III Minneapolis, MN 55403 Eagan, MN Gentlemen, After agreement by Eagan Fire Marshall, the sprinkler head M located in the bay window at the north end of the gymnasium has ~ E been eliminated as per our discussion of December 11, 1987. s s A G E cc Doody Plumbing & Heating ~ Protective Inspection-Eagan SIGNED: 04iE OF PEPV: RERV TO: R E P l Y SIGNED: SENDER: MAIL RECIPIENT WHITE AND PINK SNF.FTS. RECIPIENT: WFITE HEPLY. RETURN WHITE TO SENDER. KEEP THIS PINK COPY.. fire department NEN SIXIIMORN GlYel DICK SCHINDELDECKER AeNetartClJel ity oF eegnn 3795 PibT Knob Road V1C ELLISON Eagan, Minnesota 55122 "iO'q Phone: (612) 454-5274 THOMAS EGAN DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PPMELA McCRfP. THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOAMS HEDGES Gly PGrtJnkhoNe August 11 , 1988 EurErE ~ ovEaeEKE Schoal Superintendent Independent 5chool District 196 14445 Diamond Fath Road fiosemount, MN 55068-4199 f;egarding: Woodland School This letter is to address two problems at Woodland School. i. The 5prinkler System needs to Ge lower in the Mechanical Room under the duct wor4; in that area. 2. 7he sound proof doors in the Music Area are a concern because of the weight of the doors. Our cancern is the aGility of children to operate these door safely. F'lease advise us as soon as these two areas are resolved. Sincerely, Dale Wegleitner Fire Inspector DW/sk cc: Farcel file Doug Reid, Chief 6uilding Official HGA Architects Adolfson & Feterson, Inc. THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGiH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIiY 7 ,L $ I, l.Je sc,of'} Setioo I Addn. MEMO T0: TOH_COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF_POBLIC BOR%S ~ JIM STURM, PLA3INING DEPARTMENT~ BILL AgINS~ II,ECTRIC9L IASPECTOR CRAIG ~iODSEN, ENGINEERING TECH FEOM: DOIIG REID~ BDILDING INSPECTIOAS DEPT DATE: Ti:~ne '1, 1988 The Protective Inspections Department will be performing a final inspection for oceupancy of y~5 weSC~/ ~~00.d on Jupe ~~~~8k. c.Joodland ~.levn. Se.l~ool Please return within 48 hours with your approval or denial. Failure of response within that time frame will be determined as approval. It will be each departments responsibility to contact the construction firm with necessary requirements before final inspection and notifying the Building Inspections Department when all requirements have been taken care of. Thank-you. DR/~s APPROVAL: ,~f° DENIAL: (SIGN T E DATE) (SIGNATURE & DATE) ~ ~~~d~ lEMO T0: PAT-GEAGAN - POLICE DEPT. ~,,ED %SR3CBT, S8. ENGINEERING SBCH: ; CRAIG %NiJASEN, ENGINEERING TSCfI. TOM CALBERT, DIEiECPOR OF POBLIC YORBS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHEN3TEIN, ADMINISTRATION BILL 6RINS, ELECTAICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, ii9TER DEPT. FROM: DOOG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: Al.l(.tAST' I~ I~I a\ The preliminary coastruetion ` plans for 1'c:>'21A'C5,I.E eLASS'aDQI+N - Wo-oa~~NC ~Lc.r~tr~iARY are in our plan review section for qour review and comments. Please return this form to Joe Merchak rrl.th your iaitialed oomments and the date oP review. Failure to return form to Joe rithia five (5) daYa vill be oonsidered your approval. If you have any oDjectione to approval of theae plans, it ia your reaponsibility to notify this depertment aad resolve any problems. Thank-qou. /JS z I / 8 c(S gnature) Date) Lf, ~1 -l ~l MEMO T0: PAT GEAGAN - POLICE DEPT. ED SIRSCAT, SR. ENGINEERING ?SCH. CR6IG KNUASEN, ENGINEERING TfiCfi. TOM COLSERTs DIRECfOR OF PUBLIC iiORBS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINS, ELECTRZC4L INSPECTOR ` JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. ; FROM: DOIIG REIDp CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: AIAGIAST Yhe preliminary construction plans for RorLTA'$LE (fI.AS`;ROQN\ - w03DDL,60*(D T_-LB_M1&N1Ar-'Y are in our plan review section for qour review and commenta. Please return this form to Joe Merchak vitH your iaitialed comments and the date of review. Failure Lo return foarm to Joe vithin five (5) daYS will be oonsidered your approval. If you have any ob3ections to approval of Lheae plans, it is your responeibility to aotify this department and reeolve any problems. Thank-you. /JS (Signature) (Date 1 V ~ CASH RECEw7CITY OF EAGAN ~ 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55722 onre 19 WCENFD Yy 4~V- ~ / AMOUNT t5tg g DOLLARS ? CASH HECK row ..C' CP~% G!"i7 ' CL~ LL'-2 3 ~i FUND D&IECT AMOUNT S 7 / - • ~/v 6 '7a ~ - Thank You BY N° 83287 yV7j'b P~~= Rnk-File Cppy CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN ~J 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55722 ` ~ . ~ DATE a,3 mc= AMoUNT OU 9077 ~ g 10° DOLLAfiS ? CASH t-CHECK i ~r • ~ FuNO ~ ~O r a-d-G ~n 7 AMOUNT „ 8,v Thank You ay N1° 84001 Y" b y Flnk-Fib (7pPY ~cw / ~ 7 a 4,33 . L t 5 r Wcmt..~n UJ cd+4choo~ ~d'j INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 796 74445 DIAMOND PATH ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 ¦CALVIN E. ZWIEFEL 612-423-9400 DIRECTOR OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION October 24, 1988 Dale Wegleitner, Fire Inspector City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Dale: This letter is in response to your attached letter of August 31, 1988. The two problems identified by you at Woodland School have been resolved as follows: 1. The sprinkler system in the mechanical room has been lowered as you requested. 2. The door in the music room closes hard because of the door closer and not because of the weight of the door. We removed the closer and the door operates very easily. A new door closer has been ordered. Sin~rely yours~ Calvin Zwiefel Director of Elementary Education CZ:nk • B CG ~ n3 ~n *3 ? C) ~ soun+orx~ cn~ar MO)dtViiFaagan fire departmen ,l E"'0 SE P oiacSc AWOW oa~o~EC~ 37% Pibt Knob Road wC 91Lqarl Eagan. Minnesota 55722 . . - nm« Phon9: (67'11 4 5 4-5274 ss:.' j c~ ' 3 7 ~j DA KND GUSfAF50N S L 1 ~'j I,~ C 1-7 PAMFIA McCREA THEOOaRE wncE+rat i J U: Canc1 MemOen :'I:.'v v' I. l/: f r•, _ TFiOMAS HEDGES Ctly AdianWKW August 31 , 1988 ~~v~~ cnv aeM School Superintendent Independent School District 196 14445 Diamond Path Road aosemount, MN 55068-4199 Regarding: Woadland School This letter is to address two problems at Woodland 5chool. 1. The Sprinkler System needs to be lower in the Mechanical Ftoom under the duct work in that area. '2. The'sound proaf doors in the Music Area are a.concern because of the weight of the doars. Our concern is the ability of children to operate these door safely. Please advise us as soon as these twa areas are resalved. ; Sincerely, Oale Wegleitner Fire Inspector DW/sk cc: Parcel 4ile Doug Reidt Chief 8uilding Official HGA Architects Adolfson & Peterson, inc. iHE LONE OAK TREE. ..iHE SYMBOI OF STRENGTN AND GROWiH IN OUR CONqMUNIiY LJ Q.a,~'z( G.ek~. fire department KEN SOUDiOrN C,W DICK SCHINDELDECKER ~cnw ity oF eagan Da+l~nctDCn 3795 Pllot WIOb ROad V1C ELLISON Eagan, Minnesota 55722 "AOYO1 Phone:(512) 454-5274 D40MAS EGAN DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PAMEIA McCRFA THEOOCRE WACHTER CourcJ Mernben 1HOM0.S HEDGES CIN AdTinulrola AUgl18t 30, 1958 EUGENE V!W OVERBEKE Ciry Cieik T. M. LangaBer Independent School District 196 14445 Diamond Path Road Rosemount, hIIi 55068-4289 Dear Mr. Lan6ager: In response to your letter of August 15, 1988, relating to installatlon of kick stops on interior doors at Woodland Elementary ncanYlfire doors control ed i by Yire alarm systemst be The Eagan Fire Department does not like this type of hold-open device; however, as long as your emer8ency plan has the procedure to check and close all doors before exiting the building, we will support your decision on this lnstallation. S cerely, Dale 1ie8lei ner Fire Inspector DW/tp cc' __Parcel_file_ Ken Southorn, Fire Chief Doue Reid, Chief Buildine Official ~~.~THEONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN • i INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 14445 DIAMOND PATH ¦WOODLAND ELEMENTARY ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA5SOB9-4199 TERRYLANGAGER PRINGIPAL AUgUSt 15, 1988 Mr. Doug Reid, Fire Chief Eagan Fire Department Cit,y of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd „ P.O.Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 Dear Mr. Reid, The purpose of this letter is to seek ,your support for insY,al.l.ing kick stops on some of the interior doors at W'oodland Elementary School. There will be a need to keep some of the doors open in the instructional areas. This request does not pertain to any fire doors controlled by the . fire alarm system. It is certainl,y our understanding that all doors be closed during an emergency situation. It is also understood that all door stops would be placed in an upright positio? for fire drills or emergenc,v actions. Please respond in writing at ,vour earliest convenience. If ,you need additional information, please do not hesitate t.o caLl. S' cere , T. M L nga r~ xc: Steve Hansen, Director of Buildings and Grounds Dave Herrmann, Suilding Chief r ; BIIBJECT: SYECIAL U88 PERMIT APPLICANT: WOODLAND BLEMEIITAR3[ BCHODL LOCATIONt 945 WESCOTT ROAD• LOT 1, BLOCR 1, 1PESCOTT SCHOOL ADDITION, (BECT. 14) Iq e /r /`~-.Sf ~ E%ISTING SONING: PF (PIISLIC FACILI'Y~Y) DATE OF PIIBLIC HEARING: AIIl3U8T 151, 1989 DATE OF REPORT: AIIGIIST 3# 1989 COMYILED BY: COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SIIMMARY: An application has been submitted requesting a Special IIse Permit to allow for the construction of two portable classrooms proposed to be located northwest of the existinq sehool building. COMMENTS: The applicant is requesting this permit due to overcrowding at the school. The portable classrooms are believed to be necessary for only the 1989/90 school year after which Pinewood Elementary, located on Dodd Road, is scheduled be open and able to accommodate the surplus of children. Each portable classroom will serve 25 children. If granted, this permit will be subject to the following: 1. The portable classrooms shall be handicapped accessible, if necessary. 2. All City building permit requirements and building code standards shall be met. 3. Permit is valid through the 1989/90 school year only. Further use will require re-application. m ~StFE[T~_ nn o iwE1 CFWe COUNSE ' FII - m rR ~ DN In RC ~W SiF Y a 4 : [ • > l i v ^.,y_ fll~ ~ \ J y ' ~ ~'D~ x ntsSW Ji SW 5 R ~A2t Xky wn L1. Ei M . q~ ~(YP ~ df 55 rEw r ~ , cJ O9 7'~8 g ~ r no. w. w., wcsco f, C L~ STB_u p.~ .~j c U ` EPIYuE WLL ~w NE ~N NE ST V141 I¢ I>~ ~ r m' IL " ` ti U ~ w yy ~ ~ 4h ^ f~PROPFRTY YNE ~ NOT€PORTPBLES TO BE A NEVfiBfC ! OOR 0 OF HE 'B ' pOpT11BLE CLOSSNOOM , PROTOTYPE ¢1-36 R,.~ . . . . . ' - ' . . . .^r~r . . . , . . a . . . . . . ~ . . . . I . Y WOODLAND - ~ 3 aAy_~ouxo ECEMENTARY SCHOOL ~ ¢ . ..dn~. J POND ~ p- . . . . . - ` l . ' . ' a . SORBILL FIELD ~ L1 aJ 3 i xl TIN6 ~1I11I~ PANKIMG • ~U W J 3 ( ~ ~ i S1 T E IDLAN ~ S MEMO TOs JAY BEATHE - POLICE DEPT. CRAIG %NODSEN, ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLHERT, DIRECTOR OF POBLIC WOEiKS JIM STOAM, PLANNING ?EPT. JON HDHENSTEINt ADMINISTAATION HILL AKINS, ELECTRICAI. INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY9 W6TER DEPT. FROMs DOUG REID, DEPARTMENT OF PEOTECTIVE INSPECTIONS DATE: S/2747 The preliminary ~ coastruction plans for VuESC'~DaT EL.EMl7dTP42-/ - WCSCO-rt er->. are in our plan review seetion for your review and comments. . Please return this Porm to Steve Aansoa xith your iaitialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return'focm to Steve vithin five (5) days xill be considered your approval. IP you hava any objectiona to approval oY these plans, it is your responsibility to nohify this d artsent aad resolve probleas. Thank you. /JS MEMO T0: JAY BERTHE - POLICE DEPT. CRAIG &NUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS JIM STUAM, PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHENSTEINt ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINSt ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, WATEB DEPT. FROM: DOOG REID, DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS DATE: 'rJ/Z7 The preliminary ~ constructioa IV~ plans Por WE5CA7T EC.ENSl74Tf'+fL-( - WCSCO-7' P-D are ia our plan review section for your review and comments. . Please return this Porm bo Steve Aanson uith your initialed comments and the date oP review. Failure to retura'fom to Steve vithin five (5) days vill be considered your approval. If you have any objectiona to approval oY these plans, it is your respon9ibility to notify this department and resolve any ptroblems. Thank you. : /JS MEMO T0: JAY BERTHE - POLICE DEPT. CRAIG KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLHERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS JIM STUAM, PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINSO ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. FROM: DOOG REID, DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS DATE: 5/2747 The preliminary ~ construction plans for wESC07T E(..EMl7JTa2.`I - hJGSCOTt" ?-D. ' are in our plan review section for your review and comments. Please return this form to Steve Hanson with your initialed comments and the date oP review. Failure to return'form to Steve vithin five (5) days xill be considered your approval. Zf you have any objeotions to approval of these plans, it is your respona16113ty to notify this department aad resolve any probless. Thank you. 8.7 /as , lAve ,P,e,,; ~we~ x ~ ; PA rvi e U J p ' ~ l~ 7d h+G r i o tV . a J.O. 6 O A ^,1 - , ' G Vli 4h nG v17S ~U ~ie}- '~"he Y~~aHS / } MEMO T0: J9Y BERTHE - POLICE DEPT. CRAIG KNOD3EN, ENGINEERIN . TOM COLHERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLI WORKS JIM STUAM, PLANNING DEPT. JON 80HENSTEINt ADMINISTRATION BILL AI{INSp ELECTRICAI. INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLYt WATER DEPT. FROM: DOOG AEID, DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS DATE: 'r'J/27/~7 The preliminary V-/ construction ?pow plans for WF-'5G07T F-L.eN1l74TPYL-/ - hlCSCo'tY' eQ. ' are in our plan review seetion for your review and comments. Please return this form to Steve ftanson with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return'form to Steve vithin five (5) days vill be considerad your approval. If you have aay objectiona to approval of these plana, it is your responsibility to notify this departaent and resolve any probleos. Thank you. /JS . " MEMO TOt JAY HERTHE - POLICE DEPT. CRAIG KNpDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLHERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORK3 JIM 3TURM9 PLANNING DfiPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTR6TION BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE"CONNOLLYt WATER DEPT. FROM: DOOG REID, DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS DATE: "rJ/Z7IPj7 The preliminary ~ coastruction plaas for WESGO77' ECeh4e4TP+2~/ - WGSCOTt" ' are in our plan review sectioa Por your review and comments. Please return this form to Steve Hanson with your initialed comments and the date oP review. Failure to return'Porm to Steve rrithin Pive (5) days xill be coaeldered your approval. IY you have any obJe¢tions to approval oY tihese plans, it is your responsibility to notiYy thia departsent aad resolve any probless. Thank you. P A~tC~ac~`{O ~,•v-s l~j- ~~~c~~' • ~ , /J3 . , Cwin citY Cestinq Y a' O CorporaGOn SUrtE 220 1955 MENDOTA HEIGHT$ ROAD ~y'"`},•Q.'`? MENDOTAMEiGMS,MN5512p REPORi Of: DENSITY 7EST5 OF COMPACTED fILL PBOJECT: ;FJO666AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Dare: February 26, 1988 EAGAN, MINNESOTA COPIES TO: -HGA ~ REPORTEDTO: JMS COflii'dCtlttcJ Inc Attn: ,lim Goulet - 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATpRY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 90 91 92 93 DATE TAKEN: 2-22-88 2-22-88 2-22-88 2-22-88 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICA710N: Sd1td, medium 5and, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium (Moisture-DensitySampleNUmber) t0 fine t0 fine t0 fine t0 fi.ne grained,. grained, grained, grained, brown, brawn, brown, brown, (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)_6 LOCATIO N: Grid 9.3- Grid 9.7- Grid 9.7- Grid 8.9- H&3' H&3' H&3' H (RETEST i89) (RE7EST #91) ELEVATION OF TEST: 891.5' 892' 892' 893' FIELD DENSITY OETERMINATION: Melhod Density in Place lil Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922•81 (#4 Basis) Dry Densiry fpc0 115.8 112 115 113.1 Moisture Content 4.4 4.0 5.5 4.2 Plus k4 Material (x) none none none none i L4BORATORY MOISTURE-DENSt7Y RELA710N OF SOIL: nnethod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (-#4 Basis) nnaximum Dry Densiry (pc0 120.7 120.7 120.7 120.7 , Optimum nnoiswre (%1 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: • ~ Compaction ; 9b ~ 93 -96> A99 4 Speci(ied Compaction ~ . -96 i 96 -96 , 6 ATTENTION: Densiry tests are valid at the location and elevation of the cest only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those iested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. AS A MUTUAL PAOTECTION TO CUENTS, TME VUeUC, AND OURSELVES, I1LL REPOPTS ANE SUBMIiTEO A5 TME CDNFIDENTIAL PROVENTY OF CLIENTS AND AUTNOFb 2ATION FON PUB{,ICAtION OF STATEMENT9 CONCLUSIONS OH E%TRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OI1R qEOORTS IS RESERVED FENOINQ OUA WA177EN APPPOVAL. Twln Clty Teating Corporatlon sa•xsx (sies) By twin uty testinq ' corporatian ~ 2~ 1355 MENDOTA NEIGMS NQ4D MENOO7A HEIGMS, MN 551 Tp . REPORT Of: DEN517Y TESTS OF COMPAC7ED FILL PROJER: VlQODLANO_ECEMENTARY SCHOOL DArE: February 26, 1988 EA'GA.t9,.-PIINNESOTA Coriesro: -HGA ~ REPORTEOTO: JM$ COf1tT'dCtlflg Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 9¢ ' DATE TAKEN: z_ZZ_$$ UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICA710N: Sand, medium -(MOisture-DensirySampleNumbed t0 fine grained, brown, (SP)-6 LoCA7lotv: Grid 9.4-H & 4' ELEVATION OF TEST: ~ 893' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place lf1 Nuclear Density Method "8", ASTM:D2922-81 1Ii4 Basis) Dry Density (pc0 116 Moisture Content 1%) 3.5 Plus 84 Material I%J none LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "R", (44 Bdsis) Maximum Dry Density (pc4 120.7 Optimum Moisture (°lo) 12.3 COMPACTION TEST RESUL75: ~ - . Compaction (°b) Specified Compac[ion ; - ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the lesl only. No representalion is made as lo the adequacy of (ill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. •5 A MUTUAL GROTECTION TO Cl1ENT5, TME PUBIIC, ANO OURSELVEB, ALL REVOPTS ARE SUBMItTED 113 TNE CONFIDENTIAI PROVERTY OF CLIENTS AND AUTHORI• ZATION FON PUBIICATION OF STATEMENTS CONCIUSION3 OR E%TRACTS FNOM OR REGARDINO OUR REPORTS IS NESERVEO PENUINO OVR WFITTEN APPROVl1l. Twin City T~~~es111ting Corporatlon 86•224 (6f83) BY ' twin citti+ testinq COfPOfaGOll SUITE 220 RP 1355 MENDOTA HEIGMS NOaD 1.¢NppTA MEIGHfS, MN 55170 • REPORT OF: DENSITY TE5T5 OF COMPACTED FILL reolECr: GIOQDLAND_ELEMENTARY SCHOOL oATE: February 26, 1988 ~-E'AGAN;'MINNESOTA COPIESTO: -H6A ~ REPORTEDTO: JM$ COI1LPdCt1Yl9 IfIC Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 95 96 97 98 DATE TAKEN: 2_24_88 2_24-88 2-24-88 2-24-88 UNIFIED SOtI CLASSIFICATION: Sand, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium (MOisture•Oensity Sample Number) to f i ne to f i ne to f i ne to f i ne grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 LUCnT10 N: Grid 8.5- Grid 9.3- Grid 8.5- Grid 9.3- H+0 H+8' H + 0 H+8' (RETEST #95) (RETEST #96) ELEVATION OF TEST: 892' 894' 892' 894' ~ FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place 1n Nuclear Density Method "8", ASTM:D2922•81 (a4 Basis) Dry Density (pcfJ 109.5 108.9 111 111 Moisture Content 5.5 6.1 5.4 5.7 Plus N4 Material (°b) none . none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, MethOd "A", (44 BaSis) Maximum Dry Density (pc4 120.7 120.7 120.7 120.7 Optimum moisture M) 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 1, COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction 1°~1 91 C92 ~ -92 Specified Compaction , 92 - 92 j ~-92gr - i ~ ~ ATTENTION: Density iests are valid aiiFe location and elevation ofthe test only. No representaiion is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at I«ations and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. AS A MUTUAL VROTECTION TO CLIENTS, TME PUBLIC, ANO QURSElVES, 11LL NEPORTS ARE SUBMITTEO 114 TNE CONfIOENTl1l YROVERTY OF CLIENTS AND AUTNORI• ZATION FON PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONClUS10NS OR E%TRACTS FROM OF REGARDIN6 OUR REPONTS IS RESENVED PENOINO OUR WRITTEN ACPPOVAL. Twln City Testing CorporaItlon sc-xxa (eies) BY twin atY tesCinq a 1,~ 1,4 cofPOfation M220 1355 MENDOTA HEIGMS NOAD MENDOTA NEIGHfS. MN 55120 •..O ~ REPORT OF: DENSI7Y TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL reolECr: 4ttlQDLANp_EtEME_NTARY SCHOOL oATE: February 26, 1988 EAGAN; -MItdNESOTA corIes ro: -HGA ~ eeroeTeD ro: JMS Contracting Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: gg 100 DA7E 7AKEN: 2_24-88 2-24-88 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: $d11d,. medium Sand, medium (Moisture-Density Sample Number) to f i ne to f i ne grained, grained, brown, brown, (SP)-6 (SP)-6 IUCATION: Grid 8.5-H + 0' Grid 7-H + 7' ELEVATION OF TEST: 892' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Densily in Place lfl Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922•81 (#4 Basis) Dry Density (pcfl 111.5 107 ntoisture Content (°6) 4.9 6.9 Plus M4 Material none none LABORA70RY MOISTURE-DEN517Y RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:01557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Oensity (pcfl 120.7 120.7 Optimum Moiswre 12.3 12.3 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction 92 89 Specified Compaction 92 ~ 96 ° ATTENTION: Densiry tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. ?8 A MUTOAL PROTECTION TO CUENTS, TNE YUBLIC, ANO OURSELVES. ALL AEVORTS ARE SVBMITTEO FS TNE CONFIOENTIAL Pi10PERTr OF CIIEHT$ AND AUTMORI• 2ATION FOR PVBIICATION OF STATEMENT3, CONCWSIONS OX EXTFACTS FROM ON REGARDING 00R REYONTS IS RESERVED OENpINp OI1R WRITTEN AGPROVAL. Twln City Testing Corporotlon sasn (sras) By cuuin cictir cestinq , ~ COrpO~aGO(l StAtE ?:0 ~j 1755 MEUDpIn IIEiCl1($ ROAO uENDOia IIEKiMS, IaN 55170 = Il ' Ps REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL f'knIECT: YlOODL-ND-fLEMENTIIRY SCHOOL March 1, 1988 ' -E"~~l1N_;-M9NNESOTA CovieS f0: -HGA sevoareu ro: JMS Contracting Inc Attn: ,lim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson R Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 A[tn: dernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4712 88-021 7E5T NUMBEH: 101 102 103 104 DATE TAKEN: 2-26-88 2-26-88 2-26-88 2-26-88 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: 5and, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine (Moisiure•Den5ity5ampleNumber) to medium to medium to medium to medium grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, hrown, brown, (SP)-7 (5P)-7 (SP)-7 (SP)-7 LUCAriOtv: Grid 7-H&7' Grid 7.2-H &3' Grid 7.2-H&3' Grid 7.2-H&3' (RETEST #100) (RETEST #102) (RETEST #103) EIEVATION OF TEST: 8921 $92' 892' 892' ~ FIELD DENSiTY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place ifl Nuclear Densiiy Meehod "6", ASTM:D2922-81 lxa Basisl Dry Oensity cccf1 110.8 112.5 113.3 113.4 titoistvre Conrent l%l 5.9 4.1 6.2 5.3 Plus M4 Material t%i none none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE•DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:01557-78, Method "A", (-#4 Qasis) Maximum Dry Density lpc0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 Optimum ntoisture l°61 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction 1%1 ~94~ , ; t 94 SPecified Compaction 1°bl l 9696 . 96 j ~96 ; ATTENTION: Densiry iests are valid ai ihelocaiion and elevation of the iesi oniy. NolrePresenlaiion is madeasto ihe adequacy of fill and eompaction at locations and elevations oeher Ihan Ihose tested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. A5 A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, TNE OUBLIC, AMO OUNSElVES, AlL XEPONTS ARE SUBMITiEO A5 iNE COMFIOE91I4I PROOENTY OF CL1 ENTS AHD 1UtNOMi. IATION FOF FUBUCATiON OF SiAiEMENTS, COMCLUSIOXS ON ERTqACiS fPOM OR AEGARDWG OUR REYOATS IS NESERVED PEMOING OUA M'p.TiEN APPAOVAL. Twln Clty Teating Conrpo/ratlon /f'41 sc.722 1eie51 By ~ Al~ twin citY testinq r; ~ corooraaon suirc zzo d 4~ ' I355 MEtJDOIA IIEIGHf$ ROAD rAEN00in riEiGrrtS. MN 55+.17 REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS Of COMPACTED FILL vRO1ECT: 670Ll1N0_EIEMEN7ARY SCHOOI ov,re: March 1, 1988 , ;EAGAN, MINNESOTA COPtES i0: -HGA aevoereD ro: ,]MS Contracting lnc Al[n: Jim Goulel. 3165 Spruce Street -lldoifsnn !4 Pelerson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: 3ernie Attn: Ken 0'[3rien . LARORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 105 106 107 OATE TAKEN: 2-26-88 2-26-88 2-26-88 , UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand, fine 5and, fine Sand, fine (MOisture•Density SampleNumber) to medium to medium to medium grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, (SP)_7 (Sp)_7 (SP)-7 wCAnOrt: Grid 7-H&7' Grid 7J-H&6' Grid 7,7-H&6' (RETEST #101) (RETEST #106) ELEVATION OF TEST: 89z1 $921 FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place 111 Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:02922-81 I#a 6asisl Dry Density (pcq 114.2 112.5 112 Moisture Conlent f%) 4,9 6.4 7•1 Plus N4 Malerial I%1 norre none none4 IABaRATORY MOISTURE•DENSI7Y RELATION OF SOII: mechod ASTM:D1557-18, Method "A", (44 Basis) Mazimum Dry Density IpcO 120.7 120.7 120.7 Optimum Moisture (°bl 13,2 13.2 13.2 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: .--Compatlion 1°bl 95f, /i 93 ~ ' Specified Compaction (%1 96, 96. j- , 96 ATTENTION: Density iests are valid at the location and elevation of ihe test only. No representation is made -as'to the adequacy of fill and compaaioa at localions and elevalions olher than those tesied. These tests were performed by J. Becker. A9 A MUTUAL vROTECTION 10 CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC, ~HD OURSElYE4, Ill REPOATS ~AE $UBMITTFO I5 iME COMFI~ENt~AL PPOPERiY Of CLIENTS AHU AUTNONI. IATION FON PUBUCATIDN OF SiATEMENTB. COXCW410N9 Op EKTNACTS fROM OR REGANDING OUR REVOAT4 I$ NESERVEO PENOIMG OUN 'MRITTEN APYROVAL. Twln City Testing Corporotlon x16-7 BY ~ . _ ~ twin city testinq corPareGOn SUIrE?20 -~i'•. 1355 PdODOTA IIEIGOITS FIOAO MF.NppIA I-EKIRS. MN SSi:O REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COAIPAGTEO FIIL vHOJecr: 4100.9Gl1K0_ELbME4TARY SCH001 DATE: March 1, 1988 . E,AGI.IN=,-MINNESOTA covies ro: -HGA aevortreo ro: ,]MS Contracting Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson R PeLerson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: f3ernie Attn: Ken 0'(3rien LAHORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 108 909 110 111 OATE 7AKEN: 3-1-88 3-1-88 3-1-88 3-1-88 uNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sdt1d, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine (MOisture•DensiiySampleNumber) to medium to medium to medium to medium grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown; brown, (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (5P)-7 (SP)-7 wCATION: Grid 7-H&7' Grid 7-H&7' Grid 7.2-1-18,3' Grid 7.2-110' (RETEST #105) (RETEST #108) (RETEST #104) (RETEST $110) ELEVATION OF TEST: 8921_-_ _ 892' 892' 892' 1 DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 6" - 6" 6" 6" FIELD DENSITY OETERMINATION: Method Oensily in Place lf1 Nuclear Density Method "B". ASTM:D2922-81 lN4 Basisl pry Density (vcfl 109.8 112 110.7 Sd113 t.toisture Content (%1 5.5 4.7 5.1 4.5 Plus M4 Material none none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOII: nnethod ASTM:01557-78, Method "A", (44 BaSis) ntazimum Dry Density (pc0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 Optimum Moisture 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 COMPACTiON TEST RESUl75: - ~ - , Compaction (%1 94`:9:6 ~ ~95 Speci(ied Compaction (°b1 96 j . . -96 96 96. ATTENTION: Density iesis are valid at-th"e.localion and elevation of ihe test only. N_represeniaGon is made as rothe adequacy o( fili and compaction at locations and elevaiions other iban those tested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. •5 A MUTWL PAOTECTION TO CLIEHTS, TnE VUBIIC, AHO OUFSELVES, AlL REPORTS ~NE SUBUiTiEO A5NE iME CONfIDENTl4 >AOPERTI' Of CUENTS ~HO ~UTNORL 2ATIOM fOF oUBUUTION Of 4TATEMENTS, GONCWSIONS OR ERTRApTS fROM OF HEG~NDiMO OUN FOATS IS RESERVEO PENOInG OUN M'11TTEN APPROVLL. Twln Gty Te Ung CorporeUon ~ cr..vf9 161051 BY ~ twin city tesCilnq "JF~~:, ~ Corpo~auon S~fE 720 + ' U55 ~nE~+00ra u(IGN15 ROAD I:( 'n 21 MENDOTd 14EKS1rtS, mN 55170 ll , j~ . REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTEU FiLL r'rtOJECT: yIOppCAPlD_ELEMENTARY $CHOOI OATE: March 1, 1988 ~ FAGhra; MINNESOTA- covies ro: -HGA Hevoereo ro: JMS Contractin9 Inc Attn: Jim Gou1eC 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: f3ernie Attn: Y,en 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 112 113 114 115 DATE TAKEN: 3-1-88 3-1-88 3-1-88 3-1-88 UvifIED SOtI CLASSIFtCATION: 5and, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine (MOisture. DensilySampleNumber) to medium to medium to medium to medium grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (SP)-7 LUCATIO N: GY'ld 7.7-H&6' Grid 7-H&7' Grid 7.2-110' Grid 8.5-H ;(RETEST #107) ELEVATiON OF TEST: 8921_. 8931 8931 $941' DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: fi° 6" 6" 6"~ FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place tfl Nuclear Density Method "6", ASTM:D2922•91 (x4 Basis) Dry Density (pc0 111.9 113.8 112.4 109.1 n-toisture Conteni 5.5 5.4 3.5 6.7 Plus N4 Material c%) none none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: method ASTM:D'1557-78, Method "A", (44 BaSiS) Maximum Dry Density (pc4 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 Optimum Moisture (°b) 13.2 13.2 . 13.2 13.2 COMPAC710N TEST RESULTS: Compaction i9.6 '.97 ' 96 ' (--9a ~ Specified Compaction J ,96- 9~6. - 46 ~.~92 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid al the location and elevation of the test only. No representalion is made as to lhe adequacy of fill and tompaciion at locations and elevations other th. n those lested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. •5 A 4lITUAI vppTECTIOH i0 CLIENTS, TXE YUBLIC, AnD OUASELVES, ALL FEPOHTS ARE SUBMiiTEO A5 THE CDNIIDENTIAI VqOPENTY 01 CLIEMTS ANO AUTMORI• 2ATION fOR PLI9LICATION OF ST/.TEMEMTS, GONCLUSIONS OH ERTReCTS FROM ON HEWNOIHG OUR REVOFTS IS PESERVEO vEHOiNG OUA M'Mi7TEN ~VPRO`/Al. Twin Cfty Testing Corporatlon sc.ass 161651 BY 1 ~ '1(74 twin cittir cestinq mrporaclorl swrez2o !A/ ~ y1 1955 MENDOIA IIEIGIIf5 ROAO : J I.IENOptA ~~EK~rtS. trN 55170 ~ n ~ ~ REr'ORT Of: DENSITY TESTS Oi COMPACTED FILL NeoJECr: WOODIANb-ELEMENT'ARY SCHOOL oArE: March 1, 1988 , EAGAN;-MFNNfSOTA coNiesro: -HGA keNOerEO To: JMS Contracting Inc Al.tn: Jim Goulel, 3165 Spruce Street -Adoifsnn & Peterson SC. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: E3ernie Attn: Y,en 0'13rien IABORATORY No, 4112 88_027 TE57 NUntRER: 116 117 118 DATE iAKEN: 3_1_$$ 3-1-88 3-1-8$ UvIFIED SOiL CLn55iFICA710N: Sand, fine 5and, fine Sand, fine (MOisture. Density Sample Number) t0 medium to medium to medium grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-7 (SP)'7 (SP)-7 LuCnTio N: 6rid 6.7-H& S' Grid 6.7-H&S' Grid 7-H&3' -:(RETEST~j19:6) ELEVATION Of TEST: 894, 8941 $941 DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 6" 6" 6" FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place lt1 Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:02922-81 04 Basisl Dry Densiry (pc0 110 112.3 112 n4oisture Conrent 5.5 6.5 4.5 Plus 44 Material none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE•DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) 117.~ niazimum Dry Density (pc~ 117.0 117.0 Optimum Moismre (%l 13.2 13:2 13.2 COMPACTION TEST RESUlTS: _ Compaction 94•% `"96_ ' ~-96 ~ Specified Companion (°kl 96 `-96- ~96 ' ATTENTION: Density iesis are valid at Ihe location and elevalion of ihe iesi only. No representation is made as io ihe adequacy o( fill and compaction at localions and elevalions other Ihan ihose iesied. These tests were performed by J. Becker. •5 A MUTl1At PROTECTION TO GIIENTS, TNE PUBLIC, AND OURSElVES, ALL REPONTS APE SUBMITTEO A5 iME GOXFIDENTIAI PROOENTT OF CLIENTS AMD AVTNONI. ZAiIOH FON PVBLICATIDN OF STATEMENiS, CONCLUSIONS ON EXTRARS FROM ON REGARDIMG OUR REYOFTS I5 RESEFVEO PENDIN6 DUA WRI7TEN APPPOVAL. Twin Clty TesUng Corporetlon ev ~bj'~/ ~1 l~=~°~ ~ twin city testinq a" ~ corporanon `a r-~, •41 Surterro ) 1755 MENOOTA HEIGHTS ROAD MENOOTA NEIGMS, MN 55120 ~tM1 ~~i f : REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS Of COMPACTED FILL reolECr: 4d0~DL_AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL onre: 3_7_88 i =EAGAfl.,MINNfSOTA CovIes ro: -HGA REPORiEDTO: ,JMS COt1C1"dCt11lJ Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien IAeORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 119 120 121 122 DATE TAKEN: 3-2-88 3-2-88 3-2-88 3-2-88 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sdfld, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine (MOisture- DensitySampleNumber) to medium to medium to medium to medium grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, hrown, brown, brown, (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (SP)-7 LUCAT10 N: Grid 5-H&8' Grid 8.2-H&7' Grid 7-H&4' Grid 7-H&4' (RETEST`$121) ' ELEVATION OF TEST: 894,5' 894.5' 894.5' 894.5' DEPTH BELOW ExISTING GRADE: 6" 6" 6" 6" FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place lfl Nuclear Density Melhod "8", ASTM:D2922-81 (#4 Basis) Dry Density (Pcfl 112.2 110.5 105.1 111 Moisture Content 5.5 6.0 6.0 5.8 Plus R4 Material none . none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE•DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Meihod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) n4azimum Dry Density (pcq 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 Optimum n4oisture f%) 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 COMPACTION TEST RESUL75: - ' - Compaction 96_"_ ~-9.5 92: ~ 95~ Specified Compaaion (°k) -96. .96- - - ATTENTION: Densiry tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No repr entaiion is made as to - ihe adequacy of fill and compaction at Ixations and elevaiions other than those tested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. •5 A MUTWL VpOTECTION TO CUENTS. TME PU9LIC, ANO DIIRSELVES, ALL REPOFTS ARE $UBMITTEO AS THE CONfIDEHTIAL PqOPERTY OF CLIENTS AND AUTMONI- 2ATIOH FOa PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, GONGWSIONS OR E%TNAGTS FROM Ofl FEGARDINC OUN REPORTS IS FESERVED P(NDING OUF M'RITTEN APPROVAL. Twln City TJesting Carporetion sc-:ss (s~es1 ey ~ ~ ~ ~ twin citY testinq corporauon ; a r-.•-, ~ . suffe szu ,^M1~ 1355 MENOOTA HEIGMS FOAD MENDpTA HEIGHTS MN 55120 REPORi OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL reoleCT: UJDOOUAND=EL.EMENTARY SCHOOL DATE: 3r7-88 -EAGAN,-M-['NNESOTA COPIE570: -HGA , REPORTEDTO: JMS COfICr'aCtlflg Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: 6ernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien IABORATORY No. 4112 88-021 TEST NUMBER: 123 124 125 126 DATE TAKEN: 3-2-88 3-2-88 3-2-88 3-2-88 UNIfIED SOIL CLASSIfICATION: Sand, fine $and, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine (Moisture-DensiiySampleNumber) to medium to medium to medium to medium grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (SP)-7 LUCA710N: Grid 6.8-H&7' Grid 8.4-H Grid 6.7-H&7' Grid 9.7-H&3' ELEUATION OF TEST: .895" 895.5' 896' 896' ; DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: -6" 6" 6" 6" FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place 111 Nudear Density Method "g", ASTM:D2922-81 lp4 Basisl Dry Density (pcfl 112.1 109.2 112.1 112.9 Moisture Coment 4.5 5.7 5.4 3.5 Plus N4 Material none none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: nnethod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density IpcO 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 Optimum nnoisture (°k) 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 COMPACTION TEST RESUlTS: Compaction 193. ~ t96.~ --196 ~ Speci(ied Compaction (°M) -46 , 92 " 1-96- r g(" ~ ATTENTION: Density tests are valid ai the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaciion a1 locations and elevations other than ihose iested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. AS A MUTUAL PpOTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE VVBLIC, ANO OURSELVE3, ALL REVONTS ARE SUBMITTEO AS TME CONf10ENTIAL PROVEflTY OF CIIENTS ANp AUTHORI• ZATION fON GUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR E%TNACTS FROM OR REGAROING OUR REPOAT3 IS RESEAV40 PENDING OUN WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twln Ciry Tasting Corporetlon Sa-227 (6185) By a22~ ~ 0 twin citvr testinq olt(l corPOration su~ 220 13 55 MENDOTA NEIGMS ROAD MENDOTF HEIGMS, MN 55120 REPORT OF: DENSITY TE5T5 OF COMPACTED FILL rROiecr: `GtpODCAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DATE: $-7-88 ~ ; EAGAN; -M'iNNESOTA [Oa1e5 r0: -HGA REPORTEDTO: JM$ COfltt^dCt711g Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson 5t. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 127 128 129 130 DATE TAKEN: 3-2-88 3-2-88 3-2-88 3-2-88 uNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICA71oN: Sand, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine (MOisture-OensitySampleNUmber) to medium to medium to medium. to medium grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (SP)-7 wCnnO N: -Grid 9.5-H&7' Grid 8.5-N f,rid 7.5-N&7' f,rid 6.7-H&9' ? _ . ELEVATION OF TEST: c896:51- 896.51 8961 896.5' ' DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 6=' v 6" 6" 6" FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place lfl Nuclear Densily Method "B", ASTM:D2922-81 (N4 Basis) Dry Densiry (Pco 112.8 109.7 112 112.4 rnoisture Coment (°bl 4.1 5.2 5.4 5.3 Plus #4 Material cx~ none . none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: nnethod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (-#4 BasiS) Maximum Dry Density (pcfl 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 Optimum Moisture 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction (°b) C96 93 . _96. , ''96 . Specified Compaction (°hl `_96 _92.. 96__ ' 96. ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representalion is made as to ihe adequacy of fill and wmpaction at locations and elevaiions oiher than those tested. These tests were performed by j, Becker. AS A MUTUAL PROTECiION TO CIIENTS. TNE PIIBLIC, ANU WXSELVES, ALL REPORTS APE SUBMITTEO AS TME CONFIOENTIAL PROVERTY Of CIIENT3 ANO 11UTNORI- =ATIDN iOF YUBUCATION OF STATEMENTS, GONCLUSIONS OR E%TPACTS FROM OR NEGAPOiNG OUF REVONT$ I$ NESERVEO PENDINO OUR 'MNITTEN AVVBOVAL. Twln Clty Testing Corporatlon BY SG-229 (8185) ~ twin atY testinq 01(MR corvoreuon SURE220 1 355 MENWTA HEIGHTS ROAO MENDOTA HEMiMS, MN 55120 • REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILI reolECr: 6tO0AlaND-€LEMENTARY SCHOOL onre: 3-7-88 ~AGAN-, -MINNESOTA CorIes ro: -HGA ' REPORTED TO: JMS COfILi'dCtln9 Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 131 132 133 134 DATE TAKEN: 3-2-$$ 3-2-88 3-2-88 3-2-88 UNIFIED SOIL C1A551FICATION: Sdtld, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine Sand, fine (MOisture•DensitySampleNumber) to medium to medium to medium to medium grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (SP)-7 WCATIO N: --Gr=id 6:4-110' Grid 9.6-H&4' Grid 6.8-H&9' Grid 7.5-H&3' ELEVATION OF TEST: =ggj=,:r"i _ ggg, ggg, 8991 DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: ,:.6'-'- 6" 6" 6" FIEID DENSI7Y DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place ln Nuclear Densiry Method "B", ASTM:D2922-81 04 Basis) Dry Density (vco 112.6 112.3 113 112.4 Moiswre Content f b) 3.7 4.2 4.5 5.0 Plus p4 Material none none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pc0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 Optimum moisture 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaciion (°k) :96 ~ 96"- J '96~ ? ~79b' Specified Compaction ;96 . =9-6-- " -92 ; 96.. ~ ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at bcations and elevations other than those tesled. These tests were performed by J. Becker. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION Tp CLIENTS, TME PVBIIG, ANO OVpSELVE6, ALl REPORT9 ANE SUBMITTEO AS THE COHFIDEHTIAL PROPERTI' OF CLIENTS AND AUTHORI. 2ATIDN FOR vUBIICAT10M Of STATEMENTS, CONClUS10N5 OR E%TPACTS FROM OX RE6ARDIN6 OUN REPORTS IS FESERVEO PENDING DUR WHRTEH APPROVAI. Twin City T sUng Corporetlon ,~52 sa-zxx (e+es) By " r ~ a ~ Cwin clttir Cestinq M~ a`,. , corporaoon SUCTE zp 1355 MENOpTA HEIGHT$ ROAD 'i i~.~; lle•.,9 : MENDOTA HEqHf3, MN 55120 REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILI veolecr: ry7OOOLA'Np:"-ELEMEN7ARY SCHOOL DATE: $-7-$$ EAGAf9.; M.INNESOTA' tOriES r0: -H6A REPORTED TO: ,JMS COIItI'dCtln9 Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Rttn: Ken 0'Brien tAeORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 135 DATE TAKEN: 3_2_88 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: 5dltd, fine (Moisture•Density Sample Number) to medi um grAined, brown, (SP)-7 LoCA71oN: 137Fi:d=6. 5-N&3 ELEUATION Of TEST: CC99' ' DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: ~6'-'- - FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place ltl Nuclear Density Method "6", ASTM02922-81 (M4 8asis) Dry Density (pcfl 112.5 Moisture Content 4,4 Plus #4 Material none LABORATORY MOISTURE•DEN517Y RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pco 117.0 Optimum Moiswre (°k) 13.2 COMPACTION TEST RESUL75: Compaction (°b) W-) Specified Compaction ,--96 , ATTENTION: Deosity tests are valid at the location and elevation of Ihe tesi only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of till and compaction at locations and elevations other ihan ihose iested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. A4 A NVTUAL PqOTECTION TO CLIENTS. TNE PUBLIC, AND OURSElVES, ALL NEPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIOENTIAL VRpVEpTY OF GLIENTS ANO AUTNORI- 2ATION FOM VUBUC>TION OF STATEMEHTS, COMCWSIONS OR EXTFACTS FFOM OR REGANOING OIIR NEPONTS IS RE4ENYED PENDINO OUN MRITTEN APPPOVAL. Twin Cfty Testing Corporetion sc•222 (eies) By T ~ twin uttir testinq ,1w , corporaaon SURE zp 1955 MENOOTA HEIGMS ROAD s^~,~"`' p! MENOOTA HEIGM3, MN 55120 REPORT OF: DENSITY TE5T5 OF COMPACTED FILL PRO1ECT: 4i00_DLA.ND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DATE: MdYCFI 10, 1988 i EA6AN, -MINNESOTA cppie5 To: -HGA REPORTEOTO: JMS COf1LYdCC111] Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 136 137 138 DATE TAKEN: 3_9_$$ 3-9-88 3-9-88 UNIFtED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand, fine to Sand fine to Sand, fine to (MOisture- DensitySampleNumber) medium grained, medium grained, medium grained, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (SP)-7 LUCATION: ;Grid 2.8-FF:-5 -Grid 2.2-EE.1 Grid 2.7-B6.5 ELEVATION OF TEST: $99-' 8991 $991 ' DEPTH BELOW FINISHED FLOOR GRADE: 6"- 6" 611. ~ FIELD DENSITY DE7ERMINATION: li Method Densiry in Place 111 Nuclear Densiry Method "8", ASTM:02922-81 f#4 Basisl ~ Dry Densiry (pcfl 109.7 107.9 107.8 I Moisrore Content 4.3 4.2 4•2 Plus #4 Marerial (°h) none none nOnE LABORA70RY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, MethOd "A", (44 BaSis) Maximum Dry Densiry (pcq 117.0 117.0 117.0 Optimum rVtoisture (°k) 13.2 13.2 13 • 2 ~I COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: I Compaction 94 ; ,92 92 ~ Specified Compaction 92 , -92 92 > ATTEN710N: Density tesls are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to ~ the adequaq of till and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. i These tests were performed by J. Becker. I ?S A MVTWL PFOTECTION i0 CIIENTS, THE PUBIIC, AND OURSElVES, AlL REPOliT9 ARE SUBMITTEO /,S TME CONfIDENTIAL PROPERTV OF CUENTS 11NOI AUTXORb ZATIOH iOR PUBIICATION OP STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OH E%TRACTS FROM OF REGANDIN6 OUR REVORTS IS RESERVEO iEHDINO OUF WNITTEH APPPOVAI. Twln City 7eajing Corporetlon ~I sazsx (aras) BY tW1Il CICY CeStlflq coraorauon + m 2za 1355MENDOTAHEIGHfSRWO MEWOiAHECMn MNb51T0 ~ REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED flll veoleCr: JJOQDLAflU.-ELEMENTARY SCHOOL oATE: March 23, 1988 EA6AN,`--1KINNESOTA COPIES 70: -HGA REPORTED TO: JM5 ContraCting Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 139 140 141 142 DATE TAKEN: 3-22-88 3-22-88 3-22-88 3-22-88 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand, fine Sand, fine Sandy lean Sandy lean (Moisture•Density5ampleNumber) to medium to medium clay w/a clay w/a grained, grained, little gravel, little gravel, brown, brown, reddish brown, reddish brown, (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (GL)-3 (CL)-3 WCATION: Gri.d_6_.8-H_Grid 8.5-H Grid 6.0-H Grid 9.7=H + 9-1--- - +p 1 + 91 + 9 i ELEVATION OF TEST: ; gpT! 9011-- :~-=90-1~'; •_:901~' DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 6" --6° FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place ln Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922-81 (#4 Basis) Dry Density (pco 109 110 117.1 119 Moistwe Content t°b) 4.6 5.5 13.0 13.0 PIuS M4 Material (96) none none 7 11 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density IpcA 117.0 117.0 124.4 124.4 Optimum Moisture (°b) 13.2 13.2 11.2 11.2 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: ComPaction (93 .-94 > C 94-- ~ --96- + Specified Compadion 42- , -92= 9'2-- (gp ATTEN710N: Density tests are valid at the Ixation and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. ?,S A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO Cl1ENT8, TM! PUBLIC, ANC OURBFLVEB, AlL REPONTB ARF SUBMRTFO A9 TXF CONFIDENTIAL PROPFRTY Of CLIENTB AND 11UTMORI• 2ATION FOR PUBLICAtION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSION9 OR EXTRACTS FROM ON REGAROINC OUA REPORTS IS RESEpVEO PEHDINO OUN WRITTEM APPROVAI. Twin City Tsstiny Corporatlon saszx (aes) ey ~ 11Q % 4•,G, / " - ° V twin cita+ testinq °,•>~"•a•, CofPOfBtlOfl SlAif 220 ~,~,G`~",y~ 1355 M~ENDOTA MEqMS ROAD { ~ MEWOTA HEKiHfB, MN 66170 ~ REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL PROJECT: 4JOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL oATe: March 23, 1988 EAGAN,-Md-NNE50TA covles ro: -HGA REPORTED TO: JMS Contracting Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien IABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 143 144 145 146 . DATE TAKEN: 3-22-88 3-22-88 3-22-88 3-22-88 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand, fine Sand, fine Sandy lean Sandy lean (rnoiscure-DensitySampleNumber) to medium to medium clay w/a clay w/a grained, gra9ned, little gravel, little gravel, brown, brown, reddish brown, reddish brown, (SP)-7 (SP)-7 (CL)-3 (CL)-3 LUCATION: -Grid 9.5-H & 3' Grid 8.3-H Grid 7 H+ 9' Grid 9.5-H + 9' ELEVATION OF TEST: 9011' 902}' 902:3' 902143' - DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 6" 6" ' FIELD DENSITY OETERMINATION: Method Denslty in Place tf1 Nuclear Density MMhod "B", ASTM:D2922•81 (M4 Basis) Dry Density (pcfJ 110.4 113.4 118.1 114.6 Moisture Content ('fb) 5.4 7.7 10.3 11.2 Plus k4 Materlal f~) none none 11 7 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Meshod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pc0 117.0 117.0 124.4 124.4 Optimum Moisture 13.2 13.2 11.2 11.2 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compadion 94 , 97 1 95 j 92 3 Specified Compaction 92: - '_92 ' -42: ' C92 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy o( fill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. AS A MUTYAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTB, TNH PUBUC, ANO OURBELVES, ALL REPONTB AR! SUBMITTED AB TXE CONFIDENTIAI VROPERTY OR CLIENTS AND AUTNORb ZAiION ROM PU6lICATION OF 6TATEMENTS, CONClU910N5 OR EXTRIICTS FROM OR RECAROIHO OUR qEPORTB IS RE4ERVE0 PENDINO OUN WRITTEN APiAOVAL. Twin Clty Tsstlnp Corporetion 80.222 (aea) ~ ~ )3 / ~ twin citti+ testinq corooracion ;v'i' i fi- SURE 220 1355 MENDOTA MEIGMTS ROAU MENDOTA HEN'iNfS, MN 55120 11 R E P R T O F: D E N S I T Y T E 5 T 5 O F C O M P A C T E D F I L L rROJeCr; WOODLAND ELEMENTARY.SCHOOL oqre: January 21, 1488 _EAGAN, MINNESOTA COaiESTO: -HGR REPORTEDTO: JMS COlltl'dCtlrl9 InC Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4712 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 47 48 49 DATE 7AKEN: 1-19-88 1-19-88 1-19-88 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand with silt Sand with silt Sand with silt (Moisture-Density Sample Number) a little gravel, a little gravel, a little gravel, fine to medium fine to medium fine to medium grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, (SP-SM)-5 (SP-SM)-5 (SP-5M)-5 IOCATION: Grid 7.4-H Grid 6-H Grid 8.0-H 1' S of 1' S of 1'S of bldg. wall bldg. wall hldg wall ELEVATION OF TEST: 894' 896' 896' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Methad Densily in Place 1!1 Nuclear Density Method "B^, ASTM:02922-81 (N4 Basis) Ory Density (pcfl 113 109 110 MoistureContent $,4 11.1 8.3 Plus x4 Material (°hl 11 10 14 LABORATORY MOISTURE•DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Mechod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pco 118.6 118.6 118.6 Optimum Moisture (°b) 9.9 9.9 9.9 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction 1%) "95 93' Speci(ied Compaction (961 96, 96 96 ATTENTION: Densiry tests are valid at the location and elevation o( tbe test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy o( fill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by B. Fellows. A9 A MUTVAI PROTECTION TO CIIENTB, TME YUBLIC, AND OURSELVES, ALL FEPORTS ARE SUBMITTEO AS TXE CONFIOENTIAI PROPENTY Of GLIENTS ANU AUTNOHI• 2ATION FOF PU@LICATION OF STATEMENT3, CONCLUSIONS ON E%TRACTS FPOM OR RECAPDING OUN REPORiS IS HE6ERVE0 PENOING DUR WRITTEN APPNOVkL. Twln City 7eating Corporetion 56-222 (8185) BY Q Cwm cit~ cesCinq L(:>I l]OI.IGOII $lillE.'.b 17SS MfHlOf0. irFIGIlI$ NOAp ~ ~ 1 Y ufrm0~4 ~~fK~rtS. rar~ SS~h7 ~..•.(J~ l,a: •;L~„~! . , BEPOHI Oi: I)ENtiITY fESTS OF COMPACTE(3 flll -n ..nn(l~. i rHOJ[eT: e:~lFJ1JJ~'T''l(?_L~i:MFrir,,,Rr 1)AfE: `II, ll.ll'V A",-t•tlt~~U:`'~ni'r, coriES ru: -tiGA kEi-OkfEU f0: ..-r-o.n..t..r...a_[_i._.i_n_rj InC ACCn: Jlm GOUIr!I . JF1S -pd01(SOn P, Petcr,nn ;16`i ipruce Str-~,,,t nttn: k;crnie SL. {'aiil, h1N 'i5111 11LCn: I:Cn O'Bi i!1n l.\IiOHATOHY No. 4112 88-0Z1 TE57 NUhfBER: 50 51 1-28-88 i-za-aa DATE TAKEN: UNIFtED501LC1A551FICAT10N: Sand with silt Sand with silt (MOisture•DenSitySampleNUmber) and a little qravel, and a little Grav?1, fine to medium fine to medium grained, grained, brown, brown, (SP-SM)-5 ($P-SM)-5 LUCATION: 15t windOw we5t 10' East nf of r.anopy, 2' canooy, 12' south of wall south of wall ELEUATION OF TEST: 888-~- 889' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Densily ia Place itl Nuclear Densiry Methoc! "B", ASTM:02922-81 laa Basisl Dry Density (PC6 8.1 8.3 Moiswre Coment (%I 5 8 Plus x; Material (°6+1 5 5 IABORA70RY MOISiURE•OENSIiY REIATION OF SOIL: nnetnod ASTM:01557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pcll 118.6 118.6 pptimum Moiswre (°b) 9,9 9'9 ~ COMPACTION TES7 RESUliS: 92 - gq CompactiOn (%1 . ~ 96 Spe<ified Compactioo l~I 96 ~ AiTENiION: Densicy tests are vaGd ai ihe location}and elevation of the test only. No represemaiion is made as to the aAequacy of GIl and compaction ai locations and elevalions other than those tested. These tests were performed by R. Shaffer. A$ A+UTWI pA01ECIlOH TO CLIEMTS, TME PUBLIC, ANO OVNSfIVES. ALl REPOA~S 4RE SUeY1TTEO AS TNE COMfIDEMTIAL PAOOERTY OF GUENf$ AHO AUIMOAI. 2ATIOH fON pUeUCAt10N OF SiATEMENTS, CONCLUSIOMS OA EYfn~ClS iR04 Ofl REGAND~NG OVA AEPOAIS '5 MESEPVEO VEHOIHC OUX wA11TEH AVVHOVAL Twln Clly Tasling Corporetlon ~ . ~ IL'/tf~l cl:J7) IRIIIS gy ~ twin city cesr-117110 . coroorac~on ;ariE 7;0 1355MEl![1(71A1-1:K:HIi11pAU ~ uCM]OtA nEK;rqS. uu SWO 1`• ,,~~J•r' R(I'OKi Of: DENSITY fE5f5 OF COhil'.~CfEU FILI. ~ 'WOULAI'lU EI.EPIENIN2'f $l:11(101- YHOI(C1 i h~•na~ 7 I1, -1:AGAN, ~•ili9NLS0iA : r coVIcs To: _IiGn K[rourturcr ,1IM5 Contiacting Inc Attn: J11:1 f',nule;. 3165 Spruce Strcet -ndolisnn Pcte"'SOn S[. Pdul, I4N 55117 Attn: I10r0e 1Af10HATORY Nn. 4112 88-027 TEST r1UMBER: 5? ' DATE TAKEN: 1-28-88 UNIfIED50ilCLASSIFtCATION: Sand with silt (MOislure-DCnSily $ample Numbcr) fndea t~ littl medeumrave 1, grained, brown, (SP-SM)-S• LOC.ITION: 15t window w25t qf canopY, South of wall ELEVATION OF TEST: 88$, FIEID OENSITY DE7ERMINATION: nnethod Densiiy in Place by Sand•Cone Meihod, A109:015i6-82 l-~4 gasisl Ory Density (~n Moisture Content 11.1 PIuS p4 Maierial 12 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOII: BdSiS) Meihod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (_q4 Mazimum Dry Dentity (pcA 118.6 pplimum Moisture 141 9'9 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: ' Compaclion l%) 192 ` and ation . $pecilicd Compaction _ 96ATTENTION: De°,aeQualcydo( GII11an d compaction at IocaGons and'elevai ons only. thrrJthao those`tes ed1S made .~s to the These tests were perforined by R. Shaffer. •ll REO0Ai3 ARE SUlVITTEO .5 fHE COMFIOEMTIµ aNOOEAiv 0~ CLIENTS ~MO ~U1MOA~~ ~1EN ~POAO •5 AMUTUAI vHOTECT1ON TO CIIEMTS. Tr~E VUELiC. ~ND OUASELVE3, j~110M FOA PUBUGTION O~ ST~fEMEM15. GONCLUSIONS OA ECTN~CTS F.O. OA AEO~RDINO OUR XEP~pTS ~5 AESEMVEO PEMOING OUR WR. Twin City Testing Corporelion SG•171 (6705) By ~ ti,uin cltv cescincl ~ 1I15M1 FlFflllVl: 'tl.N}Mf'1 IIplU ~ s409)011 "Eif"rl i nm YY70 urrOei Or: I)F.rvSiTr iESTS <>f C()n,i',aCTED LFn~. rrcOiECi: - 14eoL-nNta Etir+.t:rirnwv sr,iiam. uArl: f,>hl 'I,,, v EA6AtJ, -~•1INNCS~)T,1 COViES fU: •fi~f HErc)RiED10: Altn: ,I~m G~uiCt JMS C.ontracting Inc -,1dol(soll & Peter~~~)~~ 3165 5ui'uce St~'eet Attn: Bernie Sl. Paul, 1'IN 55117 lttn h:cn 0'Brien LAROKATOKY No. 4112 II8-021 TEST NUMBER: 53 54 55 56 pATE TAKEN: 1-29-88 1-29-88 1-29-88 1-29-88 IJNIFIED SOII C1A551fICATION: Sdnd, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium to fine Ititoiswre- DensitySampleNumberl to fine to fine * ~ f 9 nP ined, grained, grained, grained, 9ra brown, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)'6 LUCnT10N: Directly helow 5' E of E Directly below 10' E of E. ftg ftg. east ftq E ftg ELEVATION OF TEST: 895' 895.5' 897.5' FIELO OENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place lf1 Nuclear Oensrcy Method °B", AST.mtD2922-81 (a4 Basis) Ory Density (PO 118.5 119 114 . 3 110.8 moistureComent M 6.5 5 4'$ 4'$ Plus x4 Material c%) none none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE-OENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Meihod ASTM:01557-78, Me[hod "A", (-#4 13a5i5) ntaximum Ory Density (pcq 120.7 120.7 120.7 120.7 Optimum nnoiswre 1°b) 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: 8_ ~~2 ~ Compaction 98. , . 96 96~ J'2 - - - $pctified Compaction (%I `96- - ATTENTION: Density tests are vaGd at the location and elevation of the test only. Nn represe wGon is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaciion al locations and elevations oiher ihan ihose tested. These tests were performed by R. Shaffer. TIO" OV" iRTON fORWBlCAT10N OO 8`~TE.EMLSEGOMC USO S 0NSE.TAALTSLfPO4O0A REGAAO~GTOUR,NE ONi4~`IAESENVEOp>LMDIN6 OUA~WpT EM Ao AOOpt, Twln Ciry Testing Corporaqon Y ' Q Cwm ciC,r CeSCInq r Cc>rPOr:iuon S~~nE:2U . qS5 ~~pAtUP ~~EM;~II$ ((p.40 ~ e,ooiR 14FCIns. MN ssi:o , ;~...~.:a.... :i , NfPURf Ui: DENSIiY TESTS Of COh11'ACTEI) FIIL v ecil EC r: iCH001 UnfE: { r11ru.1rV I 1 19}>f; ~:7UUt!!.:~•ll)-F:L1:1•1F.NIARY i -1,1G;'+il~.--~•1-iWIJF.S(lU1 CpVIES TU: -HGA kENOkTED f0: - A[Ln: .lim Gouli! t. Jh1S COnCi'JCtin() InC -AdO1fS0't P, Prti'rYnn 3165 Sprurn ;treet. q[tn: '„eriiie St. Paul, wN 55117 Attn: Ken Q'BriCn LAIIORATORY Nq. 4112 38-077 TEST NUh18ER: 57 pATE TAKEN: 1-29-8$ UNIFIED SOIL C1A551FICATION: Sdnd, medium (MOisture•DensitySampleNumber) t0 fine grdin2d, hrnwn, (SP)-6 - IUCATION: 20' W of west face of east window ELEVATION OF TEST: =889.5' FIEID DENSITY DETERMINATION: nnelhod Density in Place if1 Nuclear Densliy nnethod "B". ASTWD2922-8I 1M4 Basisl Dry Densiry (Pcn 718 Moi5iur2 COn10nl (°b) 4.7 Plus a4 Marerial M none LABORATORY MOISTURE-OENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Mazimum Dry Densily (pc0 120.7 Optimum Moisture 1%) 12.3 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: 97 Compatlion y _ ~-96- Speci(ied Compaction ATTENTION: Densiry tests are vaGd at ihe IocaGon and clevation o( the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of (ill and compaclion at bcations and clcvaGons othcr chan those iestcd. These tests were performed by R. Shaffer. ?5 A MU1llA~ PHOtECT1OM TO CIIEHTS. TME PUBIK, AND OVA4ElVE5, Ill AEPOFTS 4AE SUB"11IE0 AS TMf COMFIDEMTI4L VMOOERiV OI GIIEMiS &ND AU1MOA'21ilON ~OA oUBIIC~T~ON OF 4TATE~EXTS, COMCLUS.ONS OF FriN.CTS ON AEGARO~HG OUF NEPOATS IS XESEAVEO pEMDING OUA M'RIfTEN APOROVAI Twln Clty Teeting Corporallon 4n.772 ie/esi BY ~ cu.~in cic~ cesunq ~ ~ •ti ~]SS 6~FnDOIn uENirtlS nOaU 1 r rl%lu --1 k;I115 rnH Sbi'U kEr091 Uf: I>ENSiTY TFSIti !)F Cf)tiAVACTEI) FILI. rkOItCI: 1r.lll)DLARIl Ef.EMENTAItY SCHOOL Unr(: Febru,il'v 11, 41 E~G.,_'•11(JNESOfA Cc~F~iES ro: -Hf,A KEPORTED IO: ~1LUt: Jim Goulet Jh15 Co~~liact.ing Inc -~dolfsun Pet.r.rson 3165 $pr-uCC SLrCBL (ICCn: 13Cini~ S[. Paul, 14N 55117 Artn: Ker, 0'f3rien L,1f10RATORY No. 4112 88-021 58 59 60 61 TEST NUMBER: DATE TAKEN: 2-10-88 2-10-88 2-10-88 2-10-88 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sdnd, medium Sand a little Sand, medium Svel, ,medium (MOisturC•Den5ily $ample Number) to f i ne gravel, med i um to f i ne 4ra grained, to fine grained, to fine brown, qrained, brown grained, (SP)-6 brown, (SP)-6 brown, ($P)-6 (SP)-6 LuCnTION: Grid 5-E.2 Grid 5.8-E.9 Grid 5.2-E.7 Grid 8.5-E.1 ELEVATION OF TEST: 892.5' 892.5' 892.5' 892.5' „ 6~~ DEPTH BELOW FINISHED FLOOR: 6-1 6" 6 FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Piace lfl Nuclear Density Method "8". ASTM:D29:2-81 lxa Basisl 108.5 Dry Density Ivco 114 113 112 Moisture Cootent (°~b) 7.5 5.5 6.3 6.3 Plus 04 Material c%1 none 2 none 3 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: ~_~4 BdsiS) n~ethod ASTM:01557-78, Method "A", Mazimom Dry Densiry (rx0 120.7 120.7 120.7 120.7 1 OPtimum Moiswre (%1 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 . COMPACTION TEST RESUlTS: gp Compaction l'b) 94 94 - 93 -92 - SPecified Compaction (%1 ~,92- 92 92 . , ATTENTION: Den,'~~tiqV,CYao( ~~II I~ d compaction al elevation andrelevat onsaheN hanPihose ~escoed!S made as toTiiese tests were performed by J. Decker. AS 4 VU1UA, OROfEC1~ON i0 CL~ENIS. TNE PUBIIC. AND OUASEI~'ES, 1Ll AEPOATS I~ME SUBVIiTEU AS TNE COMf1OEMll~l OAOOEMIy Of CI1EMTS AND AVTMOA,. jAT10M fOM >UBUWTiON Of STATFMENTS, COMCLUS.ONS ON EffR~C14 ,AOV OA AEG~ATHNG OUF REPOAT3 IS RESERVED OEMO~NG OUR M'A~TTEN APPAOVAt. Twin Clty Teating CorporeUon gy,'~~ ernev ~4M51 ~ CUJifI CIC`1 C25CiflQ . cort]~~r."~GOn •.I~nt ::ro : f j~.~i " L'q MC11UU14 If.Ri1Q5 H(N.D ) .f.Ir1IN1tA 1-FC.141$ •AN S5170 i,:•~~.i R(PORI OF. DENSIT1' i(STS OF COhll'ACTED FIIL ' .,.In'~i~r•i . I reOIECT: 11Aff: 1I 19f1.8 V;QOUL",M1T!O fLFMEN.TARY ;C11001 Cfl'G'L1N,"M1Nt`li.:>OTA c:ON[5 rO: -nGA kEruKfEU TO: f~LLri. Jiai Goulel .1MS Conlract.inr~ Inc _~~~~~~ti,~„ g, p~t~+rzon 31(i5 SpruCe Strcel n~~~~: g~~rni~ St. Paul, MN 5i117 pt.t,i: F:en 0'ftrier, LA130RAiORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUhtBER: 62 63 Da.TE T,1KEN: 2-10-88 2-10-88 UNIFIEDSOILCLASSIFICA710N: Sand a little Sand a little (MOisture•DensiiySampleNUmber) gravel, medium gravel, mediUm to fine grained, to fine grained, brown, brown, (SP)-6 (SP)-6 iUCAi10N: Grid 8.5-E.1 ' Grid 8.8-E•1 (RETEST #61) -892-.5 892.5' ELEVATION Of TEST: 6" DEPTN BELOW FiNISHEO F100R: 6"~-- fIEID DENSITY DETERMINATION: Meihod Oensiry in Place lf1 Nuclea1 Dl nsity McthoJ "B". ASTM:D2922 111# 5gasi5l Dry Density (Pco 6.7 Moisture Conreni 5.5 2 Plus 44 Marerial 1 LABORATORY MOISTURE•DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: rnethod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", 144 dasis) 120 ~ Maximum Dry Density (pcQ 120.7 12.3 12.3 Optimum Moisture (°b) COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: __9Z Compaction ,_=92- 92-"- Specilied Compacuon (%1 42- ATTENTION: Densiry tests are valid ai the location and elevation of the test only. No representaiion is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction ai locations and elev.uons oiher ihan ihose iested. TheSO t25ts were Performed by J. BeCker. vVauC •MO WASELVES, ALL AFPORTS AAE SUBMi1fEq qE~OqiS~F~qESEA~EOpMEwDINGOOUM"WMI~ EMDPPA~Op' 1 HTSNE . ?NDHG nEG ~5 ? MUfuAL PAOIECIiOH TO ClE ZAl10N fOM VUBUC~rION O~ ST~~EMENTiS, COMCWSIONS ON EMTRAGTS fNOM ON OV Twln Clly Teating Corporetlon aY twin citti+ testinq co(POreGOn a r.a+-, swrE no ,ass n+enooTa HEIcNrs aaro •<'f M'~ F` MENDOTA HEIGHfS, MN 55120 •..~~.f' , ~ REPORT Of: DENSITY TE5T5 Of COMPACTED FILL reo)etr: WOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL onre: Fehruary 15, 1988 EAGAN, MINNESOTA cOPieS ro: -HGA REPORTED TO: JMS COfItY'dCt1t1J ItIC Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 64 65 66 67 DATE TAKEN: 2-12-88 2-12-88 2-12-88 2-12$8 UNIf1ED501lCLA551FICATION: Sdrld, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium (Moisture•Density Sample Number) to f i ne to f i ne to f i ne to f i ne grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 lUCA71oN: Grid 8.9-0.9 Grid 8.9 & E Grid 8.9 & E.2 Grid 7.8-D.8 ELEVATION OF TEST: 892,5' 892.5' 892.5' $92.5' DEPTH BELOW FINISHED FLODR: - 6" 6" 6" 6" FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Oensity in Place 1n Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922-81 (N4 Basis) Dry Density (pcO 111 112 111 112.8 Moisture Content (°k) 5 5.5 5.5 5.5 plus #4 Macerial (°w) none none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: naethod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basts) Maximum Dry Density (pc0 120.7 120.7 120.7 124.7 Optimum Moisture 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction t°~1 gp " 93 92 93 Specified Compaction _92 92 92 92 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the Ixation and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. AS A MUTUAL PNOTECt10N Tp CLIENT4. TNE FUBIIC, ANO OURSELVES, ALL REPONTS ARE 8118MITTEO 43 iME CONFlOENTIAL GROPERTI' Of CLIENTS ANU AUTHORb ZRTION FOF iUBLICAiION OF $TATEMENTS, CONCWSIONS OR E%TRqCTS FqOM ON REGAMOIN4 OUR REPORTS IS PESERVE~ PENDINQ OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL, 7wln Clty Testing Corporetlon By sc-azx (Wes) twin citti+ testinq a;'°,."w~ ? corporaaon I T~~~ SUIT1EME 355 DOTA HFIGHf3 ROAO MENppTA HEIGHTS MN 55120 `~{J REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL reoJecr: C-~t000C'RND: ELEMENT.ARY. SCHOOL DnrE: Fehruary 15, 1988 EAGAN, MINNESOTA Coriesro: -HGA REPORTED TO: JMS COnLYaCCillg Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien U180RATORY No. 4112 88-021 TEST NUMBER: 68 69 70 71 DATE TAKEN: 2-12-88 2-12-88 2-12-88 2-12-88 U NIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium (Moisture-Density Sample Number) to f i ne to f i ne to f i ne to f i ne grained, grained, grained, grained, hrown, brown, brown, hrown, (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 LUCATIO N: Grid 7.2-C.5 Grid 7.8-C.9 Grid 9.5-D.6 Grid 9.5-C.5 ELEVATION OF TEST: ;$92-51 892.5' 892.5' 892.5' DEPTH BELOW F.F. GRADE: 6" 6" 6" 6" FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Melhod Density in Place 111 Nutlear Density Method "B", ASTM;D2922-81 (#4 Basis) Dry Oensity (pcn 112 113.8 112.6 113 Moiswre Conrent (%1 5.3 5.5 5.8 5.5 Plus #4 Material 1~) none none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Mazimum Dry Density (pcfl 120.7 120.7 120.7 120.7 Optimum Moisture 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction 94 93 94 ; Specified Compaction 92 92 92 92 i ATTEN710N: Densiry tests are valid at the location and elevalion o( the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at locations and elevalions other than those tested. These tests were performed by J. 8ecker. AS A MUTOAL PROTFCTION TO CLIENTS, THE VUBLIC. ANO OUFSELVE4, ALL REPOATS ANE SUBMITTBO 115 THE COHFIDENTIAI PROVEPTY Of CLIENTS ANO AOTHDF4 2ATION FOR VUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONClU310N5 ON EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARUIHO OUR PEYORiS IS PESERVED PENDINO OUR WFITTEN APPAOVAL. Twln City Testing Corporatlon By SG•222 (8185) • ~ tuuin atar+ testinq `d corporation 220 1355EMENDOTAHEIGHTSRQ4D r.• y~' MENDOTA HEIGNTS. MN 55120 R E P O R T OF: D ENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL reOlECr: c4lODOLAND-ELEMENTARY SCHOOL oare: February 15, 1988 ~-EAfRN,-M'INNESOTA coPIes ro: -HGA REPORTEDTO: JMS COfItYdCtlfl9 InC Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABO RATO RY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 72 73 74 75 DATE TAKEN: 2-12-88 2-12-88 2-12-88 2-12-88 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium (Moisture-Density Sample Number) to fine to fine to fine to fine grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brbwn, brown, (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 uOCA710tv: 6rid 9-D Grid 8.5-C.3 Grid 5.5-E.4 Grid 8.2-C.5 ELEVATION OF TEST: 'gg2,5' 892.5' 892.5' 892.5' DEPTH BELOW F.F. GRADE: 6" 6" 6" 6" FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place 1n Nuclear Density Method "8", ASTM:D2922•81 (*4 Basis) Dry Density (pcq 112.7 115.3 112.7 112.3 Moisture Content (°+6) 5.8 6.7 5.8 6.0 Plus N4 Material (°lo) none none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 BaSis) Mazimum Dry Density (pco 120.7 120.7 120.7 120.7 Optimum n4oisture 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 COMPACTION LEST RESUL75: Compaction N ; 93 95 93 93. Specified Compaction (°k) 92 92 gZ 92 ' ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. • These tests were performed by J. Becker. AS A MUTUAL VPOTECtION TO CLIENTS, TNE PUBLIC, AHO OUXSEl~ES, ~LL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAI VROPERTY OR CLIENTS ANO AUTHORI• jATION POR iUB~ICATION 0~ BTATEMENTB CONClU510N3 ON E%TpACTS FROM OR NECARD~NO OUR REVORTS IS RESEXVED PENOINO OUR wR1TlEN APGROVAI, Twin Clty Testing Corporetlon SG•332 (6l85) BY twin atti+ testinq ~ corpora[ion SUCrE Zp f 355 MENDOTA HEIGHfS ROAD ^^r y MENUOTA HEIGHfS, MN 55120 REPORi OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL PROJKr: ~VJOODL-AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL oAre: Februarv 15, 1988 cE116AN, MINNE50TA CoPies ro: -HGA ReroRTeoTO: ,]MS Contracting Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson b Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 76 77 78 DATE TAKEN: 2-12-88 2-12-88 2-12-88 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: 5and a little Sand a little Sand a little (Moisture•DensitySampleNUmber) gravel, medium gravel, medium gravel, medium to fine to fine to fine grained, grained, grainEld, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (5P)-6 ivCn710N: Grid 8.8-E.5 Grid 8.5-D Grid 8.6-B.7 ELEVATION OF TEST: 892.5' 892.5' 892.5' ' DEPTH BELOW F.F. GRADE: -6" 6" 6" FIELD DENSITY OETERMINATION: Method Density in Place 111 Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922•81 (N4 Basis) Dry Densiry (Pco 115 114 114.2 Moisture Content 5.4 5.7 5.5 Plus #4 Material (°kl 3 3 3 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: nnechod ASTM:D1557-78, MethOd "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pcQ 120.7 120.7 120.7 Optimum Moisture (°h) 12.3 12.3 12.3 COMPACTION TEST RESUL75: Compaction (%1 95 94 95 ' SpecifiedCompaction 1~1 ;92-_ 92 92 ATTENTIOfV: Oensity tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adeqaacy o( (ill and compaction at locations and elevations other Ihan those tested. These tests were performed by J Becker. ?S A MUTUAL PADTECiION TO CLIENTS, TNE GVBLIG, AND DUPSELVES. AlL flEPORT9 ARE Sl1BMITTEO AS T11E CONFIOENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS AND 11UTMORI• 2ATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCIUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM DN FEGARDING OUR NEPORTS IS FESERVEO PEXOINO OUN WHITTEN AVPROVAL. Twln City Testing Corporatlon sc•222 (s+es) ey 0 CW111 CICY teStll'lq r i~>~•, COrPOra[Iorl . SUrtE 220 1355 MENDOTA MEIGMS ROAO MENDOTA NEIGM3, MN 55120 . REPOR7 Of: DENSITY TE5T5 OF COMPACTED FILL PROIECT: 4JOODLAND ELEMENTRRY SCHOOL oare: February 22, 1988 EAGAN, MINNESOTA COPiESTO: -HGA ~ REroRTeoTO: JMS Contracting Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 79 80. 81 82 DATE TAKEN: 2-19-88 2-19-88 2-19-88 2-19-88 • uNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand a 1 i tt 1 e Sand a 1 i ttl e Sand a 1 i tt1 e Sand a 1 i ttl e -(MOisture- DensitySampleNumber) gravel, medium gravel, medium gravel, medium gravel, medium to fine to fine to fine to fine grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-6 (5P)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 LUCATION: Grid 7.2-110' frid 7.5-H&3' Grid 7.3-H&3' Grid 7.3-110' (RETEST i81) ELEVATION OF TEST: 8861 887.5' 8$9' 889' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place 1t1 Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922-81 (ri4 Basis) Dry Densiry (pco 116.4 116.4 113.5 114.6 Moisture Conrent f%) 4.6 5.3 4.8 3.0 Plus k4 Material 1 3 1 1 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Bdsis) Mazimum Dry Density (pco 120,7 120.7 120.7 120.7 Optimum Moisture 1(°6) 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 GOMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction 96.5 96.5 94 96 , Specified Compaction (°b) -96- 96 96 96 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation ot the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy o( fiU and compactian at {ocations and elevations other than ehose tested. These tests were perfarmed by J. Becker. Aq A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CIIENTB, TME PUBLIC, AMO OURBELVEB, ALL REPONTS ARE 9VBMIiTED A$ TME CONFIDENTIAL GROVERTY OF Cl1ENT4 AND 11UTMONI- 2AT10N iOR PUBUCATION OP SMTEMENT4, COHClU410HS OR E%TNACTS FROM Op REOApDINQ OUR REPORTS 18 qESERVEO GENOIN6 OUR wqITTEN APPROVAL. Twln City Testing Corporetion sa.222 (ares) BY E~p twin city testinq ' dO1•p•+ a corporation , SUITE ~ Ma+oora HFCMS aow MENODTA HEIGH15, MN 55170 REPORT OF: DENSI7Y 7E5T5 OF COMPACTED FILL PROIECr: -WOODL-AND-EIEMENTARY SCHOOL oA7E: February 22, 1988 EAGAN,-MINNESOTA corie5T0: -HGA ~ REPOxseo TO: JMS Contracting Inc Attn: Jim 6oulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien IAeORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: $3 84 85 DATE TAKEN: 2-19-88 2-19-88 2-19-88 uNIFIEDSOILCLA55IFICATtON: Sand, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium (Moisture-Density Sample Num6er) to f i ne to f i ne to f i ne 9rained, grained, 9rained, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 LUCATION: Grid 6.7-H&5' Grid 6.7-H&5' Grid 7.4-H&9' (RETEST A83) ELEVATION OF TEST: $$g, 890•5t FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place ln Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922-81 (1i4 Basis) Dry Density (xfl 113.8 115.8 115.9 Moisture Content (qb) 4.7 4.5 3.3 Plus #4 Ma[erial !%1 none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Mechod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density .(pcFl 120.7 120.7 120.7 Optimum Moisture (°+b1 12.3 12.3 12.3 ' COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: l~- Compaction ~ 94.5 96 96 ` Speci(ied Compaction (96) ~ 96 796_- - 96 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the Ixation and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy o( fill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by J. Becker. AS !1 MUTUAL FROTECTION TO CLIEHTS, TNE GUBl1C, ANO OVRBELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMRTEO A8 TNE CONFlDENTIAI PNOPEFTY Of CLIENTS AND AUTNORI• =ATION FOF VU8LIC4TION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR E%TRACTS fFOM Oq REGARDiNO OUF REPORTS IS RESERVEO PENDINp OUN WNITTEN AGiHOVAL. Twin City /Tasting Corporation By sc•zxx (aes) twin city testinq cOrporation SUfrE22D 11755 MENOOTA HEIGHT$ ROAU . a'.,.` ~ . MENOpTA NEK'iHfS. MN SSitO f REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED flll PeoleCr: :11appLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL` o^rE: February 26, 1988 EAGAN', MINNESOTA Cories to: -HGA ~ REPORTEDTO: ,]MS COIIiY'dCtitl9 InC Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 86 87 88 89 oATE TAKEN: 2-22-88 2-22-88 2-22-88 2-22-88 UrvIFIED SOiI CLASSIFICATIOrv: Sand, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium Sand, medium (Moisture-Density SampleNumber) to fine to fine to fine to fine grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, brown, (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 (SP)-6 LuCA71oN: Grid 9.5- Grid 9.5- Grid 9.5- Grid 9.3- H&3' H&3' H&3' H&3' (RETEST A86) (RETEST #86) ELEVATION OF TEST: 890.5' 890.5' 890.5' 891.5' f1ELD DENSITY DE7ERMINATION: Method Density in Place lfl Nuclear Density Method "B". ASTM:p2922-81 (#4 Basis) Dry Densiry (Pco 111.2 113 115.3 112 Moisture Content f°b) 4,$ 4.4 6.2 4.4 Plus M4 Material (°k1 none none none none LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method A$TM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Ory Densiry (pc0 120.7 120.7 120.7 120J Optimum Moisture 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction (°h) ~ 92 " ~ v'~ :94"~~ 93 j . / ~ Specified Compaction 96 96 , 96 - 96 . A7TENTION; Density tests are valid ai ibe-location and elevation o( the test only. No representation is made.as lo the adequacy o( fill and compaction at locations and elevations other Ihan those tesred. These tests were performed by J. Becker. AS A MUTUAL YqOTECTION TO CLIENTS, TME YUBIIC, AND WRSELVES, ALL NEPONi$ ARE SUBMITTEO AS TME CONFIpENTIAL PNOPERTY OF CLIENTB ANO AIITHORI• ZATION FON PUBUWTION OF STATEMENTS, CONCWSIONS OR E%TRACTS FROM OR REGeRDING OUH NEPOqTS IS RESERVEO PENDING OUR wHITTEN APPROVAI. Twln City Teating Corporetlon sc•zxs(sres) ey Z/~k?v ~ twin cittir testmq y(,~26co~ Sf~1Do~ Gf~ =«oorat!.an<. : 220 1355 MENDOTA HE16HfS NOAD I 6I AfflIDOTA HQOMS MN 55720 REPORT OF: DENSITY TE575 OF COMPACTED FILL Pao)ecr: WOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL onre: August 19, 1987 WESCOTT ROAD coPIeSTO: -Hammel Green & Abrahamson EAGAN, MINNESOTA REPORTED TO: Attn: Ms. Barbara McGuire JMS Contracting 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 LABORATORY No. 4112 87-010 TEST NUMBER: 1 2 3 4 DATE TAKEN: 8_3-87 8-3-87 8-3-87 8-3-87 UNIfIED501lCLA551FICATION: Sand with silt Sand with silt $and with silt Sand with silt (Moiswre-OensirySampleNumber) with a little with a little with a littlewith a little ` gravel, mostly gravel, mostly gravel, mostly gravel,mostly fine grained, fine grained, fine grained, fine grained, brown, brown, brown, brown, (SP-SM)-4 (SP-SM)-4 (SP-SM)-4 (SP-SM)-4 LOCATION: 15' N of 15' N of 15' N of Grid grid AA-2.2 grid AA-2.2 grid AA-2.2 CC-2 ELEYATION OF TEST: 895.5' 897.5' $99' 896.5' DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 41 21 3' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place ifl Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922-81 (#4 Basis) Dry Densiry (pcfl 128.5 129 127.5 119.5 Moisture Content 1%1 9,5 8.4 7.7 9.5 Plus R4 Material (°k) 12 14 13 5 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:01557-78, Method "A", (-#4 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pcfl 129,9 129,9 129,9 129.9 Optimum Moisture 9,3 9.3 9.3- 9.3 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compactioo f°b1 99 ' 99.5 98 92. Specified Compaction 92 92 gz gp ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by H. Peterson. j~~ P~ ' 1 lr~~ UFtSELVES. REPORTS ARE UTIOH FOR YUBL~ICATIONNOFBTATEMEXTSECONCW910 SOOR E%TRACTS`FROM OR REOARDN01 OURAEPORTSSFiRESERVEOpPENDINGOWRLWRTTEN ANDAPPROVALAUTHORI. Twin Clty T ng Corpora lon so-szx (ues) ey c.~ , f twin attir testinq a ~ coro«ation surM zzo 1355 HMM ra~ ~ ~ f ~REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL PROIECT: WOOQLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DATE: AU9USt 19, 1987 WESEOT_T,.ROAD CoriesTO: -Hammel Green & Abrahamson EAGAN,-MINNESOTA REPORTED TO: Attn: Ms. Barbara Mc6uire JMS Contracting 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 LABORATORY No. 4112 87-010 TEST NUMBER: 5 6 7 DATE TAKEN: 8_3-87 8-3-87 8-3'~87 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand with silt Sand with silt Sand yrith silt (Moisture-DensirySampleNumber) wtth d little with d ltttle with d little gravel, mostly gravel, mostly gravel, mostly fine grained, fine grained, fine grained, brown, brown, brown, (SP7SM)-4 (SP-SM)-4 (SP-SM)-4 LOCA710N: Grid CC-2 Grid BB-3 Grid BB-3 ELEVATION OF TEST: 898' 897' 899' DEPTH BELOW E%ISTING GRADE: ~ - 21' '.6" - FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place ltl Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922-81 (S4 Basis) Dry Density (pc4 119.5 119 129.5 Moisture Content 9.0 10.0 8.3 Plus #4 Material 1(%) 6 5 13 LABORATORY M015TURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Mechod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum ory Density (pc6 129.9 129.9 . 129.9 Optimum Moisture (161 9.3 9.3 9.3 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction l°kl =9292 100 Speci(iedCompaction (°b) v.92-- - 92 92 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at locations and elevations other t~ tested. l~ These tests were performed by H. Peterson • , v -l/ ~ 4-Y.4_~~e AS A MUTUAI iROTECTION TO CLIENTS. TME PUBLIC, AND OURBELVE3, ALl NEPORT8 AAE 6UBMITTEO A8 TNE CONFIpENi1AL VROPERTY OF CLIENTS AND AUTHORI• UTION FOR PUBLICATION OF 6TATEMEN75 CONCLU410M5 OH EXTRACTS FXOM OR REOARDINO OUR PEPORTS IS RESENVEO VENDINO OUR wRitTEN AVPROVAL. Twin Clty Tssting Co?poratlon so-sss (ues) ey ~ 0~~~~ twin atti+ testinq n•°•, . RP CpfpprBp0ll &AfE220 1355 MENOOTA HEqH13 ROAD MENDOTA HEKiHf3. MN b5120.. • REPOR7 OF: DENSITY TE575 OF COMPACTED F I L L eeoiECr: ,-WOE3DLAND-ELEMEN7ARY SCHOOL DATE: AUgUSt 19, 1981 WESCOTT ROAD ' CorIesTO: -Hammel Green & Abrahamson fAGR_N.,-~MINNESOTA REPORTED TO: Attn: Ms. Barbara McGuire JMS Contracting ' 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfsen & Peterson 5t. Paul, MN 55117 LABORATORY No. 4112 87-010 TEST NUMBER: $ 9 10 DATE 7AKEN: 8_7_87 $_7_87 $_7_87 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand with 5ilt Sand WiLh 5ilt Sand with silt (Moisture- DensitySampleNumber) With a little with a little with a little gravel, mostly gravel, mostly gravel, mostly fine grained, fine grained, fine grained, brown, brown, brown (SP-5M)-0. (SP-SM)-4 (SP-SA)-4 LOCATION: Service Road Service Road Service Road Station 1+00 Station 2+50 Station 11+00 DEPTH BELOM SUBGRADE: <-6^_=.__--. : 611. 6" DEPTH BELOW E%ISTINC GRADE: 611 6" - 6" FIEID DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Oensity in Place 1f1 Nuclear Density Meehod "B", ASTM:D2922-81 (N4 Basis) Dry Densiry (Pct 131 125 122 titoisture Content (°hl 8.1 7.8 9.6 Plus fl4 Material (96) 10 7 $ LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method TM:D1557-78, Method "R", (44 Bdsis) Mazimum Dry Density tpc4 129,9 129.9 129.9 Optimum Moisture (°h) 9.3 9.3 . q.3 . COMPACTION TFST RESULTS: Compaction :=10 1-~ 96 98 Specified Compaction 96 96 AT7ENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of (i41 and compaction at locat+ons and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by J. Voigt. MUtU AND AND HOR UTION iONAPUBUCATONNOFBTCLIENTS ATE ENTSE GONCW810 S ORSE%7NAC SLFFOMOOA REOARDNOI OUNAEPONTBOISFlRESEN EDpPEN01H0 OURLIWRTTEN A PRTO ALI Twln Clty Testin~~ ~ ~~-sa-asx (aes) ey ~ twin atti+ testina oeu COfpOfO[IOfI g~pfEpqp 1355 MENOOTA XEIOFR9 NOAD MENDOTA MEIGM$ MN 6612U BEPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COlv1PACTEb FILL WOODLAqB ELEMENTARY SCHOOL oATE: October 8, 1987 PeoIeCT: 'WESCOTT ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA corIesTO: -Hammel Green & Abrahamson REeoereD ro: JMS Contracting Attn: Ms. Barbara McGuire 3165 Spruce Street St. Paul, MN 55111 -Adolfson & Peterson LABORATORY No. 4112 87-010 TEST NUMBER: 11 12 13 DATE TAKEN: 9-$-$7 9-8-87 9-8-87 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sandy lean clay Sandy lean clay Sandy lean clay (MOisture- DensitySampleNumber) a little gravel, a little gravel, a little gravel, reddish brown, reddish brown, reddish brown, (CL)-3 (CL)-3 (CL)-3 LOCATIO N: 50' E of SW 2' N& 12' E 25' N of SW wall corner of SW corner corner of gym of gym (wall of gym (inside backfill) wall backfill) DEPTH BELOW FINISH GRADE: .41.- "5' 4' DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: pI - 0r 6" FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place by Sand-Cone Method, ASTM:D1556-82 (44 Basis) Dry Density (pcA 118 126 120.5 Moisture Content (°b) 11.0 7.5 17.6 Plus N4 Marerial -(°b) 7 7 6 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: atethod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Bdsis) Maximum Dry Density (pcfl 124.4 124.4 124.4 Optimum Moisture 1%) 11.2 11.2 11.2 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compattion '95 1100 97 Specified Compaction 92=1 --92 92 ; ATTENTION: pensity tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No represen[ation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at localions and elevations other than those tested. Th@ test l OCdt10n5 and number of tests were selected by JMS Contracting. Compaction meets specifications in the above test areas. . AS ~ MUTUAL PROTEGTION TO CLIENTS, TNE OUBLIC, ANO OUNSELVES, ~lL REVOFTS ARE SUBMITTEO A5 TME CONFIOENTIAL PNOPEPTY OF CLIENTS AHD AUTHORI. 2ATION FOR VVBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OH E%TRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REYOR75 IS XESERVEO PEHOING OUR WAITTEN APVROVAL. Twin City Testing Corporalion sc•zxs (eras) BY .1 T'J7- twin citytestinq corporac,on ~ a 1, 13ssMtTmOTnHEOM awo pMfflrDOM HEKiHn MN 56120 '~.~.f . - . • REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL reoleCT: WOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL onre: October 8, 1987 WESCOTT ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA CorIESTO: -Hammel Green & Abrahamson ReroRTED ro: Attn: Ms. Barbara McGuire JMS Contracting 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson * Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 LABORA70RY No. 4112 87-010 TEST NUMBER: 14 15 16 DATE 7AKEN: 9-16-87 9-16-87 9-16-87 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sandy lean clay 5andy lean clay Sandy lean clay (MOisture-DensitySampleNumber) with gravel, a little gravel a little gravel, reddish brown, reddish brown, reddish brown, (CL)-3 (CL)-3 (CL)-3 LOCA710N: 3' N& 40' W 40' N& 100' W 7' N& 60' W of SE corner of SE corner of NE corner of bldg. of bldg. of bldg. C a r:.IT. cI.~ aRAnF: - 41 0.31 _"T. .,EL!l'? F. -4.~5-- DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 10 c0' . 0.0' 0.3' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place ln Nuciear Density Method "8", ASTM:D2922-81 04 Basis) Drv Density (pco 131 127 125 Moisture Content 8.8 9.9 12.9 Plus #a Material l%) 15 5 6 LABORATORY MOISTURE•DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: nnethod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pcfl 124.4 124.4 124.4 Optimum Moisture 11.2 11.2 11.2 , COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction 105 - - " - 1,02 100 Speci(ied Compaction 92--_ 92 92, ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy ot fill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. Th2 tESt locations and number of tests were selected by JMS Contracting. Compaction meets specifications in the above test areas. AS A MUTUAL VROTECTION TO CIIEMTS. TME iVBLIG, ANO OIIRSELVE3, ALl REVOFTS AAE 6UBMITTEU A8 TME CONFIOENTIAL GROPEFTT`OF CLIEHTS AHD AUTHORI- 2ATIOM FOR YUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS CONClU510M5 Op EXTRACTS FROM ON FEOAPOIN6 OUR REPONT8 IS RESERVED PENDINO OUR wAITTEN APVROVAL. Twin Clty Tsating Corporatlon so-szs (aes) BY tuwn city Cestinq ((I coroorat+on t~35~5M-G~ioOTRHdGHrsROAD MENOOTA F1E~Hf3.YAN $i~ . • REPORT OF: DENSITY 7E5T5 OF COMPACTED Flll PROIECT: WOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL onre: October 8, 1987 WESCOTT ROAD coviesro: -Hammel Green & Abrahamson EAGAN, MINNESOTA REPORTED TO: Attn: Ms. Barbara McGuire JMS Contracting 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson F~ Peterccrl St. Paul, MN 55117 LABORATORY No. 4112 87-010 TE57 NUMBER: 17 18 19 20 DATE TAKEN: 9-25-87 9-25-87 9-25-87 9-25-87 urtIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICA71oN: Sandy lean Sand with Sandy lean Sandy lean (Moisture•DensitySampleNumber) clay a little Silt d ltttle Cldy, Cldy a little gravel, gravel, reddish gravel, reddish fine to medium brown, reddish brown, brown, grained, (CL)-3 (CL)-3 (CL)-3 brown, (SP-SM)-5 LOCA710N: 122'N & 1051E 601S & 81W 150'W & 121N 30'N & 1001E of SW corner of NW corner of SE corner of SW corner of bldg. of bldg. of bldg. of bldg. DEPTH BELOW FINISH GRADE: 2.0' 0.5' 0' 0' DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 0.0' 0.1' 0.0' 0.01 FIELO DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place ltl Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922•81 44 Basis) Dry Density (pct) 124 117 127 127 Moisture Content (°bl 10.6 8.5 10.6 11.7 Plus 114 Material M) 4 1 none 5 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: titethod A$TM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Bd515) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) 124.4 118.6 124.4 124.4 optimum Moisture (°b) 11.2 9.9 11.2 11.2 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction ( k) 7.00_ - _ 98.5 - 102 102 ~ 5Peci(ied Compaction ( b) 92-__ 92 92 92 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of (ill and compaclion at locations and elevations other than those tested. Th2 t25t lOCdt10t15 and number of tests were selected by JM5 Contracting. Compaction meets specifications in the above test areas. 2~TION FOR LVUBLO ICATION NOF STIITEMENTSECOMCl11510 AEPORTS REO~NDN6TOUR CFIDENTIAL OUFLWRTiEN APPPO VAL. Twin Clln Co o tlon ~ sazn (aies) twin city testinq ~ corporaaon . y. ~ 9UIiE 220 1966 MENDOTA FiElOHI3 FOAD MENOOTA HFlliF119, MN 66140 . . . -REPOR7 OF: DENSITY TE5T5 OF COMPACTED FILL reolECT: WOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL onre: October 8, 1987 WESCOTT ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA coviesro: -Hammel Green & Abrahamson REPORTEDTO: AiLfl: M5. BdYbdY'd McGuire JMS Contracting 3165 Spruce Street -,'1dolfson Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 LAeORATORY No. 4112 87-010 TEST NUMBER: 21 22 23 DATE TAKEN: 9-25-87 9-25-87 9-25-87 UNIFIED SOII CLASSIFICATION: $dnd,y ledn Cldy Sandy lean Cldy $and,y 1'2dn Cldy (MOiSture-DensitySampleNumber) a little gravel, a little gravel, a little gravel, reddish brown, reddish brown, reddish brown, (CL)-3 . (CL)-3 (CL)-3 LOCATIO N: 60' E& 36' N 75' E& 35' N 99' E& 95' N of SW corner of SW corner of SW corner of bldg. of bldg. of bldg. DEPTH BELOW FINAL GRADE: ~-2' 2.51' 2' DEPTH BELOW E%ISTING GRADE: 2.5' 2' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place 111 Nuclear Density Method "8", ASTM:D2922•81 (ri4 Basis) Dry Density tpcfl 114 126 127 Moisture Content 1%1 10.0 9.2 9.6 Plus #4 Material (96) 3 6 2 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: titethod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (-#4 Bdsis). Mazimum Dry Density (pco 124.4 124.4 124.4 Optimum n4oisture (°b) 11.2 11.2 11.2 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction %:92_------ - 101 102 Speci(ied Compactioo I%1 92 92 92 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation o( the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy o( (ill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. Th2 t25t lOCdtiOnS and number of tests were selected by JMS Contracting. Compaction meets specifications in the above test areas. ION AND DENTIAL A"l ANO PUSLIC AUTHOR ZAT ON FOR vUBLOiCATTON OF STATEMEMTSE CONC US O S OORSE%TNACTSLFROMOOR NEOwPDl110'TOUR A EYORTS«i9F1AE5E VEDpPENDINO OUR`wRRTEN Av RO LI. Twln Clty Tseting Corporetlon sasn (aes) BY twon city testmQ a~ a COtA~On SURE 220 . 14 1355 MENDOTA HEIaHfS fl0A0 MENDOTA HEIGItf3, MN 66120 '~.~.f . _ . . _ . . . • REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL PeoI ecT: WOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL onre: October 8, 1987 WESC9TT RORD EAGAN, MINNESOTA CorieSTO: -Hammel Green & Abrahamson eePORrEO ro: Attn: Ms. Barbara McGuire JMS Contracting 3165 Spruce Street -A.dolfsen R, ?etersnn St. Paul, MN 55117 LABORATORY No. 4112 87-010 TEST NUMBER: 24 25 DA7E TAKEN: 9-29-$7 9-29-87 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIfICA710N: Sandy lean clay Sandy lean clay, - (Moisture•DensitySampleNUmber) a little gravel, reddish 6rown, reddish brown, (CL)-3 (CL)-3 LOCnT1o N: 75' W& 12' S 45' W& 14' S of SE corner of SE corner of bldg. of bldg. ELEYATION OF TEST: 892 DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: ---0.2' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place 1f1 Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922•81 (#4 Basis) Dry Density (pc8 124 124 Moisture Content 11.0 13.0 Plus if4 Material 2 0 LABORATORY MOISTURE-OENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (-#4 Basi.s) Maximum Dry Oensity lpc4 124.4 124.4 Optimum Moisture 11.2 11.2 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: Compaction {%1 A9-5-- 99.5 Speci(ied Compactioo ( kl . ' ,92-----._ 92 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representaiion is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaction at locations and elevations other ihan those tested. Th2 t25t IOCr]ti On5 and num6er of tests were selected by JMS Contracting. Compaction meets specifications in the above test areas. •S A MUTUAI PROTECiION TO CIIENtS, 7HE YVBIIC. ANO OURSElVE9, ALL NEVORTS ARE SUBMIT7ED AS TME COMFIpENTII.L VROOERTV OF CUENTS AHO AUTMORI• ZATION FOR VilBLICATION OF STATEMENTS COMCLUSIONS OF E%TRACTS FROM OH REOAROINO OUR NEPOFTS IS AESEFVEO VEMDING OUR WMITTEN A>PAOVAL. Twln Ciry TeaUog Corporatlon at+sss (ass) BY r---- tuuin cItY testino cormrar,o,., surtE xzo 1355 MQIOOTA HEI6Hf3 ROAD MFNOOTA HEIOHfS, MN 66120 h.~.1 • REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED Fill rROlECT; WOODIAND ELEMENTARY SCHOQL UnTe: October 8, 1987 WESCOTT ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA CoPiESro: -Hammel Green & Abrahamson eevoereD ro: Attn: Ms. Barbara McGuire JMS Contracting 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55111 LABORA70RY No. 4112 87-010 TEST NUMBER: 26 27 DATE TAKEN: 10-1-87 10-1-87 UNIFtED501LClA5SIFICATION: $and with silt Sand .with silt (Moisture-Density Sample Number) a 1 i ttl e gravel, d 1 i ttl e gravel, fine to medium fine to medium grained, grained, brown, brown, (SP-SM)-4 (SP-5M)-4 LoCA71oN: 3' S& 40' W 111. S& 92' W of SE corner of SE corner of bldg. of bldg. ELEVATION OF TEST: 845' DEPTH BEIOW EXISTING GRAOE: O:O'= 0.0 1 FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place 111 Nuclear Density Method "8", ASTM:D2922-81 04 Basis) Dry Density (pcA 115 114 Moisture Content 1~+) 6.4 6.7 Plus p4 Material (°b) 8 4 LABORATORY MOISTURE-OENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: nnechod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pcD 129.9 129.9 Optimum Moisture 9.3 9.3 COMPACTIpN TEST RESULTS: - Compaction $9 ; 5- 88 Specified Compaction 9-2_ 9,2- ~ATTENTION: Oensity tests are valid at the location and elevation o1 the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy ot till and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. Th2 t25t loCdtiOnS and number of tests were selected by JMS Contracting. Compaction does not meet specifications in the above test areas. ?5 A MUTUAL PPOTECTION TO CUEHTS, TXE PUBUC, AND OURSELVE9, ALL pE00RT8 ARE BYOWTTEO A8 THE COMf10ENTUL iROPENT'! OF CUENTS AND AIYfNORI- U110N FOR iUBLICAT10N OF $TatEMEHTS CONCLUSiOMS OR E%TRACTS FROM Da AEGARDIHO OUR REPORTS IS NESERVEO PENDIHG OUR WRITTEN APPROYAL. 5 Twin City Tssting Corporatlon sa-sn (aes) By twin cittir testinq 'd•:n•,b•. u COfPaaClOfl 9URE 220 . 1355MBlOOTANEI6lRSHCND MENDOTA MEqHl9, MN 66120 "REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL rsolECn WOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL onre: October 8, 1987 c_WESCO.TT ROAD coPiesTO: -Hammel Green b Abrahamson EAGAN; M3NNESOTA REPORTED TO: Attn: Ms. Barbara McGuire JMS Contracting 3165 Spruce Street -Adnlfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 LABORATORY No. 4112 87-010 TEST NUMBER: 28 29 30 DATE TAKEN: 10-2-87 10-2-87 10-2-87 UNIFIEDSOILCLASSIFICA710N: Sand with silt Sand with Silt Sand tvit,h silt (MOisture-DensitySampleNumber) a little gravel, a little gravel, a little gravel, fine to medium fine to medium fine to medium grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, (SP-SM)-4 (SP-SM)-4 (SP-SM)-4 LOCATIOrv: 2' S& 30' W 90' W& 1' S 88' W& 1' S of SE corner of SE corner of SE corner of bldg. of bldg. of bldg. (RETEST #26) (RETEST #27) ELEVATION OF TEST: _$94' 895' 899' DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 0= - O' Of FtELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place ifl Nuclear Oensity Method "B", ASTM:D2922-81 04 Basis) Dry Density (pc4 117 115 112 Moisture Content 6.5 3.9 0.2 Plus #4 Material (°b) 5 2 2 LABORATORY MOISTURE•DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: nnechod ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (-#4 Basis) Mazimum Dry Density (pcfl 129.9 129.9 129.9 Optimum Moisture 9,3 9.3 9.3 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: : Compaction 90 88, 5 86 ~ Specified Compatlion (%1 .92 - 92 92 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the location and elevation of the test only. No representation is made as to the adequacy of (ill and compaction at Ixations and elevations other than those tested. Th2 test locations and number of tests were selected by JMS Contracting. Compaction does not meet specifications in the above test areas. MUTUA REPORTS AND OUR AME 2ATION FORLPUBL~ICATIONNOF STLATEMENTSIENTS, 510 5 ONSE%TRACTSLfROM ON REOAROX6TOURAEPOPT3OI8flRESERVEDp~NDINO OURLIW111TTEN APPROVALI. Twln City Testing Corporatlon sc-sxs (aes) By twin ciCtir testinq . d,•o~•,•w..-_ a COfDOfBCIOfI yUrrE 220 i r•i~-+ • . 1355 MENDOTA HEIGHf3 FIOAD ' ' d:~.• MENOOTA HEkaHf8, MN 65120 v•,,-,, . REPORT OF: DENSITY TEST$ Of COMPACIEU FICL WOOOLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL oArE: October 8, 1987 veolECr: WESCOTT ROAD EAGAN, MiNNESOTA COPiESro: -Hammel Green & Abrahamson REVORTEDTO: JMS COIlt1'dCtiflJ Attn: Ms. Barbara McGuire 3765 Spruce Street St. Paul, MN 55117 -Adolfson & Peterson LABORATORY No. 4112 87-010 7EST NUMBER: 31 32 DATE TAKEN: 10-2-87 10-2-87 UNIFlEDSOILCLASSIFICATION: Se.nd with silt Sand with Silt (MOisture-Den5ity5ampleNumber) a little gravel, a little gravel, brown, brawn, ( SP-SM ) -4 (SP-SM ) -4 LOCA71o N: 94''.W & 111~ 9011W & 1t' S of SE corner of SE corner of bldg. of 61dg. (RETEST #30) ELEVATION OF TEST: R99' 901' ' DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 'Q' 3' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Mechod Density in Place by Sand-Cone Method, ASTM:D1556-82 (44 Basis) Dry Density tpc0 117 110 Moisture Conrent (96) 4.4 6.8 Plus ka Material 3 Z LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Bdsis) Maximum Dry Density (pc0 129.9 129.9 Optimum Moisture (°k) 9,3 9.3 ~ COMPACTION TEST RESULTS; ; = - Compaction (°,6) ~ 90' 85~~ Specified Compaction 1%) \ 92 ; 92 ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the bcation and elevation of the test only\No-representation is made as ro the adequacy of fili and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. ThB te5t locations and num6er of tests were selected by JMS Contracting. Compaction does not meet specifications in the above test areas. , E%TRACiS L FROM OF REPOIITS REARE G>pDNOTO AAE ORTS~SF1RESERVEOpENDING OUNLWNITTEN ?GPROVOAI'. L~CATOH NOF 5T0.TEMENLSECONCUSQ AND 5 OH OURSELVES. IAiON iOR VUe Twin City Testing Corporalion sc.:25 (e1e5) twin cittir tesCinq d'v;~•a,. ~ c«o«auon sUrrE zzo a • ~ ~ tau MooTn HEIaHrs Nwo ~ ~ n+ ¢ . MENDOTA HEIQHfS, MN 55110 y`~{ . . • REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL rROlecr: WOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL onre: October 8, 1987 WESCOTT ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA CopfesTO: -Nammel Green & Rbrahamson REPORTED TO: Attn: MS. BdrbaY'd MCGUir2 JMS Contracting 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfsen & Pe±ersan St. Pdul, MN 55117 LABORATORY No. 4112 87-010 TEST NUMBER: 33 34 DATE TAKEN: 10-5-87 10-5-87 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIfICATION: Sandy lean clay Sandy lean clay (Moisture•Density Sample Number) a 1 i ttl e gravel, a 1 i tt1 e gravel, • reddish brown, reddish brown, (CL)-3 (CL)-3 LOCn71oN: 3' E of W 12' E of W face & 30' N face & 12' N of SW corner . of S face DEPTH BELOW FINAL GRADE: __`:=T-' j' ~ DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: 0 FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place 111 Nuclear Density Method "8", ASTM:D2922-81 04 Basisl Dry Density (pco 113 115 Moisture Content 6.3 12.1 Plus M4 Material 7 10 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:01557-78, Method "A", (-#4 Basis) Mazimum Dry Density lpc4 124.4 124.4 Optimum Moisture f%I 11.2 11.2 COMPACTION 7EST RESULTS: Compaction (°k) 91.5 92 , Speci(ied Compaction 92 92- ATTENTION: Density tests are valid at the locaiion and elevation of the test only. No represenlation is made as to the adequacy o( (ill and compaction at (o[ations and eievations other than those tested. The t25t l OCdt10i15 and number of tests were selected by JMS Contracting. Compaction meets specifications in test area #34 but does not in area #33. A5 A MUTUAL PNOTEGTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC, ANO OVRSEtVES, ALl REPONTS AME SUOMITTED AS TNE COHFIOENTIAI iROPENTY OF CLIENTS AND AUTHORI- 2ATIOH FON PUBLICATION OF $TATEMENTS COHCLUSIONS OH E[THACTS FROM OR FEOAROING DUN REPORT6 IS RESERVEO PENOINC OUN WAITTEN APGRDVAL. Twin City Testing Corporatlon sc-xss (aros) gy or-, ~ tunn cittir. testina corDOra[ion %M np 1355 MENDOTA XpGFR3 ROAD WNDOTA FIEIGHfG MN 65120 4`• ~'-n' p~REPORT OP: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL WOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHODL onre: October 28, 1987 reolECt: WESCOTT ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA coriesTO: -Hammel Green & Abrahamson RErORrED ro: JMS Contracting Attn: Ms. Barbara McGuire 3165 Spruce Street St. Paul, MN 55117 -Adolfson R, Peterson LABORATORY No. 4112 87-010 TEST NUMBER: 35 DATE TAKEN: 10-22-87 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand with Silt (Moisture-Density Sample Number) a 1 i ttl e gravel, fine to medium grained, brawn, (SP-SM ) -4 LOCATION: 163' $ & 20' W of NW corner of East parking area ELEVATI6N OF TEST: ~7-~- DEPTH BELOW FINAL GRADE: OEPTH BELOW EXISTING GRADE: O' FtELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Melhod Density in P{ace by Sand-Cone Method, ASTM;Dt556•82 I44 Basisf Dry Densiry (pc0 127 Moiswre Content 19'0) 10 Plus k4 Material (°k) 3 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 BasiS) Maximum Ory Density (ptf) 129.9 Optimum Moisture 9.3 COMPACTION TE57 RESULTS: Compattion (°bl '-98 ' Speci(ied Compaction 96 " ATTENTION: Density tesis are valid at the location and elevation of ihe lest only. No represemation is made as to the adequacy of fill and compaciion al locations and elevations olher than those tested. The test location and number of tests were selected by Twin City Testing. Compaction meets specifications in the above test area. qS A MUiUI.I GROtECTIOn TO CUENTS, THE PUBLIC, RHO OUPSELVES, atl MEPORTS ARE SUOMITTEO AS TME CONFIDENT14l PAOPERTY OF CLiENiS AND AUTHOMb iATION FON PUBUCliIOH Of STAtEMENT3, CONCIUSIONS ON E%TR4CT5 FAOM aR REG4NOING OUR REVONTS IS HESENVEO PENDINC OUF WMITTEN APPROWI. Twin City Testing Corporation $p.245 (8785) ~ twtn citti+ testinq corooraaon SU11E 220 . 1755 MENOOTA HEIGMfS AOND MENOOG HEIGHfS MN 55120 4 LI,•. p . • h~~~~ . , REPORi OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL PROJEC7: WOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL onTE: January 21, 1988 EAGAN, MINNESOTA COViES TO: -HGA REPORTEDTO: JMS COf1CYdCi1hJ If1C Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 36 37 . 38 39 DA7E 7AKEN: 1-15-88 1-15-88 1-15-88` 1-15-88 UNIFIEDSOILCLASSIFICATION: Sand with silt Sand with 591t Clayey sand Sand with silt (Moisture•DensitySampleNumber) & a little & a little a little & a little gravel, fine gravel, fine gravel, fine gravel, fine to medium to medium to medium to medium grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, brown, (SP-SM)-5 (SP-SM)-5 (SC)-4 (SP-SM)-5 LUCnTION: 1st window 1st window 1st window 1st window west of canopy west of canopy west of canopy west of canopy 1' S of 1' S of 14' S of 6' S of window ftg window ftg bldg wall bldg wall ELEVATION OF TEST: `997.3' 896' 896' 894.6' " FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Me[hod Density in Place lfl Nutlear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922-81 l#4 8asis) Dry Density (Pco 101 102 119 106 Moisture Content 10.9 14.0 11.0 12.4 Pius p4 Material (9b) g q 7 4 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pcfl 118.6 118.6 129.9 118.6 Optimum Moisture 9,9 9,9 9.3 9.9 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: , , ' Compaction ~ 858~ 92~ ~ ~89 ~ Specified Compaction ~gg ' 96 f I96 - 96 ~ - ATTENTION: Density tests are val d.-at ihe lxation and elevation of the test only. Nri representation is made as to , the adequaty of (iil and compaction at Ixations and elevations other Ihan lhose [ested. These tests were performed by B. Fellows. MUTUA AMO REPORTS ZAT ON 1011 LFUBLCRT?ONN OFO TLATEMENiSE CONCL SIO 9OOR SE%TRACTSLFROM ON REGARD MOTOUR ~ EPOATg~FIRESERVEOpPEN01Na ~OUR~wRITTEN ~PPFO~~ 1• Twln Clty Testlng Corporation ey~ O/~~~Q,? $64II2 (6185) twin city testina corporeuon SurE 220 j~d.. 1355 MENOOTA MEIGHB ROAD MENDOTA XE16HT5. MN 55120 j Yp ~I' °.1_L_`• Py REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED FILL WOODLAND ELEMENTARV SCHOOL ~anuary 21, 1988 PROIEC7: EA6AN, MINNESOTA DnTE: CorieS ro: _HGA REVORreo ro: JMS Contracting Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TEST NUMBER: 40 41 " 42 43 DATE TAKEN: 1-15-88 1-15-88 1-15-88 1-1558 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sand with silt Sand with silt Clayey sand Sand with silt (MOislure-Densily $ample Number) & a 1 i ttl e & a 1 i tt 1 e a 1 i tt 1 e & a 1 i ttl e gravel, fine gravel, fine gravel, fine gravel, fine to medium to medium to medium to medium grained, grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, brown, (SP-SM)-5 (SP-SM)-5 (SC)-4 (SP-SM)-5 LoCnT10N: 1st window 1st window 1st window 1st window west of canopy west of canopy west of canopy west of canopy 1' S of 1' S of 14' S of 6' S of window ftg window ftg bldg wall bldg wall ELEVATION OF TEST: 897.3' 896' 896' 894.6' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place by Sand•Cone Method, ASTM:D1556-82 (44 Basis) Dry Density cacfl 102.5 100.5 115 116 .2 9_~ 10 Moisture Content (°h1 7.5 9.3 12 Plus It4 n~taterial (561 12 13 5 LABORATORY MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: is) Method ASTM:D1557-78, Method "A(_#4 Bds maximum Dry Densiry (pcO 118,6 , 118.6 129.9 118.6 Optimum Moisture (96) 9,9 9.9 9.3 9.9 COMPACTION TEST RESUlTS: ~ i • ~ ~ ~ ~9&~> Compaction A6 85/ 88 _ 96 96 ~g6 Specified Compaction 96 ation ATTENTION: ~enadequacyaof (ili Iand`compation t localtionsf and elevat ons theN hanPthose`te ed s made as to~ These tests were performed by B. Fellows. ARF AND 2ATION fOR`PUBL~IC~TIONNOP ST~TEMENTSECONCLUSIO 5 ~pSE%TNAC SLFNOM OA AEGARDHGTOURAE OATS~IgFIpESERVEDpPEMDNG OFURLWNI TEN A p40V~1 Twin City Testing Corporation 56-715 (8185) By twin cittir tesanq , corporauon SURE2N1 1355 MENDOTA ME1GM5 ROAD j ~ yMfNDOTA MEK+MS, MN 55120 REPORT OF: DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED F I L L reo1ECT: -_WOODLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL onre: January 21, 1988 fAGAN, MINNESOTA CoPiESTO: -HGA REroeTeo r0: JMS Contracting Inc Attn: Jim Goulet 3165 Spruce Street -Adolfson & Peterson St. Paul, MN 55117 Attn: Bernie Attn: Ken 0'Brien LABORATORY No. 4112 88-027 TES7 NUMBER: 44 45 46 OATE TAKEN: 1-18-88 1-18-88 1-18-88 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Clayey sand $and with silt Clayey sand (MOisture•DensitySampleNumber) a little gravel, a little gravel, a little gravel, fine to medium fine to medium fine to medium grained, grained, grained, brown, brown, brown, (SC)-4 (SP-SM)-5 (SC)-4 lUCA7l0 N: 1st window west Even with west Even with west of canopy edge of canopy edge of canopy Grid 6.3-H Grid 8-H Grid 8-H 1' S af window 2' S of 7' S of footing bldg wall bldg. wall ELEVATION OF TEST: ,_898_;5' 900' 900' FIELD DENSITY DETERMINATION: Method Density in Place 1f1 Nuclear Density Method "B", ASTM:D2922-81 (#4 Basis) Dry Density (pcfJ 113 108 109 Moiswre Content f°6) 10.2 11.9 10.4 Plus u4 htaterial 11 4 7 LABORATORY MOISTURE•DENSITY RELATION OF SOIL: Method ASTM:D1557-18, Method "A", (44 Basis) Maximum Dry Density (pco 129.9 118 . 6 129.9 Optimum Moisture 1%) 9,3 9.9 9.3 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS: 11 - - Compaction (°bl j; 87 91i 85/ Specified Compaction 96 ` 96 / 96 \ . ATTENTION: Densiry tests are valid at the locetion and elevation of the test only. No representation i's made as to the adequacy of (ill and compaction at locations and elevations other than those tested. These tests were performed by B. Fellows. •S A MUTUAL YR0TECi10N TD GLiENT3, TNE PUBLM, ANO OURSELVES, ALl REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS TME LONFIDENTIAL OROPERTI OF CIIENTS ANO AUTNOHI• 2JITION FOp PUBIICATION OF STATEMENT4, CONCLUSIONS OR E%TRACTS FNOM OR REGAROINO OUR NEPOFTS ~5 RESERVEO PENOING OUF WRITTEN APPROVAL. Twln Clty Testing Corporatfon Sa.2zx (aes) ~ HYDRAULIC DATA INFORMATION SHEET NAME GACOAf+J ~(+FF+'i'r~-TCEFr+h SGK'bOt-. DATE -l sZ1 -,&7 COCATIJN ' w3 YN - BVILDING YSTEM NO t CONTRACTOR MIDNtS'C ~tft.~ pfW'T~~-rlyl-l CpMqqC7pp, CALCULATEO BV L+~ DRAWWG NO CONSTRUCTION: ~ ) COMBUSTIBLE [ NON-COMBUSTIBIE CEILiNG HEIGHT '19 FT. OCCUPANCV ~lfkSS Q~orws - I- NFPA 13: I LT. HAZ. OND. HA2. GP. I I~ I 12 1 13 I 1 EX. HAZ. ( I NFPA 231 j 1 NFPA 211C: FIGURE ; CURVF (Zp I 1 OTMER (Spmify) N W I I SPECIFIC RULING MAOE BY DATE O AREA Of SVRINKLER OPERATION SY$TEM TYPE w.: y DENStTV .I AREA PER SVp~NKIER ~QO I WET l 1 ORY I 1 DEIUGE ( I PRE-ACTiON N SVRINKLER OR NOZ2LE HQSE ALLOWqry(E GpM: INSIOE ~ NOSE ALLOWANCE GPM: OUTStOE LOO MAKE ~eunnEL RACK SPRINKLER ALLOWANCE n SI2E ~ K•FACTOR ~ TEMVERA7URE RATING I 4T° d-D CALCUWTION GPM NEQUIHED PSI FECUTAED (pZ-dZ` ~`Ow T~; ~ SUMMARY "C'FACTOR USED: OVERHEAD UNDEPGROUND WATEq RLOW TEST PVMP DATA 7ANK OR R SERV01q OATE 8~ TIME p RATED CAPACITY ~PACITr a AT psI ELEVATtOM } STATC PSI y REStOUAL PSi ss ELEVATION L'L , GPM FLOWING W EI.EVA710N 0 PROOF FLOW GPM F ~ LOCATION SOURCE OF INFORMATION r LOw `re5'T COMMODITY CLASS I.OCATION STORAGE HEIGHT AREA AISIE WtDTH W C7 STORAGE METHOD' SOLID PILED % PALIETIZED % RACK X Q ¢ O [ ) SINGIE ROYV 1 CO VEN710NAL PALLET I j AIJTOMATIC STOflAGE ( I ENCAPSUI.ATED h I I DOUBLE ApW I I SLAVE PALLET [ I SOLID SNELVING I I NDN- F l I MULTIPLE HOW [ I OPEN ENCAPSULATED 0 Q FLUE SPACiNG IN INCMES CLEARANCE FROM TOP OF STORAGE TO CEILING ~ Q O LONGITUDINAI TRANSVERSE FT. IN. ~ U HOqIZONTAL BARRIERS PROVIDEU iso ~ i ~ 140 r~'R~{~rN TL J 130 i i2o 110 .100 I ~ Z O 9 .0 H ~ W s m eo I , ~ ~ vn e a > > ~ a 7 a t W K 6 60 , S A0 30 20 IQ 1.0 1 ~ ~ (t$•, i . IO t R O _l eft ~ 8 58 1 ° E- 1 z 3 , s e 7 a v io n iz ia 14 is ia <Iqp y2 4 6 6 10 12 14 16 IB 20 22 24 26 28 30 - ' 32 . FIOW - GAL ?FR MIN N I,ES ' ? h- -r W L1 L;._ . L! L9 u_ m~caeEao~ooo=a iTi i)t ~T iT ili i!1 i71 l il f`t i?T Li l'J J G LJ ~ O CJ ~7 C9 0 O I, 0 T- Ol iil I 3 f~GI0 0 1,, HE3^170 s ~ I ? , ~ JBeE~..c~ri 6_.r.`r,•. 0 w L, ,..J r': ry ,--.a 14 r'l N N ~d c.1 u -y ~ • ~ <i F- W W < J L::inO7C•7k uFT -.ih-) C I 0~ W ~ D 7L0..+~-¢7o (3.-+hLid . WL :3 uO r- nr:.r.r~•,c~r,cocnr,. ¢ o cn wrir~ri- riNfa W I l•J ['J f- I LL 0 1 W Etf ` 0 J F-90 1.g OLO@L7 "~.Eg C30 ? 60fg 0 0 6 E;D F7E:. f3 - G' v~il.il.D.ilti~i~t' ~DiD.D ~i7 S L' I L7 67 Ll p? L) U"7 67 Ul pl l G7 ~ ~ W J .-F W " ~ z u 4'' J,-,CJC97h'JiD i<tn ~ _ .i ..a ~ w ? , GrGAN ELEM SCt-IOOL REMOTE AREA A' . 1/ 15Q0 200 SG? FT'PEF' HD F'IF'E TABLE FRIl.=7ION F'RiCTiCCv l'ELOC'.ITY PIPE NO. DIAMETER LENGTH FLOW GF'M, G LOSS/FOGT LCSS/TOTAL FEETlSECCND ' 1 1.104 16.00 -370'<3 1<0 -.3203 -11.520 12.5 1.104 14.00 --1E.4; 120 -.0708 -.991 5.5 3 1.104 14.00 3:54 i2o .mmai .05e 1.2 a 1.104 14.00 23.58 1::0 .1376 :.:,<7 7.1-i J 1.1Q`} 27.00 45_09 SsiQ .+IJV'4 lE:_387 15.1 E 36.00 -37..-~S :20 -.3227 -1:.60 12.5 ' 1 i.rn,4 :°i.~.-^,Q -iu.ur"'.i i<o -.071? ....1.007 S.G u I.104 14.00 3.40 ?2E .0E33 .053 1.1 t'fj A ' i.104 !'~'Y1 1-4.(0~0 213.4q t 20 . i;E: /1".9E5 17.'=+ ?1[: l.ivJ- J1/.UY~i "Y'1'.~~2 ii.ti .`T.C~I.iJ ill.77.J 1J.1 ii e.104 49.00 ..'12.00 12: .0394 -1..931 4.G.'1 12 i.iLl91.J.0<~''1 15.37 120 10622 .935 5.2 1;> S.'=~19 i 1. ~ 13 1.104 i=r. 00 43.26 120 .4~2'~ 1"t i.~.J' 1~i.0(U~ 2. f t]'~_.l~.~u 1.;~t0 .0YJ.C.iJ .095 2.0 1J( i.iJ~1 ~r "+Y { 1S-~`i.QJ V(~ .2~0 'A ? 1.2iYJ .0003 .ii1~W1li 1V 2.154 .0YJ i:l.G1L' L[l .O(~YJ~:1V .W7i. 1. 17 2.154 20.00 25.32 120 .0061 .121 2.2 iS 1.104 . 5S.00 5.40 120 .0090 .E12 1.0 19 2.154 ; f. 00 14.37 :2e^, .0021 .023 1. 20 1.104 71.00 :.4.36 120 .053E 4.1E0 5.0 21 1.104 61.06 12.77 120 .0442 2.699 4.3 22 1.104 100.00 11.42 120 .0360 3.285 3.3 23 1.104 57.00 :3.14 izo .oaEE 2.657 4.4 24 iy.1Ci4 4^u.Q:1Y~i l4.'i0 120 .05E0 2.6FSE 4.`~ 2E 1.`1J.~' 't2.Y1V 27.63 ar+ e0'-~+Y0G 2•041 5.4 _LE 1.104 104.00 11.29 120 .@^a5':_ 3. E65 3.8 27 1.104 104.00 13.11 120 .0465 <i.^o33 4.4 23 1.104 159.00 14.60 12f0A .05E7 9.014 .~1 1.`iJ2 .~2.a~'O 21.1.~0 1iW .0491 1.573 3.4 30 2.104 66.00 14.01 120 .0526 3.4E,8 4•7 31 1_:04 E^o.00 13.75 120 .C'JSIO 3.468 4.6 32 1.45e 24.00 27.30 120 .0491 1.672 3.4 1.104 80.00 11~71 120 .@~-.77 3.015 34 1.144 75.00 1E.10 120 .0679 • 3.092 5.4 ilJ 1.104 175.00 16.GG 120 .0724 12.668 5.6 3E :.104 181.00 1::0 .0772 12.97S 5.C, 37 1.104 123.00 1a.17 120 .0E376 16.033 6.2 33 1..O4 191.00 13.01 120 .0335 15.957 6.0 29 :.l0ai ioo.0!/~'~ ^1. 1.^1~`t.2, 120 .0510 1.501 °~i,^ "F~J 1.:I0'`3`T T ~,5`i V 1SmTV:Y.IP/~. 0Y !TJ~ 14.43 a~.~~u' y .0555 TJ .JJ. J~'/`~Er `t. S '{ii i.1.0V i"i'.:]4 i2W .mJ7YJ .7{L~0 "F.: 42 1.10`7- 70.00 i_1.8Q~i LGIrJ .0222 1.55.J 2.3 1-3 2.154 20.00 .2.75 120 .0427 .354 6.14 44 2.:34 14.00 37.06 120 .012e ,179 Z.S -13 2.154 27,00 -13,19 120 -.0018 -.045 1.2 46 2.154 23.00 70.40 120 .0402 .924 6.2 , 47 2.154 11.00 53.74 i2'I'' .0244 .260 4~7 48 2.134 9.00 36.48 120 .0119 .107 2.2 q9 2.154 15.110 ic.ll;. 120 .0032 .043 50 2.154 io.v"'i0 i.:o .0124 .124 0 2 Y O , H N V~? f-1 Lj 1"'~~ ill ~:i iT ~T iT ITT i':1 i0 M. iT iTi _Il iT " i i . . . . ' i7l 6'7 .a P.. r... 0 G7 G1 h7 iil C`l :7 .J t,, l O~. uD h P! EJ G7 -I Cl rl J C'7 C'; C7 Dl ['7 Dt C7 C; f7 C'l C7 fl D7 C) J C9 (1 C? f,l C7 i! • C•) fL7 -.r • Ly ~ E- ;n J H ry i Lii W ~ .i W L J L 4 . O I- - 0 I~ 67 D] 0 C7 bO n i:..! t-..J h. n. t. L'7 7 Dl ir7 0 tD ~d h, •Y i,i C.7 0 _n C9 h El U7 0 OJ " L'7 1-.., P, l,7 F- t- 7 117 I~ r u7 1-1 " E~I i'l ( J h 0 LL? t]:l] V? 0 U ti] t_l 0 r•, f~ Il~ L7 L•~ L~ L7 t, i•: 0 f- C.~ C9 C7 f.y L7 ~ y{~7 . t_i\ 7C17- ulL"J.~9.-~tl0)E7L9C')C'ai.:iJC lr+.til.1~l(.lIdCl,-+0L1?U]u7u7u7L'IC'7EJED h7- COr-1:70f3FdI, E]CJL7Gt`A • • • . . . • a • • v • • . • • ~ • • • v • . s • ch . • • a • • . • a n . 'a I. • I 1 j a • e • J O Q ~ O f- lT 7 fr .-a LLl r. ..Y 't t- L0 tL 0 1) u7 i.17 :D r~ lT m~?i ii) i~ L7 f,. (9 ilt f~ E1 Lf'-0 B L'l V] l"T7 iTi i^.4 iT F-' L- <f CO t0 67 C, h l I 67 tJ t, iy u) iil w iJ ul Iil Utj ei iil I.I, 4D 0 r 0 B 0 EI D t9 h7 lll --i p u7 UJ f~ i 4 CO C7 0 hl r. C) N i i\ n 6") E3 CO 0 t, 6 O i{.! ,-r Gl 0 i. ~i f,7 N i.-'J r'.a i.t ~!~d i,-`! p ! r'y ~:J mf r~ ,-i .-a .v ..t 9 C B' 0 ' J i~4 C-4 E7 iil i: ' y.. t C7 ID '-+U;tD 9 tg.-iE7@0 0 E7EJC' 7~3EJE790 Ob E]E76 F7U'3C7QOBs o OC>L90(D C9E~h7E7El0 ::OE.7•-•- -1.~p it Cq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - L. 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C'4 i'd ('J d r.'J i,-~! i'.J fy O " 'L W r+ t'J Ol '6-) 'D I~ CJ I1 0.. i`d C4 'J L') ul f~ C"J 0-1 Lq 1 i:V CO -r L~ ~A h CO 1T 0 ~ ty C'7 ~t h7 W h CO M p.~ ry CO ~.r b-I ui n m m e 11.LIU71;'70B7h~L'lh'IL7LLl13 tiltD0 i17tD tpLi)~f.hf,.P.h,t.hh07C^p7[S7CJ]CO 0007C0`Ornm6 (nu, a, n H lL -i FIPE TABLE I-RIr;;pp, F"R:rT;ON VELOCITY PTF'E N0. DIAMCTER LENGTH FLOW GPM c LOSS/F00T LOSS/TOTAL FEET/SECOND 101 2.154 9.00 zs .a: i<m .0022 .029 1.6 102 3.260 30.00 25@.'1?1 ? l120~f. .0:60 I.!ET{al 9,6 l0~i 4.2~.~/~ VJ i~:~'fi.1a'~i/~ vJ ic0.9l iV .v~liJi J.VJJ4 5.~~.' 104 4. iEO 90.00 210.91 120 .0152 1.370 5.6 105 4.260 83.00 250.91 120 .0152 1. 264 5, 6 106 3.IG'J[i 195.00 350.?". i4o .0009 ,c' - - :07 d.1:0 ;?~1.00 ti5d.'~1 140 .000'J .1~,~' 1G-T8 u. ioo 591.G'w 3,:i0.9i 1.4C .OCr0'=+ • 5C7 2.:_' 109 12.000 1000Q1. G7G' 250.51 140 .0001 y7. _ ',?3 1.0 o .._.:5.:r :9.00 43.44 12e ,0164 .312 3.. 11i 2.;3~-1 16.'~0 70.30 120 .0-~4,4 .712 E.~ j i ' i i i ~ j ! f ~I ! "tJATER 5.4" dist. by fire Spr'in4::ler i_:Qnu;.iltant.=., (913)231-126•4 k_:censee FIF'G F'F:OTEi=TICN PESiGhd SE',;\'ICL.: Fino1:a, hM1innesota EAGAN CLEM SCHOOL F:EMCTE AREA P, . 1! 1 2fi70 200 SO F"' i'EE:'. HG ROUTE N0. 1 DESC:R'IF'TICN G?-r',DD D: A T G'IF'E 1='T F'V ^IE"ERrrtlCE LOSS/FT E FITTS PE F'E .~.,L , _ ~ LT i -1~(tiL i'F P'L hdG t ~ i,:Tr: :~ryl_. i ;o OJ-ILLi1 1 LW./E S./y'1~O'Y v0 •1 L`~.4: 21.99 eUW sYJ71 l.Tl v. ~00 -C~.0_. r'IFf_ 2 --16.47 120 Pi 14.0 -.79 13.7E CUTLEr---~ 20.00 1.104 0 14.0 21.00 t::- 3.60 .004 0 .70 -8.25 F'IF'E 3 3.54 12¢ 0 :4.0 ,OF+ 12.76 ~ ~ . :67<' 4i - 0 14.0 21.06 5.30 1132 a . .00 -e. = ='If-'F r 23.58 A.c'Ql Q 14.0 1.93 12.82 OU 1 Ll_.T 0 21150 1.104 ' 1 32.0 t:.., . EU . `FJG 0 .00 -G. i_. G'IFE _ 45.09 120 0 07.0 16.% 14.71 -F:EF" 901 2ti.32 2.154 ? 13.0 35.88 .040 0 10 .00 F'ir'E 46 70.40 120 0 23.0 •92 REF 904 -53.74 1.204 2 165.0 40.30 .@?:' 0 10 .0O rL'E 35 1r,.66 :20 0 175.0 12.67 _r_c_.-_'_j~~"___S.~'P.Jl ____'..~1G'j____Pi 11.0 33.47 .139 0 u .00 P I F'E '=d^ 197.13 120 E i:. 0 1.53 - _ - - ~....r r'E=F- ,Joi~ 17.26 2.469 1 E . .:62 O 12 vZ r_. E 'ii'=- 2:4.43 120 0 15.0 2.43 , 1W~' 31.46 ....~G4,''' 0 .s. c 57.43 .05G 14 .a0 , 1='IPi_ 102 23E.91 120 0 3:5.0 1.61 _ _ Rcf 974 .00 4.260 E 143.0 59.11 .015 50 .00 F'IF'E 102 250.91 120 0 158.0 ::.01 - RC(' 973 .00 4.2GO 0 40.0 62.12 .015 .l 50 •00 FIP= 104 230.91 120 0 90.0 1.37 O--ALn nzr: , Prr-•E Pr ^v ~ F'Ei-L.F'.ENCE LU:JS/FT E f'ITTa FE F'E G?-TOTP,L =_f ACT LT TQTAL F'F F'0 h40TE5 - F.:EF 976 .00 4.260 : 12.0 63.49 . 0? S i 71 .00 F'IPE IQJ 250.?1 120 0 33.0 1.26 . _ _ . rEi 597 I00.00 ' 143U . 100.E1 M. 7, ~a` Q~<<sr oC R~se,,.- +tkase ----Re . 00: 2 15 . oo PIi'E. i(t';S 350. _-1v'. E iSiS.v: .10 PLF 977 a,_k 0.100 . 120{.4' t";•;. 9<'t .00i D J't .00 Pii'r 117 3=0.91 . ?o fu" 174.0 .26 - - - Re-r „c .00 _0E: . 52E.: 65.10 .001 m .oa Fr pE 1~.'~3 ^_.:_ld. 91 1 d-o . 591.0 . 5:_ . " . . . . ~ 272 110000.0 .~.~`.0i.:.f~'-:~Pi , 05. GrE .000 0 a .00 PIP-_ 109 350: 9. ,+t, 010000.0 1.37 _ _ _ E7, 2Co fkoW 7e,r~ ~upply h- ' O ' i i i i 0 w' i Ll w ; 0 ~ L7 ~ ; w ] LJ ci ; C~1 t. id t~ i; Ol ! r~d t'. , W ~ L I ! C] l'1 C.7 r•1 . p7 C,l ~ ip . . f9 9 Ll ; U f3 6 I tD E7 P•. : C^ FJ ~:%1 ; b7 r I 1- Ltl :i : 0 FD C::3 Ei F~ 1 h : Y'-. F,-i 07 U7 ~ iL it. iL ! . . . , . - ~ , . , . ~ . . I . . . . El U ; ! C9 i;, I J Cn J I f3 t~ I C9 f3 ; EJ Cd ; 0 O 0 ie' W - . i 'i H F- i ; Ei ~ ::7 • i F3 • - q 6~ Ltl iL lL. . q i tD Li _1 ~ ~ ~ h- t- 't (-.J i 't 'i ' ~ t ] ' P7 ~ ~.D C9 @ Gi7 i fJ D] O:@ h~ 'J 4 I C9 ! ~ i,'.; .a .y ['d .-i (`a i r':; j - LJ L7 L i i • . • . ; . , ; O CJ L O _I ! I _ it: Q f'. B ~ C9 `:t ' OJ i'd N J i Q h- i t~ i'J ? Cs'1 rt! O , r, ',,t? I d 1 q O~ I ! ~i • 0 FD '7 I Li C,~ r•. C_, . S a r~. 1 r! p~ i 0, W i_ I Li ~ I Li I Li i! J , i Q Li J li iJ I J;i Ll I J ii W! JW W! l' i!l L~ LL LL. I}- 1_ ti I, W L I lll ClL ~ FJ . . lL . I 1 f vN S t EAGAN ELEM SCFIGOL F.:Eh1OTE AF'Ei, A. 1, .1Gi;i 230 SG? ^T Fci: HD F:OUTE NO. 3 CErCF'IF'TiON O-ADD DIA T F'IF'E FT.. F'V F'EFEF.'ENCC L755/FT C f:TTS PE PE 0-TCTAL C-FArI' LT TOTAL F'F F? NOTES uL•TLE', 9 27.36 1.104 0 15.0 22.:2 Fc:::: 5.60 .062 0 0 .00 -L'. 2'S Prr_G. 12 15.37 120 0 15.0 .93 23.E7 _ - - OUTLET '1O ::7.II9 1.~1104 0('){ i~l.G 33.06 F'.."` Ja EJ0 .Yc~:l YJ 0 .00 4J -fJ.::J F'IFE 13 43,2E :=@ 0 i=r.0 5.92 2=3.^oi . CUTLET :i 31.04..---2.154 i 6.0 30.07 Y= 5.60 .044 0 ?W .00 -0.25 P+I L ill r,r /~.~•30 123 0 16.0 .71 .',P.i~J F.GF 650 _5i.50 2.154 1 0.0 39.68 .ams m io .am r-•iPc ia 22100 120 m 19.0 .09 Rr1 I.GJS -1'Y.EYJ 2.154 0 1'Y.0 .iJ./7~O .001 0 • YJ0 P;F'L 15 3.20 120 0 i4.0 .:71 REF 903 -27. E70 2.154 0 14. 0 39.79 -.004 1 S .00 F'IF'E ?s -19.G0 120 0 :5.3 -.07 REr 902 29.72 , . v MYDRAULIC DATA iNFORMATION SNEET MAME 574-459H1J ~4Ei++T~ti.7TA-fL`! - SGVt'OOV. - DATE IOCATIJN ti1 • . . . . . - . , . . BUIIDINGggd3nP (t-C+°Y Z^`f LEUfC. SYSTEMNO ~ . - CONTRACTOR +VIIDWCSf FlfLtr,RR+i'T~T/\1-j COMTHACfNO- CACCUTATED BY x~ DRAWtNG NO . CONSTRVCTION: I I COMBUSTIBLE I -NON-COMBVSTIBLB CEILING NEIGMT 4`,Z> FT. OCCUPANCY (jGH"T I-VAZ CI.ASS QLoC S ~ NFPA 13: 1 L12T. MAZ. ORD. MA2. GP. I 11 I I= l 13 I I EX. HAZ. ( ) NFPA 231 [ 1 NiPA 231C: fIGURE : CUR'VE f,D ( 1 OTNER ISMCifyl Z N p ( ) SPEGFIC RULING MADE BV mTE 2' AREA OF SPRINKIER OPERATION (sbp SYSTEM T/PE w ~ y- DENSITY . ~ Y(WET ( I OHY ( ) OELUGE ( I PRE -ACTION > AREA PER SPHINKLEN (A . SPRINKLEN OR NOZZLE HOSE ALLOwnNCE GPM: INStDE ' • ' HOSE ALLOWANCE GPM: OUTSIDE 1212 MAKE -a -MOOEL 512E ; RACK SPRINKIER AILOWANCE A~OR TEMPERATVFIE RATtNG e~o ~ow Trs1, CALCVIATION GP6t REQUIRED 3-7C"oa P51 REOUIRED 57•S SUMMAAY "C'FACTOR USED: OVERHEAD t~ - VNDERGADUND ~ riATER FLOW TEST PUMP OATA TANK DP R SERVOIR . . DATE d 71ME u RATED G~.PACITY ~~PACIT`~ . J $TATIC P51 ELEVATION } ~ I AT PSI a j RE510UAL P51 y5 ELEVATION LL . GPM FLOWWG ~ W ELEVATION 0 PROOF FLDW GPM H 3 ' LDCATION SOURCE OF INFORMATION FtOw'~re5 ~ COMMODI7Y CLASS LOCATION STORAGE HEIGNT AAEA AISLE WIDTM W U' STORAGE METNOD: SOLID PILEU % PALLETIZEO % RACK . % Q Q O I, ) SINGLE ROW I 1 GO V£NTIONAL PALLET I I AUTOMATIC STORAGE I ) ENCAPSULATEO y l 1 DOUBLE ROW I 1 SLAVE PAILET I I SOLID SNELVING f 1 NON- ~ [ I MULTIPLE FiOW I I OPEN ENCAPSULATED O Y 2 Q FWE SPACING IN 1NCHE5 GLEApANCE FFOM TOP OF STORAGE TO CEIUNG 0 2 ¢ p IONGITUDINAL TRANSVERSE . FT• ~N_ U ' HORIZONTAL BARR1Efi5 PROVIOEO . FAGAN ELEM SC:HOOL REMOTL ARcr"+ E' . 1/ 1500 150 5G? FT HC - - OUTLET 7FBLE OUTLET # k,'-FACTOR FRESSLIRE FL'JW CLEV, tFEET1 12 5.600 7.022 15.66 34.00 : 3 5.600 2.443 16.2S 34.00 lY J.FiOPJ 12.035 19.43 34.00 :J.ts 0 0 7.310 i_.14 .-i4.00 Ss ".CrG9o CnJ.175 16.0I 31.00 5.600 11.803 19.24 34.00 LG 5.600 7.185 IJ.ar'la 24.00 . 19 5.600 3.160 16.00 34.00 20 5.600 11.303 19. i°f 34.00 21 5.600 7.188 ::1.~'"L'1 34.00 22 J.GmtD 3.260 iG.u_i 4.00 5.600 12.000 _ 4 : 34.00 24 s.Gar .330 15.21 34.00 21 5.600 9.754 16.57 .-i4. Q0 2E 5.600 12.780 20.02 34.00 27 1.000 3.DiG '_L--,.86 34.00' ,,..:2AGAN ELEM 5C1-IOOL 1=:ENICTE APEA E+ . i/ 150m 150 SO FT / HD . PIF'E TABLC FF'ICTION FFICTION VELOCITI' F'TPE N0. DIAMCT~iER LEfJGTH FLGW9.17 GF'M C L055/FOOT LpSS/TOTAL FEET/SECOND 1 1.10T 36.00 120 •0i.1~1O .364 J.1 2 111.104 14.00 J.17 120 .0'240 .33E 3.1 1.104 14.00 9.17 1<0 .0240 .03G 3.1 4 i.104 14.00 9.17 120 .024E -336 3.1 s 1.104 37.00 9.17 120 .0240 .383 3.1 E i.±ma 36.00 8.22 120 .0200 .721 2.0 ? ..:ma 14.00 a.S2 120 .0200 .230 2.0 ° , 1 . .04 14.00 3.32 120 .0200 .280 2.3 9 1.104 14.00 G.sr 120 .0200 .2em 2.8 10 ,.104 37.00 3.22 120 .0200 .741 2.6 , 1.1O4 47.00 5.20 .2o .0084 .411 1.7 12 1.104 i5.00 5.20 120 .Omv"Y .12E 1.7 13 1.104 14.00 J..:m 120 .ooi8a~ .117 1.7 1'i~ iJ`# 19.00 7J..JJ la 0 • m"TJJ .365 u.6 13 2.154 14.00 85.16 120 .0343 .4o^7 5.7 ?6 2.154 19.00 44.437 120 .01% .321 3.9 v 2.154 20.00 52.39 120 .0232 .465 4. E 1Q 1.104ErB.00 J.JEr 120 .0095 •647 1•9 iv 2.154 i i.00 17.59 120 .0031 •034 i.`J 20 1.104 7:.00 1.1i .2m .0005 .034 .4 21 1.104 e1.00 2.52 120 .0041 .249 i.< 22 1.104 100.00 6.33 120 .0139 1.501 2.3 23 104 57.00 2.20 120 .0017 .093 .7 24 1.104 48.00 2.43 iao .0021 .099 e 25 1.452 42.00 4.63 120 .0053 .OiJ • j 26 1.104 104.00 6.28 120 .TQSZJ 1.226 2.1 2; 1.104 104.00 9.29 120 .0246 2.556 3.1 1.104 152.00 10.19 120 .0232 4-63` 3•1 2' 1.4152 32.00 21 . 09 1<0 .0295 . 9=r3 4.1 30 1.104 6E..00 10.E3 120 .0115 2.000 3.6 31 1.104 E6.00 10.46 120 .0306 2.079 3.5 32 1.451 21.0S 120 .0255 1.602 33 1.100 30.00 7.06 120 .0148 1.181 2-4 34 1.104 75.00 14.03 120 .0527 3.949 4.7 ^S 1.104 175.00 13.79 120 .05:0 8•929 4•6 .iU 1.104 181,00 K.SV .ili .0537 '~~i.Ec0 J.rnS 37 1.104 103.00 16.i'.E 120 .4723 1.'~.23E3 JoG .;B 1.104 191.470 18.24 120 .0690 13.176 5. 'r ....i 1.104 irn0.0'.~'. 17.59 ..LL ..'~'~UQ0 3.001 5.0 4e+ i.ia=; 100.00 17.67 120 .08e7 9.0E6 5.ID 41 i.iod :00.00 17.93 120 .Os2? 3.292 S.0 42 1.104 ;o.mm 10.36 120 .0300 2.im1 3.5 43 2.154 20.00 104.49 120 . 0Ei34 l. EE8 2.1I54 1~L.00 4E.44 1e'~P .019E .~:6O 4.1. 'tJ .1JY 2%.m4J -32.09 1Lm •0230 - e621 't.C] ';G .554 23.00 61.5E 110 .OJI.^-. .721 5.4 4' 2.154 i 1. C70 47.77 120 .0196 .216 4.2 2.134 9.00 32.32 120 . Q09o . C"i°u_r'. 2.9 'J'I c'_.1J4 15.00 16.24 iiLl .VJPJ::% .040 S.'a 50 2.154 10.00 -9.17 120 -.0009 -.009 .8 . Q 2 } p - F-~~ ~ W 0 OC'J 7ED N t'J 'Y 0 0 L'-) ID Q P7 7LL 67 117 u7 0 lN N [q .a V7 r. .a U7 C'7 il-) G Cii U C9 iJ E: m p7 67 !n m fn r ;Iq'7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . O(`J C'7 C`3 7 1~ 7 i-. C`l 4d L~ Ol f.0 L~ C 'd C') LL7 lT p7 (7 .a .-t C4 0 P? L"- :'7 t;~ G L'1 .-7 fy' i,*J 7'1' 0 C'd LL; W > ltV L~ J Z Q O F- p.+ tt C7 r. J 67 Gt C`.~ ~,-y m pl h7 E] 7r Jt i`I N L'7 ('0 C`! uJ 67 ('4 fn iA! EJ u) L~ d' tD l7 ::`i Oi 't Pl CO F.3 C". ,--I l'd 1:`1 :il 07 T; d} F- F- C'3 p~+ f:7 O 5 ~::J Cn r:'J t:) i::4 r.. .--i S i!1 iY ,-i t•J B in [,I Cn C'7 E1 tD h 0 C'7 <t .-i t;7 C~l ti7 C1r L~-) O 0 7 u) tD 0 ii V\ 0-+ F] i-`I :0 0 0 F;i L-3 .-I tJ C.l fl S •t C!J V) -I Esl tD CO 10 7 Ej J C.7 0.+ 'T ~y n" C'i p T+ 7 S t, .f in ;?t C'J . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . , . . . . . . N G7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . iY L7 I. I I I CJ C; CV L O J Z F- . ?n r ln C7 C,J l'd m fJ ,-t p) C'l 0 Q~f CJ Pl [1 U') C7 iJ 0 0 S`! U7 r1 O•" IT .-I l'l C9 GI .0 in LD (`1 ~.`.~0,-~ JI P u7 CO F-ILC9`YE9rCdfJl46,-ifJt9.-~C9,-~I•,-+[y0?F- V~.+N OC''17•+C7C9FJC9('J W 07q~-i t9C9f".*l'.~OL11 'YiA! 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Do PIPE 102 270.1E 120 0 .^.D.m 1.93 F'EF '374 .00 4.260 0 143.0 48.56 .o1; 5 50 .ao F'IF'E 103 270.18 120 0 199.0 3.4E, REF '375 .00 4.260 m 40.0 52.02 .017 J Jm •00 PIPE 104 270.13 120 C'i 90.0 1.57 REF 97G .00 4.260 i 12.0 53.59 .0j.7 1 71 .00 F'iF'E lOv 270. i8 120 (c'f ^03.0 1.45 _ _ - REF 997 :00.00 3.:oo 1 100.0 g5,0.+ <D Basc oa R.ser • ++.l~e .001 2 95 .00 P:1-'E :06 370.1S 140 0 M. 0 .20 - REr 977 .00 9.1Cr'' 1 120.0 55.e4 .001 u 3•f .00 PIPE 370.:8 140 0 174.0 .ia r:EF 980 .ao 8.1041 r1 T _L~LtI.V' JJ.'T(r'/~ .001 'U 71 • 01U r:r-E 103 370.18 140 1 n9i.0 .E1 G--ADD DiA T F'TPc PT F'V F'.EFERENCE LOSS/FT E FIiTS ^E F'E G!-TOTAL C-FACT L.T TOTAL F',F PO NOTES F.'EF 979 .00 12.000 110000. F7 56.02 .000 0 0 .00 PIF'C 109 370.16 140 010000.0 1.52 . . . _r_ . . - /.J~h~ ^bWTnor SUYY•Y ..1 EAGAN ELEM SCHOOL REPIOTE AF.:EA B.i/15Qfl 150 SO FT / HD F'QUTE tJO. DESCFIF'Tif)N G!-ADD DiA T F'IPE F'7 F"v' I=:EFERENCE LOSS/FT E FITTS FE z F_ 0-TaTAL C-FACT LT TOTAL PF P0 Nil'TES OUTLET 12 15.6E :.452 G3T 10.0 22.50 1 f:..= J. E'~ mJ1 GJ Y .I~O0 -14. 76 PiF•E 71 --<a. 42 120 m 10.0 51 7.82 ?UTLET 15 15.I4 I.452 O 10.0 22.07 r:= s.Sm -.013 o 0 .oa -14.7E FiPE 72 -13.28 120 0 ia.m -.13 7.31 IIIJTLET 18 15.01 1.452 0 10.0 21.24 F:::= 5.60 .000 0 0 .00 -14.7E F'?F'C 73 1.73 120 0 10.0 .00 7.10 OUTLET 21 15.01 1.452 0 10.E 21.94 K:= 5.60 .019 0 0 .00 -14.7E FFF'E 74 16.75 120 Ql 10.0 .19 7.15 nUTLET 24 15.21 1.452 0 10.0 22.14 tk:- 5.60 .064 0 0 .00 -14. 7E c, I F'E 75 31.96 120 0 10.0 .64 7.3„3 OUiLEi 27 15.86 1.452 i 2.171 22.77 F::= 5.E0 .134 2 12 .00 -14.76 PIF'E 76 ti?.E: 120 0 44.0 5.90 8.0:' F:EF- 37~- - - 13.67 Y EAGAN ELEM SCHCOL F.:EMOTE AF'EA Et . 1 i 1500 150 SL? FT /!-ID RGUTE N0. G DESCFIPTION Q-ADD DIP~ T r:FE r.' P v F;ErEF'ENGE LQJJ/F? E FiTTS PE F'E 0-TOTAL C-,'-'ACT L7 'O'1"AL PF F•p NOTES CL'TLET 14 19.43 2.154 1 40.0 2E.79 5. G0 004 2 20 .00 -14.76 F'IFE. 79 _1S.Bc 120 '~J' 60.0 -..22 1::.0=1 ?UTLET 17 19.24 2.154 1 40.0 26. SE K= 5.60 -.000 2 20 .00 -14.7G PIPE so --.62 120 0 60.0 -.00 K.".7 JIJILLT rrJ 19.24 2./1~JT 1 I'kfll.~(J 2U.J~J - 3.60 .Yl0J 2 L.i[J .00 1 4. 7E PIPE ^01 12. V2 120 '-J so.0 .21 ;1.^0o - OUTLET 22 19.41 2.154 1 40.0 26.76 I`..= 5.60 .013 2 20 .00 -14.76 PIPE 82 3a^.03 120 0 Eo.O .77 12.01 - - ^uL'TLcT 2t', 20.02 2.154 1 30.0 27.54 f::=- 5.60 . u2`~ ~ 20 .@n -14.76 PIPE 33 58.05 120 LJ 50.0 2.41 12.70 P.cF 973 2^0.94 . . HYDRAULIC `DATA INFORMATION SHEET NAME. GArC7RfJ -~GFM+7G~3TP1fL`! S'G1x60` DATE (~2•~ ra7 . r LOGTIJN A& AiJ YY1 r.1 BUILOINGVLP AYto/k C I~ r-COO(z SYSTEM NO ~ CONTRACTOH_ MLb"CSf P1C4e PfWT'Ol711~ CpMqqCr ryp. ZS4'Z GLCULATEO BY L*V%- DHAWING NO CONSTRUCTION: COMBUSTIBIE { N0N•COMBUSTIB4E CEILING /1EIGHT J_qL_ rT. OCCVPANCY L~.v1~-LGfl.ac.N+~+ I NPPA 13: I LWrT. NA2. . OAC). HA2. GP. f J1 I ) 2 I 13 I I EX. MAZ. ( j NFPA 237 ~ 1 NFVA 297C: FIGVHE ; CUR'V'~ z rj [ ] tlTHEH (SMCify) N w l I SPECIFIC RULING MADE 8V O°TE . . WAREA OF SPRINKI.ER OPERATION SYSTEM TVPE j DENSITV I AREA PEH SPRINKLER Zpp I " T OHV I I OELUGE (.I PRE•ACTION ni $PRINKLER OR NOZZLE HOSE ALLOWANCE GPM:IN51DE Q ' - HOSEALLOWANCEGPM:OUTSIOE lVU MAKE MODEI ' RACKSPRINKI,ERALLOWANCE O 512E_ K•iACTOp TEMPERATURE RATING CAICULATION GPM REOUIRED 321 _Ol PSI REGUIREE) (..5..3i SUMMARY ^C" FqCTOR USED: OVERHEAD ~ T-4. UNOERGROUND 14'0 . WATER iLOW TESTPVMP DATA TAMK OR R SERVOIB OATE & TIME RATED CAPAClTY CAPACITM . . ~ STA77C PSI qT pSl ~ ELEVATION - y RESIDUAL P51 SS . ELEVATION ~ , - GPM FLOWING Z'bV'g . F EIEVAt10N 0. PROOF FLOW GPM Q 3 IOCATION ~ S iTe. • SOURCE OF INFORMATION F=- L Qw TQST COMMODITY CLA55 LOCATION STORAGE NEIGHT AHEA AISLE WIOTH . w 0 STORAGEMETHOD: SOUO PILED % VALLETI2ED RACK % Q ¢ O ( ) SINGLE HOW I I CO VENTIONAL PAILET ( I AUTOMATIC STOHAGE I ] ENCAPSULATED y [ ) DOUBIE ROW I ) SLAVE PAIIET ( I SDLID SMELVING I ) NON- F I ) MULTIPLE ROW , ( I OVEN ENCAPSULATEO D . Y . . _ . - a FLUE SPACING IM iNCHES CLEARANCE FROM TOP OF STORAGE TO CEIIING V ~ ~ z p LONGITUDINALTRANSVERSE FT. IN. U - FHORIZONTAL BARRIERS PqOVi0E0 - . . . . . . S Cs . . . _ . _ . EAr,AN ELEM SCHOOL REMOTE ARLA C i ST FLOOR , i/ i 500 200 SG FT / HD OUTLET TAFLE OUTI_ET # f::-FACTOFI F'RESSUF:E FLOW ELEV. (FEEF) 1 ~],.GmO 12.757 20.00 :m.00 2 5.E00 14.888 21.81 ;0,00 3 5.6Od 1c.442 22.71 10.00 4 5.600 1^o.a06 23.76 ip.0E 5 5.cam(~ iS.01f -!1 .`<o.2a im.(a~Q G' J.~JaW iJ.<.^"JitJ ..3.1 iO.f[l0 7 5.600 16.S1? 22.97 10.00 3 5.6/-0m 13.414 24.03 12i.m0 J J.V!r~0mIT 1`i.til..l ..~1.2.~ iuletTfT W 1\i ~./.(JVJYJ i~~J.31~J 2t.v2 tr~[1..r~LL.~ li0 A Z } p I- U ~ W(" .a l'd iD Cl i! b7 CJ O•~ L") t0 r. t. Cy u; r:7 0 I• C•J L7 CTJ cri C'7 I^. !i7 tJ cJ h r, L:7 f-J Ul L~ Uj 4~ Fy E E7 F' ~:-I 'P E7 U [(J ?\u]CDmi•ii:7C,i?~CVl7n~D7L7•,-'tP.!-.-3B7U7C'747il~itTL]h7C`]C.i"aD7'; tOf~f, P (:7CuCG0]GJ0 [yt`l('d f1'7!'•. J F- .a .1 1 .1 -a W W >u L, C~ J d O O- IS' 7 t~ r. r., r. r• m[q 6l fn h7 N ul ^Y E7 (V Jl u) P. L-) *Y Ol Ol fn p,-~ hl 61 <r El t. U!} r?i CO C9 M L7 6D ~d F- f- 6l 67 u] itt r.. on 0 pl Pl M y' L9 .i til r, N 7.i h7 (D L9 0 ED h) 7 1, h7 *.t I, l'd rt d f: CA B C'J iT 6i) C'7 tD LL7 CJ C'7 L'7 L•~7 ~ N t;7 07 9 i; 1'.4 p5 iJ f, d i...i t. C'7 .-i ir - L') C9 .w 6-.ti 0 f`! tD tD .a (n C'l L r. N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . iE N id [J a ._4 r:4 U iii F.' iil t'J D? _ tn U7 CJ iJ LLI .,a CO P? ~.'I G L O 9 r-I O + O U-1 tD f, CO f~ G? 0 U7 V7.+ (,1 '.1 fn C'7 0 CA 0'Y CO i n :Y F3 ~T C'l 7 t0 r, 0, u) E) CD C') pl C'7 C'i f3 O7 b) Cil m GJ 6+ F- 4. P7 cn CO 0 7'i' r.I p, GJ P7 C L] til U uJ 07 7 i'J C'7 !71 O) UJ M id CJ (~j G7 N I, C'! i! 7't ?r Ev N 6 CD l9 0 ED t.1\p(D .-~M OCD-+G]': i•!0 II-) 0 CIU7L.7•; •.754rJC]C,hl''1, 4 r+0 DO.~C')7lOC'7-i77t-*t,-vC7F3E3ED C'iQ? U7 C'l0!'JO0'ui' 0S 06600E10 0 000660Q00O8800t~ 0~_' 080Cg @ ' iY N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ L.O J . i i~ S06"7019 EJ0O61080pptg CA 00G 90E3& 0600 0 e8n 0@E#mOs Ey[7C3E'000E?0 : Cl Lil f -1 Ld CV CA N l''! CV r'A t'.1 i'4 N N l'J CJ CA C'J N CY tJ iy C'd C`J N Cd S,4 N C"1 C'J ('d C.'J r.'d ('d Cd id CA {'J C.! r.! N y- ;-v Cd . -j . . J ~Ti L. S h- i F- LL L9 i`! P r:~ u 7 N.+ L-) iil l'J u7 E9 iD f.. [-7 i n u7 CJ Qil E3 r! 0 n h I`- Q tD kD C~J m f, h [y U'1 LJ in 6 ul C7 L-i r! C-) 0 B h rn 0 Ln C Y L7 f. CD Gl 9.• D7 07 h7 n Cd D7 r-, u1 k~ -Y LA f'7 Cd P1 0 E9 E: E7 EJ B O O(9 L::7 C~ *1 ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0~-+ 7 Ca C C~ltn m U7 0 07 •t 7 CJ C!1 h L~ Dl CO f- l7 :il f` (n CJ t0 L'7 Cp Cl m C-1 u3 ' f Y ~l ' O~"J 7 V] l0 r~7 ~ tD CJ C^l 7 tD i'J r.'d tJ •.i i:4 t•J C'd CJ N C!~ W~-+ CD V7 0 N ll P- 0 C9 CO ul 61 fd ,--.4 fy N t'J i'd C'd C..! N 0O C-3 C-1 C'~ W f IK I 2 T W h9U0~C~CD 0 0n 619D0 0 61'"70 0 0 800 s 0G 0m0 0 0 0 l9& (:'vF3EJ0 fa0 N 0 0 FJ0 QO ' F- inH6l~'E~ y.^~E.7~061EJGlp0OL9 `UC7C~7fl0F~6700~09C90C~~C~~f:3h3E~G1F~~7QO~OF~O 0 Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '1' i! •Y `t -l b~ CJ (y i~d iD U7 S 6l L7 .M P7 1T CJ T;- 03U~ U.i -.Y CO S P t! t;l C7 L7 C''I L'7 ^S C'] u7 LtJ J fJ ..t r~ m u n-r i i i~1 i_',t I1l f. A LO,-a C'l .y .y i.-'! C'J C'l Gi h QJ (i; N tT B C7 tD . Ci N tD *y ' J CE ~ . ? W b I-- 7N I, r. •Y CV I~ P~. [y r.-0 -A Cd r.! t, r.; id id CJ U7 h7 6l l7 LO h7 6) U-) V) 67 h7 h"7 6'7 xi' -1' E] El E3 F.g p 61 B 0 S C! ('J ~ L'J 0 L-) CO C7 E1 i7 E'J CG 4-) lL7 v) 0 u 7 CO L~ h7 0 Y7 C') 0 C9 C9 C0 07 C'I O7 C9 C7 C9 C7 C'l.h-3 L) L'l cJ 0 t0 0 LD tD 0 0 fg N p7 . Lt r"•-~ 'S 0 ti7 _.I:i- LLI t!7 •.'r cJ' LS7 d' ih 7~i LD tU l7 V] tD l7 LD 10 kO tD LLl UJ u7 .r ,y ri i! C a i-1 (•l fy - - ,-i 0%Y 7 ' N d . . . . . . . . . . H T-1 ~-1 ii .-.i ~i rl ~i e-1 ~-i .i ~i ri i-i ~4 .4 .-I • • CA t•7 N N '"J fd CJ CJ rJ e d C.{ r'd CA CA CJ N C') C'l C7 D7 <r G7 Ql CO iJ Li J . W p ' z . , . W~Ci D7 7 L7 cD I'• Cp u1 0.+ D7 L7 t0 r-- Gl (ti 67 Pd 0 7 67 u7 h CO 0) BlV CO Td' L'-) t0 1'. Cl (it 0 CO ~r 0 lil .'.,d C'J N Cd N N fJ Cd Cd t`J N 0 C') 07 67 6) CO Ca C9 C'? C9 -1' -t ci -1' `t •t • . ".t;J iL "WATER 5.4" dist. 6y Fire Spr'inliler` Cnnsultants' C9131`201-1204 Licensee - PIRE F'F.'OTECTIOPJ DESI3N SERVICES - Anok;a, Minciesota EAGAN ELEP1 Sr_HOOL REMaTE AREA G iST FLOUR .1%1500 200 SO FT / HD F:OUTI` id0. i DE3Cf-'IF'TICPJ Q-ADD DIA T F'IF'E F'T FV F.EFERENCE i_CSSIF-i' E F:TT:S F"E PE Q-TOTAL C"-f ni_:T LT -'TOTAL F'F PCJ NOTE'S - ?L'TLET 1 20.00 1.:01 0. 17.0 17..10 K:- 5.60 .10; 2 ti .00 -4. 0i. PIPE ' i 20.00 120 0 2i.'~.1' 2.13 12.76 'i.;L'TLET. 2 C _'1. G: 1.452 d 1`..^. 1"1. 2 J.V41 .104 YJ 4 .00 -4. 0j. PIPE 2 ~41.61 :20 0 15.0 14.89 OLJ?LCT 3 22.71 1.68' C 14.0 20.7S I<::=- 3.60 .112 0 0 .00 -4..^,=r PIPE 64.32 ?2'.~' 0 14.0 1.3E 16.44 OIJTLET 4 23.76 1.687 : 6.0 22.35 k:= 5. E,e .200 0 3 .00 -4. 34 F'IF'E 4 23.05' 1.20 0 14.0 2.20 18.01 =mi .am 2.635 o Q.o 25.14 .023 m a .a0 F'IF'E 20 s8.08 120 0 15.0 .34 r.iF 502 39.00 2.031 • 22. 2 25.40 .033 2 24 • mY7 r'IF'E 21 177.16 120 ll 50.0 4.15 F"Lf J¢.~'~ i~~Il. a'# 2.125 i 70.0 22.63 . .095 Q 0 .00 PIPE 22 195.30 120 0 70.0 6.96 REY 504 23. 9S 2. GJJ 3 iF. i .iti. J9 ' .074 0 0 .00 PIPE ?.E,E.32 120 0 15.0 1.11 F.EI 505 _10. /E) 2.l'i35 7 13.0 .'r'*. .02S 0 G .OE P="r'= 24 117.56 120 0 13.0 .51 F:EF JOi -ivoS? 2.635 0 12.0 38.20 .023 0 m .00 . F':F'E 21 ST.39 120 a 13.0 .30 =:EF 507 -27.13 2=3 0 9.0 33.51 ...t,:. 4 fu .fl@ FT.F'F_ 26 =,2.27 .zo 0 9.0 -i: w O i Z I ! i I I i i I i I ~ i i ~ I I ! I I I ! i I ! I ! 1 i I i ! ! I i i ! I ~ I ! 1 I i i I i ! I I I ! ~ I I ~ i i I i 1 I I I I I ~ I ~ 7 Li O I ! I I I 1 ' i I L_ lL LL I i . ! i I I i i t i i I 1 I i i I i I I I-+ F] U'! ; I`- 67 P7 1 0 Ci 0? 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H )4 ~y ~ • ~ ~-f I e . ~y ~ ~ • i-i ~ a • +~i i • T1 ~ • • ri • • r-1 i • e ii • ri a ri • • r4 ' n r, J ! ~ i i I . 2!!T~ f~ f~ i ul CV ; t0 t`• ~T h+ Dl m i i`! E9 i ~ ' CJ ,-a S f, .-a i . - q r- I Q] C9 I c;: D] ~ Gl L'7 I CO C7 I CO CJ i.-+ [~7 ! ul ED i Fl fD i f9 ED ; f•7 tD; cg p! . C7 i f•J u7 i C-0 U] ! 67 r.,4 j fy ~ (y ! i.,a LJ 1 m I pt tD I-F3 H7 ! C9 p7 i~a I f'J Pl 1 C'7 0 I:i h; 7 03 ~I L7 ll 0 I ' U ; B t'J i EJ t C'I i.-~ C~l I C') .--i i.a f. f. ; f. C~7 ; 1',. •S ~ Z i bl I,•7 i[~ i p7 I hI i U7 C~ i I I ' I ! I I ' ! ' ' W I Li . W I L- Ll . la. L.I 1 L W' L~ W I L W i Ly Li i L_ W I L L.l 'L LJ : lL Lil i - L- ' LJ LL I Li iL ' W u' lJ lL ' W Ci. i Li li. I W L. I Li I_ I LJ CLLJ l_ ; Li iL ~ W I L -H ICL N ~ Lrvj H I L'_ H ~ H L . . CC I fi I u. i ii_ iL I i! 1 ' I! I G!-ABD DIA T F'IF'E PT F'V F'6FERENrE LOSS;FT C FI?TS PE PE D-TOTAL C-F"ACT i_T TOTRL F'F FO NOTES _ F'[F 957 100.00 Q. imm 1 iom.m 63.^a8 C gas~ o~ ~.ser +ia,,,t .001 2 Ds .00 FrzPE 41 321.mt iam m 19S.0 .is REr- 977 .00 8.100 1 120.0 E3.54 .0m: 0 34 .o0 i'Ii'E 42 321.01 i r0 7 174.0 .14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RCr 580 .00 3. ;0o 1 5::0.0 63. ES .00i OJ 71 .00 f'iF'E $3 321.01 :40 i 19i.0 .47 RC'- 379 .00 12. J0o 1:0000. 0 64.14 .000 C m .00 f-iPi= 44 121.01 :4L7 0iooo0.`~.1' ..16 . . _ _ . _ _ . 6:,. 1 !~r-~T+sT• EuNGly EAGAN ELEM SCHOOL F,EMOTE AF:EA C i 5T FLOuE: . i i 1=0 200 SQ FT / HD F.:OIJTE 00. 2 DESCRIF'TION G3-ADD DIA T F':F'E FT F'V REFERENCE LOS9/1-T E FITTS FE FE ' G!-TCTriL C-PACT LT TOTAL F'F PQ N`JTES OUTLET 0 20.23 1. i@4 0 17.0 17.35 t'..= 5.60 .104 2 • 00 `4.34 F'II"'C 5 20.23 120 0 21.0 2.18 13.05 OUTLET' 6 21.85 1.452. 0 15.E 13.57 h;= 5.60 .106 0 0 .00 -4. 34 F'IFE c"-. 42.E5 120 0 :5.0 1.19 15.23 OUTLET 7 22.97 1.E47 0 14.0 21.:6 E:= 5.60 C .114 m m .00 -a . 3a fIF'L 7 GJ.0J 120 d :4.0 ;.Eo 16.3:' i OU±TLcT i3 _-''::4. .C',,; 1.627 1 6.0 22.75 f~= ..i. V1L .2~[JY W U .00 '_4.34 F'iFE 3 W.03 120 0 :=#.@ 2.86 1^0.41 F'EF 502 25.6I i ~ i i i I ! ~ G~ ! Lj h- ' I p I I ! ~ I I H I I L I j ~ N > W CJ 1 C"! P7 : 07 07 I !L L LL I ~ ~ I -i~ ;r 'i •t u7 i . ~ 0 1 ~ ~ f'~a ~ ti ~ l'~ i i F- u t~ i r- eJ LJ a ~ i e_ iL c,. ~ . . i r,i r., . ; ,:-d ~i ,,-d O I ! ? h ! 0 CL i i J [Il J I Gl EJ I t9 E; l~ ii W F- <L I ~ O e_ I- ! h7 0 1j~ ) I LO LD _ ' ~ C~ fi t-. ? 1 { C`! ~ Ll LI iV f_ F~- I i , Q I I !1 F I O~FJ I,.~ F3 ! Dl F- W_J i I Q I ! uj I ~ i ~ Q ? F- F-- I C~.{ Gp 1 C.! (p I . Z L~ r_ 1 L') f0 C9 ? 6'1 ul Q: u ¢1~ ¢ i =r-~ii i -ridia ; : U r-~ N L, I i . O F- p N I! f D O i..i i . W ? J I ~ - CE iC ~ _1 ; ~I • vT. ; 07 6'1 I(~J iil I J Q F' I CJ I ul 6l ! a a n i . ? 4 t- i., ui c i e; ra U i Gi Ci I F I (7 I t~7 ! O i uJ ~ W W i W tTI • E] I ~ .•-4 `I ! Cq ~ J 1~1 ) U7 C] LJ z I - i l;l ~ t'J I F- i F- Z ti I UJ . I L`J i W !..1 i! LJ I_J I! 'J ! L ~ rn l~ i 1- :s~ ii_ I u_ i W ~ ' Q W I ~ i :D ' C' . • - W iC I O 0. ; O u.. ~ , f. NYDRAULIC DATA INFORMATION SHEET NAME ~PtCaA'/'~ ~G~M"~F~TRf+-`t SG:ItnO~- DATE -t ~Z.3•~R'~ LOCA7IJN .3 OUILOING m e YSTEM NO ~ CONTRACTOH h/ltDNfsf E{2ePQ7..~l6hi WNTAACChIG• CALCULATED 8Y Of._'h DNAWING NO 3 CONSTNUCTIOk: I I COMBUSTIBLE I NON-COM@VSTIBLE CEIIING MEIGHT !2 FT. OCCUPANCY ~y V^ I NFPA 13: IT. HAZ. ORD. HAL GP. I )11 I 12 l- 13 ( 1 EX. NAZ. . NFPA 231 1 j NFPA 231C: , FIGURE ; CURN'F (z,~ I ) OTHER ISMCify1 y LU SPECIFICRUIING MADE BY n°-~ ~ W " AREA OF SPRINKIER OPERATION SYSTEM TMPE - ~ yDENSITV ~ [i/(WET I 1 ONY ( I OELUGE I IPRE•ACTION y APEAPER $PRINKLER 1C00 $PRINKI.ER OR NOZZLE . HOSE ALLOWANCE GPM: INSIOE 0 MAKE MOOEI . MOSE ALLOWANCE GPM: OVTSIOE _.L~.~ SIZf K-FACTOR RAGK SPRINKLER AI.IOWANCE ~ TEMPERATUpE RATING CALCULATION GPM REOUIRED _PSI REOUINED SUMMAPY °C'FACTOR USED: . OVERMEAD~- UNDERGAOUNO WATER FLDW TEST YVMP OATA TANK OR R SERVOIR } OATE & TIME Rp.TED CAPACIT' ~ CAPACI~ ' _j STATIC P51 qT V51 ELEVATION d a N RESIUUAL P51 5s EIEVATION LI ~V3 GPM FLOWING 2 F ELEVATION . 0 PROpf FLOW GPM . 3 . LOCATIQN CZ S ITe SOURCE OF INFORMATION EkOw `rQST CDMMODITY CIASS LOCATION SfORAGE MEIGH7 AREA AISIE WIDTH w Q STORAGE METNOD: SOUD PiLEO % PAIIETIZEO % RACK X ¢ O SINGLE HOW I I CO VENTIONAL PAILET I I AUTOMATIC STORAGE ( 1 ENCAPSULATED H I 1 OOUBIE ROW I 1 SLAVE PALLET . I I SOLIO SMELVING I 1 NON- MULTIPLE ROW 1 OPEN ENCAPSULATED O Y 0 V FI.UE SPACIMG IN INCHE$ 'CLEARANCE FROM TOP OF STORAGE TO CEIl1NG ~ a p LONGITUDINAL THANSVERSE fT. In V MORIZONTAL BARRIERS PROVIDED ~ ~ ~ r cn w w o t,. . w - oe~r~o:ar~c~mo « ooeeC~l E:o0 e0 0 ? ,...i ~-•J rj iV r,! ';-1 i•! N (y 0 W C9 C7 CO P: C'7 C'7 r.l C'7 D7 CI -i W ~ T. iC I 67 Ll l;-) h L) p O 3t907 r. C7O M70r:7 O ! C7 . J Ju7u]OO.. V 0in,-+vlLl lti L+! i L. IN (•J N C1 ~ 4` •-1 f- a r L W ~T J i-' td 7, 07 CO U-) fd l~J 1-- _7 v L7 DJ 0 1'+ 1;7 L-) D7 ii D 10- E] ~l.]Cd" L7Jh7-+ ¢ o cn uc~~=;riTr~i~;;i - .ii W I L E'{ C 4 1.~ LL ? ~ u ~ J f-E7 G E7 p C] 0 C7Lt3 O i_Y0E90 0 E9 G98 0 ? <L u7 V; ko 0 0 ;;,1 iJ 0 t0 0 2 L. N D h) U7 L-) D-) U-) h) L7 Ci] _v ~ u J x W - F- z w ¢ J~cdro>u~uir, CO Lmo < ~ ' Lt. 0 EAGAN ELEN SCl-IOOL REMpTE Ai=:EA D i ST FL?Of-: . 1 i i S00 160 30 rT/!iL' 1='IPE TF,RLL FRICTI(7N FFISCTIOhd VELOCITY PIF'E N0. DIAMETEF.: LENGTH F"LOW GF'M C LOS3; FOOT LOSS/TO i r^+L FEETi 5EC0NG L 1.104 I3.30 I6.00 1<fr~ [t .0671 •Sj.] J•'-ir .w 1.104 13.30 ?L.LJ l.:CJ .2541 3•379 11•0 3 1.:1.32 13.30 32.60 120 .1598 2.126 10.2 4 ._G_.- 90.00 73.96 i^<o .1446 14.:74 10.6 I i1.~~Or .13.z0 16.05 1'~0 .~767E .291'~n9 ~,~.;4 G 1. .IC~`' l.is.:~/~ f[: Jr. ~+G IL~! W .2:J~~7 ,:a.'tVl. 11.0 7 1.452 12.30 52.78 120 .:GL,"ti 2.13':1 10.,2 v L.FiiJi 98.00 74„22 I20 .14-56 14.261 10.7 `_I 1.432 13.30 ccC`-i. 0Z :20 .0434 .577 5.0 10 1.GG7 93.0e 52.Z4 120 .07C3 i.:i-_ 2.G35 11.50 73.96 120 .M;.G5 .190 4.4 12 2.Ei35 11.50 148.1i,' 120 .059G• GSG 8.7 13 2.635 11.50 ~n ._00. .J.'~ 120 .104E 1.20M 11.8 14 ._.6lr ~i).~/,k'iVJ 400.53 ?i0 .1042 ?.u7i] .._.Lrl: iJ 2.235 49.00 200.53 120 .I043 5.113 111.S 1. j~'J ll.p 1~• 2~1.G~i5 :ty. r. U'ti.l~i~L~. L0fn~1LT..J.~ lit/~ 4 .1043 17 Y.LE.W ?.00 20Yl.J..i litT i] s'U0: .B35 4•5 18 6.100 isJ. 00 300.53 140 .0007 . _ 2L 19 u. ;t;o 174.00 300.53 140 .0007 . 122 1.9 20 S.1CU 501.00 .'~00.J3 14E e0~i''~JL' .4tS 1.-ir 21 .._.0L.~"r..", 1~."'i00G".0'J~' 300.53 140 .:J,..^',0!. _.oz?. .'J I ! ~ L,j I O; • I ~ ! i j i I V ? ~ i i I I 1 !'`J rC S- ' t I I ~ I ' ` ti L~ I i I I CJ (D l•{ C Cj ~I ~T LL] I c) liJ C ttl W O f L`1 61 Cj ~ p L-) [•7 LL L;_ 0_ i i . j j ~ fr~ ui - i~ C V) ~ ! V'+ 6 T 0 CO : i~d C) i L 1 9 f, ty Gl Lit 0 0 0 ; FJ S C.1 0.+ ~~Tr 0 P, D7 ! G <L I F- W'.- U C3 GJ fd C7 ~3 - I.r Ev - I l:7 n O LL7 i U7 C-4 fJ i f". G !:"J L;-) E] ; ul H lT iL0 S C?l i IJ \ I l:_ L_ LL. . . . . i . . I , . . I . . . I, . . . j . . . ' e . . . . . ~ . . . ('d ~ tLl ~ r.l CO 't ~ C:1 i:! C.] j . . ~ ~ p7 • Ol 6~ ul W CG . ~ i ! I i ' . i_i p i i na O ii,. Cn I. . C7 ! C'i C9 i C') CO I FJ C3 Ll ' L7 L~ I 6-l LO i'9 Ey ~ J C9 ' Ev 0 i i9 6) ~I i2. ll' iL W F- < , . . . . ; . , . , i . i . . . . w F- t- i C,:, C9 .1 .D C7 CJ @y 07 I C~1 tJ Cl I.~ 9-+ i'~-+ C3 ~ : h7 i i~ , ':J G3 C-0 ? CQ C`a 7 1 iW.4 r~ C'7 W: (tJ W il l.~ 'r- ' ' I I I ! . .G :a 1 1 i I I . F-c CJ F-• L: ^[3 ' Si r7 JS F~ 0~.. E~ 113 ' E) 0 Ld . 0 0 C) i n O 6 (_i C-4 [7 i~4 0 W U7 G] W ! i ~ i:: J z vf O C:J tD i t`, L) . I Il3 V] I;; 0 0 -t " E9 I p_ Q L Ll 6! 0 C) J ll"1 L7 ~ L)U1 E7 ; O] :i `W ~ C9 r~ EJ ! P) i'J (D i 0 Fd Q C 6) ( ~9 C9 63 E3 C's I uJ 61 I Li! Q \ Q : •-a ,9 ! ~ r~.~ `I W p {,1 j tD t3 f'J I tD iJ i u 1 ' LI r+ Co L I, C, G F- Q fP "t i i-d I ;:'d I t-'d liJ r 7 ? ! I ' i I I ; - T 1- U! O _J I 1- 17 d 6'1 Ll : W; Ca P WI tD u7 d CO I'"" C1 I t: l~ ! Ed C7 f~ C7 ; tC9 C'l ! Ci J LO Ol ! f, t) i`l ,N i p LI, 1 r.! ! CO b-1 I li L~ ! O ~ J L7 ; 19 L') . -O : t~ ? t . . . , ~ . . i . . , ~ . . I , , . . i . . I ~R W O I 4r F i V7 U7 I lJ f'J I.-~ CO i C~7 I•.!' (0 ~ C`7 61 i PJ i 61 ~I ~ i G' 0 i c 4 r. i r., i r• u~ o i c;~ t] H [I G QJ 1 ~ ~ ~ C+~ 1 I.`4 ~ ul = I El ~ 6l t~ ~ Ed 'I I I 1 . I 't I ~ u7 i Ll u:i I ttl I i I ! . . W W • ~~:'l C~1 Ol . PJ I '.r I t•! I P7 C4 7P L-3 kil 0 0 h... ! L7 y J ! f' h~ L7 I 47 I l~ I C9 EJ i(3 E7 ; Q ~ ~ 'IU W M ~ i_ UI W i ~ W C Z lt: ! W L! i UJ ! I i ! G- N 1'i bJ JW'_i LJ L'1 i J i: !:1 W I!i. L'J ! Li. W I' lu ~ li I.~i I L I.~ : L! ~ . 4 : j f, l:- 1 F' LL t" - Li lil Il i W L~ U': L! i~: L W L'.1 ti L:j u_ 3 ' (_1 I_7 71 ~y _i ~~i 1:Y: rc I tl: ~ I LC ~ = ~ W L:: 1 lJ l;_ i0 ' C.~... C! jj_ . 4L I lL ~ L ~ L•_ L'_ 1 LL lL Q-ADD DIA T FEF'E fT F'V REFEF'ENCE LOSS!rT E FITTS PC PE n-TOTAL C-FACT LT TOTA!_ PF F'0 NOTF_S _ . . REr 997 100.00 3.100 : 100.0 sE. +a ~ 13n,e off 2-s~ +t~cocc-.... . aml _ ±5 .00 F':I'L: 12 200.5': 140 0 195.0 . 1:1 ~ / RE' 977 .00 8.100 i ~1'r~ Yl 120~1.L~ 56.5'~ /~kT1 . •001 J-Y •W 1 iPE 19 200.53 140 rU 1.74. 0 .12 F'EF 530 .00 3.1047 1 120.0 56.75 . 00: 0 7: .047 F': PC 20 300.53 :40 i W1.0 .41. F'Cr 979 .00 12.000 110000.0 :F _ .:riu0 s".r 0 .00 i''iF'.= 300.53 140 010000.0 1.02 _ ~ 5 o. 1'3 ~R ~IAv.J ~fSl upplY EAGAN FLEM SCHOOL fiCMOTE AREA D 1ST FL00R .1/1500 160 SU FT/HD F'OUTE ND. i OESCRIF'TIOIV G-ADD DSA T PIPE F'T f-V GTFcRc[JCG LOSS/FT E FITTS F'F PF Q'-?GTAL C-F-ACT I_T TOTR` rr r•c idOT[S OUTLET 5 :G.05 1.:01 0 13.3 22.11 K=. S.6L1' .068 0 0 .00 .13.8J PiFc 5 :.s.L'S 120 0 _o._ .'jG 8.22 CUTLcT 6 :E•. 2, 1.104 0 13.C 22.01 1..._ 5.60 ...:JG 0 ! .00 "'13.0_4 PIPE 12.90 120 P; 13.3 ...4ru" :.li: 0!JTLET 7 19.31 1.452 0 13.3 26.41 K. 5.60 . 161 0 .00 0'J PIPE 7 52.73 120 E7 13.3 2.14 12.32 OUTLCT S 21.41 1.687 2 82.0 28.55 1;=- 5.60 .14E 0 lE .00 -13.89 PIPE g 74.22 110 0 50.0 14.27 14.66 REh 402 `t<..vl EAGAN CLEM SCHOOL f•"EMOTE AF:EA D 15i FLDGF' .1; i50fl 1E0 SG! FT/HD F'OUTI= P1C. 3 CESCR:PTION l:rl..f}./.LlA~\ ulf'} ~ U + r~llr rV I' r'.1T 1' ~ F'FF"ERENCE LOSS: FT E FI TTS PC PE 0-70TAL C--f-Ai_:T LT TCTAL Fr P^ td^TES DL;?L'cT 9 CIL' 26.00 ].i-~{3`i2 s 13.3 E5.44 1'~}`.'- ~YJ n J.4~ .'xJ3 ~1 W 4 Cl.1 .W -13.3'1 ;-,rE 9 .•E.mm 120 0 13,3 ...,s 21.e•5 ?U`LET 10 2E.34 1.13:' 2 02.0 :_6.021 K__ 3.60 X76 G" 16 .00 .'iPE lE' 52.34 12"0 fJ 9C,:7 7,46 22.12 - i'.Ci- 43.50 2004 COMMERCIAI. PL`UMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ~ CITY OF EAGAN . , 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Date -04 SiYe Address Unit # Tenant Name Former Tenant Name Property Owner Telephone Contractor Addres City l Q,y,~~ State Zip'J~ Tetephooe#(bg) - The Applicant is _ Owner _ Contractor Other Work Type _ New Bldg _ Add-on Repair Z PVB Irrigation system " * Jer Wobschall to calculatc fces. Re uired erer size is 2^ furbo unless smallcr size ermitted 6y Publfc Works Description ot Work 29z~:: To i quire if Ressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, call 651{75-5646 Meters - Call 651-675-5300 [o verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, arid bacteria tests passed prior to oickine uu meter Imgation Size & Type Avg GPM Fire Size & Price 3/4" disolacement $155.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 minimum (includes State Surcherge) Contract Value $ x 1% Base Fee $ Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevard irrieation svstems $ Radio Meter Read If 6ase fee is $1,000 or less, surcharge is $.50 $ State SuTChazge If base fee is over $1,000, surcM1arge is $SO per $1,000 oF the Base Fee Following fees apply oniy when installing new irrigadan system Water Permit ~ Contact Jerry Wobschall at 65 Lfi75-5024 for required fee amounis i Treatment Plant i $ li li 1 Water Supply & Storage ~ ~ LJ -----State Surcharge - ~y--_- $ ~ Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; [hat the work will be in conformance with [he ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a pemvt, but only an application for a pemtit, and work is not to start without a permit that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a vie and approval of plans. Applicant's t d Name ApplicanYs i ature i "1 r • ' CITY USE ONLY ~ REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: _ U.G. _ Air Test 'I Gas Test _ Rough In _ Final ~ IG D PLANS SUBMIT7'ED APPROV ED I Y: BUILUING INSPECTOR if I~ General Information ~ • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings & boulevazd irrigation systems- $141.00 • RPZ's must be rebuilt every five years. A minimum fee pera3it per address is required for RPZ rebuilding or repairing. • Water meters include copper born/strainer, remote wue, and touch-pad meter i GPM METERS USE PRICEI GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" residenfial $121.00 4-120 1-1/2" i111gation syst $ 788•00 disnlacement smcom.azercial i turhine** mustl'eCelVe marimum ~ contuiuous ~ approval to ~ from Public j Works 2-30 3/4" lawn irrigation $155.00 4-160 2" turbine lg irrigation syst $ 992.00 maximum displacement residential & continuous smcommercial i productionlines 15 3-50 1" displacement very lg res $200.00 I/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,880.00 bidg to 24 units I 65 units maximum sm commercial ! & continuous & I lg comm bldgs ZS irri ations stems i 5-100 1-1/2" bldgs 25-64 units $488.00 masimum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 ! METERS RE UIRING 30-DAY ADV' \iCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP ~ GPM METFRS USF, PAICE ~GPM 3IETERS iiSE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very lg irrigation $1,338.00 ~ 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs & $3,749.00 syst & production i very Ig comm bldgs tines 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,407.00 0-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,124.00 very Ig comm bldgs very Ig comm bldgs 15-1000 4" turbine very lg irrigation $2,384.00 i svst & production lines ' i Cormnents ~ • To schedule inspection of the inside water line anil backflow preventer, call 651-675-5675. • To arrange for water tum-on, call 651-675-3300. cc: Maintenance Division Clerical Technician Updated 8/03 ~ i-- Permit Clty of Ea~aIl I # I ~ I 3830 Pilot Knob Road I Permit Fee: I Eagan MN 55722 Phone: (651) 675-5675 ~ Date Received: j Fau:(651)675-5694 ~ Staff: 2009 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 51 O~~ oq SiteAddress: (AXSUD-if Y-md- Tenant: Suite il: PROPERTY Name: 1-oh 4 161 t Q Phone: OWNER CONTRACTOR Name: 1- I?14 License nddress: 1~1~ ,~P~C'Ql`1G~,F' t~. Ciry: State:MNzp:~ Phone: ~~ContactPerson: TYPE OF New Replacement Repair kRebuild _ Modity Space _ Work in R.O.W. WORK Description ot work: PERMIT TYPE COMMERClAL _ New Construction _ Modify Space , _ Irrigation System yes no) ~ RPZ PVB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation sysiems • Avg. GPM _(2" tur6o required unless smaller size allowed 6y Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed Prior to oickinq up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: Size & Price 3/4" meter 203.00 Avg. GPM High demand devices7 Yes No Flushometers Yes No COMMERC/AL FEES: I $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR Conireecvaiuei x 7% _ $ Permit Fee Required on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems Radio Meter Read I - If Permit Fee is less than E1,000, surcharge is $30 Meter(s) ~ - If Permit Fee is >$7,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each $7,000 $1,000 Permil Fee (i.e. a$1,007 $2,000 PermR Fee requires a$t00 sumharge). State Surcharge Following fees applywhen installing a new lawn irrigation system. $ water Permit Call the City's Engineenng Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. ~ $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply 8 Storage $ State Surcharge TOTAL FEES S I here6y acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; Ihat ihe work will be in conformance with ihe ordinances and cades oi ihe Ciry oi Eagan; ihat I understand ihis is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to stan without a permiq ihat ihe work will be in fwea ance with the approved plan in ihe case of work which requires a review and approval ot plans. X X ~ Applican t's Pri t d Name Ap li EOR OPFICE U6E ApProved y V z Oate Rec{ulre"~dinspeci~~s al~e~ ~~inali~~~~~~3j _ . . . . < , . F - . _ . e. e. . PRV RequneH: No Page 1 of*3