4355 South Robert Tr ~ ~ . t~~ lp Z CITY OF EAGAN j 3795 Piior K.ar Rood Eo9.., Mu~m,or. 55122 rho.: 454a100 PERMIT No. ~ ~ Dote: Recetpt No.: r,7 d $ingle 1355 So• Robert Tr;•',.r Residential Site /lddreu: Lot 91ock Sub/Sec. _ Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I ~ Nome ~p7'?`1.nP ! i'.."`1e„ New/Alter./Repoir ~ Address 3355 SC". i.ober1 irl. cosr of Iraoncrion City !~anBT?, ~.'~`J Phone: Permit Fee ''o.rco:nn's ''nrlwFre Nome Surchorfle ~ ~ T?osemoizit ~ ~ Address - - ~ City _ P?wnx: Totol . This Permit is issued on the express condition that all work sholl be done in occordance wlth all applicabls State of Minnesota Statutes ond City of Eagan Ordlnonces. Building Official ~/~,`0/9/ 9 0 0 419 Recuest Da:r. - Fire No Rough-in Inspection ry 1( I Requvetll ? Reatly Now ? Will N,01 fy Inspector ` I ~ iVeS WheRBdtly9 I licensed cornractor 0 owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work atJab Atltlress IStreet Bov ar Roule No ~ ~ Cil 1 " SecUOn No Townshi0 Name or No qange No Count ~'cZ w Occvpan. PRINTI PhOne N. Paxar vppher AtlOress Eler, ~r`al Gonvactor (ompany Name) Gonlraclor5 L¢ense No. k ' ' b Mal,g qtltlress GoNractor or Owner Ma.ing Installaupn) ~ UJI 55 Auc7 rrzeG SiSnamrelCO raao,Owner ~d 'nin Installanon Phone Number q - q83s MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF E ECTPICITY -THIS INSPEGTION REOUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Mitlway BIEg. - Raom 5473 BE /CCEPTEO BYdHE STATE BOAFD 1811 Univerany Ave, St Vaul. MN 55100 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Ghonc(614) 602-0800 ENCLOSEO REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-0M0001~0e ? See instmclions lor completing this lorrn on bacF ol yellow copy 4 "X" Below Work Covered by This Requesf ew Typeol0wlding AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Atld Re~~ Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Elecinc Heaung Apt. Bmldmg Dryer Other (Specify) Comm./Industrial Fumace Farm Av Conditioner Omer Ispentyl Camrac;or's Remarks ? Compute Inspechon Fee 6elow: s Other Fee ~ ServiceEntranceS¢e Fee # Qrcwts/Feetlers Fee I Swimming Pool 0 t0 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps TranSbrmers Above 200 _ Amps Above 0_ Amps SignS Inspecmrs Use Only TOTAL Irngation Booms ~ J • w O 1 Special Inspection AlarmiCommunicatwn THIS INSTALLATION MAV BE ORD DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby RO°9n'" oare cenity ihat ihe above inspection has Final oate. been matle OFFICE USE ONLV TM1is reCUesi wia i8 montns Imm EAGAN TdWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT N° 1813 Ownex ,l . . . Eagan Township ~ Address (p:eseni) .....~5....~.~.~.....___~-5.-~`~.. Town Hall Builder Dale k/C--3"..----•""""...... Address DESCRIPTION Siories To Be IIsed Fos Froni Depih Heighi Esi. Cosi Permii Fee Remarks iZ LOCATION Sireef, Road or oiher Descripiion ot Locafion I Lot Block Addifion or Trac! This permit doea not aufhorise the use of sfreefs, roads, alleps or sidewalks nor does if give the owner or 6is ageni the righilo ereate any sifuafion which is e nuisanca or which presenls a hazard fo the healih, safely, convenience and general welfare fo anyone in the communify. THIS PEAMIT MUST B£ KEPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PAOGRESS. This is !o eerrifp, lhef...... T-~ . . 06! . ' . ..._....has permission 2o erect a....."' _upoa the above described premise see! ! he rov~s:ions of the Building Ordinance for Eagan ~'fownship dopted April 11. isss. o~~ .'__~l/~ ...,/........:~-ti....'__........'.... Per .~..-..y.'~."."..~..............."".......... Cl Ch8iril(an of Tnwn Board / Buildin Ins ecior ~ ' ~ CITY OF EAGAN Remarks cfc-' - Addition Auditor's Subdivision !/42 Loc Bik Pa,rei 10 03900 010 09 Owner Street ' 4355 S. Robert TTall Stare Eagan, MN 55123 Improvement v Date Amount Annual Vears Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOF. GRADING / SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT N° 3039 Owne: 6.G' . . Eagan Township Address (Presen2) ..V3.,S-.s . ~..._.J-1-'.. Town Hall Builder ~ G - ~i- 7.3 c^Dale Addresa ~-i.^.r.<....y..................................... DESCRIPTION Sfoxies To Be Used For Fronf Depih Heigh! Eel. Coaf parmit Fee Remarks l LOCAiION /a• ~"y • Slreel, Road or olher Deseripiion of LocaSion I Lo! Bloek Addition or Trae! This permit does no2 eulhorise the use of streefe, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor doee it give the owner or hia agenf the righ! !o creaSe anp ailuation which is e nuisenee or which presents a hazard 20 the healih, aafefy, conveaianee and general welfara !o anyone in the communifp. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PAEMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PAOGRESS. < Thta is !o cerfifp. 1haf..._.~.:.......--' ...........................hes parmission !o erec! a_..yh~,::........lupoa ¢ _ the above deseribed premise eubjee! !o fhe provislona o! the Building Ordinenee for Eegan Townchip adopled April 11, 1955. ~ ir~/A:.t......-'-'ma-'--.iYof.`.^~.....~Tnwn ~ Boer J..~. Per Bu"".....ild.in Ina ec...g ......p....i or - Cha ? J ~ ! EAGAN TOMiN S H I P N° 960 BUILDING PERMIT Ownex ..-.L- /-0.~ Eagan Township . Address (presenS) ....~~...eLtcr..s~u.'..~~..F......... Town Hall ' Builder ~///6 ~ - ~ DaSe _m._ Address DESCRIPTION SYOries To Be Used For Froni Depfh Heigh! Esi. Cosi Permif Fee Remarks Y s~ LOCATION SireeS, Raad or oiher Descripiion of Location I Lo! Slock I Additioa or Txaai This permil does noi auihoriae the use of sireels, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does it give !he owner or his ageni the right !o create any situation which is a nuisanee or which presenfs a hazard !o the healih, safety, convenienee and general welfare lo anyone in the communify. THIS PEAMIT MUST BE KEPT O TEJE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PRO AESS ~ This is !o eertify, ihai...Z' ............has permission !o ~upon the above dcscribed premise subj.ec! fo 1he provisions of the Suilding Ordinance for Eagan Township adopled April 11. 1955. Per ......-°°--°-----~2C------ 1 - ~ , Cheirman of Tnwn Board Building Inspector Lp - EAGAN °T0WNS I-6 I P~ h o 1~l3 ' BIJILDING PERiWIT Ownex ~~(y~1.........Y,i/a-, a...._........ J-. f~-,•--~~y^~ Eagan Township Address (Preseni) ...A;PZ.06 Towa Hall Builder . ~ - . . ~ Da~~~/~%ei V Address ...............~~CG@cLV..-.,~- DESCRIPTION Siories To Be Used For Front Depih Heighf Esi. Cos! Permit Fee Remarks LOCATIoN Sireef, Road or olher Descripiio of Locafion I Lo! Block Addition or Traci This permit does not auihorixe the use of sireels, roads, elleys or sidewalks nor does ' ve 2he owner or his ageni !he righifo creafe any situafian which is a nuisance or which presents e hasard !o ihe h ih, safeiy, convenience and general welfare !o anyone in !he community. THIS PEAMIT MUST B EPT O THE PREMISE WHILE THE WOAK IS IN PROG E This is fo ceriify, ................_has permission !o erecf e. . ~ .p _.........upon !he above dFChairman premi 'e He provisions of the Building Ordinance for Eagan wnshi 11, 1955. . . Per ..............of To r1pard Building Inspecior CITY of EAGAN N~°- 3258 BUILDING PERMIT 3795 Pilot Knob Road Ownex ........1../..zL.7............... . . Eagan. Minnesofa 55122 / Address (precenf) .~.~....v-..°.~a~..,~i,..... (l.S..h~454•8300 Builder ~ Date .....:~/~~~.1..`.~.......----••. Addrees DESCRIPTION Sioriesl To Be Uced For Froni Deplh I Heigh! 7 I Esl. Cos! IPermi! Fea Remarks Q &'-4.~ LOCATION Slreel. Road or oiher Description of Localion I [.o! Block Addifion or Tzac! e~- This pe:mit doas~ not aufhorize the use of sireefs, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does it give !he ownes or his aqen! the zighf io create any situation which is a nuisanee or which presenis a hasard fo the healih, safety, conveniance aad general welfare !a anyone ia the community. o THIS PERMIT MUST B KEPT ON THE~REMISE W ILE THE WORK IS IN PAOGRE55~,-~ This ia !o cerfify, iha~cE~~a . . ermission !o erect a.../.~.~ ..l..'s-Y:aR~........_upon ' . ' . , ihe above described premise subjecl fo ihe, provisions of all a plicable Ordinances for the iC !y o Eagan ~ ,..~..~..-4.:LS.~ :k:f..--...1.....~.-~~.- Per ..cZ..6Q.......... ...2z-4'-~!:'czi:.7.:v.,., - Mayor Building Inspecfo'ir , T Clty of EaEdfl(lfl Mike Maguire February 20, 2009 MAVOR Paul Bakken Reid Hansen, Esq. 14450 South Robert Trail Cyndee Fieids Rosemount MN 55068 Meg Tilley - - - - - - ~ . COUNdL MEMBERS RE: C 4355 South Robert Trail, Eagan MNJ Dear Mr. Hansen: Thomas Hedges CRY ADMINISTPATOR Thank you for pursuing information relative to the State Electrical Permit and for your letter of February 10, 2009. We have confirmed with the State of Minnesota that the electrical work done by Corrigan Electric Company did pass the final inspection on January 23, 2009. As you know, the proper[y is presently zoned R-1, Single Family which is consistent with all surrounding properties. This letter will serve also as an acknowledgment by the City of Mur+iaraL Cerrrea Eagan that the duplex at 4355 South Robert Trail is a legally constructed duplex that presently represents a legally existing, non-conforming use based on the R-1 zoning. As 3830 Pilot Knob Road such, the use/building cannot be expanded but it can continue to be use in t e current Eagan, MN 55122-1810 manner for an indefinite period of time. 651.675.5000 phone 657.675.5012 fax Your letter asks also that the City's intentions be expressed as to zoning the property to R-2, 651.454.8535 TDD Duplex. 1 don't believe the City of Eagan has any interest in initiating a rezoning for the following reasons: . The .7 acre parcel has the ability to subdivide to create single family lots in the future, MAINTENANCE FACILITY this scenario would allow removal of direct access to Highway 3, which is desired by the City and MnDOT (ready access to serve the new single family lots is available via 350~ Coachman Point Eastwood Court to the north). eagan, nnN ssi22 . Future subdivision [o create single family lots will be consistent with the surrounding 651.675.5300 phone area. 651.675.5360fax 651.454.8535 TDD The property owner can submit an application to rezone the property at which point a discussion on the merits of the rezoning would occur. A rezoning requires a Public Hearing be held by the Advisory Planning Commission before action is taken by the City Council. www.cityofeagan.com I hope this responds to the points in your letter. Please contact me at (651)675-5650 i you have any questions or need any further information. Sincerely, , . ~ i THE LONE OAK TREE The sym6ol of strengtn and growtn Michael J. Ri ey, AICP in our community. City Planner HANSEN, MCCANN & O'CONNOR, P.A. A VROF6CSIDNALd5G1CIAT10V ATTORNF.yS AT I.AN' UAICO7'A CENI'lGAL OFFIC85 14350 SOUTH ROBERT 77L11L ROSEMOUN'I', D11N;NES07'A 5cUfi8 RP;IDJ.f1AiVtiE,Y MICHAF,L C. McCAN\ ' TELEPHONE: (fisl ) 423-I 155 HICHARD L. O'CONNOR 4AX: (65 1).71 3-7 1c7 February 10, 2009 Mike Ridley CitY Planner City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 RE: 1455 South Robert Trail, Eagan, Minnesota Dear Mr. Ridley; The electrical work at the above-referenced house was completed during the week of January 19 through January 23, 2009. 1 have been advised that Corrigan Electric Company did not receive any documents after the final inspection. Accordingly, I would respectfully request you confirm with the State of Minnesota that.the above-referenced property has received a satisfactory final inspection. 1 would greatly appreciate receiving from you a written acknowledgment of the above- referenced property's "grandfathered" status and your expression of your intent to rezone it to R- 2 in the future. If you have any questions, or need any further information, please advise. Thank you for youi coupersiiun hereir. Very Truly Yours, FOR T FIRM Reid . Hanse RJH:kad ~ ~ HANSEN, MCCANN & O'CONNOR, P.A. A NeoeFSSiosnLnccocia'nov ATTORNEYS A'I' I.UY D,\KOI'A CFNTRAL 0141C4_S I1151150UI11 N06FR'1"I!L\II, HUSY:MOUMII \ilNNESO7A 55068 RICID J. H.\\tiEN MICIIAEL C. dICCAS\' 'fELBPIIOV E: (fisl ) 423-I I c.i ItICILARD I_ U'COVNUH IAX. (651) 417-I I57 January 16, 2009 Mike Ridley Ci*y P!ar.r.er City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 ' t-4 3 Ss Ro ~eX}, -~-r RE: -l&5 ' , , ' Dear Mr. Ridley; As we discussed, enclosed herewith please find a copy of the electrical permit which Corrigan Electric Company obtained from the State of Minnesota. My understanding is that Corrigan Electric has one more day of work-af the job`site which will occur next week. I will forward to you the document which Corrigan Electric'Co. receives after the final inspection. 1 would greatly appreciate receiving from you a wr.tten acknowledgment of the above- referenced property's "grandfathered" status and your expression of your intent to rezone it to R- 2 in the future. If you have any questions, or need any further information, please advise. Thank you for ,your cooperation herein. Very Truly Yours, FOR THE EFRM 'Reid J. anse ' . , . • . - - . . . RJH:kad JAN 2 0-2009 Mmnesota Department o( Labor and Industry O~ 443 Lafayette Road North SI PauI,MN 55155-4342 Pnone: (651) 294-5064 , 50370 TTYIMRS. (651) 297-4198 www. e le ctncity, slate. mn.us ContracYor Re uest for Electrical Ins ection - One Famil . Dwellin /Associated 5tructure Date Rough-In Inspection Requlred7 Yes Singla Inspectlon Olhar Than Rough•In: Ready Now 12/ 12/0$ Contrector Must Schedule All Rou h-In Ins ecUons Conlractor Must Schedule All Final Ins ectlons Will Schedule Addressoflnspection - Streel Ciry/Townshlp County 4355 So. Robert Tr. EAgan Dakota Owner Name Project Descriplion Gina Mullanney New Service and several circuits Owner Telephone Number(s) - Includa Area Code(s) , CoMra or ame _ ontreclor Mailing Address CORRIGAN ELECTRIC C0. P.O.SOX 475 Rosemount, Mn. 55068 Contractor Telephona Number Contraclor E-mall Address Electrical Utility -%raclor o Aulhorize naWre C Contractor License Number Job/Project Contact Person CA00422 Fee Calculation New Home or Assoclated Structure Exlsting Home/Structure Remodel or Addition New Dwelling ServlcelPower Supply 0- 400 empere (p $35 New Servlce/Power Supply 0- 400 empere C E35 35 . 00 New Dwelling Service/POwer Supply 401 - 800 empere @ $60 Naw Sarvlca/Powar Supply 407 - 800 ampere C $60 New Owelling FeederslCirculls Naw Feaders/Clrculls - Up to 15 Feeders/CircWts U l0 30 Feeders/Clrcuits • 5100 '6 Feeders/Circvits $6 Each or 16 to 30 100 36.00 New Home - More than 30 Faedars/Clrcuils (In additlon lo New FeadarslClrcWts - More Than 30 Feeders/Grcuits aoove ( FeederslClrcWls U To 200 A $6 Each Feadar5lCfrcuits U(0 200 A 56 Each Other (Specily) , Raconnaded Feeders/Clrcults Feeders/Grculls $2 Each 28.00 Detached Garage or Other Assoclated Structure Detached Garage or Other Assoclated Structure New Serv,celPower Supply 0-400 ampere @ $35 New Service/Powet Supply 0- 400 ampere @ E35 New Feeders/Circuits ( ) Q $6 EaCh New Feeders/CirCVIts ( $0 Each Olher (Speay) Reconnected Feedars/Clrculls ( ) @ $2 Each Other (Speciy) Olhef (Spadfy) . mst .50 7otal (the lee calcula_ted above or $35 multlplled TOfal (the fee calculated above or $35 mulUplled oy lhe number ol requlred Inspedlon ldps, by lhe number of raqulred Inspectlon trips, 99 . 50 whichever is greater) whlchever Is greeter) Requests lor Electrlcal InspecUon (REI) wlth a lea o15250 or less axpire 12 monlhs from lhe flling data. The contractor must have the work completed within lha 12 monN perlod or submil another REI that Includes lhe InspecUon (ea 1of the uncompleted work. InspecUon leae do not carry over Irom one REI to anolheG A3ervica charge of f30 wlll be added lor sll dlshonored checks. i nereoy cervry inai I inspecied Ne electdcel InatallaUon hereln on Ihe dalea statad: ' For Departmant Use Only Rough - In Inspedion(s) Dale Final inspechon Dale . This materlal can be mada avallabla In dlflarent forms, such as large prlnt, Braille or on a lape. To request, call 7•800-342-5754 l Volco or TDD (651) 297d198. _REI-02.(6f07) - Lot / Blcek PID k io - 039190 -oi8 - o q Sewcr /water pcrmit N 31 q 0 1 PIatQ~ '~?t ~vb~, vJ n A~ Date 4~3Of H Receipt # G D ~g3 CITY OF EAGAN 199$ SEWER AND WATER CONNECTION 8 AVAILABILITY CHARGES EXISTING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ~OSe%wr Connection & Availability Charges~ Wate`r onnection & Availabilit Char es ~raPbeneft.@.21.30/~ $ f I.4Wn 21.50/ff $ i'1!7- t runk @ $860%onnection~ i FIb o Trunk @ $895/connecti'o~i ~ g~O 1,100.00 ~&-storage-(~kEY 807.oo Date paid Date paid ~ Receipt # \ Receipt Account deposit 15.00 Treatrnent plant ~ 444.00 Sewer permit &c surcharge 50.50 Water meter ` 111.00 s a Account deposit 15.00 Subtotal $aoq?S ' Water permit & surcharge 50.50 Plun permit & surcharge 20.50 Subtotal ~50 ,.Total S~ Plumbmg permit & surcharge 20.50 ~Total $ Sewer and Water onnection 8 Availability Charges Lateral Benefit @ $2130 and/or $2 L50/ff $ -19"' Trunk @ $860 and/or $895/connection J ~SS ~ SAC 1,100.00 Date paid Receipt # Supply & storage (WAC) 807.00 Date paid Receipt # Treatment plant 444.00 Water meter 111.00 Account deposit 30.00 Sewer and water permit & surcharge 100.50 Subtotal $ y3 y7 s~ T Plumbing permit & surcharge 20.50 Total $ OFFICE USE ONLY Property owner Q - PRV required ifD Address ~ 3 F~l lki-a R d9fAJi1 H Number of taps p Phonenumber W-1,(}6(D Availability $ Plumber ~ 10, D2ni1niM0A City financed Lot Block PID M Sc%acr /watcr pcnnit # Plat Date Rcccipt # CITY OF EAGAN 1998 SEWER AND WATER CONNECTION & AVAILABILITY CHAf2GES EXISTING COMMERCIAL PROPERN Sewer Connection 8 Availability Charges Water Connection & Availability Charges Lateral benefit @ 2I30/ff $ Lateral benefit @$27. I S/ff $ Trunk @ $1,790/acre Trunk @ $1,875/acre SAC Q 51,100/unit Supply & storage (WAC) @$2,955/acre Date paid Treatrnent plant @$444/SAC unit Receipt # Water permit & surcharge 50.50 Sewer permit & surcharge 50.50 Subtotal $ Subtotal $ Plumbing permit & surcharge 25.50 Plumbing pertnit & surcharge 25.50 Total S Total $ Sewer and Water Connection 8 Availability Charges Lateral Benefit @$2 1.30 and/or $27. IS/ff $ Trunk a $1,790 and/or$1,875/acre SAC @ S1,100/unit Date paid Receipt # Supply & storage (WAC) @ $2,955/acre Treatment plant @ $444/SAC unit Sewer and water permit & surcharge 100.50 Subtotal ~ Plumbing permit & surcharge 25.50 Total $ The number oj'SAC units is determined by the Metropo[itnn Council Wasrewater Services (602-1000). - - OFFICE USE ONLY Praperty owner PRV required Address Number of taps Phone number Availability $ Plumber City financed ' ~dtV oF eagan THOMAS EGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA April27, 1998 BEABLOM9UIST SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER CouncA Members THOMAS HEDGES MR NIARVIN F[SCHER CltyAtlminisirator 4355 S ROBERT TR EAGAN MN 55123 Cey C e kN OVERBEKE RE: ON-SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM ~ LOT 1, BLOCK 9, AUDITORS SUBDIVISION 42 Dear Mr. Fischer. The City of Eagan received a telephone call from Mr. Martin Diffley on April 22, 1998 regarding the individual sewer treatment system at 4355 S. Robert Trail. This system is located on Lot 1, Block 9, Auditors Subdivision 42, and Lot 13, Block 2, Hawthome Woods 3rd Addi[ion, which is owned by Kathy Trimble. During excavation to construct a home at 540 Eastwood Court, liquid began leaching from this system. Last winter you agreed to pump this system every two weeks until spring when you could hook up to the City's sewer system. As Martin Diffley has this property sold via contract for deed, he still has a vested interest in this property. A follow up phone call from you on April 23 indicated that Roger Weierke would abandon the present system and connect this property to the City's sewer system once connection fees have been determmed. Your cooperation in this regard is appreciated. Sincerely, William Adams Construction Inspector (Plumbing) WA/js MUNICIPAL CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACIIIIY 3830 PILOi KNOB ROAD THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROV?TH IN OUR COMMUNIN 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 EAGAN. MINNESOTA $5122 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 PHCNP (612) 681-d300 FA%: (612) 681-4612 Equal OppoRUnity EmplOyer FAX. (612) 681-4360 iDD.(612)454-8535 TDD:(612)454-8535 I cTHOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA BEA BLOM9UIST SANDRA A MASIN December 17, 1997 THEODORE WACHTER CouncilMembers THOMAS HEDGES Ciiy Admiro5lratOr MR MARVIN FISCHER E. J. VAN OVERBEKE 4355 S ROBERTTRAIL ciry aeru EAGAN MN 55123 RE: ON-SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM LOT 1, BLOCK 9, AUDITORS SUBDIVISION 42 Deaz Mc Fischer: As you and I recently discussed, the on-site septic system on your property is leaching on to the lot north of you and has been determined to be a failing system. City sewer is available to you at this time and you are required to connect to the public system within 30 days. I recommend that you contact Jerry Wobschall, a City consultant, at 681-4624 for information regarding fees to connect to City sewer and the probability of signing a Waiver to assess costs against your property over time. If you have any further questions, please feel free ro contact me at 681-4677. Thank you. Sincerely, William Adams Construction Inspector (Plumbing) WA/js cc: Kathy Trimble, 1566 Wexford Court, Eagan, MN 55122 Steve Ryan, Lyman Lumber, 300 Morse Avenue, Excelsior MN 55331 Doug Reid, Chief Building Official MUNICIPAL CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD 3501 COACHMAN POIPJT EAGAPI. MINNESO7A 55122 -I897 THE SYMBOL OF $TRENGiH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMPdUNIiY EAGAfJ. i-IINMESOiA 55122 PHONE'(612)681-n6G0 PHOPIL (012)581-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4612 Equal Opportunity/Affirrnahve Achon Employer FAH(612) 681 1360 IDD.(672)a5n-g535 !DD (612).:54-8535 CITY USE ONLY L BL RECEIPT#: SUBD. RECEIPT DATE: APPROVED BY: , INSPECTOR MECHANICAL PERMIT 1999 M£CiiANICAL P£f;MIT (COMbI£RCIRL) CITY OF £AfiAN 3$30 PILOT KNOB RD EAfiAN, MN 55122 (651) 6$1-4675 Please complete for: all commercial/industrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: WORK TYPE: New construction Install U.G. Tank _ Interior Improvement _ Remove U.G. Tank (Minimum Fee) Processed Piping (Minimum Fee) "NOT'E: When installing/removing underground tank, call 651-6814675 for inspection by fue marshal and plumbing inspector. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FEES: 1% of contract price OR $30.00 minimum fee, whichever is greater. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PERMIT FEE STATE SURCHARGE (5.50 per $1,000 of pertnit fee due on all pecmirs.) TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: PHONE (AREA CODE) TENANC NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONL1): INSTALLER: ADDRESS: PHONE - (AREA CODE) CITY: STATE: ZIP: SIGNANRE OF PERMITTEE CITY USE O\LY LOT \ BL ~ RECEIPTq: 0l0 SUBD.A"6_5~~~/ISID~ RECEIPT DATE: MECHANICAL PERMIT # 1999 MECHANICAL PERMIT (ftES1DENTIAI.) CCCY OF EAfif1N 3830 Paor KNoe [tn £wswv Mx 55122 Date: (651) 681-4675 Complete this section arlv if you are installing HVAC in a single family dwelling, townhome or condo under construction and not owner /occupied. • nVnC: 0-106ivi B T ii a 3'v."uv^ ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 • Gas outlets (minimum of one required @ $3.00 ea.) State Surcharge .50 Total ~ Complete this section on(v if you are remodeling, adding to, or repairing an existing single family dwelling, townhome, or condo. Please indicate if it is a new item, alteration, or repair. _ New Alteration Repair _ Other Reminder: Cal! 681-4675 for inspections. ~ Fumace _ Air condi[ioning _ Air exchanger _ Other S 30.00 State Surcharge .50 Minimum Total Due $ 30.50 SITEADDRESS: -J/OJ~ OWNERNAME: Gezl-~ /!2~P 1-i,S cRel' PHONE#: (AREA CODE INSTALLER NAME: C ahn ~ Tlb~/~°c~J G~ i!' PHONE STREETADDRESS:O~~~IC~ ~QTc'fiJ ~UP(APEACODE) CITY: S'fATE: ZIP: JCJr~ 7 SIGNAT'[IRE OF PERMITTEE /0 63~0o Q~~ 9 MASTEft CARD LOCATION OWNER 9 /-q zJ STRUCTURE AND LAND USED AS Issued To Permit No. Issued Coniractor Owner BUILDING PLUMBING CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK WEIL ELECTRICAL HEATING GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER OTHER OTHER Approved Ifems (Initial) Date Remarks Distance From Well FOOTING SEPTIC FOUNDATION CESSPOOL FRAMING TILE FIELD FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL DEPTH HEATING OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD PLUMBING WELL SANITARY SEWER , Violations Nofed on Back COMMENTS COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORTS TO BE USED ONIY IN EVENT OF OBSERVED VIOLATIONS PERMIT NO. DATE OF INSPECTION CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION AT THIS INSPECTION ? NO EVIDENCE OF NON-COMPLIANCE ? NON-COMPIIANCE. BUILDER DOES NOT OBSERVED. INTEND TO COMPLY. ~ ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTIONS OR DEVIATIONS. ? COMPLETION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DELAYED BY CONDITIONS BEYOND CONTROL. ~ NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER WILL COMPLY WITHOUT DELAY. ITEMIZED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ? REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE OF REINSPFCTION REINSPECTION REVEALED CERTI FICATION - I certify that 1 have carefully inspected the above in which I have no interest preunt or prospective, antl that I heva reported herein all si8nificant conditions oLserved to ba at variance with ordinences of the Town of Eagan, approved plans and specifications, and any spacific require- ments for off-site improvements relatinB to the property inspected. ? AlL IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTABLY COMPLETED BUILOtNG INSPECTOR DATE COMMENTS: ~ ~ Ub4 ~ 09i14 '95 14:16 ID:DAKOTA CaI.IVTY pHYS[(:FL, D FAX:612-891-7031 pq~ 2 Wq,C O ?O ' ~~v - ~i twr~ Mupiclpal Notice of Well Permlt Application Pakota Counry Environmental Mansgement Aepaztment Water and Land Managemant Section 14955 Galaxie Avenue West APPIe VaUcy. MN 55124 Tet (612) 891-7011 Fax (61 Z) 891-7031 QATE: Septomber 14, 1995 7'O: Tom Colbert/Wayne Schwenz Fax q: (612) 681-4612 FROM: Weter azd Land Managemenl RB: Well Permit H: 95-9241 Wcll Type: 5eal Municipality: Eagen Envitonmental Speciellst: Olson Tho Wator end L,end Managemant Sectlon of the Dakota Counry Enviroamenlal Menagemcnt Department has tecoivad the following permit application for the well described. If you requiie fwyher reviaw of the epPlication or If you have ony questipny or wncerns about if, contsct the Environmental $pecialist liated abova or our oltice at (612) 891•7011. If there is no response Prom your of£ce within 24 }IOURS (oxcluding weekends and holldays), we will assume that you have no obJections to the issuance of the permit. Pleasa note that permit issuance is always Condltlon0d on the pemtlt applican('a obseryence pf and compliance with all applicabla stata, oounty, and municipal lawa and oodes. Well Contractor: Hertmenn Well Compeiry Date applicetlon receJved; $optember 13, 1995 Anticipated Drilling Qate: 1 / 000*0w0w Antlclpated Grouting Date: September I5, 1995 rime; Time: 12;00 PM Properyy Owner. Mattin Dift7ey Well Ownor: Mertin Difl]ey \'VELL LOCA170N: PLS Coordinates: 1/4 I14 1/4 I/4, Sec 25, Town 27, Range 23 Street address: 4355 Robert Tiail S PINNumber: TM-P0000-025-13 WELL DVFORMATTON: INemotor, y ~ . Csaing dopth; 168 ~ Total dept6: 173 ~ Static Water Level: 114 Aquifer: unconsolideted sedimmts . COMMENfS; ~ . ~ ~ R-959'0 ' 612 891 7031 09-'14-95 '02':'10PM P002 ~67 MEMO TO: DIANE DOWNS, UTILITY SILLING CLERR FROM: EDWARD J. RIRSCHT, 8R. ENGINEERING TECH DATEt MARCH 20, 1991 SUBSECT: REF COMPOTATION FOR 4355 80. ROBERT TRAIL PLAT AND PARCEL NO. 10-03900-010-09 OWNER - MARTIN V. DIFFLEY GARDEN BTORE I have computed the REF's for plat and parcel #10-03900-010-09 owned by Martin V. Diffley of 4355 So. Robert Trail, Eagan, Mn. 55123. The total REF's are 1.6. My computations are based upon the City's aerial photograph dated April 15, 1989. The total lot area is .80 acres of which .18 acres is considered impermeable surface. ~ L'~~.~"~' N - ~A'~. ~ Edward J. Kirscht Sr. Engineering Technician cc: Michael P. Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer EJK/jf Bill Adams ~ George Fischer City of Eagan f4355 So. Robert Tr. 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. r Eagan, MN 55123 Eagan, MN 55121 /Dec:-16, 1997 1 Dear Bill, It has come to my attention that the septic system on my property is leaking onto the property north of mine. I'm writing this letter to acknowledge the problem, and to assure you and the City of Eagan that I have made arrangements to have my septic tank pumped every two weeks until April at which time I will have my sewer system connected to the city sewer. George Fischer `~~-K IV / ' • • NBERNARD ~ ~ • ~ H L:.RSON SEC* 259 T279 R 23 o~~o:e COUNTYOMiNA 4UGU5T, 1977 n~~ unro i Tr' ~~•y i ~yu n~ u.or. w . <rw~u s.rns o c~ ng .o ~x - _ ' II ~ o. o... } u.~ ' 1 - - , : - RLE~MNTY -"'-SfA-IE ~ AID ~ HIG WAY N0. 3p' S30' . ! SyD L' 1'. 10~ ~ 0 30 °6 cro~.J '1- ~1 I ~ ~u~o~ DP0 p~ b4oA c~S~ O' o e a~~ Og ' v50 ~ ~ LOT 0 V I I , 1~I ° AUDITOR'S ; SU B. NO. 42 , EGAN I . , ~ . . . . ~ , , . , . . ~ . , , . . oiaos - oiooi . . ' , I LoA- l , ~ Cities Di ital Qualit_y Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. -zr i,f /~3 4 /o 0 -1900 0/ n o 6,7 Yl4 ~ s° EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT N° 1812 Ownex . . ~ Eagan Township Address (PrasenS) Town tIall Builder Defe /~1..~.Q.......""""'...... Address DESCRIPTION 7ories To Be Used For Fron! Depih Heighi Esi. Cosi Permif Fee Remarks ~ 'T~' d,G /~r-_° ` LOCATION Sireei, Road or oiher Dascription of Locafion I Lo! Block Addifion or Traei This permii does noi authorise the use of slceefs, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does if give the owner or his egent the righi fo ereafe anp siluation which is a nuisance or which presenis a hazard !o the heellh, safely, eonvenieace and general welfare !o anpone in the communify. THIS PEAMIT MUST BE KEP ON THE PAEMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. This is fo cerlify, fhal----- . ........haspermission !o erecf a._.'...........~. _apon the above deseribed premise s bjeef i he provisions of the Building Ordinance for Ea~Township dopied April 11, 1955. U ./~j~~ ~1 ~ Per . ................,~l . " - --'------u-!"'-_-."'-`•~.....1`.':.'~!c'.~!.................._.. Cheien of Tnwn Board Building Inspeefor 4'-46~ ' ~ lt~ / v , J-,/ ~Z4-kl ~ --e ~ ~0 0~ ~?~ti ~ 9 ~ f 14) os9oa 0 i,9 o g, ~ ~o 1 • r~{Gi~(/ ~~'1G%~~`~/? ~/~~~~~"Gv~ _ ~9~~'' ~!-n//J ' f~CJ / ~ /~,a~c.J / y ~ - ~ /~~/Ci~~ ~ ~ C~ ~ ~ ~ ~